Add method to convert internal to stable constructs
This commit is contained in:
@ -4524,6 +4524,7 @@ dependencies = [
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ rustc_hir = { path = "../rustc_hir" }
rustc_middle = { path = "../rustc_middle" }
rustc_span = { path = "../rustc_span" }
rustc_target = { path = "../rustc_target" }
scoped-tls = "1.0"
stable_mir = {path = "../stable_mir" }
tracing = "0.1"
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
//! For that, we define APIs that will temporarily be public to 3P that exposes rustc internal APIs
//! until stable MIR is complete.
use crate::rustc_smir::Tables;
use crate::rustc_smir::{Stable, Tables, TablesWrapper};
use rustc_data_structures::fx;
use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxIndexMap;
use rustc_middle::mir::interpret::AllocId;
@ -11,13 +11,21 @@ use rustc_middle::ty;
use rustc_middle::ty::TyCtxt;
use rustc_span::def_id::{CrateNum, DefId};
use rustc_span::Span;
use scoped_tls::scoped_thread_local;
use stable_mir::ty::IndexedVal;
use std::cell::Cell;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::hash::Hash;
use std::ops::Index;
use std::rc::Rc;
mod internal;
pub unsafe fn stable<'tcx, S: Stable<'tcx>>(item: &S) -> S::T {
with_tables(|tables| item.stable(tables))
impl<'tcx> Index<stable_mir::DefId> for Tables<'tcx> {
type Output = DefId;
@ -125,18 +133,44 @@ pub fn crate_num(item: &stable_mir::Crate) -> CrateNum {
// A thread local variable that stores a pointer to the tables mapping between TyCtxt
// datastructures and stable MIR datastructures
scoped_thread_local! (static TLV: Cell<*const ()>);
pub(crate) fn init<'tcx>(tables: TablesWrapper<'tcx>, f: impl FnOnce()) {
fn g<'a, 'tcx>(context: &'a TablesWrapper<'tcx>, f: impl FnOnce()) {
let ptr: *const () = &context as *const &_ as _;
TLV.set(&Cell::new(ptr), || {
g(&tables, f);
/// Loads the current context and calls a function with it.
/// Do not nest these, as that will ICE.
pub(crate) fn with_tables<'tcx, R>(f: impl FnOnce(&mut Tables<'tcx>) -> R) -> R {
TLV.with(|tlv| {
let ptr = tlv.get();
let wrapper = unsafe { *(ptr as *const &TablesWrapper<'tcx>) };
let mut tables = wrapper.0.borrow_mut();
f(&mut *tables)
pub fn run(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>, f: impl FnOnce()) {
Tables {
def_ids: IndexMap::default(),
alloc_ids: IndexMap::default(),
spans: IndexMap::default(),
types: vec![],
instances: IndexMap::default(),
let tables = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Tables {
def_ids: IndexMap::default(),
alloc_ids: IndexMap::default(),
spans: IndexMap::default(),
types: vec![],
instances: IndexMap::default(),
stable_mir::run(TablesWrapper(Rc::clone(&tables)), || init(TablesWrapper(tables), f));
@ -23,27 +23,31 @@ use stable_mir::ty::{
FloatTy, GenericParamDef, IntTy, LineInfo, Movability, RigidTy, Span, TyKind, UintTy,
use stable_mir::{self, opaque, Context, Filename};
use std::cell::RefCell;
use tracing::debug;
mod alloc;
mod builder;
impl<'tcx> Context for Tables<'tcx> {
impl<'tcx> Context for TablesWrapper<'tcx> {
fn local_crate(&self) -> stable_mir::Crate {
smir_crate(self.tcx, LOCAL_CRATE)
let tables = self.0.borrow();
smir_crate(tables.tcx, LOCAL_CRATE)
fn external_crates(&self) -> Vec<stable_mir::Crate> {
self.tcx.crates(()).iter().map(|crate_num| smir_crate(self.tcx, *crate_num)).collect()
let tables = self.0.borrow();
tables.tcx.crates(()).iter().map(|crate_num| smir_crate(tables.tcx, *crate_num)).collect()
fn find_crates(&self, name: &str) -> Vec<stable_mir::Crate> {
let tables = self.0.borrow();
let crates: Vec<stable_mir::Crate> = [LOCAL_CRATE]
.map(|crate_num| {
let crate_name = self.tcx.crate_name(*crate_num).to_string();
(name == crate_name).then(|| smir_crate(self.tcx, *crate_num))
let crate_name = tables.tcx.crate_name(*crate_num).to_string();
(name == crate_name).then(|| smir_crate(tables.tcx, *crate_num))
.filter_map(|c| c)
@ -52,163 +56,197 @@ impl<'tcx> Context for Tables<'tcx> {
fn name_of_def_id(&self, def_id: stable_mir::DefId) -> String {
let tables = self.0.borrow();
fn span_to_string(&self, span: stable_mir::ty::Span) -> String {
let tables = self.0.borrow();
fn get_filename(&self, span: &Span) -> Filename {
let tables = self.0.borrow();
fn get_lines(&self, span: &Span) -> LineInfo {
let lines = &self.tcx.sess.source_map().span_to_location_info(self[*span]);
let tables = self.0.borrow();
let lines = &tables.tcx.sess.source_map().span_to_location_info(tables[*span]);
LineInfo { start_line: lines.1, start_col: lines.2, end_line: lines.3, end_col: lines.4 }
fn def_kind(&mut self, def_id: stable_mir::DefId) -> stable_mir::DefKind {
fn def_kind(&self, def_id: stable_mir::DefId) -> stable_mir::DefKind {
let mut tables = self.0.borrow_mut();
tables.tcx.def_kind(tables[def_id]).stable(&mut *tables)
fn span_of_an_item(&mut self, def_id: stable_mir::DefId) -> Span {
fn span_of_an_item(&self, def_id: stable_mir::DefId) -> Span {
let mut tables = self.0.borrow_mut();
tables.tcx.def_span(tables[def_id]).stable(&mut *tables)
fn all_local_items(&mut self) -> stable_mir::CrateItems {
self.tcx.mir_keys(()).iter().map(|item| self.crate_item(item.to_def_id())).collect()
fn all_local_items(&self) -> stable_mir::CrateItems {
let mut tables = self.0.borrow_mut();
tables.tcx.mir_keys(()).iter().map(|item| tables.crate_item(item.to_def_id())).collect()
fn entry_fn(&mut self) -> Option<stable_mir::CrateItem> {
fn entry_fn(&self) -> Option<stable_mir::CrateItem> {
let mut tables = self.0.borrow_mut();
let tcx = tables.tcx;
fn all_trait_decls(&mut self) -> stable_mir::TraitDecls {
fn all_trait_decls(&self) -> stable_mir::TraitDecls {
let mut tables = self.0.borrow_mut();
.map(|trait_def_id| self.trait_def(*trait_def_id))
.map(|trait_def_id| tables.trait_def(*trait_def_id))
fn trait_decl(&mut self, trait_def: &stable_mir::ty::TraitDef) -> stable_mir::ty::TraitDecl {
let def_id = self[trait_def.0];
let trait_def = self.tcx.trait_def(def_id);
fn trait_decl(&self, trait_def: &stable_mir::ty::TraitDef) -> stable_mir::ty::TraitDecl {
let mut tables = self.0.borrow_mut();
let def_id = tables[trait_def.0];
let trait_def = tables.tcx.trait_def(def_id);
trait_def.stable(&mut *tables)
fn all_trait_impls(&mut self) -> stable_mir::ImplTraitDecls {
fn all_trait_impls(&self) -> stable_mir::ImplTraitDecls {
let mut tables = self.0.borrow_mut();
.map(|impl_def_id| self.impl_def(*impl_def_id))
.map(|impl_def_id| tables.impl_def(*impl_def_id))
fn trait_impl(&mut self, impl_def: &stable_mir::ty::ImplDef) -> stable_mir::ty::ImplTrait {
let def_id = self[impl_def.0];
let impl_trait = self.tcx.impl_trait_ref(def_id).unwrap();
fn trait_impl(&self, impl_def: &stable_mir::ty::ImplDef) -> stable_mir::ty::ImplTrait {
let mut tables = self.0.borrow_mut();
let def_id = tables[impl_def.0];
let impl_trait = tables.tcx.impl_trait_ref(def_id).unwrap();
impl_trait.stable(&mut *tables)
fn mir_body(&mut self, item: stable_mir::DefId) -> stable_mir::mir::Body {
let def_id = self[item];
fn mir_body(&self, item: stable_mir::DefId) -> stable_mir::mir::Body {
let mut tables = self.0.borrow_mut();
let def_id = tables[item];
tables.tcx.instance_mir(ty::InstanceDef::Item(def_id)).stable(&mut tables)
fn ty_kind(&mut self, ty: stable_mir::ty::Ty) -> TyKind {
fn ty_kind(&self, ty: stable_mir::ty::Ty) -> TyKind {
let mut tables = self.0.borrow_mut();
tables.types[ty.0].clone().stable(&mut *tables)
fn mk_ty(&mut self, kind: TyKind) -> stable_mir::ty::Ty {
let n = self.types.len();
fn mk_ty(&self, kind: TyKind) -> stable_mir::ty::Ty {
let mut tables = self.0.borrow_mut();
let n = tables.types.len();
fn generics_of(&mut self, def_id: stable_mir::DefId) -> stable_mir::ty::Generics {
let def_id = self[def_id];
let generics = self.tcx.generics_of(def_id);
fn generics_of(&self, def_id: stable_mir::DefId) -> stable_mir::ty::Generics {
let mut tables = self.0.borrow_mut();
let def_id = tables[def_id];
let generics = tables.tcx.generics_of(def_id);
generics.stable(&mut *tables)
fn predicates_of(&mut self, def_id: stable_mir::DefId) -> stable_mir::ty::GenericPredicates {
let def_id = self[def_id];
let ty::GenericPredicates { parent, predicates } = self.tcx.predicates_of(def_id);
fn predicates_of(&self, def_id: stable_mir::DefId) -> stable_mir::ty::GenericPredicates {
let mut tables = self.0.borrow_mut();
let def_id = tables[def_id];
let ty::GenericPredicates { parent, predicates } = tables.tcx.predicates_of(def_id);
stable_mir::ty::GenericPredicates {
parent:|did| self.trait_def(did)),
parent:|did| tables.trait_def(did)),
predicates: predicates
.map(|(clause, span)| {
(clause.as_predicate().kind().skip_binder().stable(self), span.stable(self))
clause.as_predicate().kind().skip_binder().stable(&mut *tables),
span.stable(&mut *tables),
fn explicit_predicates_of(
&mut self,
def_id: stable_mir::DefId,
) -> stable_mir::ty::GenericPredicates {
let def_id = self[def_id];
let ty::GenericPredicates { parent, predicates } = self.tcx.explicit_predicates_of(def_id);
let mut tables = self.0.borrow_mut();
let def_id = tables[def_id];
let ty::GenericPredicates { parent, predicates } =
stable_mir::ty::GenericPredicates {
parent:|did| self.trait_def(did)),
parent:|did| tables.trait_def(did)),
predicates: predicates
.map(|(clause, span)| {
(clause.as_predicate().kind().skip_binder().stable(self), span.stable(self))
clause.as_predicate().kind().skip_binder().stable(&mut *tables),
span.stable(&mut *tables),
fn instance_body(&mut self, def: InstanceDef) -> Body {
let instance = self.instances[def];
builder::BodyBuilder::new(self.tcx, instance).build(self)
fn instance_body(&self, def: InstanceDef) -> Body {
let mut tables = self.0.borrow_mut();
let instance = tables.instances[def];
builder::BodyBuilder::new(tables.tcx, instance).build(&mut *tables)
fn instance_ty(&mut self, def: InstanceDef) -> stable_mir::ty::Ty {
let instance = self.instances[def];
let ty = instance.ty(self.tcx, ParamEnv::empty());
fn instance_ty(&self, def: InstanceDef) -> stable_mir::ty::Ty {
let mut tables = self.0.borrow_mut();
let instance = tables.instances[def];
let ty = instance.ty(tables.tcx, ParamEnv::empty());
fn instance_def_id(&mut self, def: InstanceDef) -> stable_mir::DefId {
let def_id = self.instances[def].def_id();
fn instance_def_id(&self, def: InstanceDef) -> stable_mir::DefId {
let mut tables = self.0.borrow_mut();
let def_id = tables.instances[def].def_id();
fn mono_instance(&mut self, item: stable_mir::CrateItem) -> stable_mir::mir::mono::Instance {
let def_id = self[item.0];
Instance::mono(self.tcx, def_id).stable(self)
fn mono_instance(&self, item: stable_mir::CrateItem) -> stable_mir::mir::mono::Instance {
let mut tables = self.0.borrow_mut();
let def_id = tables[item.0];
Instance::mono(tables.tcx, def_id).stable(&mut *tables)
fn requires_monomorphization(&self, def_id: stable_mir::DefId) -> bool {
let def_id = self[def_id];
let generics = self.tcx.generics_of(def_id);
let result = generics.requires_monomorphization(self.tcx);
let tables = self.0.borrow();
let def_id = tables[def_id];
let generics = tables.tcx.generics_of(def_id);
let result = generics.requires_monomorphization(tables.tcx);
fn resolve_instance(
&mut self,
def: stable_mir::ty::FnDef,
args: &stable_mir::ty::GenericArgs,
) -> Option<stable_mir::mir::mono::Instance> {
let def_id = def.0.internal(self);
let args_ref = args.internal(self);
match Instance::resolve(self.tcx, ParamEnv::reveal_all(), def_id, args_ref) {
Ok(Some(instance)) => Some(instance.stable(self)),
let mut tables = self.0.borrow_mut();
let def_id = def.0.internal(&mut *tables);
let args_ref = args.internal(&mut *tables);
match Instance::resolve(tables.tcx, ParamEnv::reveal_all(), def_id, args_ref) {
Ok(Some(instance)) => Some(instance.stable(&mut *tables)),
Ok(None) | Err(_) => None,
@ -241,13 +279,15 @@ impl<S, R: PartialEq> PartialEq<R> for MaybeStable<S, R> {
pub(crate) struct TablesWrapper<'tcx>(pub(crate) std::rc::Rc<RefCell<Tables<'tcx>>>);
pub struct Tables<'tcx> {
pub tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
pub def_ids: IndexMap<DefId, stable_mir::DefId>,
pub alloc_ids: IndexMap<AllocId, stable_mir::AllocId>,
pub spans: IndexMap<rustc_span::Span, Span>,
pub types: Vec<MaybeStable<TyKind, Ty<'tcx>>>,
pub instances: IndexMap<ty::Instance<'tcx>, InstanceDef>,
pub(crate) tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
pub(crate) def_ids: IndexMap<DefId, stable_mir::DefId>,
pub(crate) alloc_ids: IndexMap<AllocId, stable_mir::AllocId>,
pub(crate) spans: IndexMap<rustc_span::Span, Span>,
pub(crate) types: Vec<MaybeStable<TyKind, Ty<'tcx>>>,
pub(crate) instances: IndexMap<ty::Instance<'tcx>, InstanceDef>,
impl<'tcx> Tables<'tcx> {
@ -270,7 +310,7 @@ fn smir_crate(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>, crate_num: CrateNum) -> stable_mir::Crate {
/// Trait used to convert between an internal MIR type to a Stable MIR type.
pub(crate) trait Stable<'tcx> {
pub trait Stable<'tcx> {
/// The stable representation of the type implementing Stable.
type T;
/// Converts an object to the equivalent Stable MIR representation.
@ -175,17 +175,17 @@ pub fn trait_impl(trait_impl: &ImplDef) -> ImplTrait {
pub trait Context {
fn entry_fn(&mut self) -> Option<CrateItem>;
fn entry_fn(&self) -> Option<CrateItem>;
/// Retrieve all items of the local crate that have a MIR associated with them.
fn all_local_items(&mut self) -> CrateItems;
fn mir_body(&mut self, item: DefId) -> mir::Body;
fn all_trait_decls(&mut self) -> TraitDecls;
fn trait_decl(&mut self, trait_def: &TraitDef) -> TraitDecl;
fn all_trait_impls(&mut self) -> ImplTraitDecls;
fn trait_impl(&mut self, trait_impl: &ImplDef) -> ImplTrait;
fn generics_of(&mut self, def_id: DefId) -> Generics;
fn predicates_of(&mut self, def_id: DefId) -> GenericPredicates;
fn explicit_predicates_of(&mut self, def_id: DefId) -> GenericPredicates;
fn all_local_items(&self) -> CrateItems;
fn mir_body(&self, item: DefId) -> mir::Body;
fn all_trait_decls(&self) -> TraitDecls;
fn trait_decl(&self, trait_def: &TraitDef) -> TraitDecl;
fn all_trait_impls(&self) -> ImplTraitDecls;
fn trait_impl(&self, trait_impl: &ImplDef) -> ImplTrait;
fn generics_of(&self, def_id: DefId) -> Generics;
fn predicates_of(&self, def_id: DefId) -> GenericPredicates;
fn explicit_predicates_of(&self, def_id: DefId) -> GenericPredicates;
/// Get information about the local crate.
fn local_crate(&self) -> Crate;
/// Retrieve a list of all external crates.
@ -207,61 +207,61 @@ pub trait Context {
fn get_lines(&self, span: &Span) -> LineInfo;
/// Returns the `kind` of given `DefId`
fn def_kind(&mut self, def_id: DefId) -> DefKind;
fn def_kind(&self, def_id: DefId) -> DefKind;
/// `Span` of an item
fn span_of_an_item(&mut self, def_id: DefId) -> Span;
fn span_of_an_item(&self, def_id: DefId) -> Span;
/// Obtain the representation of a type.
fn ty_kind(&mut self, ty: Ty) -> TyKind;
fn ty_kind(&self, ty: Ty) -> TyKind;
/// Create a new `Ty` from scratch without information from rustc.
fn mk_ty(&mut self, kind: TyKind) -> Ty;
fn mk_ty(&self, kind: TyKind) -> Ty;
/// Get the body of an Instance.
/// FIXME: Monomorphize the body.
fn instance_body(&mut self, instance: InstanceDef) -> Body;
fn instance_body(&self, instance: InstanceDef) -> Body;
/// Get the instance type with generic substitutions applied and lifetimes erased.
fn instance_ty(&mut self, instance: InstanceDef) -> Ty;
fn instance_ty(&self, instance: InstanceDef) -> Ty;
/// Get the instance.
fn instance_def_id(&mut self, instance: InstanceDef) -> DefId;
fn instance_def_id(&self, instance: InstanceDef) -> DefId;
/// Convert a non-generic crate item into an instance.
/// This function will panic if the item is generic.
fn mono_instance(&mut self, item: CrateItem) -> Instance;
fn mono_instance(&self, item: CrateItem) -> Instance;
/// Item requires monomorphization.
fn requires_monomorphization(&self, def_id: DefId) -> bool;
/// Resolve an instance from the given function definition and generic arguments.
fn resolve_instance(&mut self, def: FnDef, args: &GenericArgs) -> Option<Instance>;
fn resolve_instance(&self, def: FnDef, args: &GenericArgs) -> Option<Instance>;
// A thread local variable that stores a pointer to the tables mapping between TyCtxt
// datastructures and stable MIR datastructures
scoped_thread_local! (static TLV: Cell<*mut ()>);
scoped_thread_local! (static TLV: Cell<*const ()>);
pub fn run(mut context: impl Context, f: impl FnOnce()) {
pub fn run(context: impl Context, f: impl FnOnce()) {
fn g<'a>(mut context: &mut (dyn Context + 'a), f: impl FnOnce()) {
let ptr: *mut () = &mut context as *mut &mut _ as _;
fn g<'a>(context: &(dyn Context + 'a), f: impl FnOnce()) {
let ptr: *const () = &context as *const &_ as _;
TLV.set(&Cell::new(ptr), || {
g(&mut context, f);
g(&context, f);
/// Loads the current context and calls a function with it.
/// Do not nest these, as that will ICE.
pub fn with<R>(f: impl FnOnce(&mut dyn Context) -> R) -> R {
pub fn with<R>(f: impl FnOnce(&dyn Context) -> R) -> R {
TLV.with(|tlv| {
let ptr = tlv.get();
f(unsafe { *(ptr as *mut &mut dyn Context) })
f(unsafe { *(ptr as *const &dyn Context) })
Reference in New Issue
Block a user