auto merge of #14233 : pcwalton/rust/detildestr-morelibs, r=alexcrichton
r? @alexcrichton
This commit is contained in:
@ -56,10 +56,10 @@ impl fmt::Show for Mode {
pub struct Config {
// The library paths required for running the compiler
pub compile_lib_path: ~str,
pub compile_lib_path: StrBuf,
// The library paths required for running compiled programs
pub run_lib_path: ~str,
pub run_lib_path: StrBuf,
// The rustc executable
pub rustc_path: Path,
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ pub struct Config {
pub aux_base: Path,
// The name of the stage being built (stage1, etc)
pub stage_id: ~str,
pub stage_id: StrBuf,
// The test mode, compile-fail, run-fail, run-pass
pub mode: Mode,
@ -110,37 +110,37 @@ pub struct Config {
// A command line to prefix program execution with,
// for running under valgrind
pub runtool: Option<~str>,
pub runtool: Option<StrBuf>,
// Flags to pass to the compiler when building for the host
pub host_rustcflags: Option<~str>,
pub host_rustcflags: Option<StrBuf>,
// Flags to pass to the compiler when building for the target
pub target_rustcflags: Option<~str>,
pub target_rustcflags: Option<StrBuf>,
// Run tests using the JIT
pub jit: bool,
// Target system to be tested
pub target: ~str,
pub target: StrBuf,
// Host triple for the compiler being invoked
pub host: ~str,
pub host: StrBuf,
// Path to the android tools
pub android_cross_path: Path,
// Extra parameter to run adb on arm-linux-androideabi
pub adb_path: ~str,
pub adb_path: StrBuf,
// Extra parameter to run test sute on arm-linux-androideabi
pub adb_test_dir: ~str,
pub adb_test_dir: StrBuf,
// status whether android device available or not
pub adb_device_status: bool,
// the path containing LLDB's Python module
pub lldb_python_dir: Option<~str>,
pub lldb_python_dir: Option<StrBuf>,
// Explain what's going on
pub verbose: bool
@ -48,12 +48,14 @@ fn start(argc: int, argv: **u8) -> int {
pub fn main() {
let args = os::args();
let config = parse_config(args.move_iter().collect());
let config = parse_config(args.move_iter()
.map(|x| x.to_strbuf())
pub fn parse_config(args: Vec<~str> ) -> Config {
pub fn parse_config(args: Vec<StrBuf> ) -> Config {
let groups : Vec<getopts::OptGroup> =
vec!(reqopt("", "compile-lib-path", "path to host shared libraries", "PATH"),
@ -91,7 +93,7 @@ pub fn parse_config(args: Vec<~str> ) -> Config {
let argv0 = (*args.get(0)).clone();
let args_ = args.tail();
if *args.get(1) == "-h".to_owned() || *args.get(1) == "--help".to_owned() {
if args.get(1).as_slice() == "-h" || args.get(1).as_slice() == "--help" {
let message = format!("Usage: {} [OPTIONS] [TESTNAME...]", argv0);
println!("{}", getopts::usage(message, groups.as_slice()));
@ -99,7 +101,7 @@ pub fn parse_config(args: Vec<~str> ) -> Config {
let matches =
&match getopts::getopts(args_, groups.as_slice()) {
&match getopts::getopts(args_.as_slice(), groups.as_slice()) {
Ok(m) => m,
Err(f) => fail!("{}", f.to_err_msg())
@ -129,16 +131,20 @@ pub fn parse_config(args: Vec<~str> ) -> Config {
Config {
compile_lib_path: matches.opt_str("compile-lib-path").unwrap(),
run_lib_path: matches.opt_str("run-lib-path").unwrap(),
compile_lib_path: matches.opt_str("compile-lib-path")
run_lib_path: matches.opt_str("run-lib-path").unwrap().to_strbuf(),
rustc_path: opt_path(matches, "rustc-path"),
clang_path: matches.opt_str("clang-path").map(|s| Path::new(s)),
llvm_bin_path: matches.opt_str("llvm-bin-path").map(|s| Path::new(s)),
src_base: opt_path(matches, "src-base"),
build_base: opt_path(matches, "build-base"),
aux_base: opt_path(matches, "aux-base"),
stage_id: matches.opt_str("stage-id").unwrap(),
mode: FromStr::from_str(matches.opt_str("mode").unwrap()).expect("invalid mode"),
stage_id: matches.opt_str("stage-id").unwrap().to_strbuf(),
mode: FromStr::from_str(matches.opt_str("mode")
.as_slice()).expect("invalid mode"),
run_ignored: matches.opt_present("ignored"),
filter: filter,
logfile: matches.opt_str("logfile").map(|s| Path::new(s)),
@ -146,22 +152,32 @@ pub fn parse_config(args: Vec<~str> ) -> Config {
matches.opt_str("ratchet-metrics").map(|s| Path::new(s)),
matches.opt_str("ratchet-noise-percent").and_then(|s| from_str::<f64>(s)),
runtool: matches.opt_str("runtool"),
host_rustcflags: matches.opt_str("host-rustcflags"),
target_rustcflags: matches.opt_str("target-rustcflags"),
.and_then(|s| from_str::<f64>(s.as_slice())),
runtool: matches.opt_str("runtool").map(|x| x.to_strbuf()),
host_rustcflags: matches.opt_str("host-rustcflags")
.map(|x| x.to_strbuf()),
target_rustcflags: matches.opt_str("target-rustcflags")
.map(|x| x.to_strbuf()),
jit: matches.opt_present("jit"),
target: opt_str2(matches.opt_str("target")).to_str(),
host: opt_str2(matches.opt_str("host")).to_str(),
target: opt_str2(matches.opt_str("target").map(|x| x.to_strbuf())),
host: opt_str2(matches.opt_str("host").map(|x| x.to_strbuf())),
android_cross_path: opt_path(matches, "android-cross-path"),
adb_path: opt_str2(matches.opt_str("adb-path")).to_str(),
adb_path: opt_str2(matches.opt_str("adb-path")
.map(|x| x.to_strbuf())),
adb_test_dir: opt_str2(matches.opt_str("adb-test-dir")
.map(|x| x.to_strbuf())),
"arm-linux-androideabi" == opt_str2(matches.opt_str("target")) &&
"(none)" != opt_str2(matches.opt_str("adb-test-dir")) &&
lldb_python_dir: matches.opt_str("lldb-python-dir"),
"arm-linux-androideabi" ==
.map(|x| x.to_strbuf())).as_slice() &&
"(none)" !=
.map(|x| x.to_strbuf())).as_slice() &&
.map(|x| x.to_strbuf())).is_empty(),
lldb_python_dir: matches.opt_str("lldb-python-dir")
.map(|x| x.to_strbuf()),
test_shard: test::opt_shard(matches.opt_str("test-shard")
.map(|x| x.to_strbuf())),
verbose: matches.opt_present("verbose")
@ -170,50 +186,59 @@ pub fn parse_config(args: Vec<~str> ) -> Config {
pub fn log_config(config: &Config) {
let c = config;
logv(c, format!("configuration:"));
logv(c, format!("compile_lib_path: {}", config.compile_lib_path));
logv(c, format!("run_lib_path: {}", config.run_lib_path));
logv(c, format!("rustc_path: {}", config.rustc_path.display()));
logv(c, format!("src_base: {}", config.src_base.display()));
logv(c, format!("build_base: {}", config.build_base.display()));
logv(c, format!("stage_id: {}", config.stage_id));
logv(c, format!("mode: {}", config.mode));
logv(c, format!("run_ignored: {}", config.run_ignored));
logv(c, format!("filter: {}", opt_str(&config.filter.as_ref().map(|re| re.to_str()))));
logv(c, format!("runtool: {}", opt_str(&config.runtool)));
logv(c, format!("host-rustcflags: {}", opt_str(&config.host_rustcflags)));
logv(c, format!("target-rustcflags: {}", opt_str(&config.target_rustcflags)));
logv(c, format!("jit: {}", config.jit));
logv(c, format!("target: {}",;
logv(c, format!("host: {}",;
logv(c, format!("android-cross-path: {}", config.android_cross_path.display()));
logv(c, format!("adb_path: {}", config.adb_path));
logv(c, format!("adb_test_dir: {}", config.adb_test_dir));
logv(c, format!("adb_device_status: {}", config.adb_device_status));
logv(c, format_strbuf!("configuration:"));
logv(c, format_strbuf!("compile_lib_path: {}", config.compile_lib_path));
logv(c, format_strbuf!("run_lib_path: {}", config.run_lib_path));
logv(c, format_strbuf!("rustc_path: {}", config.rustc_path.display()));
logv(c, format_strbuf!("src_base: {}", config.src_base.display()));
logv(c, format_strbuf!("build_base: {}", config.build_base.display()));
logv(c, format_strbuf!("stage_id: {}", config.stage_id));
logv(c, format_strbuf!("mode: {}", config.mode));
logv(c, format_strbuf!("run_ignored: {}", config.run_ignored));
logv(c, format_strbuf!("filter: {}",
.map(|re| {
logv(c, format_strbuf!("runtool: {}", opt_str(&config.runtool)));
logv(c, format_strbuf!("host-rustcflags: {}",
logv(c, format_strbuf!("target-rustcflags: {}",
logv(c, format_strbuf!("jit: {}", config.jit));
logv(c, format_strbuf!("target: {}",;
logv(c, format_strbuf!("host: {}",;
logv(c, format_strbuf!("android-cross-path: {}",
logv(c, format_strbuf!("adb_path: {}", config.adb_path));
logv(c, format_strbuf!("adb_test_dir: {}", config.adb_test_dir));
logv(c, format_strbuf!("adb_device_status: {}",
match config.test_shard {
None => logv(c, "test_shard: (all)".to_owned()),
Some((a,b)) => logv(c, format!("test_shard: {}.{}", a, b))
None => logv(c, "test_shard: (all)".to_strbuf()),
Some((a,b)) => logv(c, format_strbuf!("test_shard: {}.{}", a, b))
logv(c, format!("verbose: {}", config.verbose));
logv(c, format!("\n"));
logv(c, format_strbuf!("verbose: {}", config.verbose));
logv(c, format_strbuf!("\n"));
pub fn opt_str<'a>(maybestr: &'a Option<~str>) -> &'a str {
pub fn opt_str<'a>(maybestr: &'a Option<StrBuf>) -> &'a str {
match *maybestr {
None => "(none)",
Some(ref s) => {
let s: &'a str = *s;
Some(ref s) => s.as_slice(),
pub fn opt_str2(maybestr: Option<~str>) -> ~str {
match maybestr { None => "(none)".to_owned(), Some(s) => { s } }
pub fn opt_str2(maybestr: Option<StrBuf>) -> StrBuf {
match maybestr {
None => "(none)".to_strbuf(),
Some(s) => s,
pub fn run_tests(config: &Config) {
if == "arm-linux-androideabi".to_owned() {
if == "arm-linux-androideabi" {
match config.mode {
DebugInfoGdb => {
println!("arm-linux-androideabi debug-info \
@ -321,11 +346,11 @@ pub fn make_test(config: &Config, testfile: &Path, f: || -> test::TestFn)
pub fn make_test_name(config: &Config, testfile: &Path) -> test::TestName {
// Try to elide redundant long paths
fn shorten(path: &Path) -> ~str {
fn shorten(path: &Path) -> StrBuf {
let filename = path.filename_str();
let p = path.dir_path();
let dir = p.filename_str();
format!("{}/{}", dir.unwrap_or(""), filename.unwrap_or(""))
format_strbuf!("{}/{}", dir.unwrap_or(""), filename.unwrap_or(""))
test::DynTestName(format_strbuf!("[{}] {}",
@ -336,14 +361,16 @@ pub fn make_test_name(config: &Config, testfile: &Path) -> test::TestName {
pub fn make_test_closure(config: &Config, testfile: &Path) -> test::TestFn {
let config = (*config).clone();
// FIXME (#9639): This needs to handle non-utf8 paths
let testfile = testfile.as_str().unwrap().to_owned();
test::DynTestFn(proc() { runtest::run(config, testfile) })
let testfile = testfile.as_str().unwrap().to_strbuf();
test::DynTestFn(proc() {
runtest::run(config, testfile)
pub fn make_metrics_test_closure(config: &Config, testfile: &Path) -> test::TestFn {
let config = (*config).clone();
// FIXME (#9639): This needs to handle non-utf8 paths
let testfile = testfile.as_str().unwrap().to_owned();
let testfile = testfile.as_str().unwrap().to_strbuf();
test::DynMetricFn(proc(mm) {
runtest::run_metrics(config, testfile, mm)
@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ use std::io::{BufferedReader, File};
pub struct ExpectedError {
pub line: uint,
pub kind: ~str,
pub msg: ~str,
pub kind: StrBuf,
pub msg: StrBuf,
// Load any test directives embedded in the file
@ -23,17 +23,18 @@ pub fn load_errors(testfile: &Path) -> Vec<ExpectedError> {
let mut rdr = BufferedReader::new(File::open(testfile).unwrap());
let mut line_num = 1u;
for ln in rdr.lines() {
error_patterns.push_all_move(parse_expected(line_num, ln.unwrap()));
line_num += 1u;
return error_patterns;
fn parse_expected(line_num: uint, line: ~str) -> Vec<ExpectedError> {
let line = line.trim();
let error_tag = "//~".to_owned();
fn parse_expected(line_num: uint, line: StrBuf) -> Vec<ExpectedError> {
let line = line.as_slice().trim().to_strbuf();
let error_tag = "//~".to_strbuf();
let mut idx;
match line.find_str(error_tag) {
match line.as_slice().find_str(error_tag.as_slice()) {
None => return Vec::new(),
Some(nn) => { idx = (nn as uint) + error_tag.len(); }
@ -42,25 +43,34 @@ fn parse_expected(line_num: uint, line: ~str) -> Vec<ExpectedError> {
// three lines above current line:
let mut adjust_line = 0u;
let len = line.len();
while idx < len && line[idx] == ('^' as u8) {
while idx < len && line.as_slice()[idx] == ('^' as u8) {
adjust_line += 1u;
idx += 1u;
// Extract kind:
while idx < len && line[idx] == (' ' as u8) { idx += 1u; }
while idx < len && line.as_slice()[idx] == (' ' as u8) {
idx += 1u;
let start_kind = idx;
while idx < len && line[idx] != (' ' as u8) { idx += 1u; }
while idx < len && line.as_slice()[idx] != (' ' as u8) {
idx += 1u;
let kind = line.slice(start_kind, idx);
let kind = kind.to_ascii().to_lower().into_str();
let kind = line.as_slice().slice(start_kind, idx);
let kind = kind.to_ascii().to_lower().into_str().to_strbuf();
// Extract msg:
while idx < len && line[idx] == (' ' as u8) { idx += 1u; }
let msg = line.slice(idx, len).to_owned();
while idx < len && line.as_slice()[idx] == (' ' as u8) {
idx += 1u;
let msg = line.as_slice().slice(idx, len).to_strbuf();
debug!("line={} kind={} msg={}", line_num - adjust_line, kind, msg);
return vec!(ExpectedError{line: line_num - adjust_line, kind: kind,
msg: msg});
return vec!(ExpectedError{
line: line_num - adjust_line,
kind: kind,
msg: msg,
@ -14,20 +14,20 @@ use util;
pub struct TestProps {
// Lines that should be expected, in order, on standard out
pub error_patterns: Vec<~str> ,
pub error_patterns: Vec<StrBuf> ,
// Extra flags to pass to the compiler
pub compile_flags: Option<~str>,
pub compile_flags: Option<StrBuf>,
// Extra flags to pass when the compiled code is run (such as --bench)
pub run_flags: Option<~str>,
pub run_flags: Option<StrBuf>,
// If present, the name of a file that this test should match when
// pretty-printed
pub pp_exact: Option<Path>,
// Modules from aux directory that should be compiled
pub aux_builds: Vec<~str> ,
pub aux_builds: Vec<StrBuf> ,
// Environment settings to use during execution
pub exec_env: Vec<(~str,~str)> ,
pub exec_env: Vec<(StrBuf,StrBuf)> ,
// Lines to check if they appear in the expected debugger output
pub check_lines: Vec<~str> ,
pub check_lines: Vec<StrBuf> ,
// Flag to force a crate to be built with the host architecture
pub force_host: bool,
// Check stdout for error-pattern output as well as stderr
@ -119,22 +119,30 @@ pub fn load_props(testfile: &Path) -> TestProps {
pub fn is_test_ignored(config: &Config, testfile: &Path) -> bool {
fn ignore_target(config: &Config) -> ~str {
"ignore-".to_owned() + util::get_os(
fn ignore_target(config: &Config) -> StrBuf {
format_strbuf!("ignore-{}", util::get_os(
fn ignore_stage(config: &Config) -> ~str {
"ignore-".to_owned() + config.stage_id.split('-').next().unwrap()
fn ignore_stage(config: &Config) -> StrBuf {
let val = iter_header(testfile, |ln| {
if parse_name_directive(ln, "ignore-test") { false }
else if parse_name_directive(ln, ignore_target(config)) { false }
else if parse_name_directive(ln, ignore_stage(config)) { false }
else if config.mode == common::Pretty &&
parse_name_directive(ln, "ignore-pretty") { false }
else if != &&
parse_name_directive(ln, "ignore-cross-compile") { false }
else { true }
if parse_name_directive(ln, "ignore-test") {
} else if parse_name_directive(ln, ignore_target(config).as_slice()) {
} else if parse_name_directive(ln, ignore_stage(config).as_slice()) {
} else if config.mode == common::Pretty &&
parse_name_directive(ln, "ignore-pretty") {
} else if != &&
parse_name_directive(ln, "ignore-cross-compile") {
} else {
@ -156,24 +164,24 @@ fn iter_header(testfile: &Path, it: |&str| -> bool) -> bool {
return true;
fn parse_error_pattern(line: &str) -> Option<~str> {
parse_name_value_directive(line, "error-pattern".to_owned())
fn parse_error_pattern(line: &str) -> Option<StrBuf> {
parse_name_value_directive(line, "error-pattern".to_strbuf())
fn parse_aux_build(line: &str) -> Option<~str> {
parse_name_value_directive(line, "aux-build".to_owned())
fn parse_aux_build(line: &str) -> Option<StrBuf> {
parse_name_value_directive(line, "aux-build".to_strbuf())
fn parse_compile_flags(line: &str) -> Option<~str> {
parse_name_value_directive(line, "compile-flags".to_owned())
fn parse_compile_flags(line: &str) -> Option<StrBuf> {
parse_name_value_directive(line, "compile-flags".to_strbuf())
fn parse_run_flags(line: &str) -> Option<~str> {
parse_name_value_directive(line, "run-flags".to_owned())
fn parse_run_flags(line: &str) -> Option<StrBuf> {
parse_name_value_directive(line, "run-flags".to_strbuf())
fn parse_check_line(line: &str) -> Option<~str> {
parse_name_value_directive(line, "check".to_owned())
fn parse_check_line(line: &str) -> Option<StrBuf> {
parse_name_value_directive(line, "check".to_strbuf())
fn parse_force_host(line: &str) -> bool {
@ -192,13 +200,16 @@ fn parse_no_pretty_expanded(line: &str) -> bool {
parse_name_directive(line, "no-pretty-expanded")
fn parse_exec_env(line: &str) -> Option<(~str, ~str)> {
parse_name_value_directive(line, "exec-env".to_owned()).map(|nv| {
fn parse_exec_env(line: &str) -> Option<(StrBuf, StrBuf)> {
parse_name_value_directive(line, "exec-env".to_strbuf()).map(|nv| {
// nv is either FOO or FOO=BAR
let mut strs: Vec<~str> = nv.splitn('=', 1).map(|s| s.to_owned()).collect();
let mut strs: Vec<StrBuf> = nv.as_slice()
.splitn('=', 1)
.map(|s| s.to_strbuf())
match strs.len() {
1u => (strs.pop().unwrap(), "".to_owned()),
1u => (strs.pop().unwrap(), "".to_strbuf()),
2u => {
let end = strs.pop().unwrap();
(strs.pop().unwrap(), end)
@ -209,7 +220,7 @@ fn parse_exec_env(line: &str) -> Option<(~str, ~str)> {
fn parse_pp_exact(line: &str, testfile: &Path) -> Option<Path> {
match parse_name_value_directive(line, "pp-exact".to_owned()) {
match parse_name_value_directive(line, "pp-exact".to_strbuf()) {
Some(s) => Some(Path::new(s)),
None => {
if parse_name_directive(line, "pp-exact") {
@ -225,14 +236,14 @@ fn parse_name_directive(line: &str, directive: &str) -> bool {
pub fn parse_name_value_directive(line: &str,
directive: ~str) -> Option<~str> {
let keycolon = directive + ":";
match line.find_str(keycolon) {
pub fn parse_name_value_directive(line: &str, directive: StrBuf)
-> Option<StrBuf> {
let keycolon = format_strbuf!("{}:", directive);
match line.find_str(keycolon.as_slice()) {
Some(colon) => {
let value = line.slice(colon + keycolon.len(),
debug!("{}: {}", directive, value);
debug!("{}: {}", directive, value);
None => None
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ use std::str;
use std::io::process::{ProcessExit, Command, Process, ProcessOutput};
#[cfg(target_os = "win32")]
fn target_env(lib_path: &str, prog: &str) -> Vec<(~str, ~str)> {
fn target_env(lib_path: &str, prog: &str) -> Vec<(StrBuf, StrBuf)> {
let env = os::env();
// Make sure we include the aux directory in the path
@ -22,14 +22,14 @@ fn target_env(lib_path: &str, prog: &str) -> Vec<(~str, ~str)> {
let mut new_env: Vec<_> = env.move_iter().map(|(k, v)| {
let new_v = if "PATH" == k {
format!("{};{};{}", v, lib_path, aux_path)
format_strbuf!("{};{};{}", v, lib_path, aux_path)
} else {
(k, new_v)
(k.to_strbuf(), new_v)
if prog.ends_with("rustc.exe") {
new_env.push(("RUST_THREADS".to_owned(), "1".to_owned()));
new_env.push(("RUST_THREADS".to_strbuf(), "1".to_strbuf()));
return new_env;
@ -37,11 +37,14 @@ fn target_env(lib_path: &str, prog: &str) -> Vec<(~str, ~str)> {
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
#[cfg(target_os = "freebsd")]
fn target_env(lib_path: &str, prog: &str) -> Vec<(~str,~str)> {
fn target_env(lib_path: &str, prog: &str) -> Vec<(StrBuf,StrBuf)> {
// Make sure we include the aux directory in the path
let aux_path = prog + ".libaux";
let mut env: Vec<(~str,~str)> = os::env().move_iter().collect();
let mut env: Vec<(StrBuf,StrBuf)> =
.map(|(ref k, ref v)| (k.to_strbuf(), v.to_strbuf()))
let var = if cfg!(target_os = "macos") {
} else {
@ -49,23 +52,23 @@ fn target_env(lib_path: &str, prog: &str) -> Vec<(~str,~str)> {
let prev = match env.iter().position(|&(ref k, _)| k.as_slice() == var) {
Some(i) => env.remove(i).unwrap().val1(),
None => "".to_owned(),
None => "".to_strbuf(),
env.push((var.to_owned(), if prev.is_empty() {
lib_path + ":" + aux_path
env.push((var.to_strbuf(), if prev.is_empty() {
format_strbuf!("{}:{}", lib_path, aux_path)
} else {
lib_path + ":" + aux_path + ":" + prev
format_strbuf!("{}:{}:{}", lib_path, aux_path, prev)
return env;
pub struct Result {pub status: ProcessExit, pub out: ~str, pub err: ~str}
pub struct Result {pub status: ProcessExit, pub out: StrBuf, pub err: StrBuf}
pub fn run(lib_path: &str,
prog: &str,
args: &[~str],
env: Vec<(~str, ~str)> ,
input: Option<~str>) -> Option<Result> {
args: &[StrBuf],
env: Vec<(StrBuf, StrBuf)> ,
input: Option<StrBuf>) -> Option<Result> {
let env = env.clone().append(target_env(lib_path, prog).as_slice());
match Command::new(prog).args(args).env(env.as_slice()).spawn() {
@ -78,8 +81,8 @@ pub fn run(lib_path: &str,
Some(Result {
status: status,
out: str::from_utf8(output.as_slice()).unwrap().to_owned(),
err: str::from_utf8(error.as_slice()).unwrap().to_owned()
out: str::from_utf8(output.as_slice()).unwrap().to_strbuf(),
err: str::from_utf8(error.as_slice()).unwrap().to_strbuf()
Err(..) => None
@ -88,9 +91,9 @@ pub fn run(lib_path: &str,
pub fn run_background(lib_path: &str,
prog: &str,
args: &[~str],
env: Vec<(~str, ~str)> ,
input: Option<~str>) -> Option<Process> {
args: &[StrBuf],
env: Vec<(StrBuf, StrBuf)> ,
input: Option<StrBuf>) -> Option<Process> {
let env = env.clone().append(target_env(lib_path, prog).as_slice());
match Command::new(prog).args(args).env(env.as_slice()).spawn() {
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -33,25 +33,25 @@ pub fn get_os(triple: &str) -> &'static str {
#[cfg(target_os = "win32")]
pub fn make_new_path(path: &str) -> ~str {
pub fn make_new_path(path: &str) -> StrBuf {
// Windows just uses PATH as the library search path, so we have to
// maintain the current value while adding our own
match getenv(lib_path_env_var()) {
match getenv(lib_path_env_var().as_slice()) {
Some(curr) => {
format!("{}{}{}", path, path_div(), curr)
format_strbuf!("{}{}{}", path, path_div(), curr)
None => path.to_str()
None => path.to_str().to_strbuf()
#[cfg(target_os = "win32")]
pub fn lib_path_env_var() -> ~str { "PATH".to_owned() }
pub fn lib_path_env_var() -> StrBuf { "PATH".to_strbuf() }
#[cfg(target_os = "win32")]
pub fn path_div() -> ~str { ";".to_owned() }
pub fn path_div() -> StrBuf { ";".to_strbuf() }
pub fn logv(config: &Config, s: ~str) {
pub fn logv(config: &Config, s: StrBuf) {
debug!("{}", s);
if config.verbose { println!("{}", s); }
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Use [`ToStr`](
let x: int = 42;
let y: ~str = x.to_str();
let y: StrBuf = x.to_str().to_strbuf();
**String to int**
@ -22,14 +22,14 @@ let y: int = x.unwrap();
**Int to string, in non-base-10**
Use the `format!` syntax extension.
Use the `format_strbuf!` syntax extension.
let x: int = 42;
let y: ~str = format!("{:t}", x); // binary
let y: ~str = format!("{:o}", x); // octal
let y: ~str = format!("{:x}", x); // lowercase hexadecimal
let y: ~str = format!("{:X}", x); // uppercase hexadecimal
let y: StrBuf = format_strbuf!("{:t}", x); // binary
let y: StrBuf = format_strbuf!("{:o}", x); // octal
let y: StrBuf = format_strbuf!("{:x}", x); // lowercase hexadecimal
let y: StrBuf = format_strbuf!("{:X}", x); // uppercase hexadecimal
**String to int, in non-base-10**
@ -55,13 +55,14 @@ let x: Option<&str> = str::from_utf8(bytes);
let y: &str = x.unwrap();
To return an Owned String (~str) use the str helper function [`from_utf8_owned`](
To return an Owned String (StrBuf) use the str helper function [`from_utf8_owned`](
use std::str;
let x: Result<~str,~[u8]> = str::from_utf8_owned(~[104u8,105u8]);
let y: ~str = x.unwrap();
let x: Result<StrBuf,~[u8]> =
str::from_utf8_owned(~[104u8,105u8]).map(|x| x.to_strbuf());
let y: StrBuf = x.unwrap();
To return a [`MaybeOwned`]( use the str helper function [`from_utf8_lossy`]( This function also replaces non-valid utf-8 sequences with U+FFFD replacement character.
@ -181,7 +182,7 @@ enum Closed {}
Phantom types are useful for enforcing state at compile time. For example:
struct Door<State>(~str);
struct Door<State>(StrBuf);
struct Open;
struct Closed;
@ -194,13 +195,13 @@ fn open(Door(name): Door<Closed>) -> Door<Open> {
let _ = close(Door::<Open>("front".to_owned()));
let _ = close(Door::<Open>("front".to_strbuf()));
Attempting to close a closed door is prevented statically:
~~~ {.ignore}
let _ = close(Door::<Closed>("front".to_owned())); // error: mismatched types: expected `main::Door<main::Open>` but found `main::Door<main::Closed>`
let _ = close(Door::<Closed>("front".to_strbuf())); // error: mismatched types: expected `main::Door<main::Open>` but found `main::Door<main::Closed>`
# FFI (Foreign Function Interface)
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ To take as an argument a fragment of Rust code, write `$` followed by a name
* `expr` (an expression. Examples: `2 + 2`; `if true then { 1 } else { 2 }`;
* `ty` (a type. Examples: `int`, `~[(char, ~str)]`, `&T`.)
* `ty` (a type. Examples: `int`, `~[(char, StrBuf)]`, `&T`.)
* `pat` (a pattern, usually appearing in a `match` or on the left-hand side of
a declaration. Examples: `Some(t)`; `(17, 'a')`; `_`.)
* `block` (a sequence of actions. Example: `{ log(error, "hi"); return 12; }`)
@ -463,11 +463,11 @@ Here is the function that implements the child task:
extern crate sync;
# fn main() {
fn stringifier(channel: &sync::DuplexStream<~str, uint>) {
fn stringifier(channel: &sync::DuplexStream<StrBuf, uint>) {
let mut value: uint;
loop {
value = channel.recv();
if value == 0 { break; }
@ -488,11 +488,11 @@ Here is the code for the parent task:
extern crate sync;
# use std::task::spawn;
# use sync::DuplexStream;
# fn stringifier(channel: &sync::DuplexStream<~str, uint>) {
# fn stringifier(channel: &sync::DuplexStream<StrBuf, uint>) {
# let mut value: uint;
# loop {
# value = channel.recv();
# channel.send(value.to_str());
# channel.send(value.to_str().to_strbuf());
# if value == 0u { break; }
# }
# }
@ -505,13 +505,13 @@ spawn(proc() {
assert!(from_child.recv() == "22".to_owned());
assert!(from_child.recv().as_slice() == "22");
assert!(from_child.recv() == "23".to_owned());
assert!(from_child.recv() == "0".to_owned());
assert!(from_child.recv().as_slice() == "23");
assert!(from_child.recv().as_slice() == "0");
# }
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "~~~~ let x: f64 = 4.0; let y: uint = x as uint; assert!(y == 4u); ~~~~"
msgid "~~~ let x: int = 42; let y: ~str = x.to_str(); ~~~"
msgid "~~~ let x: int = 42; let y: StrBuf = x.to_str(); ~~~"
msgstr ""
"let x: f64 = 4.0;\n"
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "~~~~ let x: f64 = 4.0; let y: uint = x as uint; assert!(y == 4u); ~~~~"
msgid "let x: int = 42; let y: ~str = x.to_str_radix(16); ~~~"
msgid "let x: int = 42; let y: StrBuf = x.to_str_radix(16); ~~~"
msgstr ""
"let x: f64 = 4.0;\n"
@ -1641,7 +1641,7 @@ msgstr "## 最小限の例"
msgid ""
"trait Printable {\n"
" fn to_string(&self) -> ~str;\n"
" fn to_string(&self) -> StrBuf;\n"
msgstr ""
"~~~~ {.ignore}\n"
@ -1656,7 +1656,7 @@ msgstr ""
#| msgid "~~~~ {.ignore} // extern crate world; fn main() { println(~\"hello \" + world::explore()); } ~~~~"
msgid ""
"impl Printable for int {\n"
" fn to_string(&self) -> ~str { self.to_str() }\n"
" fn to_string(&self) -> StrBuf { self.to_str() }\n"
msgstr ""
"~~~~ {.ignore}\n"
@ -1702,7 +1702,7 @@ msgstr "# クロージャ"
msgid ""
"trait Printable {\n"
" fn make_string(&self) -> ~str;\n"
" fn make_string(&self) -> StrBuf;\n"
msgstr ""
"~~~~ {.ignore}\n"
@ -1716,8 +1716,8 @@ msgstr ""
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid "~~~~ {.ignore} // extern crate world; fn main() { println(~\"hello \" + world::explore()); } ~~~~"
msgid ""
"impl Printable for ~str {\n"
" fn make_string(&self) -> ~str {\n"
"impl Printable for StrBuf {\n"
" fn make_string(&self) -> StrBuf {\n"
" (*self).clone()\n"
" }\n"
@ -3755,15 +3755,15 @@ msgstr ""
#| msgid ""
#| "Traits may be implemented for specific types with [impls]. An impl that "
#| "implements a trait includes the name of the trait at the start of the "
#| "definition, as in the following impls of `Printable` for `int` and `~str`."
#| "definition, as in the following impls of `Printable` for `int` and `StrBuf`."
msgid ""
"Traits may be implemented for specific types with [impls]. An impl for a "
"particular trait gives an implementation of the methods that trait "
"provides. For instance, the following impls of `Printable` for `int` and "
"`~str` give implementations of the `print` method."
"`StrBuf` give implementations of the `print` method."
msgstr ""
"[impl][impls] により特定の型にトレイトを実装することができます。トレイトを実"
"装する impl は、以下の `Printable` の `int` と `~str` に対する実装のように、"
"装する impl は、以下の `Printable` の `int` と `StrBuf` に対する実装のように、"
#. type: Plain text
@ -3776,7 +3776,7 @@ msgstr "[impls]: #メソッド"
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid "~~~~ {.ignore} // extern crate world; fn main() { println(~\"hello \" + world::explore()); } ~~~~"
msgid ""
"impl Printable for ~str {\n"
"impl Printable for StrBuf {\n"
" fn print(&self) { println!(\"{}\", *self) }\n"
msgstr ""
@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ Two examples of paths with type arguments:
# struct HashMap<K, V>;
# fn f() {
# fn id<T>(t: T) -> T { t }
type T = HashMap<int,~str>; // Type arguments used in a type expression
type T = HashMap<int,StrBuf>; // Type arguments used in a type expression
let x = id::<int>(10); // Type arguments used in a call expression
# }
@ -1259,12 +1259,12 @@ Enumeration constructors can have either named or unnamed fields:
enum Animal {
Dog (~str, f64),
Cat { name: ~str, weight: f64 }
Dog (StrBuf, f64),
Cat { name: StrBuf, weight: f64 }
let mut a: Animal = Dog("Cocoa".to_owned(), 37.2);
a = Cat{ name: "Spotty".to_owned(), weight: 2.7 };
let mut a: Animal = Dog("Cocoa".to_strbuf(), 37.2);
a = Cat { name: "Spotty".to_strbuf(), weight: 2.7 };
In this example, `Cat` is a _struct-like enum variant_,
@ -2081,7 +2081,7 @@ These are functions:
* `str_eq`
: Compare two strings (`&str`) for equality.
* `uniq_str_eq`
: Compare two owned strings (`~str`) for equality.
: Compare two owned strings (`StrBuf`) for equality.
* `strdup_uniq`
: Return a new unique string
containing a copy of the contents of a unique string.
@ -3309,7 +3309,7 @@ A value of type `str` is a Unicode string,
represented as a vector of 8-bit unsigned bytes holding a sequence of UTF-8 codepoints.
Since `str` is of unknown size, it is not a _first class_ type,
but can only be instantiated through a pointer type,
such as `&str` or `~str`.
such as `&str` or `StrBuf`.
### Tuple types
@ -3573,11 +3573,11 @@ An example of an object type:
trait Printable {
fn to_string(&self) -> ~str;
fn to_string(&self) -> StrBuf;
impl Printable for int {
fn to_string(&self) -> ~str { self.to_str() }
fn to_string(&self) -> StrBuf { self.to_str().to_strbuf() }
fn print(a: Box<Printable>) {
@ -3618,17 +3618,17 @@ example, in:
trait Printable {
fn make_string(&self) -> ~str;
fn make_string(&self) -> StrBuf;
impl Printable for ~str {
fn make_string(&self) -> ~str {
impl Printable for StrBuf {
fn make_string(&self) -> StrBuf {
`self` refers to the value of type `~str` that is the receiver for a
`self` refers to the value of type `StrBuf` that is the receiver for a
call to the method `make_string`.
## Type kinds
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ comments":
pub struct Widget {
/// All widgets have a purpose (this is a doc comment, and will show up
/// the field's documentation).
purpose: ~str,
purpose: StrBuf,
/// Humans are not allowed to understand some widgets
understandable: bool
@ -2213,7 +2213,7 @@ don't provide any methods.
Traits may be implemented for specific types with [impls]. An impl for
a particular trait gives an implementation of the methods that
trait provides. For instance, the following impls of
`Printable` for `int` and `~str` give implementations of the `print`
`Printable` for `int` and `StrBuf` give implementations of the `print`
[impls]: #methods
@ -2224,12 +2224,12 @@ impl Printable for int {
fn print(&self) { println!("{:?}", *self) }
impl Printable for ~str {
impl Printable for StrBuf {
fn print(&self) { println!("{}", *self) }
# 1.print();
# ("foo".to_owned()).print();
# ("foo".to_strbuf()).print();
Methods defined in an impl for a trait may be called just like
@ -2270,7 +2270,7 @@ trait Printable {
impl Printable for int {}
impl Printable for ~str {
impl Printable for StrBuf {
fn print(&self) { println!("{}", *self) }
@ -2279,7 +2279,7 @@ impl Printable for bool {}
impl Printable for f32 {}
# 1.print();
# ("foo".to_owned()).print();
# ("foo".to_strbuf()).print();
# true.print();
# 3.14159.print();
@ -2291,7 +2291,7 @@ provided in the trait definition. Depending on the trait, default
methods can save a great deal of boilerplate code from having to be
written in impls. Of course, individual impls can still override the
default method for `print`, as is being done above in the impl for
## Type-parameterized traits
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ pub struct Parser<'a> {
cur: str::CharOffsets<'a>,
depth: uint,
/// Error messages accumulated during parsing
pub errors: Vec<~str>,
pub errors: Vec<StrBuf>,
impl<'a> Iterator<Piece<'a>> for Parser<'a> {
@ -246,10 +246,10 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
/// Notifies of an error. The message doesn't actually need to be of type
/// ~str, but I think it does when this eventually uses conditions so it
/// StrBuf, but I think it does when this eventually uses conditions so it
/// might as well start using it now.
fn err(&mut self, msg: &str) {
/// Optionally consumes the specified character. If the character is not at
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ pub fn build_codegen_options(matches: &getopts::Matches) -> CodegenOptions
let mut cg = basic_codegen_options();
for option in matches.opt_strs("C").move_iter() {
let mut iter = option.splitn('=', 1);
let mut iter = option.as_slice().splitn('=', 1);
let key =;
let value =;
let option_to_lookup = key.replace("-", "_");
@ -563,7 +563,7 @@ pub fn build_session_options(matches: &getopts::Matches) -> Options {
let mut crate_types: Vec<CrateType> = Vec::new();
let unparsed_crate_types = matches.opt_strs("crate-type");
for unparsed_crate_type in unparsed_crate_types.iter() {
for part in unparsed_crate_type.split(',') {
for part in unparsed_crate_type.as_slice().split(',') {
let new_part = match part {
"lib" => default_lib_output(),
"rlib" => CrateTypeRlib,
@ -612,7 +612,10 @@ pub fn build_session_options(matches: &getopts::Matches) -> Options {
let mut this_bit = 0;
for tuple in debug_map.iter() {
let (name, bit) = match *tuple { (ref a, _, b) => (a, b) };
if *name == *debug_flag { this_bit = bit; break; }
if *name == debug_flag.as_slice() {
this_bit = bit;
if this_bit == 0 {
early_error(format!("unknown debug flag: {}", *debug_flag))
@ -628,7 +631,7 @@ pub fn build_session_options(matches: &getopts::Matches) -> Options {
if !parse_only && !no_trans {
let unparsed_output_types = matches.opt_strs("emit");
for unparsed_output_type in unparsed_output_types.iter() {
for part in unparsed_output_type.split(',') {
for part in unparsed_output_type.as_slice().split(',') {
let output_type = match part.as_slice() {
"asm" => link::OutputTypeAssembly,
"ir" => link::OutputTypeLlvmAssembly,
@ -765,7 +768,7 @@ mod test {
fn test_switch_implies_cfg_test() {
let matches =
&match getopts(["--test".to_owned()], optgroups().as_slice()) {
&match getopts(["--test".to_strbuf()], optgroups().as_slice()) {
Ok(m) => m,
Err(f) => fail!("test_switch_implies_cfg_test: {}", f.to_err_msg())
@ -780,7 +783,7 @@ mod test {
fn test_switch_implies_cfg_test_unless_cfg_test() {
let matches =
&match getopts(["--test".to_owned(), "--cfg=test".to_owned()],
&match getopts(["--test".to_strbuf(), "--cfg=test".to_strbuf()],
optgroups().as_slice()) {
Ok(m) => m,
Err(f) => {
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ pub mod session;
pub mod config;
pub fn main_args(args: &[~str]) -> int {
pub fn main_args(args: &[StrBuf]) -> int {
let owned_args = args.to_owned();
monitor(proc() run_compiler(owned_args));
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ pub fn main_args(args: &[~str]) -> int {
static BUG_REPORT_URL: &'static str =
fn run_compiler(args: &[~str]) {
fn run_compiler(args: &[StrBuf]) {
let matches = match handle_options(Vec::from_slice(args)) {
Some(matches) => matches,
None => return
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ fn run_compiler(args: &[~str]) {
let ofile = matches.opt_str("o").map(|o| Path::new(o));
let pretty = matches.opt_default("pretty", "normal").map(|a| {
parse_pretty(&sess, a)
parse_pretty(&sess, a.as_slice())
match pretty {
Some::<PpMode>(ppm) => {
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ fn run_compiler(args: &[~str]) {
let r = matches.opt_strs("Z");
if r.contains(&("ls".to_owned())) {
if r.contains(&("ls".to_strbuf())) {
match input {
FileInput(ref ifile) => {
let mut stdout = io::stdout();
@ -191,17 +191,20 @@ fn describe_codegen_flags() {
/// Process command line options. Emits messages as appropirate.If compilation
/// should continue, returns a getopts::Matches object parsed from args, otherwise
/// returns None.
pub fn handle_options(mut args: Vec<~str>) -> Option<getopts::Matches> {
pub fn handle_options(mut args: Vec<StrBuf>) -> Option<getopts::Matches> {
// Throw away the first argument, the name of the binary
let _binary = args.shift().unwrap();
if args.is_empty() { usage(); return None; }
if args.is_empty() {
return None;
let matches =
match getopts::getopts(args.as_slice(), config::optgroups().as_slice()) {
Ok(m) => m,
Err(f) => {
@ -212,24 +215,24 @@ pub fn handle_options(mut args: Vec<~str>) -> Option<getopts::Matches> {
let lint_flags = matches.opt_strs("W").move_iter().collect::<Vec<_>>().append(
if lint_flags.iter().any(|x| x == &"help".to_owned()) {
if lint_flags.iter().any(|x| x.as_slice() == "help") {
return None;
let r = matches.opt_strs("Z");
if r.iter().any(|x| x == &"help".to_owned()) {
if r.iter().any(|x| x.as_slice() == "help") {
return None;
let cg_flags = matches.opt_strs("C");
if cg_flags.iter().any(|x| x == &"help".to_owned()) {
if cg_flags.iter().any(|x| x.as_slice() == "help") {
return None;
if cg_flags.contains(&"passes=list".to_owned()) {
if cg_flags.contains(&"passes=list".to_strbuf()) {
unsafe { ::lib::llvm::llvm::LLVMRustPrintPasses(); }
return None;
@ -121,5 +121,8 @@ pub mod lib {
pub fn main() {
let args = std::os::args().iter()
.map(|x| x.to_strbuf())
@ -137,12 +137,7 @@ pub fn usage(argv0: &str) {
pub fn main_args(args: &[StrBuf]) -> int {
let matches = match getopts::getopts(args.tail()
.map(|x| (*x).to_owned())
opts().as_slice()) {
let matches = match getopts::getopts(args.tail(), opts().as_slice()) {
Ok(m) => m,
Err(err) => {
println!("{}", err.to_err_msg());
@ -170,7 +165,7 @@ pub fn main_args(args: &[StrBuf]) -> int {
let test_args = matches.opt_strs("test-args");
let test_args: Vec<StrBuf> = test_args.iter()
.flat_map(|s| s.words())
.flat_map(|s| s.as_slice().words())
.map(|s| s.to_strbuf())
@ -199,7 +194,7 @@ pub fn main_args(args: &[StrBuf]) -> int {
(false, false) => {}
if matches.opt_strs("passes").as_slice() == &["list".to_owned()] {
if matches.opt_strs("passes").as_slice() == &["list".to_strbuf()] {
println!("Available passes for running rustdoc:");
for &(name, _, description) in PASSES.iter() {
println!("{:>20s} - {}", name, description);
@ -306,7 +301,7 @@ fn rust_input(cratefile: &str, matches: &getopts::Matches) -> Output {
clean::NameValue(ref x, ref value)
if "passes" == x.as_slice() => {
for pass in value.as_slice().words() {
clean::NameValue(ref x, ref value)
@ -323,15 +318,19 @@ fn rust_input(cratefile: &str, matches: &getopts::Matches) -> Output {
if default_passes {
for name in DEFAULT_PASSES.iter().rev() {
// Load all plugins/passes into a PluginManager
let path = matches.opt_str("plugin-path").unwrap_or("/tmp/rustdoc/plugins".to_owned());
let path = matches.opt_str("plugin-path")
let mut pm = plugins::PluginManager::new(Path::new(path));
for pass in passes.iter() {
let plugin = match PASSES.iter().position(|&(p, _, _)| p == *pass) {
let plugin = match PASSES.iter()
.position(|&(p, _, _)| {
p == pass.as_slice()
}) {
Some(i) => PASSES[i].val1(),
None => {
error!("unknown pass {}, skipping", *pass);
@ -364,7 +363,7 @@ fn json_input(input: &str) -> Result<Output, StrBuf> {
Ok(json::Object(obj)) => {
let mut obj = obj;
// Make sure the schema is what we expect
match obj.pop(&"schema".to_owned()) {
match obj.pop(&"schema".to_strbuf()) {
Some(json::String(version)) => {
if version.as_slice() != SCHEMA_VERSION {
return Err(format_strbuf!(
@ -375,7 +374,7 @@ fn json_input(input: &str) -> Result<Output, StrBuf> {
Some(..) => return Err("malformed json".to_strbuf()),
None => return Err("expected a schema version".to_strbuf()),
let krate = match obj.pop(&"crate".to_str()) {
let krate = match obj.pop(&"crate".to_strbuf()) {
Some(json) => {
let mut d = json::Decoder::new(json);
Decodable::decode(&mut d).unwrap()
@ -404,13 +403,14 @@ fn json_output(krate: clean::Crate, res: Vec<plugins::PluginJson> ,
// "plugins": { output of plugins ... }
// }
let mut json = box collections::TreeMap::new();
json.insert("schema".to_owned(), json::String(SCHEMA_VERSION.to_owned()));
let plugins_json = box res.move_iter()
.filter_map(|opt| {
match opt {
None => None,
Some((string, json)) => {
Some((string.to_owned(), json))
Some((string.to_strbuf(), json))
@ -423,15 +423,15 @@ fn json_output(krate: clean::Crate, res: Vec<plugins::PluginJson> ,
let mut encoder = json::Encoder::new(&mut w as &mut io::Writer);
krate.encode(&mut encoder).unwrap();
let crate_json = match json::from_str(crate_json_str) {
let crate_json = match json::from_str(crate_json_str.as_slice()) {
Ok(j) => j,
Err(e) => fail!("Rust generated JSON is invalid: {:?}", e)
json.insert("crate".to_owned(), crate_json);
json.insert("plugins".to_owned(), json::Object(plugins_json));
json.insert("crate".to_strbuf(), crate_json);
json.insert("plugins".to_strbuf(), json::Object(plugins_json));
let mut file = try!(File::create(&dst));
try!(json::Object(json).to_writer(&mut file));
@ -353,21 +353,21 @@ impl Loop {
pub struct UvError(c_int);
impl UvError {
pub fn name(&self) -> ~str {
pub fn name(&self) -> StrBuf {
unsafe {
let inner = match self { &UvError(a) => a };
let name_str = uvll::uv_err_name(inner);
pub fn desc(&self) -> ~str {
pub fn desc(&self) -> StrBuf {
unsafe {
let inner = match self { &UvError(a) => a };
let desc_str = uvll::uv_strerror(inner);
@ -851,7 +851,7 @@ mod test {
fn connect_close_ip4() {
match TcpWatcher::connect(local_loop(), next_test_ip4(), None) {
Ok(..) => fail!(),
Err(e) => assert_eq!(, "ECONNREFUSED".to_owned()),
Err(e) => assert_eq!(, "ECONNREFUSED".to_strbuf()),
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ mod test {
fn connect_close_ip6() {
match TcpWatcher::connect(local_loop(), next_test_ip6(), None) {
Ok(..) => fail!(),
Err(e) => assert_eq!(, "ECONNREFUSED".to_owned()),
Err(e) => assert_eq!(, "ECONNREFUSED".to_strbuf()),
@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ mod tests {
fn bind_err() {
match PipeListener::bind(local_loop(), &"path/to/nowhere".to_c_str()) {
Ok(..) => fail!(),
Err(e) => assert_eq!(, "EACCES".to_owned()),
Err(e) => assert_eq!(, "EACCES".to_strbuf()),
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ static URLSAFE_CHARS: &'static[u8] = bytes!("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ",
pub trait ToBase64 {
/// Converts the value of `self` to a base64 value following the specified
/// format configuration, returning the owned string.
fn to_base64(&self, config: Config) -> ~str;
fn to_base64(&self, config: Config) -> StrBuf;
impl<'a> ToBase64 for &'a [u8] {
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ impl<'a> ToBase64 for &'a [u8] {
* }
* ```
fn to_base64(&self, config: Config) -> ~str {
fn to_base64(&self, config: Config) -> StrBuf {
let bytes = match config.char_set {
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ impl<'a> ToBase64 for &'a [u8] {
unsafe {
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ impl<'a> FromBase64 for &'a str {
* fn main () {
* let hello_str = bytes!("Hello, World").to_base64(STANDARD);
* println!("base64 output: {}", hello_str);
* let res = hello_str.from_base64();
* let res = hello_str.as_slice().from_base64();
* if res.is_ok() {
* let opt_bytes = StrBuf::from_utf8(res.unwrap());
* if opt_bytes.is_ok() {
@ -267,34 +267,35 @@ mod tests {
fn test_to_base64_basic() {
assert_eq!("".as_bytes().to_base64(STANDARD), "".to_owned());
assert_eq!("f".as_bytes().to_base64(STANDARD), "Zg==".to_owned());
assert_eq!("fo".as_bytes().to_base64(STANDARD), "Zm8=".to_owned());
assert_eq!("foo".as_bytes().to_base64(STANDARD), "Zm9v".to_owned());
assert_eq!("foob".as_bytes().to_base64(STANDARD), "Zm9vYg==".to_owned());
assert_eq!("fooba".as_bytes().to_base64(STANDARD), "Zm9vYmE=".to_owned());
assert_eq!("foobar".as_bytes().to_base64(STANDARD), "Zm9vYmFy".to_owned());
assert_eq!("".as_bytes().to_base64(STANDARD), "".to_strbuf());
assert_eq!("f".as_bytes().to_base64(STANDARD), "Zg==".to_strbuf());
assert_eq!("fo".as_bytes().to_base64(STANDARD), "Zm8=".to_strbuf());
assert_eq!("foo".as_bytes().to_base64(STANDARD), "Zm9v".to_strbuf());
assert_eq!("foob".as_bytes().to_base64(STANDARD), "Zm9vYg==".to_strbuf());
assert_eq!("fooba".as_bytes().to_base64(STANDARD), "Zm9vYmE=".to_strbuf());
assert_eq!("foobar".as_bytes().to_base64(STANDARD), "Zm9vYmFy".to_strbuf());
fn test_to_base64_line_break() {
assert!(![0u8, ..1000].to_base64(Config {line_length: None, ..STANDARD})
assert_eq!("foobar".as_bytes().to_base64(Config {line_length: Some(4),
fn test_to_base64_padding() {
assert_eq!("f".as_bytes().to_base64(Config {pad: false, ..STANDARD}), "Zg".to_owned());
assert_eq!("fo".as_bytes().to_base64(Config {pad: false, ..STANDARD}), "Zm8".to_owned());
assert_eq!("f".as_bytes().to_base64(Config {pad: false, ..STANDARD}), "Zg".to_strbuf());
assert_eq!("fo".as_bytes().to_base64(Config {pad: false, ..STANDARD}), "Zm8".to_strbuf());
fn test_to_base64_url_safe() {
assert_eq!([251, 255].to_base64(URL_SAFE), "-_8".to_owned());
assert_eq!([251, 255].to_base64(STANDARD), "+/8=".to_owned());
assert_eq!([251, 255].to_base64(URL_SAFE), "-_8".to_strbuf());
assert_eq!([251, 255].to_base64(STANDARD), "+/8=".to_strbuf());
@ -339,7 +340,12 @@ mod tests {
for _ in range(0, 1000) {
let times = task_rng().gen_range(1u, 100);
let v = Vec::from_fn(times, |_| random::<u8>());
@ -360,7 +366,7 @@ mod tests {
ウヰノオクヤマ ケフコエテ アサキユメミシ ヱヒモセスン";
let sb = s.as_bytes().to_base64(STANDARD);
b.iter(|| {
b.bytes = sb.len() as u64;
@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ impl<'doc> Doc<'doc> {
str::from_utf8(, self.end)).unwrap()
pub fn as_str(&self) -> ~str {
pub fn as_str(&self) -> StrBuf {
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ pub enum EbmlEncoderTag {
pub enum Error {
// --------------------------------------
@ -312,7 +312,10 @@ pub mod reader {
self.pos = r_doc.end;
let str = r_doc.as_str_slice();
if lbl != str {
return Err(Expected(format!("Expected label {} but found {}", lbl, str)));
return Err(Expected(format_strbuf!("Expected label \
{} but found {}",
@ -322,7 +325,8 @@ pub mod reader {
fn next_doc(&mut self, exp_tag: EbmlEncoderTag) -> DecodeResult<Doc<'doc>> {
debug!(". next_doc(exp_tag={:?})", exp_tag);
if self.pos >= self.parent.end {
return Err(Expected(format!("no more documents in current node!")));
return Err(Expected(format_strbuf!("no more documents in \
current node!")));
let TaggedDoc { tag: r_tag, doc: r_doc } =
try!(doc_at(, self.pos));
@ -334,12 +338,18 @@ pub mod reader {
if r_tag != (exp_tag as uint) {
return Err(Expected(format!("expected EBML doc with tag {:?} but found tag {:?}",
exp_tag, r_tag)));
return Err(Expected(format_strbuf!("expected EBML doc with \
tag {:?} but found tag \
if r_doc.end > self.parent.end {
return Err(Expected(format!("invalid EBML, child extends to {:#x}, parent to {:#x}",
r_doc.end, self.parent.end)));
return Err(Expected(format_strbuf!("invalid EBML, child \
extends to {:#x}, parent \
to {:#x}",
self.pos = r_doc.end;
@ -433,7 +443,7 @@ pub mod reader {
fn read_char(&mut self) -> DecodeResult<char> {
fn read_str(&mut self) -> DecodeResult<~str> {
fn read_str(&mut self) -> DecodeResult<StrBuf> {
@ -570,7 +580,10 @@ pub mod reader {
match idx {
0 => f(this, false),
1 => f(this, true),
_ => Err(Expected(format!("Expected None or Some"))),
_ => {
Err(Expected(format_strbuf!("Expected None or \
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ use std::fmt;
pub trait ToHex {
/// Converts the value of `self` to a hex value, returning the owned
/// string.
fn to_hex(&self) -> ~str;
fn to_hex(&self) -> StrBuf;
static CHARS: &'static[u8] = bytes!("0123456789abcdef");
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ impl<'a> ToHex for &'a [u8] {
* }
* ```
fn to_hex(&self) -> ~str {
fn to_hex(&self) -> StrBuf {
let mut v = Vec::with_capacity(self.len() * 2);
for &byte in self.iter() {
v.push(CHARS[(byte >> 4) as uint]);
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ impl<'a> ToHex for &'a [u8] {
unsafe {
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ impl<'a> FromHex for &'a str {
* fn main () {
* let hello_str = "Hello, World".as_bytes().to_hex();
* println!("{}", hello_str);
* let bytes = hello_str.from_hex().unwrap();
* let bytes = hello_str.as_slice().from_hex().unwrap();
* println!("{:?}", bytes);
* let result_str = StrBuf::from_utf8(bytes).unwrap();
* println!("{}", result_str);
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ mod tests {
pub fn test_to_hex() {
assert_eq!("foobar".as_bytes().to_hex(), "666f6f626172".to_owned());
assert_eq!("foobar".as_bytes().to_hex(), "666f6f626172".to_strbuf());
@ -174,7 +174,8 @@ mod tests {
pub fn test_to_hex_all_bytes() {
for i in range(0, 256) {
assert_eq!([i as u8].to_hex(), format!("{:02x}", i as uint));
assert_eq!([i as u8].to_hex(),
format_strbuf!("{:02x}", i as uint));
@ -202,7 +203,7 @@ mod tests {
ウヰノオクヤマ ケフコエテ アサキユメミシ ヱヒモセスン";
let sb = s.as_bytes().to_hex();
b.iter(|| {
b.bytes = sb.len() as u64;
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ pub trait Decoder<E> {
fn read_f64(&mut self) -> Result<f64, E>;
fn read_f32(&mut self) -> Result<f32, E>;
fn read_char(&mut self) -> Result<char, E>;
fn read_str(&mut self) -> Result<~str, E>;
fn read_str(&mut self) -> Result<StrBuf, E>;
// Compound types:
fn read_enum<T>(&mut self, name: &str, f: |&mut Self| -> Result<T, E>) -> Result<T, E>;
@ -301,18 +301,6 @@ impl<'a, E, S:Encoder<E>> Encodable<S, E> for &'a str {
impl<E, S:Encoder<E>> Encodable<S, E> for ~str {
fn encode(&self, s: &mut S) -> Result<(), E> {
impl<E, D:Decoder<E>> Decodable<D, E> for ~str {
fn decode(d: &mut D) -> Result<~str, E> {
impl<E, S:Encoder<E>> Encodable<S, E> for StrBuf {
fn encode(&self, s: &mut S) -> Result<(), E> {
@ -321,7 +309,7 @@ impl<E, S:Encoder<E>> Encodable<S, E> for StrBuf {
impl<E, D:Decoder<E>> Decodable<D, E> for StrBuf {
fn decode(d: &mut D) -> Result<StrBuf, E> {
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ impl<S: Encoder<E>, E> Encodable<S, E> for Ident {
impl<D:Decoder<E>, E> Decodable<D, E> for Ident {
fn decode(d: &mut D) -> Result<Ident, E> {
@ -886,7 +886,9 @@ pub fn expand_preparsed_format_args(ecx: &mut ExtCtxt, sp: Span,
match parser.errors.shift() {
Some(error) => {
cx.ecx.span_err(efmt.span, "invalid format string: " + error);
format_strbuf!("invalid format string: {}",
return DummyResult::raw_expr(sp);
None => {}
@ -606,7 +606,8 @@ impl<'a> Equiv<&'a str> for InternedString {
impl<D:Decoder<E>, E> Decodable<D, E> for InternedString {
fn decode(d: &mut D) -> Result<InternedString, E> {
@ -354,11 +354,7 @@ Test Attributes:
pub fn parse_opts(args: &[StrBuf]) -> Option<OptRes> {
let args_ = args.tail();
let matches =
match getopts::getopts(args_.iter()
.map(|x| x.to_owned())
optgroups().as_slice()) {
match getopts::getopts(args_.as_slice(), optgroups().as_slice()) {
Ok(m) => m,
Err(f) => return Some(Err(f.to_err_msg().to_strbuf()))
@ -388,7 +384,8 @@ pub fn parse_opts(args: &[StrBuf]) -> Option<OptRes> {
let ratchet_metrics =|s| Path::new(s));
let ratchet_noise_percent = matches.opt_str("ratchet-noise-percent");
let ratchet_noise_percent =|s| from_str::<f64>(s).unwrap());
let ratchet_noise_percent =
|||||s| from_str::<f64>(s.as_slice()).unwrap());
let save_metrics = matches.opt_str("save-metrics");
let save_metrics =|s| Path::new(s));
@ -1068,8 +1065,8 @@ fn calc_result(desc: &TestDesc, task_succeeded: bool) -> TestResult {
impl ToJson for Metric {
fn to_json(&self) -> json::Json {
let mut map = box TreeMap::new();
map.insert("value".to_owned(), json::Number(self.value));
map.insert("noise".to_owned(), json::Number(self.noise));
map.insert("value".to_strbuf(), json::Number(self.value));
map.insert("noise".to_strbuf(), json::Number(self.noise));
@ -1106,7 +1103,7 @@ impl MetricMap {
// FIXME(pcwalton): Yuck.
let mut new_map = TreeMap::new();
for (ref key, ref value) in map.iter() {
new_map.insert(key.to_owned(), (*value).clone());
new_map.insert(key.to_strbuf(), (*value).clone());
new_map.to_json().to_pretty_writer(&mut file)
@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ pub fn tzset() {
/// Holds a calendar date and time broken down into its components (year, month, day, and so on),
/// also called a broken-down time value.
#[deriving(Clone, Eq, Encodable, Decodable, Show)]
#[deriving(Clone, Eq, Show)]
pub struct Tm {
/// Seconds after the minute – [0, 60]
pub tm_sec: i32,
@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ impl<T: Encoder<E>, E> Encodable<T, E> for Uuid {
impl<T: Decoder<E>, E> Decodable<T, E> for Uuid {
/// Decode a UUID from a string
fn decode(d: &mut T) -> Result<Uuid, E> {
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ impl Database {
// FIXME(pcwalton): Yuck.
let mut new_db_cache = TreeMap::new();
for (ref k, ref v) in self.db_cache.iter() {
new_db_cache.insert((*k).to_owned(), (*v).to_owned());
new_db_cache.insert((*k).to_strbuf(), (*v).to_strbuf());
new_db_cache.to_json().to_pretty_writer(&mut f)
@ -513,10 +513,13 @@ fn test() {
let pth = pth.clone();
let contents = File::open(&pth).read_to_end().unwrap();
let file_content = from_utf8(contents.as_slice()).unwrap().to_owned();
let file_content = from_utf8(contents.as_slice()).unwrap()
// FIXME (#9639): This needs to handle non-utf8 paths
prep.declare_input("file", pth.as_str().unwrap(), file_content);
prep.exec(proc(_exe) {
let out = make_path("foo.o".to_strbuf());
let compiler = if cfg!(windows) {"gcc"} else {"cc"};
@ -526,7 +529,7 @@ fn test() {
// Could run sub-rules inside here.
// FIXME (#9639): This needs to handle non-utf8 paths
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ struct Config {
fn parse_opts(argv: Vec<StrBuf> ) -> Config {
let opts = vec!(getopts::optflag("", "stress", ""));
let argv = argv.iter().map(|x| x.to_str()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let argv = argv.iter().map(|x| x.to_strbuf()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let opt_args = argv.slice(1, argv.len());
match getopts::getopts(opt_args, opts.as_slice()) {
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ enum object {
fn lookup(table: Box<json::Object>, key: StrBuf, default: StrBuf) -> StrBuf
match table.find(&key.to_owned()) {
match table.find(&key.to_strbuf()) {
option::Some(&json::String(ref s)) => {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user