Merge #8783
8783: internal: introduce `ast::make::ext` module with common shortcuts r=matklad a=matklad
bors r+
Co-authored-by: Aleksey Kladov <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -130,9 +130,7 @@ pub(crate) fn convert_to_guarded_return(acc: &mut Assists, ctx: &AssistContext)
let expr = {
let name_ref = make::name_ref("it");
let segment = make::path_segment(name_ref);
let path = make::path_unqualified(segment);
let path = make::ext::ident_path("it");
make::match_arm(once(pat.into()), expr)
@ -65,8 +65,7 @@ pub(crate) fn expand_glob_import(acc: &mut Assists, ctx: &AssistContext) -> Opti
let names_to_import = find_names_to_import(ctx, refs_in_target, imported_defs);
let expanded = make::use_tree_list(names_to_import.iter().map(|n| {
let path =
let path = make::ext::ident_path(&n.to_string());
make::use_tree(path, None, None, false)
@ -956,10 +956,10 @@ fn format_replacement(ctx: &AssistContext, fun: &Function, indent: IndentLevel)
let args = fun.params.iter().map(|param| param.to_arg(ctx));
let args = make::arg_list(args);
let call_expr = if fun.self_param.is_some() {
let self_arg = make::expr_path(make_path_from_text("self"));
let self_arg = make::expr_path(make::ext::ident_path("self"));
make::expr_method_call(self_arg, &, args)
} else {
let func = make::expr_path(make_path_from_text(&;
let func = make::expr_path(make::ext::ident_path(&;
make::expr_call(func, args)
@ -1054,11 +1054,11 @@ impl FlowHandler {
make::expr_if(condition, block, None)
FlowHandler::IfOption { action } => {
let path = make_path_from_text("Some");
let path = make::ext::ident_path("Some");
let value_pat = make::ident_pat(make::name("value"));
let pattern = make::tuple_struct_pat(path, iter::once(value_pat.into()));
let cond = make::condition(call_expr, Some(pattern.into()));
let value = make::expr_path(make_path_from_text("value"));
let value = make::expr_path(make::ext::ident_path("value"));
let action_expr = action.make_result_handler(Some(value));
let action_stmt = make::expr_stmt(action_expr);
let then = make::block_expr(iter::once(action_stmt.into()), None);
@ -1068,14 +1068,14 @@ impl FlowHandler {
let some_name = "value";
let some_arm = {
let path = make_path_from_text("Some");
let path = make::ext::ident_path("Some");
let value_pat = make::ident_pat(make::name(some_name));
let pat = make::tuple_struct_pat(path, iter::once(value_pat.into()));
let value = make::expr_path(make_path_from_text(some_name));
let value = make::expr_path(make::ext::ident_path(some_name));
make::match_arm(iter::once(pat.into()), value)
let none_arm = {
let path = make_path_from_text("None");
let path = make::ext::ident_path("None");
let pat = make::path_pat(path);
make::match_arm(iter::once(pat), none.make_result_handler(None))
@ -1087,17 +1087,17 @@ impl FlowHandler {
let err_name = "value";
let ok_arm = {
let path = make_path_from_text("Ok");
let path = make::ext::ident_path("Ok");
let value_pat = make::ident_pat(make::name(ok_name));
let pat = make::tuple_struct_pat(path, iter::once(value_pat.into()));
let value = make::expr_path(make_path_from_text(ok_name));
let value = make::expr_path(make::ext::ident_path(ok_name));
make::match_arm(iter::once(pat.into()), value)
let err_arm = {
let path = make_path_from_text("Err");
let path = make::ext::ident_path("Err");
let value_pat = make::ident_pat(make::name(err_name));
let pat = make::tuple_struct_pat(path, iter::once(value_pat.into()));
let value = make::expr_path(make_path_from_text(err_name));
let value = make::expr_path(make::ext::ident_path(err_name));
make::match_arm(iter::once(pat.into()), err.make_result_handler(Some(value)))
let arms = make::match_arm_list(vec![ok_arm, err_arm]);
@ -1107,13 +1107,9 @@ impl FlowHandler {
fn make_path_from_text(text: &str) -> ast::Path {
fn path_expr_from_local(ctx: &AssistContext, var: Local) -> ast::Expr {
let name =;
fn format_function(
@ -1179,7 +1175,7 @@ fn make_ret_ty(ctx: &AssistContext, module: hir::Module, fun: &Function) -> Opti
fun_ty.make_ty(ctx, module)
FlowHandler::Try { kind: TryKind::Option } => {
make::ty_generic(make::name_ref("Option"), iter::once(fun_ty.make_ty(ctx, module)))
make::ext::ty_option(fun_ty.make_ty(ctx, module))
FlowHandler::Try { kind: TryKind::Result { ty: parent_ret_ty } } => {
let handler_ty = parent_ret_ty
@ -1187,29 +1183,21 @@ fn make_ret_ty(ctx: &AssistContext, module: hir::Module, fun: &Function) -> Opti
.map(|ty| make_ty(&ty, ctx, module))
vec![fun_ty.make_ty(ctx, module), handler_ty],
make::ext::ty_result(fun_ty.make_ty(ctx, module), handler_ty)
FlowHandler::If { .. } => make::ty_bool(),
FlowHandler::If { .. } => make::ext::ty_bool(),
FlowHandler::IfOption { action } => {
let handler_ty = action
.map(|ty| make_ty(&ty, ctx, module))
make::ty_generic(make::name_ref("Option"), iter::once(handler_ty))
FlowHandler::MatchOption { .. } => {
make::ty_generic(make::name_ref("Option"), iter::once(fun_ty.make_ty(ctx, module)))
FlowHandler::MatchOption { .. } => make::ext::ty_option(fun_ty.make_ty(ctx, module)),
FlowHandler::MatchResult { err } => {
let handler_ty =
err.expr_ty(ctx).map(|ty| make_ty(&ty, ctx, module)).unwrap_or_else(make::ty_unit);
vec![fun_ty.make_ty(ctx, module), handler_ty],
make::ext::ty_result(fun_ty.make_ty(ctx, module), handler_ty)
@ -1296,7 +1284,7 @@ fn make_body(
TryKind::Option => "Some",
TryKind::Result { .. } => "Ok",
let func = make::expr_path(make_path_from_text(constructor));
let func = make::expr_path(make::ext::ident_path(constructor));
let args = make::arg_list(iter::once(tail_expr));
make::expr_call(func, args)
@ -1306,16 +1294,16 @@ fn make_body(
with_tail_expr(block, lit_false.into())
FlowHandler::IfOption { .. } => {
let none = make::expr_path(make_path_from_text("None"));
let none = make::expr_path(make::ext::ident_path("None"));
with_tail_expr(block, none)
FlowHandler::MatchOption { .. } => map_tail_expr(block, |tail_expr| {
let some = make::expr_path(make_path_from_text("Some"));
let some = make::expr_path(make::ext::ident_path("Some"));
let args = make::arg_list(iter::once(tail_expr));
make::expr_call(some, args)
FlowHandler::MatchResult { .. } => map_tail_expr(block, |tail_expr| {
let ok = make::expr_path(make_path_from_text("Ok"));
let ok = make::expr_path(make::ext::ident_path("Ok"));
let args = make::arg_list(iter::once(tail_expr));
make::expr_call(ok, args)
@ -1483,13 +1471,13 @@ fn make_rewritten_flow(handler: &FlowHandler, arg_expr: Option<ast::Expr>) -> Op
FlowHandler::IfOption { .. } => {
let expr = arg_expr.unwrap_or_else(|| make::expr_tuple(Vec::new()));
let args = make::arg_list(iter::once(expr));
make::expr_call(make::expr_path(make_path_from_text("Some")), args)
make::expr_call(make::expr_path(make::ext::ident_path("Some")), args)
FlowHandler::MatchOption { .. } => make::expr_path(make_path_from_text("None")),
FlowHandler::MatchOption { .. } => make::expr_path(make::ext::ident_path("None")),
FlowHandler::MatchResult { .. } => {
let expr = arg_expr.unwrap_or_else(|| make::expr_tuple(Vec::new()));
let args = make::arg_list(iter::once(expr));
make::expr_call(make::expr_path(make_path_from_text("Err")), args)
make::expr_call(make::expr_path(make::ext::ident_path("Err")), args)
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ impl FunctionBuilder {
fn render(self) -> FunctionTemplate {
let placeholder_expr = make::expr_todo();
let placeholder_expr = make::ext::expr_todo();
let fn_body = make::block_expr(vec![], Some(placeholder_expr));
let visibility = if self.needs_pub { Some(make::visibility_pub_crate()) } else { None };
let mut fn_def = make::fn_(
@ -63,11 +63,7 @@ pub(crate) fn move_bounds_to_where_clause(acc: &mut Assists, ctx: &AssistContext
fn build_predicate(param: ast::TypeParam) -> Option<ast::WherePred> {
let path = {
let name_ref = make::name_ref(¶;
let segment = make::path_segment(name_ref);
let path = make::ext::ident_path(¶;
let predicate = make::where_pred(path, param.type_bound_list()?.bounds());
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ pub(crate) fn replace_derive_with_manual_impl(
add_assist(acc, ctx, &attr, &args, &trait_path, Some(trait_), &adt)?;
if no_traits_found {
let trait_path = make::path_unqualified(make::path_segment(make::name_ref(trait_name)));
let trait_path = make::ext::ident_path(trait_name);
add_assist(acc, ctx, &attr, &args, &trait_path, None, &adt)?;
@ -159,10 +159,8 @@ fn impl_def_from_trait(
if trait_items.is_empty() {
return None;
let impl_def = make::impl_trait(
let impl_def =
make::impl_trait(trait_path.clone(), make::ext::ident_path(&annotated_name.text()));
let (impl_def, first_assoc_item) =
add_trait_assoc_items_to_impl(sema, trait_items, trait_, impl_def, target_scope);
Some((impl_def, first_assoc_item))
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ pub(crate) fn replace_let_with_if_let(acc: &mut Assists, ctx: &AssistContext) ->
let with_placeholder: ast::Pat = match happy_variant {
None => make::wildcard_pat().into(),
Some(var_name) => make::tuple_struct_pat(
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ use ide_db::ty_filter::TryEnum;
// fn main() {
// let x: Result<i32, i32> = Result::Ok(92);
// let y = match x {
// Ok(a) => a,
// Ok(it) => it,
// $0_ => unreachable!(),
// };
// }
@ -52,16 +52,17 @@ pub(crate) fn replace_unwrap_with_match(acc: &mut Assists, ctx: &AssistContext)
"Replace unwrap with match",
|builder| {
let ok_path = make::path_unqualified(make::path_segment(make::name_ref(happy_variant)));
let it = make::ident_pat(make::name("a")).into();
let ok_path = make::ext::ident_path(happy_variant);
let it = make::ident_pat(make::name("it")).into();
let ok_tuple = make::tuple_struct_pat(ok_path, iter::once(it)).into();
let bind_path = make::path_unqualified(make::path_segment(make::name_ref("a")));
let bind_path = make::ext::ident_path("it");
let ok_arm = make::match_arm(iter::once(ok_tuple), make::expr_path(bind_path));
let unreachable_call = make::expr_unreachable();
let err_arm =
make::match_arm(iter::once(make::wildcard_pat().into()), unreachable_call);
let err_arm = make::match_arm(
let match_arm_list = make::match_arm_list(vec![ok_arm, err_arm]);
let match_expr = make::expr_match(caller.clone(), match_arm_list)
@ -110,7 +111,7 @@ fn i<T>(a: T) -> T { a }
fn main() {
let x: Result<i32, i32> = Result::Ok(92);
let y = match i(x) {
Ok(a) => a,
Ok(it) => it,
$0_ => unreachable!(),
@ -136,7 +137,7 @@ fn i<T>(a: T) -> T { a }
fn main() {
let x = Option::Some(92);
let y = match i(x) {
Some(a) => a,
Some(it) => it,
$0_ => unreachable!(),
@ -162,7 +163,7 @@ fn i<T>(a: T) -> T { a }
fn main() {
let x: Result<i32, i32> = Result::Ok(92);
let y = match i(x) {
Ok(a) => a,
Ok(it) => it,
$0_ => unreachable!(),
@ -54,9 +54,7 @@ pub(crate) fn wrap_return_type_in_result(acc: &mut Assists, ctx: &AssistContext)
for ret_expr_arg in tail_return_expr_collector.exprs_to_wrap {
let ok_wrapped = make::expr_call(
builder.replace_ast(ret_expr_arg, ok_wrapped);
@ -1531,7 +1531,7 @@ enum Result<T, E> { Ok(T), Err(E) }
fn main() {
let x: Result<i32, i32> = Result::Ok(92);
let y = match x {
Ok(a) => a,
Ok(it) => it,
$0_ => unreachable!(),
@ -159,8 +159,8 @@ pub fn add_trait_assoc_items_to_impl(
match fn_def.body() {
Some(_) => fn_def,
None => {
let body =
make::block_expr(None, Some(make::expr_todo())).indent(edit::IndentLevel(1));
let body = make::block_expr(None, Some(make::ext::expr_todo()))
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ fn recursive_merge(
use_trees.insert(idx, make::glob_use_tree());
use_trees.insert(idx, make::use_tree_glob());
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ impl TryEnum {
pub fn sad_pattern(self) -> ast::Pat {
match self {
TryEnum::Result => make::tuple_struct_pat(
@ -54,12 +54,12 @@ impl TryEnum {
pub fn happy_pattern(self) -> ast::Pat {
match self {
TryEnum::Result => make::tuple_struct_pat(
TryEnum::Option => make::tuple_struct_pat(
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
//! Note that all functions here intended to be stupid constructors, which just
//! assemble a finish node from immediate children. If you want to do something
//! smarter than that, it probably doesn't belong in this module.
//! smarter than that, it belongs to the `ext` submodule.
//! Keep in mind that `from_text` functions should be kept private. The public
//! API should require to assemble every node piecewise. The trick of
@ -14,13 +14,49 @@ use stdx::{format_to, never};
use crate::{ast, AstNode, SourceFile, SyntaxKind, SyntaxNode, SyntaxToken};
/// While the parent module defines basic atomic "constructors", the `ext`
/// module defines shortcuts for common things.
/// It's named `ext` rather than `shortcuts` just to keep it short.
pub mod ext {
use super::*;
pub fn ident_path(ident: &str) -> ast::Path {
pub fn expr_unreachable() -> ast::Expr {
pub fn expr_todo() -> ast::Expr {
pub fn ty_bool() -> ast::Type {
pub fn ty_option(t: ast::Type) -> ast::Type {
ty_from_text(&format!("Option<{}>", t))
pub fn ty_result(t: ast::Type, e: ast::Type) -> ast::Type {
ty_from_text(&format!("Result<{}, {}>", t, e))
pub fn name(text: &str) -> ast::Name {
ast_from_text(&format!("mod {}{};", raw_ident_esc(text), text))
pub fn name_ref(text: &str) -> ast::NameRef {
ast_from_text(&format!("fn f() {{ {}{}; }}", raw_ident_esc(text), text))
fn raw_ident_esc(ident: &str) -> &'static str {
let is_keyword = parser::SyntaxKind::from_keyword(ident).is_some();
if is_keyword && !matches!(ident, "self" | "crate" | "super" | "Self") {
} else {
pub fn lifetime(text: &str) -> ast::Lifetime {
let mut text = text;
@ -32,15 +68,6 @@ pub fn lifetime(text: &str) -> ast::Lifetime {
ast_from_text(&format!("fn f<{}>() {{ }}", text))
fn raw_ident_esc(ident: &str) -> &'static str {
let is_keyword = parser::SyntaxKind::from_keyword(ident).is_some();
if is_keyword && !matches!(ident, "self" | "crate" | "super" | "Self") {
} else {
// FIXME: replace stringly-typed constructor with a family of typed ctors, a-la
// `expr_xxx`.
pub fn ty(text: &str) -> ast::Type {
@ -49,9 +76,6 @@ pub fn ty(text: &str) -> ast::Type {
pub fn ty_unit() -> ast::Type {
pub fn ty_bool() -> ast::Type {
pub fn ty_tuple(types: impl IntoIterator<Item = ast::Type>) -> ast::Type {
let mut count: usize = 0;
let mut contents = types.into_iter().inspect(|_| count += 1).join(", ");
@ -61,11 +85,6 @@ pub fn ty_tuple(types: impl IntoIterator<Item = ast::Type>) -> ast::Type {
ty_from_text(&format!("({})", contents))
// FIXME: handle path to type
pub fn ty_generic(name: ast::NameRef, types: impl IntoIterator<Item = ast::Type>) -> ast::Type {
let contents = types.into_iter().join(", ");
ty_from_text(&format!("{}<{}>", name, contents))
pub fn ty_ref(target: ast::Type, exclusive: bool) -> ast::Type {
ty_from_text(&if exclusive { format!("&mut {}", target) } else { format!("&{}", target) })
@ -107,7 +126,7 @@ pub fn path_unqualified(segment: ast::PathSegment) -> ast::Path {
pub fn path_qualified(qual: ast::Path, segment: ast::PathSegment) -> ast::Path {
ast_from_text(&format!("{}::{}", qual, segment))
// FIXME: path concatenation operation doesn't make sense as AST op.
pub fn path_concat(first: ast::Path, second: ast::Path) -> ast::Path {
ast_from_text(&format!("{}::{}", first, second))
@ -123,15 +142,14 @@ pub fn path_from_segments(
format!("use {};", segments)
// FIXME: should not be pub
pub fn path_from_text(text: &str) -> ast::Path {
ast_from_text(&format!("fn main() {{ let test = {}; }}", text))
pub fn glob_use_tree() -> ast::UseTree {
pub fn use_tree_glob() -> ast::UseTree {
ast_from_text("use *;")
pub fn use_tree(
path: ast::Path,
use_tree_list: Option<ast::UseTreeList>,
@ -226,15 +244,6 @@ pub fn expr_literal(text: &str) -> ast::Literal {
pub fn expr_empty_block() -> ast::Expr {
pub fn expr_unimplemented() -> ast::Expr {
pub fn expr_unreachable() -> ast::Expr {
pub fn expr_todo() -> ast::Expr {
pub fn expr_path(path: ast::Path) -> ast::Expr {
@ -463,17 +472,6 @@ pub fn expr_stmt(expr: ast::Expr) -> ast::ExprStmt {
ast_from_text(&format!("fn f() {{ {}{} (); }}", expr, semi))
pub fn token(kind: SyntaxKind) -> SyntaxToken {
.filter_map(|it| it.into_token())
.find(|it| it.kind() == kind)
.unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("unhandled token: {:?}", kind))
pub fn param(pat: ast::Pat, ty: ast::Type) -> ast::Param {
ast_from_text(&format!("fn f({}: {}) {{ }}", pat, ty))
@ -611,6 +609,17 @@ fn unroot(n: SyntaxNode) -> SyntaxNode {
pub fn token(kind: SyntaxKind) -> SyntaxToken {
.filter_map(|it| it.into_token())
.find(|it| it.kind() == kind)
.unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("unhandled token: {:?}", kind))
pub mod tokens {
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user