eq_op: cut back to expressions that are guaranteed side effect free
fixes #229
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ use rustc::lint::*;
use syntax::ast::*;
use syntax::ast_util as ast_util;
use syntax::ptr::P;
use syntax::codemap as code;
use consts::constant;
use utils::span_lint;
@ -33,42 +32,27 @@ impl LintPass for EqOp {
pub fn is_exp_equal(cx: &Context, left : &Expr, right : &Expr) -> bool {
if match (&left.node, &right.node) {
(&ExprBinary(ref lop, ref ll, ref lr),
&ExprBinary(ref rop, ref rl, ref rr)) =>
lop.node == rop.node &&
is_exp_equal(cx, ll, rl) && is_exp_equal(cx, lr, rr),
(&ExprBox(ref lpl, ref lbox), &ExprBox(ref rpl, ref rbox)) =>
both(lpl, rpl, |l, r| is_exp_equal(cx, l, r)) &&
is_exp_equal(cx, lbox, rbox),
(&ExprCall(ref lcallee, ref largs),
&ExprCall(ref rcallee, ref rargs)) => is_exp_equal(cx, lcallee,
rcallee) && is_exps_equal(cx, largs, rargs),
(&ExprCast(ref lc, ref lty), &ExprCast(ref rc, ref rty)) =>
is_ty_equal(cx, lty, rty) && is_exp_equal(cx, lc, rc),
if let (Some(l), Some(r)) = (constant(cx, left), constant(cx, right)) {
if l == r {
return true;
match (&left.node, &right.node) {
(&ExprField(ref lfexp, ref lfident),
&ExprField(ref rfexp, ref rfident)) =>
lfident.node == rfident.node && is_exp_equal(cx, lfexp, rfexp),
(&ExprLit(ref l), &ExprLit(ref r)) => l.node == r.node,
(&ExprMethodCall(ref lident, ref lcty, ref lmargs),
&ExprMethodCall(ref rident, ref rcty, ref rmargs)) =>
lident.node == rident.node && is_tys_equal(cx, lcty, rcty) &&
is_exps_equal(cx, lmargs, rmargs),
(&ExprParen(ref lparen), _) => is_exp_equal(cx, lparen, right),
(_, &ExprParen(ref rparen)) => is_exp_equal(cx, left, rparen),
(&ExprPath(ref lqself, ref lsubpath),
&ExprPath(ref rqself, ref rsubpath)) =>
both(lqself, rqself, |l, r| is_qself_equal(l, r)) &&
both(lqself, rqself, is_qself_equal) &&
is_path_equal(lsubpath, rsubpath),
(&ExprTup(ref ltup), &ExprTup(ref rtup)) =>
is_exps_equal(cx, ltup, rtup),
(&ExprUnary(lunop, ref l), &ExprUnary(runop, ref r)) =>
lunop == runop && is_exp_equal(cx, l, r),
(&ExprVec(ref l), &ExprVec(ref r)) => is_exps_equal(cx, l, r),
_ => false
} { return true; }
match (constant(cx, left), constant(cx, right)) {
(Some(l), Some(r)) => l == r,
(&ExprCast(ref lx, ref lt), &ExprCast(ref rx, ref rt)) =>
is_exp_equal(cx, lx, rx) && is_cast_ty_equal(lt, rt),
_ => false
@ -90,166 +74,6 @@ fn is_qself_equal(left : &QSelf, right : &QSelf) -> bool {
left.ty.node == right.ty.node && left.position == right.position
fn is_ty_equal(cx: &Context, left : &Ty, right : &Ty) -> bool {
match (&left.node, &right.node) {
(&TyVec(ref lvec), &TyVec(ref rvec)) => is_ty_equal(cx, lvec, rvec),
(&TyFixedLengthVec(ref lfvty, ref lfvexp),
&TyFixedLengthVec(ref rfvty, ref rfvexp)) =>
is_ty_equal(cx, lfvty, rfvty) && is_exp_equal(cx, lfvexp, rfvexp),
(&TyPtr(ref lmut), &TyPtr(ref rmut)) => is_mut_ty_equal(cx, lmut, rmut),
(&TyRptr(ref ltime, ref lrmut), &TyRptr(ref rtime, ref rrmut)) =>
both(ltime, rtime, is_lifetime_equal) &&
is_mut_ty_equal(cx, lrmut, rrmut),
(&TyBareFn(ref lbare), &TyBareFn(ref rbare)) =>
is_bare_fn_ty_equal(cx, lbare, rbare),
(&TyTup(ref ltup), &TyTup(ref rtup)) => is_tys_equal(cx, ltup, rtup),
(&TyPath(ref lq, ref lpath), &TyPath(ref rq, ref rpath)) =>
both(lq, rq, is_qself_equal) && is_path_equal(lpath, rpath),
(&TyObjectSum(ref lsumty, ref lobounds),
&TyObjectSum(ref rsumty, ref robounds)) =>
is_ty_equal(cx, lsumty, rsumty) &&
is_param_bounds_equal(lobounds, robounds),
(&TyPolyTraitRef(ref ltbounds), &TyPolyTraitRef(ref rtbounds)) =>
is_param_bounds_equal(ltbounds, rtbounds),
(&TyParen(ref lty), &TyParen(ref rty)) => is_ty_equal(cx, lty, rty),
(&TyTypeof(ref lof), &TyTypeof(ref rof)) => is_exp_equal(cx, lof, rof),
(&TyInfer, &TyInfer) => true,
_ => false
fn is_param_bound_equal(left : &TyParamBound, right : &TyParamBound)
-> bool {
match(left, right) {
(&TraitTyParamBound(ref lpoly, ref lmod),
&TraitTyParamBound(ref rpoly, ref rmod)) =>
lmod == rmod && is_poly_traitref_equal(lpoly, rpoly),
(&RegionTyParamBound(ref ltime), &RegionTyParamBound(ref rtime)) =>
is_lifetime_equal(ltime, rtime),
_ => false
fn is_poly_traitref_equal(left : &PolyTraitRef, right : &PolyTraitRef)
-> bool {
is_lifetimedefs_equal(&left.bound_lifetimes, &right.bound_lifetimes)
&& is_path_equal(&left.trait_ref.path, &right.trait_ref.path)
fn is_param_bounds_equal(left : &TyParamBounds, right : &TyParamBounds)
-> bool {
over(left, right, is_param_bound_equal)
fn is_mut_ty_equal(cx: &Context, left : &MutTy, right : &MutTy) -> bool {
left.mutbl == right.mutbl && is_ty_equal(cx, &left.ty, &right.ty)
fn is_bare_fn_ty_equal(cx: &Context, left : &BareFnTy, right : &BareFnTy) -> bool {
left.unsafety == right.unsafety && left.abi == right.abi &&
is_lifetimedefs_equal(&left.lifetimes, &right.lifetimes) &&
is_fndecl_equal(cx, &left.decl, &right.decl)
fn is_fndecl_equal(cx: &Context, left : &P<FnDecl>, right : &P<FnDecl>) -> bool {
left.variadic == right.variadic &&
is_args_equal(cx, &left.inputs, &right.inputs) &&
is_fnret_ty_equal(cx, &left.output, &right.output)
fn is_fnret_ty_equal(cx: &Context, left : &FunctionRetTy,
right : &FunctionRetTy) -> bool {
match (left, right) {
(&NoReturn(_), &NoReturn(_)) |
(&DefaultReturn(_), &DefaultReturn(_)) => true,
(&Return(ref lty), &Return(ref rty)) => is_ty_equal(cx, lty, rty),
_ => false
fn is_arg_equal(cx: &Context, l: &Arg, r : &Arg) -> bool {
is_ty_equal(cx, &l.ty, &r.ty) && is_pat_equal(cx, &l.pat, &r.pat)
fn is_args_equal(cx: &Context, left : &[Arg], right : &[Arg]) -> bool {
over(left, right, |l, r| is_arg_equal(cx, l, r))
fn is_pat_equal(cx: &Context, left : &Pat, right : &Pat) -> bool {
match(&left.node, &right.node) {
(&PatWild(lwild), &PatWild(rwild)) => lwild == rwild,
(&PatIdent(ref lmode, ref lident, Option::None),
&PatIdent(ref rmode, ref rident, Option::None)) =>
lmode == rmode && is_ident_equal(&lident.node, &rident.node),
(&PatIdent(ref lmode, ref lident, Option::Some(ref lpat)),
&PatIdent(ref rmode, ref rident, Option::Some(ref rpat))) =>
lmode == rmode && is_ident_equal(&lident.node, &rident.node) &&
is_pat_equal(cx, lpat, rpat),
(&PatEnum(ref lpath, ref lenum), &PatEnum(ref rpath, ref renum)) =>
is_path_equal(lpath, rpath) && both(lenum, renum, |l, r|
is_pats_equal(cx, l, r)),
(&PatStruct(ref lpath, ref lfieldpat, lbool),
&PatStruct(ref rpath, ref rfieldpat, rbool)) =>
lbool == rbool && is_path_equal(lpath, rpath) &&
is_spanned_fieldpats_equal(cx, lfieldpat, rfieldpat),
(&PatTup(ref ltup), &PatTup(ref rtup)) => is_pats_equal(cx, ltup, rtup),
(&PatBox(ref lboxed), &PatBox(ref rboxed)) =>
is_pat_equal(cx, lboxed, rboxed),
(&PatRegion(ref lpat, ref lmut), &PatRegion(ref rpat, ref rmut)) =>
is_pat_equal(cx, lpat, rpat) && lmut == rmut,
(&PatLit(ref llit), &PatLit(ref rlit)) => is_exp_equal(cx, llit, rlit),
(&PatRange(ref lfrom, ref lto), &PatRange(ref rfrom, ref rto)) =>
is_exp_equal(cx, lfrom, rfrom) && is_exp_equal(cx, lto, rto),
(&PatVec(ref lfirst, Option::None, ref llast),
&PatVec(ref rfirst, Option::None, ref rlast)) =>
is_pats_equal(cx, lfirst, rfirst) && is_pats_equal(cx, llast, rlast),
(&PatVec(ref lfirst, Option::Some(ref lpat), ref llast),
&PatVec(ref rfirst, Option::Some(ref rpat), ref rlast)) =>
is_pats_equal(cx, lfirst, rfirst) && is_pat_equal(cx, lpat, rpat) &&
is_pats_equal(cx, llast, rlast),
// I don't match macros for now, the code is slow enough as is ;-)
_ => false
fn is_spanned_fieldpats_equal(cx: &Context, left : &[code::Spanned<FieldPat>],
right : &[code::Spanned<FieldPat>]) -> bool {
over(left, right, |l, r| is_fieldpat_equal(cx, &l.node, &r.node))
fn is_fieldpat_equal(cx: &Context, left : &FieldPat, right : &FieldPat) -> bool {
left.is_shorthand == right.is_shorthand &&
is_ident_equal(&left.ident, &right.ident) &&
is_pat_equal(cx, &left.pat, &right.pat)
fn is_ident_equal(left : &Ident, right : &Ident) -> bool {
&left.name == &right.name && left.ctxt == right.ctxt
fn is_pats_equal(cx: &Context, left : &[P<Pat>], right : &[P<Pat>]) -> bool {
over(left, right, |l, r| is_pat_equal(cx, l, r))
fn is_lifetimedef_equal(left : &LifetimeDef, right : &LifetimeDef)
-> bool {
is_lifetime_equal(&left.lifetime, &right.lifetime) &&
over(&left.bounds, &right.bounds, is_lifetime_equal)
fn is_lifetimedefs_equal(left : &[LifetimeDef], right : &[LifetimeDef])
-> bool {
over(left, right, is_lifetimedef_equal)
fn is_lifetime_equal(left : &Lifetime, right : &Lifetime) -> bool {
left.name == right.name
fn is_tys_equal(cx: &Context, left : &[P<Ty>], right : &[P<Ty>]) -> bool {
over(left, right, |l, r| is_ty_equal(cx, l, r))
fn over<X, F>(left: &[X], right: &[X], mut eq_fn: F) -> bool
where F: FnMut(&X, &X) -> bool {
left.len() == right.len() && left.iter().zip(right).all(|(x, y)|
@ -269,3 +93,20 @@ fn is_cmp_or_bit(op : &BinOp) -> bool {
_ => false
fn is_cast_ty_equal(left: &Ty, right: &Ty) -> bool {
match (&left.node, &right.node) {
(&TyVec(ref lvec), &TyVec(ref rvec)) => is_cast_ty_equal(lvec, rvec),
(&TyPtr(ref lmut), &TyPtr(ref rmut)) =>
lmut.mutbl == rmut.mutbl &&
is_cast_ty_equal(&*lmut.ty, &*rmut.ty),
(&TyRptr(_, ref lrmut), &TyRptr(_, ref rrmut)) =>
lrmut.mutbl == rrmut.mutbl &&
is_cast_ty_equal(&*lrmut.ty, &*rrmut.ty),
(&TyPath(ref lq, ref lpath), &TyPath(ref rq, ref rpath)) =>
both(lq, rq, is_qself_equal) && is_path_equal(lpath, rpath),
(&TyParen(ref lty), &TyParen(ref rty)) => is_cast_ty_equal(lty, rty),
(&TyInfer, &TyInfer) => true,
_ => false
@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
fn id<X>(x: X) -> X {
fn main() {
@ -19,7 +15,6 @@ fn main() {
// casts, methods, parentheses
(1 as u64) & (1 as u64); //~ERROR equal expressions
1 ^ ((((((1)))))); //~ERROR equal expressions
id((1)) | id(1); //~ERROR equal expressions
// unary and binary operators
(-(2) < -(2)); //~ERROR equal expressions
@ -32,7 +27,6 @@ fn main() {
// various other things
([1] != [1]); //~ERROR equal expressions
((1, 2) != (1, 2)); //~ERROR equal expressions
[1].len() == [1].len(); //~ERROR equal expressions
vec![1, 2, 3] == vec![1, 2, 3]; //no error yet, as we don't match macros
// const folding
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