libcore: add pop/swap/consume to SendMap
This commit is contained in:
@ -17,6 +17,9 @@ pub trait SendMap<K:Eq Hash, V: Copy> {
fn insert(&mut self, k: K, +v: V) -> bool;
fn remove(&mut self, k: &K) -> bool;
fn pop(&mut self, k: &K) -> Option<V>;
fn swap(&mut self, k: K, +v: V) -> Option<V>;
fn consume(&mut self, f: fn(K, V));
fn clear(&mut self);
pure fn len(&const self) -> uint;
pure fn is_empty(&const self) -> bool;
@ -198,6 +201,52 @@ pub mod linear {
fn pop_internal(&mut self, hash: uint, k: &K) -> Option<V> {
// Removing from an open-addressed hashtable
// is, well, painful. The problem is that
// the entry may lie on the probe path for other
// entries, so removing it would make you think that
// those probe paths are empty.
// To address this we basically have to keep walking,
// re-inserting entries we find until we reach an empty
// bucket. We know we will eventually reach one because
// we insert one ourselves at the beginning (the removed
// entry).
// I found this explanation elucidating:
let mut idx = match self.bucket_for_key_with_hash(self.buckets,
hash, k) {
TableFull | FoundHole(_) => return None,
FoundEntry(idx) => idx
let len_buckets = self.buckets.len();
let mut bucket = None;
self.buckets[idx] <-> bucket;
let value = match move bucket {
None => None,
Some(move bucket) => {
let Bucket { value: move value, _ } = move bucket;
idx = self.next_bucket(idx, len_buckets);
while self.buckets[idx].is_some() {
let mut bucket = None;
bucket <-> self.buckets[idx];
self.insert_opt_bucket(move bucket);
idx = self.next_bucket(idx, len_buckets);
self.size -= 1;
fn search(&self,
hash: uint,
op: fn(x: &Option<Bucket<K,V>>) -> bool) {
@ -222,37 +271,55 @@ pub mod linear {
fn remove(&mut self, k: &K) -> bool {
// Removing from an open-addressed hashtable
// is, well, painful. The problem is that
// the entry may lie on the probe path for other
// entries, so removing it would make you think that
// those probe paths are empty.
// To address this we basically have to keep walking,
// re-inserting entries we find until we reach an empty
// bucket. We know we will eventually reach one because
// we insert one ourselves at the beginning (the removed
// entry).
// I found this explanation elucidating:
let mut idx = match self.bucket_for_key(self.buckets, k) {
TableFull | FoundHole(_) => return false,
FoundEntry(idx) => idx
let len_buckets = self.buckets.len();
self.buckets[idx] = None;
idx = self.next_bucket(idx, len_buckets);
while self.buckets[idx].is_some() {
let mut bucket = None;
bucket <-> self.buckets[idx];
self.insert_opt_bucket(move bucket);
idx = self.next_bucket(idx, len_buckets);
match self.pop(k) {
Some(_) => true,
None => false,
fn pop(&mut self, k: &K) -> Option<V> {
let hash = k.hash_keyed(self.k0, self.k1) as uint;
self.pop_internal(hash, k)
fn swap(&mut self, k: K, v: V) -> Option<V> {
// this could be faster.
let hash = k.hash_keyed(self.k0, self.k1) as uint;
let old_value = self.pop_internal(hash, &k);
if self.size >= self.resize_at {
// n.b.: We could also do this after searching, so
// that we do not resize if this call to insert is
// simply going to update a key in place. My sense
// though is that it's worse to have to search through
// buckets to find the right spot twice than to just
// resize in this corner case.
self.insert_internal(hash, k, v);
fn consume(&mut self, f: fn(K, V)) {
let mut buckets = ~[];
self.buckets <-> buckets;
self.size = 0;
do vec::consume(buckets) |_i, bucket| {
match move bucket {
None => { },
Some(move bucket) => {
let Bucket {
key: move key,
value: move value,
} = move bucket;
f(key, value)
self.size -= 1;
return true;
fn clear(&mut self) {
@ -350,7 +417,6 @@ pub mod linear {
option::unwrap(move value)
@ -407,6 +473,37 @@ pub mod test {
assert m.is_empty();
pub fn pops() {
let mut m = ~LinearMap();
m.insert(1, 2);
assert m.pop(&1) == Some(2);
assert m.pop(&1) == None;
pub fn swaps() {
let mut m = ~LinearMap();
assert m.swap(1, 2) == None;
assert m.swap(1, 3) == Some(2);
assert m.swap(1, 4) == Some(3);
pub fn consumes() {
let mut m = ~LinearMap();
assert m.insert(1, 2);
assert m.insert(2, 3);
let mut m2 = ~LinearMap();
do m.consume |k, v| {
m2.insert(k, v);
assert m.len() == 0;
assert m2.len() == 2;
assert m2.find(&1) == Some(2);
assert m2.find(&2) == Some(3);
pub fn iterate() {
let mut m = linear::linear_map_with_capacity(4);
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