--bless more mir-opt tests.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,25 +1,6 @@
// compile-flags: -O
// EMIT_MIR rustc.main.ConstProp.diff
fn main() {
let x = (0, 1, 2).1 + 0;
// START rustc.main.ConstProp.before.mir
// bb0: {
// ...
// _3 = (const 0i32, const 1i32, const 2i32);
// _2 = (_3.1: i32);
// _1 = Add(move _2, const 0i32);
// ...
// }
// END rustc.main.ConstProp.before.mir
// START rustc.main.ConstProp.after.mir
// bb0: {
// ...
// _3 = (const 0i32, const 1i32, const 2i32);
// _2 = const 1i32;
// _1 = const 1i32;
// ...
// }
// END rustc.main.ConstProp.after.mir
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
- // MIR for `main` before ConstProp
+ // MIR for `main` after ConstProp
fn main() -> () {
let mut _0: (); // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/aggregate.rs:4:11: 4:11
let _1: i32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/aggregate.rs:5:9: 5:10
let mut _2: i32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/aggregate.rs:5:13: 5:24
let mut _3: (i32, i32, i32); // in scope 0 at $DIR/aggregate.rs:5:13: 5:22
scope 1 {
debug x => _1; // in scope 1 at $DIR/aggregate.rs:5:9: 5:10
bb0: {
StorageLive(_1); // bb0[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/aggregate.rs:5:9: 5:10
StorageLive(_2); // bb0[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/aggregate.rs:5:13: 5:24
StorageLive(_3); // bb0[2]: scope 0 at $DIR/aggregate.rs:5:13: 5:22
_3 = (const 0i32, const 1i32, const 2i32); // bb0[3]: scope 0 at $DIR/aggregate.rs:5:13: 5:22
// ty::Const
// + ty: i32
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000000))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/aggregate.rs:5:14: 5:15
// + literal: Const { ty: i32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000000)) }
// ty::Const
// + ty: i32
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000001))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/aggregate.rs:5:17: 5:18
// + literal: Const { ty: i32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000001)) }
// ty::Const
// + ty: i32
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000002))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/aggregate.rs:5:20: 5:21
// + literal: Const { ty: i32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000002)) }
- _2 = (_3.1: i32); // bb0[4]: scope 0 at $DIR/aggregate.rs:5:13: 5:24
- _1 = Add(move _2, const 0i32); // bb0[5]: scope 0 at $DIR/aggregate.rs:5:13: 5:28
+ _2 = const 1i32; // bb0[4]: scope 0 at $DIR/aggregate.rs:5:13: 5:24
// ty::Const
// + ty: i32
- // + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000000))
+ // + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000001))
// mir::Constant
- // + span: $DIR/aggregate.rs:5:27: 5:28
- // + literal: Const { ty: i32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000000)) }
+ // + span: $DIR/aggregate.rs:5:13: 5:24
+ // + literal: Const { ty: i32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000001)) }
+ _1 = const 1i32; // bb0[5]: scope 0 at $DIR/aggregate.rs:5:13: 5:28
+ // ty::Const
+ // + ty: i32
+ // + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000001))
+ // mir::Constant
+ // + span: $DIR/aggregate.rs:5:13: 5:28
+ // + literal: Const { ty: i32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000001)) }
StorageDead(_2); // bb0[6]: scope 0 at $DIR/aggregate.rs:5:27: 5:28
StorageDead(_3); // bb0[7]: scope 0 at $DIR/aggregate.rs:5:28: 5:29
_0 = (); // bb0[8]: scope 0 at $DIR/aggregate.rs:4:11: 6:2
StorageDead(_1); // bb0[9]: scope 0 at $DIR/aggregate.rs:6:1: 6:2
return; // bb0[10]: scope 0 at $DIR/aggregate.rs:6:2: 6:2
@ -1,33 +1,5 @@
// EMIT_MIR rustc.main.ConstProp.diff
fn main() {
let x: u32 = [0, 1, 2, 3][2];
// START rustc.main.ConstProp.before.mir
// bb0: {
// ...
// _2 = [const 0u32, const 1u32, const 2u32, const 3u32];
// ...
// _3 = const 2usize;
// _4 = const 4usize;
// _5 = Lt(_3, _4);
// assert(move _5, "index out of bounds: the len is move _4 but the index is _3") -> bb1;
// }
// bb1: {
// _1 = _2[_3];
// ...
// return;
// }
// END rustc.main.ConstProp.before.mir
// START rustc.main.ConstProp.after.mir
// bb0: {
// ...
// _5 = const true;
// assert(const true, "index out of bounds: the len is move _4 but the index is _3") -> bb1;
// }
// bb1: {
// _1 = const 2u32;
// ...
// return;
// }
// END rustc.main.ConstProp.after.mir
@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
- // MIR for `main` before ConstProp
+ // MIR for `main` after ConstProp
fn main() -> () {
let mut _0: (); // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/array_index.rs:3:11: 3:11
let _1: u32 as UserTypeProjection { base: UserType(0), projs: [] }; // in scope 0 at $DIR/array_index.rs:4:9: 4:10
let mut _2: [u32; 4]; // in scope 0 at $DIR/array_index.rs:4:18: 4:30
let _3: usize; // in scope 0 at $DIR/array_index.rs:4:31: 4:32
let mut _4: usize; // in scope 0 at $DIR/array_index.rs:4:18: 4:33
let mut _5: bool; // in scope 0 at $DIR/array_index.rs:4:18: 4:33
scope 1 {
debug x => _1; // in scope 1 at $DIR/array_index.rs:4:9: 4:10
bb0: {
StorageLive(_1); // bb0[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/array_index.rs:4:9: 4:10
StorageLive(_2); // bb0[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/array_index.rs:4:18: 4:30
_2 = [const 0u32, const 1u32, const 2u32, const 3u32]; // bb0[2]: scope 0 at $DIR/array_index.rs:4:18: 4:30
// ty::Const
// + ty: u32
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000000))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/array_index.rs:4:19: 4:20
// + literal: Const { ty: u32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000000)) }
// ty::Const
// + ty: u32
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000001))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/array_index.rs:4:22: 4:23
// + literal: Const { ty: u32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000001)) }
// ty::Const
// + ty: u32
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000002))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/array_index.rs:4:25: 4:26
// + literal: Const { ty: u32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000002)) }
// ty::Const
// + ty: u32
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000003))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/array_index.rs:4:28: 4:29
// + literal: Const { ty: u32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000003)) }
StorageLive(_3); // bb0[3]: scope 0 at $DIR/array_index.rs:4:31: 4:32
_3 = const 2usize; // bb0[4]: scope 0 at $DIR/array_index.rs:4:31: 4:32
// ty::Const
// + ty: usize
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x0000000000000002))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/array_index.rs:4:31: 4:32
// + literal: Const { ty: usize, val: Value(Scalar(0x0000000000000002)) }
_4 = const 4usize; // bb0[5]: scope 0 at $DIR/array_index.rs:4:18: 4:33
// ty::Const
// + ty: usize
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x0000000000000004))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/array_index.rs:4:18: 4:33
// + literal: Const { ty: usize, val: Value(Scalar(0x0000000000000004)) }
- _5 = Lt(_3, _4); // bb0[6]: scope 0 at $DIR/array_index.rs:4:18: 4:33
- assert(move _5, "index out of bounds: the len is move _4 but the index is _3") -> bb1; // bb0[7]: scope 0 at $DIR/array_index.rs:4:18: 4:33
+ _5 = const true; // bb0[6]: scope 0 at $DIR/array_index.rs:4:18: 4:33
+ // ty::Const
+ // + ty: bool
+ // + val: Value(Scalar(0x01))
+ // mir::Constant
+ // + span: $DIR/array_index.rs:4:18: 4:33
+ // + literal: Const { ty: bool, val: Value(Scalar(0x01)) }
+ assert(const true, "index out of bounds: the len is move _4 but the index is _3") -> bb1; // bb0[7]: scope 0 at $DIR/array_index.rs:4:18: 4:33
+ // ty::Const
+ // + ty: bool
+ // + val: Value(Scalar(0x01))
+ // mir::Constant
+ // + span: $DIR/array_index.rs:4:18: 4:33
+ // + literal: Const { ty: bool, val: Value(Scalar(0x01)) }
bb1: {
- _1 = _2[_3]; // bb1[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/array_index.rs:4:18: 4:33
+ _1 = const 2u32; // bb1[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/array_index.rs:4:18: 4:33
+ // ty::Const
+ // + ty: u32
+ // + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000002))
+ // mir::Constant
+ // + span: $DIR/array_index.rs:4:18: 4:33
+ // + literal: Const { ty: u32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000002)) }
StorageDead(_3); // bb1[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/array_index.rs:4:33: 4:34
StorageDead(_2); // bb1[2]: scope 0 at $DIR/array_index.rs:4:33: 4:34
_0 = (); // bb1[3]: scope 0 at $DIR/array_index.rs:3:11: 5:2
StorageDead(_1); // bb1[4]: scope 0 at $DIR/array_index.rs:5:1: 5:2
return; // bb1[5]: scope 0 at $DIR/array_index.rs:5:2: 5:2
@ -7,50 +7,7 @@
// Note: this test verifies that we, in fact, do not const prop `box`
// EMIT_MIR rustc.main.ConstProp.diff
fn main() {
let x = *(box 42) + 0;
// START rustc.main.ConstProp.before.mir
// bb0: {
// ...
// _4 = Box(i32);
// (*_4) = const 42i32;
// _3 = move _4;
// ...
// _2 = (*_3);
// _1 = Add(move _2, const 0i32);
// ...
// drop(_3) -> [return: bb2, unwind: bb1];
// }
// bb1 (cleanup): {
// resume;
// }
// bb2: {
// ...
// _0 = ();
// ...
// }
// END rustc.main.ConstProp.before.mir
// START rustc.main.ConstProp.after.mir
// bb0: {
// ...
// _4 = Box(i32);
// (*_4) = const 42i32;
// _3 = move _4;
// ...
// _2 = (*_3);
// _1 = Add(move _2, const 0i32);
// ...
// drop(_3) -> [return: bb2, unwind: bb1];
// }
// bb1 (cleanup): {
// resume;
// }
// bb2: {
// ...
// _0 = ();
// ...
// }
// END rustc.main.ConstProp.after.mir
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
- // MIR for `main` before ConstProp
+ // MIR for `main` after ConstProp
fn main() -> () {
let mut _0: (); // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/boxes.rs:11:11: 11:11
let _1: i32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/boxes.rs:12:9: 12:10
let mut _2: i32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/boxes.rs:12:13: 12:22
let mut _3: std::boxed::Box<i32>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/boxes.rs:12:14: 12:22
let mut _4: std::boxed::Box<i32>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/boxes.rs:12:14: 12:22
scope 1 {
debug x => _1; // in scope 1 at $DIR/boxes.rs:12:9: 12:10
bb0: {
StorageLive(_1); // bb0[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/boxes.rs:12:9: 12:10
StorageLive(_2); // bb0[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/boxes.rs:12:13: 12:22
StorageLive(_3); // bb0[2]: scope 0 at $DIR/boxes.rs:12:14: 12:22
StorageLive(_4); // bb0[3]: scope 0 at $DIR/boxes.rs:12:14: 12:22
_4 = Box(i32); // bb0[4]: scope 0 at $DIR/boxes.rs:12:14: 12:22
(*_4) = const 42i32; // bb0[5]: scope 0 at $DIR/boxes.rs:12:19: 12:21
// ty::Const
// + ty: i32
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x0000002a))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/boxes.rs:12:19: 12:21
// + literal: Const { ty: i32, val: Value(Scalar(0x0000002a)) }
_3 = move _4; // bb0[6]: scope 0 at $DIR/boxes.rs:12:14: 12:22
StorageDead(_4); // bb0[7]: scope 0 at $DIR/boxes.rs:12:21: 12:22
_2 = (*_3); // bb0[8]: scope 0 at $DIR/boxes.rs:12:13: 12:22
_1 = Add(move _2, const 0i32); // bb0[9]: scope 0 at $DIR/boxes.rs:12:13: 12:26
// ty::Const
// + ty: i32
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000000))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/boxes.rs:12:25: 12:26
// + literal: Const { ty: i32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000000)) }
StorageDead(_2); // bb0[10]: scope 0 at $DIR/boxes.rs:12:25: 12:26
drop(_3) -> [return: bb2, unwind: bb1]; // bb0[11]: scope 0 at $DIR/boxes.rs:12:26: 12:27
bb1 (cleanup): {
resume; // bb1[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/boxes.rs:11:1: 13:2
bb2: {
StorageDead(_3); // bb2[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/boxes.rs:12:26: 12:27
_0 = (); // bb2[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/boxes.rs:11:11: 13:2
StorageDead(_1); // bb2[2]: scope 0 at $DIR/boxes.rs:13:1: 13:2
return; // bb2[3]: scope 0 at $DIR/boxes.rs:13:2: 13:2
@ -1,21 +1,6 @@
// compile-flags: -C overflow-checks=on
// EMIT_MIR rustc.main.ConstProp.diff
fn main() {
let x: u32 = 1 + 1;
// START rustc.main.ConstProp.before.mir
// bb0: {
// ...
// _2 = CheckedAdd(const 1u32, const 1u32);
// assert(!move (_2.1: bool), "attempt to add with overflow") -> bb1;
// }
// END rustc.main.ConstProp.before.mir
// START rustc.main.ConstProp.after.mir
// bb0: {
// ...
// _2 = (const 2u32, const false);
// assert(!const false, "attempt to add with overflow") -> bb1;
// }
// END rustc.main.ConstProp.after.mir
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
- // MIR for `main` before ConstProp
+ // MIR for `main` after ConstProp
fn main() -> () {
let mut _0: (); // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/checked_add.rs:4:11: 4:11
let _1: u32 as UserTypeProjection { base: UserType(0), projs: [] }; // in scope 0 at $DIR/checked_add.rs:5:9: 5:10
let mut _2: (u32, bool); // in scope 0 at $DIR/checked_add.rs:5:18: 5:23
scope 1 {
debug x => _1; // in scope 1 at $DIR/checked_add.rs:5:9: 5:10
bb0: {
StorageLive(_1); // bb0[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/checked_add.rs:5:9: 5:10
- _2 = CheckedAdd(const 1u32, const 1u32); // bb0[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/checked_add.rs:5:18: 5:23
+ _2 = (const 2u32, const false); // bb0[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/checked_add.rs:5:18: 5:23
// ty::Const
// + ty: u32
- // + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000001))
+ // + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000002))
// mir::Constant
- // + span: $DIR/checked_add.rs:5:18: 5:19
- // + literal: Const { ty: u32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000001)) }
+ // + span: $DIR/checked_add.rs:5:18: 5:23
+ // + literal: Const { ty: u32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000002)) }
// ty::Const
- // + ty: u32
- // + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000001))
+ // + ty: bool
+ // + val: Value(Scalar(0x00))
// mir::Constant
- // + span: $DIR/checked_add.rs:5:22: 5:23
- // + literal: Const { ty: u32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000001)) }
- assert(!move (_2.1: bool), "attempt to add with overflow") -> bb1; // bb0[2]: scope 0 at $DIR/checked_add.rs:5:18: 5:23
+ // + span: $DIR/checked_add.rs:5:18: 5:23
+ // + literal: Const { ty: bool, val: Value(Scalar(0x00)) }
+ assert(!const false, "attempt to add with overflow") -> bb1; // bb0[2]: scope 0 at $DIR/checked_add.rs:5:18: 5:23
+ // ty::Const
+ // + ty: bool
+ // + val: Value(Scalar(0x00))
+ // mir::Constant
+ // + span: $DIR/checked_add.rs:5:18: 5:23
+ // + literal: Const { ty: bool, val: Value(Scalar(0x00)) }
bb1: {
- _1 = move (_2.0: u32); // bb1[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/checked_add.rs:5:18: 5:23
+ _1 = const 2u32; // bb1[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/checked_add.rs:5:18: 5:23
+ // ty::Const
+ // + ty: u32
+ // + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000002))
+ // mir::Constant
+ // + span: $DIR/checked_add.rs:5:18: 5:23
+ // + literal: Const { ty: u32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000002)) }
_0 = (); // bb1[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/checked_add.rs:4:11: 6:2
StorageDead(_1); // bb1[2]: scope 0 at $DIR/checked_add.rs:6:1: 6:2
return; // bb1[3]: scope 0 at $DIR/checked_add.rs:6:2: 6:2
@ -1,31 +1,9 @@
fn read(_: usize) { }
// EMIT_MIR rustc.main.ConstProp.diff
fn main() {
const FOO: &i32 = &1;
let x = FOO as *const i32 as usize;
// START rustc.main.ConstProp.before.mir
// bb0: {
// ...
// _2 = &raw const (*_3);
// _1 = move _2 as usize (Misc);
// ...
// _5 = _1;
// _4 = const read(move _5) -> bb1;
// }
// END rustc.main.ConstProp.before.mir
// START rustc.main.ConstProp.after.mir
// bb0: {
// ...
// _3 = const main::FOO;
// _2 = &raw const (*_3);
// _1 = move _2 as usize (Misc);
// ...
// _5 = _1;
// _4 = const read(move _5) -> bb1;
// }
// END rustc.main.ConstProp.after.mir
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
- // MIR for `main` before ConstProp
+ // MIR for `main` after ConstProp
fn main() -> () {
let mut _0: (); // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/const_prop_fails_gracefully.rs:5:11: 5:11
let _1: usize; // in scope 0 at $DIR/const_prop_fails_gracefully.rs:7:9: 7:10
let mut _2: *const i32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/const_prop_fails_gracefully.rs:7:13: 7:30
let _3: &i32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/const_prop_fails_gracefully.rs:7:13: 7:16
let _4: (); // in scope 0 at $DIR/const_prop_fails_gracefully.rs:8:5: 8:12
let mut _5: usize; // in scope 0 at $DIR/const_prop_fails_gracefully.rs:8:10: 8:11
scope 1 {
debug x => _1; // in scope 1 at $DIR/const_prop_fails_gracefully.rs:7:9: 7:10
bb0: {
StorageLive(_1); // bb0[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/const_prop_fails_gracefully.rs:7:9: 7:10
StorageLive(_2); // bb0[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/const_prop_fails_gracefully.rs:7:13: 7:30
StorageLive(_3); // bb0[2]: scope 0 at $DIR/const_prop_fails_gracefully.rs:7:13: 7:16
_3 = const main::FOO; // bb0[3]: scope 0 at $DIR/const_prop_fails_gracefully.rs:7:13: 7:16
// ty::Const
// + ty: &i32
// + val: Unevaluated(DefId(0:5 ~ const_prop_fails_gracefully[317d]::main[0]::FOO[0]), [], None)
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/const_prop_fails_gracefully.rs:7:13: 7:16
// + literal: Const { ty: &i32, val: Unevaluated(DefId(0:5 ~ const_prop_fails_gracefully[317d]::main[0]::FOO[0]), [], None) }
_2 = &raw const (*_3); // bb0[4]: scope 0 at $DIR/const_prop_fails_gracefully.rs:7:13: 7:16
_1 = move _2 as usize (Misc); // bb0[5]: scope 0 at $DIR/const_prop_fails_gracefully.rs:7:13: 7:39
StorageDead(_2); // bb0[6]: scope 0 at $DIR/const_prop_fails_gracefully.rs:7:38: 7:39
StorageDead(_3); // bb0[7]: scope 0 at $DIR/const_prop_fails_gracefully.rs:7:39: 7:40
StorageLive(_4); // bb0[8]: scope 1 at $DIR/const_prop_fails_gracefully.rs:8:5: 8:12
StorageLive(_5); // bb0[9]: scope 1 at $DIR/const_prop_fails_gracefully.rs:8:10: 8:11
_5 = _1; // bb0[10]: scope 1 at $DIR/const_prop_fails_gracefully.rs:8:10: 8:11
_4 = const read(move _5) -> bb1; // bb0[11]: scope 1 at $DIR/const_prop_fails_gracefully.rs:8:5: 8:12
// ty::Const
// + ty: fn(usize) {read}
// + val: Value(Scalar(<ZST>))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/const_prop_fails_gracefully.rs:8:5: 8:9
// + literal: Const { ty: fn(usize) {read}, val: Value(Scalar(<ZST>)) }
bb1: {
StorageDead(_5); // bb1[0]: scope 1 at $DIR/const_prop_fails_gracefully.rs:8:11: 8:12
StorageDead(_4); // bb1[1]: scope 1 at $DIR/const_prop_fails_gracefully.rs:8:12: 8:13
_0 = (); // bb1[2]: scope 0 at $DIR/const_prop_fails_gracefully.rs:5:11: 9:2
StorageDead(_1); // bb1[3]: scope 0 at $DIR/const_prop_fails_gracefully.rs:9:1: 9:2
return; // bb1[4]: scope 0 at $DIR/const_prop_fails_gracefully.rs:9:2: 9:2
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ trait NeedsDrop:Sized{
impl<This> NeedsDrop for This{}
// EMIT_MIR rustc.hello.ConstProp.diff
// EMIT_MIR rustc.hello.PreCodegen.before.mir
fn hello<T>(){
if <bool>::NEEDS {
@ -16,49 +18,3 @@ pub fn main() {
// START rustc.hello.ConstProp.before.mir
// let mut _0: ();
// let mut _1: bool;
// let mut _2: !;
// bb0: {
// StorageLive(_1);
// _1 = const <bool as NeedsDrop>::NEEDS;
// switchInt(_1) -> [false: bb1, otherwise: bb2];
// }
// bb1: {
// _0 = ();
// StorageDead(_1);
// return;
// }
// bb2: {
// StorageLive(_2);
// const std::rt::begin_panic::<&str>(const "explicit panic");
// }
// END rustc.hello.ConstProp.before.mir
// START rustc.hello.ConstProp.after.mir
// let mut _0: ();
// let mut _1: bool;
// let mut _2: !;
// bb0: {
// StorageLive(_1);
// _1 = const false;
// switchInt(const false) -> [false: bb1, otherwise: bb2];
// }
// bb1: {
// _0 = ();
// StorageDead(_1);
// return;
// }
// bb2: {
// StorageLive(_2);
// const std::rt::begin_panic::<&str>(const "explicit panic");
// }
// END rustc.hello.ConstProp.after.mir
// START rustc.hello.PreCodegen.before.mir
// let mut _0: ();
// bb0: {
// return;
// }
// END rustc.hello.PreCodegen.before.mir
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
- // MIR for `hello` before ConstProp
+ // MIR for `hello` after ConstProp
fn hello() -> () {
let mut _0: (); // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/control-flow-simplification.rs:11:14: 11:14
let mut _1: bool; // in scope 0 at $DIR/control-flow-simplification.rs:12:8: 12:21
let mut _2: !; // in scope 0 at $SRC_DIR/libstd/macros.rs:LL:COL: 13:52
bb0: {
StorageLive(_1); // bb0[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/control-flow-simplification.rs:12:8: 12:21
- _1 = const <bool as NeedsDrop>::NEEDS; // bb0[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/control-flow-simplification.rs:12:8: 12:21
+ _1 = const false; // bb0[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/control-flow-simplification.rs:12:8: 12:21
// ty::Const
// + ty: bool
- // + val: Unevaluated(DefId(0:4 ~ control_flow_simplification[317d]::NeedsDrop[0]::NEEDS[0]), [bool], None)
+ // + val: Value(Scalar(0x00))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/control-flow-simplification.rs:12:8: 12:21
- // + literal: Const { ty: bool, val: Unevaluated(DefId(0:4 ~ control_flow_simplification[317d]::NeedsDrop[0]::NEEDS[0]), [bool], None) }
- switchInt(_1) -> [false: bb1, otherwise: bb2]; // bb0[2]: scope 0 at $DIR/control-flow-simplification.rs:12:5: 14:6
+ // + literal: Const { ty: bool, val: Value(Scalar(0x00)) }
+ switchInt(const false) -> [false: bb1, otherwise: bb2]; // bb0[2]: scope 0 at $DIR/control-flow-simplification.rs:12:5: 14:6
+ // ty::Const
+ // + ty: bool
+ // + val: Value(Scalar(0x00))
+ // mir::Constant
+ // + span: $DIR/control-flow-simplification.rs:12:5: 14:6
+ // + literal: Const { ty: bool, val: Value(Scalar(0x00)) }
bb1: {
_0 = (); // bb1[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/control-flow-simplification.rs:12:5: 14:6
StorageDead(_1); // bb1[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/control-flow-simplification.rs:15:1: 15:2
return; // bb1[2]: scope 0 at $DIR/control-flow-simplification.rs:15:2: 15:2
bb2: {
StorageLive(_2); // bb2[0]: scope 0 at $SRC_DIR/libstd/macros.rs:LL:COL: 13:52
const std::rt::begin_panic::<&str>(const "explicit panic"); // bb2[1]: scope 0 at $SRC_DIR/libstd/macros.rs:LL:COL: 13:52
// ty::Const
// + ty: fn(&str) -> ! {std::rt::begin_panic::<&str>}
// + val: Value(Scalar(<ZST>))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $SRC_DIR/libstd/macros.rs:LL:COL: 13:46
// + literal: Const { ty: fn(&str) -> ! {std::rt::begin_panic::<&str>}, val: Value(Scalar(<ZST>)) }
// ty::Const
// + ty: &str
// + val: Value(Slice { data: Allocation { bytes: [101, 120, 112, 108, 105, 99, 105, 116, 32, 112, 97, 110, 105, 99], relocations: Relocations(SortedMap { data: [] }), undef_mask: UndefMask { blocks: [16383], len: Size { raw: 14 } }, size: Size { raw: 14 }, align: Align { pow2: 0 }, mutability: Not, extra: () }, start: 0, end: 14 })
// mir::Constant
// + span: $SRC_DIR/libstd/macros.rs:LL:COL: 12:45
// + literal: Const { ty: &str, val: Value(Slice { data: Allocation { bytes: [101, 120, 112, 108, 105, 99, 105, 116, 32, 112, 97, 110, 105, 99], relocations: Relocations(SortedMap { data: [] }), undef_mask: UndefMask { blocks: [16383], len: Size { raw: 14 } }, size: Size { raw: 14 }, align: Align { pow2: 0 }, mutability: Not, extra: () }, start: 0, end: 14 }) }
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
// MIR for `hello` before PreCodegen
fn hello() -> () {
let mut _0: (); // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/control-flow-simplification.rs:11:14: 11:14
bb0: {
return; // bb0[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/control-flow-simplification.rs:15:2: 15:2
@ -1,53 +1,6 @@
// compile-flags: -O
// EMIT_MIR rustc.main.ConstProp.diff
fn main() {
let x = (if let Some(true) = Some(true) { 42 } else { 10 }) + 0;
// START rustc.main.ConstProp.before.mir
// bb0: {
// ...
// _3 = std::option::Option::<bool>::Some(const true,);
// _4 = discriminant(_3);
// switchInt(move _4) -> [1isize: bb2, otherwise: bb1];
// }
// bb1: {
// _2 = const 10i32;
// goto -> bb4;
// }
// bb2: {
// switchInt(((_3 as Some).0: bool)) -> [false: bb1, otherwise: bb3];
// }
// bb3: {
// _2 = const 42i32;
// goto -> bb4;
// }
// bb4: {
// _1 = Add(move _2, const 0i32);
// ...
// }
// END rustc.main.ConstProp.before.mir
// START rustc.main.ConstProp.after.mir
// bb0: {
// ...
// _3 = const {transmute(0x01): std::option::Option<bool>};
// _4 = const 1isize;
// switchInt(const 1isize) -> [1isize: bb2, otherwise: bb1];
// }
// bb1: {
// _2 = const 10i32;
// goto -> bb4;
// }
// bb2: {
// switchInt(const true) -> [false: bb1, otherwise: bb3];
// }
// bb3: {
// _2 = const 42i32;
// goto -> bb4;
// }
// bb4: {
// _1 = Add(move _2, const 0i32);
// ...
// }
// END rustc.main.ConstProp.after.mir
@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
- // MIR for `main` before ConstProp
+ // MIR for `main` after ConstProp
fn main() -> () {
let mut _0: (); // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/discriminant.rs:4:11: 4:11
let _1: i32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/discriminant.rs:5:9: 5:10
let mut _2: i32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/discriminant.rs:5:13: 5:64
let mut _3: std::option::Option<bool>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/discriminant.rs:5:34: 5:44
let mut _4: isize; // in scope 0 at $DIR/discriminant.rs:5:21: 5:31
scope 1 {
debug x => _1; // in scope 1 at $DIR/discriminant.rs:5:9: 5:10
bb0: {
StorageLive(_1); // bb0[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/discriminant.rs:5:9: 5:10
StorageLive(_2); // bb0[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/discriminant.rs:5:13: 5:64
StorageLive(_3); // bb0[2]: scope 0 at $DIR/discriminant.rs:5:34: 5:44
- _3 = std::option::Option::<bool>::Some(const true,); // bb0[3]: scope 0 at $DIR/discriminant.rs:5:34: 5:44
+ _3 = const {transmute(0x01): std::option::Option<bool>}; // bb0[3]: scope 0 at $DIR/discriminant.rs:5:34: 5:44
// ty::Const
- // + ty: bool
+ // + ty: std::option::Option<bool>
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x01))
// mir::Constant
- // + span: $DIR/discriminant.rs:5:39: 5:43
- // + literal: Const { ty: bool, val: Value(Scalar(0x01)) }
- _4 = discriminant(_3); // bb0[4]: scope 0 at $DIR/discriminant.rs:5:21: 5:31
- switchInt(move _4) -> [1isize: bb2, otherwise: bb1]; // bb0[5]: scope 0 at $DIR/discriminant.rs:5:21: 5:31
+ // + span: $DIR/discriminant.rs:5:34: 5:44
+ // + literal: Const { ty: std::option::Option<bool>, val: Value(Scalar(0x01)) }
+ _4 = const 1isize; // bb0[4]: scope 0 at $DIR/discriminant.rs:5:21: 5:31
+ // ty::Const
+ // + ty: isize
+ // + val: Value(Scalar(0x0000000000000001))
+ // mir::Constant
+ // + span: $DIR/discriminant.rs:5:21: 5:31
+ // + literal: Const { ty: isize, val: Value(Scalar(0x0000000000000001)) }
+ switchInt(const 1isize) -> [1isize: bb2, otherwise: bb1]; // bb0[5]: scope 0 at $DIR/discriminant.rs:5:21: 5:31
+ // ty::Const
+ // + ty: isize
+ // + val: Value(Scalar(0x0000000000000001))
+ // mir::Constant
+ // + span: $DIR/discriminant.rs:5:21: 5:31
+ // + literal: Const { ty: isize, val: Value(Scalar(0x0000000000000001)) }
bb1: {
_2 = const 10i32; // bb1[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/discriminant.rs:5:59: 5:61
// ty::Const
// + ty: i32
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x0000000a))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/discriminant.rs:5:59: 5:61
// + literal: Const { ty: i32, val: Value(Scalar(0x0000000a)) }
goto -> bb4; // bb1[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/discriminant.rs:5:13: 5:64
bb2: {
- switchInt(((_3 as Some).0: bool)) -> [false: bb1, otherwise: bb3]; // bb2[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/discriminant.rs:5:26: 5:30
+ switchInt(const true) -> [false: bb1, otherwise: bb3]; // bb2[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/discriminant.rs:5:26: 5:30
+ // ty::Const
+ // + ty: bool
+ // + val: Value(Scalar(0x01))
+ // mir::Constant
+ // + span: $DIR/discriminant.rs:5:26: 5:30
+ // + literal: Const { ty: bool, val: Value(Scalar(0x01)) }
bb3: {
_2 = const 42i32; // bb3[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/discriminant.rs:5:47: 5:49
// ty::Const
// + ty: i32
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x0000002a))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/discriminant.rs:5:47: 5:49
// + literal: Const { ty: i32, val: Value(Scalar(0x0000002a)) }
goto -> bb4; // bb3[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/discriminant.rs:5:13: 5:64
bb4: {
_1 = Add(move _2, const 0i32); // bb4[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/discriminant.rs:5:13: 5:68
// ty::Const
// + ty: i32
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000000))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/discriminant.rs:5:67: 5:68
// + literal: Const { ty: i32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000000)) }
StorageDead(_2); // bb4[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/discriminant.rs:5:67: 5:68
StorageDead(_3); // bb4[2]: scope 0 at $DIR/discriminant.rs:5:68: 5:69
_0 = (); // bb4[3]: scope 0 at $DIR/discriminant.rs:4:11: 6:2
StorageDead(_1); // bb4[4]: scope 0 at $DIR/discriminant.rs:6:1: 6:2
return; // bb4[5]: scope 0 at $DIR/discriminant.rs:6:2: 6:2
@ -1,23 +1,6 @@
// compile-flags: -C overflow-checks=on
// EMIT_MIR rustc.main.ConstProp.diff
fn main() {
let x = (2u32 as u8) + 1;
// START rustc.main.ConstProp.before.mir
// bb0: {
// ...
// _2 = const 2u32 as u8 (Misc);
// _3 = CheckedAdd(move _2, const 1u8);
// assert(!move (_3.1: bool), "attempt to add with overflow") -> bb1;
// END rustc.main.ConstProp.before.mir
// START rustc.main.ConstProp.after.mir
// bb0: {
// ...
// _2 = const 2u8;
// _3 = (const 3u8, const false);
// assert(!const false, "attempt to add with overflow") -> bb1;
// }
// END rustc.main.ConstProp.after.mir
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
- // MIR for `main` before ConstProp
+ // MIR for `main` after ConstProp
fn main() -> () {
let mut _0: (); // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/indirect.rs:4:11: 4:11
let _1: u8; // in scope 0 at $DIR/indirect.rs:5:9: 5:10
let mut _2: u8; // in scope 0 at $DIR/indirect.rs:5:13: 5:25
let mut _3: (u8, bool); // in scope 0 at $DIR/indirect.rs:5:13: 5:29
scope 1 {
debug x => _1; // in scope 1 at $DIR/indirect.rs:5:9: 5:10
bb0: {
StorageLive(_1); // bb0[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/indirect.rs:5:9: 5:10
StorageLive(_2); // bb0[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/indirect.rs:5:13: 5:25
- _2 = const 2u32 as u8 (Misc); // bb0[2]: scope 0 at $DIR/indirect.rs:5:13: 5:25
+ _2 = const 2u8; // bb0[2]: scope 0 at $DIR/indirect.rs:5:13: 5:25
// ty::Const
- // + ty: u32
- // + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000002))
+ // + ty: u8
+ // + val: Value(Scalar(0x02))
// mir::Constant
- // + span: $DIR/indirect.rs:5:14: 5:18
- // + literal: Const { ty: u32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000002)) }
- _3 = CheckedAdd(move _2, const 1u8); // bb0[3]: scope 0 at $DIR/indirect.rs:5:13: 5:29
+ // + span: $DIR/indirect.rs:5:13: 5:25
+ // + literal: Const { ty: u8, val: Value(Scalar(0x02)) }
+ _3 = (const 3u8, const false); // bb0[3]: scope 0 at $DIR/indirect.rs:5:13: 5:29
// ty::Const
// + ty: u8
- // + val: Value(Scalar(0x01))
+ // + val: Value(Scalar(0x03))
// mir::Constant
- // + span: $DIR/indirect.rs:5:28: 5:29
- // + literal: Const { ty: u8, val: Value(Scalar(0x01)) }
- assert(!move (_3.1: bool), "attempt to add with overflow") -> bb1; // bb0[4]: scope 0 at $DIR/indirect.rs:5:13: 5:29
+ // + span: $DIR/indirect.rs:5:13: 5:29
+ // + literal: Const { ty: u8, val: Value(Scalar(0x03)) }
+ // ty::Const
+ // + ty: bool
+ // + val: Value(Scalar(0x00))
+ // mir::Constant
+ // + span: $DIR/indirect.rs:5:13: 5:29
+ // + literal: Const { ty: bool, val: Value(Scalar(0x00)) }
+ assert(!const false, "attempt to add with overflow") -> bb1; // bb0[4]: scope 0 at $DIR/indirect.rs:5:13: 5:29
+ // ty::Const
+ // + ty: bool
+ // + val: Value(Scalar(0x00))
+ // mir::Constant
+ // + span: $DIR/indirect.rs:5:13: 5:29
+ // + literal: Const { ty: bool, val: Value(Scalar(0x00)) }
bb1: {
- _1 = move (_3.0: u8); // bb1[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/indirect.rs:5:13: 5:29
+ _1 = const 3u8; // bb1[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/indirect.rs:5:13: 5:29
+ // ty::Const
+ // + ty: u8
+ // + val: Value(Scalar(0x03))
+ // mir::Constant
+ // + span: $DIR/indirect.rs:5:13: 5:29
+ // + literal: Const { ty: u8, val: Value(Scalar(0x03)) }
StorageDead(_2); // bb1[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/indirect.rs:5:28: 5:29
_0 = (); // bb1[2]: scope 0 at $DIR/indirect.rs:4:11: 6:2
StorageDead(_1); // bb1[3]: scope 0 at $DIR/indirect.rs:6:1: 6:2
return; // bb1[4]: scope 0 at $DIR/indirect.rs:6:2: 6:2
@ -11,28 +11,7 @@ fn encode(this: ((), u8, u8)) {
assert!(this.2 == 0);
// EMIT_MIR rustc.main.ConstProp.diff
fn main() {
encode(((), 0, 0));
// START rustc.main.ConstProp.before.mir
// bb0: {
// ...
// _3 = ();
// _2 = (move _3, const 0u8, const 0u8);
// ...
// _1 = const encode(move _2) -> bb1;
// ...
// }
// END rustc.main.ConstProp.before.mir
// START rustc.main.ConstProp.after.mir
// bb0: {
// ...
// _3 = const ();
// _2 = (move _3, const 0u8, const 0u8);
// ...
// _1 = const encode(move _2) -> bb1;
// ...
// }
// END rustc.main.ConstProp.after.mir
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
- // MIR for `main` before ConstProp
+ // MIR for `main` after ConstProp
fn main() -> () {
let mut _0: (); // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/issue-66971.rs:15:11: 15:11
let _1: (); // in scope 0 at $DIR/issue-66971.rs:16:5: 16:23
let mut _2: ((), u8, u8); // in scope 0 at $DIR/issue-66971.rs:16:12: 16:22
let mut _3: (); // in scope 0 at $DIR/issue-66971.rs:16:13: 16:15
bb0: {
StorageLive(_1); // bb0[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/issue-66971.rs:16:5: 16:23
StorageLive(_2); // bb0[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/issue-66971.rs:16:12: 16:22
StorageLive(_3); // bb0[2]: scope 0 at $DIR/issue-66971.rs:16:13: 16:15
- _3 = (); // bb0[3]: scope 0 at $DIR/issue-66971.rs:16:13: 16:15
+ _3 = const (); // bb0[3]: scope 0 at $DIR/issue-66971.rs:16:13: 16:15
+ // ty::Const
+ // + ty: ()
+ // + val: Value(Scalar(<ZST>))
+ // mir::Constant
+ // + span: $DIR/issue-66971.rs:16:13: 16:15
+ // + literal: Const { ty: (), val: Value(Scalar(<ZST>)) }
_2 = (move _3, const 0u8, const 0u8); // bb0[4]: scope 0 at $DIR/issue-66971.rs:16:12: 16:22
// ty::Const
// + ty: u8
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x00))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/issue-66971.rs:16:17: 16:18
// + literal: Const { ty: u8, val: Value(Scalar(0x00)) }
// ty::Const
// + ty: u8
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x00))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/issue-66971.rs:16:20: 16:21
// + literal: Const { ty: u8, val: Value(Scalar(0x00)) }
StorageDead(_3); // bb0[5]: scope 0 at $DIR/issue-66971.rs:16:21: 16:22
_1 = const encode(move _2) -> bb1; // bb0[6]: scope 0 at $DIR/issue-66971.rs:16:5: 16:23
// ty::Const
// + ty: fn(((), u8, u8)) {encode}
// + val: Value(Scalar(<ZST>))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/issue-66971.rs:16:5: 16:11
// + literal: Const { ty: fn(((), u8, u8)) {encode}, val: Value(Scalar(<ZST>)) }
bb1: {
StorageDead(_2); // bb1[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/issue-66971.rs:16:22: 16:23
StorageDead(_1); // bb1[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/issue-66971.rs:16:23: 16:24
_0 = (); // bb1[2]: scope 0 at $DIR/issue-66971.rs:15:11: 17:2
return; // bb1[3]: scope 0 at $DIR/issue-66971.rs:17:2: 17:2
@ -6,29 +6,7 @@ fn test(this: ((u8, u8),)) {
assert!((this.0).0 == 1);
// EMIT_MIR rustc.main.ConstProp.diff
fn main() {
test(((1, 2),));
// Important bit is parameter passing so we only check that below
// START rustc.main.ConstProp.before.mir
// bb0: {
// ...
// _3 = (const 1u8, const 2u8);
// _2 = (move _3,);
// ...
// _1 = const test(move _2) -> bb1;
// ...
// }
// END rustc.main.ConstProp.before.mir
// START rustc.main.ConstProp.after.mir
// bb0: {
// ...
// _3 = (const 1u8, const 2u8);
// _2 = (move _3,);
// ...
// _1 = const test(move _2) -> bb1;
// ...
// }
// END rustc.main.ConstProp.after.mir
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
- // MIR for `main` before ConstProp
+ // MIR for `main` after ConstProp
fn main() -> () {
let mut _0: (); // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/issue-67019.rs:10:11: 10:11
let _1: (); // in scope 0 at $DIR/issue-67019.rs:11:5: 11:20
let mut _2: ((u8, u8),); // in scope 0 at $DIR/issue-67019.rs:11:10: 11:19
let mut _3: (u8, u8); // in scope 0 at $DIR/issue-67019.rs:11:11: 11:17
bb0: {
StorageLive(_1); // bb0[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/issue-67019.rs:11:5: 11:20
StorageLive(_2); // bb0[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/issue-67019.rs:11:10: 11:19
StorageLive(_3); // bb0[2]: scope 0 at $DIR/issue-67019.rs:11:11: 11:17
_3 = (const 1u8, const 2u8); // bb0[3]: scope 0 at $DIR/issue-67019.rs:11:11: 11:17
// ty::Const
// + ty: u8
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x01))
// mir::Constant
- // + span: $DIR/issue-67019.rs:11:12: 11:13
+ // + span: $DIR/issue-67019.rs:11:11: 11:17
// + literal: Const { ty: u8, val: Value(Scalar(0x01)) }
// ty::Const
// + ty: u8
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x02))
// mir::Constant
- // + span: $DIR/issue-67019.rs:11:15: 11:16
+ // + span: $DIR/issue-67019.rs:11:11: 11:17
// + literal: Const { ty: u8, val: Value(Scalar(0x02)) }
_2 = (move _3,); // bb0[4]: scope 0 at $DIR/issue-67019.rs:11:10: 11:19
StorageDead(_3); // bb0[5]: scope 0 at $DIR/issue-67019.rs:11:18: 11:19
_1 = const test(move _2) -> bb1; // bb0[6]: scope 0 at $DIR/issue-67019.rs:11:5: 11:20
// ty::Const
// + ty: fn(((u8, u8),)) {test}
// + val: Value(Scalar(<ZST>))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/issue-67019.rs:11:5: 11:9
// + literal: Const { ty: fn(((u8, u8),)) {test}, val: Value(Scalar(<ZST>)) }
bb1: {
StorageDead(_2); // bb1[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/issue-67019.rs:11:19: 11:20
StorageDead(_1); // bb1[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/issue-67019.rs:11:20: 11:21
_0 = (); // bb1[2]: scope 0 at $DIR/issue-67019.rs:10:11: 12:2
return; // bb1[3]: scope 0 at $DIR/issue-67019.rs:12:2: 12:2
@ -5,145 +5,10 @@ struct Point {
y: u32,
// EMIT_MIR rustc.main.ConstProp.diff
// EMIT_MIR rustc.main.SimplifyLocals.after.mir
fn main() {
let x = 2 + 2;
let y = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5][3];
let z = (Point { x: 12, y: 42}).y;
// START rustc.main.ConstProp.before.mir
// let mut _0: ();
// let _1: i32;
// let mut _2: (i32, bool);
// let mut _4: [i32; 6];
// let _5: usize;
// let mut _6: usize;
// let mut _7: bool;
// let mut _9: Point;
// scope 1 {
// debug x => _1;
// let _3: i32;
// scope 2 {
// debug y => _3;
// let _8: u32;
// scope 3 {
// debug z => _8;
// }
// }
// }
// bb0: {
// StorageLive(_1);
// _2 = CheckedAdd(const 2i32, const 2i32);
// assert(!move (_2.1: bool), "attempt to add with overflow") -> bb1;
// }
// bb1: {
// _1 = move (_2.0: i32);
// StorageLive(_3);
// StorageLive(_4);
// _4 = [const 0i32, const 1i32, const 2i32, const 3i32, const 4i32, const 5i32];
// StorageLive(_5);
// _5 = const 3usize;
// _6 = const 6usize;
// _7 = Lt(_5, _6);
// assert(move _7, "index out of bounds: the len is move _6 but the index is _5") -> bb2;
// }
// bb2: {
// _3 = _4[_5];
// StorageDead(_5);
// StorageDead(_4);
// StorageLive(_8);
// StorageLive(_9);
// _9 = Point { x: const 12u32, y: const 42u32 };
// _8 = (_9.1: u32);
// StorageDead(_9);
// _0 = ();
// StorageDead(_8);
// StorageDead(_3);
// StorageDead(_1);
// return;
// }
// END rustc.main.ConstProp.before.mir
// START rustc.main.ConstProp.after.mir
// let mut _0: ();
// let _1: i32;
// let mut _2: (i32, bool);
// let mut _4: [i32; 6];
// let _5: usize;
// let mut _6: usize;
// let mut _7: bool;
// let mut _9: Point;
// scope 1 {
// debug x => _1;
// let _3: i32;
// scope 2 {
// debug y => _3;
// let _8: u32;
// scope 3 {
// debug z => _8;
// }
// }
// }
// bb0: {
// StorageLive(_1);
// _2 = (const 4i32, const false);
// assert(!const false, "attempt to add with overflow") -> bb1;
// }
// bb1: {
// _1 = const 4i32;
// StorageLive(_3);
// StorageLive(_4);
// _4 = [const 0i32, const 1i32, const 2i32, const 3i32, const 4i32, const 5i32];
// StorageLive(_5);
// _5 = const 3usize;
// _6 = const 6usize;
// _7 = const true;
// assert(const true, "index out of bounds: the len is move _6 but the index is _5") -> bb2;
// }
// bb2: {
// _3 = const 3i32;
// StorageDead(_5);
// StorageDead(_4);
// StorageLive(_8);
// StorageLive(_9);
// _9 = Point { x: const 12u32, y: const 42u32 };
// _8 = const 42u32;
// StorageDead(_9);
// _0 = ();
// StorageDead(_8);
// StorageDead(_3);
// StorageDead(_1);
// return;
// }
// END rustc.main.ConstProp.after.mir
// START rustc.main.SimplifyLocals.after.mir
// let mut _0: ();
// let _1: i32;
// let mut _3: [i32; 6];
// scope 1 {
// debug x => _1;
// let _2: i32;
// scope 2 {
// debug y => _2;
// let _4: u32;
// scope 3 {
// debug z => _4;
// }
// }
// }
// bb0: {
// StorageLive(_1);
// _1 = const 4i32;
// StorageLive(_2);
// StorageLive(_3);
// _3 = [const 0i32, const 1i32, const 2i32, const 3i32, const 4i32, const 5i32];
// _2 = const 3i32;
// StorageDead(_3);
// StorageLive(_4);
// _4 = const 42u32;
// StorageDead(_4);
// StorageDead(_2);
// StorageDead(_1);
// return;
// }
// END rustc.main.SimplifyLocals.after.mir
@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
- // MIR for `main` before ConstProp
+ // MIR for `main` after ConstProp
fn main() -> () {
let mut _0: (); // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:10:11: 10:11
let _1: i32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:11:9: 11:10
let mut _2: (i32, bool); // in scope 0 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:11:13: 11:18
let mut _4: [i32; 6]; // in scope 0 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:12:13: 12:31
let _5: usize; // in scope 0 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:12:32: 12:33
let mut _6: usize; // in scope 0 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:12:13: 12:34
let mut _7: bool; // in scope 0 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:12:13: 12:34
let mut _9: Point; // in scope 0 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:13:13: 13:36
scope 1 {
debug x => _1; // in scope 1 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:11:9: 11:10
let _3: i32; // in scope 1 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:12:9: 12:10
scope 2 {
debug y => _3; // in scope 2 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:12:9: 12:10
let _8: u32; // in scope 2 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:13:9: 13:10
scope 3 {
debug z => _8; // in scope 3 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:13:9: 13:10
bb0: {
StorageLive(_1); // bb0[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:11:9: 11:10
- _2 = CheckedAdd(const 2i32, const 2i32); // bb0[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:11:13: 11:18
+ _2 = (const 4i32, const false); // bb0[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:11:13: 11:18
// ty::Const
// + ty: i32
- // + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000002))
+ // + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000004))
// mir::Constant
- // + span: $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:11:13: 11:14
- // + literal: Const { ty: i32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000002)) }
+ // + span: $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:11:13: 11:18
+ // + literal: Const { ty: i32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000004)) }
// ty::Const
- // + ty: i32
- // + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000002))
+ // + ty: bool
+ // + val: Value(Scalar(0x00))
// mir::Constant
- // + span: $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:11:17: 11:18
- // + literal: Const { ty: i32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000002)) }
- assert(!move (_2.1: bool), "attempt to add with overflow") -> bb1; // bb0[2]: scope 0 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:11:13: 11:18
+ // + span: $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:11:13: 11:18
+ // + literal: Const { ty: bool, val: Value(Scalar(0x00)) }
+ assert(!const false, "attempt to add with overflow") -> bb1; // bb0[2]: scope 0 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:11:13: 11:18
+ // ty::Const
+ // + ty: bool
+ // + val: Value(Scalar(0x00))
+ // mir::Constant
+ // + span: $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:11:13: 11:18
+ // + literal: Const { ty: bool, val: Value(Scalar(0x00)) }
bb1: {
- _1 = move (_2.0: i32); // bb1[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:11:13: 11:18
+ _1 = const 4i32; // bb1[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:11:13: 11:18
+ // ty::Const
+ // + ty: i32
+ // + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000004))
+ // mir::Constant
+ // + span: $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:11:13: 11:18
+ // + literal: Const { ty: i32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000004)) }
StorageLive(_3); // bb1[1]: scope 1 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:12:9: 12:10
StorageLive(_4); // bb1[2]: scope 1 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:12:13: 12:31
_4 = [const 0i32, const 1i32, const 2i32, const 3i32, const 4i32, const 5i32]; // bb1[3]: scope 1 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:12:13: 12:31
// ty::Const
// + ty: i32
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000000))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:12:14: 12:15
// + literal: Const { ty: i32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000000)) }
// ty::Const
// + ty: i32
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000001))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:12:17: 12:18
// + literal: Const { ty: i32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000001)) }
// ty::Const
// + ty: i32
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000002))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:12:20: 12:21
// + literal: Const { ty: i32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000002)) }
// ty::Const
// + ty: i32
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000003))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:12:23: 12:24
// + literal: Const { ty: i32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000003)) }
// ty::Const
// + ty: i32
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000004))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:12:26: 12:27
// + literal: Const { ty: i32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000004)) }
// ty::Const
// + ty: i32
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000005))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:12:29: 12:30
// + literal: Const { ty: i32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000005)) }
StorageLive(_5); // bb1[4]: scope 1 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:12:32: 12:33
_5 = const 3usize; // bb1[5]: scope 1 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:12:32: 12:33
// ty::Const
// + ty: usize
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x0000000000000003))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:12:32: 12:33
// + literal: Const { ty: usize, val: Value(Scalar(0x0000000000000003)) }
_6 = const 6usize; // bb1[6]: scope 1 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:12:13: 12:34
// ty::Const
// + ty: usize
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x0000000000000006))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:12:13: 12:34
// + literal: Const { ty: usize, val: Value(Scalar(0x0000000000000006)) }
- _7 = Lt(_5, _6); // bb1[7]: scope 1 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:12:13: 12:34
- assert(move _7, "index out of bounds: the len is move _6 but the index is _5") -> bb2; // bb1[8]: scope 1 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:12:13: 12:34
+ _7 = const true; // bb1[7]: scope 1 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:12:13: 12:34
+ // ty::Const
+ // + ty: bool
+ // + val: Value(Scalar(0x01))
+ // mir::Constant
+ // + span: $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:12:13: 12:34
+ // + literal: Const { ty: bool, val: Value(Scalar(0x01)) }
+ assert(const true, "index out of bounds: the len is move _6 but the index is _5") -> bb2; // bb1[8]: scope 1 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:12:13: 12:34
+ // ty::Const
+ // + ty: bool
+ // + val: Value(Scalar(0x01))
+ // mir::Constant
+ // + span: $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:12:13: 12:34
+ // + literal: Const { ty: bool, val: Value(Scalar(0x01)) }
bb2: {
- _3 = _4[_5]; // bb2[0]: scope 1 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:12:13: 12:34
+ _3 = const 3i32; // bb2[0]: scope 1 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:12:13: 12:34
+ // ty::Const
+ // + ty: i32
+ // + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000003))
+ // mir::Constant
+ // + span: $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:12:13: 12:34
+ // + literal: Const { ty: i32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000003)) }
StorageDead(_5); // bb2[1]: scope 1 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:12:34: 12:35
StorageDead(_4); // bb2[2]: scope 1 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:12:34: 12:35
StorageLive(_8); // bb2[3]: scope 2 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:13:9: 13:10
StorageLive(_9); // bb2[4]: scope 2 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:13:13: 13:36
_9 = Point { x: const 12u32, y: const 42u32 }; // bb2[5]: scope 2 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:13:13: 13:36
// ty::Const
// + ty: u32
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x0000000c))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:13:25: 13:27
// + literal: Const { ty: u32, val: Value(Scalar(0x0000000c)) }
// ty::Const
// + ty: u32
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x0000002a))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:13:32: 13:34
// + literal: Const { ty: u32, val: Value(Scalar(0x0000002a)) }
- _8 = (_9.1: u32); // bb2[6]: scope 2 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:13:13: 13:38
+ _8 = const 42u32; // bb2[6]: scope 2 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:13:13: 13:38
+ // ty::Const
+ // + ty: u32
+ // + val: Value(Scalar(0x0000002a))
+ // mir::Constant
+ // + span: $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:13:13: 13:38
+ // + literal: Const { ty: u32, val: Value(Scalar(0x0000002a)) }
StorageDead(_9); // bb2[7]: scope 2 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:13:38: 13:39
_0 = (); // bb2[8]: scope 0 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:10:11: 14:2
StorageDead(_8); // bb2[9]: scope 2 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:14:1: 14:2
StorageDead(_3); // bb2[10]: scope 1 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:14:1: 14:2
StorageDead(_1); // bb2[11]: scope 0 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:14:1: 14:2
return; // bb2[12]: scope 0 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:14:2: 14:2
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
// MIR for `main` after SimplifyLocals
fn main() -> () {
let mut _0: (); // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:10:11: 10:11
let _1: i32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:11:9: 11:10
let mut _3: [i32; 6]; // in scope 0 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:12:13: 12:31
scope 1 {
debug x => _1; // in scope 1 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:11:9: 11:10
let _2: i32; // in scope 1 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:12:9: 12:10
scope 2 {
debug y => _2; // in scope 2 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:12:9: 12:10
let _4: u32; // in scope 2 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:13:9: 13:10
scope 3 {
debug z => _4; // in scope 3 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:13:9: 13:10
bb0: {
StorageLive(_1); // bb0[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:11:9: 11:10
_1 = const 4i32; // bb0[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:11:13: 11:18
// ty::Const
// + ty: i32
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000004))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:11:13: 11:18
// + literal: Const { ty: i32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000004)) }
StorageLive(_2); // bb0[2]: scope 1 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:12:9: 12:10
StorageLive(_3); // bb0[3]: scope 1 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:12:13: 12:31
_3 = [const 0i32, const 1i32, const 2i32, const 3i32, const 4i32, const 5i32]; // bb0[4]: scope 1 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:12:13: 12:31
// ty::Const
// + ty: i32
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000000))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:12:14: 12:15
// + literal: Const { ty: i32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000000)) }
// ty::Const
// + ty: i32
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000001))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:12:17: 12:18
// + literal: Const { ty: i32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000001)) }
// ty::Const
// + ty: i32
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000002))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:12:20: 12:21
// + literal: Const { ty: i32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000002)) }
// ty::Const
// + ty: i32
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000003))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:12:23: 12:24
// + literal: Const { ty: i32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000003)) }
// ty::Const
// + ty: i32
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000004))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:12:26: 12:27
// + literal: Const { ty: i32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000004)) }
// ty::Const
// + ty: i32
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000005))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:12:29: 12:30
// + literal: Const { ty: i32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000005)) }
_2 = const 3i32; // bb0[5]: scope 1 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:12:13: 12:34
// ty::Const
// + ty: i32
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000003))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:12:13: 12:34
// + literal: Const { ty: i32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000003)) }
StorageDead(_3); // bb0[6]: scope 1 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:12:34: 12:35
StorageLive(_4); // bb0[7]: scope 2 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:13:9: 13:10
_4 = const 42u32; // bb0[8]: scope 2 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:13:13: 13:38
// ty::Const
// + ty: u32
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x0000002a))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:13:13: 13:38
// + literal: Const { ty: u32, val: Value(Scalar(0x0000002a)) }
StorageDead(_4); // bb0[9]: scope 2 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:14:1: 14:2
StorageDead(_2); // bb0[10]: scope 1 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:14:1: 14:2
StorageDead(_1); // bb0[11]: scope 0 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:14:1: 14:2
return; // bb0[12]: scope 0 at $DIR/optimizes_into_variable.rs:14:2: 14:2
@ -2,30 +2,7 @@
static FOO: u8 = 2;
// EMIT_MIR rustc.main.ConstProp.diff
fn main() {
let x = FOO + FOO;
// START rustc.main.ConstProp.before.mir
// bb0: {
// ...
// _3 = const {alloc0+0: &u8};
// _2 = (*_3);
// ...
// _5 = const {alloc0+0: &u8};
// _4 = (*_5);
// _1 = Add(move _2, move _4);
// ...
// }
// END rustc.main.ConstProp.before.mir
// START rustc.main.ConstProp.after.mir
// bb0: {
// ...
// _2 = const 2u8;
// ...
// _4 = const 2u8;
// _1 = const 4u8;
// ...
// }
// END rustc.main.ConstProp.after.mir
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
- // MIR for `main` before ConstProp
+ // MIR for `main` after ConstProp
fn main() -> () {
let mut _0: (); // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/read_immutable_static.rs:6:11: 6:11
let _1: u8; // in scope 0 at $DIR/read_immutable_static.rs:7:9: 7:10
let mut _2: u8; // in scope 0 at $DIR/read_immutable_static.rs:7:13: 7:16
let mut _3: &u8; // in scope 0 at $DIR/read_immutable_static.rs:7:13: 7:16
let mut _4: u8; // in scope 0 at $DIR/read_immutable_static.rs:7:19: 7:22
let mut _5: &u8; // in scope 0 at $DIR/read_immutable_static.rs:7:19: 7:22
scope 1 {
debug x => _1; // in scope 1 at $DIR/read_immutable_static.rs:7:9: 7:10
bb0: {
StorageLive(_1); // bb0[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/read_immutable_static.rs:7:9: 7:10
StorageLive(_2); // bb0[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/read_immutable_static.rs:7:13: 7:16
StorageLive(_3); // bb0[2]: scope 0 at $DIR/read_immutable_static.rs:7:13: 7:16
_3 = const {alloc0+0: &u8}; // bb0[3]: scope 0 at $DIR/read_immutable_static.rs:7:13: 7:16
// ty::Const
// + ty: &u8
// + val: Value(Scalar(alloc0+0))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/read_immutable_static.rs:7:13: 7:16
// + literal: Const { ty: &u8, val: Value(Scalar(alloc0+0)) }
- _2 = (*_3); // bb0[4]: scope 0 at $DIR/read_immutable_static.rs:7:13: 7:16
+ _2 = const 2u8; // bb0[4]: scope 0 at $DIR/read_immutable_static.rs:7:13: 7:16
+ // ty::Const
+ // + ty: u8
+ // + val: Value(Scalar(0x02))
+ // mir::Constant
+ // + span: $DIR/read_immutable_static.rs:7:13: 7:16
+ // + literal: Const { ty: u8, val: Value(Scalar(0x02)) }
StorageLive(_4); // bb0[5]: scope 0 at $DIR/read_immutable_static.rs:7:19: 7:22
StorageLive(_5); // bb0[6]: scope 0 at $DIR/read_immutable_static.rs:7:19: 7:22
_5 = const {alloc0+0: &u8}; // bb0[7]: scope 0 at $DIR/read_immutable_static.rs:7:19: 7:22
// ty::Const
// + ty: &u8
// + val: Value(Scalar(alloc0+0))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/read_immutable_static.rs:7:19: 7:22
// + literal: Const { ty: &u8, val: Value(Scalar(alloc0+0)) }
- _4 = (*_5); // bb0[8]: scope 0 at $DIR/read_immutable_static.rs:7:19: 7:22
- _1 = Add(move _2, move _4); // bb0[9]: scope 0 at $DIR/read_immutable_static.rs:7:13: 7:22
+ _4 = const 2u8; // bb0[8]: scope 0 at $DIR/read_immutable_static.rs:7:19: 7:22
+ // ty::Const
+ // + ty: u8
+ // + val: Value(Scalar(0x02))
+ // mir::Constant
+ // + span: $DIR/read_immutable_static.rs:7:19: 7:22
+ // + literal: Const { ty: u8, val: Value(Scalar(0x02)) }
+ _1 = const 4u8; // bb0[9]: scope 0 at $DIR/read_immutable_static.rs:7:13: 7:22
+ // ty::Const
+ // + ty: u8
+ // + val: Value(Scalar(0x04))
+ // mir::Constant
+ // + span: $DIR/read_immutable_static.rs:7:13: 7:22
+ // + literal: Const { ty: u8, val: Value(Scalar(0x04)) }
StorageDead(_4); // bb0[10]: scope 0 at $DIR/read_immutable_static.rs:7:21: 7:22
StorageDead(_2); // bb0[11]: scope 0 at $DIR/read_immutable_static.rs:7:21: 7:22
StorageDead(_5); // bb0[12]: scope 0 at $DIR/read_immutable_static.rs:7:22: 7:23
StorageDead(_3); // bb0[13]: scope 0 at $DIR/read_immutable_static.rs:7:22: 7:23
_0 = (); // bb0[14]: scope 0 at $DIR/read_immutable_static.rs:6:11: 8:2
StorageDead(_1); // bb0[15]: scope 0 at $DIR/read_immutable_static.rs:8:1: 8:2
return; // bb0[16]: scope 0 at $DIR/read_immutable_static.rs:8:2: 8:2
alloc0 (static: FOO, size: 1, align: 1) {
02 │ .
@ -1,41 +1,6 @@
// EMIT_MIR rustc.main.PromoteTemps.diff
// EMIT_MIR rustc.main.ConstProp.diff
fn main() {
// START rustc.main.PromoteTemps.before.mir
// bb0: {
// ...
// _3 = const 4i32;
// _2 = &_3;
// _1 = (*_2);
// ...
// END rustc.main.PromoteTemps.before.mir
// START rustc.main.PromoteTemps.after.mir
// bb0: {
// ...
// _4 = const main::promoted[0];
// _2 = &(*_4);
// _1 = (*_2);
// ...
// END rustc.main.PromoteTemps.after.mir
// START rustc.main.ConstProp.before.mir
// bb0: {
// ...
// _4 = const main::promoted[0];
// _2 = _4;
// _1 = (*_2);
// ...
// END rustc.main.ConstProp.before.mir
// START rustc.main.ConstProp.after.mir
// bb0: {
// ...
// _4 = const main::promoted[0];
// _2 = _4;
// _1 = const 4i32;
// ...
// }
// END rustc.main.ConstProp.after.mir
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
- // MIR for `main` before ConstProp
+ // MIR for `main` after ConstProp
fn main() -> () {
let mut _0: (); // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref.rs:4:11: 4:11
let _1: i32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref.rs:5:5: 5:10
let mut _2: &i32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref.rs:5:6: 5:10
let _3: i32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref.rs:5:8: 5:9
let mut _4: &i32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref.rs:5:6: 5:10
bb0: {
StorageLive(_1); // bb0[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref.rs:5:5: 5:10
StorageLive(_2); // bb0[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref.rs:5:6: 5:10
_4 = const main::promoted[0]; // bb0[2]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref.rs:5:6: 5:10
// ty::Const
// + ty: &i32
// + val: Unevaluated(DefId(0:3 ~ ref_deref[317d]::main[0]), [], Some(promoted[0]))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/ref_deref.rs:5:6: 5:10
// + literal: Const { ty: &i32, val: Unevaluated(DefId(0:3 ~ ref_deref[317d]::main[0]), [], Some(promoted[0])) }
_2 = _4; // bb0[3]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref.rs:5:6: 5:10
- _1 = (*_2); // bb0[4]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref.rs:5:5: 5:10
+ _1 = const 4i32; // bb0[4]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref.rs:5:5: 5:10
+ // ty::Const
+ // + ty: i32
+ // + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000004))
+ // mir::Constant
+ // + span: $DIR/ref_deref.rs:5:5: 5:10
+ // + literal: Const { ty: i32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000004)) }
StorageDead(_2); // bb0[5]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref.rs:5:10: 5:11
StorageDead(_1); // bb0[6]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref.rs:5:10: 5:11
_0 = (); // bb0[7]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref.rs:4:11: 6:2
return; // bb0[8]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref.rs:6:2: 6:2
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
- // MIR for `main` before PromoteTemps
+ // MIR for `main` after PromoteTemps
fn main() -> () {
let mut _0: (); // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref.rs:4:11: 4:11
let _1: i32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref.rs:5:5: 5:10
let mut _2: &i32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref.rs:5:6: 5:10
let _3: i32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref.rs:5:8: 5:9
+ let mut _4: &i32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref.rs:5:6: 5:10
bb0: {
StorageLive(_1); // bb0[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref.rs:5:5: 5:10
StorageLive(_2); // bb0[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref.rs:5:6: 5:10
- StorageLive(_3); // bb0[2]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref.rs:5:8: 5:9
- _3 = const 4i32; // bb0[3]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref.rs:5:8: 5:9
+ _4 = const main::promoted[0]; // bb0[2]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref.rs:5:6: 5:10
// ty::Const
- // + ty: i32
- // + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000004))
+ // + ty: &i32
+ // + val: Unevaluated(DefId(0:3 ~ ref_deref[317d]::main[0]), [], Some(promoted[0]))
// mir::Constant
- // + span: $DIR/ref_deref.rs:5:8: 5:9
- // + literal: Const { ty: i32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000004)) }
- _2 = &_3; // bb0[4]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref.rs:5:6: 5:10
- _1 = (*_2); // bb0[5]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref.rs:5:5: 5:10
- StorageDead(_3); // bb0[6]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref.rs:5:10: 5:11
- StorageDead(_2); // bb0[7]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref.rs:5:10: 5:11
- StorageDead(_1); // bb0[8]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref.rs:5:10: 5:11
- _0 = (); // bb0[9]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref.rs:4:11: 6:2
- return; // bb0[10]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref.rs:6:2: 6:2
+ // + span: $DIR/ref_deref.rs:5:6: 5:10
+ // + literal: Const { ty: &i32, val: Unevaluated(DefId(0:3 ~ ref_deref[317d]::main[0]), [], Some(promoted[0])) }
+ _2 = &(*_4); // bb0[3]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref.rs:5:6: 5:10
+ _1 = (*_2); // bb0[4]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref.rs:5:5: 5:10
+ StorageDead(_2); // bb0[5]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref.rs:5:10: 5:11
+ StorageDead(_1); // bb0[6]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref.rs:5:10: 5:11
+ _0 = (); // bb0[7]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref.rs:4:11: 6:2
+ return; // bb0[8]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref.rs:6:2: 6:2
@ -1,41 +1,6 @@
// EMIT_MIR rustc.main.PromoteTemps.diff
// EMIT_MIR rustc.main.ConstProp.diff
fn main() {
*(&(4, 5).1); // This does not currently propagate (#67862)
// START rustc.main.PromoteTemps.before.mir
// bb0: {
// ...
// _3 = (const 4i32, const 5i32);
// _2 = &(_3.1: i32);
// _1 = (*_2);
// ...
// END rustc.main.PromoteTemps.before.mir
// START rustc.main.PromoteTemps.after.mir
// bb0: {
// ...
// _4 = const main::promoted[0];
// _2 = &((*_4).1: i32);
// _1 = (*_2);
// ...
// END rustc.main.PromoteTemps.after.mir
// START rustc.main.ConstProp.before.mir
// bb0: {
// ...
// _4 = const main::promoted[0];
// _2 = &((*_4).1: i32);
// _1 = (*_2);
// ...
// END rustc.main.ConstProp.before.mir
// START rustc.main.ConstProp.after.mir
// bb0: {
// ...
// _4 = const main::promoted[0];
// _2 = &((*_4).1: i32);
// _1 = (*_2);
// ...
// }
// END rustc.main.ConstProp.after.mir
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
- // MIR for `main` before ConstProp
+ // MIR for `main` after ConstProp
fn main() -> () {
let mut _0: (); // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref_project.rs:4:11: 4:11
let _1: i32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref_project.rs:5:5: 5:17
let mut _2: &i32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref_project.rs:5:6: 5:17
let _3: (i32, i32); // in scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref_project.rs:5:8: 5:14
let mut _4: &(i32, i32); // in scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref_project.rs:5:6: 5:17
bb0: {
StorageLive(_1); // bb0[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref_project.rs:5:5: 5:17
StorageLive(_2); // bb0[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref_project.rs:5:6: 5:17
_4 = const main::promoted[0]; // bb0[2]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref_project.rs:5:6: 5:17
// ty::Const
// + ty: &(i32, i32)
// + val: Unevaluated(DefId(0:3 ~ ref_deref_project[317d]::main[0]), [], Some(promoted[0]))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/ref_deref_project.rs:5:6: 5:17
// + literal: Const { ty: &(i32, i32), val: Unevaluated(DefId(0:3 ~ ref_deref_project[317d]::main[0]), [], Some(promoted[0])) }
_2 = &((*_4).1: i32); // bb0[3]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref_project.rs:5:6: 5:17
_1 = (*_2); // bb0[4]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref_project.rs:5:5: 5:17
StorageDead(_2); // bb0[5]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref_project.rs:5:17: 5:18
StorageDead(_1); // bb0[6]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref_project.rs:5:17: 5:18
_0 = (); // bb0[7]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref_project.rs:4:11: 6:2
return; // bb0[8]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref_project.rs:6:2: 6:2
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
- // MIR for `main` before PromoteTemps
+ // MIR for `main` after PromoteTemps
fn main() -> () {
let mut _0: (); // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref_project.rs:4:11: 4:11
let _1: i32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref_project.rs:5:5: 5:17
let mut _2: &i32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref_project.rs:5:6: 5:17
let _3: (i32, i32); // in scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref_project.rs:5:8: 5:14
+ let mut _4: &(i32, i32); // in scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref_project.rs:5:6: 5:17
bb0: {
StorageLive(_1); // bb0[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref_project.rs:5:5: 5:17
StorageLive(_2); // bb0[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref_project.rs:5:6: 5:17
- StorageLive(_3); // bb0[2]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref_project.rs:5:8: 5:14
- _3 = (const 4i32, const 5i32); // bb0[3]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref_project.rs:5:8: 5:14
+ _4 = const main::promoted[0]; // bb0[2]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref_project.rs:5:6: 5:17
// ty::Const
- // + ty: i32
- // + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000004))
+ // + ty: &(i32, i32)
+ // + val: Unevaluated(DefId(0:3 ~ ref_deref_project[317d]::main[0]), [], Some(promoted[0]))
// mir::Constant
- // + span: $DIR/ref_deref_project.rs:5:9: 5:10
- // + literal: Const { ty: i32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000004)) }
- // ty::Const
- // + ty: i32
- // + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000005))
- // mir::Constant
- // + span: $DIR/ref_deref_project.rs:5:12: 5:13
- // + literal: Const { ty: i32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000005)) }
- _2 = &(_3.1: i32); // bb0[4]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref_project.rs:5:6: 5:17
- _1 = (*_2); // bb0[5]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref_project.rs:5:5: 5:17
- StorageDead(_3); // bb0[6]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref_project.rs:5:17: 5:18
- StorageDead(_2); // bb0[7]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref_project.rs:5:17: 5:18
- StorageDead(_1); // bb0[8]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref_project.rs:5:17: 5:18
- _0 = (); // bb0[9]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref_project.rs:4:11: 6:2
- return; // bb0[10]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref_project.rs:6:2: 6:2
+ // + span: $DIR/ref_deref_project.rs:5:6: 5:17
+ // + literal: Const { ty: &(i32, i32), val: Unevaluated(DefId(0:3 ~ ref_deref_project[317d]::main[0]), [], Some(promoted[0])) }
+ _2 = &((*_4).1: i32); // bb0[3]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref_project.rs:5:6: 5:17
+ _1 = (*_2); // bb0[4]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref_project.rs:5:5: 5:17
+ StorageDead(_2); // bb0[5]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref_project.rs:5:17: 5:18
+ StorageDead(_1); // bb0[6]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref_project.rs:5:17: 5:18
+ _0 = (); // bb0[7]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref_project.rs:4:11: 6:2
+ return; // bb0[8]: scope 0 at $DIR/ref_deref_project.rs:6:2: 6:2
@ -1,25 +1,5 @@
// EMIT_MIR rustc.main.ConstProp.diff
fn main() {
let _ = main as usize as *const fn();
// START rustc.main.ConstProp.before.mir
// bb0: {
// ...
// _3 = const main as fn() (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer));
// _2 = move _3 as usize (Misc);
// ...
// _1 = move _2 as *const fn() (Misc);
// ...
// }
// END rustc.main.ConstProp.before.mir
// START rustc.main.ConstProp.after.mir
// bb0: {
// ...
// _3 = const main as fn() (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer));
// _2 = move _3 as usize (Misc);
// ...
// _1 = move _2 as *const fn() (Misc);
// ...
// }
// END rustc.main.ConstProp.after.mir
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
- // MIR for `main` before ConstProp
+ // MIR for `main` after ConstProp
fn main() -> () {
let mut _0: (); // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/reify_fn_ptr.rs:3:11: 3:11
let mut _1: *const fn(); // in scope 0 at $DIR/reify_fn_ptr.rs:4:13: 4:41
let mut _2: usize; // in scope 0 at $DIR/reify_fn_ptr.rs:4:13: 4:26
let mut _3: fn(); // in scope 0 at $DIR/reify_fn_ptr.rs:4:13: 4:17
scope 1 {
bb0: {
StorageLive(_1); // bb0[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/reify_fn_ptr.rs:4:13: 4:41
StorageLive(_2); // bb0[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/reify_fn_ptr.rs:4:13: 4:26
StorageLive(_3); // bb0[2]: scope 0 at $DIR/reify_fn_ptr.rs:4:13: 4:17
_3 = const main as fn() (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer)); // bb0[3]: scope 0 at $DIR/reify_fn_ptr.rs:4:13: 4:17
// ty::Const
// + ty: fn() {main}
// + val: Value(Scalar(<ZST>))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/reify_fn_ptr.rs:4:13: 4:17
// + literal: Const { ty: fn() {main}, val: Value(Scalar(<ZST>)) }
_2 = move _3 as usize (Misc); // bb0[4]: scope 0 at $DIR/reify_fn_ptr.rs:4:13: 4:26
StorageDead(_3); // bb0[5]: scope 0 at $DIR/reify_fn_ptr.rs:4:25: 4:26
_1 = move _2 as *const fn() (Misc); // bb0[6]: scope 0 at $DIR/reify_fn_ptr.rs:4:13: 4:41
StorageDead(_2); // bb0[7]: scope 0 at $DIR/reify_fn_ptr.rs:4:40: 4:41
StorageDead(_1); // bb0[8]: scope 0 at $DIR/reify_fn_ptr.rs:4:41: 4:42
_0 = (); // bb0[9]: scope 0 at $DIR/reify_fn_ptr.rs:3:11: 5:2
return; // bb0[10]: scope 0 at $DIR/reify_fn_ptr.rs:5:2: 5:2
@ -1,37 +1,6 @@
// compile-flags: -O
// EMIT_MIR rustc.main.ConstProp.diff
fn main() {
let x: u32 = [42; 8][2] + 0;
// START rustc.main.ConstProp.before.mir
// bb0: {
// ...
// _3 = [const 42u32; 8];
// ...
// _4 = const 2usize;
// _5 = const 8usize;
// _6 = Lt(_4, _5);
// assert(move _6, "index out of bounds: the len is move _5 but the index is _4") -> bb1;
// }
// bb1: {
// _2 = _3[_4];
// _1 = Add(move _2, const 0u32);
// ...
// return;
// }
// END rustc.main.ConstProp.before.mir
// START rustc.main.ConstProp.after.mir
// bb0: {
// ...
// _6 = const true;
// assert(const true, "index out of bounds: the len is move _5 but the index is _4") -> bb1;
// }
// bb1: {
// _2 = const 42u32;
// _1 = const 42u32;
// ...
// return;
// }
// END rustc.main.ConstProp.after.mir
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
- // MIR for `main` before ConstProp
+ // MIR for `main` after ConstProp
fn main() -> () {
let mut _0: (); // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/repeat.rs:4:11: 4:11
let _1: u32 as UserTypeProjection { base: UserType(0), projs: [] }; // in scope 0 at $DIR/repeat.rs:5:9: 5:10
let mut _2: u32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/repeat.rs:5:18: 5:28
let mut _3: [u32; 8]; // in scope 0 at $DIR/repeat.rs:5:18: 5:25
let _4: usize; // in scope 0 at $DIR/repeat.rs:5:26: 5:27
let mut _5: usize; // in scope 0 at $DIR/repeat.rs:5:18: 5:28
let mut _6: bool; // in scope 0 at $DIR/repeat.rs:5:18: 5:28
scope 1 {
debug x => _1; // in scope 1 at $DIR/repeat.rs:5:9: 5:10
bb0: {
StorageLive(_1); // bb0[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/repeat.rs:5:9: 5:10
StorageLive(_2); // bb0[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/repeat.rs:5:18: 5:28
StorageLive(_3); // bb0[2]: scope 0 at $DIR/repeat.rs:5:18: 5:25
_3 = [const 42u32; 8]; // bb0[3]: scope 0 at $DIR/repeat.rs:5:18: 5:25
// ty::Const
// + ty: u32
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x0000002a))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/repeat.rs:5:19: 5:21
// + literal: Const { ty: u32, val: Value(Scalar(0x0000002a)) }
StorageLive(_4); // bb0[4]: scope 0 at $DIR/repeat.rs:5:26: 5:27
_4 = const 2usize; // bb0[5]: scope 0 at $DIR/repeat.rs:5:26: 5:27
// ty::Const
// + ty: usize
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x0000000000000002))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/repeat.rs:5:26: 5:27
// + literal: Const { ty: usize, val: Value(Scalar(0x0000000000000002)) }
_5 = const 8usize; // bb0[6]: scope 0 at $DIR/repeat.rs:5:18: 5:28
// ty::Const
// + ty: usize
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x0000000000000008))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/repeat.rs:5:18: 5:28
// + literal: Const { ty: usize, val: Value(Scalar(0x0000000000000008)) }
- _6 = Lt(_4, _5); // bb0[7]: scope 0 at $DIR/repeat.rs:5:18: 5:28
- assert(move _6, "index out of bounds: the len is move _5 but the index is _4") -> bb1; // bb0[8]: scope 0 at $DIR/repeat.rs:5:18: 5:28
+ _6 = const true; // bb0[7]: scope 0 at $DIR/repeat.rs:5:18: 5:28
+ // ty::Const
+ // + ty: bool
+ // + val: Value(Scalar(0x01))
+ // mir::Constant
+ // + span: $DIR/repeat.rs:5:18: 5:28
+ // + literal: Const { ty: bool, val: Value(Scalar(0x01)) }
+ assert(const true, "index out of bounds: the len is move _5 but the index is _4") -> bb1; // bb0[8]: scope 0 at $DIR/repeat.rs:5:18: 5:28
+ // ty::Const
+ // + ty: bool
+ // + val: Value(Scalar(0x01))
+ // mir::Constant
+ // + span: $DIR/repeat.rs:5:18: 5:28
+ // + literal: Const { ty: bool, val: Value(Scalar(0x01)) }
bb1: {
- _2 = _3[_4]; // bb1[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/repeat.rs:5:18: 5:28
- _1 = Add(move _2, const 0u32); // bb1[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/repeat.rs:5:18: 5:32
+ _2 = const 42u32; // bb1[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/repeat.rs:5:18: 5:28
// ty::Const
// + ty: u32
- // + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000000))
+ // + val: Value(Scalar(0x0000002a))
// mir::Constant
- // + span: $DIR/repeat.rs:5:31: 5:32
- // + literal: Const { ty: u32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000000)) }
+ // + span: $DIR/repeat.rs:5:18: 5:28
+ // + literal: Const { ty: u32, val: Value(Scalar(0x0000002a)) }
+ _1 = const 42u32; // bb1[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/repeat.rs:5:18: 5:32
+ // ty::Const
+ // + ty: u32
+ // + val: Value(Scalar(0x0000002a))
+ // mir::Constant
+ // + span: $DIR/repeat.rs:5:18: 5:32
+ // + literal: Const { ty: u32, val: Value(Scalar(0x0000002a)) }
StorageDead(_2); // bb1[2]: scope 0 at $DIR/repeat.rs:5:31: 5:32
StorageDead(_4); // bb1[3]: scope 0 at $DIR/repeat.rs:5:32: 5:33
StorageDead(_3); // bb1[4]: scope 0 at $DIR/repeat.rs:5:32: 5:33
_0 = (); // bb1[5]: scope 0 at $DIR/repeat.rs:4:11: 6:2
StorageDead(_1); // bb1[6]: scope 0 at $DIR/repeat.rs:6:1: 6:2
return; // bb1[7]: scope 0 at $DIR/repeat.rs:6:2: 6:2
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
// compile-flags: -C overflow-checks=on
// EMIT_MIR rustc.add.ConstProp.diff
// EMIT_MIR rustc.add.PreCodegen.before.mir
fn add() -> u32 {
2 + 2
@ -7,42 +9,3 @@ fn add() -> u32 {
fn main() {
// START rustc.add.ConstProp.before.mir
// fn add() -> u32 {
// let mut _0: u32;
// let mut _1: (u32, bool);
// bb0: {
// _1 = CheckedAdd(const 2u32, const 2u32);
// assert(!move (_1.1: bool), "attempt to add with overflow") -> bb1;
// }
// bb1: {
// _0 = move (_1.0: u32);
// return;
// }
// }
// END rustc.add.ConstProp.before.mir
// START rustc.add.ConstProp.after.mir
// fn add() -> u32 {
// let mut _0: u32;
// let mut _1: (u32, bool);
// bb0: {
// _1 = (const 4u32, const false);
// assert(!const false, "attempt to add with overflow") -> bb1;
// }
// bb1: {
// _0 = const 4u32;
// return;
// }
// }
// END rustc.add.ConstProp.after.mir
// START rustc.add.PreCodegen.before.mir
// fn add() -> u32 {
// let mut _0: u32;
// bb0: {
// _0 = const 4u32;
// return;
// }
// }
// END rustc.add.PreCodegen.before.mir
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
- // MIR for `add` before ConstProp
+ // MIR for `add` after ConstProp
fn add() -> u32 {
let mut _0: u32; // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/return_place.rs:5:13: 5:16
let mut _1: (u32, bool); // in scope 0 at $DIR/return_place.rs:6:5: 6:10
bb0: {
- _1 = CheckedAdd(const 2u32, const 2u32); // bb0[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/return_place.rs:6:5: 6:10
+ _1 = (const 4u32, const false); // bb0[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/return_place.rs:6:5: 6:10
// ty::Const
// + ty: u32
- // + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000002))
+ // + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000004))
// mir::Constant
- // + span: $DIR/return_place.rs:6:5: 6:6
- // + literal: Const { ty: u32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000002)) }
+ // + span: $DIR/return_place.rs:6:5: 6:10
+ // + literal: Const { ty: u32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000004)) }
// ty::Const
- // + ty: u32
- // + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000002))
+ // + ty: bool
+ // + val: Value(Scalar(0x00))
// mir::Constant
- // + span: $DIR/return_place.rs:6:9: 6:10
- // + literal: Const { ty: u32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000002)) }
- assert(!move (_1.1: bool), "attempt to add with overflow") -> bb1; // bb0[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/return_place.rs:6:5: 6:10
+ // + span: $DIR/return_place.rs:6:5: 6:10
+ // + literal: Const { ty: bool, val: Value(Scalar(0x00)) }
+ assert(!const false, "attempt to add with overflow") -> bb1; // bb0[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/return_place.rs:6:5: 6:10
+ // ty::Const
+ // + ty: bool
+ // + val: Value(Scalar(0x00))
+ // mir::Constant
+ // + span: $DIR/return_place.rs:6:5: 6:10
+ // + literal: Const { ty: bool, val: Value(Scalar(0x00)) }
bb1: {
- _0 = move (_1.0: u32); // bb1[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/return_place.rs:6:5: 6:10
+ _0 = const 4u32; // bb1[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/return_place.rs:6:5: 6:10
+ // ty::Const
+ // + ty: u32
+ // + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000004))
+ // mir::Constant
+ // + span: $DIR/return_place.rs:6:5: 6:10
+ // + literal: Const { ty: u32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000004)) }
return; // bb1[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/return_place.rs:7:2: 7:2
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
// MIR for `add` before PreCodegen
fn add() -> u32 {
let mut _0: u32; // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/return_place.rs:5:13: 5:16
bb0: {
_0 = const 4u32; // bb0[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/return_place.rs:6:5: 6:10
// ty::Const
// + ty: u32
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000004))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/return_place.rs:6:5: 6:10
// + literal: Const { ty: u32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000004)) }
return; // bb0[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/return_place.rs:7:2: 7:2
@ -1,43 +1,5 @@
// EMIT_MIR rustc.main.ConstProp.diff
fn main() {
(&[1u32, 2, 3] as &[u32])[1];
// START rustc.main.ConstProp.before.mir
// bb0: {
// ...
// _9 = const main::promoted[0];
// _4 = _9;
// _3 = _4;
// _2 = move _3 as &[u32] (Pointer(Unsize));
// ...
// _6 = const 1usize;
// _7 = Len((*_2));
// _8 = Lt(_6, _7);
// assert(move _8, "index out of bounds: the len is move _7 but the index is _6") -> bb1;
// }
// bb1: {
// _1 = (*_2)[_6];
// ...
// return;
// }
// END rustc.main.ConstProp.before.mir
// START rustc.main.ConstProp.after.mir
// bb0: {
// ...
// _9 = const main::promoted[0];
// _4 = _9;
// _3 = _4;
// _2 = move _3 as &[u32] (Pointer(Unsize));
// ...
// _6 = const 1usize;
// _7 = const 3usize;
// _8 = const true;
// assert(const true, "index out of bounds: the len is move _7 but the index is _6") -> bb1;
// }
// bb1: {
// _1 = const 2u32;
// ...
// return;
// }
// END rustc.main.ConstProp.after.mir
@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
- // MIR for `main` before ConstProp
+ // MIR for `main` after ConstProp
fn main() -> () {
let mut _0: (); // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/slice_len.rs:3:11: 3:11
let _1: u32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/slice_len.rs:4:5: 4:33
let mut _2: &[u32]; // in scope 0 at $DIR/slice_len.rs:4:5: 4:30
let mut _3: &[u32; 3]; // in scope 0 at $DIR/slice_len.rs:4:6: 4:19
let _4: &[u32; 3]; // in scope 0 at $DIR/slice_len.rs:4:6: 4:19
let _5: [u32; 3]; // in scope 0 at $DIR/slice_len.rs:4:7: 4:19
let _6: usize; // in scope 0 at $DIR/slice_len.rs:4:31: 4:32
let mut _7: usize; // in scope 0 at $DIR/slice_len.rs:4:5: 4:33
let mut _8: bool; // in scope 0 at $DIR/slice_len.rs:4:5: 4:33
let mut _9: &[u32; 3]; // in scope 0 at $DIR/slice_len.rs:4:6: 4:19
bb0: {
StorageLive(_1); // bb0[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/slice_len.rs:4:5: 4:33
StorageLive(_2); // bb0[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/slice_len.rs:4:5: 4:30
StorageLive(_3); // bb0[2]: scope 0 at $DIR/slice_len.rs:4:6: 4:19
StorageLive(_4); // bb0[3]: scope 0 at $DIR/slice_len.rs:4:6: 4:19
_9 = const main::promoted[0]; // bb0[4]: scope 0 at $DIR/slice_len.rs:4:6: 4:19
// ty::Const
// + ty: &[u32; 3]
// + val: Unevaluated(DefId(0:3 ~ slice_len[317d]::main[0]), [], Some(promoted[0]))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/slice_len.rs:4:6: 4:19
// + literal: Const { ty: &[u32; 3], val: Unevaluated(DefId(0:3 ~ slice_len[317d]::main[0]), [], Some(promoted[0])) }
_4 = _9; // bb0[5]: scope 0 at $DIR/slice_len.rs:4:6: 4:19
_3 = _4; // bb0[6]: scope 0 at $DIR/slice_len.rs:4:6: 4:19
_2 = move _3 as &[u32] (Pointer(Unsize)); // bb0[7]: scope 0 at $DIR/slice_len.rs:4:6: 4:19
StorageDead(_3); // bb0[8]: scope 0 at $DIR/slice_len.rs:4:18: 4:19
StorageLive(_6); // bb0[9]: scope 0 at $DIR/slice_len.rs:4:31: 4:32
_6 = const 1usize; // bb0[10]: scope 0 at $DIR/slice_len.rs:4:31: 4:32
// ty::Const
// + ty: usize
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x0000000000000001))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/slice_len.rs:4:31: 4:32
// + literal: Const { ty: usize, val: Value(Scalar(0x0000000000000001)) }
- _7 = Len((*_2)); // bb0[11]: scope 0 at $DIR/slice_len.rs:4:5: 4:33
- _8 = Lt(_6, _7); // bb0[12]: scope 0 at $DIR/slice_len.rs:4:5: 4:33
- assert(move _8, "index out of bounds: the len is move _7 but the index is _6") -> bb1; // bb0[13]: scope 0 at $DIR/slice_len.rs:4:5: 4:33
+ _7 = const 3usize; // bb0[11]: scope 0 at $DIR/slice_len.rs:4:5: 4:33
+ // ty::Const
+ // + ty: usize
+ // + val: Value(Scalar(0x0000000000000003))
+ // mir::Constant
+ // + span: $DIR/slice_len.rs:4:5: 4:33
+ // + literal: Const { ty: usize, val: Value(Scalar(0x0000000000000003)) }
+ _8 = const true; // bb0[12]: scope 0 at $DIR/slice_len.rs:4:5: 4:33
+ // ty::Const
+ // + ty: bool
+ // + val: Value(Scalar(0x01))
+ // mir::Constant
+ // + span: $DIR/slice_len.rs:4:5: 4:33
+ // + literal: Const { ty: bool, val: Value(Scalar(0x01)) }
+ assert(const true, "index out of bounds: the len is move _7 but the index is _6") -> bb1; // bb0[13]: scope 0 at $DIR/slice_len.rs:4:5: 4:33
+ // ty::Const
+ // + ty: bool
+ // + val: Value(Scalar(0x01))
+ // mir::Constant
+ // + span: $DIR/slice_len.rs:4:5: 4:33
+ // + literal: Const { ty: bool, val: Value(Scalar(0x01)) }
bb1: {
- _1 = (*_2)[_6]; // bb1[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/slice_len.rs:4:5: 4:33
+ _1 = const 2u32; // bb1[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/slice_len.rs:4:5: 4:33
+ // ty::Const
+ // + ty: u32
+ // + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000002))
+ // mir::Constant
+ // + span: $DIR/slice_len.rs:4:5: 4:33
+ // + literal: Const { ty: u32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000002)) }
StorageDead(_6); // bb1[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/slice_len.rs:4:33: 4:34
StorageDead(_4); // bb1[2]: scope 0 at $DIR/slice_len.rs:4:33: 4:34
StorageDead(_2); // bb1[3]: scope 0 at $DIR/slice_len.rs:4:33: 4:34
StorageDead(_1); // bb1[4]: scope 0 at $DIR/slice_len.rs:4:33: 4:34
_0 = (); // bb1[5]: scope 0 at $DIR/slice_len.rs:3:11: 5:2
return; // bb1[6]: scope 0 at $DIR/slice_len.rs:5:2: 5:2
@ -1,38 +1,11 @@
fn foo(_: i32) { }
// EMIT_MIR rustc.main.ConstProp.diff
// EMIT_MIR rustc.main.SimplifyBranches-after-const-prop.diff
fn main() {
match 1 {
1 => foo(0),
_ => foo(-1),
// START rustc.main.ConstProp.before.mir
// bb0: {
// ...
// _1 = const 1i32;
// switchInt(_1) -> [1i32: bb2, otherwise: bb1];
// }
// END rustc.main.ConstProp.before.mir
// START rustc.main.ConstProp.after.mir
// bb0: {
// ...
// switchInt(const 1i32) -> [1i32: bb2, otherwise: bb1];
// }
// END rustc.main.ConstProp.after.mir
// START rustc.main.SimplifyBranches-after-const-prop.before.mir
// bb0: {
// ...
// _1 = const 1i32;
// switchInt(const 1i32) -> [1i32: bb2, otherwise: bb1];
// }
// END rustc.main.SimplifyBranches-after-const-prop.before.mir
// START rustc.main.SimplifyBranches-after-const-prop.after.mir
// bb0: {
// ...
// _1 = const 1i32;
// goto -> bb2;
// }
// END rustc.main.SimplifyBranches-after-const-prop.after.mir
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
- // MIR for `main` before ConstProp
+ // MIR for `main` after ConstProp
fn main() -> () {
let mut _0: (); // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/switch_int.rs:6:11: 6:11
let mut _1: i32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/switch_int.rs:7:11: 7:12
bb0: {
StorageLive(_1); // bb0[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/switch_int.rs:7:11: 7:12
_1 = const 1i32; // bb0[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/switch_int.rs:7:11: 7:12
// ty::Const
// + ty: i32
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000001))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/switch_int.rs:7:11: 7:12
// + literal: Const { ty: i32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000001)) }
- switchInt(_1) -> [1i32: bb2, otherwise: bb1]; // bb0[2]: scope 0 at $DIR/switch_int.rs:8:9: 8:10
+ switchInt(const 1i32) -> [1i32: bb2, otherwise: bb1]; // bb0[2]: scope 0 at $DIR/switch_int.rs:8:9: 8:10
+ // ty::Const
+ // + ty: i32
+ // + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000001))
+ // mir::Constant
+ // + span: $DIR/switch_int.rs:8:9: 8:10
+ // + literal: Const { ty: i32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000001)) }
bb1: {
_0 = const foo(const -1i32) -> bb3; // bb1[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/switch_int.rs:9:14: 9:21
// ty::Const
// + ty: fn(i32) {foo}
// + val: Value(Scalar(<ZST>))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/switch_int.rs:9:14: 9:17
// + literal: Const { ty: fn(i32) {foo}, val: Value(Scalar(<ZST>)) }
// ty::Const
// + ty: i32
// + val: Value(Scalar(0xffffffff))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/switch_int.rs:9:18: 9:20
// + literal: Const { ty: i32, val: Value(Scalar(0xffffffff)) }
bb2: {
_0 = const foo(const 0i32) -> bb3; // bb2[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/switch_int.rs:8:14: 8:20
// ty::Const
// + ty: fn(i32) {foo}
// + val: Value(Scalar(<ZST>))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/switch_int.rs:8:14: 8:17
// + literal: Const { ty: fn(i32) {foo}, val: Value(Scalar(<ZST>)) }
// ty::Const
// + ty: i32
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000000))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/switch_int.rs:8:18: 8:19
// + literal: Const { ty: i32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000000)) }
bb3: {
StorageDead(_1); // bb3[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/switch_int.rs:11:1: 11:2
return; // bb3[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/switch_int.rs:11:2: 11:2
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
- // MIR for `main` before SimplifyBranches-after-const-prop
+ // MIR for `main` after SimplifyBranches-after-const-prop
fn main() -> () {
let mut _0: (); // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/switch_int.rs:6:11: 6:11
let mut _1: i32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/switch_int.rs:7:11: 7:12
bb0: {
StorageLive(_1); // bb0[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/switch_int.rs:7:11: 7:12
_1 = const 1i32; // bb0[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/switch_int.rs:7:11: 7:12
// ty::Const
// + ty: i32
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000001))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/switch_int.rs:7:11: 7:12
// + literal: Const { ty: i32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000001)) }
- switchInt(const 1i32) -> [1i32: bb2, otherwise: bb1]; // bb0[2]: scope 0 at $DIR/switch_int.rs:8:9: 8:10
- // ty::Const
- // + ty: i32
- // + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000001))
- // mir::Constant
- // + span: $DIR/switch_int.rs:8:9: 8:10
- // + literal: Const { ty: i32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000001)) }
+ goto -> bb2; // bb0[2]: scope 0 at $DIR/switch_int.rs:8:9: 8:10
bb1: {
_0 = const foo(const -1i32) -> bb3; // bb1[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/switch_int.rs:9:14: 9:21
// ty::Const
// + ty: fn(i32) {foo}
// + val: Value(Scalar(<ZST>))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/switch_int.rs:9:14: 9:17
// + literal: Const { ty: fn(i32) {foo}, val: Value(Scalar(<ZST>)) }
// ty::Const
// + ty: i32
// + val: Value(Scalar(0xffffffff))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/switch_int.rs:9:18: 9:20
// + literal: Const { ty: i32, val: Value(Scalar(0xffffffff)) }
bb2: {
_0 = const foo(const 0i32) -> bb3; // bb2[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/switch_int.rs:8:14: 8:20
// ty::Const
// + ty: fn(i32) {foo}
// + val: Value(Scalar(<ZST>))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/switch_int.rs:8:14: 8:17
// + literal: Const { ty: fn(i32) {foo}, val: Value(Scalar(<ZST>)) }
// ty::Const
// + ty: i32
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000000))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/switch_int.rs:8:18: 8:19
// + literal: Const { ty: i32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000000)) }
bb3: {
StorageDead(_1); // bb3[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/switch_int.rs:11:1: 11:2
return; // bb3[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/switch_int.rs:11:2: 11:2
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ fn main() {
println!("{}", bar());
// EMIT_MIR rustc.bar.Inline.after.mir
fn bar() -> bool {
let f = foo;
f(1, -1)
@ -15,15 +16,3 @@ fn bar() -> bool {
fn foo(x: i32, y: i32) -> bool {
x == y
// START rustc.bar.Inline.after.mir
// ...
// bb0: {
// ...
// _0 = Eq(move _3, move _4);
// ...
// return;
// }
// ...
// END rustc.bar.Inline.after.mir
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
// MIR for `bar` after Inline
fn bar() -> bool {
let mut _0: bool; // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-any-operand.rs:10:13: 10:17
let _1: fn(i32, i32) -> bool {foo}; // in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-any-operand.rs:11:9: 11:10
let mut _2: fn(i32, i32) -> bool {foo}; // in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-any-operand.rs:12:5: 12:6
let mut _3: i32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-any-operand.rs:12:5: 12:13
let mut _4: i32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-any-operand.rs:12:5: 12:13
scope 1 {
debug f => _1; // in scope 1 at $DIR/inline-any-operand.rs:11:9: 11:10
scope 2 {
debug x => _3; // in scope 2 at $DIR/inline-any-operand.rs:16:8: 16:9
debug y => _4; // in scope 2 at $DIR/inline-any-operand.rs:16:16: 16:17
bb0: {
StorageLive(_1); // bb0[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-any-operand.rs:11:9: 11:10
_1 = const foo; // bb0[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-any-operand.rs:11:13: 11:16
// ty::Const
// + ty: fn(i32, i32) -> bool {foo}
// + val: Value(Scalar(<ZST>))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/inline-any-operand.rs:11:13: 11:16
// + literal: Const { ty: fn(i32, i32) -> bool {foo}, val: Value(Scalar(<ZST>)) }
StorageLive(_2); // bb0[2]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-any-operand.rs:12:5: 12:6
_2 = _1; // bb0[3]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-any-operand.rs:12:5: 12:6
_3 = const 1i32; // bb0[4]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-any-operand.rs:12:5: 12:13
// ty::Const
// + ty: i32
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x00000001))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/inline-any-operand.rs:12:7: 12:8
// + literal: Const { ty: i32, val: Value(Scalar(0x00000001)) }
_4 = const -1i32; // bb0[5]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-any-operand.rs:12:5: 12:13
// ty::Const
// + ty: i32
// + val: Value(Scalar(0xffffffff))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/inline-any-operand.rs:12:10: 12:12
// + literal: Const { ty: i32, val: Value(Scalar(0xffffffff)) }
_0 = Eq(move _3, move _4); // bb0[6]: scope 2 at $DIR/inline-any-operand.rs:17:5: 17:11
StorageDead(_2); // bb0[7]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-any-operand.rs:12:12: 12:13
StorageDead(_1); // bb0[8]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-any-operand.rs:13:1: 13:2
return; // bb0[9]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-any-operand.rs:13:2: 13:2
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ fn main() {
println!("{}", foo(0, &14));
// EMIT_MIR rustc.foo.Inline.after.mir
fn foo<T: Copy>(_t: T, q: &i32) -> i32 {
let x = |r: &i32, _s: &i32| {
let variable = &*r;
@ -14,46 +15,3 @@ fn foo<T: Copy>(_t: T, q: &i32) -> i32 {
x(q, q)
// START rustc.foo.Inline.after.mir
// fn foo(_1: T, _2: &i32) -> i32{
// debug _t => _1;
// debug q => _2;
// let mut _0: i32;
// let _3: [closure@foo<T>::{{closure}}#0];
// let mut _4: &[closure@foo<T>::{{closure}}#0];
// let mut _5: (&i32, &i32);
// let mut _6: &i32;
// let mut _7: &i32;
// let mut _8: &i32;
// let mut _9: &i32;
// scope 1 {
// debug x => _3;
// scope 2 {
// debug r => _8;
// debug _s => _9;
// }
// }
// scope 3 {
// debug variable => _8;
// }
// bb0: {
// ...
// _3 = [closure@foo::<T>::{{closure}}#0];
// ...
// _4 = &_3;
// ...
// _6 = &(*_2);
// ...
// _7 = &(*_2);
// _5 = (move _6, move _7);
// _8 = move (_5.0: &i32);
// _9 = move (_5.1: &i32);
// ...
// _0 = (*_8);
// ...
// return;
// }
// }
// END rustc.foo.Inline.after.mir
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
// MIR for `foo` after Inline
fn foo(_1: T, _2: &i32) -> i32 {
debug _t => _1; // in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-closure-borrows-arg.rs:11:17: 11:19
debug q => _2; // in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-closure-borrows-arg.rs:11:24: 11:25
let mut _0: i32; // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-closure-borrows-arg.rs:11:36: 11:39
let _3: [closure@foo<T>::{{closure}}#0]; // in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-closure-borrows-arg.rs:12:9: 12:10
let mut _4: &[closure@foo<T>::{{closure}}#0]; // in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-closure-borrows-arg.rs:16:5: 16:6
let mut _5: (&i32, &i32); // in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-closure-borrows-arg.rs:16:5: 16:12
let mut _6: &i32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-closure-borrows-arg.rs:16:7: 16:8
let mut _7: &i32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-closure-borrows-arg.rs:16:10: 16:11
let mut _8: &i32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-closure-borrows-arg.rs:16:5: 16:12
let mut _9: &i32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-closure-borrows-arg.rs:16:5: 16:12
scope 1 {
debug x => _3; // in scope 1 at $DIR/inline-closure-borrows-arg.rs:12:9: 12:10
scope 2 {
debug r => _8; // in scope 2 at $DIR/inline-closure-borrows-arg.rs:12:14: 12:15
debug _s => _9; // in scope 2 at $DIR/inline-closure-borrows-arg.rs:12:23: 12:25
scope 3 {
debug variable => _8; // in scope 3 at $DIR/inline-closure-borrows-arg.rs:13:13: 13:21
bb0: {
StorageLive(_3); // bb0[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-closure-borrows-arg.rs:12:9: 12:10
_3 = [closure@foo::<T>::{{closure}}#0]; // bb0[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-closure-borrows-arg.rs:12:13: 15:6
// closure
// + def_id: DefId(0:6 ~ inline_closure_borrows_arg[317d]::foo[0]::{{closure}}[0])
// + substs: [
// T,
// i8,
// for<'r, 's> extern "rust-call" fn((&'r i32, &'s i32)) -> i32,
// (),
// ]
StorageLive(_4); // bb0[2]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-closure-borrows-arg.rs:16:5: 16:6
_4 = &_3; // bb0[3]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-closure-borrows-arg.rs:16:5: 16:6
StorageLive(_5); // bb0[4]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-closure-borrows-arg.rs:16:5: 16:12
StorageLive(_6); // bb0[5]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-closure-borrows-arg.rs:16:7: 16:8
_6 = &(*_2); // bb0[6]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-closure-borrows-arg.rs:16:7: 16:8
StorageLive(_7); // bb0[7]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-closure-borrows-arg.rs:16:10: 16:11
_7 = &(*_2); // bb0[8]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-closure-borrows-arg.rs:16:10: 16:11
_5 = (move _6, move _7); // bb0[9]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-closure-borrows-arg.rs:16:5: 16:12
_8 = move (_5.0: &i32); // bb0[10]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-closure-borrows-arg.rs:16:5: 16:12
_9 = move (_5.1: &i32); // bb0[11]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-closure-borrows-arg.rs:16:5: 16:12
_0 = (*_8); // bb0[12]: scope 3 at $DIR/inline-closure-borrows-arg.rs:14:9: 14:18
StorageDead(_7); // bb0[13]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-closure-borrows-arg.rs:16:11: 16:12
StorageDead(_6); // bb0[14]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-closure-borrows-arg.rs:16:11: 16:12
StorageDead(_5); // bb0[15]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-closure-borrows-arg.rs:16:11: 16:12
StorageDead(_4); // bb0[16]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-closure-borrows-arg.rs:16:11: 16:12
StorageDead(_3); // bb0[17]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-closure-borrows-arg.rs:17:1: 17:2
return; // bb0[18]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-closure-borrows-arg.rs:17:2: 17:2
@ -6,55 +6,8 @@ fn main() {
println!("{:?}", foo(0, 14));
// EMIT_MIR rustc.foo.Inline.after.mir
fn foo<T: Copy>(t: T, q: i32) -> (i32, T) {
let x = |_q| (q, t);
// START rustc.foo.Inline.after.mir
// fn foo(_1: T, _2: i32) -> (i32, T){
// debug t => _1;
// debug q => _2;
// let mut _0: (i32, T);
// let _3: [closure@foo<T>::{{closure}}#0 q:&i32, t:&T];
// let mut _4: &i32;
// let mut _5: &T;
// let mut _6: &[closure@foo<T>::{{closure}}#0 q:&i32, t:&T];
// let mut _7: (i32,);
// let mut _8: i32;
// let mut _11: i32;
// scope 1 {
// debug x => _3;
// scope 2 {
// debug _q => _11;
// debug q => (*((*_6).0: &i32));
// debug t => (*((*_6).1: &T));
// let mut _9: i32;
// let mut _10: T;
// }
// }
// bb0: {
// ...
// _4 = &_2;
// ...
// _5 = &_1;
// _3 = [closure@foo::<T>::{{closure}}#0] { q: move _4, t: move _5 };
// ...
// _6 = &_3;
// ...
// ...
// _8 = _2;
// _7 = (move _8,);
// _11 = move (_7.0: i32);
// ...
// _9 = (*((*_6).0: &i32));
// ...
// _10 = (*((*_6).1: &T));
// (_0.0: i32) = move _9;
// (_0.1: T) = move _10;
// ...
// return;
// }
// }
// END rustc.foo.Inline.after.mir
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
// MIR for `foo` after Inline
fn foo(_1: T, _2: i32) -> (i32, T) {
debug t => _1; // in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-closure-captures.rs:10:17: 10:18
debug q => _2; // in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-closure-captures.rs:10:23: 10:24
let mut _0: (i32, T); // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-closure-captures.rs:10:34: 10:42
let _3: [closure@foo<T>::{{closure}}#0 q:&i32, t:&T]; // in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-closure-captures.rs:11:9: 11:10
let mut _4: &i32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-closure-captures.rs:11:13: 11:24
let mut _5: &T; // in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-closure-captures.rs:11:13: 11:24
let mut _6: &[closure@foo<T>::{{closure}}#0 q:&i32, t:&T]; // in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-closure-captures.rs:12:5: 12:6
let mut _7: (i32,); // in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-closure-captures.rs:12:5: 12:9
let mut _8: i32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-closure-captures.rs:12:7: 12:8
let mut _11: i32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-closure-captures.rs:12:5: 12:9
scope 1 {
debug x => _3; // in scope 1 at $DIR/inline-closure-captures.rs:11:9: 11:10
scope 2 {
debug _q => _11; // in scope 2 at $DIR/inline-closure-captures.rs:11:14: 11:16
debug q => (*((*_6).0: &i32)); // in scope 2 at $DIR/inline-closure-captures.rs:10:23: 10:24
debug t => (*((*_6).1: &T)); // in scope 2 at $DIR/inline-closure-captures.rs:10:17: 10:18
let mut _9: i32; // in scope 2 at $DIR/inline-closure-captures.rs:12:5: 12:9
let mut _10: T; // in scope 2 at $DIR/inline-closure-captures.rs:12:5: 12:9
bb0: {
StorageLive(_3); // bb0[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-closure-captures.rs:11:9: 11:10
StorageLive(_4); // bb0[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-closure-captures.rs:11:13: 11:24
_4 = &_2; // bb0[2]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-closure-captures.rs:11:13: 11:24
StorageLive(_5); // bb0[3]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-closure-captures.rs:11:13: 11:24
_5 = &_1; // bb0[4]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-closure-captures.rs:11:13: 11:24
_3 = [closure@foo::<T>::{{closure}}#0] { q: move _4, t: move _5 }; // bb0[5]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-closure-captures.rs:11:13: 11:24
// closure
// + def_id: DefId(0:6 ~ inline_closure_captures[317d]::foo[0]::{{closure}}[0])
// + substs: [
// T,
// i8,
// extern "rust-call" fn((i32,)) -> (i32, T),
// (&i32, &T),
// ]
StorageDead(_5); // bb0[6]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-closure-captures.rs:11:23: 11:24
StorageDead(_4); // bb0[7]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-closure-captures.rs:11:23: 11:24
StorageLive(_6); // bb0[8]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-closure-captures.rs:12:5: 12:6
_6 = &_3; // bb0[9]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-closure-captures.rs:12:5: 12:6
StorageLive(_7); // bb0[10]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-closure-captures.rs:12:5: 12:9
StorageLive(_8); // bb0[11]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-closure-captures.rs:12:7: 12:8
_8 = _2; // bb0[12]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-closure-captures.rs:12:7: 12:8
_7 = (move _8,); // bb0[13]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-closure-captures.rs:12:5: 12:9
_11 = move (_7.0: i32); // bb0[14]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-closure-captures.rs:12:5: 12:9
StorageLive(_9); // bb0[15]: scope 2 at $DIR/inline-closure-captures.rs:11:19: 11:20
_9 = (*((*_6).0: &i32)); // bb0[16]: scope 2 at $DIR/inline-closure-captures.rs:11:19: 11:20
StorageLive(_10); // bb0[17]: scope 2 at $DIR/inline-closure-captures.rs:11:22: 11:23
_10 = (*((*_6).1: &T)); // bb0[18]: scope 2 at $DIR/inline-closure-captures.rs:11:22: 11:23
(_0.0: i32) = move _9; // bb0[19]: scope 2 at $DIR/inline-closure-captures.rs:11:18: 11:24
(_0.1: T) = move _10; // bb0[20]: scope 2 at $DIR/inline-closure-captures.rs:11:18: 11:24
StorageDead(_10); // bb0[21]: scope 2 at $DIR/inline-closure-captures.rs:11:23: 11:24
StorageDead(_9); // bb0[22]: scope 2 at $DIR/inline-closure-captures.rs:11:23: 11:24
StorageDead(_8); // bb0[23]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-closure-captures.rs:12:8: 12:9
StorageDead(_7); // bb0[24]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-closure-captures.rs:12:8: 12:9
StorageDead(_6); // bb0[25]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-closure-captures.rs:12:8: 12:9
StorageDead(_3); // bb0[26]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-closure-captures.rs:13:1: 13:2
return; // bb0[27]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-closure-captures.rs:13:2: 13:2
@ -6,45 +6,8 @@ fn main() {
println!("{}", foo(0, 14));
// EMIT_MIR rustc.foo.Inline.after.mir
fn foo<T: Copy>(_t: T, q: i32) -> i32 {
let x = |_t, _q| _t;
x(q, q)
// START rustc.foo.Inline.after.mir
// fn foo(_1: T, _2: i32) -> i32{
// debug _t => _1;
// debug q => _2;
// let mut _0: i32;
// let _3: [closure@foo<T>::{{closure}}#0];
// let mut _4: &[closure@foo<T>::{{closure}}#0];
// let mut _5: (i32, i32);
// let mut _6: i32;
// let mut _7: i32;
// let mut _8: i32;
// let mut _9: i32;
// scope 1 {
// debug x => _3;
// scope 2 {
// debug _t => _8;
// debug _q => _9;
// }
// }
// bb0: {
// ...
// _3 = [closure@foo::<T>::{{closure}}#0];
// ...
// _4 = &_3;
// ...
// _6 = _2;
// ...
// _7 = _2;
// _5 = (move _6, move _7);
// _8 = move (_5.0: i32);
// _9 = move (_5.1: i32);
// _0 = _8;
// ...
// return;
// }
// END rustc.foo.Inline.after.mir
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
// MIR for `foo` after Inline
fn foo(_1: T, _2: i32) -> i32 {
debug _t => _1; // in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-closure.rs:10:17: 10:19
debug q => _2; // in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-closure.rs:10:24: 10:25
let mut _0: i32; // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-closure.rs:10:35: 10:38
let _3: [closure@foo<T>::{{closure}}#0]; // in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-closure.rs:11:9: 11:10
let mut _4: &[closure@foo<T>::{{closure}}#0]; // in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-closure.rs:12:5: 12:6
let mut _5: (i32, i32); // in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-closure.rs:12:5: 12:12
let mut _6: i32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-closure.rs:12:7: 12:8
let mut _7: i32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-closure.rs:12:10: 12:11
let mut _8: i32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-closure.rs:12:5: 12:12
let mut _9: i32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-closure.rs:12:5: 12:12
scope 1 {
debug x => _3; // in scope 1 at $DIR/inline-closure.rs:11:9: 11:10
scope 2 {
debug _t => _8; // in scope 2 at $DIR/inline-closure.rs:11:14: 11:16
debug _q => _9; // in scope 2 at $DIR/inline-closure.rs:11:18: 11:20
bb0: {
StorageLive(_3); // bb0[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-closure.rs:11:9: 11:10
_3 = [closure@foo::<T>::{{closure}}#0]; // bb0[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-closure.rs:11:13: 11:24
// closure
// + def_id: DefId(0:6 ~ inline_closure[317d]::foo[0]::{{closure}}[0])
// + substs: [
// T,
// i8,
// extern "rust-call" fn((i32, i32)) -> i32,
// (),
// ]
StorageLive(_4); // bb0[2]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-closure.rs:12:5: 12:6
_4 = &_3; // bb0[3]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-closure.rs:12:5: 12:6
StorageLive(_5); // bb0[4]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-closure.rs:12:5: 12:12
StorageLive(_6); // bb0[5]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-closure.rs:12:7: 12:8
_6 = _2; // bb0[6]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-closure.rs:12:7: 12:8
StorageLive(_7); // bb0[7]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-closure.rs:12:10: 12:11
_7 = _2; // bb0[8]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-closure.rs:12:10: 12:11
_5 = (move _6, move _7); // bb0[9]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-closure.rs:12:5: 12:12
_8 = move (_5.0: i32); // bb0[10]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-closure.rs:12:5: 12:12
_9 = move (_5.1: i32); // bb0[11]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-closure.rs:12:5: 12:12
_0 = _8; // bb0[12]: scope 2 at $DIR/inline-closure.rs:11:22: 11:24
StorageDead(_7); // bb0[13]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-closure.rs:12:11: 12:12
StorageDead(_6); // bb0[14]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-closure.rs:12:11: 12:12
StorageDead(_5); // bb0[15]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-closure.rs:12:11: 12:12
StorageDead(_4); // bb0[16]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-closure.rs:12:11: 12:12
StorageDead(_3); // bb0[17]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-closure.rs:13:1: 13:2
return; // bb0[18]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-closure.rs:13:2: 13:2
@ -1,73 +1,9 @@
// ignore-tidy-linelength
// ignore-wasm32-bare compiled with panic=abort by default
// compile-flags: -Z mir-opt-level=3
// only-64bit FIXME: the mir representation of RawVec depends on ptr size
// EMIT_MIR rustc.main.Inline.diff
fn main() {
let _x: Box<Vec<u32>> = box Vec::new();
// START rustc.main.Inline.before.mir
// let mut _0: ();
// let _1: std::boxed::Box<std::vec::Vec<u32>> as UserTypeProjection { base: UserType(0), projs: [] };
// let mut _2: std::boxed::Box<std::vec::Vec<u32>>;
// let mut _3: ();
// scope 1 {
// debug _x => _1;
// }
// bb0: {
// StorageLive(_1);
// StorageLive(_2);
// _2 = Box(std::vec::Vec<u32>);
// (*_2) = const std::vec::Vec::<u32>::new() -> [return: bb2, unwind: bb4];
// }
// bb1 (cleanup): {
// resume;
// }
// bb2: {
// _1 = move _2;
// StorageDead(_2);
// _0 = ();
// drop(_1) -> [return: bb3, unwind: bb1];
// }
// bb3: {
// StorageDead(_1);
// return;
// }
// bb4 (cleanup): {
// _3 = const alloc::alloc::box_free::<std::vec::Vec<u32>>(move (_2.0: std::ptr::Unique<std::vec::Vec<u32>>)) -> bb1;
// }
// END rustc.main.Inline.before.mir
// START rustc.main.Inline.after.mir
// let mut _0: ();
// let _1: std::boxed::Box<std::vec::Vec<u32>> as UserTypeProjection { base: UserType(0), projs: [] };
// let mut _2: std::boxed::Box<std::vec::Vec<u32>>;
// let mut _3: ();
// let mut _4: &mut std::vec::Vec<u32>;
// scope 1 {
// debug _x => _1;
// }
// scope 2 {
// }
// bb0: {
// StorageLive(_1);
// StorageLive(_2);
// _2 = Box(std::vec::Vec<u32>);
// _4 = &mut (*_2);
// ((*_4).0: alloc::raw_vec::RawVec<u32>) = const ByRef { alloc: Allocation { bytes: [4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], relocations: Relocations(SortedMap { data: [] }), undef_mask: UndefMask { blocks: [65535], len: Size { raw: 16 } }, size: Size { raw: 16 }, align: Align { pow2: 3 }, mutability: Not, extra: () }, offset: Size { raw: 0 } }: alloc::raw_vec::RawVec::<u32>;
// ((*_4).1: usize) = const 0usize;
// _1 = move _2;
// StorageDead(_2);
// _0 = ();
// drop(_1) -> [return: bb2, unwind: bb1];
// }
// bb1 (cleanup): {
// resume;
// }
// bb2: {
// StorageDead(_1);
// return;
// }
// END rustc.main.Inline.after.mir
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
- // MIR for `main` before Inline
+ // MIR for `main` after Inline
fn main() -> () {
let mut _0: (); // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-into-box-place.rs:7:11: 7:11
let _1: std::boxed::Box<std::vec::Vec<u32>> as UserTypeProjection { base: UserType(0), projs: [] }; // in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-into-box-place.rs:8:9: 8:11
let mut _2: std::boxed::Box<std::vec::Vec<u32>>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-into-box-place.rs:8:29: 8:43
let mut _3: (); // in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-into-box-place.rs:8:42: 8:43
+ let mut _4: &mut std::vec::Vec<u32>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-into-box-place.rs:8:33: 8:43
scope 1 {
debug _x => _1; // in scope 1 at $DIR/inline-into-box-place.rs:8:9: 8:11
+ scope 2 {
+ }
bb0: {
StorageLive(_1); // bb0[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-into-box-place.rs:8:9: 8:11
StorageLive(_2); // bb0[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-into-box-place.rs:8:29: 8:43
_2 = Box(std::vec::Vec<u32>); // bb0[2]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-into-box-place.rs:8:29: 8:43
- (*_2) = const std::vec::Vec::<u32>::new() -> [return: bb2, unwind: bb4]; // bb0[3]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-into-box-place.rs:8:33: 8:43
+ _4 = &mut (*_2); // bb0[3]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-into-box-place.rs:8:33: 8:43
+ ((*_4).0: alloc::raw_vec::RawVec<u32>) = const ByRef { alloc: Allocation { bytes: [4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], relocations: Relocations(SortedMap { data: [] }), undef_mask: UndefMask { blocks: [65535], len: Size { raw: 16 } }, size: Size { raw: 16 }, align: Align { pow2: 3 }, mutability: Not, extra: () }, offset: Size { raw: 0 } }: alloc::raw_vec::RawVec::<u32>; // bb0[4]: scope 2 at $SRC_DIR/liballoc/vec.rs:LL:COL
// ty::Const
- // + ty: fn() -> std::vec::Vec<u32> {std::vec::Vec::<u32>::new}
- // + val: Value(Scalar(<ZST>))
+ // + ty: alloc::raw_vec::RawVec<u32>
+ // + val: Value(ByRef { alloc: Allocation { bytes: [4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], relocations: Relocations(SortedMap { data: [] }), undef_mask: UndefMask { blocks: [65535], len: Size { raw: 16 } }, size: Size { raw: 16 }, align: Align { pow2: 3 }, mutability: Not, extra: () }, offset: Size { raw: 0 } })
// mir::Constant
- // + span: $DIR/inline-into-box-place.rs:8:33: 8:41
- // + user_ty: UserType(1)
- // + literal: Const { ty: fn() -> std::vec::Vec<u32> {std::vec::Vec::<u32>::new}, val: Value(Scalar(<ZST>)) }
+ // + span: $SRC_DIR/liballoc/vec.rs:LL:COL
+ // + user_ty: UserType(0)
+ // + literal: Const { ty: alloc::raw_vec::RawVec<u32>, val: Value(ByRef { alloc: Allocation { bytes: [4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], relocations: Relocations(SortedMap { data: [] }), undef_mask: UndefMask { blocks: [65535], len: Size { raw: 16 } }, size: Size { raw: 16 }, align: Align { pow2: 3 }, mutability: Not, extra: () }, offset: Size { raw: 0 } }) }
+ ((*_4).1: usize) = const 0usize; // bb0[5]: scope 2 at $SRC_DIR/liballoc/vec.rs:LL:COL
+ // ty::Const
+ // + ty: usize
+ // + val: Value(Scalar(0x0000000000000000))
+ // mir::Constant
+ // + span: $SRC_DIR/liballoc/vec.rs:LL:COL
+ // + literal: Const { ty: usize, val: Value(Scalar(0x0000000000000000)) }
+ _1 = move _2; // bb0[6]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-into-box-place.rs:8:29: 8:43
+ StorageDead(_2); // bb0[7]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-into-box-place.rs:8:42: 8:43
+ _0 = (); // bb0[8]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-into-box-place.rs:7:11: 9:2
+ drop(_1) -> [return: bb2, unwind: bb1]; // bb0[9]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-into-box-place.rs:9:1: 9:2
bb1 (cleanup): {
resume; // bb1[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-into-box-place.rs:7:1: 9:2
bb2: {
- _1 = move _2; // bb2[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-into-box-place.rs:8:29: 8:43
- StorageDead(_2); // bb2[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-into-box-place.rs:8:42: 8:43
- _0 = (); // bb2[2]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-into-box-place.rs:7:11: 9:2
- drop(_1) -> [return: bb3, unwind: bb1]; // bb2[3]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-into-box-place.rs:9:1: 9:2
- }
- bb3: {
- StorageDead(_1); // bb3[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-into-box-place.rs:9:1: 9:2
- return; // bb3[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-into-box-place.rs:9:2: 9:2
- }
- bb4 (cleanup): {
- _3 = const alloc::alloc::box_free::<std::vec::Vec<u32>>(move (_2.0: std::ptr::Unique<std::vec::Vec<u32>>)) -> bb1; // bb4[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-into-box-place.rs:8:42: 8:43
- // ty::Const
- // + ty: unsafe fn(std::ptr::Unique<std::vec::Vec<u32>>) {alloc::alloc::box_free::<std::vec::Vec<u32>>}
- // + val: Value(Scalar(<ZST>))
- // mir::Constant
- // + span: $DIR/inline-into-box-place.rs:8:42: 8:43
- // + literal: Const { ty: unsafe fn(std::ptr::Unique<std::vec::Vec<u32>>) {alloc::alloc::box_free::<std::vec::Vec<u32>>}, val: Value(Scalar(<ZST>)) }
+ StorageDead(_1); // bb2[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-into-box-place.rs:9:1: 9:2
+ return; // bb2[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-into-box-place.rs:9:2: 9:2
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ fn main() {
println!("{}", bar());
// EMIT_MIR rustc.bar.Inline.after.mir
fn bar() -> bool {
let f = foo;
f(&1, &-1)
@ -15,23 +16,3 @@ fn bar() -> bool {
fn foo(x: &i32, y: &i32) -> bool {
*x == *y
// START rustc.bar.Inline.after.mir
// ...
// bb0: {
// ...
// Retag(_3);
// ...
// Retag(_3);
// Retag(_6);
// StorageLive(_11);
// _11 = (*_3);
// StorageLive(_12);
// _12 = (*_6);
// _0 = Eq(move _11, move _12);
// ...
// return;
// }
// ...
// END rustc.bar.Inline.after.mir
@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
// MIR for `bar` after Inline
fn bar() -> bool {
let mut _0: bool; // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:10:13: 10:17
let _1: for<'r, 's> fn(&'r i32, &'s i32) -> bool {foo}; // in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:11:9: 11:10
let mut _2: for<'r, 's> fn(&'r i32, &'s i32) -> bool {foo}; // in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:12:5: 12:6
let mut _3: &i32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:12:7: 12:9
let _4: &i32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:12:7: 12:9
let _5: i32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:12:8: 12:9
let mut _6: &i32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:12:11: 12:14
let _7: &i32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:12:11: 12:14
let _8: i32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:12:12: 12:14
scope 1 {
debug f => _1; // in scope 1 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:11:9: 11:10
let mut _9: &i32; // in scope 1 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:12:11: 12:14
let mut _10: &i32; // in scope 1 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:12:7: 12:9
scope 2 {
debug x => _3; // in scope 2 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:16:8: 16:9
debug y => _6; // in scope 2 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:16:17: 16:18
let mut _11: i32; // in scope 2 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:12:5: 12:15
let mut _12: i32; // in scope 2 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:12:5: 12:15
bb0: {
StorageLive(_1); // bb0[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:11:9: 11:10
_1 = const foo; // bb0[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:11:13: 11:16
// ty::Const
// + ty: for<'r, 's> fn(&'r i32, &'s i32) -> bool {foo}
// + val: Value(Scalar(<ZST>))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/inline-retag.rs:11:13: 11:16
// + literal: Const { ty: for<'r, 's> fn(&'r i32, &'s i32) -> bool {foo}, val: Value(Scalar(<ZST>)) }
StorageLive(_2); // bb0[2]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:12:5: 12:6
_2 = _1; // bb0[3]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:12:5: 12:6
StorageLive(_3); // bb0[4]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:12:7: 12:9
StorageLive(_4); // bb0[5]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:12:7: 12:9
_10 = const bar::promoted[1]; // bb0[6]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:12:7: 12:9
// ty::Const
// + ty: &i32
// + val: Unevaluated(DefId(0:4 ~ inline_retag[317d]::bar[0]), [], Some(promoted[1]))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/inline-retag.rs:12:7: 12:9
// + literal: Const { ty: &i32, val: Unevaluated(DefId(0:4 ~ inline_retag[317d]::bar[0]), [], Some(promoted[1])) }
Retag(_10); // bb0[7]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:12:7: 12:9
_4 = &(*_10); // bb0[8]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:12:7: 12:9
Retag(_4); // bb0[9]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:12:7: 12:9
_3 = &(*_4); // bb0[10]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:12:7: 12:9
Retag(_3); // bb0[11]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:12:7: 12:9
StorageLive(_6); // bb0[12]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:12:11: 12:14
StorageLive(_7); // bb0[13]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:12:11: 12:14
_9 = const bar::promoted[0]; // bb0[14]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:12:11: 12:14
// ty::Const
// + ty: &i32
// + val: Unevaluated(DefId(0:4 ~ inline_retag[317d]::bar[0]), [], Some(promoted[0]))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/inline-retag.rs:12:11: 12:14
// + literal: Const { ty: &i32, val: Unevaluated(DefId(0:4 ~ inline_retag[317d]::bar[0]), [], Some(promoted[0])) }
Retag(_9); // bb0[15]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:12:11: 12:14
_7 = &(*_9); // bb0[16]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:12:11: 12:14
Retag(_7); // bb0[17]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:12:11: 12:14
_6 = &(*_7); // bb0[18]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:12:11: 12:14
Retag(_6); // bb0[19]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:12:11: 12:14
Retag(_3); // bb0[20]: scope 2 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:16:1: 18:2
Retag(_6); // bb0[21]: scope 2 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:16:1: 18:2
StorageLive(_11); // bb0[22]: scope 2 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:17:5: 17:7
_11 = (*_3); // bb0[23]: scope 2 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:17:5: 17:7
StorageLive(_12); // bb0[24]: scope 2 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:17:11: 17:13
_12 = (*_6); // bb0[25]: scope 2 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:17:11: 17:13
_0 = Eq(move _11, move _12); // bb0[26]: scope 2 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:17:5: 17:13
StorageDead(_12); // bb0[27]: scope 2 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:17:12: 17:13
StorageDead(_11); // bb0[28]: scope 2 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:17:12: 17:13
StorageDead(_6); // bb0[29]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:12:14: 12:15
StorageDead(_3); // bb0[30]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:12:14: 12:15
StorageDead(_2); // bb0[31]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:12:14: 12:15
StorageDead(_1); // bb0[32]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:13:1: 13:2
StorageDead(_7); // bb0[33]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:13:1: 13:2
StorageDead(_4); // bb0[34]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:13:1: 13:2
return; // bb0[35]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-retag.rs:13:2: 13:2
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
// EMIT_MIR rustc.main.Inline.diff
fn main() {
let x = <Vec::<()> as Foo>::bar();
@ -12,37 +13,3 @@ impl<T> Foo for Vec<T> {
default fn bar() -> u32 { 123 }
// START rustc.main.Inline.before.mir
// let mut _0: ();
// let _1: u32;
// scope 1 {
// debug x => _1;
// }
// bb0: {
// StorageLive(_1);
// _1 = const <std::vec::Vec<()> as Foo>::bar() -> bb1;
// }
// bb1: {
// _0 = ();
// StorageDead(_1);
// return;
// }
// END rustc.main.Inline.before.mir
// START rustc.main.Inline.after.mir
// let mut _0: ();
// let _1: u32;
// scope 1 {
// debug x => _1;
// }
// scope 2 {
// }
// bb0: {
// StorageLive(_1);
// _1 = const 123u32;
// _0 = ();
// StorageDead(_1);
// return;
// }
// END rustc.main.Inline.after.mir
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
- // MIR for `main` before Inline
+ // MIR for `main` after Inline
fn main() -> () {
let mut _0: (); // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-specialization.rs:4:11: 4:11
let _1: u32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-specialization.rs:5:9: 5:10
scope 1 {
debug x => _1; // in scope 1 at $DIR/inline-specialization.rs:5:9: 5:10
+ scope 2 {
+ }
bb0: {
StorageLive(_1); // bb0[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-specialization.rs:5:9: 5:10
- _1 = const <std::vec::Vec<()> as Foo>::bar() -> bb1; // bb0[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-specialization.rs:5:13: 5:38
+ _1 = const 123u32; // bb0[1]: scope 2 at $DIR/inline-specialization.rs:14:31: 14:34
// ty::Const
- // + ty: fn() -> u32 {<std::vec::Vec<()> as Foo>::bar}
- // + val: Value(Scalar(<ZST>))
+ // + ty: u32
+ // + val: Value(Scalar(0x0000007b))
// mir::Constant
- // + span: $DIR/inline-specialization.rs:5:13: 5:36
- // + literal: Const { ty: fn() -> u32 {<std::vec::Vec<()> as Foo>::bar}, val: Value(Scalar(<ZST>)) }
- }
- bb1: {
- _0 = (); // bb1[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-specialization.rs:4:11: 6:2
- StorageDead(_1); // bb1[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-specialization.rs:6:1: 6:2
- return; // bb1[2]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-specialization.rs:6:2: 6:2
+ // + span: $DIR/inline-specialization.rs:14:31: 14:34
+ // + literal: Const { ty: u32, val: Value(Scalar(0x0000007b)) }
+ _0 = (); // bb0[2]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-specialization.rs:4:11: 6:2
+ StorageDead(_1); // bb0[3]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-specialization.rs:6:1: 6:2
+ return; // bb0[4]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-specialization.rs:6:2: 6:2
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ fn main() {
println!("{}", test(&()));
// EMIT_MIR rustc.test.Inline.after.mir
fn test(x: &dyn X) -> u32 {
@ -19,13 +20,3 @@ impl X for () {
// START rustc.test.Inline.after.mir
// ...
// bb0: {
// ...
// _0 = const <dyn X as X>::y(move _2) -> bb1;
// }
// ...
// END rustc.test.Inline.after.mir
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
// MIR for `test` after Inline
fn test(_1: &dyn X) -> u32 {
debug x => _1; // in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-trait-method.rs:8:9: 8:10
let mut _0: u32; // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-trait-method.rs:8:23: 8:26
let mut _2: &dyn X; // in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-trait-method.rs:9:5: 9:6
bb0: {
StorageLive(_2); // bb0[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-trait-method.rs:9:5: 9:6
_2 = &(*_1); // bb0[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-trait-method.rs:9:5: 9:6
_0 = const <dyn X as X>::y(move _2) -> bb1; // bb0[2]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-trait-method.rs:9:5: 9:10
// ty::Const
// + ty: for<'r> fn(&'r dyn X) -> u32 {<dyn X as X>::y}
// + val: Value(Scalar(<ZST>))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/inline-trait-method.rs:9:7: 9:8
// + literal: Const { ty: for<'r> fn(&'r dyn X) -> u32 {<dyn X as X>::y}, val: Value(Scalar(<ZST>)) }
bb1: {
StorageDead(_2); // bb1[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-trait-method.rs:9:9: 9:10
return; // bb1[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-trait-method.rs:10:2: 10:2
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
// compile-flags: -Z span_free_formats -Z mir-opt-level=3
// EMIT_MIR rustc.test2.Inline.after.mir
fn test2(x: &dyn X) -> bool {
@ -24,13 +25,3 @@ impl X for () {
fn main() {
println!("Should be true: {}", test2(&()));
// START rustc.test2.Inline.after.mir
// ...
// bb0: {
// ...
// _0 = const <dyn X as X>::y(move _2) -> bb1;
// }
// ...
// END rustc.test2.Inline.after.mir
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
// MIR for `test2` after Inline
fn test2(_1: &dyn X) -> bool {
debug x => _1; // in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-trait-method_2.rs:4:10: 4:11
let mut _0: bool; // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-trait-method_2.rs:4:24: 4:28
let mut _2: &dyn X; // in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-trait-method_2.rs:5:10: 5:11
let mut _3: &dyn X; // in scope 0 at $DIR/inline-trait-method_2.rs:5:10: 5:11
scope 1 {
debug x => _2; // in scope 1 at $DIR/inline-trait-method_2.rs:9:9: 9:10
bb0: {
StorageLive(_2); // bb0[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-trait-method_2.rs:5:10: 5:11
StorageLive(_3); // bb0[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-trait-method_2.rs:5:10: 5:11
_3 = &(*_1); // bb0[2]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-trait-method_2.rs:5:10: 5:11
_2 = move _3 as &dyn X (Pointer(Unsize)); // bb0[3]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-trait-method_2.rs:5:10: 5:11
StorageDead(_3); // bb0[4]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-trait-method_2.rs:5:10: 5:11
_0 = const <dyn X as X>::y(move _2) -> bb1; // bb0[5]: scope 1 at $DIR/inline-trait-method_2.rs:10:5: 10:10
// ty::Const
// + ty: for<'r> fn(&'r dyn X) -> bool {<dyn X as X>::y}
// + val: Value(Scalar(<ZST>))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/inline-trait-method_2.rs:10:7: 10:8
// + literal: Const { ty: for<'r> fn(&'r dyn X) -> bool {<dyn X as X>::y}, val: Value(Scalar(<ZST>)) }
bb1: {
StorageDead(_2); // bb1[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-trait-method_2.rs:5:11: 5:12
return; // bb1[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/inline-trait-method_2.rs:6:2: 6:2
@ -8,31 +8,8 @@
// EMIT_MIR rustc.use_x.nll.0.mir
fn use_x<'a, 'b: 'a, 'c>(w: &'a mut i32, x: &'b u32, y: &'a u32, z: &'c u32) -> bool { true }
fn main() {
// START rustc.use_x.nll.0.mir
// | Free Region Mapping
// | '_#0r | Global | ['_#2r, '_#1r, '_#0r, '_#4r, '_#3r]
// | '_#1r | External | ['_#1r, '_#4r]
// | '_#2r | External | ['_#2r, '_#1r, '_#4r]
// | '_#3r | Local | ['_#4r, '_#3r]
// | '_#4r | Local | ['_#4r]
// |
// | Inferred Region Values
// | '_#0r | U0 | {bb0[0..=1], '_#0r, '_#1r, '_#2r, '_#3r, '_#4r}
// | '_#1r | U0 | {bb0[0..=1], '_#1r}
// | '_#2r | U0 | {bb0[0..=1], '_#2r}
// | '_#3r | U0 | {bb0[0..=1], '_#3r}
// | '_#4r | U0 | {bb0[0..=1], '_#4r}
// | '_#5r | U0 | {bb0[0..=1], '_#1r}
// | '_#6r | U0 | {bb0[0..=1], '_#2r}
// | '_#7r | U0 | {bb0[0..=1], '_#1r}
// | '_#8r | U0 | {bb0[0..=1], '_#3r}
// |
// ...
// fn use_x(_1: &'_#5r mut i32, _2: &'_#6r u32, _3: &'_#7r u32, _4: &'_#8r u32) -> bool {
// END rustc.use_x.nll.0.mir
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
// MIR for `use_x` 0 nll
| Free Region Mapping
| '_#0r | Global | ['_#2r, '_#1r, '_#0r, '_#4r, '_#3r]
| '_#1r | External | ['_#1r, '_#4r]
| '_#2r | External | ['_#2r, '_#1r, '_#4r]
| '_#3r | Local | ['_#4r, '_#3r]
| '_#4r | Local | ['_#4r]
| Inferred Region Values
| '_#0r | U0 | {bb0[0..=1], '_#0r, '_#1r, '_#2r, '_#3r, '_#4r}
| '_#1r | U0 | {bb0[0..=1], '_#1r}
| '_#2r | U0 | {bb0[0..=1], '_#2r}
| '_#3r | U0 | {bb0[0..=1], '_#3r}
| '_#4r | U0 | {bb0[0..=1], '_#4r}
| '_#5r | U0 | {bb0[0..=1], '_#1r}
| '_#6r | U0 | {bb0[0..=1], '_#2r}
| '_#7r | U0 | {bb0[0..=1], '_#1r}
| '_#8r | U0 | {bb0[0..=1], '_#3r}
| Inference Constraints
| '_#0r live at {bb0[0..=1]}
| '_#1r live at {bb0[0..=1]}
| '_#2r live at {bb0[0..=1]}
| '_#3r live at {bb0[0..=1]}
| '_#4r live at {bb0[0..=1]}
| '_#1r: '_#5r due to BoringNoLocation at All($DIR/named-lifetimes-basic.rs:12:26: 12:27)
| '_#1r: '_#7r due to BoringNoLocation at All($DIR/named-lifetimes-basic.rs:12:54: 12:55)
| '_#2r: '_#6r due to BoringNoLocation at All($DIR/named-lifetimes-basic.rs:12:42: 12:43)
| '_#3r: '_#8r due to BoringNoLocation at All($DIR/named-lifetimes-basic.rs:12:66: 12:67)
| '_#5r: '_#1r due to BoringNoLocation at All($DIR/named-lifetimes-basic.rs:12:26: 12:27)
| '_#6r: '_#2r due to BoringNoLocation at All($DIR/named-lifetimes-basic.rs:12:42: 12:43)
| '_#7r: '_#1r due to BoringNoLocation at All($DIR/named-lifetimes-basic.rs:12:54: 12:55)
| '_#8r: '_#3r due to BoringNoLocation at All($DIR/named-lifetimes-basic.rs:12:66: 12:67)
fn use_x(_1: &'_#5r mut i32, _2: &'_#6r u32, _3: &'_#7r u32, _4: &'_#8r u32) -> bool {
debug w => _1; // in scope 0 at $DIR/named-lifetimes-basic.rs:12:26: 12:27
debug x => _2; // in scope 0 at $DIR/named-lifetimes-basic.rs:12:42: 12:43
debug y => _3; // in scope 0 at $DIR/named-lifetimes-basic.rs:12:54: 12:55
debug z => _4; // in scope 0 at $DIR/named-lifetimes-basic.rs:12:66: 12:67
let mut _0: bool; // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/named-lifetimes-basic.rs:12:81: 12:85
bb0: {
_0 = const Const(Value(Scalar(0x01)): bool); // bb0[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/named-lifetimes-basic.rs:12:88: 12:92
// ty::Const
// + ty: bool
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x01))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/named-lifetimes-basic.rs:12:88: 12:92
// + literal: Const { ty: bool, val: Value(Scalar(0x01)) }
return; // bb0[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/named-lifetimes-basic.rs:12:94: 12:94
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
fn use_x(_: usize) -> bool { true }
// EMIT_MIR rustc.main.nll.0.mir
fn main() {
let mut v = [1, 2, 3];
let p = &v[0];
@ -19,23 +20,3 @@ fn main() {
// START rustc.main.nll.0.mir
// | '_#2r | U0 | {bb2[0..=8], bb3[0], bb5[0..=2]}
// | '_#3r | U0 | {bb2[1..=8], bb3[0], bb5[0..=2]}
// | '_#4r | U0 | {bb2[4..=8], bb3[0], bb5[0..=2]}
// END rustc.main.nll.0.mir
// START rustc.main.nll.0.mir
// let _2: &'_#3r usize;
// ...
// debug p => _2;
// ...
// let _6: &'_#4r usize;
// ...
// debug q => _6;
// ...
// _2 = &'_#2r _1[_3];
// ...
// _6 = _2;
// END rustc.main.nll.0.mir
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
// MIR for `main` 0 nll
| Free Region Mapping
| '_#0r | Global | ['_#0r, '_#1r]
| '_#1r | Local | ['_#1r]
| Inferred Region Values
| '_#0r | U0 | {bb0[0..=8], bb1[0], bb2[0..=8], bb3[0], bb4[0..=1], bb5[0..=3], bb6[0..=3], bb7[0..=2], bb8[0..=5], '_#0r, '_#1r}
| '_#1r | U0 | {bb0[0..=8], bb1[0], bb2[0..=8], bb3[0], bb4[0..=1], bb5[0..=3], bb6[0..=3], bb7[0..=2], bb8[0..=5], '_#1r}
| '_#2r | U0 | {bb2[0..=8], bb3[0], bb5[0..=2]}
| '_#3r | U0 | {bb2[1..=8], bb3[0], bb5[0..=2]}
| '_#4r | U0 | {bb2[4..=8], bb3[0], bb5[0..=2]}
| Inference Constraints
| '_#0r live at {bb0[0..=8], bb1[0], bb2[0..=8], bb3[0], bb4[0..=1], bb5[0..=3], bb6[0..=3], bb7[0..=2], bb8[0..=5]}
| '_#1r live at {bb0[0..=8], bb1[0], bb2[0..=8], bb3[0], bb4[0..=1], bb5[0..=3], bb6[0..=3], bb7[0..=2], bb8[0..=5]}
| '_#2r live at {bb2[0]}
| '_#3r live at {bb2[1..=3]}
| '_#4r live at {bb2[4..=8], bb3[0], bb5[0..=2]}
| '_#2r: '_#3r due to Assignment at Single(bb2[0])
| '_#3r: '_#4r due to Assignment at Single(bb2[3])
fn main() -> () {
let mut _0: (); // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:13:11: 13:11
let mut _1: [usize; Const { ty: usize, val: Value(Scalar(0x0000000000000003)) }]; // in scope 0 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:14:9: 14:14
let _3: usize; // in scope 0 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:15:16: 15:17
let mut _4: usize; // in scope 0 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:15:14: 15:18
let mut _5: bool; // in scope 0 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:15:14: 15:18
let mut _7: bool; // in scope 0 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:17:8: 17:12
let _8: bool; // in scope 0 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:18:9: 18:18
let mut _9: usize; // in scope 0 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:18:15: 18:17
let _10: bool; // in scope 0 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:20:9: 20:18
scope 1 {
debug v => _1; // in scope 1 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:14:9: 14:14
let _2: &'_#3r usize; // in scope 1 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:15:9: 15:10
scope 2 {
debug p => _2; // in scope 2 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:15:9: 15:10
let _6: &'_#4r usize; // in scope 2 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:16:9: 16:10
scope 3 {
debug q => _6; // in scope 3 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:16:9: 16:10
bb0: {
StorageLive(_1); // bb0[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:14:9: 14:14
_1 = [const Const(Value(Scalar(0x0000000000000001)): usize), const Const(Value(Scalar(0x0000000000000002)): usize), const Const(Value(Scalar(0x0000000000000003)): usize)]; // bb0[1]: scope 0 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:14:17: 14:26
// ty::Const
// + ty: usize
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x0000000000000001))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:14:18: 14:19
// + literal: Const { ty: usize, val: Value(Scalar(0x0000000000000001)) }
// ty::Const
// + ty: usize
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x0000000000000002))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:14:21: 14:22
// + literal: Const { ty: usize, val: Value(Scalar(0x0000000000000002)) }
// ty::Const
// + ty: usize
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x0000000000000003))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:14:24: 14:25
// + literal: Const { ty: usize, val: Value(Scalar(0x0000000000000003)) }
FakeRead(ForLet, _1); // bb0[2]: scope 0 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:14:9: 14:14
StorageLive(_2); // bb0[3]: scope 1 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:15:9: 15:10
StorageLive(_3); // bb0[4]: scope 1 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:15:16: 15:17
_3 = const Const(Value(Scalar(0x0000000000000000)): usize); // bb0[5]: scope 1 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:15:16: 15:17
// ty::Const
// + ty: usize
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x0000000000000000))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:15:16: 15:17
// + literal: Const { ty: usize, val: Value(Scalar(0x0000000000000000)) }
_4 = Len(_1); // bb0[6]: scope 1 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:15:14: 15:18
_5 = Lt(_3, _4); // bb0[7]: scope 1 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:15:14: 15:18
assert(move _5, "index out of bounds: the len is move _4 but the index is _3") -> [success: bb2, unwind: bb1]; // bb0[8]: scope 1 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:15:14: 15:18
bb1 (cleanup): {
resume; // bb1[0]: scope 0 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:13:1: 22:2
bb2: {
_2 = &'_#2r _1[_3]; // bb2[0]: scope 1 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:15:13: 15:18
FakeRead(ForLet, _2); // bb2[1]: scope 1 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:15:9: 15:10
StorageLive(_6); // bb2[2]: scope 2 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:16:9: 16:10
_6 = _2; // bb2[3]: scope 2 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:16:13: 16:14
FakeRead(ForLet, _6); // bb2[4]: scope 2 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:16:9: 16:10
StorageLive(_7); // bb2[5]: scope 3 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:17:8: 17:12
_7 = const Const(Value(Scalar(0x01)): bool); // bb2[6]: scope 3 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:17:8: 17:12
// ty::Const
// + ty: bool
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x01))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:17:8: 17:12
// + literal: Const { ty: bool, val: Value(Scalar(0x01)) }
FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _7); // bb2[7]: scope 3 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:17:8: 17:12
switchInt(_7) -> [Const(Value(Scalar(0x00)): bool): bb4, otherwise: bb3]; // bb2[8]: scope 3 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:17:5: 21:6
bb3: {
falseEdges -> [real: bb5, imaginary: bb4]; // bb3[0]: scope 3 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:17:5: 21:6
bb4: {
StorageLive(_10); // bb4[0]: scope 3 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:20:9: 20:18
_10 = const Const(Value(Scalar(<ZST>)): fn(usize) -> bool {use_x})(const Const(Value(Scalar(0x0000000000000016)): usize)) -> [return: bb7, unwind: bb1]; // bb4[1]: scope 3 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:20:9: 20:18
// ty::Const
// + ty: fn(usize) -> bool {use_x}
// + val: Value(Scalar(<ZST>))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:20:9: 20:14
// + literal: Const { ty: fn(usize) -> bool {use_x}, val: Value(Scalar(<ZST>)) }
// ty::Const
// + ty: usize
// + val: Value(Scalar(0x0000000000000016))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:20:15: 20:17
// + literal: Const { ty: usize, val: Value(Scalar(0x0000000000000016)) }
bb5: {
StorageLive(_8); // bb5[0]: scope 3 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:18:9: 18:18
StorageLive(_9); // bb5[1]: scope 3 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:18:15: 18:17
_9 = (*_6); // bb5[2]: scope 3 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:18:15: 18:17
_8 = const Const(Value(Scalar(<ZST>)): fn(usize) -> bool {use_x})(move _9) -> [return: bb6, unwind: bb1]; // bb5[3]: scope 3 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:18:9: 18:18
// ty::Const
// + ty: fn(usize) -> bool {use_x}
// + val: Value(Scalar(<ZST>))
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:18:9: 18:14
// + literal: Const { ty: fn(usize) -> bool {use_x}, val: Value(Scalar(<ZST>)) }
bb6: {
StorageDead(_9); // bb6[0]: scope 3 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:18:17: 18:18
StorageDead(_8); // bb6[1]: scope 3 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:18:18: 18:19
_0 = (); // bb6[2]: scope 3 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:17:13: 19:6
goto -> bb8; // bb6[3]: scope 3 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:17:5: 21:6
bb7: {
StorageDead(_10); // bb7[0]: scope 3 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:20:18: 20:19
_0 = (); // bb7[1]: scope 3 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:19:12: 21:6
goto -> bb8; // bb7[2]: scope 3 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:17:5: 21:6
bb8: {
StorageDead(_6); // bb8[0]: scope 2 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:22:1: 22:2
StorageDead(_3); // bb8[1]: scope 1 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:22:1: 22:2
StorageDead(_2); // bb8[2]: scope 1 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:22:1: 22:2
StorageDead(_1); // bb8[3]: scope 0 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:22:1: 22:2
StorageDead(_7); // bb8[4]: scope 0 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:22:1: 22:2
return; // bb8[5]: scope 0 at $DIR/region-subtyping-basic.rs:22:2: 22:2
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