Implement struct ctor application

This commit is contained in:
Dawer 2021-04-29 23:28:43 +05:00
parent 062c7953a1
commit 678d85ca7e
5 changed files with 121 additions and 69 deletions

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@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ impl Path {
/// Converts a known mod path to `Path`.
pub(crate) fn from_known_path(
pub fn from_known_path(
path: ModPath,
generic_args: Vec<Option<Interned<GenericArgs>>>,
) -> Path {

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@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ impl<'a, 'b> ExprValidator<'a, 'b> {
let pattern_arena = usefulness::PatternArena::clone_from(&body.pats);
let cx = usefulness::MatchCheckCtx {
krate: self.owner.module(db.upcast()).krate(),
module: self.owner.module(db.upcast()),
infer: &infer,

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@ -11,24 +11,67 @@ mod tests {
use super::*;
fn unit_exhaustive() {
fn unit() {
fn main() {
match () { () => {} }
match () { _ => {} }
match () { () => {} }
match () { _ => {} }
match () { }
//^^ Missing match arm
fn unit_non_exhaustive() {
fn tuple_of_units() {
fn main() {
match () { }
//^^ Missing match arm
match ((), ()) { ((), ()) => {} }
match ((), ()) { ((), _) => {} }
match ((), ()) { (_, _) => {} }
match ((), ()) { _ => {} }
match ((), ()) { }
//^^^^^^^^ Missing match arm
fn tuple_with_ellipsis() {
// TODO: test non-exhaustive match with ellipsis in the middle
// of a pattern, check reported witness
struct A; struct B;
fn main(v: (A, (), B)) {
match v { (A, ..) => {} }
match v { (.., B) => {} }
match v { (A, .., B) => {} }
match v { (..) => {} }
match v { }
//^ Missing match arm
fn strukt() {
struct A; struct B;
struct S { a: A, b: B}
fn main(v: S) {
match v { S { a, b } => {} }
match v { S { a: _, b: _ } => {} }
match v { S { .. } => {} }
match v { _ => {} }
match v { }
//^ Missing match arm

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@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
use hir_def::{
expr::{Pat, PatId},
expr::{Pat, PatId, RecordFieldPat},
AttrDefId, EnumVariantId, HasModule, VariantId,
@ -126,19 +130,25 @@ impl Constructor {
/// Determines the constructor that the given pattern can be specialized to.
pub(super) fn from_pat(cx: &MatchCheckCtx<'_>, pat: PatId) -> Self {
let ty = cx.type_of(pat);
match &cx.pattern_arena.borrow()[pat] {
Pat::Bind { .. } | Pat::Wild => Wildcard,
Pat::Tuple { .. } | Pat::Ref { .. } | Pat::Box { .. } => Single,
Pat::Record { .. } | Pat::Path(_) | Pat::TupleStruct { .. } => {
let variant_id =
cx.infer.variant_resolution_for_pat(pat).unwrap_or_else(|| todo!());
match variant_id {
VariantId::EnumVariantId(id) => Variant(id),
VariantId::StructId(_) | VariantId::UnionId(_) => Single,
Pat::Or(..) => panic!("bug: Or-pattern should have been expanded earlier on."),
pat => todo!("Constructor::from_pat {:?}", pat),
// Pat::Missing => {}
// Pat::Or(_) => {}
// Pat::Record { path, args, ellipsis } => {}
// Pat::Range { start, end } => {}
// Pat::Slice { prefix, slice, suffix } => {}
// Pat::Path(_) => {}
// Pat::Lit(_) => {}
// Pat::TupleStruct { path, args, ellipsis } => {}
// Pat::ConstBlock(_) => {}
@ -435,7 +445,8 @@ impl Fields {
} else {
let variant_id = constructor.variant_id_for_adt(*adt, cx);
let variant = variant_id.variant_data(cx.db.upcast());
let adt_is_local = variant_id.module(cx.db.upcast()).krate() == cx.krate;
let adt_is_local =
variant_id.module(cx.db.upcast()).krate() == cx.module.krate();
// Whether we must not match the fields of this variant exhaustively.
let is_non_exhaustive =
is_field_list_non_exhaustive(variant_id, cx) && !adt_is_local;
@ -490,43 +501,44 @@ impl Fields {
Single | Variant(_) => match pcx.ty.kind(&Interner) {
TyKind::Adt(..) | TyKind::Tuple(..) => {
// We want the real indices here.
// TODO indices
// TODO indices and ellipsis interaction, tests
let subpatterns = subpatterns_and_indices.iter().map(|&(_, pat)| pat).collect();
if let Some((adt, substs)) = pcx.ty.as_adt() {
if let hir_def::AdtId::EnumId(_) = adt {
} else {
let item = ItemInNs::Types(adt.into());
let path = find_path(, item,
.map(|mpath| Path::from_known_path(mpath, Vec::new()).into());
match adt {
hir_def::AdtId::EnumId(_) => todo!(),
hir_def::AdtId::StructId(id) => {
let variant_data = &;
let args = subpatterns_and_indices
.map(|(&(_, pat), (_, field_data))| RecordFieldPat {
Pat::Record { path, args, ellipsis: false }
hir_def::AdtId::UnionId(_) => todo!(),
} else {
// TODO ellipsis
Pat::Tuple { args: subpatterns, ellipsis: None }
_ => todo!(),
// TyKind::AssociatedType(_, _) => {}
// TyKind::Scalar(_) => {}
// TyKind::Array(_, _) => {}
// TyKind::Slice(_) => {}
// TyKind::Raw(_, _) => {}
// TyKind::Ref(_, _, _) => {}
// TyKind::OpaqueType(_, _) => {}
// TyKind::FnDef(_, _) => {}
// TyKind::Str => {}
// TyKind::Never => {}
// TyKind::Closure(_, _) => {}
// TyKind::Generator(_, _) => {}
// TyKind::GeneratorWitness(_, _) => {}
// TyKind::Foreign(_) => {}
// TyKind::Error => {}
// TyKind::Placeholder(_) => {}
// TyKind::Dyn(_) => {}
// TyKind::Alias(_) => {}
// TyKind::Function(_) => {}
// TyKind::BoundVar(_) => {}
// TyKind::InferenceVar(_, _) => {}
// Note: given the expansion of `&str` patterns done in `expand_pattern`, we should
// be careful to reconstruct the correct constant pattern here. However a string
// literal pattern will never be reported as a non-exhaustiveness witness, so we
// can ignore this issue.
TyKind::Ref(..) => {
Pat::Ref { pat:, mutability: Mutability::Shared }
TyKind::Slice(..) | TyKind::Array(..) => {
panic!("bug: bad slice pattern {:?} {:?}", ctor, pcx.ty)
_ => Pat::Wild,
Constructor::Slice(slice) => {
@ -537,9 +549,9 @@ impl Fields {
NonExhaustive => Pat::Wild,
Wildcard => Pat::Wild,
Opaque => panic!("bug: we should not try to apply an opaque constructor"),
Missing => panic!(
"bug: trying to apply the `Missing` constructor; this should have been done in `apply_constructors`"
Missing => {
panic!("bug: trying to apply the `Missing` constructor; this should have been done in `apply_constructors`")
@ -628,30 +640,31 @@ impl Fields {
cx: &MatchCheckCtx<'_>,
) -> Self {
match &cx.pattern_arena.borrow()[pat] {
Pat::Ref { pat: subpattern, .. } => {
Pat::Ref { pat: subpattern, .. } | Pat::Box { inner: subpattern } => {
assert_eq!(self.len(), 1);
Pat::Tuple { args: subpatterns, ellipsis } => {
Pat::Tuple { args, ellipsis } | Pat::TupleStruct { args, ellipsis, .. } => {
// FIXME(iDawer) handle ellipsis.
// XXX(iDawer): in rustc, this is handled by HIR->TypedHIR lowering
// rustc_mir_build::thir::pattern::PatCtxt::lower_tuple_subpats(..)
Pat::Wild => self.clone(),
pat => todo!("Fields::replace_with_pattern_arguments({:?})", pat),
// Pat::Missing => {}
// Pat::Or(_) => {}
// Pat::Record { path, args, ellipsis } => {}
// Pat::Range { start, end } => {}
// Pat::Slice { prefix, slice, suffix } => {}
// Pat::Path(_) => {}
// Pat::Lit(_) => {}
// Pat::Bind { mode, name, subpat } => {}
// Pat::TupleStruct { path, args, ellipsis } => {}
// Pat::Box { inner } => {}
// Pat::ConstBlock(_) => {}
Pat::Record { args, ellipsis, .. } => {
// FIXME(iDawer) handle ellipsis.
self.replace_with_fieldpats(args.iter().map(|field_pat| field_pat.pat))
Pat::Slice { .. } => {
| Pat::Wild
| Pat::Or(_)
| Pat::Range { .. }
| Pat::Path(_)
| Pat::Lit(_)
| Pat::Bind { .. }
| Pat::ConstBlock(_) => self.clone(),

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@ -3,11 +3,7 @@
use std::{cell::RefCell, iter::FromIterator, ops::Index, sync::Arc};
use base_db::CrateId;
use hir_def::{
expr::{ExprId, Pat, PatId},
use hir_def::{ModuleId, body::Body, expr::{ExprId, Pat, PatId}};
use la_arena::Arena;
use once_cell::unsync::OnceCell;
use rustc_hash::FxHashMap;
@ -24,7 +20,7 @@ use self::{
pub(crate) struct MatchCheckCtx<'a> {
pub(crate) krate: CrateId,
pub(crate) module: ModuleId,
pub(crate) match_expr: ExprId,
pub(crate) body: Arc<Body>,
pub(crate) infer: &'a InferenceResult,