Rewrite never_loop as a strict reachability pass

fixes #11004
This commit is contained in:
Mario Carneiro 2023-09-02 01:43:12 -04:00
parent a8b5245ea3
commit 68011893d8
3 changed files with 163 additions and 124 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
use super::utils::make_iterator_snippet;
use super::NEVER_LOOP;
use clippy_utils::consts::{constant, Constant};
use clippy_utils::diagnostics::span_lint_and_then;
use clippy_utils::higher::ForLoop;
use clippy_utils::source::snippet;
@ -18,7 +17,7 @@ pub(super) fn check<'tcx>(
for_loop: Option<&ForLoop<'_>>,
) {
match never_loop_block(cx, block, &mut Vec::new(), loop_id) {
NeverLoopResult::AlwaysBreak => {
NeverLoopResult::Diverging => {
span_lint_and_then(cx, NEVER_LOOP, span, "this loop never actually loops", |diag| {
if let Some(ForLoop {
arg: iterator,
@ -39,67 +38,76 @@ pub(super) fn check<'tcx>(
NeverLoopResult::MayContinueMainLoop | NeverLoopResult::Otherwise => (),
NeverLoopResult::IgnoreUntilEnd(_) => unreachable!(),
NeverLoopResult::MayContinueMainLoop | NeverLoopResult::Normal => (),
/// The `never_loop` analysis keeps track of three things:
/// * Has any (reachable) code path hit a `continue` of the main loop?
/// * Is the current code path diverging (that is, the next expression is not reachable)
/// * For each block label `'a` inside the main loop, has any (reachable) code path encountered a
/// `break 'a`?
/// The first two bits of information are in this enum, and the last part is in the
/// `local_labels` variable, which contains a list of `(block_id, reachable)` pairs ordered by
/// scope.
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
enum NeverLoopResult {
// A break/return always get triggered but not necessarily for the main loop.
// A continue may occur for the main loop.
/// A continue may occur for the main loop.
// Ignore everything until the end of the block with this id
/// We have not encountered any main loop continue,
/// but we are diverging (subsequent control flow is not reachable)
/// We have not encountered any main loop continue,
/// and subsequent control flow is (possibly) reachable
fn absorb_break(arg: NeverLoopResult) -> NeverLoopResult {
match arg {
NeverLoopResult::AlwaysBreak | NeverLoopResult::Otherwise => NeverLoopResult::Otherwise,
NeverLoopResult::Diverging | NeverLoopResult::Normal => NeverLoopResult::Normal,
NeverLoopResult::MayContinueMainLoop => NeverLoopResult::MayContinueMainLoop,
NeverLoopResult::IgnoreUntilEnd(id) => NeverLoopResult::IgnoreUntilEnd(id),
// Combine two results for parts that are called in order.
fn combine_seq(first: NeverLoopResult, second: NeverLoopResult) -> NeverLoopResult {
fn combine_seq(first: NeverLoopResult, second: impl FnOnce() -> NeverLoopResult) -> NeverLoopResult {
match first {
NeverLoopResult::AlwaysBreak | NeverLoopResult::MayContinueMainLoop | NeverLoopResult::IgnoreUntilEnd(_) => {
NeverLoopResult::Otherwise => second,
NeverLoopResult::Diverging | NeverLoopResult::MayContinueMainLoop => first,
NeverLoopResult::Normal => second(),
// Combine an iterator of results for parts that are called in order.
fn combine_seq_many(iter: impl IntoIterator<Item = NeverLoopResult>) -> NeverLoopResult {
for e in iter {
if let NeverLoopResult::Diverging | NeverLoopResult::MayContinueMainLoop = e {
return e;
// Combine two results where only one of the part may have been executed.
fn combine_branches(b1: NeverLoopResult, b2: NeverLoopResult, ignore_ids: &[HirId]) -> NeverLoopResult {
fn combine_branches(b1: NeverLoopResult, b2: NeverLoopResult) -> NeverLoopResult {
match (b1, b2) {
(NeverLoopResult::IgnoreUntilEnd(a), NeverLoopResult::IgnoreUntilEnd(b)) => {
if ignore_ids.iter().find(|&e| e == &a || e == &b).unwrap() == &a {
} else {
(i @ NeverLoopResult::IgnoreUntilEnd(_), NeverLoopResult::AlwaysBreak)
| (NeverLoopResult::AlwaysBreak, i @ NeverLoopResult::IgnoreUntilEnd(_)) => i,
(NeverLoopResult::AlwaysBreak, NeverLoopResult::AlwaysBreak) => NeverLoopResult::AlwaysBreak,
(NeverLoopResult::MayContinueMainLoop, _) | (_, NeverLoopResult::MayContinueMainLoop) => {
(NeverLoopResult::Otherwise, _) | (_, NeverLoopResult::Otherwise) => NeverLoopResult::Otherwise,
(NeverLoopResult::Normal, _) | (_, NeverLoopResult::Normal) => NeverLoopResult::Normal,
(NeverLoopResult::Diverging, NeverLoopResult::Diverging) => NeverLoopResult::Diverging,
fn never_loop_block<'tcx>(
cx: &LateContext<'tcx>,
block: &Block<'tcx>,
ignore_ids: &mut Vec<HirId>,
local_labels: &mut Vec<(HirId, bool)>,
main_loop_id: HirId,
) -> NeverLoopResult {
let iter = block
@ -107,15 +115,21 @@ fn never_loop_block<'tcx>(
.chain(|expr| (expr, None)));|(e, els)| {
let e = never_loop_expr(cx, e, ignore_ids, main_loop_id);
combine_seq_many(|(e, els)| {
let e = never_loop_expr(cx, e, local_labels, main_loop_id);
// els is an else block in a let...else binding
els.map_or(e, |els| {
combine_branches(e, never_loop_block(cx, els, ignore_ids, main_loop_id), ignore_ids)
combine_seq(e, || match never_loop_block(cx, els, local_labels, main_loop_id) {
// Returning MayContinueMainLoop here means that
// we will not evaluate the rest of the body
NeverLoopResult::MayContinueMainLoop => NeverLoopResult::MayContinueMainLoop,
// An else block always diverges, so the Normal case should not happen,
// but the analysis is approximate so it might return Normal anyway.
// Returning Normal here says that nothing more happens on the main path
NeverLoopResult::Diverging | NeverLoopResult::Normal => NeverLoopResult::Normal,
.fold(NeverLoopResult::Otherwise, combine_seq)
fn stmt_to_expr<'tcx>(stmt: &Stmt<'tcx>) -> Option<(&'tcx Expr<'tcx>, Option<&'tcx Block<'tcx>>)> {
@ -131,7 +145,7 @@ fn stmt_to_expr<'tcx>(stmt: &Stmt<'tcx>) -> Option<(&'tcx Expr<'tcx>, Option<&'t
fn never_loop_expr<'tcx>(
cx: &LateContext<'tcx>,
expr: &Expr<'tcx>,
ignore_ids: &mut Vec<HirId>,
local_labels: &mut Vec<(HirId, bool)>,
main_loop_id: HirId,
) -> NeverLoopResult {
match expr.kind {
@ -141,66 +155,61 @@ fn never_loop_expr<'tcx>(
| ExprKind::Field(e, _)
| ExprKind::AddrOf(_, _, e)
| ExprKind::Repeat(e, _)
| ExprKind::DropTemps(e) => never_loop_expr(cx, e, ignore_ids, main_loop_id),
ExprKind::Let(let_expr) => never_loop_expr(cx, let_expr.init, ignore_ids, main_loop_id),
ExprKind::Array(es) | ExprKind::Tup(es) => never_loop_expr_all(cx, &mut es.iter(), ignore_ids, main_loop_id),
| ExprKind::DropTemps(e) => never_loop_expr(cx, e, local_labels, main_loop_id),
ExprKind::Let(let_expr) => never_loop_expr(cx, let_expr.init, local_labels, main_loop_id),
ExprKind::Array(es) | ExprKind::Tup(es) => never_loop_expr_all(cx, es.iter(), local_labels, main_loop_id),
ExprKind::MethodCall(_, receiver, es, _) => never_loop_expr_all(
&mut std::iter::once(receiver).chain(es.iter()),
ExprKind::Struct(_, fields, base) => {
let fields = never_loop_expr_all(cx, &mut fields.iter().map(|f| f.expr), ignore_ids, main_loop_id);
let fields = never_loop_expr_all(cx, fields.iter().map(|f| f.expr), local_labels, main_loop_id);
if let Some(base) = base {
combine_seq(fields, never_loop_expr(cx, base, ignore_ids, main_loop_id))
combine_seq(fields, || never_loop_expr(cx, base, local_labels, main_loop_id))
} else {
ExprKind::Call(e, es) => never_loop_expr_all(cx, &mut once(e).chain(es.iter()), ignore_ids, main_loop_id),
ExprKind::Call(e, es) => never_loop_expr_all(cx, once(e).chain(es.iter()), local_labels, main_loop_id),
ExprKind::Binary(_, e1, e2)
| ExprKind::Assign(e1, e2, _)
| ExprKind::AssignOp(_, e1, e2)
| ExprKind::Index(e1, e2, _) => {
never_loop_expr_all(cx, &mut [e1, e2].iter().copied(), ignore_ids, main_loop_id)
| ExprKind::Index(e1, e2, _) => never_loop_expr_all(cx, [e1, e2].iter().copied(), local_labels, main_loop_id),
ExprKind::Loop(b, _, _, _) => {
// Break can come from the inner loop so remove them.
absorb_break(never_loop_block(cx, b, ignore_ids, main_loop_id))
// We don't attempt to track reachability after a loop,
// just assume there may have been a break somewhere
absorb_break(never_loop_block(cx, b, local_labels, main_loop_id))
ExprKind::If(e, e2, e3) => {
let e1 = never_loop_expr(cx, e, ignore_ids, main_loop_id);
let e2 = never_loop_expr(cx, e2, ignore_ids, main_loop_id);
// If we know the `if` condition evaluates to `true`, don't check everything past it; it
// should just return whatever's evaluated for `e1` and `e2` since `e3` is unreachable
if let Some(Constant::Bool(true)) = constant(cx, cx.typeck_results(), e) {
return combine_seq(e1, e2);
let e3 = e3.as_ref().map_or(NeverLoopResult::Otherwise, |e| {
never_loop_expr(cx, e, ignore_ids, main_loop_id)
combine_seq(e1, combine_branches(e2, e3, ignore_ids))
let e1 = never_loop_expr(cx, e, local_labels, main_loop_id);
combine_seq(e1, || {
let e2 = never_loop_expr(cx, e2, local_labels, main_loop_id);
let e3 = e3.as_ref().map_or(NeverLoopResult::Normal, |e| {
never_loop_expr(cx, e, local_labels, main_loop_id)
combine_branches(e2, e3)
ExprKind::Match(e, arms, _) => {
let e = never_loop_expr(cx, e, ignore_ids, main_loop_id);
let e = never_loop_expr(cx, e, local_labels, main_loop_id);
if arms.is_empty() {
} else {
let arms = never_loop_expr_branch(cx, &mut arms.iter().map(|a| a.body), ignore_ids, main_loop_id);
combine_seq(e, arms)
combine_seq(e, || {
never_loop_expr_branch(cx, &mut arms.iter().map(|a| a.body), local_labels, main_loop_id)
ExprKind::Block(b, l) => {
if l.is_some() {
let ret = never_loop_block(cx, b, ignore_ids, main_loop_id);
if l.is_some() {
local_labels.push((b.hir_id, false));
let ret = never_loop_block(cx, b, local_labels, main_loop_id);
let jumped_to = l.is_some() && local_labels.pop().unwrap().1;
match ret {
NeverLoopResult::IgnoreUntilEnd(a) if a == b.hir_id => NeverLoopResult::Otherwise,
NeverLoopResult::Diverging if jumped_to => NeverLoopResult::Normal,
_ => ret,
@ -211,73 +220,70 @@ fn never_loop_expr<'tcx>(
if id == main_loop_id {
} else {
// checks if break targets a block instead of a loop
ExprKind::Break(Destination { target_id: Ok(t), .. }, e) if ignore_ids.contains(&t) => e
.map_or(NeverLoopResult::IgnoreUntilEnd(t), |e| {
never_loop_expr(cx, e, ignore_ids, main_loop_id)
ExprKind::Break(_, e) | ExprKind::Ret(e) => e.as_ref().map_or(NeverLoopResult::AlwaysBreak, |e| {
never_loop_expr(cx, e, ignore_ids, main_loop_id),
ExprKind::Become(e) => combine_seq(
never_loop_expr(cx, e, ignore_ids, main_loop_id),
ExprKind::InlineAsm(asm) => asm
.map(|(o, _)| match o {
InlineAsmOperand::In { expr, .. } | InlineAsmOperand::InOut { expr, .. } => {
never_loop_expr(cx, expr, ignore_ids, main_loop_id)
InlineAsmOperand::Out { expr, .. } => {
never_loop_expr_all(cx, &mut expr.iter().copied(), ignore_ids, main_loop_id)
InlineAsmOperand::SplitInOut { in_expr, out_expr, .. } => never_loop_expr_all(
&mut once(*in_expr).chain(out_expr.iter().copied()),
InlineAsmOperand::Const { .. }
| InlineAsmOperand::SymFn { .. }
| InlineAsmOperand::SymStatic { .. } => NeverLoopResult::Otherwise,
ExprKind::Break(_, e) | ExprKind::Ret(e) => {
let first = e.as_ref().map_or(NeverLoopResult::Normal, |e| {
never_loop_expr(cx, e, local_labels, main_loop_id)
combine_seq(first, || {
// checks if break targets a block instead of a loop
if let ExprKind::Break(Destination { target_id: Ok(t), .. }, _) = expr.kind {
if let Some((_, reachable)) = local_labels.iter_mut().find(|(label, _)| *label == t) {
*reachable = true;
.fold(NeverLoopResult::Otherwise, combine_seq),
ExprKind::Become(e) => combine_seq(never_loop_expr(cx, e, local_labels, main_loop_id), || {
ExprKind::InlineAsm(asm) => combine_seq_many(asm.operands.iter().map(|(o, _)| match o {
InlineAsmOperand::In { expr, .. } | InlineAsmOperand::InOut { expr, .. } => {
never_loop_expr(cx, expr, local_labels, main_loop_id)
InlineAsmOperand::Out { expr, .. } => {
never_loop_expr_all(cx, expr.iter().copied(), local_labels, main_loop_id)
InlineAsmOperand::SplitInOut { in_expr, out_expr, .. } => never_loop_expr_all(
InlineAsmOperand::Const { .. } | InlineAsmOperand::SymFn { .. } | InlineAsmOperand::SymStatic { .. } => {
ExprKind::OffsetOf(_, _)
| ExprKind::Yield(_, _)
| ExprKind::Closure { .. }
| ExprKind::Path(_)
| ExprKind::ConstBlock(_)
| ExprKind::Lit(_)
| ExprKind::Err(_) => NeverLoopResult::Otherwise,
| ExprKind::Err(_) => NeverLoopResult::Normal,
fn never_loop_expr_all<'tcx, T: Iterator<Item = &'tcx Expr<'tcx>>>(
cx: &LateContext<'tcx>,
es: &mut T,
ignore_ids: &mut Vec<HirId>,
es: T,
local_labels: &mut Vec<(HirId, bool)>,
main_loop_id: HirId,
) -> NeverLoopResult {|e| never_loop_expr(cx, e, ignore_ids, main_loop_id))
.fold(NeverLoopResult::Otherwise, combine_seq)
combine_seq_many(|e| never_loop_expr(cx, e, local_labels, main_loop_id)))
fn never_loop_expr_branch<'tcx, T: Iterator<Item = &'tcx Expr<'tcx>>>(
cx: &LateContext<'tcx>,
e: &mut T,
ignore_ids: &mut Vec<HirId>,
local_labels: &mut Vec<(HirId, bool)>,
main_loop_id: HirId,
) -> NeverLoopResult {
e.fold(NeverLoopResult::AlwaysBreak, |a, b| {
combine_branches(a, never_loop_expr(cx, b, ignore_ids, main_loop_id), ignore_ids)
e.fold(NeverLoopResult::Diverging, |a, b| {
combine_branches(a, never_loop_expr(cx, b, local_labels, main_loop_id))

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@ -337,10 +337,8 @@ pub fn test26() {
pub fn test27() {
loop {
//~^ ERROR: this loop never actually loops
'label: {
let x = true;
// Lints because we cannot prove it's always `true`
if x {
break 'label;
@ -349,6 +347,44 @@ pub fn test27() {
// issue 11004
pub fn test29() {
loop {
'label: {
if true {
break 'label;
pub fn test30() {
'a: loop {
'b: {
for j in 0..2 {
if j == 1 {
break 'b;
break 'a;
pub fn test31(b: bool) {
'a: loop {
'b: {
'c: loop {
//~^ ERROR: this loop never actually loops
if b { break 'c } else { break 'b }
continue 'a;
break 'a;
fn main() {

View File

@ -153,16 +153,13 @@ LL | if let Some(_) = (0..20).next() {
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
error: this loop never actually loops
--> $DIR/
--> $DIR/
LL | / loop {
LL | / 'c: loop {
LL | |
LL | | 'label: {
LL | | let x = true;
... |
LL | | }
LL | | }
| |_____^
LL | | if b { break 'c } else { break 'b }
LL | | }
| |_____________^
error: aborting due to 14 previous errors