core: Mark some functions as pure

This commit is contained in:
Chris Peterson 2012-12-23 14:37:44 -08:00
parent 50bb838389
commit 6d8621ae7f
7 changed files with 14 additions and 16 deletions

@ -67,17 +67,17 @@ pub pure fn DVec<A>() -> DVec<A> {
/// Creates a new dvec with a single element
pub fn from_elem<A>(e: A) -> DVec<A> {
pub pure fn from_elem<A>(e: A) -> DVec<A> {
DVec {mut data: ~[move e]}
/// Creates a new dvec with the contents of a vector
pub fn from_vec<A>(v: ~[A]) -> DVec<A> {
pub pure fn from_vec<A>(v: ~[A]) -> DVec<A> {
DVec {mut data: move v}
/// Consumes the vector and returns its contents
pub fn unwrap<A>(d: DVec<A>) -> ~[A] {
pub pure fn unwrap<A>(d: DVec<A>) -> ~[A] {
let DVec {data: v} = move d;
move v

@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ pub pure fn to_str_common(num: float, digits: uint, exact: bool) -> ~str {
* * num - The float value
* * digits - The number of significant digits
pub fn to_str_exact(num: float, digits: uint) -> ~str {
pub pure fn to_str_exact(num: float, digits: uint) -> ~str {
to_str_common(num, digits, true)
@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ pub pure fn to_str(num: float, digits: uint) -> ~str {
* `none` if the string did not represent a valid number. Otherwise,
* `Some(n)` where `n` is the floating-point number represented by `[num]`.
pub fn from_str(num: &str) -> Option<float> {
pub pure fn from_str(num: &str) -> Option<float> {
if num == "inf" {
return Some(infinity as float);
} else if num == "-inf" {

@ -17,12 +17,12 @@ mod inst {
pub const bits: uint = uint::bits;
/// Returns `base` raised to the power of `exponent`
pub fn pow(base: int, exponent: uint) -> int {
pub pure fn pow(base: int, exponent: uint) -> int {
if exponent == 0u {
//Not mathemtically true if ~[base == 0]
return 1;
if base == 0 { return 0; }
if base == 0 { return 0; }
let mut my_pow = exponent;
let mut acc = 1;
let mut multiplier = base;

@ -170,13 +170,13 @@ pub pure fn to_mut_unsafe_ptr<T>(thing: &mut T) -> *mut T {
(I couldn't think of a cutesy name for this one.)
pub fn to_uint<T>(thing: &T) -> uint unsafe {
pub pure fn to_uint<T>(thing: &T) -> uint unsafe {
/// Determine if two borrowed pointers point to the same thing.
pub fn ref_eq<T>(thing: &a/T, other: &b/T) -> bool {
pub pure fn ref_eq<T>(thing: &a/T, other: &b/T) -> bool {
to_uint(thing) == to_uint(other)

@ -309,12 +309,12 @@ impl XorShiftState: Rng {
pub fn xorshift() -> Rng {
pub pure fn xorshift() -> Rng {
// constants taken from
seeded_xorshift(123456789u32, 362436069u32, 521288629u32, 88675123u32)
pub fn seeded_xorshift(x: u32, y: u32, z: u32, w: u32) -> Rng {
pub pure fn seeded_xorshift(x: u32, y: u32, z: u32, w: u32) -> Rng {
{mut x: x, mut y: y, mut z: z, mut w: w} as Rng

@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ pub pure fn connect(v: &[~str], sep: &str) -> ~str {
/// Given a string, make a new string with repeated copies of it
pub fn repeat(ss: &str, nn: uint) -> ~str {
pub pure fn repeat(ss: &str, nn: uint) -> ~str {
let mut acc = ~"";
for nn.times { acc += ss; }
@ -1684,9 +1684,7 @@ pub struct CharRange {
* This function can be used to iterate over a unicode string in reverse.
pure fn char_range_at_reverse(ss: &str, start: uint)
-> CharRange {
pure fn char_range_at_reverse(ss: &str, start: uint) -> CharRange {
let mut prev = start;
// while there is a previous byte == 10......

@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ mod inst {
/// Returns the smallest power of 2 greater than or equal to `n`
pub fn next_power_of_two(n: uint) -> uint {
pub pure fn next_power_of_two(n: uint) -> uint {
let halfbits: uint = sys::size_of::<uint>() * 4u;
let mut tmp: uint = n - 1u;
let mut shift: uint = 1u;