Begin renaming serialization to std::serialize. (snapshot)

This commit is contained in:
Erick Tryzelaar 2012-12-10 20:37:21 -08:00
parent c3f0aa973e
commit 786c143a70
6 changed files with 1759 additions and 135 deletions

src/libstd/ Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,585 @@
// Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
//! Support code for encoding and decoding types.
Core encoding and decoding interfaces.
pub trait Encoder {
// Primitive types:
fn emit_nil(&self);
fn emit_uint(&self, v: uint);
fn emit_u64(&self, v: u64);
fn emit_u32(&self, v: u32);
fn emit_u16(&self, v: u16);
fn emit_u8(&self, v: u8);
fn emit_int(&self, v: int);
fn emit_i64(&self, v: i64);
fn emit_i32(&self, v: i32);
fn emit_i16(&self, v: i16);
fn emit_i8(&self, v: i8);
fn emit_bool(&self, v: bool);
fn emit_float(&self, v: float);
fn emit_f64(&self, v: f64);
fn emit_f32(&self, v: f32);
fn emit_char(&self, v: char);
fn emit_borrowed_str(&self, v: &str);
fn emit_owned_str(&self, v: &str);
fn emit_managed_str(&self, v: &str);
// Compound types:
fn emit_borrowed(&self, f: fn());
fn emit_owned(&self, f: fn());
fn emit_managed(&self, f: fn());
fn emit_enum(&self, name: &str, f: fn());
fn emit_enum_variant(&self, v_name: &str, v_id: uint, sz: uint, f: fn());
fn emit_enum_variant_arg(&self, idx: uint, f: fn());
fn emit_borrowed_vec(&self, len: uint, f: fn());
fn emit_owned_vec(&self, len: uint, f: fn());
fn emit_managed_vec(&self, len: uint, f: fn());
fn emit_vec_elt(&self, idx: uint, f: fn());
fn emit_rec(&self, f: fn());
fn emit_struct(&self, name: &str, f: fn());
fn emit_field(&self, f_name: &str, f_idx: uint, f: fn());
fn emit_tup(&self, len: uint, f: fn());
fn emit_tup_elt(&self, idx: uint, f: fn());
pub trait Decoder {
// Primitive types:
fn read_nil(&self) -> ();
fn read_uint(&self) -> uint;
fn read_u64(&self) -> u64;
fn read_u32(&self) -> u32;
fn read_u16(&self) -> u16;
fn read_u8(&self) -> u8;
fn read_int(&self) -> int;
fn read_i64(&self) -> i64;
fn read_i32(&self) -> i32;
fn read_i16(&self) -> i16;
fn read_i8(&self) -> i8;
fn read_bool(&self) -> bool;
fn read_f64(&self) -> f64;
fn read_f32(&self) -> f32;
fn read_float(&self) -> float;
fn read_char(&self) -> char;
fn read_owned_str(&self) -> ~str;
fn read_managed_str(&self) -> @str;
// Compound types:
fn read_enum<T>(&self, name: &str, f: fn() -> T) -> T;
fn read_enum_variant<T>(&self, f: fn(uint) -> T) -> T;
fn read_enum_variant_arg<T>(&self, idx: uint, f: fn() -> T) -> T;
fn read_owned<T>(&self, f: fn() -> T) -> T;
fn read_managed<T>(&self, f: fn() -> T) -> T;
fn read_owned_vec<T>(&self, f: fn(uint) -> T) -> T;
fn read_managed_vec<T>(&self, f: fn(uint) -> T) -> T;
fn read_vec_elt<T>(&self, idx: uint, f: fn() -> T) -> T;
fn read_rec<T>(&self, f: fn() -> T) -> T;
fn read_struct<T>(&self, name: &str, f: fn() -> T) -> T;
fn read_field<T>(&self, name: &str, idx: uint, f: fn() -> T) -> T;
fn read_tup<T>(&self, sz: uint, f: fn() -> T) -> T;
fn read_tup_elt<T>(&self, idx: uint, f: fn() -> T) -> T;
pub mod traits {
pub trait Encodable<S: Encoder> {
fn encode(&self, s: &S);
pub trait Decodable<D: Decoder> {
static fn decode(&self, d: &D) -> self;
pub impl<S: Encoder> uint: Encodable<S> {
fn encode(&self, s: &S) { s.emit_uint(*self) }
pub impl<D: Decoder> uint: Decodable<D> {
static fn decode(&self, d: &D) -> uint {
pub impl<S: Encoder> u8: Encodable<S> {
fn encode(&self, s: &S) { s.emit_u8(*self) }
pub impl<D: Decoder> u8: Decodable<D> {
static fn decode(&self, d: &D) -> u8 {
pub impl<S: Encoder> u16: Encodable<S> {
fn encode(&self, s: &S) { s.emit_u16(*self) }
pub impl<D: Decoder> u16: Decodable<D> {
static fn decode(&self, d: &D) -> u16 {
pub impl<S: Encoder> u32: Encodable<S> {
fn encode(&self, s: &S) { s.emit_u32(*self) }
pub impl<D: Decoder> u32: Decodable<D> {
static fn decode(&self, d: &D) -> u32 {
pub impl<S: Encoder> u64: Encodable<S> {
fn encode(&self, s: &S) { s.emit_u64(*self) }
pub impl<D: Decoder> u64: Decodable<D> {
static fn decode(&self, d: &D) -> u64 {
pub impl<S: Encoder> int: Encodable<S> {
fn encode(&self, s: &S) { s.emit_int(*self) }
pub impl<D: Decoder> int: Decodable<D> {
static fn decode(&self, d: &D) -> int {
pub impl<S: Encoder> i8: Encodable<S> {
fn encode(&self, s: &S) { s.emit_i8(*self) }
pub impl<D: Decoder> i8: Decodable<D> {
static fn decode(&self, d: &D) -> i8 {
pub impl<S: Encoder> i16: Encodable<S> {
fn encode(&self, s: &S) { s.emit_i16(*self) }
pub impl<D: Decoder> i16: Decodable<D> {
static fn decode(&self, d: &D) -> i16 {
pub impl<S: Encoder> i32: Encodable<S> {
fn encode(&self, s: &S) { s.emit_i32(*self) }
pub impl<D: Decoder> i32: Decodable<D> {
static fn decode(&self, d: &D) -> i32 {
pub impl<S: Encoder> i64: Encodable<S> {
fn encode(&self, s: &S) { s.emit_i64(*self) }
pub impl<D: Decoder> i64: Decodable<D> {
static fn decode(&self, d: &D) -> i64 {
pub impl<S: Encoder> &str: Encodable<S> {
fn encode(&self, s: &S) { s.emit_borrowed_str(*self) }
pub impl<S: Encoder> ~str: Encodable<S> {
fn encode(&self, s: &S) { s.emit_owned_str(*self) }
pub impl<D: Decoder> ~str: Decodable<D> {
static fn decode(&self, d: &D) -> ~str {
pub impl<S: Encoder> @str: Encodable<S> {
fn encode(&self, s: &S) { s.emit_managed_str(*self) }
pub impl<D: Decoder> @str: Decodable<D> {
static fn decode(&self, d: &D) -> @str {
pub impl<S: Encoder> float: Encodable<S> {
fn encode(&self, s: &S) { s.emit_float(*self) }
pub impl<D: Decoder> float: Decodable<D> {
static fn decode(&self, d: &D) -> float {
pub impl<S: Encoder> f32: Encodable<S> {
fn encode(&self, s: &S) { s.emit_f32(*self) }
pub impl<D: Decoder> f32: Decodable<D> {
static fn decode(&self, d: &D) -> f32 {
d.read_f32() }
pub impl<S: Encoder> f64: Encodable<S> {
fn encode(&self, s: &S) { s.emit_f64(*self) }
pub impl<D: Decoder> f64: Decodable<D> {
static fn decode(&self, d: &D) -> f64 {
pub impl<S: Encoder> bool: Encodable<S> {
fn encode(&self, s: &S) { s.emit_bool(*self) }
pub impl<D: Decoder> bool: Decodable<D> {
static fn decode(&self, d: &D) -> bool {
pub impl<S: Encoder> (): Encodable<S> {
fn encode(&self, s: &S) { s.emit_nil() }
pub impl<D: Decoder> (): Decodable<D> {
static fn decode(&self, d: &D) -> () {
pub impl<S: Encoder, T: Encodable<S>> &T: Encodable<S> {
fn encode(&self, s: &S) {
s.emit_borrowed(|| (**self).encode(s))
pub impl<S: Encoder, T: Encodable<S>> ~T: Encodable<S> {
fn encode(&self, s: &S) {
s.emit_owned(|| (**self).encode(s))
pub impl<D: Decoder, T: Decodable<D>> ~T: Decodable<D> {
static fn decode(&self, d: &D) -> ~T {
d.read_owned(|| ~decode(d))
pub impl<S: Encoder, T: Encodable<S>> @T: Encodable<S> {
fn encode(&self, s: &S) {
s.emit_managed(|| (**self).encode(s))
pub impl<D: Decoder, T: Decodable<D>> @T: Decodable<D> {
static fn decode(&self, d: &D) -> @T {
d.read_managed(|| @decode(d))
pub impl<S: Encoder, T: Encodable<S>> &[T]: Encodable<S> {
fn encode(&self, s: &S) {
do s.emit_borrowed_vec(self.len()) {
for self.eachi |i, e| {
s.emit_vec_elt(i, || e.encode(s))
pub impl<S: Encoder, T: Encodable<S>> ~[T]: Encodable<S> {
fn encode(&self, s: &S) {
do s.emit_owned_vec(self.len()) {
for self.eachi |i, e| {
s.emit_vec_elt(i, || e.encode(s))
pub impl<D: Decoder, T: Decodable<D>> ~[T]: Decodable<D> {
static fn decode(&self, d: &D) -> ~[T] {
do d.read_owned_vec |len| {
do vec::from_fn(len) |i| {
d.read_vec_elt(i, || decode(d))
pub impl<S: Encoder, T: Encodable<S>> @[T]: Encodable<S> {
fn encode(&self, s: &S) {
do s.emit_managed_vec(self.len()) {
for self.eachi |i, e| {
s.emit_vec_elt(i, || e.encode(s))
pub impl<D: Decoder, T: Decodable<D>> @[T]: Decodable<D> {
static fn decode(&self, d: &D) -> @[T] {
do d.read_managed_vec |len| {
do at_vec::from_fn(len) |i| {
d.read_vec_elt(i, || decode(d))
pub impl<S: Encoder, T: Encodable<S>> Option<T>: Encodable<S> {
fn encode(&self, s: &S) {
do s.emit_enum(~"option") {
match *self {
None => do s.emit_enum_variant(~"none", 0u, 0u) {
Some(ref v) => do s.emit_enum_variant(~"some", 1u, 1u) {
s.emit_enum_variant_arg(0u, || v.encode(s))
pub impl<D: Decoder, T: Decodable<D>> Option<T>: Decodable<D> {
static fn decode(&self, d: &D) -> Option<T> {
do d.read_enum(~"option") {
do d.read_enum_variant |i| {
match i {
0 => None,
1 => Some(d.read_enum_variant_arg(0u, || decode(d))),
_ => fail(fmt!("Bad variant for option: %u", i))
pub impl<
S: Encoder,
T0: Encodable<S>,
T1: Encodable<S>
> (T0, T1): Encodable<S> {
fn encode(&self, s: &S) {
match *self {
(ref t0, ref t1) => {
do s.emit_tup(2) {
s.emit_tup_elt(0, || t0.encode(s));
s.emit_tup_elt(1, || t1.encode(s));
pub impl<
D: Decoder,
T0: Decodable<D>,
T1: Decodable<D>
> (T0, T1): Decodable<D> {
static fn decode(&self, d: &D) -> (T0, T1) {
do d.read_tup(2) {
d.read_tup_elt(0, || decode(d)),
d.read_tup_elt(1, || decode(d))
pub impl<
S: Encoder,
T0: Encodable<S>,
T1: Encodable<S>,
T2: Encodable<S>
> (T0, T1, T2): Encodable<S> {
fn encode(&self, s: &S) {
match *self {
(ref t0, ref t1, ref t2) => {
do s.emit_tup(3) {
s.emit_tup_elt(0, || t0.encode(s));
s.emit_tup_elt(1, || t1.encode(s));
s.emit_tup_elt(2, || t2.encode(s));
pub impl<
D: Decoder,
T0: Decodable<D>,
T1: Decodable<D>,
T2: Decodable<D>
> (T0, T1, T2): Decodable<D> {
static fn decode(&self, d: &D) -> (T0, T1, T2) {
do d.read_tup(3) {
d.read_tup_elt(0, || decode(d)),
d.read_tup_elt(1, || decode(d)),
d.read_tup_elt(2, || decode(d))
pub impl<
S: Encoder,
T0: Encodable<S>,
T1: Encodable<S>,
T2: Encodable<S>,
T3: Encodable<S>
> (T0, T1, T2, T3): Encodable<S> {
fn encode(&self, s: &S) {
match *self {
(ref t0, ref t1, ref t2, ref t3) => {
do s.emit_tup(4) {
s.emit_tup_elt(0, || t0.encode(s));
s.emit_tup_elt(1, || t1.encode(s));
s.emit_tup_elt(2, || t2.encode(s));
s.emit_tup_elt(3, || t3.encode(s));
pub impl<
D: Decoder,
T0: Decodable<D>,
T1: Decodable<D>,
T2: Decodable<D>,
T3: Decodable<D>
> (T0, T1, T2, T3): Decodable<D> {
static fn decode(&self, d: &D) -> (T0, T1, T2, T3) {
do d.read_tup(4) {
d.read_tup_elt(0, || decode(d)),
d.read_tup_elt(1, || decode(d)),
d.read_tup_elt(2, || decode(d)),
d.read_tup_elt(3, || decode(d))
pub impl<
S: Encoder,
T0: Encodable<S>,
T1: Encodable<S>,
T2: Encodable<S>,
T3: Encodable<S>,
T4: Encodable<S>
> (T0, T1, T2, T3, T4): Encodable<S> {
fn encode(&self, s: &S) {
match *self {
(ref t0, ref t1, ref t2, ref t3, ref t4) => {
do s.emit_tup(5) {
s.emit_tup_elt(0, || t0.encode(s));
s.emit_tup_elt(1, || t1.encode(s));
s.emit_tup_elt(2, || t2.encode(s));
s.emit_tup_elt(3, || t3.encode(s));
s.emit_tup_elt(4, || t4.encode(s));
pub impl<
D: Decoder,
T0: Decodable<D>,
T1: Decodable<D>,
T2: Decodable<D>,
T3: Decodable<D>,
T4: Decodable<D>
> (T0, T1, T2, T3, T4): Decodable<D> {
static fn decode(&self, d: &D)
-> (T0, T1, T2, T3, T4) {
do d.read_tup(5) {
d.read_tup_elt(0, || decode(d)),
d.read_tup_elt(1, || decode(d)),
d.read_tup_elt(2, || decode(d)),
d.read_tup_elt(3, || decode(d)),
d.read_tup_elt(4, || decode(d))
// ___________________________________________________________________________
// Helper routines
// In some cases, these should eventually be coded as traits.
pub trait EncoderHelpers {
fn emit_from_vec<T>(&self, v: ~[T], f: fn(v: &T));
pub impl<S: Encoder> S: EncoderHelpers {
fn emit_from_vec<T>(&self, v: ~[T], f: fn(v: &T)) {
do self.emit_owned_vec(v.len()) {
for v.eachi |i, e| {
do self.emit_vec_elt(i) {
pub trait DecoderHelpers {
fn read_to_vec<T>(&self, f: fn() -> T) -> ~[T];
pub impl<D: Decoder> D: DecoderHelpers {
fn read_to_vec<T>(&self, f: fn() -> T) -> ~[T] {
do self.read_owned_vec |len| {
do vec::from_fn(len) |i| {
self.read_vec_elt(i, || f())
pub use serialize::traits::*;

@ -104,13 +104,15 @@ mod unicode;
// Compiler support modules
pub mod test;
pub mod serialize;
pub mod serialization;
// A curious inner-module that's not exported that contains the binding
// 'std' so that macro-expanded references to std::serialization and such
// 'std' so that macro-expanded references to std::code and such
// can be resolved within libcore.
#[doc(hidden)] // FIXME #3538
mod std {
pub use serialize;
pub use serialization;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -230,139 +230,6 @@ fn expand_auto_deserialize(
priv impl ext_ctxt {
fn bind_path(
span: span,
ident: ast::ident,
path: @ast::path,
bounds: @~[ast::ty_param_bound]
) -> ast::ty_param {
let bound = ast::ty_param_bound(@{
id: self.next_id(),
node: ast::ty_path(path, self.next_id()),
span: span,
ident: ident,
id: self.next_id(),
bounds: @vec::append(~[bound], *bounds)
fn expr(span: span, node: ast::expr_) -> @ast::expr {
@{id: self.next_id(), callee_id: self.next_id(),
node: node, span: span}
fn path(span: span, strs: ~[ast::ident]) -> @ast::path {
@{span: span, global: false, idents: strs, rp: None, types: ~[]}
fn path_tps(span: span, strs: ~[ast::ident],
tps: ~[@ast::Ty]) -> @ast::path {
@{span: span, global: false, idents: strs, rp: None, types: tps}
fn ty_path(span: span, strs: ~[ast::ident],
tps: ~[@ast::Ty]) -> @ast::Ty {
@{id: self.next_id(),
node: ast::ty_path(self.path_tps(span, strs, tps), self.next_id()),
span: span}
fn binder_pat(span: span, nm: ast::ident) -> @ast::pat {
let path = @{span: span, global: false, idents: ~[nm],
rp: None, types: ~[]};
@{id: self.next_id(),
node: ast::pat_ident(ast::bind_by_ref(ast::m_imm),
span: span}
fn stmt(expr: @ast::expr) -> @ast::stmt {
@{node: ast::stmt_semi(expr, self.next_id()),
span: expr.span}
fn lit_str(span: span, s: @~str) -> @ast::expr {
@{node: ast::lit_str(s),
span: span})),
fn lit_uint(span: span, i: uint) -> @ast::expr {
@{node: ast::lit_uint(i as u64, ast::ty_u),
span: span}))
fn lambda(blk: ast::blk) -> @ast::expr {
let ext_cx = self;
let blk_e = self.expr(blk.span, ast::expr_block(blk));
quote_expr!( || $blk_e )
fn blk(span: span, stmts: ~[@ast::stmt]) -> ast::blk {
{node: {view_items: ~[],
stmts: stmts,
expr: None,
id: self.next_id(),
rules: ast::default_blk},
span: span}
fn expr_blk(expr: @ast::expr) -> ast::blk {
{node: {view_items: ~[],
stmts: ~[],
expr: Some(expr),
id: self.next_id(),
rules: ast::default_blk},
span: expr.span}
fn expr_path(span: span, strs: ~[ast::ident]) -> @ast::expr {
self.expr(span, ast::expr_path(self.path(span, strs)))
fn expr_var(span: span, var: ~str) -> @ast::expr {
self.expr_path(span, ~[self.ident_of(var)])
fn expr_field(
span: span,
expr: @ast::expr,
ident: ast::ident
) -> @ast::expr {
self.expr(span, ast::expr_field(expr, ident, ~[]))
fn expr_call(
span: span,
expr: @ast::expr,
args: ~[@ast::expr]
) -> @ast::expr {
self.expr(span, ast::expr_call(expr, args, false))
fn lambda_expr(expr: @ast::expr) -> @ast::expr {
fn lambda_stmts(span: span, stmts: ~[@ast::stmt]) -> @ast::expr {
self.lambda(self.blk(span, stmts))
fn mk_impl(
cx: ext_ctxt,
span: span,

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ enum mac_result {
enum syntax_extension {
// #[auto_serialize] and such
// #[auto_encode] and such
// Token-tree expanders
@ -79,6 +79,12 @@ fn syntax_expander_table() -> HashMap<~str, syntax_extension> {

@ -117,6 +117,9 @@ mod ext {
#[path = "ext/"]
mod log_syntax;
#[path = "ext/"]
mod auto_encode;
#[path = "ext/"]
mod auto_serialize;