Remove SpecOptionPartialEq

This commit is contained in:
clubby789 2024-03-05 13:26:47 +00:00
parent f296c162d8
commit 5f254d8b66
5 changed files with 51 additions and 136 deletions

@ -34,13 +34,7 @@ mod newtype;
feature = "nightly",
allow_internal_unstable(step_trait, rustc_attrs, trusted_step, min_specialization)
pub fn newtype_index(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {

@ -156,32 +156,6 @@ impl Parse for Newtype {
let spec_partial_eq_impl = if let Lit::Int(max) = &max {
if let Ok(max_val) = max.base10_parse::<u32>() {
quote! {
impl core::option::SpecOptionPartialEq for #name {
fn eq(l: &Option<Self>, r: &Option<Self>) -> bool {
if #max_val < u32::MAX {|i| i.as_u32()).unwrap_or(#max_val+1) ==|i| i.as_u32()).unwrap_or(#max_val+1)
} else {
match (l, r) {
(Some(l), Some(r)) => r == l,
(None, None) => true,
_ => false
} else {
quote! {}
} else {
quote! {}
Ok(Self(quote! {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, #(#derive_paths),*)]
@ -283,8 +257,6 @@ impl Parse for Newtype {
impl From<#name> for u32 {
fn from(v: #name) -> u32 {

@ -557,8 +557,7 @@ use crate::iter::{self, FromIterator, FusedIterator, TrustedLen};
use crate::panicking::{panic, panic_str};
use crate::pin::Pin;
use crate::{
cmp, convert, hint, mem,
convert, hint, mem,
ops::{self, ControlFlow, Deref, DerefMut},
@ -568,7 +567,7 @@ use crate::{
#[rustc_diagnostic_item = "Option"]
#[lang = "Option"]
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
#[allow(clippy::derived_hash_with_manual_eq)] // PartialEq is specialized
#[allow(clippy::derived_hash_with_manual_eq)] // PartialEq is manually implemented equivalently
pub enum Option<T> {
/// No value.
#[lang = "None"]
@ -2146,86 +2145,26 @@ impl<'a, T> From<&'a mut Option<T>> for Option<&'a mut T> {
// Ideally, LLVM should be able to optimize our derive code to this.
// Once is fixed, we can
// go back to deriving `PartialEq`.
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl<T> crate::marker::StructuralPartialEq for Option<T> {}
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl<T: PartialEq> PartialEq for Option<T> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
SpecOptionPartialEq::eq(self, other)
/// This specialization trait is a workaround for LLVM not currently (2023-01)
/// being able to optimize this itself, even though Alive confirms that it would
/// be legal to do so: <>
/// Once that's fixed, `Option` should go back to deriving `PartialEq`, as
/// it used to do before <>.
#[unstable(feature = "spec_option_partial_eq", issue = "none", reason = "exposed only for rustc")]
pub trait SpecOptionPartialEq: Sized {
fn eq(l: &Option<Self>, other: &Option<Self>) -> bool;
#[unstable(feature = "spec_option_partial_eq", issue = "none", reason = "exposed only for rustc")]
impl<T: PartialEq> SpecOptionPartialEq for T {
default fn eq(l: &Option<T>, r: &Option<T>) -> bool {
match (l, r) {
// Spelling out the cases explicitly optimizes better than
// `_ => false`
match (self, other) {
(Some(l), Some(r)) => *l == *r,
(Some(_), None) => false,
(None, Some(_)) => false,
(None, None) => true,
_ => false,
macro_rules! non_zero_option {
( $( #[$stability: meta] $NZ:ty; )+ ) => {
impl SpecOptionPartialEq for $NZ {
fn eq(l: &Option<Self>, r: &Option<Self>) -> bool { ==
non_zero_option! {
#[stable(feature = "nonzero", since = "1.28.0")] NonZero<u8>;
#[stable(feature = "nonzero", since = "1.28.0")] NonZero<u16>;
#[stable(feature = "nonzero", since = "1.28.0")] NonZero<u32>;
#[stable(feature = "nonzero", since = "1.28.0")] NonZero<u64>;
#[stable(feature = "nonzero", since = "1.28.0")] NonZero<u128>;
#[stable(feature = "nonzero", since = "1.28.0")] NonZero<usize>;
#[stable(feature = "signed_nonzero", since = "1.34.0")] NonZero<i8>;
#[stable(feature = "signed_nonzero", since = "1.34.0")] NonZero<i16>;
#[stable(feature = "signed_nonzero", since = "1.34.0")] NonZero<i32>;
#[stable(feature = "signed_nonzero", since = "1.34.0")] NonZero<i64>;
#[stable(feature = "signed_nonzero", since = "1.34.0")] NonZero<i128>;
#[stable(feature = "signed_nonzero", since = "1.34.0")] NonZero<isize>;
#[stable(feature = "nonnull", since = "1.25.0")]
impl<T> SpecOptionPartialEq for crate::ptr::NonNull<T> {
fn eq(l: &Option<Self>, r: &Option<Self>) -> bool {|| crate::ptr::null_mut())
==|| crate::ptr::null_mut())
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl SpecOptionPartialEq for cmp::Ordering {
fn eq(l: &Option<Self>, r: &Option<Self>) -> bool {
l.map_or(2, |x| x as i8) == r.map_or(2, |x| x as i8)
// The Option Iterators

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
//@ revisions: WIN LIN
//@ [WIN] only-windows
//@ [LIN] only-linux
//@ assembly-output: emit-asm
//@ compile-flags: --crate-type=lib -O -C llvm-args=-x86-asm-syntax=intel
//@ only-x86_64
//@ ignore-sgx
use std::cmp::Ordering;
// CHECK-lABEL: ordering_eq:
pub fn ordering_eq(l: Option<Ordering>, r: Option<Ordering>) -> bool {
// Linux (System V): first two arguments are rdi then rsi
// Windows: first two arguments are rcx then rdx
// Both use rax for the return value.
// CHECK-NOT: mov
// CHECK-NOT: test
// CHECK-NOT: cmp
// LIN: cmp dil, sil
// WIN: cmp cl, dl
// CHECK-NEXT: sete al
// CHECK-NEXT: ret
l == r

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
//@ compile-flags: -O -Zmerge-functions=disabled
//@ min-llvm-version: 18
#![crate_type = "lib"]
@ -7,9 +8,6 @@ use core::cmp::Ordering;
use core::ptr::NonNull;
use core::num::NonZero;
// See also tests/assembly/, for cases with `assume`s in the
// LLVM and thus don't optimize down clearly here, but do in assembly.
// CHECK-lABEL: @non_zero_eq
pub fn non_zero_eq(l: Option<NonZero<u32>>, r: Option<NonZero<u32>>) -> bool {
@ -36,3 +34,42 @@ pub fn non_null_eq(l: Option<NonNull<u8>>, r: Option<NonNull<u8>>) -> bool {
// CHECK-NEXT: ret i1
l == r
// CHECK-lABEL: @ordering_eq
pub fn ordering_eq(l: Option<Ordering>, r: Option<Ordering>) -> bool {
// CHECK: start:
// CHECK-NEXT: icmp eq i8
// CHECK-NEXT: ret i1
l == r
pub enum EnumWithNiche {
// CHECK-lABEL: @niche_eq
pub fn niche_eq(l: Option<EnumWithNiche>, r: Option<EnumWithNiche>) -> bool {
// CHECK: start:
// CHECK-NEXT: icmp eq i8
// CHECK-NEXT: ret i1
l == r
// FIXME: This should work too
// // FIXME-CHECK-lABEL: @bool_eq
// #[no_mangle]
// pub fn bool_eq(l: Option<bool>, r: Option<bool>) -> bool {
// // FIXME-CHECK: start:
// // FIXME-CHECK-NEXT: icmp eq i8
// // FIXME-CHECK-NEXT: ret i1
// l == r
// }