rustc: Implement "use mod"
This commit is contained in:
@ -1109,6 +1109,15 @@ type path_list_ident_ = {name: ident, id: node_id};
type path_list_ident = spanned<path_list_ident_>;
enum namespace { module_ns, type_value_ns }
impl namespace : cmp::Eq {
pure fn eq(&&other: namespace) -> bool {
(self as uint) == (other as uint)
type view_path = spanned<view_path_>;
@ -1120,7 +1129,7 @@ enum view_path_ {
// or just
// foo::bar::baz (with 'baz =' implicitly on the left)
view_path_simple(ident, @path, node_id),
view_path_simple(ident, @path, namespace, node_id),
// foo::bar::*
view_path_glob(@path, node_id),
@ -1152,12 +1161,7 @@ enum attr_style { attr_outer, attr_inner, }
impl attr_style : cmp::Eq {
pure fn eq(&&other: attr_style) -> bool {
match (self, other) {
(attr_outer, attr_outer) => true,
(attr_inner, attr_inner) => true,
(attr_outer, _) => false,
(attr_inner, _) => false,
(self as uint) == (other as uint)
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ fn map_view_item(vi: @view_item, cx: ctx, _v: vt) {
match vi.node {
view_item_export(vps) => for vps.each |vp| {
let (id, name) = match vp.node {
view_path_simple(nm, _, id) => {
view_path_simple(nm, _, _, id) => {
(id, /* FIXME (#2543) */ copy nm)
view_path_glob(pth, id) | view_path_list(pth, _, id) => {
@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ fn is_exported(i: ident, m: _mod) -> bool {
has_explicit_exports = true;
for vps.each |vp| {
match vp.node {
ast::view_path_simple(id, _, _) => {
ast::view_path_simple(id, _, _, _) => {
if id == i { return true; }
match parent_enum {
Some(parent_enum_id) => {
@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ fn id_visitor(vfn: fn@(node_id)) -> visit::vt<()> {
view_item_import(vps) | view_item_export(vps) => {
do vec::iter(vps) |vp| {
match vp.node {
view_path_simple(_, _, id) => vfn(id),
view_path_simple(_, _, _, id) => vfn(id),
view_path_glob(_, id) => vfn(id),
view_path_list(_, _, id) => vfn(id)
@ -602,7 +602,7 @@ fn walk_pat(pat: @pat, it: fn(@pat)) {
fn view_path_id(p: @view_path) -> node_id {
match p.node {
view_path_simple(_, _, id) | view_path_glob(_, id) |
view_path_simple(_, _, _, id) | view_path_glob(_, id) |
view_path_list(_, _, id) => id
@ -40,24 +40,25 @@ import ast::{_mod, add, alt_check, alt_exhaustive, arg, arm, attribute,
lit_int_unsuffixed, lit_nil, lit_str, lit_uint, local, m_const,
m_imm, m_mutbl, mac_, mac_aq, mac_ellipsis, mac_invoc,
mac_invoc_tt, mac_var, matcher, match_nonterminal, match_seq,
match_tok, method, mode, mt, mul, mutability, named_field, neg,
noreturn, not, pat, pat_box, pat_enum, pat_ident, pat_lit,
pat_range, pat_rec, pat_struct, pat_tup, pat_uniq, pat_wild,
path, private, proto, proto_bare, proto_block, proto_box,
proto_uniq, provided, public, pure_fn, purity, re_anon, re_named,
region, rem, required, ret_style, return_val, self_ty, shl, shr,
stmt, stmt_decl, stmt_expr, stmt_semi, struct_def, struct_field,
struct_variant_kind, subtract, sty_box, sty_by_ref, sty_region,
sty_static, sty_uniq, sty_value, token_tree, trait_method,
trait_ref, tt_delim, tt_seq, tt_tok, tt_nonterminal, ty, ty_,
ty_bot, ty_box, ty_field, ty_fn, ty_infer, ty_mac, ty_method,
ty_nil, ty_param, ty_param_bound, ty_path, ty_ptr, ty_rec,
ty_rptr, ty_tup, ty_u32, ty_uniq, ty_vec, ty_fixed_length,
tuple_variant_kind, unchecked_blk, uniq, unnamed_field,
unsafe_blk, unsafe_fn, variant, view_item, view_item_,
view_item_export, view_item_import, view_item_use, view_path,
view_path_glob, view_path_list, view_path_simple, visibility,
vstore, vstore_box, vstore_fixed, vstore_slice, vstore_uniq};
match_tok, method, mode, module_ns, mt, mul, mutability,
named_field, neg, noreturn, not, pat, pat_box, pat_enum,
pat_ident, pat_lit, pat_range, pat_rec, pat_struct, pat_tup,
pat_uniq, pat_wild, path, private, proto, proto_bare,
proto_block, proto_box, proto_uniq, provided, public, pure_fn,
purity, re_anon, re_named, region, rem, required, ret_style,
return_val, self_ty, shl, shr, stmt, stmt_decl, stmt_expr,
stmt_semi, struct_def, struct_field, struct_variant_kind,
subtract, sty_box, sty_by_ref, sty_region, sty_static, sty_uniq,
sty_value, token_tree, trait_method, trait_ref, tt_delim, tt_seq,
tt_tok, tt_nonterminal, tuple_variant_kind, ty, ty_, ty_bot,
ty_box, ty_field, ty_fn, ty_infer, ty_mac, ty_method, ty_nil,
ty_param, ty_param_bound, ty_path, ty_ptr, ty_rec, ty_rptr,
ty_tup, ty_u32, ty_uniq, ty_vec, ty_fixed_length, type_value_ns,
unchecked_blk, uniq, unnamed_field, unsafe_blk, unsafe_fn,
variant, view_item, view_item_, view_item_export,
view_item_import, view_item_use, view_path, view_path_glob,
view_path_list, view_path_simple, visibility, vstore, vstore_box,
vstore_fixed, vstore_slice, vstore_uniq};
export file_type;
export parser;
@ -3336,6 +3337,14 @@ struct parser {
fn parse_view_path() -> @view_path {
let lo = self.span.lo;
let namespace;
if self.eat_keyword(~"mod") {
namespace = module_ns;
} else {
namespace = type_value_ns;
let first_ident = self.parse_ident();
let mut path = ~[first_ident];
debug!("parsed view_path: %s", *self.id_to_str(first_ident));
@ -3352,7 +3361,8 @@ struct parser {
let path = @{span: mk_sp(lo, self.span.hi), global: false,
idents: path, rp: None, types: ~[]};
return @spanned(lo, self.span.hi,
view_path_simple(first_ident, path, self.get_id()));
view_path_simple(first_ident, path, namespace,
token::MOD_SEP => {
@ -3400,7 +3410,7 @@ struct parser {
let path = @{span: mk_sp(lo, self.span.hi), global: false,
idents: path, rp: None, types: ~[]};
return @spanned(lo, self.span.hi,
view_path_simple(last, path, self.get_id()));
view_path_simple(last, path, namespace, self.get_id()));
fn parse_view_paths() -> ~[@view_path] {
@ -468,11 +468,11 @@ fn print_item(s: ps, &&item: @ast::item) {
ast::item_foreign_mod(nmod) => {
head(s, ~"extern");
match nmod.sort {
ast::named => {
word_nbsp(s, ~"mod");
print_ident(s, item.ident)
ast::anonymous => {}
ast::named => {
word_nbsp(s, ~"mod");
print_ident(s, item.ident);
ast::anonymous => {}
@ -1687,7 +1687,10 @@ fn print_meta_item(s: ps, &&item: @ast::meta_item) {
fn print_view_path(s: ps, &&vp: @ast::view_path) {
match vp.node {
ast::view_path_simple(ident, path, _) => {
ast::view_path_simple(ident, path, namespace, _) => {
if namespace == ast::module_ns {
word_space(s, ~"mod");
if path.idents[vec::len(path.idents)-1u] != ident {
print_ident(s, ident);
@ -29,19 +29,19 @@ import syntax::ast::{foreign_item, foreign_item_const, foreign_item_fn, ge};
import syntax::ast::{gt, ident, impure_fn, inherited, item, item_class};
import syntax::ast::{item_const, item_enum, item_fn, item_foreign_mod};
import syntax::ast::{item_impl, item_mac, item_mod, item_trait, item_ty, le};
import syntax::ast::{local, local_crate, lt, method, mul, ne, neg, node_id};
import syntax::ast::{pat, pat_enum, pat_ident, path, prim_ty, pat_box};
import syntax::ast::{pat_lit, pat_range, pat_rec, pat_struct, pat_tup};
import syntax::ast::{pat_uniq, pat_wild, private, provided, public, required};
import syntax::ast::{rem, self_ty_, shl, shr, stmt_decl, struct_field};
import syntax::ast::{struct_variant_kind, sty_static, subtract, trait_ref};
import syntax::ast::{tuple_variant_kind, ty, ty_bool, ty_char, ty_f, ty_f32};
import syntax::ast::{ty_f64, ty_float, ty_i, ty_i16, ty_i32, ty_i64, ty_i8};
import syntax::ast::{ty_int, ty_param, ty_path, ty_str, ty_u, ty_u16, ty_u32};
import syntax::ast::{ty_u64, ty_u8, ty_uint, variant, view_item};
import syntax::ast::{view_item_export, view_item_import, view_item_use};
import syntax::ast::{view_path_glob, view_path_list, view_path_simple};
import syntax::ast::{visibility, anonymous, named};
import syntax::ast::{local, local_crate, lt, method, module_ns, mul, ne, neg};
import syntax::ast::{node_id, pat, pat_enum, pat_ident, path, prim_ty};
import syntax::ast::{pat_box, pat_lit, pat_range, pat_rec, pat_struct};
import syntax::ast::{pat_tup, pat_uniq, pat_wild, private, provided, public};
import syntax::ast::{required, rem, self_ty_, shl, shr, stmt_decl};
import syntax::ast::{struct_field, struct_variant_kind, sty_static, subtract};
import syntax::ast::{trait_ref, tuple_variant_kind, ty, ty_bool, ty_char};
import syntax::ast::{ty_f, ty_f32, ty_f64, ty_float, ty_i, ty_i16, ty_i32};
import syntax::ast::{ty_i64, ty_i8, ty_int, ty_param, ty_path, ty_str, ty_u};
import syntax::ast::{ty_u16, ty_u32, ty_u64, ty_u8, ty_uint, type_value_ns};
import syntax::ast::{variant, view_item, view_item_export, view_item_import};
import syntax::ast::{view_item_use, view_path_glob, view_path_list};
import syntax::ast::{view_path_simple, visibility, anonymous, named};
import syntax::ast_util::{def_id_of_def, dummy_sp, local_def, new_def_hash};
import syntax::ast_util::{path_to_ident, walk_pat, trait_method_to_ty_method};
import syntax::attr::{attr_metas, contains_name};
@ -179,9 +179,20 @@ impl ModuleDef {
enum ImportDirectiveNS {
impl ImportDirectiveNS : cmp::Eq {
pure fn eq(&&other: ImportDirectiveNS) -> bool {
(self as uint) == (other as uint)
/// Contains data for specific types of import directives.
enum ImportDirectiveSubclass {
SingleImport(Atom /* target */, Atom /* source */),
SingleImport(Atom /* target */, Atom /* source */, ImportDirectiveNS),
@ -1123,7 +1134,7 @@ struct Resolver {
let module_path = @DVec();
match view_path.node {
view_path_simple(_, full_path, _) => {
view_path_simple(_, full_path, _, _) => {
let path_len = full_path.idents.len();
assert path_len != 0u;
@ -1145,10 +1156,16 @@ struct Resolver {
// Build up the import directives.
let module_ = self.get_module_from_parent(parent);
match view_path.node {
view_path_simple(binding, full_path, _) => {
view_path_simple(binding, full_path, ns, _) => {
let ns = match ns {
module_ns => ModuleNSOnly,
type_value_ns => AnyNS
let source_ident = full_path.idents.last();
let subclass = @SingleImport(binding,
@ -1157,7 +1174,9 @@ struct Resolver {
view_path_list(_, source_idents, _) => {
for source_idents.each |source_ident| {
let name =;
let subclass = @SingleImport(name, name);
let subclass = @SingleImport(name,
@ -1178,7 +1197,7 @@ struct Resolver {
let module_ = self.get_module_from_parent(parent);
for view_paths.each |view_path| {
match view_path.node {
view_path_simple(ident, full_path, ident_id) => {
view_path_simple(ident, full_path, _, ident_id) => {
let last_ident = full_path.idents.last();
if last_ident != ident {
@ -1522,7 +1541,7 @@ struct Resolver {
// the appropriate flag.
match *subclass {
SingleImport(target, _) => {
SingleImport(target, _, _) => {
match module_.import_resolutions.find(target) {
Some(resolution) => {
resolution.outstanding_references += 1u;
@ -1699,13 +1718,19 @@ struct Resolver {
// within. Attempt to resolve the import within it.
match *import_directive.subclass {
SingleImport(target, source) => {
SingleImport(target, source, AnyNS) => {
resolution_result =
SingleImport(target, source, ModuleNSOnly) => {
resolution_result =
(module_, containing_module, target,
GlobImport => {
let span = import_directive.span;
resolution_result =
@ -1749,8 +1774,10 @@ struct Resolver {
return resolution_result;
fn resolve_single_import(module_: @Module, containing_module: @Module,
target: Atom, source: Atom)
fn resolve_single_import(module_: @Module,
containing_module: @Module,
target: Atom,
source: Atom)
-> ResolveResult<()> {
debug!("(resolving single import) resolving `%s` = `%s::%s` from \
@ -1937,6 +1964,137 @@ struct Resolver {
return Success(());
fn resolve_single_module_import(module_: @Module,
containing_module: @Module,
target: Atom,
source: Atom)
-> ResolveResult<()> {
debug!("(resolving single module import) resolving `%s` = `%s::%s` \
from `%s`",
if !self.name_is_exported(containing_module, source) {
debug!("(resolving single import) name `%s` is unexported",
return Failed;
// We need to resolve the module namespace for this to succeed.
let mut module_result = UnknownResult;
// Search for direct children of the containing module.
match containing_module.children.find(source) {
None => {
// Continue.
Some(child_name_bindings) => {
if (*child_name_bindings).defined_in_namespace(ModuleNS) {
module_result = BoundResult(containing_module,
// Unless we managed to find a result, search imports as well.
match module_result {
BoundResult(*) => {
// Continue.
_ => {
// If there is an unresolved glob at this point in the
// containing module, bail out. We don't know enough to be
// able to resolve this import.
if containing_module.glob_count > 0u {
debug!("(resolving single module import) unresolved \
glob; bailing out");
return Indeterminate;
// Now search the exported imports within the containing
// module.
match containing_module.import_resolutions.find(source) {
None => {
// The containing module definitely doesn't have an
// exported import with the name in question. We can
// therefore accurately report that the names are
// unbound.
if module_result.is_unknown() {
module_result = UnboundResult;
if import_resolution.outstanding_references
== 0u => {
// The name is an import which has been fully
// resolved. We can, therefore, just follow it.
if module_result.is_unknown() {
match (*import_resolution).
target_for_namespace(ModuleNS) {
None => {
module_result = UnboundResult;
Some(target) => {
import_resolution.used = true;
module_result = BoundResult
Some(_) => {
// The import is unresolved. Bail out.
debug!("(resolving single module import) unresolved \
import; bailing out");
return Indeterminate;
// We've successfully resolved the import. Write the results in.
assert module_.import_resolutions.contains_key(target);
let import_resolution = module_.import_resolutions.get(target);
match module_result {
BoundResult(target_module, name_bindings) => {
debug!("(resolving single import) found module binding");
import_resolution.module_target =
Some(Target(target_module, name_bindings));
UnboundResult => {
debug!("(resolving single import) didn't find module \
UnknownResult => {
fail ~"module result should be known at this point";
let i = import_resolution;
if i.module_target.is_none() {
// If this name wasn't found in the module namespace, it's
// definitely unresolved.
return Failed;
assert import_resolution.outstanding_references >= 1u;
import_resolution.outstanding_references -= 1u;
debug!("(resolving single module import) successfully resolved \
return Success(());
* Resolves a glob import. Note that this function cannot fail; it either
* succeeds or bails out (as importing * from an empty module or a module
@ -2384,10 +2542,12 @@ struct Resolver {
let mut target_name;
let mut source_name;
let allowable_namespaces;
match *import_directive.subclass {
SingleImport(target, source) => {
SingleImport(target, source, namespaces) => {
target_name = target;
source_name = source;
allowable_namespaces = namespaces;
GlobImport => {
fail ~"found `import *`, which is invalid";
@ -2407,8 +2567,8 @@ struct Resolver {
let mut module_result;
debug!("(resolving one-level naming result) searching for module");
match self.resolve_item_in_lexical_scope(module_,
ModuleNS) {
ModuleNS) {
Failed => {
debug!("(resolving one-level renaming import) didn't find \
@ -2428,48 +2588,53 @@ struct Resolver {
let mut value_result;
debug!("(resolving one-level naming result) searching for value");
match self.resolve_item_in_lexical_scope(module_,
ValueNS) {
Failed => {
debug!("(resolving one-level renaming import) didn't find \
value result");
value_result = None;
Indeterminate => {
debug!("(resolving one-level renaming import) value result \
is indeterminate; bailing");
return Indeterminate;
Success(name_bindings) => {
debug!("(resolving one-level renaming import) value result \
value_result = Some(copy name_bindings);
let mut type_result;
debug!("(resolving one-level naming result) searching for type");
match self.resolve_item_in_lexical_scope(module_,
TypeNS) {
if allowable_namespaces == ModuleNSOnly {
value_result = None;
type_result = None;
} else {
debug!("(resolving one-level naming result) searching for value");
match self.resolve_item_in_lexical_scope(module_,
ValueNS) {
Failed => {
debug!("(resolving one-level renaming import) didn't find \
type result");
type_result = None;
Failed => {
debug!("(resolving one-level renaming import) didn't \
find value result");
value_result = None;
Indeterminate => {
debug!("(resolving one-level renaming import) value \
result is indeterminate; bailing");
return Indeterminate;
Success(name_bindings) => {
debug!("(resolving one-level renaming import) value \
result found");
value_result = Some(copy name_bindings);
Indeterminate => {
debug!("(resolving one-level renaming import) type result is \
indeterminate; bailing");
return Indeterminate;
Success(name_bindings) => {
debug!("(resolving one-level renaming import) type result \
type_result = Some(copy name_bindings);
debug!("(resolving one-level naming result) searching for type");
match self.resolve_item_in_lexical_scope(module_,
TypeNS) {
Failed => {
debug!("(resolving one-level renaming import) didn't \
find type result");
type_result = None;
Indeterminate => {
debug!("(resolving one-level renaming import) type \
result is indeterminate; bailing");
return Indeterminate;
Success(name_bindings) => {
debug!("(resolving one-level renaming import) type \
result found");
type_result = Some(copy name_bindings);
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ fn traverse_exports(cx: ctx, vis: ~[@view_item]) -> bool {
found_export = true;
for vec::each(vps) |vp| {
match vp.node {
view_path_simple(_, _, id) | view_path_glob(_, id) |
view_path_simple(_, _, _, id) | view_path_glob(_, id) |
view_path_list(_, _, id) => {
traverse_export(cx, id);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
use mod a::b;
mod a {
mod b {
fn f() {}
fn main() {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user