Rollup merge of - Xiretza:parser-expr-session-diagnostics, r=estebank

Convert diagnostics in parser/expr to SessionDiagnostic

This migrates all the easy cases in `rustc_parse::parser::expr` to `SessionDiagnostic`s, I've left things such as `multipart_suggestion`s out for now in the hopes of a derive API being developed soon.
This commit is contained in:
Dylan DPC 2022-08-22 20:34:14 +05:30 committed by GitHub
commit 75b7089d1e
No known key found for this signature in database
3 changed files with 596 additions and 282 deletions

@ -41,3 +41,112 @@ parser_switch_mut_let_order =
parser_missing_let_before_mut = missing keyword parser_missing_let_before_mut = missing keyword
parser_use_let_not_auto = write `let` instead of `auto` to introduce a new variable parser_use_let_not_auto = write `let` instead of `auto` to introduce a new variable
parser_use_let_not_var = write `let` instead of `var` to introduce a new variable parser_use_let_not_var = write `let` instead of `var` to introduce a new variable
parser_invalid_comparison_operator = invalid comparison operator `{$invalid}`
.use_instead = `{$invalid}` is not a valid comparison operator, use `{$correct}`
.spaceship_operator_invalid = `<=>` is not a valid comparison operator, use `std::cmp::Ordering`
parser_invalid_logical_operator = `{$incorrect}` is not a logical operator
.note = unlike in e.g., python and PHP, `&&` and `||` are used for logical operators
.use_amp_amp_for_conjunction = use `&&` to perform logical conjunction
.use_pipe_pipe_for_disjunction = use `||` to perform logical disjunction
parser_tilde_is_not_unary_operator = `~` cannot be used as a unary operator
.suggestion = use `!` to perform bitwise not
parser_unexpected_token_after_not = unexpected {$negated_desc} after identifier
.suggestion = use `!` to perform logical negation
parser_malformed_loop_label = malformed loop label
.suggestion = use the correct loop label format
parser_lifetime_in_borrow_expression = borrow expressions cannot be annotated with lifetimes
.suggestion = remove the lifetime annotation
.label = annotated with lifetime here
parser_field_expression_with_generic = field expressions cannot have generic arguments
parser_macro_invocation_with_qualified_path = macros cannot use qualified paths
parser_unexpected_token_after_label = expected `while`, `for`, `loop` or `{"{"}` after a label
parser_require_colon_after_labeled_expression = labeled expression must be followed by `:`
.note = labels are used before loops and blocks, allowing e.g., `break 'label` to them
.label = the label
.suggestion = add `:` after the label
parser_do_catch_syntax_removed = found removed `do catch` syntax
.note = following RFC #2388, the new non-placeholder syntax is `try`
.suggestion = replace with the new syntax
parser_float_literal_requires_integer_part = float literals must have an integer part
.suggestion = must have an integer part
parser_invalid_int_literal_width = invalid width `{$width}` for integer literal
.help = valid widths are 8, 16, 32, 64 and 128
parser_invalid_num_literal_base_prefix = invalid base prefix for number literal
.note = base prefixes (`0xff`, `0b1010`, `0o755`) are lowercase
.suggestion = try making the prefix lowercase
parser_invalid_num_literal_suffix = invalid suffix `{$suffix}` for number literal
.label = invalid suffix `{$suffix}`
.help = the suffix must be one of the numeric types (`u32`, `isize`, `f32`, etc.)
parser_invalid_float_literal_width = invalid width `{$width}` for float literal
.help = valid widths are 32 and 64
parser_invalid_float_literal_suffix = invalid suffix `{$suffix}` for float literal
.label = invalid suffix `{$suffix}`
.help = valid suffixes are `f32` and `f64`
parser_int_literal_too_large = integer literal is too large
parser_missing_semicolon_before_array = expected `;`, found `[`
.suggestion = consider adding `;` here
parser_invalid_block_macro_segment = cannot use a `block` macro fragment here
.label = the `block` fragment is within this context
parser_if_expression_missing_then_block = this `if` expression is missing a block after the condition
.add_then_block = add a block here
.condition_possibly_unfinished = this binary operation is possibly unfinished
parser_if_expression_missing_condition = missing condition for `if` expression
.condition_label = expected condition here
.block_label = if this block is the condition of the `if` expression, then it must be followed by another block
parser_expected_expression_found_let = expected expression, found `let` statement
parser_expected_else_block = expected `{"{"}`, found {$first_tok}
.label = expected an `if` or a block after this `else`
.suggestion = add an `if` if this is the condition of a chained `else if` statement
parser_outer_attribute_not_allowed_on_if_else = outer attributes are not allowed on `if` and `else` branches
.branch_label = the attributes are attached to this branch
.ctx_label = the branch belongs to this `{$ctx}`
.suggestion = remove the attributes
parser_missing_in_in_for_loop = missing `in` in `for` loop
.use_in_not_of = try using `in` here instead
.add_in = try adding `in` here
parser_missing_comma_after_match_arm = expected `,` following `match` arm
.suggestion = missing a comma here to end this `match` arm
parser_catch_after_try = keyword `catch` cannot follow a `try` block
.help = try using `match` on the result of the `try` block instead
parser_comma_after_base_struct = cannot use a comma after the base struct
.note = the base struct must always be the last field
.suggestion = remove this comma
parser_eq_field_init = expected `:`, found `=`
.suggestion = replace equals symbol with a colon
parser_dotdotdot = unexpected token: `...`
.suggest_exclusive_range = use `..` for an exclusive range
.suggest_inclusive_range = or `..=` for an inclusive range
parser_left_arrow_operator = unexpected token: `<-`
.suggestion = if you meant to write a comparison against a negative value, add a space in between `<` and `-`

@ -363,6 +363,349 @@ pub enum InvalidVariableDeclarationSub {
UseLetNotVar(#[primary_span] Span), UseLetNotVar(#[primary_span] Span),
} }
pub(crate) struct InvalidComparisonOperator {
pub span: Span,
pub invalid: String,
pub sub: InvalidComparisonOperatorSub,
pub(crate) enum InvalidComparisonOperatorSub {
applicability = "machine-applicable",
code = "{correct}"
Correctable {
span: Span,
invalid: String,
correct: String,
Spaceship(#[primary_span] Span),
pub(crate) struct InvalidLogicalOperator {
pub span: Span,
pub incorrect: String,
pub sub: InvalidLogicalOperatorSub,
pub(crate) enum InvalidLogicalOperatorSub {
applicability = "machine-applicable",
code = "&&"
Conjunction(#[primary_span] Span),
applicability = "machine-applicable",
code = "||"
Disjunction(#[primary_span] Span),
pub(crate) struct TildeAsUnaryOperator(
#[suggestion_short(applicability = "machine-applicable", code = "!")]
pub Span,
pub(crate) struct NotAsNegationOperator {
pub negated: Span,
pub negated_desc: String,
#[suggestion_short(applicability = "machine-applicable", code = "!")]
pub not: Span,
pub(crate) struct MalformedLoopLabel {
#[suggestion(applicability = "machine-applicable", code = "{correct_label}")]
pub span: Span,
pub correct_label: Ident,
pub(crate) struct LifetimeInBorrowExpression {
pub span: Span,
#[suggestion(applicability = "machine-applicable", code = "")]
pub lifetime_span: Span,
pub(crate) struct FieldExpressionWithGeneric(#[primary_span] pub Span);
pub(crate) struct MacroInvocationWithQualifiedPath(#[primary_span] pub Span);
pub(crate) struct UnexpectedTokenAfterLabel(
pub Span,
pub(crate) struct RequireColonAfterLabeledExpression {
pub span: Span,
pub label: Span,
#[suggestion_short(applicability = "machine-applicable", code = ": ")]
pub label_end: Span,
pub(crate) struct DoCatchSyntaxRemoved {
#[suggestion(applicability = "machine-applicable", code = "try")]
pub span: Span,
pub(crate) struct FloatLiteralRequiresIntegerPart {
#[suggestion(applicability = "machine-applicable", code = "{correct}")]
pub span: Span,
pub correct: String,
pub(crate) struct InvalidIntLiteralWidth {
pub span: Span,
pub width: String,
pub(crate) struct InvalidNumLiteralBasePrefix {
#[suggestion(applicability = "maybe-incorrect", code = "{fixed}")]
pub span: Span,
pub fixed: String,
pub(crate) struct InvalidNumLiteralSuffix {
pub span: Span,
pub suffix: String,
pub(crate) struct InvalidFloatLiteralWidth {
pub span: Span,
pub width: String,
pub(crate) struct InvalidFloatLiteralSuffix {
pub span: Span,
pub suffix: String,
pub(crate) struct IntLiteralTooLarge {
pub span: Span,
pub(crate) struct MissingSemicolonBeforeArray {
pub open_delim: Span,
#[suggestion_verbose(applicability = "maybe-incorrect", code = ";")]
pub semicolon: Span,
pub(crate) struct InvalidBlockMacroSegment {
pub span: Span,
pub context: Span,
pub(crate) struct IfExpressionMissingThenBlock {
pub if_span: Span,
pub sub: IfExpressionMissingThenBlockSub,
pub(crate) enum IfExpressionMissingThenBlockSub {
UnfinishedCondition(#[primary_span] Span),
AddThenBlock(#[primary_span] Span),
pub(crate) struct IfExpressionMissingCondition {
pub if_span: Span,
pub block_span: Span,
pub(crate) struct ExpectedExpressionFoundLet {
pub span: Span,
pub(crate) struct ExpectedElseBlock {
pub first_tok_span: Span,
pub first_tok: String,
pub else_span: Span,
#[suggestion(applicability = "maybe-incorrect", code = "if ")]
pub condition_start: Span,
pub(crate) struct OuterAttributeNotAllowedOnIfElse {
pub last: Span,
pub branch_span: Span,
pub ctx_span: Span,
pub ctx: String,
#[suggestion(applicability = "machine-applicable", code = "")]
pub attributes: Span,
pub(crate) struct MissingInInForLoop {
pub span: Span,
pub sub: MissingInInForLoopSub,
pub(crate) enum MissingInInForLoopSub {
// Has been misleading, at least in the past (closed Issue #48492), thus maybe-incorrect
#[suggestion_short(parser::use_in_not_of, applicability = "maybe-incorrect", code = "in")]
InNotOf(#[primary_span] Span),
#[suggestion_short(parser::add_in, applicability = "maybe-incorrect", code = " in ")]
AddIn(#[primary_span] Span),
pub(crate) struct MissingCommaAfterMatchArm {
#[suggestion(applicability = "machine-applicable", code = ",")]
pub span: Span,
pub(crate) struct CatchAfterTry {
pub span: Span,
pub(crate) struct CommaAfterBaseStruct {
pub span: Span,
#[suggestion_short(applicability = "machine-applicable", code = "")]
pub comma: Span,
pub(crate) struct EqFieldInit {
pub span: Span,
#[suggestion(applicability = "machine-applicable", code = ":")]
pub eq: Span,
pub(crate) struct DotDotDot {
#[suggestion(parser::suggest_exclusive_range, applicability = "maybe-incorrect", code = "..")]
#[suggestion(parser::suggest_inclusive_range, applicability = "maybe-incorrect", code = "..=")]
pub span: Span,
pub(crate) struct LeftArrowOperator {
#[suggestion(applicability = "maybe-incorrect", code = "< -")]
pub span: Span,
// SnapshotParser is used to create a snapshot of the parser // SnapshotParser is used to create a snapshot of the parser
// without causing duplicate errors being emitted when the `Parser` // without causing duplicate errors being emitted when the `Parser`
// is dropped. // is dropped.

@ -1,4 +1,14 @@
use super::diagnostics::SnapshotParser; use super::diagnostics::{
CatchAfterTry, CommaAfterBaseStruct, DoCatchSyntaxRemoved, DotDotDot, EqFieldInit,
ExpectedElseBlock, ExpectedExpressionFoundLet, FieldExpressionWithGeneric,
FloatLiteralRequiresIntegerPart, IfExpressionMissingCondition, IfExpressionMissingThenBlock,
IfExpressionMissingThenBlockSub, InvalidBlockMacroSegment, InvalidComparisonOperator,
InvalidComparisonOperatorSub, InvalidLogicalOperator, InvalidLogicalOperatorSub,
LeftArrowOperator, LifetimeInBorrowExpression, MacroInvocationWithQualifiedPath,
MalformedLoopLabel, MissingInInForLoop, MissingInInForLoopSub, MissingSemicolonBeforeArray,
NotAsNegationOperator, OuterAttributeNotAllowedOnIfElse, RequireColonAfterLabeledExpression,
SnapshotParser, TildeAsUnaryOperator, UnexpectedTokenAfterLabel,
use super::pat::{CommaRecoveryMode, RecoverColon, RecoverComma, PARAM_EXPECTED}; use super::pat::{CommaRecoveryMode, RecoverColon, RecoverComma, PARAM_EXPECTED};
use super::ty::{AllowPlus, RecoverQPath, RecoverReturnSign}; use super::ty::{AllowPlus, RecoverQPath, RecoverReturnSign};
use super::{ use super::{
@ -6,6 +16,11 @@ use super::{
SemiColonMode, SeqSep, TokenExpectType, TokenType, TrailingToken, SemiColonMode, SeqSep, TokenExpectType, TokenType, TrailingToken,
}; };
use crate::maybe_recover_from_interpolated_ty_qpath; use crate::maybe_recover_from_interpolated_ty_qpath;
use crate::parser::diagnostics::{
IntLiteralTooLarge, InvalidFloatLiteralSuffix, InvalidFloatLiteralWidth,
InvalidIntLiteralWidth, InvalidNumLiteralBasePrefix, InvalidNumLiteralSuffix,
use core::mem; use core::mem;
use rustc_ast::ptr::P; use rustc_ast::ptr::P;
@ -20,9 +35,10 @@ use rustc_ast::{AnonConst, BinOp, BinOpKind, FnDecl, FnRetTy, MacCall, Param, Ty
use rustc_ast::{Arm, Async, BlockCheckMode, Expr, ExprKind, Label, Movability, RangeLimits}; use rustc_ast::{Arm, Async, BlockCheckMode, Expr, ExprKind, Label, Movability, RangeLimits};
use rustc_ast::{ClosureBinder, StmtKind}; use rustc_ast::{ClosureBinder, StmtKind};
use rustc_ast_pretty::pprust; use rustc_ast_pretty::pprust;
use rustc_errors::{Applicability, Diagnostic, DiagnosticBuilder, ErrorGuaranteed, PResult}; use rustc_errors::{Applicability, Diagnostic, PResult};
use rustc_session::lint::builtin::BREAK_WITH_LABEL_AND_LOOP; use rustc_session::lint::builtin::BREAK_WITH_LABEL_AND_LOOP;
use rustc_session::lint::BuiltinLintDiagnostics; use rustc_session::lint::BuiltinLintDiagnostics;
use rustc_session::SessionDiagnostic;
use rustc_span::source_map::{self, Span, Spanned}; use rustc_span::source_map::{self, Span, Spanned};
use rustc_span::symbol::{kw, sym, Ident, Symbol}; use rustc_span::symbol::{kw, sym, Ident, Symbol};
use rustc_span::{BytePos, Pos}; use rustc_span::{BytePos, Pos};
@ -216,15 +232,18 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
AssocOp::Equal => "==", AssocOp::Equal => "==",
AssocOp::NotEqual => "!=", AssocOp::NotEqual => "!=",
_ => unreachable!(), _ => unreachable!(),
}; }
self.struct_span_err(sp, &format!("invalid comparison operator `{sugg}=`")) .into();
.span_suggestion_short( let invalid = format!("{}=", &sugg);
sp, self.sess.emit_err(InvalidComparisonOperator {
&format!("`{s}=` is not a valid comparison operator, use `{s}`", s = sugg), span: sp,
sugg, invalid: invalid.clone(),
Applicability::MachineApplicable, sub: InvalidComparisonOperatorSub::Correctable {
) span: sp,
.emit(); invalid,
correct: sugg,
self.bump(); self.bump();
} }
@ -234,14 +253,15 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
&& self.prev_token.span.hi() == self.token.span.lo() && self.prev_token.span.hi() == self.token.span.lo()
{ {
let sp =; let sp =;
self.struct_span_err(sp, "invalid comparison operator `<>`") self.sess.emit_err(InvalidComparisonOperator {
.span_suggestion_short( span: sp,
sp, invalid: "<>".into(),
"`<>` is not a valid comparison operator, use `!=`", sub: InvalidComparisonOperatorSub::Correctable {
"!=", span: sp,
Applicability::MachineApplicable, invalid: "<>".into(),
) correct: "!=".into(),
.emit(); },
self.bump(); self.bump();
} }
@ -251,12 +271,11 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
&& self.prev_token.span.hi() == self.token.span.lo() && self.prev_token.span.hi() == self.token.span.lo()
{ {
let sp =; let sp =;
self.struct_span_err(sp, "invalid comparison operator `<=>`") self.sess.emit_err(InvalidComparisonOperator {
.span_label( span: sp,
sp, invalid: "<=>".into(),
"`<=>` is not a valid comparison operator, use `std::cmp::Ordering`", sub: InvalidComparisonOperatorSub::Spaceship(sp),
) });
self.bump(); self.bump();
} }
@ -430,11 +449,19 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
} }
(Some(op), _) => (op, self.token.span), (Some(op), _) => (op, self.token.span),
(None, Some((Ident { name: sym::and, span }, false))) => { (None, Some((Ident { name: sym::and, span }, false))) => {
self.error_bad_logical_op("and", "&&", "conjunction"); self.sess.emit_err(InvalidLogicalOperator {
span: self.token.span,
incorrect: "and".into(),
sub: InvalidLogicalOperatorSub::Conjunction(self.token.span),
(AssocOp::LAnd, span) (AssocOp::LAnd, span)
} }
(None, Some((Ident { name: sym::or, span }, false))) => { (None, Some((Ident { name: sym::or, span }, false))) => {
self.error_bad_logical_op("or", "||", "disjunction"); self.sess.emit_err(InvalidLogicalOperator {
span: self.token.span,
incorrect: "or".into(),
sub: InvalidLogicalOperatorSub::Disjunction(self.token.span),
(AssocOp::LOr, span) (AssocOp::LOr, span)
} }
_ => return None, _ => return None,
@ -442,19 +469,6 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
Some(source_map::respan(span, op)) Some(source_map::respan(span, op))
} }
/// Error on `and` and `or` suggesting `&&` and `||` respectively.
fn error_bad_logical_op(&self, bad: &str, good: &str, english: &str) {
self.struct_span_err(self.token.span, &format!("`{bad}` is not a logical operator"))
&format!("use `{good}` to perform logical {english}"),
.note("unlike in e.g., python and PHP, `&&` and `||` are used for logical operators")
/// Checks if this expression is a successfully parsed statement. /// Checks if this expression is a successfully parsed statement.
fn expr_is_complete(&self, e: &Expr) -> bool { fn expr_is_complete(&self, e: &Expr) -> bool {
self.restrictions.contains(Restrictions::STMT_EXPR) self.restrictions.contains(Restrictions::STMT_EXPR)
@ -619,14 +633,7 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
// Recover on `!` suggesting for bitwise negation instead. // Recover on `!` suggesting for bitwise negation instead.
fn recover_tilde_expr(&mut self, lo: Span) -> PResult<'a, (Span, ExprKind)> { fn recover_tilde_expr(&mut self, lo: Span) -> PResult<'a, (Span, ExprKind)> {
self.struct_span_err(lo, "`~` cannot be used as a unary operator") self.sess.emit_err(TildeAsUnaryOperator(lo));
"use `!` to perform bitwise not",
self.parse_unary_expr(lo, UnOp::Not) self.parse_unary_expr(lo, UnOp::Not)
} }
@ -652,20 +659,14 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
/// Recover on `not expr` in favor of `!expr`. /// Recover on `not expr` in favor of `!expr`.
fn recover_not_expr(&mut self, lo: Span) -> PResult<'a, (Span, ExprKind)> { fn recover_not_expr(&mut self, lo: Span) -> PResult<'a, (Span, ExprKind)> {
// Emit the error... // Emit the error...
let not_token = self.look_ahead(1, |t| t.clone()); let negated_token = self.look_ahead(1, |t| t.clone());
self.struct_span_err( self.sess.emit_err(NotAsNegationOperator {
not_token.span, negated: negated_token.span,
&format!("unexpected {} after identifier", super::token_descr(&not_token)), negated_desc: super::token_descr(&negated_token),
// Span the `not` plus trailing whitespace to avoid // Span the `not` plus trailing whitespace to avoid
// trailing whitespace after the `!` in our suggestion // trailing whitespace after the `!` in our suggestion
self.sess.source_map().span_until_non_whitespace(, not: self.sess.source_map().span_until_non_whitespace(,
"use `!` to perform logical negation", });
// ...and recover! // ...and recover!
self.parse_unary_expr(lo, UnOp::Not) self.parse_unary_expr(lo, UnOp::Not)
@ -725,14 +726,10 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
match self.parse_labeled_expr(label, false) { match self.parse_labeled_expr(label, false) {
Ok(expr) => { Ok(expr) => {
type_err.cancel(); type_err.cancel();
self.struct_span_err(label.ident.span, "malformed loop label") self.sess.emit_err(MalformedLoopLabel {
.span_suggestion( span: label.ident.span,
label.ident.span, correct_label: label.ident,
"use the correct loop label format", });
return Ok(expr); return Ok(expr);
} }
Err(err) => { Err(err) => {
@ -910,15 +907,7 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
} }
fn error_remove_borrow_lifetime(&self, span: Span, lt_span: Span) { fn error_remove_borrow_lifetime(&self, span: Span, lt_span: Span) {
self.struct_span_err(span, "borrow expressions cannot be annotated with lifetimes") self.sess.emit_err(LifetimeInBorrowExpression { span, lifetime_span: lt_span });
.span_label(lt_span, "annotated with lifetime here")
"remove the lifetime annotation",
} }
/// Parse `mut?` or `raw [ const | mut ]`. /// Parse `mut?` or `raw [ const | mut ]`.
@ -1272,11 +1261,7 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
} else { } else {
// Field access `expr.f` // Field access `expr.f`
if let Some(args) = segment.args { if let Some(args) = segment.args {
self.struct_span_err( self.sess.emit_err(FieldExpressionWithGeneric(args.span()));
"field expressions cannot have generic arguments",
} }
let span =; let span =;
@ -1489,7 +1474,7 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
let (span, kind) = if { let (span, kind) = if {
// MACRO INVOCATION expression // MACRO INVOCATION expression
if qself.is_some() { if qself.is_some() {
self.struct_span_err(path.span, "macros cannot use qualified paths").emit(); self.sess.emit_err(MacroInvocationWithQualifiedPath(path.span));
} }
let lo = path.span; let lo = path.span;
let mac = P(MacCall { let mac = P(MacCall {
@ -1535,11 +1520,11 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
&& (self.check_noexpect(&TokenKind::Comma) || self.check_noexpect(&TokenKind::Gt)) && (self.check_noexpect(&TokenKind::Comma) || self.check_noexpect(&TokenKind::Gt))
{ {
// We're probably inside of a `Path<'a>` that needs a turbofish // We're probably inside of a `Path<'a>` that needs a turbofish
let msg = "expected `while`, `for`, `loop` or `{` after a label"; self.sess.emit_err(UnexpectedTokenAfterLabel(self.token.span));
self.struct_span_err(self.token.span, msg).span_label(self.token.span, msg).emit();
consume_colon = false; consume_colon = false;
Ok(self.mk_expr_err(lo)) Ok(self.mk_expr_err(lo))
} else { } else {
// FIXME: use UnexpectedTokenAfterLabel, needs multipart suggestions
let msg = "expected `while`, `for`, `loop` or `{` after a label"; let msg = "expected `while`, `for`, `loop` or `{` after a label";
let mut err = self.struct_span_err(self.token.span, msg); let mut err = self.struct_span_err(self.token.span, msg);
@ -1604,25 +1589,16 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
}?; }?;
if !ate_colon && consume_colon { if !ate_colon && consume_colon {
self.error_labeled_expr_must_be_followed_by_colon(lo, expr.span); self.sess.emit_err(RequireColonAfterLabeledExpression {
span: expr.span,
label: lo,
label_end: lo.shrink_to_hi(),
} }
Ok(expr) Ok(expr)
} }
fn error_labeled_expr_must_be_followed_by_colon(&self, lo: Span, span: Span) {
self.struct_span_err(span, "labeled expression must be followed by `:`")
.span_label(lo, "the label")
"add `:` after the label",
": ",
.note("labels are used before loops and blocks, allowing e.g., `break 'label` to them")
/// Recover on the syntax `do catch { ... }` suggesting `try { ... }` instead. /// Recover on the syntax `do catch { ... }` suggesting `try { ... }` instead.
fn recover_do_catch(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> { fn recover_do_catch(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
let lo = self.token.span; let lo = self.token.span;
@ -1630,16 +1606,8 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
self.bump(); // `do` self.bump(); // `do`
self.bump(); // `catch` self.bump(); // `catch`
let span_dc =; let span =;
self.struct_span_err(span_dc, "found removed `do catch` syntax") self.sess.emit_err(DoCatchSyntaxRemoved { span });
"replace with the new syntax",
.note("following RFC #2388, the new non-placeholder syntax is `try`")
self.parse_try_block(lo) self.parse_try_block(lo)
} }
@ -1834,14 +1802,10 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
} }
fn error_float_lits_must_have_int_part(&self, token: &Token) { fn error_float_lits_must_have_int_part(&self, token: &Token) {
self.struct_span_err(token.span, "float literals must have an integer part") self.sess.emit_err(FloatLiteralRequiresIntegerPart {
.span_suggestion( span: token.span,
token.span, correct: pprust::token_to_string(token).into_owned(),
"must have an integer part", });
} }
fn report_lit_error(&self, err: LitError, lit: token::Lit, span: Span) { fn report_lit_error(&self, err: LitError, lit: token::Lit, span: Span) {
@ -1883,28 +1847,11 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
let suf = suf.as_str(); let suf = suf.as_str();
if looks_like_width_suffix(&['i', 'u'], &suf) { if looks_like_width_suffix(&['i', 'u'], &suf) {
// If it looks like a width, try to be helpful. // If it looks like a width, try to be helpful.
let msg = format!("invalid width `{}` for integer literal", &suf[1..]); self.sess.emit_err(InvalidIntLiteralWidth { span, width: suf[1..].into() });
self.struct_span_err(span, &msg)
.help("valid widths are 8, 16, 32, 64 and 128")
} else if let Some(fixed) = fix_base_capitalisation(suf) { } else if let Some(fixed) = fix_base_capitalisation(suf) {
let msg = "invalid base prefix for number literal"; self.sess.emit_err(InvalidNumLiteralBasePrefix { span, fixed });
self.struct_span_err(span, msg)
.note("base prefixes (`0xff`, `0b1010`, `0o755`) are lowercase")
"try making the prefix lowercase",
} else { } else {
let msg = format!("invalid suffix `{suf}` for number literal"); self.sess.emit_err(InvalidNumLiteralSuffix { span, suffix: suf.to_string() });
self.struct_span_err(span, &msg)
.span_label(span, format!("invalid suffix `{suf}`"))
.help("the suffix must be one of the numeric types (`u32`, `isize`, `f32`, etc.)")
} }
} }
LitError::InvalidFloatSuffix => { LitError::InvalidFloatSuffix => {
@ -1912,14 +1859,10 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
let suf = suf.as_str(); let suf = suf.as_str();
if looks_like_width_suffix(&['f'], suf) { if looks_like_width_suffix(&['f'], suf) {
// If it looks like a width, try to be helpful. // If it looks like a width, try to be helpful.
let msg = format!("invalid width `{}` for float literal", &suf[1..]); self.sess
self.struct_span_err(span, &msg).help("valid widths are 32 and 64").emit(); .emit_err(InvalidFloatLiteralWidth { span, width: suf[1..].to_string() });
} else { } else {
let msg = format!("invalid suffix `{suf}` for float literal"); self.sess.emit_err(InvalidFloatLiteralSuffix { span, suffix: suf.to_string() });
self.struct_span_err(span, &msg)
.span_label(span, format!("invalid suffix `{suf}`"))
.help("valid suffixes are `f32` and `f64`")
} }
} }
LitError::NonDecimalFloat(base) => { LitError::NonDecimalFloat(base) => {
@ -1934,7 +1877,7 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
.emit(); .emit();
} }
LitError::IntTooLarge => { LitError::IntTooLarge => {
self.struct_span_err(span, "integer literal is too large").emit(); self.sess.emit_err(IntLiteralTooLarge { span });
} }
} }
} }
@ -2046,14 +1989,10 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
.span_to_snippet(snapshot.token.span) .span_to_snippet(snapshot.token.span)
.map_or(false, |snippet| snippet == "]") => .map_or(false, |snippet| snippet == "]") =>
{ {
let mut err = self.struct_span_err(open_delim_span, "expected `;`, found `[`"); return Err(MissingSemicolonBeforeArray {
err.span_suggestion_verbose( open_delim: open_delim_span,
prev_span.shrink_to_hi(), semicolon: prev_span.shrink_to_hi(),
"consider adding `;` here", }.into_diagnostic(self.sess));
return Err(err);
} }
Ok(_) => (), Ok(_) => (),
Err(err) => err.cancel(), Err(err) => err.cancel(),
@ -2080,9 +2019,10 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
} }
if self.token.is_whole_block() { if self.token.is_whole_block() {
self.struct_span_err(self.token.span, "cannot use a `block` macro fragment here") self.sess.emit_err(InvalidBlockMacroSegment {
.span_label(, "the `block` fragment is within this context") span: self.token.span,
.emit(); context:,
} }
let (attrs, blk) = self.parse_block_common(lo, blk_mode)?; let (attrs, blk) = self.parse_block_common(lo, blk_mode)?;
@ -2252,11 +2192,19 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
let block = match &mut cond.kind { let block = match &mut cond.kind {
ExprKind::Binary(Spanned { span: binop_span, .. }, _, right) ExprKind::Binary(Spanned { span: binop_span, .. }, _, right)
if let ExprKind::Block(_, None) = right.kind => { if let ExprKind::Block(_, None) = right.kind => {
this.error_missing_if_then_block(lo, cond_span.shrink_to_lo().to(*binop_span), true).emit(); self.sess.emit_err(IfExpressionMissingThenBlock {
if_span: lo,
sub: IfExpressionMissingThenBlockSub::UnfinishedCondition(
std::mem::replace(right, this.mk_expr_err(binop_span.shrink_to_hi())) std::mem::replace(right, this.mk_expr_err(binop_span.shrink_to_hi()))
}, },
ExprKind::Block(_, None) => { ExprKind::Block(_, None) => {
this.error_missing_if_cond(lo, cond_span).emit(); self.sess.emit_err(IfExpressionMissingCondition {
if_span: self.sess.source_map().next_point(lo),
block_span: self.sess.source_map().start_point(cond_span),
std::mem::replace(&mut cond, this.mk_expr_err(cond_span.shrink_to_hi())) std::mem::replace(&mut cond, this.mk_expr_err(cond_span.shrink_to_hi()))
} }
_ => { _ => {
@ -2274,7 +2222,10 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
if let Some(block) = recover_block_from_condition(self) { if let Some(block) = recover_block_from_condition(self) {
block block
} else { } else {
self.error_missing_if_then_block(lo, cond_span, false).emit(); self.sess.emit_err(IfExpressionMissingThenBlock {
if_span: lo,
sub: IfExpressionMissingThenBlockSub::AddThenBlock(cond_span.shrink_to_hi()),
self.mk_block_err(cond_span.shrink_to_hi()) self.mk_block_err(cond_span.shrink_to_hi())
} }
} else { } else {
@ -2302,39 +2253,6 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
Ok(self.mk_expr(, ExprKind::If(cond, thn, els))) Ok(self.mk_expr(, ExprKind::If(cond, thn, els)))
} }
fn error_missing_if_then_block(
if_span: Span,
cond_span: Span,
is_unfinished: bool,
) -> DiagnosticBuilder<'a, ErrorGuaranteed> {
let mut err = self.struct_span_err(
"this `if` expression is missing a block after the condition",
if is_unfinished {
err.span_help(cond_span, "this binary operation is possibly unfinished");
} else {
err.span_help(cond_span.shrink_to_hi(), "add a block here");
fn error_missing_if_cond(
lo: Span,
span: Span,
) -> DiagnosticBuilder<'a, ErrorGuaranteed> {
let next_span = self.sess.source_map().next_point(lo);
let mut err = self.struct_span_err(next_span, "missing condition for `if` expression");
err.span_label(next_span, "expected condition here");
"if this block is the condition of the `if` expression, then it must be followed by another block"
/// Parses the condition of a `if` or `while` expression. /// Parses the condition of a `if` or `while` expression.
fn parse_cond_expr(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> { fn parse_cond_expr(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
self.parse_expr_res(Restrictions::NO_STRUCT_LITERAL | Restrictions::ALLOW_LET, None) self.parse_expr_res(Restrictions::NO_STRUCT_LITERAL | Restrictions::ALLOW_LET, None)
@ -2350,8 +2268,7 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
TokenKind::AndAnd | TokenKind::Ident(kw::If, _) | TokenKind::Ident(kw::While, _) TokenKind::AndAnd | TokenKind::Ident(kw::If, _) | TokenKind::Ident(kw::While, _)
); );
if !self.restrictions.contains(Restrictions::ALLOW_LET) || not_in_chain { if !self.restrictions.contains(Restrictions::ALLOW_LET) || not_in_chain {
self.struct_span_err(self.token.span, "expected expression, found `let` statement") self.sess.emit_err(ExpectedExpressionFoundLet { span: self.token.span });
} }
self.bump(); // Eat `let` token self.bump(); // Eat `let` token
@ -2389,15 +2306,12 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
if self.check(&TokenKind::OpenDelim(Delimiter::Brace)) if self.check(&TokenKind::OpenDelim(Delimiter::Brace))
&& classify::expr_requires_semi_to_be_stmt(&cond) => && classify::expr_requires_semi_to_be_stmt(&cond) =>
{ {
self.struct_span_err(first_tok_span, format!("expected `{{`, found {first_tok}")) self.sess.emit_err(ExpectedElseBlock {
.span_label(else_span, "expected an `if` or a block after this `else`") first_tok_span,
.span_suggestion( first_tok,
cond.span.shrink_to_lo(), else_span,
"add an `if` if this is the condition of a chained `else if` statement", condition_start: cond.span.shrink_to_lo(),
"if ", });
self.parse_if_after_cond(cond.span.shrink_to_lo(), cond)? self.parse_if_after_cond(cond.span.shrink_to_lo(), cond)?
} }
Err(e) => { Err(e) => {
@ -2422,16 +2336,18 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
branch_span: Span, branch_span: Span,
attrs: &[ast::Attribute], attrs: &[ast::Attribute],
) { ) {
let (span, last) = match attrs { let (attributes, last) = match attrs {
[] => return, [] => return,
[x0 @ xn] | [x0, .., xn] => (, xn.span), [x0 @ xn] | [x0, .., xn] => (, xn.span),
}; };
let ctx = if is_ctx_else { "else" } else { "if" }; let ctx = if is_ctx_else { "else" } else { "if" };
self.struct_span_err(last, "outer attributes are not allowed on `if` and `else` branches") self.sess.emit_err(OuterAttributeNotAllowedOnIfElse {
.span_label(branch_span, "the attributes are attached to this branch") last,
.span_label(ctx_span, format!("the branch belongs to this `{ctx}`")) branch_span,
.span_suggestion(span, "remove the attributes", "", Applicability::MachineApplicable) ctx_span,
.emit(); ctx: ctx.to_string(),
} }
/// Parses `for <src_pat> in <src_expr> <src_loop_block>` (`for` token already eaten). /// Parses `for <src_pat> in <src_expr> <src_loop_block>` (`for` token already eaten).
@ -2465,23 +2381,16 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
} }
fn error_missing_in_for_loop(&mut self) { fn error_missing_in_for_loop(&mut self) {
let (span, msg, sugg) = if self.token.is_ident_named(sym::of) { let (span, sub): (_, fn(_) -> _) = if self.token.is_ident_named(sym::of) {
// Possibly using JS syntax (#75311). // Possibly using JS syntax (#75311).
let span = self.token.span; let span = self.token.span;
self.bump(); self.bump();
(span, "try using `in` here instead", "in") (span, MissingInInForLoopSub::InNotOf)
} else { } else {
(self.prev_token.span.between(self.token.span), "try adding `in` here", " in ") (self.prev_token.span.between(self.token.span), MissingInInForLoopSub::AddIn)
}; };
self.struct_span_err(span, "missing `in` in `for` loop")
.span_suggestion_short( self.sess.emit_err(MissingInInForLoop { span, sub: sub(span) });
// Has been misleading, at least in the past (closed Issue #48492).
} }
/// Parses a `while` or `while let` expression (`while` token already eaten). /// Parses a `while` or `while let` expression (`while` token already eaten).
@ -2787,17 +2696,9 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
.is_ok(); .is_ok();
if pattern_follows && snapshot.check(&TokenKind::FatArrow) { if pattern_follows && snapshot.check(&TokenKind::FatArrow) {
err.cancel(); err.cancel();
this.struct_span_err( this.sess.emit_err(MissingCommaAfterMatchArm {
hi.shrink_to_hi(), span: hi.shrink_to_hi(),
"expected `,` following `match` arm", });
"missing a comma here to end this `match` arm",
return Ok(true); return Ok(true);
} }
} }
@ -2827,13 +2728,7 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
fn parse_try_block(&mut self, span_lo: Span) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> { fn parse_try_block(&mut self, span_lo: Span) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
let (attrs, body) = self.parse_inner_attrs_and_block()?; let (attrs, body) = self.parse_inner_attrs_and_block()?;
if self.eat_keyword(kw::Catch) { if self.eat_keyword(kw::Catch) {
let mut error = self.struct_span_err( Err(CatchAfterTry { span: self.prev_token.span }.into_diagnostic(self.sess))
"keyword `catch` cannot follow a `try` block",
);"try using `match` on the result of the `try` block instead");
} else { } else {
let span =; let span =;
self.sess.gated_spans.gate(sym::try_blocks, span); self.sess.gated_spans.gate(sym::try_blocks, span);
@ -3082,18 +2977,10 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
if self.token != token::Comma { if self.token != token::Comma {
return; return;
} }
self.struct_span_err( self.sess.emit_err(CommaAfterBaseStruct {, span:,
"cannot use a comma after the base struct", comma: self.token.span,
) });
"remove this comma",
.note("the base struct must always be the last field")
self.recover_stmt(); self.recover_stmt();
} }
@ -3139,43 +3026,18 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
return; return;
} }
self.struct_span_err(self.token.span, "expected `:`, found `=`") self.sess.emit_err(EqFieldInit {
.span_suggestion( span: self.token.span,
field_name.span.shrink_to_hi().to(self.token.span), eq: field_name.span.shrink_to_hi().to(self.token.span),
"replace equals symbol with a colon", });
} }
fn err_dotdotdot_syntax(&self, span: Span) { fn err_dotdotdot_syntax(&self, span: Span) {
self.struct_span_err(span, "unexpected token: `...`") self.sess.emit_err(DotDotDot { span });
"use `..` for an exclusive range",
"or `..=` for an inclusive range",
} }
fn err_larrow_operator(&self, span: Span) { fn err_larrow_operator(&self, span: Span) {
self.struct_span_err(span, "unexpected token: `<-`") self.sess.emit_err(LeftArrowOperator { span });
"if you meant to write a comparison against a negative value, add a \
space in between `<` and `-`",
"< -",
} }
fn mk_assign_op(&self, binop: BinOp, lhs: P<Expr>, rhs: P<Expr>) -> ExprKind { fn mk_assign_op(&self, binop: BinOp, lhs: P<Expr>, rhs: P<Expr>) -> ExprKind {