Add backtraces for syntax problems.
This commit is contained in:
@ -32,41 +32,46 @@ fn syntax_expander_table() -> hashmap[str, syntax_extension] {
ret syntax_expanders;
type span_msg_fn = fn(span, str) -> ! ;
type msg_fn = fn(str) -> ! ;
obj ext_ctxt(sess: @session, crate_file_name_hack: str,
mutable backtrace: span[]) {
fn crate_file_name() -> str { ret crate_file_name_hack; }
type next_id_fn = fn() -> ast::node_id ;
fn print_backtrace() {
for sp: span in backtrace {
sess.span_note(sp, "(while expanding this)")
fn bt_push(sp: span) { backtrace += ~[sp]; }
fn bt_pop() { ivec::pop(backtrace); }
fn span_fatal(sp: span, msg: str) -> ! {
sess.span_fatal(sp, msg);
fn span_err(sp: span, msg: str) {
sess.span_err(sp, msg);
fn span_unimpl(sp:span, msg: str) -> ! {
sess.span_unimpl(sp, msg);
fn span_bug(sp:span, msg: str) -> ! {
sess.span_bug(sp, msg);
fn bug(msg: str) -> ! {
fn next_id() -> ast::node_id {
ret sess.next_node_id();
// Provides a limited set of services necessary for syntax extensions
// to do their thing
type ext_ctxt =
{crate_file_name_hack: str,
span_fatal: span_msg_fn,
span_unimpl: span_msg_fn,
span_bug: span_msg_fn,
bug: msg_fn,
next_id: next_id_fn};
fn mk_ctxt(sess: &session) -> ext_ctxt {
fn ext_span_fatal_(sess: &session, sp: span, msg: str) -> ! {
sess.span_err(sp, msg);
let ext_span_fatal = bind ext_span_fatal_(sess, _, _);
fn ext_span_unimpl_(sess: &session, sp: span, msg: str) -> ! {
sess.span_err(sp, "unimplemented " + msg);
let ext_span_bug = bind ext_span_bug_(sess, _, _);
fn ext_span_bug_(sess: &session, sp: span, msg: str) -> ! {
sess.span_bug(sp, msg);
let ext_span_unimpl = bind ext_span_unimpl_(sess, _, _);
fn ext_bug_(sess: &session, msg: str) -> ! { sess.bug(msg); }
let ext_bug = bind ext_bug_(sess, _);
// FIXME: Some extensions work by building ASTs with paths to functions
// they need to call at runtime. As those functions live in the std crate,
// the paths are prefixed with "std::". Unfortunately, these paths can't
@ -76,16 +81,7 @@ fn mk_ctxt(sess: &session) -> ext_ctxt {
// super-ugly and needs a better solution.
let crate_file_name_hack = sess.get_codemap().files.(0).name;
fn ext_next_id_(sess: &session) -> ast::node_id {
ret sess.next_node_id(); // temporary, until bind works better
let ext_next_id = bind ext_next_id_(sess);
ret {crate_file_name_hack: crate_file_name_hack,
span_fatal: ext_span_fatal,
span_unimpl: ext_span_unimpl,
span_bug: ext_span_bug,
bug: ext_bug,
next_id: ext_next_id};
ret ext_ctxt(@sess, crate_file_name_hack, ~[]);
fn expr_to_str(cx: &ext_ctxt, expr: @ast::expr, error: str) -> str {
@ -1,11 +1,4 @@
import codemap::emit_error;
import driver::session;
import syntax::ast::crate;
import syntax::ast::expr_;
import syntax::ast::expr_mac;
import syntax::ast::mac_invoc;
import syntax::fold::*;
import std::option::none;
import std::option::some;
@ -13,40 +6,46 @@ import std::option::some;
import std::map::hashmap;
import std::ivec;
fn expand_expr(exts: &hashmap[str, base::syntax_extension],
sess: &session::session, e: &expr_, fld: ast_fold,
orig: &fn(&ast::expr_, ast_fold) -> expr_ ) -> expr_ {
import syntax::ast::crate;
import syntax::ast::expr_;
import syntax::ast::expr_mac;
import syntax::ast::mac_invoc;
import syntax::fold::*;
import syntax::ext::base::*;
fn expand_expr(exts: &hashmap[str, syntax_extension], cx: &ext_ctxt,
e: &expr_, fld: ast_fold,
orig: &fn(&expr_, ast_fold) -> expr_ ) -> expr_ {
ret alt e {
expr_mac(mac) {
alt mac.node {
mac_invoc(pth, args, body) {
assert (ivec::len(pth.node.idents) > 0u);
let extname = pth.node.idents.(0);
let ext_cx = base::mk_ctxt(sess);
alt exts.find(extname) {
none. {
"unknown syntax expander: '" + extname + "'",
#fmt["macro undefined: '%s'", extname])
some(base::normal(ext)) {
some(normal(ext)) {
let expanded = ext(cx, pth.span, args, body);
//keep going, outside-in
fld.fold_expr(ext(ext_cx, pth.span, args, body)).node
let fully_expanded = fld.fold_expr(expanded).node;
some(base::macro_defining(ext)) {
let named_extension = ext(ext_cx, pth.span, args, body);
some(macro_defining(ext)) {
let named_extension = ext(cx, pth.span, args, body);
exts.insert(named_extension.ident, named_extension.ext);
ast::expr_rec(~[], none)
_ {
emit_error(some(mac.span), "naked syntactic bit",
_ { cx.span_bug(mac.span, "naked syntactic bit") }
_ { orig(e, fld) }
@ -54,10 +53,11 @@ fn expand_expr(exts: &hashmap[str, base::syntax_extension],
fn expand_crate(sess: &session::session, c: &@crate) -> @crate {
let exts = ext::base::syntax_expander_table();
let exts = syntax_expander_table();
let afp = default_ast_fold();
let cx: ext_ctxt = mk_ctxt(sess);
let f_pre =
{fold_expr: bind expand_expr(exts, sess, _, _, afp.fold_expr)
{fold_expr: bind expand_expr(exts, cx, _, _, afp.fold_expr)
with *afp};
let f = make_fold(f_pre);
let res = @f.fold_crate(*c);
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ fn pieces_to_expr(cx: &ext_ctxt, sp: span, pieces: &[piece],
fn make_path_vec(cx: &ext_ctxt, ident: str) -> [str] {
fn compiling_std(cx: &ext_ctxt) -> bool {
ret str::find(cx.crate_file_name_hack, "std.rc") >= 0;
ret str::find(cx.crate_file_name(), "std.rc") >= 0;
if compiling_std(cx) {
ret ~["extfmt", "rt", ident];
@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
// error-pattern:unknown syntax expander
// error-pattern:macro undefined
fn main() { #iamnotanextensionthatexists(""); }
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