From a424e84a3e0157f3f0160ae366ba469457cb6295 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patrick Walton <>
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 15:59:04 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] libstd: Document the following modules:

* native::io
* std::char
* std::fmt
* std::fmt::parse
* std::io
* std::io::extensions
* std::io::net::ip
* std::io::net::udp
* std::io::net::unix
* std::io::pipe
* std::num
* std::num::f32
* std::num::f64
* std::num::strconv
* std::os
 src/libnative/io/     |   5 +-
 src/libstd/          | 140 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 src/libstd/fmt/       | 103 +++++++++++++------
 src/libstd/fmt/     |  61 +++++++++---
 src/libstd/io/ |  49 ++++++++-
 src/libstd/io/        |  30 ++++++
 src/libstd/io/net/     |   5 +
 src/libstd/io/net/    |  52 ++++++++--
 src/libstd/io/net/   |   4 +
 src/libstd/io/       |   2 +
 src/libstd/num/       |   2 +-
 src/libstd/num/       |   2 +-
 src/libstd/num/       | 194 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 src/libstd/num/   |  61 ++++++++----
 src/libstd/            | 126 ++++++++++++++++++++++-
 15 files changed, 707 insertions(+), 129 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/libnative/io/ b/src/libnative/io/
index 615ed80a648..e802c8f0301 100644
--- a/src/libnative/io/
+++ b/src/libnative/io/
@@ -97,8 +97,9 @@ fn translate_error(errno: i32, detail: bool) -> IoError {
             libc::WSAECONNREFUSED => (io::ConnectionRefused, "connection refused"),
             libc::WSAECONNRESET => (io::ConnectionReset, "connection reset"),
             libc::WSAEACCES => (io::PermissionDenied, "permission denied"),
-            libc::WSAEWOULDBLOCK =>
-                (io::ResourceUnavailable, "resource temporarily unavailable"),
+            libc::WSAEWOULDBLOCK => {
+                (io::ResourceUnavailable, "resource temporarily unavailable")
+            }
             libc::WSAENOTCONN => (io::NotConnected, "not connected"),
             libc::WSAECONNABORTED => (io::ConnectionAborted, "connection aborted"),
             libc::WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL => (io::ConnectionRefused, "address not available"),
diff --git a/src/libstd/ b/src/libstd/
index 52ca28c4ce8..46447e4a416 100644
--- a/src/libstd/
+++ b/src/libstd/
@@ -404,29 +404,163 @@ pub fn len_utf8_bytes(c: char) -> uint {
+/// Useful functions for Unicode characters.
 pub trait Char {
+    /// Returns whether the specified character is considered a Unicode
+    /// alphabetic code point.
     fn is_alphabetic(&self) -> bool;
+    /// Returns whether the specified character satisfies the 'XID_Start'
+    /// Unicode property.
+    ///
+    /// 'XID_Start' is a Unicode Derived Property specified in
+    /// [UAX #31](,
+    /// mostly similar to ID_Start but modified for closure under NFKx.
     fn is_XID_start(&self) -> bool;
+    /// Returns whether the specified `char` satisfies the 'XID_Continue'
+    /// Unicode property.
+    ///
+    /// 'XID_Continue' is a Unicode Derived Property specified in
+    /// [UAX #31](,
+    /// mostly similar to 'ID_Continue' but modified for closure under NFKx.
     fn is_XID_continue(&self) -> bool;
+    /// Indicates whether a character is in lowercase.
+    ///
+    /// This is defined according to the terms of the Unicode Derived Core
+    /// Property `Lowercase`.
     fn is_lowercase(&self) -> bool;
+    /// Indicates whether a character is in uppercase.
+    ///
+    /// This is defined according to the terms of the Unicode Derived Core
+    /// Property `Uppercase`.
     fn is_uppercase(&self) -> bool;
+    /// Indicates whether a character is whitespace.
+    ///
+    /// Whitespace is defined in terms of the Unicode Property `White_Space`.
     fn is_whitespace(&self) -> bool;
+    /// Indicates whether a character is alphanumeric.
+    ///
+    /// Alphanumericness is defined in terms of the Unicode General Categories
+    /// 'Nd', 'Nl', 'No' and the Derived Core Property 'Alphabetic'.
     fn is_alphanumeric(&self) -> bool;
+    /// Indicates whether a character is a control code point.
+    ///
+    /// Control code points are defined in terms of the Unicode General
+    /// Category `Cc`.
     fn is_control(&self) -> bool;
+    /// Indicates whether the character is numeric (Nd, Nl, or No).
     fn is_digit(&self) -> bool;
+    /// Checks if a `char` parses as a numeric digit in the given radix.
+    ///
+    /// Compared to `is_digit()`, this function only recognizes the characters
+    /// `0-9`, `a-z` and `A-Z`.
+    ///
+    /// # Return value
+    ///
+    /// Returns `true` if `c` is a valid digit under `radix`, and `false`
+    /// otherwise.
+    ///
+    /// # Failure
+    ///
+    /// Fails if given a radix > 36.
     fn is_digit_radix(&self, radix: uint) -> bool;
+    /// Converts a character to the corresponding digit.
+    ///
+    /// # Return value
+    ///
+    /// If `c` is between '0' and '9', the corresponding value between 0 and
+    /// 9. If `c` is 'a' or 'A', 10. If `c` is 'b' or 'B', 11, etc. Returns
+    /// none if the character does not refer to a digit in the given radix.
+    ///
+    /// # Failure
+    ///
+    /// Fails if given a radix outside the range [0..36].
     fn to_digit(&self, radix: uint) -> Option<uint>;
+    /// Converts a character to its lowercase equivalent.
+    ///
+    /// The case-folding performed is the common or simple mapping. See
+    /// `to_uppercase()` for references and more information.
+    ///
+    /// # Return value
+    ///
+    /// Returns the lowercase equivalent of the character, or the character
+    /// itself if no conversion is possible.
     fn to_lowercase(&self) -> char;
+    /// Converts a character to its uppercase equivalent.
+    ///
+    /// The case-folding performed is the common or simple mapping: it maps
+    /// one unicode codepoint (one character in Rust) to its uppercase
+    /// equivalent according to the Unicode database [1]. The additional
+    /// `SpecialCasing.txt` is not considered here, as it expands to multiple
+    /// codepoints in some cases.
+    ///
+    /// A full reference can be found here [2].
+    ///
+    /// # Return value
+    ///
+    /// Returns the uppercase equivalent of the character, or the character
+    /// itself if no conversion was made.
+    ///
+    /// [1]:
+    ///
+    /// [2]:
     fn to_uppercase(&self) -> char;
+    /// Converts a number to the character representing it.
+    ///
+    /// # Return value
+    ///
+    /// Returns `Some(char)` if `num` represents one digit under `radix`,
+    /// using one character of `0-9` or `a-z`, or `None` if it doesn't.
+    ///
+    /// # Failure
+    ///
+    /// Fails if given a radix > 36.
     fn from_digit(num: uint, radix: uint) -> Option<char>;
+    /// Returns the hexadecimal Unicode escape of a character.
+    ///
+    /// The rules are as follows:
+    ///
+    /// * Characters in [0,0xff] get 2-digit escapes: `\\xNN`
+    /// * Characters in [0x100,0xffff] get 4-digit escapes: `\\uNNNN`.
+    /// * Characters above 0x10000 get 8-digit escapes: `\\UNNNNNNNN`.
     fn escape_unicode(&self, f: |char|);
+    /// Returns a 'default' ASCII and C++11-like literal escape of a
+    /// character.
+    ///
+    /// The default is chosen with a bias toward producing literals that are
+    /// legal in a variety of languages, including C++11 and similar C-family
+    /// languages. The exact rules are:
+    ///
+    /// * Tab, CR and LF are escaped as '\t', '\r' and '\n' respectively.
+    /// * Single-quote, double-quote and backslash chars are backslash-
+    ///   escaped.
+    /// * Any other chars in the range [0x20,0x7e] are not escaped.
+    /// * Any other chars are given hex unicode escapes; see `escape_unicode`.
     fn escape_default(&self, f: |char|);
+    /// Returns the amount of bytes this character would need if encoded in
+    /// UTF-8.
     fn len_utf8_bytes(&self) -> uint;
-    /// Encodes this `char` as utf-8 into the provided byte-buffer
+    /// Encodes this character as UTF-8 into the provided byte buffer.
-    /// The buffer must be at least 4 bytes long or a runtime failure will occur.
+    /// The buffer must be at least 4 bytes long or a runtime failure will
+    /// occur.
     /// This will then return the number of characters written to the slice.
     fn encode_utf8(&self, dst: &mut [u8]) -> uint;
diff --git a/src/libstd/fmt/ b/src/libstd/fmt/
index d3ceba025ea..c2a6510d656 100644
--- a/src/libstd/fmt/
+++ b/src/libstd/fmt/
@@ -562,51 +562,94 @@ pub struct Arguments<'a> {
 /// When a format is not otherwise specified, types are formatted by ascribing
 /// to this trait. There is not an explicit way of selecting this trait to be
 /// used for formatting, it is only if no other format is specified.
-pub trait Show { fn fmt(&self, &mut Formatter) -> Result; }
+pub trait Show {
+    /// Formats the value using the given formatter.
+    fn fmt(&self, &mut Formatter) -> Result;
 /// Format trait for the `b` character
-pub trait Bool { fn fmt(&self, &mut Formatter) -> Result; }
+pub trait Bool {
+    /// Formats the value using the given formatter.
+    fn fmt(&self, &mut Formatter) -> Result;
 /// Format trait for the `c` character
-pub trait Char { fn fmt(&self, &mut Formatter) -> Result; }
+pub trait Char {
+    /// Formats the value using the given formatter.
+    fn fmt(&self, &mut Formatter) -> Result;
 /// Format trait for the `i` and `d` characters
-pub trait Signed { fn fmt(&self, &mut Formatter) -> Result; }
+pub trait Signed {
+    /// Formats the value using the given formatter.
+    fn fmt(&self, &mut Formatter) -> Result;
 /// Format trait for the `u` character
-pub trait Unsigned { fn fmt(&self, &mut Formatter) -> Result; }
+pub trait Unsigned {
+    /// Formats the value using the given formatter.
+    fn fmt(&self, &mut Formatter) -> Result;
 /// Format trait for the `o` character
-pub trait Octal { fn fmt(&self, &mut Formatter) -> Result; }
+pub trait Octal {
+    /// Formats the value using the given formatter.
+    fn fmt(&self, &mut Formatter) -> Result;
 /// Format trait for the `t` character
-pub trait Binary { fn fmt(&self, &mut Formatter) -> Result; }
+pub trait Binary {
+    /// Formats the value using the given formatter.
+    fn fmt(&self, &mut Formatter) -> Result;
 /// Format trait for the `x` character
-pub trait LowerHex { fn fmt(&self, &mut Formatter) -> Result; }
+pub trait LowerHex {
+    /// Formats the value using the given formatter.
+    fn fmt(&self, &mut Formatter) -> Result;
 /// Format trait for the `X` character
-pub trait UpperHex { fn fmt(&self, &mut Formatter) -> Result; }
+pub trait UpperHex {
+    /// Formats the value using the given formatter.
+    fn fmt(&self, &mut Formatter) -> Result;
 /// Format trait for the `s` character
-pub trait String { fn fmt(&self, &mut Formatter) -> Result; }
+pub trait String {
+    /// Formats the value using the given formatter.
+    fn fmt(&self, &mut Formatter) -> Result;
 /// Format trait for the `?` character
-pub trait Poly { fn fmt(&self, &mut Formatter) -> Result; }
+pub trait Poly {
+    /// Formats the value using the given formatter.
+    fn fmt(&self, &mut Formatter) -> Result;
 /// Format trait for the `p` character
-pub trait Pointer { fn fmt(&self, &mut Formatter) -> Result; }
+pub trait Pointer {
+    /// Formats the value using the given formatter.
+    fn fmt(&self, &mut Formatter) -> Result;
 /// Format trait for the `f` character
-pub trait Float { fn fmt(&self, &mut Formatter) -> Result; }
+pub trait Float {
+    /// Formats the value using the given formatter.
+    fn fmt(&self, &mut Formatter) -> Result;
 /// Format trait for the `e` character
-pub trait LowerExp { fn fmt(&self, &mut Formatter) -> Result; }
+pub trait LowerExp {
+    /// Formats the value using the given formatter.
+    fn fmt(&self, &mut Formatter) -> Result;
 /// Format trait for the `E` character
-pub trait UpperExp { fn fmt(&self, &mut Formatter) -> Result; }
+pub trait UpperExp {
+    /// Formats the value using the given formatter.
+    fn fmt(&self, &mut Formatter) -> Result;
 // FIXME #11938 - UFCS would make us able call the above methods
 // directly Show::show(x, fmt).
diff --git a/src/libstd/fmt/ b/src/libstd/fmt/
index 67088e6f4f8..384e2ff2380 100644
--- a/src/libstd/fmt/
+++ b/src/libstd/fmt/
@@ -11,16 +11,16 @@
 //! Parsing of format strings
 //! These structures are used when parsing format strings for the compiler.
-//! Parsing does not currently happen at runtime (structures of std::fmt::rt are
-//! generated instead).
+//! Parsing does not happen at runtime: structures of `std::fmt::rt` are
+//! generated instead.
 use prelude::*;
 use char;
 use str;
-/// A piece is a portion of the format string which represents the next part to
-/// emit. These are emitted as a stream by the `Parser` class.
+/// A piece is a portion of the format string which represents the next part
+/// to emit. These are emitted as a stream by the `Parser` class.
 pub enum Piece<'a> {
     /// A literal string which should directly be emitted
@@ -65,36 +65,55 @@ pub struct FormatSpec<'a> {
 /// Enum describing where an argument for a format can be located.
 pub enum Position<'a> {
-    ArgumentNext, ArgumentIs(uint), ArgumentNamed(&'a str)
+    /// The argument will be in the next position. This is the default.
+    ArgumentNext,
+    /// The argument is located at a specific index.
+    ArgumentIs(uint),
+    /// The argument has a name.
+    ArgumentNamed(&'a str),
 /// Enum of alignments which are supported.
-pub enum Alignment { AlignLeft, AlignRight, AlignUnknown }
+pub enum Alignment {
+    /// The value will be aligned to the left.
+    AlignLeft,
+    /// The value will be aligned to the right.
+    AlignRight,
+    /// The value will take on a default alignment.
+    AlignUnknown,
-/// Various flags which can be applied to format strings, the meaning of these
+/// Various flags which can be applied to format strings. The meaning of these
 /// flags is defined by the formatters themselves.
 pub enum Flag {
+    /// A `+` will be used to denote positive numbers.
+    /// A `-` will be used to denote negative numbers. This is the default.
+    /// An alternate form will be used for the value. In the case of numbers,
+    /// this means that the number will be prefixed with the supplied string.
+    /// For numbers, this means that the number will be padded with zeroes,
+    /// and the sign (`+` or `-`) will precede them.
 /// A count is used for the precision and width parameters of an integer, and
 /// can reference either an argument or a literal integer.
 pub enum Count<'a> {
+    /// The count is specified explicitly.
+    /// The count is specified by the argument with the given name.
     CountIsName(&'a str),
+    /// The count is specified by the argument at the given index.
+    /// The count is specified by the next parameter.
+    /// The count is implied and cannot be explicitly specified.
@@ -106,8 +125,9 @@ pub enum Method<'a> {
     /// keyword-defined clauses. The meaning of the keywords is defined by the
     /// current locale.
-    /// An offset is optionally present at the beginning which is used to match
-    /// against keywords, but it is not matched against the literal integers.
+    /// An offset is optionally present at the beginning which is used to
+    /// match against keywords, but it is not matched against the literal
+    /// integers.
     /// The final element of this enum is the default "other" case which is
     /// always required to be specified.
@@ -139,14 +159,23 @@ pub struct PluralArm<'a> {
     result: ~[Piece<'a>],
-/// Enum of the 5 CLDR plural keywords. There is one more, "other", but that is
-/// specially placed in the `Plural` variant of `Method`
+/// Enum of the 5 CLDR plural keywords. There is one more, "other", but that
+/// is specially placed in the `Plural` variant of `Method`.
 #[deriving(Eq, TotalEq, Hash)]
 pub enum PluralKeyword {
-    Zero, One, Two, Few, Many
+    /// The plural form for zero objects.
+    Zero,
+    /// The plural form for one object.
+    One,
+    /// The plural form for two objects.
+    Two,
+    /// The plural form for few objects.
+    Few,
+    /// The plural form for many objects.
+    Many,
 /// Structure representing one "arm" of the `select` function.
diff --git a/src/libstd/io/ b/src/libstd/io/
index e5938569ea3..b9e933d0b14 100644
--- a/src/libstd/io/
+++ b/src/libstd/io/
@@ -42,8 +42,11 @@ pub struct Bytes<'r, T> {
 impl<'r, R: Reader> Bytes<'r, R> {
+    /// Constructs a new byte iterator from the given Reader instance.
     pub fn new(r: &'r mut R) -> Bytes<'r, R> {
-        Bytes { reader: r }
+        Bytes {
+            reader: r,
+        }
@@ -58,6 +61,20 @@ impl<'r, R: Reader> Iterator<IoResult<u8>> for Bytes<'r, R> {
+/// Converts an 8-bit to 64-bit unsigned value to a little-endian byte
+/// representation of the given size. If the size is not big enough to
+/// represent the value, then the high-order bytes are truncated.
+/// Arguments:
+/// * `n`: The value to convert.
+/// * `size`: The size of the value, in bytes. This must be 8 or less, or task
+///           failure occurs. If this is less than 8, then a value of that
+///           many bytes is produced. For example, if `size` is 4, then a
+///           32-bit byte representation is produced.
+/// * `f`: A callback that receives the value.
+/// This function returns the value returned by the callback, for convenience.
 pub fn u64_to_le_bytes<T>(n: u64, size: uint, f: |v: &[u8]| -> T) -> T {
     use mem::{to_le16, to_le32, to_le64};
     use cast::transmute;
@@ -84,6 +101,20 @@ pub fn u64_to_le_bytes<T>(n: u64, size: uint, f: |v: &[u8]| -> T) -> T {
+/// Converts an 8-bit to 64-bit unsigned value to a big-endian byte
+/// representation of the given size. If the size is not big enough to
+/// represent the value, then the high-order bytes are truncated.
+/// Arguments:
+/// * `n`: The value to convert.
+/// * `size`: The size of the value, in bytes. This must be 8 or less, or task
+///           failure occurs. If this is less than 8, then a value of that
+///           many bytes is produced. For example, if `size` is 4, then a
+///           32-bit byte representation is produced.
+/// * `f`: A callback that receives the value.
+/// This function returns the value returned by the callback, for convenience.
 pub fn u64_to_be_bytes<T>(n: u64, size: uint, f: |v: &[u8]| -> T) -> T {
     use mem::{to_be16, to_be32, to_be64};
     use cast::transmute;
@@ -108,10 +139,18 @@ pub fn u64_to_be_bytes<T>(n: u64, size: uint, f: |v: &[u8]| -> T) -> T {
-pub fn u64_from_be_bytes(data: &[u8],
-                         start: uint,
-                         size: uint)
-                      -> u64 {
+/// Extracts an 8-bit to 64-bit unsigned big-endian value from the given byte
+/// buffer and returns it as a 64-bit value.
+/// Arguments:
+/// * `data`: The buffer in which to extract the value.
+/// * `start`: The offset at which to extract the value.
+/// * `size`: The size of the value in bytes to extract. This must be 8 or
+///           less, or task failure occurs. If this is less than 8, then only
+///           that many bytes are parsed. For example, if `size` is 4, then a
+///           32-bit value is parsed.
+pub fn u64_from_be_bytes(data: &[u8], start: uint, size: uint) -> u64 {
     use ptr::{copy_nonoverlapping_memory};
     use mem::from_be64;
     use slice::MutableVector;
diff --git a/src/libstd/io/ b/src/libstd/io/
index 6bd8f119ba2..3f959a8f780 100644
--- a/src/libstd/io/
+++ b/src/libstd/io/
@@ -300,25 +300,45 @@ impl fmt::Show for IoError {
+/// A list specifying general categories of I/O error.
 #[deriving(Eq, Clone, Show)]
 pub enum IoErrorKind {
+    /// Any I/O error not part of this list.
+    /// The operation could not complete because end of file was reached.
+    /// The file was not found.
+    /// The file permissions disallowed access to this file.
+    /// A network connection failed for some reason not specified in this list.
+    /// The network operation failed because the network connection was cloesd.
+    /// The connection was refused by the remote server.
+    /// The connection was reset by the remote server.
+    /// The connection was aborted (terminated) by the remote server.
+    /// The network operation failed because it was not connected yet.
+    /// The operation failed because a pipe was closed.
+    /// A file already existed with that name.
+    /// No file exists at that location.
+    /// The path did not specify the type of file that this operation required. For example,
+    /// attempting to copy a directory with the `fs::copy()` operation will fail with this error.
+    /// The operation temporarily failed (for example, because a signal was received), and retrying
+    /// may succeed.
+    /// No I/O functionality is available for this task.
+    /// A parameter was incorrect in a way that caused an I/O error not part of this list.
@@ -1411,15 +1431,25 @@ pub struct FileStat {
 pub struct UnstableFileStat {
+    /// The ID of the device containing the file.
     device: u64,
+    /// The file serial number.
     inode: u64,
+    /// The device ID.
     rdev: u64,
+    /// The number of hard links to this file.
     nlink: u64,
+    /// The user ID of the file.
     uid: u64,
+    /// The group ID of the file.
     gid: u64,
+    /// The optimal block size for I/O.
     blksize: u64,
+    /// The blocks allocated for this file.
     blocks: u64,
+    /// User-defined flags for the file.
     flags: u64,
+    /// The file generation number.
     gen: u64,
diff --git a/src/libstd/io/net/ b/src/libstd/io/net/
index dc24ead6258..fef4dd380e8 100644
--- a/src/libstd/io/net/
+++ b/src/libstd/io/net/
@@ -8,6 +8,11 @@
 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
 // except according to those terms.
+//! Internet Protocol (IP) addresses.
+//! This module contains functions useful for parsing, formatting, and
+//! manipulating IP addresses.
 use container::Container;
diff --git a/src/libstd/io/net/ b/src/libstd/io/net/
index e2620556321..eabd00a6a2d 100644
--- a/src/libstd/io/net/
+++ b/src/libstd/io/net/
@@ -8,7 +8,14 @@
 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
 // except according to those terms.
+//! UDP (User Datagram Protocol) network connections.
+//! This module contains the ability to open a UDP stream to a socket address.
+//! The destination and binding addresses can either be an IPv4 or IPv6
+//! address. There is no corresponding notion of a server because UDP is a
+//! datagram protocol.
+//! A UDP connection implements the `Reader` and `Writer` traits.
 use clone::Clone;
 use result::{Ok, Err};
@@ -16,58 +23,85 @@ use io::net::ip::SocketAddr;
 use io::{Reader, Writer, IoResult};
 use rt::rtio::{RtioSocket, RtioUdpSocket, IoFactory, LocalIo};
+/// A User Datagram Protocol socket.
 pub struct UdpSocket {
     priv obj: ~RtioUdpSocket
 impl UdpSocket {
+    /// Creates a UDP socket from the given socket address.
     pub fn bind(addr: SocketAddr) -> IoResult<UdpSocket> {
         LocalIo::maybe_raise(|io| {
             io.udp_bind(addr).map(|s| UdpSocket { obj: s })
-    pub fn recvfrom(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> IoResult<(uint, SocketAddr)> {
+    /// Receives data from the socket. On success, returns the number of bytes
+    /// read and the address from whence the data came.
+    pub fn recvfrom(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8])
+                    -> IoResult<(uint, SocketAddr)> {
+    /// Sends data on the socket to the given address. Returns nothing on
+    /// success.
     pub fn sendto(&mut self, buf: &[u8], dst: SocketAddr) -> IoResult<()> {
         self.obj.sendto(buf, dst)
+    /// Creates a `UdpStream`, which allows use of the `Reader` and `Writer`
+    /// traits to receive and send data from the same address. This transfers
+    /// ownership of the socket to the stream.
+    ///
+    /// Note that this call does not perform any actual network communication,
+    /// because UDP is a datagram protocol.
     pub fn connect(self, other: SocketAddr) -> UdpStream {
-        UdpStream { socket: self, connected_to: other }
+        UdpStream {
+            socket: self,
+            connected_to: other,
+        }
+    /// Returns the socket address that this socket was created from.
     pub fn socket_name(&mut self) -> IoResult<SocketAddr> {
 impl Clone for UdpSocket {
-    /// Creates a new handle to this UDP socket, allowing for simultaneous reads
-    /// and writes of the socket.
+    /// Creates a new handle to this UDP socket, allowing for simultaneous
+    /// reads and writes of the socket.
     /// The underlying UDP socket will not be closed until all handles to the
-    /// socket have been deallocated. Two concurrent reads will not receive the
-    /// same data.  Instead, the first read will receive the first packet
+    /// socket have been deallocated. Two concurrent reads will not receive
+    /// the same data. Instead, the first read will receive the first packet
     /// received, and the second read will receive the second packet.
     fn clone(&self) -> UdpSocket {
-        UdpSocket { obj: self.obj.clone() }
+        UdpSocket {
+            obj: self.obj.clone(),
+        }
+/// A type that allows convenient usage of a UDP stream connected to one
+/// address via the `Reader` and `Writer` traits.
 pub struct UdpStream {
     priv socket: UdpSocket,
     priv connected_to: SocketAddr
 impl UdpStream {
+    /// Allows access to the underlying UDP socket owned by this stream. This
+    /// is useful to, for example, use the socket to send data to hosts other
+    /// than the one that this stream is connected to.
     pub fn as_socket<T>(&mut self, f: |&mut UdpSocket| -> T) -> T {
         f(&mut self.socket)
-    pub fn disconnect(self) -> UdpSocket { self.socket }
+    /// Consumes this UDP stream and returns out the underlying socket.
+    pub fn disconnect(self) -> UdpSocket {
+        self.socket
+    }
 impl Reader for UdpStream {
diff --git a/src/libstd/io/net/ b/src/libstd/io/net/
index bd715858a01..9f04317a5c8 100644
--- a/src/libstd/io/net/
+++ b/src/libstd/io/net/
@@ -79,7 +79,9 @@ impl Writer for UnixStream {
     fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> IoResult<()> { self.obj.write(buf) }
+/// A value that can listen for incoming named pipe connection requests.
 pub struct UnixListener {
+    /// The internal, opaque runtime Unix listener.
     priv obj: ~RtioUnixListener,
@@ -119,7 +121,9 @@ impl Listener<UnixStream, UnixAcceptor> for UnixListener {
+/// A value that can accept named pipe connections, returned from `listen()`.
 pub struct UnixAcceptor {
+    /// The internal, opaque runtime Unix acceptor.
     priv obj: ~RtioUnixAcceptor,
diff --git a/src/libstd/io/ b/src/libstd/io/
index 02dfaeb7164..9984a3e5cdf 100644
--- a/src/libstd/io/
+++ b/src/libstd/io/
@@ -20,7 +20,9 @@ use io::IoResult;
 use libc;
 use rt::rtio::{RtioPipe, LocalIo};
+/// A synchronous, in-memory pipe.
 pub struct PipeStream {
+    /// The internal, opaque runtime pipe object.
     priv obj: ~RtioPipe,
diff --git a/src/libstd/num/ b/src/libstd/num/
index 3ba3a9a134f..323f24a52c3 100644
--- a/src/libstd/num/
+++ b/src/libstd/num/
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ pub static NAN: f32 = 0.0_f32/0.0_f32;
 pub static INFINITY: f32 = 1.0_f32/0.0_f32;
 pub static NEG_INFINITY: f32 = -1.0_f32/0.0_f32;
-/* Module: consts */
+/// Various useful constants.
 pub mod consts {
     // FIXME (requires Issue #1433 to fix): replace with mathematical
     // staticants from cmath.
diff --git a/src/libstd/num/ b/src/libstd/num/
index b95188b0765..fc8c5f47073 100644
--- a/src/libstd/num/
+++ b/src/libstd/num/
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ pub static NEG_INFINITY: f64 = -1.0_f64/0.0_f64;
 // FIXME (#1999): add is_normal, is_subnormal, and fpclassify
-/* Module: consts */
+/// Various useful constants.
 pub mod consts {
     // FIXME (requires Issue #1433 to fix): replace with mathematical
     // constants from cmath.
diff --git a/src/libstd/num/ b/src/libstd/num/
index 98379b5e5fb..31124db49b9 100644
--- a/src/libstd/num/
+++ b/src/libstd/num/
@@ -96,25 +96,56 @@ pub trait One: Mul<Self, Self> {
 /// Returns the multiplicative identity, `1`.
 #[inline(always)] pub fn one<T: One>() -> T { One::one() }
-pub trait Signed: Num
-                + Neg<Self> {
+/// Useful functions for signed numbers (i.e. numbers that can be negative).
+pub trait Signed: Num + Neg<Self> {
+    /// Computes the absolute value.
+    ///
+    /// For float, f32, and f64, `NaN` will be returned if the number is `NaN`.
     fn abs(&self) -> Self;
+    /// The positive difference of two numbers.
+    ///
+    /// Returns `zero` if the number is less than or equal to `other`, otherwise the difference
+    /// between `self` and `other` is returned.
     fn abs_sub(&self, other: &Self) -> Self;
+    /// Returns the sign of the number.
+    ///
+    /// For `float`, `f32`, `f64`:
+    ///   * `1.0` if the number is positive, `+0.0` or `INFINITY`
+    ///   * `-1.0` if the number is negative, `-0.0` or `NEG_INFINITY`
+    ///   * `NaN` if the number is `NaN`
+    ///
+    /// For `int`:
+    ///   * `0` if the number is zero
+    ///   * `1` if the number is positive
+    ///   * `-1` if the number is negative
     fn signum(&self) -> Self;
+    /// Returns true if the number is positive and false if the number is zero or negative.
     fn is_positive(&self) -> bool;
+    /// Returns true if the number is negative and false if the number is zero or positive.
     fn is_negative(&self) -> bool;
 /// Computes the absolute value.
 /// For float, f32, and f64, `NaN` will be returned if the number is `NaN`
-#[inline(always)] pub fn abs<T: Signed>(value: T) -> T { value.abs() }
+pub fn abs<T: Signed>(value: T) -> T {
+    value.abs()
 /// The positive difference of two numbers.
 /// Returns `zero` if the number is less than or equal to `other`,
 /// otherwise the difference between `self` and `other` is returned.
-#[inline(always)] pub fn abs_sub<T: Signed>(x: T, y: T) -> T { x.abs_sub(&y) }
+pub fn abs_sub<T: Signed>(x: T, y: T) -> T {
+    x.abs_sub(&y)
 /// Returns the sign of the number.
 /// For float, f32, f64:
@@ -308,70 +339,150 @@ pub enum FPCategory {
-/// Primitive floating point numbers
-pub trait Float: Signed
-               + Round
-               + Primitive {
+/// Operations on primitive floating point numbers.
+/// TODO(#5527): In a future version of Rust, many of these functions will become constants.
+/// FIXME(#8888): Several of these functions have a parameter named `unused_self`. Removing it
+/// requires #8888 to be fixed.
+pub trait Float: Signed + Round + Primitive {
+    /// Returns the maximum of the two numbers.
     fn max(self, other: Self) -> Self;
+    /// Returns the minimum of the two numbers.
     fn min(self, other: Self) -> Self;
-    // FIXME (#5527): These should be associated constants
+    /// Returns the NaN value.
     fn nan() -> Self;
+    /// Returns the infinite value.
     fn infinity() -> Self;
+    /// Returns the negative infinite value.
     fn neg_infinity() -> Self;
+    /// Returns -0.0.
     fn neg_zero() -> Self;
+    /// Returns true if this value is NaN and false otherwise.
     fn is_nan(&self) -> bool;
+    /// Returns true if this value is positive infinity or negative infinity and false otherwise.
     fn is_infinite(&self) -> bool;
+    /// Returns true if this number is neither infinite nor NaN.
     fn is_finite(&self) -> bool;
+    /// Returns true if this number is neither zero, infinite, denormal, or NaN.
     fn is_normal(&self) -> bool;
+    /// Returns the category that this number falls into.
     fn classify(&self) -> FPCategory;
-    // FIXME (#8888): Removing `unused_self` requires #8888 to be fixed.
+    /// Returns the number of binary digits of mantissa that this type supports.
     fn mantissa_digits(unused_self: Option<Self>) -> uint;
+    /// Returns the number of binary digits of exponent that this type supports.
     fn digits(unused_self: Option<Self>) -> uint;
+    /// Returns the smallest positive number that this type can represent.
     fn epsilon() -> Self;
+    /// Returns the minimum binary exponent that this type can represent.
     fn min_exp(unused_self: Option<Self>) -> int;
+    /// Returns the maximum binary exponent that this type can represent.
     fn max_exp(unused_self: Option<Self>) -> int;
+    /// Returns the minimum base-10 exponent that this type can represent.
     fn min_10_exp(unused_self: Option<Self>) -> int;
+    /// Returns the maximum base-10 exponent that this type can represent.
     fn max_10_exp(unused_self: Option<Self>) -> int;
+    /// Constructs a floating point number created by multiplying `x` by 2 raised to the power of
+    /// `exp`.
     fn ldexp(x: Self, exp: int) -> Self;
+    /// Breaks the number into a normalized fraction and a base-2 exponent, satisfying:
+    ///
+    ///  * `self = x * pow(2, exp)`
+    ///
+    ///  * `0.5 <= abs(x) < 1.0`
     fn frexp(&self) -> (Self, int);
+    /// Returns the exponential of the number, minus 1, in a way that is accurate even if the
+    /// number is close to zero.
     fn exp_m1(&self) -> Self;
+    /// Returns the natural logarithm of the number plus 1 (`ln(1+n)`) more accurately than if the
+    /// operations were performed separately.
     fn ln_1p(&self) -> Self;
+    /// Fused multiply-add. Computes `(self * a) + b` with only one rounding error. This produces a
+    /// more accurate result with better performance than a separate multiplication operation
+    /// followed by an add.
     fn mul_add(&self, a: Self, b: Self) -> Self;
+    /// Returns the next representable floating-point value in the direction of `other`.
     fn next_after(&self, other: Self) -> Self;
+    /// Returns the mantissa, exponent and sign as integers, respectively.
     fn integer_decode(&self) -> (u64, i16, i8);
-    // Common Mathematical Constants
-    // FIXME (#5527): These should be associated constants
+    /// Archimedes' constant.
     fn pi() -> Self;
-    fn two_pi() -> Self;
-    fn frac_pi_2() -> Self;
-    fn frac_pi_3() -> Self;
-    fn frac_pi_4() -> Self;
-    fn frac_pi_6() -> Self;
-    fn frac_pi_8() -> Self;
-    fn frac_1_pi() -> Self;
-    fn frac_2_pi() -> Self;
-    fn frac_2_sqrtpi() -> Self;
-    fn sqrt2() -> Self;
-    fn frac_1_sqrt2() -> Self;
-    fn e() -> Self;
-    fn log2_e() -> Self;
-    fn log10_e() -> Self;
-    fn ln_2() -> Self;
-    fn ln_10() -> Self;
-    // Fractional functions
+    /// 2.0 * pi.
+    fn two_pi() -> Self;
+    /// pi / 2.0.
+    fn frac_pi_2() -> Self;
+    /// pi / 3.0.
+    fn frac_pi_3() -> Self;
+    /// pi / 4.0.
+    fn frac_pi_4() -> Self;
+    /// pi / 6.0.
+    fn frac_pi_6() -> Self;
+    /// pi / 8.0.
+    fn frac_pi_8() -> Self;
+    /// 1.0 / pi.
+    fn frac_1_pi() -> Self;
+    /// 2.0 / pi.
+    fn frac_2_pi() -> Self;
+    /// 2.0 / sqrt(pi).
+    fn frac_2_sqrtpi() -> Self;
+    /// sqrt(2.0).
+    fn sqrt2() -> Self;
+    /// 1.0 / sqrt(2.0).
+    fn frac_1_sqrt2() -> Self;
+    /// Euler's number.
+    fn e() -> Self;
+    /// log2(e).
+    fn log2_e() -> Self;
+    /// log10(e).
+    fn log10_e() -> Self;
+    /// ln(2.0).
+    fn ln_2() -> Self;
+    /// ln(10.0).
+    fn ln_10() -> Self;
     /// Take the reciprocal (inverse) of a number, `1/x`.
     fn recip(&self) -> Self;
-    // Algebraic functions
     /// Raise a number to a power.
     fn powf(&self, n: &Self) -> Self;
@@ -385,8 +496,6 @@ pub trait Float: Signed
     /// legs of length `x` and `y`.
     fn hypot(&self, other: &Self) -> Self;
-    // Trigonometric functions
     /// Computes the sine of a number (in radians).
     fn sin(&self) -> Self;
     /// Computes the cosine of a number (in radians).
@@ -412,8 +521,6 @@ pub trait Float: Signed
     /// `(sin(x), cos(x))`.
     fn sin_cos(&self) -> (Self, Self);
-    // Exponential functions
     /// Returns `e^(self)`, (the exponential function).
     fn exp(&self) -> Self;
     /// Returns 2 raised to the power of the number, `2^(self)`.
@@ -427,8 +534,6 @@ pub trait Float: Signed
     /// Returns the base 10 logarithm of the number.
     fn log10(&self) -> Self;
-    // Hyperbolic functions
     /// Hyperbolic sine function.
     fn sinh(&self) -> Self;
     /// Hyperbolic cosine function.
@@ -442,8 +547,6 @@ pub trait Float: Signed
     /// Inverse hyperbolic tangent function.
     fn atanh(&self) -> Self;
-    // Angular conversions
     /// Convert radians to degrees.
     fn to_degrees(&self) -> Self;
     /// Convert degrees to radians.
@@ -978,8 +1081,10 @@ pub fn cast<T: NumCast,U: NumCast>(n: T) -> Option<U> {
-/// An interface for casting between machine scalars
+/// An interface for casting between machine scalars.
 pub trait NumCast: ToPrimitive {
+    /// Creates a number from another value that can be converted into a primitive via the
+    /// `ToPrimitive` trait.
     fn from<T: ToPrimitive>(n: T) -> Option<Self>;
@@ -1059,19 +1164,30 @@ impl<T: CheckedAdd + CheckedSub + Zero + Ord + Bounded> Saturating for T {
+/// Performs addition that returns `None` instead of wrapping around on overflow.
 pub trait CheckedAdd: Add<Self, Self> {
+    /// Adds two numbers, checking for overflow. If overflow happens, `None` is returned.
     fn checked_add(&self, v: &Self) -> Option<Self>;
+/// Performs subtraction that returns `None` instead of wrapping around on underflow.
 pub trait CheckedSub: Sub<Self, Self> {
+    /// Subtracts two numbers, checking for underflow. If underflow happens, `None` is returned.
     fn checked_sub(&self, v: &Self) -> Option<Self>;
+/// Performs multiplication that returns `None` instead of wrapping around on underflow or
+/// overflow.
 pub trait CheckedMul: Mul<Self, Self> {
+    /// Multiplies two numbers, checking for underflow or overflow. If underflow or overflow
+    /// happens, `None` is returned.
     fn checked_mul(&self, v: &Self) -> Option<Self>;
+/// Performs division that returns `None` instead of wrapping around on underflow or overflow.
 pub trait CheckedDiv: Div<Self, Self> {
+    /// Divides two numbers, checking for underflow or overflow. If underflow or overflow happens,
+    /// `None` is returned.
     fn checked_div(&self, v: &Self) -> Option<Self>;
diff --git a/src/libstd/num/ b/src/libstd/num/
index 9d3d012bae7..9f9a9ec8e2e 100644
--- a/src/libstd/num/
+++ b/src/libstd/num/
@@ -24,31 +24,66 @@ use num;
 use num::{NumCast, Zero, One, cast, Int};
 use num::{Round, Float, FPNaN, FPInfinite, ToPrimitive};
+/// A flag that specifies whether to use exponential (scientific) notation.
 pub enum ExponentFormat {
+    /// Do not use exponential notation.
+    /// Use exponential notation with the exponent having a base of 10 and the
+    /// exponent sign being `e` or `E`. For example, 1000 would be printed
+    /// 1e3.
-    ExpBin
+    /// Use exponential notation with the exponent having a base of 2 and the
+    /// exponent sign being `p` or `P`. For example, 8 would be printed 1p3.
+    ExpBin,
+/// The number of digits used for emitting the fractional part of a number, if
+/// any.
 pub enum SignificantDigits {
+    /// All calculable digits will be printed.
+    ///
+    /// Note that bignums or fractions may cause a surprisingly large number
+    /// of digits to be printed.
+    /// At most the given number of digits will be printed, truncating any
+    /// trailing zeroes.
+    /// Precisely the given number of digits will be printed.
+/// How to emit the sign of a number.
 pub enum SignFormat {
+    /// No sign will be printed. The exponent sign will also be emitted.
+    /// `-` will be printed for negative values, but no sign will be emitted
+    /// for positive numbers.
-    SignAll
+    /// `+` will be printed for positive values, and `-` will be printed for
+    /// negative values.
+    SignAll,
+/// Encompasses functions used by the string converter.
 pub trait NumStrConv {
+    /// Returns the NaN value.
     fn nan()      -> Option<Self>;
+    /// Returns the infinite value.
     fn inf()      -> Option<Self>;
+    /// Returns the negative infinite value.
     fn neg_inf()  -> Option<Self>;
+    /// Returns -0.0.
     fn neg_zero() -> Option<Self>;
+    /// Rounds the number toward zero.
     fn round_to_zero(&self)   -> Self;
+    /// Returns the fractional part of the number.
     fn fractional_part(&self) -> Self;
@@ -200,25 +235,11 @@ pub fn int_to_str_bytes_common<T: Int>(num: T, radix: uint, sign: SignFormat, f:
  *                     itself always printed using a base of 10.
  * - `negative_zero` - Whether to treat the special value `-0` as
  *                     `-0` or as `+0`.
- * - `sign`          - How to emit the sign. Options are:
- *     - `SignNone`: No sign at all. The exponent sign is also omitted.
- *     - `SignNeg`:  Only `-` on negative values.
- *     - `SignAll`:  Both `+` on positive, and `-` on negative numbers.
- * - `digits`        - The amount of digits to use for emitting the
- *                     fractional part, if any. Options are:
- *     - `DigAll`:         All calculatable digits. Beware of bignums or
- *                         fractions!
- *     - `DigMax(uint)`:   Maximum N digits, truncating any trailing zeros.
- *     - `DigExact(uint)`: Exactly N digits.
+ * - `sign`          - How to emit the sign. See `SignFormat`.
+ * - `digits`        - The amount of digits to use for emitting the fractional
+ *                     part, if any. See `SignificantDigits`.
  * - `exp_format`   - Whether or not to use the exponential (scientific) notation.
- *                    Options are:
- *     - `ExpNone`: Do not use the exponential notation.
- *     - `ExpDec`:  Use the exponential notation with the exponent having a base of 10,
- *                  and exponent sign being `'e'` or `'E'` depending on the value of
- *                  the `exp_upper` argument. E.g. the number 1000 would be printed as 1e3.
- *     - `ExpBin`:  Use the exponential notation with the exponent having a base of 2,
- *                  and exponent sign being `'p'` or `'P'` depending on the value of
- *                  the `exp_upper` argument. E.g. the number 8 would be printed as 1p3.
+ *                    See `ExponentFormat`.
  * - `exp_capital`   - Whether or not to use a capital letter for the exponent sign, if
  *                     exponential notation is desired.
diff --git a/src/libstd/ b/src/libstd/
index f270c7e7a74..3d05414c625 100644
--- a/src/libstd/
+++ b/src/libstd/
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ pub fn close(fd: int) -> int {
 pub static TMPBUF_SZ : uint = 1000u;
 static BUF_BYTES : uint = 2048u;
+/// Returns the current working directory.
 pub fn getcwd() -> Path {
     use c_str::CString;
@@ -78,6 +79,7 @@ pub fn getcwd() -> Path {
+/// Returns the current working directory.
 pub fn getcwd() -> Path {
     use libc::DWORD;
@@ -364,11 +366,19 @@ pub fn unsetenv(n: &str) {
+/// A low-level OS in-memory pipe.
+/// This type is deprecated in favor of the types in `std::io::pipe`.
 pub struct Pipe {
+    /// A file descriptor representing the input end of the pipe.
     input: c_int,
-    out: c_int
+    /// A file descriptor representing the output end of the pipe.
+    out: c_int,
+/// Creates a new low-level OS in-memory pipe.
+/// This function is deprecated in favor of the types in `std::io::pipe`.
 pub fn pipe() -> Pipe {
     unsafe {
@@ -379,6 +389,9 @@ pub fn pipe() -> Pipe {
+/// Creates a new low-level OS in-memory pipe.
+/// This function is deprecated in favor of the types in `std::io::pipe`.
 pub fn pipe() -> Pipe {
     unsafe {
@@ -908,6 +921,7 @@ fn round_up(from: uint, to: uint) -> uint {
+/// Returns the page size of the current architecture in bytes.
 pub fn page_size() -> uint {
     unsafe {
@@ -915,6 +929,7 @@ pub fn page_size() -> uint {
+/// Returns the page size of the current architecture in bytes.
 pub fn page_size() -> uint {
     unsafe {
@@ -1274,8 +1289,8 @@ impl Drop for MemoryMap {
+/// Various useful system-specific constants.
 pub mod consts {
     pub use os::consts::unix::*;
@@ -1309,70 +1324,175 @@ pub mod consts {
     #[cfg(target_arch = "mips")]
     pub use os::consts::mips::*;
+    /// Constants for Unix systems.
     pub mod unix {
+        /// A string describing the family that this operating system belongs
+        /// to: in this case, `unix`.
         pub static FAMILY: &'static str = "unix";
+    /// Constants for Windows systems.
     pub mod windows {
+        /// A string describing the family that this operating system belongs
+        /// to: in this case, `windows`.
         pub static FAMILY: &'static str = "windows";
+    /// Constants for Mac OS systems.
     pub mod macos {
+        /// A string describing the specific operating system in use: in this
+        /// case, `macos`.
         pub static SYSNAME: &'static str = "macos";
+        /// Specifies the filename prefix used for shared libraries on this
+        /// platform: in this case, `lib`.
         pub static DLL_PREFIX: &'static str = "lib";
+        /// Specifies the filename suffix used for shared libraries on this
+        /// platform: in this case, `.dylib`.
         pub static DLL_SUFFIX: &'static str = ".dylib";
+        /// Specifies the file extension used for shared libraries on this
+        /// platform that goes after the dot: in this case, `dylib`.
         pub static DLL_EXTENSION: &'static str = "dylib";
+        /// Specifies the filename suffix used for executable binaries on this
+        /// platform: in this case, the empty string.
         pub static EXE_SUFFIX: &'static str = "";
+        /// Specifies the file extension, if any, used for executable binaries
+        /// on this platform: in this case, the empty string.
         pub static EXE_EXTENSION: &'static str = "";
+    /// Constants for FreeBSD systems.
     pub mod freebsd {
+        /// A string describing the specific operating system in use: in this
+        /// case, `freebsd`.
         pub static SYSNAME: &'static str = "freebsd";
+        /// Specifies the filename prefix used for shared libraries on this
+        /// platform: in this case, `lib`.
         pub static DLL_PREFIX: &'static str = "lib";
+        /// Specifies the filename suffix used for shared libraries on this
+        /// platform: in this case, `.so`.
         pub static DLL_SUFFIX: &'static str = ".so";
+        /// Specifies the file extension used for shared libraries on this
+        /// platform that goes after the dot: in this case, `so`.
         pub static DLL_EXTENSION: &'static str = "so";
+        /// Specifies the filename suffix used for executable binaries on this
+        /// platform: in this case, the empty string.
         pub static EXE_SUFFIX: &'static str = "";
+        /// Specifies the file extension, if any, used for executable binaries
+        /// on this platform: in this case, the empty string.
         pub static EXE_EXTENSION: &'static str = "";
+    /// Constants for GNU/Linux systems.
     pub mod linux {
+        /// A string describing the specific operating system in use: in this
+        /// case, `linux`.
         pub static SYSNAME: &'static str = "linux";
+        /// Specifies the filename prefix used for shared libraries on this
+        /// platform: in this case, `lib`.
         pub static DLL_PREFIX: &'static str = "lib";
+        /// Specifies the filename suffix used for shared libraries on this
+        /// platform: in this case, `.so`.
         pub static DLL_SUFFIX: &'static str = ".so";
+        /// Specifies the file extension used for shared libraries on this
+        /// platform that goes after the dot: in this case, `so`.
         pub static DLL_EXTENSION: &'static str = "so";
+        /// Specifies the filename suffix used for executable binaries on this
+        /// platform: in this case, the empty string.
         pub static EXE_SUFFIX: &'static str = "";
+        /// Specifies the file extension, if any, used for executable binaries
+        /// on this platform: in this case, the empty string.
         pub static EXE_EXTENSION: &'static str = "";
+    /// Constants for Android systems.
     pub mod android {
+        /// A string describing the specific operating system in use: in this
+        /// case, `android`.
         pub static SYSNAME: &'static str = "android";
+        /// Specifies the filename prefix used for shared libraries on this
+        /// platform: in this case, `lib`.
         pub static DLL_PREFIX: &'static str = "lib";
+        /// Specifies the filename suffix used for shared libraries on this
+        /// platform: in this case, `.so`.
         pub static DLL_SUFFIX: &'static str = ".so";
+        /// Specifies the file extension used for shared libraries on this
+        /// platform that goes after the dot: in this case, `so`.
         pub static DLL_EXTENSION: &'static str = "so";
+        /// Specifies the filename suffix used for executable binaries on this
+        /// platform: in this case, the empty string.
         pub static EXE_SUFFIX: &'static str = "";
+        /// Specifies the file extension, if any, used for executable binaries
+        /// on this platform: in this case, the empty string.
         pub static EXE_EXTENSION: &'static str = "";
+    /// Constants for 32-bit or 64-bit Windows systems.
     pub mod win32 {
+        /// A string describing the specific operating system in use: in this
+        /// case, `win32`.
         pub static SYSNAME: &'static str = "win32";
+        /// Specifies the filename prefix used for shared libraries on this
+        /// platform: in this case, the empty string.
         pub static DLL_PREFIX: &'static str = "";
+        /// Specifies the filename suffix used for shared libraries on this
+        /// platform: in this case, `.dll`.
         pub static DLL_SUFFIX: &'static str = ".dll";
+        /// Specifies the file extension used for shared libraries on this
+        /// platform that goes after the dot: in this case, `dll`.
         pub static DLL_EXTENSION: &'static str = "dll";
+        /// Specifies the filename suffix used for executable binaries on this
+        /// platform: in this case, `.exe`.
         pub static EXE_SUFFIX: &'static str = ".exe";
+        /// Specifies the file extension, if any, used for executable binaries
+        /// on this platform: in this case, `exe`.
         pub static EXE_EXTENSION: &'static str = "exe";
+    /// Constants for Intel Architecture-32 (x86) architectures.
     pub mod x86 {
+        /// A string describing the architecture in use: in this case, `x86`.
         pub static ARCH: &'static str = "x86";
+    /// Constants for Intel 64/AMD64 (x86-64) architectures.
     pub mod x86_64 {
+        /// A string describing the architecture in use: in this case,
+        /// `x86_64`.
         pub static ARCH: &'static str = "x86_64";
+    /// Constants for Advanced RISC Machine (ARM) architectures.
     pub mod arm {
+        /// A string describing the architecture in use: in this case, `ARM`.
         pub static ARCH: &'static str = "arm";
+    /// Constants for Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages
+    /// (MIPS) architectures.
     pub mod mips {
+        /// A string describing the architecture in use: in this case, `MIPS`.
         pub static ARCH: &'static str = "mips";

From fad77175e1811bdd0991ed00dc1a10ade8721a0b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alex Crichton <>
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 10:23:51 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] std: Touch various I/O documentation blocks

These are mostly touchups from the previous commit.
 src/libstd/io/     |  2 --
 src/libstd/io/net/ | 32 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 src/libstd/num/    | 10 +++++-----
 src/libstd/         | 12 ++++--------
 4 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/libstd/io/ b/src/libstd/io/
index 3f959a8f780..3e193f246a8 100644
--- a/src/libstd/io/
+++ b/src/libstd/io/
@@ -302,7 +302,6 @@ impl fmt::Show for IoError {
 /// A list specifying general categories of I/O error.
 #[deriving(Eq, Clone, Show)]
 pub enum IoErrorKind {
     /// Any I/O error not part of this list.
@@ -1428,7 +1427,6 @@ pub struct FileStat {
 /// structure. This information is not necessarily platform independent, and may
 /// have different meanings or no meaning at all on some platforms.
 pub struct UnstableFileStat {
     /// The ID of the device containing the file.
diff --git a/src/libstd/io/net/ b/src/libstd/io/net/
index eabd00a6a2d..95241813257 100644
--- a/src/libstd/io/net/
+++ b/src/libstd/io/net/
@@ -14,8 +14,6 @@
 //! The destination and binding addresses can either be an IPv4 or IPv6
 //! address. There is no corresponding notion of a server because UDP is a
 //! datagram protocol.
-//! A UDP connection implements the `Reader` and `Writer` traits.
 use clone::Clone;
 use result::{Ok, Err};
@@ -24,6 +22,36 @@ use io::{Reader, Writer, IoResult};
 use rt::rtio::{RtioSocket, RtioUdpSocket, IoFactory, LocalIo};
 /// A User Datagram Protocol socket.
+/// This is an implementation of a bound UDP socket. This supports both IPv4 and
+/// IPv6 addresses, and there is no corresponding notion of a server because UDP
+/// is a datagram protocol.
+/// # Example
+/// ```rust,no_run
+/// # #[allow(unused_must_use)];
+/// use std::io::net::udp::UdpSocket;
+/// use std::io::net::ip::{Ipv4Addr, SocketAddr};
+/// let addr = SocketAddr { ip: Ipv4Addr(127, 0, 0, 1), port: 34254 };
+/// let mut socket = match UdpSocket::bind(addr) {
+///     Ok(s) => s,
+///     Err(e) => fail!("couldn't bind socket: {}", e),
+/// };
+/// let mut buf = [0, ..10];
+/// match socket.recvfrom(buf) {
+///     Ok((amt, src)) => {
+///         // Send a reply to the socket we received data from
+///         let buf = buf.mut_slice_to(amt);
+///         buf.reverse();
+///         socket.sendto(buf, src);
+///     }
+///     Err(e) => println!("couldn't receive a datagram: {}", e)
+/// }
+/// drop(socket); // close the socket
+/// ```
 pub struct UdpSocket {
     priv obj: ~RtioUdpSocket
diff --git a/src/libstd/num/ b/src/libstd/num/
index 31124db49b9..202e26e2c93 100644
--- a/src/libstd/num/
+++ b/src/libstd/num/
@@ -340,11 +340,11 @@ pub enum FPCategory {
 /// Operations on primitive floating point numbers.
-/// TODO(#5527): In a future version of Rust, many of these functions will become constants.
-/// FIXME(#8888): Several of these functions have a parameter named `unused_self`. Removing it
-/// requires #8888 to be fixed.
+// FIXME(#5527): In a future version of Rust, many of these functions will
+//               become constants.
+// FIXME(#8888): Several of these functions have a parameter named
+//               `unused_self`. Removing it requires #8888 to be fixed.
 pub trait Float: Signed + Round + Primitive {
     /// Returns the maximum of the two numbers.
     fn max(self, other: Self) -> Self;
diff --git a/src/libstd/ b/src/libstd/
index 3d05414c625..eeebede6c58 100644
--- a/src/libstd/
+++ b/src/libstd/
@@ -367,18 +367,16 @@ pub fn unsetenv(n: &str) {
 /// A low-level OS in-memory pipe.
-/// This type is deprecated in favor of the types in `std::io::pipe`.
 pub struct Pipe {
-    /// A file descriptor representing the input end of the pipe.
+    /// A file descriptor representing the reading end of the pipe. Data written
+    /// on the `out` file descriptor can be read from this file descriptor.
     input: c_int,
-    /// A file descriptor representing the output end of the pipe.
+    /// A file descriptor representing the write end of the pipe. Data written
+    /// to this file descriptor can be read from the `input` file descriptor.
     out: c_int,
 /// Creates a new low-level OS in-memory pipe.
-/// This function is deprecated in favor of the types in `std::io::pipe`.
 pub fn pipe() -> Pipe {
     unsafe {
@@ -390,8 +388,6 @@ pub fn pipe() -> Pipe {
 /// Creates a new low-level OS in-memory pipe.
-/// This function is deprecated in favor of the types in `std::io::pipe`.
 pub fn pipe() -> Pipe {
     unsafe {