auto merge of #6981 : jbclements/rust/fold-traverses-macros, r=catamorphism

Fixes bug #2888 . Includes test cases

r? @catamorphism
This commit is contained in:
bors 2013-06-06 15:43:35 -07:00
commit 6a09b6f0c3
2 changed files with 188 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ use core::prelude::*;
use ast::*;
use ast;
use codemap::{span, spanned};
use parse::token;
use opt_vec::OptVec;
use core::vec;
@ -115,11 +116,43 @@ fn fold_arg_(a: arg, fld: @ast_fold) -> arg {
id: fld.new_id(,
//used in noop_fold_expr, and possibly elsewhere in the future
fn fold_mac_(m: &mac, fld: @ast_fold) -> mac {
spanned {
node: match m.node { mac_invoc_tt(*) => copy m.node },
span: fld.new_span(m.span),
node: match m.node {
mac_invoc_tt(p,ref tts) =>
span: fld.new_span(m.span)
fn fold_tts(tts : &[token_tree], fld: @ast_fold) -> ~[token_tree] {
do |tt| {
match *tt {
tt_tok(span, ref tok) =>
tt_delim(ref tts) =>
tt_seq(span, ref pattern, ref sep, is_optional) =>
tt_nonterminal(sp,ref ident) =>
// apply ident folder if it's an ident, otherwise leave it alone
fn maybe_fold_ident(t : &token::Token, fld: @ast_fold) -> token::Token {
match *t {
token::IDENT(id,followed_by_colons) =>
_ => copy *t
@ -290,7 +323,10 @@ pub fn noop_fold_item_underscore(i: &item_, fld: @ast_fold) -> item_ {
item_mac(ref m) => {
// FIXME #2888: we might actually want to do something here.
item_mac(copy *m)
// ... okay, we're doing something. It would probably be nicer
// to add something to the ast_fold trait, but I'll defer
// that work.
@ -904,3 +940,74 @@ impl AstFoldExtensions for @ast_fold {
pub fn make_fold(afp: ast_fold_fns) -> @ast_fold {
afp as @ast_fold
mod test {
use ast;
use util::parser_testing::{string_to_crate, matches_codepattern};
use parse::token;
use print::pprust;
use super::*;
// taken from expand
// given a function from idents to idents, produce
// an ast_fold that applies that function:
pub fn fun_to_ident_folder(f: @fn(ast::ident)->ast::ident) -> @ast_fold{
let afp = default_ast_fold();
let f_pre = @AstFoldFns{
fold_ident : |id, _| f(id),
.. *afp
// this version doesn't care about getting comments or docstrings in.
fn fake_print_crate(s: @pprust::ps, crate: ast::crate) {
pprust::print_mod(s, &crate.node.module, crate.node.attrs);
// change every identifier to "zz"
pub fn to_zz() -> @fn(ast::ident)->ast::ident {
let zz_id = token::str_to_ident("zz");
|id| {zz_id}
// maybe add to
macro_rules! assert_pred (
($pred:expr, $predname:expr, $a:expr , $b:expr) => (
let pred_val = $pred;
let a_val = $a;
let b_val = $b;
if !(pred_val(a_val,b_val)) {
fail!("expected args satisfying %s, got %? and %?",
$predname, a_val, b_val);
// make sure idents get transformed everywhere
#[test] fn ident_transformation () {
let zz_fold = fun_to_ident_folder(to_zz());
let ast = string_to_crate(@~"#[a] mod b {fn c (d : e, f : g) {h!(i,j,k);l;m}}");
~"#[a]mod zz{fn zz(zz:zz,zz:zz){zz!(zz,zz,zz);zz;zz}}");
// even inside macro defs....
#[test] fn ident_transformation_in_defs () {
let zz_fold = fun_to_ident_folder(to_zz());
let ast = string_to_crate(@~"macro_rules! a {(b $c:expr $(d $e:token)f+
=> (g $(d $d $e)+))} ");
~"zz!zz((zz$zz:zz$(zz $zz:zz)zz+=>(zz$(zz$zz$zz)+)))");

View File

@ -69,3 +69,81 @@ pub fn string_to_pat(source_str : @~str) -> @ast::pat {
pub fn strs_to_idents(ids: ~[&str]) -> ~[ast::ident] {|u| token::str_to_ident(*u))
// does the given string match the pattern? whitespace in the first string
// may be deleted or replaced with other whitespace to match the pattern.
// this function is unicode-ignorant; fortunately, the careful design of
// UTF-8 mitigates this ignorance. In particular, this function only collapses
// sequences of \n, \r, ' ', and \t, but it should otherwise tolerate unicode
// chars. Unsurprisingly, it doesn't do NKF-normalization(?).
pub fn matches_codepattern(a : &str, b : &str) -> bool {
let mut idx_a = 0;
let mut idx_b = 0;
loop {
if (idx_a == a.len() && idx_b == b.len()) {
return true;
else if (idx_a == a.len()) {return false;}
else if (idx_b == b.len()) {
// maybe the stuff left in a is all ws?
if (is_whitespace(a.char_at(idx_a))) {
return (scan_for_non_ws_or_end(a,idx_a) == a.len());
} else {
return false;
// ws in both given and pattern:
else if (is_whitespace(a.char_at(idx_a))
&& is_whitespace(b.char_at(idx_b))) {
idx_a = scan_for_non_ws_or_end(a,idx_a);
idx_b = scan_for_non_ws_or_end(b,idx_b);
// ws in given only:
else if (is_whitespace(a.char_at(idx_a))) {
idx_a = scan_for_non_ws_or_end(a,idx_a);
// *don't* silently eat ws in expected only.
else if (a.char_at(idx_a) == b.char_at(idx_b)) {
idx_a += 1;
idx_b += 1;
else {
return false;
// given a string and an index, return the first uint >= idx
// that is a non-ws-char or is outside of the legal range of
// the string.
fn scan_for_non_ws_or_end(a : &str, idx: uint) -> uint {
let mut i = idx;
let len = a.len();
while ((i < len) && (is_whitespace(a.char_at(i)))) {
i += 1;
// copied from lexer.
pub fn is_whitespace(c: char) -> bool {
return c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n';
mod test {
use super::*;
#[test] fn eqmodws() {
assert_eq!(matches_codepattern("a b","a \n\t\r b"),true);
assert_eq!(matches_codepattern("a b ","a \n\t\r b"),true);
assert_eq!(matches_codepattern("a b","a \n\t\r b "),false);
assert_eq!(matches_codepattern("a b","a b"),true);
assert_eq!(matches_codepattern("ab","a b"),false);
assert_eq!(matches_codepattern("a b","ab"),true);