Less confusing error message when copying into heap closures (close #2942)

This commit is contained in:
Ben Blum 2012-08-23 21:42:14 -04:00
parent d320848bf7
commit 673d0d83cf

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@ -103,7 +103,13 @@ fn with_appropriate_checker(cx: ctx, id: node_id, b: fn(check_fn)) {
// copied in data must be copyable, but moved in data can be anything
let is_implicit = fv.is_some();
if !is_move { check_copy(cx, id, var_t, sp, is_implicit); }
if !is_move {
check_copy(cx, id, var_t, sp, is_implicit,
some(("non-copyable value cannot be copied into a \
~fn closure",
"to copy values into a ~fn closure, use a \
capture clause: `fn~(copy x)` or `|copy x|`")));
// check that only immutable variables are implicitly copied in
for fv.each |fv| {
@ -118,7 +124,13 @@ fn with_appropriate_checker(cx: ctx, id: node_id, b: fn(check_fn)) {
// copied in data must be copyable, but moved in data can be anything
let is_implicit = fv.is_some();
if !is_move { check_copy(cx, id, var_t, sp, is_implicit); }
if !is_move {
check_copy(cx, id, var_t, sp, is_implicit,
some(("non-copyable value cannot be copied into a \
@fn closure",
"to copy values into a @fn closure, use a \
capture clause: `fn~(copy x)` or `|copy x|`")));
// check that only immutable variables are implicitly copied in
for fv.each |fv| {
@ -207,7 +219,7 @@ fn check_fn(fk: visit::fn_kind, decl: fn_decl, body: blk, sp: span,
fn check_block(b: blk, cx: ctx, v: visit::vt<ctx>) {
match b.node.expr {
some(ex) => maybe_copy(cx, ex),
some(ex) => maybe_copy(cx, ex, none),
_ => ()
visit::visit_block(b, cx, v);
@ -247,21 +259,21 @@ fn check_expr(e: @expr, cx: ctx, v: visit::vt<ctx>) {
expr_assign(_, ex) |
expr_unary(box(_), ex) | expr_unary(uniq(_), ex) |
expr_ret(some(ex)) => {
maybe_copy(cx, ex);
maybe_copy(cx, ex, none);
expr_cast(source, _) => {
maybe_copy(cx, source);
maybe_copy(cx, source, none);
check_cast_for_escaping_regions(cx, source, e);
expr_copy(expr) => check_copy_ex(cx, expr, false),
expr_copy(expr) => check_copy_ex(cx, expr, false, none),
// Vector add copies, but not "implicitly"
expr_assign_op(_, _, ex) => check_copy_ex(cx, ex, false),
expr_assign_op(_, _, ex) => check_copy_ex(cx, ex, false, none),
expr_binary(add, ls, rs) => {
check_copy_ex(cx, ls, false);
check_copy_ex(cx, rs, false);
check_copy_ex(cx, ls, false, none);
check_copy_ex(cx, rs, false, none);
expr_rec(fields, def) => {
for fields.each |field| { maybe_copy(cx, field.node.expr); }
for fields.each |field| { maybe_copy(cx, field.node.expr, none); }
match def {
some(ex) => {
// All noncopyable fields must be overridden
@ -282,13 +294,13 @@ fn check_expr(e: @expr, cx: ctx, v: visit::vt<ctx>) {
expr_tup(exprs) | expr_vec(exprs, _) => {
for exprs.each |expr| { maybe_copy(cx, expr); }
for exprs.each |expr| { maybe_copy(cx, expr, none); }
expr_call(f, args, _) => {
let mut i = 0u;
for ty::ty_fn_args(ty::expr_ty(cx.tcx, f)).each |arg_t| {
match ty::arg_mode(cx.tcx, arg_t) {
by_copy => maybe_copy(cx, args[i]),
by_copy => maybe_copy(cx, args[i], none),
by_ref | by_val | by_mutbl_ref | by_move => ()
i += 1u;
@ -298,17 +310,17 @@ fn check_expr(e: @expr, cx: ctx, v: visit::vt<ctx>) {
// If this is a method call with a by-val argument, we need
// to check the copy
match cx.method_map.find(e.id) {
some({self_mode: by_copy, _}) => maybe_copy(cx, lhs),
some({self_mode: by_copy, _}) => maybe_copy(cx, lhs, none),
_ => ()
expr_repeat(element, count_expr, _) => {
let count = ty::eval_repeat_count(cx.tcx, count_expr, e.span);
if count == 1 {
maybe_copy(cx, element);
maybe_copy(cx, element, none);
} else {
let element_ty = ty::expr_ty(cx.tcx, element);
check_copy(cx, element.id, element_ty, element.span, true);
check_copy(cx, element.id, element_ty, element.span, true, none);
_ => { }
@ -321,7 +333,7 @@ fn check_stmt(stmt: @stmt, cx: ctx, v: visit::vt<ctx>) {
stmt_decl(@{node: decl_local(locals), _}, _) => {
for locals.each |local| {
match local.node.init {
some({op: init_assign, expr}) => maybe_copy(cx, expr),
some({op: init_assign, expr}) => maybe_copy(cx, expr, none),
_ => {}
@ -373,8 +385,8 @@ fn check_bounds(cx: ctx, id: node_id, sp: span,
fn maybe_copy(cx: ctx, ex: @expr) {
check_copy_ex(cx, ex, true);
fn maybe_copy(cx: ctx, ex: @expr, why: option<(&str,&str)>) {
check_copy_ex(cx, ex, true, why);
fn is_nullary_variant(cx: ctx, ex: @expr) -> bool {
@ -391,7 +403,8 @@ fn is_nullary_variant(cx: ctx, ex: @expr) -> bool {
fn check_copy_ex(cx: ctx, ex: @expr, implicit_copy: bool) {
fn check_copy_ex(cx: ctx, ex: @expr, implicit_copy: bool,
why: option<(&str,&str)>) {
if ty::expr_is_lval(cx.method_map, ex) &&
// this is a move
@ -405,7 +418,7 @@ fn check_copy_ex(cx: ctx, ex: @expr, implicit_copy: bool) {
let ty = ty::expr_ty(cx.tcx, ex);
check_copy(cx, ex.id, ty, ex.span, implicit_copy);
check_copy(cx, ex.id, ty, ex.span, implicit_copy, why);
@ -439,15 +452,21 @@ fn check_imm_free_var(cx: ctx, def: def, sp: span) {
fn check_copy(cx: ctx, id: node_id, ty: ty::t, sp: span,
implicit_copy: bool) {
implicit_copy: bool, why: option<(&str,&str)>) {
let k = ty::type_kind(cx.tcx, ty);
if !ty::kind_can_be_copied(k) {
cx.tcx.sess.span_err(sp, ~"copying a noncopyable value");
do why.map |reason| {
cx.tcx.sess.span_note(sp, fmt!("%s", reason.first()));
} else if implicit_copy && !ty::kind_can_be_implicitly_copied(k) {
implicit_copies, id, cx.current_item,
~"implicitly copying a non-implicitly-copyable value");
do why.map |reason| {
cx.tcx.sess.span_note(sp, fmt!("%s", reason.second()));