Remove temporary stdlib placeholders, use actual stdlib functions
(Possible now that a snapshot took place.)
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import lib::llvm::llvm::ModuleRef;
import std::str;
import std::vec;
import std::os::target_os;
import syntax::_std::istr;
fn get_module_asm() -> str { ret ""; }
@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ fn build_session_options(str binary, getopts::match match, str binary_dir) ->
fn build_session(@session::options sopts) -> session::session {
auto target_cfg = build_target_config();
auto crate_cache = syntax::_std::new_int_hash[session::crate_metadata]();
auto crate_cache = std::map::new_int_hash[session::crate_metadata]();
ret session::session(target_cfg, sopts, crate_cache, [],
[], [], codemap::new_codemap(), 0u);
@ -1457,7 +1457,7 @@ state obj type_names(std::map::hashmap[TypeRef, str] type_names,
fn mk_type_names() -> type_names {
auto nt = syntax::_std::new_str_hash[TypeRef]();
auto nt = std::map::new_str_hash[TypeRef]();
fn hash(&TypeRef t) -> uint {
ret t as uint;
@ -1519,8 +1519,7 @@ fn type_to_str_inner(type_names names,
case (6) { ret "Label"; }
case (7) {
ret "i" + syntax::_std::istr(llvm::LLVMGetIntTypeWidth(ty)
as int);
ret "i" + std::int::str(llvm::LLVMGetIntTypeWidth(ty) as int);
case (8) {
@ -1558,7 +1557,7 @@ fn type_to_str_inner(type_names names,
i += 1u;
if (tout as int == ty as int) {
let uint n = vec::len[TypeRef](outer0) - i;
ret "*\\" + syntax::_std::istr(n as int);
ret "*\\" + std::int::str(n as int);
ret "*" + type_to_str_inner(names, outer,
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ fn read_crates(session::session sess, resolve::crate_map crate_map,
auto e =
mutable next_crate_num=1);
auto v =
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import std::io;
import std::map::hashmap;
import std::option::some;
import std::option::none;
import std::int;
import std::uint;
import syntax::ast::*;
import middle::ty;
@ -182,7 +183,7 @@ fn enc_sty(&io::writer w, &@ctxt cx, &ty::sty st) {
case (ty::ty_var(?id)) {
case (ty::ty_native(?def)) {
@ -191,7 +192,7 @@ fn enc_sty(&io::writer w, &@ctxt cx, &ty::sty st) {
case (ty::ty_param(?id)) {
case (ty::ty_type) { w.write_char('Y'); }
case (ty::ty_task) { w.write_char('a'); }
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ fn check_crate(@ty::ctxt tcx, &@ast::crate crate) {
// Stores information about object fields and function
// arguments that's otherwise not easily available.
auto v =
@rec(visit_fn=bind visit_fn(cx, _, _, _, _, _, _, _),
visit_item=bind visit_item(cx, _, _, _),
@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ import metadata::creader;
import metadata::decoder;
import driver::session::session;
import util::common::new_def_hash;
import syntax::_std::new_int_hash;
import syntax::_std::new_str_hash;
import std::map::new_int_hash;
import std::map::new_str_hash;
import syntax::codemap::span;
import syntax::ast::respan;
import middle::ty::constr_table;
@ -36,10 +36,9 @@ import middle::ty::pat_ty;
import syntax::visit;
import visit::vt;
import util::common;
import syntax::_std::istr;
import util::common::new_def_hash;
import syntax::_std::new_int_hash;
import syntax::_std::new_str_hash;
import std::map::new_int_hash;
import std::map::new_str_hash;
import util::common::local_rhs_span;
import syntax::codemap::span;
import lib::llvm::llvm;
@ -73,7 +72,7 @@ import syntax::print::pprust::expr_to_str;
import syntax::print::pprust::path_to_str;
obj namegen(mutable int i) {
fn next(str prefix) -> str { i += 1; ret prefix + istr(i); }
fn next(str prefix) -> str { i += 1; ret prefix + int::str(i); }
type derived_tydesc_info = rec(ValueRef lltydesc, bool escapes);
@ -4432,7 +4431,8 @@ fn build_environment(&@block_ctxt cx, &vec[ast::node_id] upvars) ->
case (some(?x)) { llbinding = x; }
case (_) {
cx.fcx.lcx.ccx.sess.bug("unbound var \
in build_environment " + istr(nid)); }
in build_environment " + int::str(nid));
case (some(?llval)) { llbinding = llval; }
@ -3,12 +3,12 @@ import std::vec;
import std::option;
import std::option::some;
import std::option::none;
import std::int;
import std::uint;
import syntax::ast::*;
import syntax::walk;
import syntax::codemap::span;
import syntax::_std::istr;
import syntax::_std::uistr;
import syntax::_std::new_str_hash;
import std::map::new_str_hash;
import util::common::log_expr_err;
import util::common::log_block_err;
import util::common::log_item_err;
@ -35,12 +35,12 @@ fn collect_ids_block(&block b, @mutable vec[node_id] rs) {
fn collect_ids_stmt(&@stmt s, @mutable vec[node_id] rs) {
alt (s.node) {
case (stmt_decl(_, ?id)) {
log "node_id " + istr(id);
log "node_id " + int::str(id);
vec::push(*rs, id);
case (stmt_expr(_, ?id)) {
log "node_id " + istr(id);
log "node_id " + int::str(id);
vec::push(*rs, id);
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ fn node_ids_in_fn(&_fn f, &vec[ty_param] tps, &span sp, &fn_ident i,
fn init_vecs(&crate_ctxt ccx, &vec[node_id] node_ids, uint len) {
for (node_id i in node_ids) {
log istr(i) + " |-> " + uistr(len);
log int::str(i) + " |-> " + uint::str(len);
add_node(ccx, i, empty_ann(len));
@ -7,15 +7,15 @@ import std::option;
import std::option::none;
import std::option::some;
import std::option::maybe;
import std::int;
import std::uint;
import syntax::ast::*;
import syntax::codemap::span;
import util::common;
import util::common::log_block;
import syntax::_std::new_int_hash;
import syntax::_std::new_uint_hash;
import std::map::new_int_hash;
import std::map::new_uint_hash;
import util::common::log_expr_err;
import syntax::_std::istr;
import syntax::_std::uistr;
import util::common::lit_eq;
import syntax::print::pprust::path_to_str;
import tstate::ann::pre_and_post;
@ -44,7 +44,9 @@ import syntax::print::pprust::lit_to_str;
/* logging funs */
fn def_id_to_str(def_id d) -> str { ret istr(d._0) + "," + istr(d._1); }
fn def_id_to_str(def_id d) -> str {
ret int::str(d._0) + "," + int::str(d._1);
fn comma_str(vec[@constr_arg_use] args) -> str {
auto rslt = "";
@ -259,7 +261,8 @@ fn get_ts_ann(&crate_ctxt ccx, node_id i) -> option::t[ts_ann] {
fn node_id_to_ts_ann(&crate_ctxt ccx, node_id id) -> ts_ann {
alt (get_ts_ann(ccx, id)) {
case (none) {
log_err "node_id_to_ts_ann: no ts_ann for node_id " + istr(id);
log_err "node_id_to_ts_ann: no ts_ann for node_id " +
case (some(?t)) { ret t; }
@ -460,7 +463,7 @@ fn constraints_expr(&ty::ctxt cx, @expr e) -> vec[@ty::constr_def] {
fn node_id_to_def_strict(&ty::ctxt cx, node_id id) -> def {
alt (cx.def_map.find(id)) {
case (none) {
log_err "node_id_to_def: node_id " + istr(id) + " has no def";
log_err "node_id_to_def: node_id " + int::str(id) + " has no def";
case (some(?d)) { ret d; }
@ -518,7 +521,7 @@ fn match_args(&fn_ctxt fcx, vec[pred_desc] occs, vec[@constr_arg_use] occ) ->
fn node_id_for_constr(ty::ctxt tcx, node_id t) -> node_id {
alt (tcx.def_map.find(t)) {
case (none) {
tcx.sess.bug("node_id_for_constr: bad node_id " + istr(t));
tcx.sess.bug("node_id_for_constr: bad node_id " + int::str(t));
case (some(def_fn(?i,_))) { ret i._1; }
case (_) {
@ -590,7 +593,7 @@ fn expr_to_constr(ty::ctxt tcx, &@expr e) -> constr {
fn pred_desc_to_str(&pred_desc p) -> str {
ret "<" + uistr(p.node.bit_num) + ", " +
ret "<" + uint::str(p.node.bit_num) + ", " +
constr_args_to_str(std::util::fst[ident, def_id], p.node.args) + ">";
@ -21,9 +21,8 @@ import aux::constr_map;
import aux::expr_to_constr;
import aux::constraints_expr;
import aux::node_id_to_def_strict;
import syntax::_std::new_int_hash;
import std::map::new_int_hash;
import util::common::new_def_hash;
import syntax::_std::uistr;
import syntax::codemap::span;
import syntax::ast::respan;
@ -82,7 +81,7 @@ fn find_locals(&ty::ctxt tcx, &_fn f, &vec[ty_param] tps,
fn add_constraint(&ty::ctxt tcx, aux::constr c, uint next, constr_map tbl) ->
uint {
log aux::constraint_to_str(tcx, c) + " |-> " + uistr(next);
log aux::constraint_to_str(tcx, c) + " |-> " + std::uint::str(next);
alt (c.node.c) {
case (ninit(?i)) { tbl.insert(, cinit(next, c.span, i)); }
case (npred(?p, ?args)) {
@ -142,7 +141,8 @@ fn mk_fn_info(&crate_ctxt ccx, &_fn f, &vec[ty_param] tp,
||||, rslt);
log name + " has " + uistr(num_constraints(rslt)) + " constraints";
log name + " has " + std::uint::str(num_constraints(rslt)) +
" constraints";
@ -66,10 +66,8 @@ import bitvectors::gen_poststate;
import bitvectors::relax_precond_block;
import bitvectors::gen;
import syntax::ast::*;
import syntax::_std::new_int_hash;
import std::map::new_int_hash;
import util::common::new_def_hash;
import syntax::_std::istr;
import syntax::_std::uistr;
import util::common::log_expr;
import util::common::log_fn;
import util::common::elt_exprs;
@ -80,7 +80,6 @@ import middle::ty::expr_ty;
import middle::ty::type_is_nil;
import middle::ty::type_is_bot;
import util::common::new_def_hash;
import syntax::_std::uistr;
import util::common::log_expr;
import util::common::log_block;
import util::common::log_block_err;
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import metadata::decoder;
import driver::session;
import util::common;
import syntax::codemap::span;
import syntax::_std::new_int_hash;
import std::map::new_int_hash;
import util::common::new_def_hash;
import util::common::log_expr_err;
import middle::ty;
@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ mod collect {
case (_) {
cx.tcx.sess.fatal("internal error " +
ret tpt;
@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ mod middle {
mod syntax {
mod _std; // FIXME remove
mod ast;
mod fold;
mod walk;
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
// FIXME all this stuff should be in the standard lib, and in fact is,
// but due to the way our snapshots currently work, rustc can't use it
// until after the next snapshot.
fn new_str_hash[V]() -> std::map::hashmap[str, V] {
let std::map::hashfn[str] hasher = std::str::hash;
let std::map::eqfn[str] eqer = std::str::eq;
ret std::map::mk_hashmap[str, V](hasher, eqer);
fn new_int_hash[V]() -> std::map::hashmap[int, V] {
fn hash_int(&int x) -> uint { ret x as uint; }
fn eq_int(&int a, &int b) -> bool { ret a == b; }
auto hasher = hash_int;
auto eqer = eq_int;
ret std::map::mk_hashmap[int, V](hasher, eqer);
fn new_uint_hash[V]() -> std::map::hashmap[uint, V] {
fn hash_uint(&uint x) -> uint { ret x; }
fn eq_uint(&uint a, &uint b) -> bool { ret a == b; }
auto hasher = hash_uint;
auto eqer = eq_uint;
ret std::map::mk_hashmap[uint, V](hasher, eqer);
fn istr(int i) -> str { ret std::int::to_str(i, 10u); }
fn uistr(uint i) -> str { ret std::uint::to_str(i, 10u); }
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import std::option;
import std::map::hashmap;
import parse::parser::parse_sess;
import codemap::span;
import syntax::_std::new_str_hash;
import std::map::new_str_hash;
import codemap;
type syntax_expander =
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import std::map::hashmap;
import token::can_begin_expr;
import ex=ext::base;
import codemap::span;
import _std::new_str_hash;
import std::map::new_str_hash;
import util::interner;
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import ast::ty_mach;
import ast::ty_mach_to_str;
import _std::new_str_hash;
import std::map::new_str_hash;
import util::interner;
import std::int;
import std::uint;
@ -8,8 +8,6 @@ import std::option;
import parse::lexer;
import syntax::codemap::codemap;
import ast;
import _std::istr;
import _std::uistr;
import option::some;
import option::none;
import pp::printer;
@ -1294,11 +1292,11 @@ fn print_literal(&ps s, &@ast::lit lit) {
"'" + escape_str(str::from_bytes([ch as u8]), '\'') + "'");
case (ast::lit_int(?val)) { word(s.s, istr(val)); }
case (ast::lit_uint(?val)) { word(s.s, uistr(val) + "u"); }
case (ast::lit_int(?val)) { word(s.s, int::str(val)); }
case (ast::lit_uint(?val)) { word(s.s, uint::str(val) + "u"); }
case (ast::lit_float(?fstr)) { word(s.s, fstr); }
case (ast::lit_mach_int(?mach, ?val)) {
word(s.s, istr(val as int));
word(s.s, int::str(val as int));
word(s.s, ast::ty_mach_to_str(mach));
case (ast::lit_mach_float(?mach, ?val)) {
@ -1446,7 +1444,7 @@ fn constr_arg_to_str[T](fn(&T) -> str f, &ast::constr_arg_general_[T] c) ->
// needed b/c constr_args_to_str needs
// something that takes an alias
// (argh)
fn uint_to_str(&uint i) -> str { ret uistr(i); }
fn uint_to_str(&uint i) -> str { ret uint::str(i); }
fn ast_constr_to_str(&@ast::constr c) -> str {
ret ast::path_to_str(c.node.path) +
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import std::io;
import std::vec;
import std::str;
import std::int;
import std::option;
import std::option::none;
import std::option::some;
@ -12,8 +13,6 @@ import pp::word;
import pp::eof;
import pp::zerobreak;
import pp::hardbreak;
import syntax::_std::istr;
import syntax::_std::uistr;
import ast::ty_mach_to_str;
import syntax::ast;
@ -34,7 +33,7 @@ fn mode_str_1(&ty::mode m) -> str {
fn fn_ident_to_string(ast::node_id id, &ast::fn_ident i) -> str {
ret alt (i) {
case (none) { "anon" + istr(id) }
case (none) { "anon" + int::str(id) }
case (some(?s)) { s }
@ -118,7 +117,7 @@ fn ty_to_str(&ctxt cx, &t typ) -> str {
case (ty_tag(?id, ?tps)) {
// The user should never see this if the cname is set properly!
s += "<tag#" + istr(id._0) + ":" + istr(id._1) + ">";
s += "<tag#" + int::str(id._0) + ":" + int::str(id._1) + ">";
if (vec::len[t](tps) > 0u) {
auto f = bind ty_to_str(cx, _);
auto strs = vec::map[t, str](f, tps);
@ -138,9 +137,9 @@ fn ty_to_str(&ctxt cx, &t typ) -> str {
s += "obj {\n\t" + str::connect(m, "\n\t") + "\n}";
case (ty_res(?id, _, _)) {
s += "<resource#" + istr(id._0) + ":" + istr(id._1) + ">";
s += "<resource#" + int::str(id._0) + ":" + int::str(id._1) + ">";
case (ty_var(?v)) { s += "<T" + istr(v) + ">"; }
case (ty_var(?v)) { s += "<T" + int::str(v) + ">"; }
case (ty_param(?id)) {
s += "'" + str::unsafe_from_bytes([('a' as u8) + (id as u8)]);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user