Move download
functions from native
This has no logic changes, just a move.
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,13 +2,14 @@ use std::any::{type_name, Any};
use std::cell::{Cell, RefCell};
use std::collections::BTreeSet;
use std::env;
use std::ffi::OsStr;
use std::ffi::{OsStr, OsString};
use std::fmt::{Debug, Write};
use std::fs;
use std::fs::{self, File};
use std::hash::Hash;
use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader, ErrorKind};
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::path::{Component, Path, PathBuf};
use std::process::Command;
use std::process::{Command, Stdio};
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
use crate::cache::{Cache, Interned, INTERNER};
@ -29,7 +30,8 @@ use crate::{Build, CLang, DocTests, GitRepo, Mode};
pub use crate::Compiler;
// FIXME: replace with std::lazy after it gets stabilized and reaches beta
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use once_cell::sync::{Lazy, OnceCell};
use xz2::bufread::XzDecoder;
pub struct Builder<'a> {
pub build: &'a Build,
@ -758,6 +760,207 @@ impl<'a> Builder<'a> {
StepDescription::run(v, self, paths);
/// Modifies the interpreter section of 'fname' to fix the dynamic linker,
/// or the RPATH section, to fix the dynamic library search path
/// This is only required on NixOS and uses the PatchELF utility to
/// change the interpreter/RPATH of ELF executables.
/// Please see for more information
pub(crate) fn fix_bin_or_dylib(&self, fname: &Path) {
// FIXME: cache NixOS detection?
match Command::new("uname").arg("-s").stderr(Stdio::inherit()).output() {
Err(_) => return,
Ok(output) if !output.status.success() => return,
Ok(output) => {
let mut s = output.stdout;
if s.last() == Some(&b'\n') {
if s != b"Linux" {
// If the user has asked binaries to be patched for Nix, then
// don't check for NixOS or `/lib`, just continue to the patching.
// FIXME: shouldn't this take precedence over the `uname` check above?
if !self.config.patch_binaries_for_nix {
// Use `/etc/os-release` instead of `/etc/NIXOS`.
// The latter one does not exist on NixOS when using tmpfs as root.
const NIX_IDS: &[&str] = &["ID=nixos", "ID='nixos'", "ID=\"nixos\""];
let os_release = match File::open("/etc/os-release") {
Err(e) if e.kind() == ErrorKind::NotFound => return,
Err(e) => panic!("failed to access /etc/os-release: {}", e),
Ok(f) => f,
if !BufReader::new(os_release).lines().any(|l| NIX_IDS.contains(&t!(l).trim())) {
if Path::new("/lib").exists() {
// At this point we're pretty sure the user is running NixOS or using Nix
println!("info: you seem to be using Nix. Attempting to patch {}", fname.display());
// Only build `.nix-deps` once.
static NIX_DEPS_DIR: OnceCell<PathBuf> = OnceCell::new();
let mut nix_build_succeeded = true;
let nix_deps_dir = NIX_DEPS_DIR.get_or_init(|| {
// Run `nix-build` to "build" each dependency (which will likely reuse
// the existing `/nix/store` copy, or at most download a pre-built copy).
// Importantly, we create a gc-root called `.nix-deps` in the `build/`
// directory, but still reference the actual `/nix/store` path in the rpath
// as it makes it significantly more robust against changes to the location of
// the `.nix-deps` location.
// bintools: Needed for the path of `` (via `nix-support/dynamic-linker`).
// zlib: Needed as a system dependency of `libLLVM-*.so`.
// patchelf: Needed for patching ELF binaries (see doc comment above).
let nix_deps_dir = self.out.join(".nix-deps");
const NIX_EXPR: &str = "
with (import <nixpkgs> {});
symlinkJoin {
name = \"rust-stage0-dependencies\";
paths = [
nix_build_succeeded = self.try_run(Command::new("nix-build").args(&[
if !nix_build_succeeded {
let mut patchelf = Command::new(nix_deps_dir.join("bin/patchelf"));
let rpath_entries = {
// ORIGIN is a relative default, all binary and dynamic libraries we ship
// appear to have this (even when `../lib` is redundant).
// NOTE: there are only two paths here, delimited by a `:`
let mut entries = OsString::from("$ORIGIN/../lib:");
patchelf.args(&[OsString::from("--set-rpath"), rpath_entries]);
if !fname.extension().map_or(false, |ext| ext == "so") {
// Finally, set the corret .interp for binaries
let dynamic_linker_path = nix_deps_dir.join("nix-support/dynamic-linker");
// FIXME: can we support utf8 here? `args` doesn't accept Vec<u8>, only OsString ...
let dynamic_linker = t!(String::from_utf8(t!(fs::read(dynamic_linker_path))));
patchelf.args(&["--set-interpreter", dynamic_linker.trim_end()]);
pub(crate) fn download_component(&self, base: &str, url: &str, dest_path: &Path) {
// Use a temporary file in case we crash while downloading, to avoid a corrupt download in cache/.
let tempfile = self.tempdir().join(dest_path.file_name().unwrap());
// FIXME: support `do_verify` (only really needed for nightly rustfmt)
// FIXME: support non-utf8 paths?
self.download_with_retries(tempfile.to_str().unwrap(), &format!("{}/{}", base, url));
t!(std::fs::rename(&tempfile, dest_path));
fn download_with_retries(&self, tempfile: &str, url: &str) {
println!("downloading {}", url);
// Try curl. If that fails and we are on windows, fallback to PowerShell.
if !self.check_run(Command::new("curl").args(&[
"10", // timeout if speed is < 10 bytes/sec for > 30 seconds
"30", // timeout if cannot connect within 30 seconds
])) {
if"windows-msvc") {
println!("Fallback to PowerShell");
for _ in 0..3 {
if self.try_run(Command::new("PowerShell.exe").args(&[
"[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12;",
"(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('{}', '{}')",
url, tempfile
])) {
println!("\nspurious failure, trying again");
pub(crate) fn unpack(&self, tarball: &Path, dst: &Path) {
println!("extracting {} to {}", tarball.display(), dst.display());
if !dst.exists() {
// FIXME: will need to be a parameter once `download-rustc` is moved to rustbuild
const MATCH: &str = "rust-dev";
// `tarball` ends with `.tar.xz`; strip that suffix
// example: `rust-dev-nightly-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu`
let uncompressed_filename =
Path::new(tarball.file_name().expect("missing tarball filename")).file_stem().unwrap();
let directory_prefix = Path::new(Path::new(uncompressed_filename).file_stem().unwrap());
// decompress the file
let data = t!(File::open(tarball));
let decompressor = XzDecoder::new(BufReader::new(data));
let mut tar = tar::Archive::new(decompressor);
for member in t!(tar.entries()) {
let mut member = t!(member);
let original_path = t!(member.path()).into_owned();
// skip the top-level directory
if original_path == directory_prefix {
let mut short_path = t!(original_path.strip_prefix(directory_prefix));
if !short_path.starts_with(MATCH) {
short_path = t!(short_path.strip_prefix(MATCH));
let dst_path = dst.join(short_path);
self.verbose(&format!("extracting {} to {}", original_path.display(), dst.display()));
if !t!(member.unpack_in(dst)) {
panic!("path traversal attack ??");
let src_path = dst.join(original_path);
if src_path.is_dir() && dst_path.exists() {
t!(fs::rename(src_path, dst_path));
/// Obtain a compiler at a given stage and for a given host. Explicitly does
/// not take `Compiler` since all `Compiler` instances are meant to be
/// obtained through this function, since it ensures that they are valid
@ -12,16 +12,13 @@ use std::env;
use std::env::consts::EXE_EXTENSION;
use std::ffi::{OsStr, OsString};
use std::fs::{self, File};
use std::io::{self, BufRead, BufReader, ErrorKind};
use std::io;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::process::{Command, Stdio};
use once_cell::sync::OnceCell;
use xz2::bufread::XzDecoder;
use std::process::Command;
use crate::builder::{Builder, RunConfig, ShouldRun, Step};
use crate::config::TargetSelection;
use crate::util::{self, exe, output, t, up_to_date};
use crate::util::{self, exe, output, program_out_of_date, t, up_to_date};
use crate::{CLang, GitRepo};
pub struct Meta {
@ -151,13 +148,13 @@ pub(crate) fn maybe_download_ci_llvm(builder: &Builder<'_>) {
if program_out_of_date(&llvm_stamp, &key) && !config.dry_run {
download_ci_llvm(builder, &llvm_sha);
for binary in ["llvm-config", "FileCheck"] {
fix_bin_or_dylib(builder, &llvm_root.join("bin").join(binary));
let llvm_lib = llvm_root.join("lib");
for entry in t!(fs::read_dir(&llvm_lib)) {
let lib = t!(entry).path();
if lib.extension().map_or(false, |ext| ext == "so") {
fix_bin_or_dylib(builder, &lib);
t!(fs::write(llvm_stamp, key));
@ -182,218 +179,10 @@ fn download_ci_llvm(builder: &Builder<'_>, llvm_sha: &str) {
let filename = format!("rust-dev-nightly-{}.tar.xz",;
let tarball = rustc_cache.join(&filename);
if !tarball.exists() {
download_component(builder, base, &format!("{}/{}", url, filename), &tarball);
builder.download_component(base, &format!("{}/{}", url, filename), &tarball);
let llvm_root = builder.config.ci_llvm_root();
unpack(builder, &tarball, &llvm_root);
/// Modifies the interpreter section of 'fname' to fix the dynamic linker,
/// or the RPATH section, to fix the dynamic library search path
/// This is only required on NixOS and uses the PatchELF utility to
/// change the interpreter/RPATH of ELF executables.
/// Please see for more information
fn fix_bin_or_dylib(builder: &Builder<'_>, fname: &Path) {
// FIXME: cache NixOS detection?
match Command::new("uname").arg("-s").stderr(Stdio::inherit()).output() {
Err(_) => return,
Ok(output) if !output.status.success() => return,
Ok(output) => {
let mut s = output.stdout;
if s.last() == Some(&b'\n') {
if s != b"Linux" {
// If the user has asked binaries to be patched for Nix, then
// don't check for NixOS or `/lib`, just continue to the patching.
// FIXME: shouldn't this take precedence over the `uname` check above?
if !builder.config.patch_binaries_for_nix {
// Use `/etc/os-release` instead of `/etc/NIXOS`.
// The latter one does not exist on NixOS when using tmpfs as root.
const NIX_IDS: &[&str] = &["ID=nixos", "ID='nixos'", "ID=\"nixos\""];
let os_release = match File::open("/etc/os-release") {
Err(e) if e.kind() == ErrorKind::NotFound => return,
Err(e) => panic!("failed to access /etc/os-release: {}", e),
Ok(f) => f,
if !BufReader::new(os_release).lines().any(|l| NIX_IDS.contains(&t!(l).trim())) {
if Path::new("/lib").exists() {
// At this point we're pretty sure the user is running NixOS or using Nix
println!("info: you seem to be using Nix. Attempting to patch {}", fname.display());
// Only build `.nix-deps` once.
static NIX_DEPS_DIR: OnceCell<PathBuf> = OnceCell::new();
let mut nix_build_succeeded = true;
let nix_deps_dir = NIX_DEPS_DIR.get_or_init(|| {
// Run `nix-build` to "build" each dependency (which will likely reuse
// the existing `/nix/store` copy, or at most download a pre-built copy).
// Importantly, we create a gc-root called `.nix-deps` in the `build/`
// directory, but still reference the actual `/nix/store` path in the rpath
// as it makes it significantly more robust against changes to the location of
// the `.nix-deps` location.
// bintools: Needed for the path of `` (via `nix-support/dynamic-linker`).
// zlib: Needed as a system dependency of `libLLVM-*.so`.
// patchelf: Needed for patching ELF binaries (see doc comment above).
let nix_deps_dir = builder.out.join(".nix-deps");
const NIX_EXPR: &str = "
with (import <nixpkgs> {});
symlinkJoin {
name = \"rust-stage0-dependencies\";
paths = [
nix_build_succeeded = builder.try_run(Command::new("nix-build").args(&[
if !nix_build_succeeded {
let mut patchelf = Command::new(nix_deps_dir.join("bin/patchelf"));
let rpath_entries = {
// ORIGIN is a relative default, all binary and dynamic libraries we ship
// appear to have this (even when `../lib` is redundant).
// NOTE: there are only two paths here, delimited by a `:`
let mut entries = OsString::from("$ORIGIN/../lib:");
patchelf.args(&[OsString::from("--set-rpath"), rpath_entries]);
if !fname.extension().map_or(false, |ext| ext == "so") {
// Finally, set the corret .interp for binaries
let dynamic_linker_path = nix_deps_dir.join("nix-support/dynamic-linker");
// FIXME: can we support utf8 here? `args` doesn't accept Vec<u8>, only OsString ...
let dynamic_linker = t!(String::from_utf8(t!(fs::read(dynamic_linker_path))));
patchelf.args(&["--set-interpreter", dynamic_linker.trim_end()]);
fn download_component(builder: &Builder<'_>, base: &str, url: &str, dest_path: &Path) {
// Use a temporary file in case we crash while downloading, to avoid a corrupt download in cache/.
let tempfile = builder.tempdir().join(dest_path.file_name().unwrap());
// FIXME: support `do_verify` (only really needed for nightly rustfmt)
// FIXME: support non-utf8 paths?
download_with_retries(builder, tempfile.to_str().unwrap(), &format!("{}/{}", base, url));
t!(std::fs::rename(&tempfile, dest_path));
fn download_with_retries(builder: &Builder<'_>, tempfile: &str, url: &str) {
println!("downloading {}", url);
// Try curl. If that fails and we are on windows, fallback to PowerShell.
if !builder.check_run(Command::new("curl").args(&[
"10", // timeout if speed is < 10 bytes/sec for > 30 seconds
"30", // timeout if cannot connect within 30 seconds
])) {
if"windows-msvc") {
println!("Fallback to PowerShell");
for _ in 0..3 {
if builder.try_run(Command::new("PowerShell.exe").args(&[
"[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12;",
"(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('{}', '{}')",
url, tempfile
])) {
println!("\nspurious failure, trying again");
fn unpack(builder: &Builder<'_>, tarball: &Path, dst: &Path) {
println!("extracting {} to {}", tarball.display(), dst.display());
if !dst.exists() {
// FIXME: will need to be a parameter once `download-rustc` is moved to rustbuild
const MATCH: &str = "rust-dev";
// `tarball` ends with `.tar.xz`; strip that suffix
// example: `rust-dev-nightly-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu`
let uncompressed_filename =
Path::new(tarball.file_name().expect("missing tarball filename")).file_stem().unwrap();
let directory_prefix = Path::new(Path::new(uncompressed_filename).file_stem().unwrap());
// decompress the file
let data = t!(File::open(tarball));
let decompressor = XzDecoder::new(BufReader::new(data));
let mut tar = tar::Archive::new(decompressor);
for member in t!(tar.entries()) {
let mut member = t!(member);
let original_path = t!(member.path()).into_owned();
// skip the top-level directory
if original_path == directory_prefix {
let mut short_path = t!(original_path.strip_prefix(directory_prefix));
if !short_path.starts_with(MATCH) {
short_path = t!(short_path.strip_prefix(MATCH));
let dst_path = dst.join(short_path);
builder.verbose(&format!("extracting {} to {}", original_path.display(), dst.display()));
if !t!(member.unpack_in(dst)) {
panic!("path traversal attack ??");
let src_path = dst.join(original_path);
if src_path.is_dir() && dst_path.exists() {
t!(fs::rename(src_path, dst_path));
fn program_out_of_date(stamp: &Path, key: &str) -> bool {
if !stamp.exists() {
return true;
t!(fs::read_to_string(stamp)) != key
builder.unpack(&tarball, &llvm_root);
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
@ -115,6 +115,14 @@ impl Drop for TimeIt {
/// Used for download caching
pub(crate) fn program_out_of_date(stamp: &Path, key: &str) -> bool {
if !stamp.exists() {
return true;
t!(fs::read_to_string(stamp)) != key
/// Symlinks two directories, using junctions on Windows and normal symlinks on
/// Unix.
pub fn symlink_dir(config: &Config, src: &Path, dest: &Path) -> io::Result<()> {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user