rt: Remove rust_timer. Unused

This commit is contained in:
Brian Anderson 2012-02-01 15:50:39 -08:00
parent d24eb58a09
commit 5c89938544
4 changed files with 0 additions and 119 deletions

View File

@ -50,7 +50,6 @@ RUNTIME_CS_$(1) := \
rt/rust_uv.cpp \
rt/rust_uvtmp.cpp \
rt/rust_log.cpp \
rt/rust_timer.cpp \
rt/circular_buffer.cpp \
rt/isaac/randport.cpp \
rt/rust_srv.cpp \

View File

@ -220,27 +220,6 @@ public:
#include "rust_kernel.h"
#include "rust_scheduler.h"
struct rust_timer {
// FIXME: This will probably eventually need replacement
// with something more sophisticated and integrated with
// an IO event-handling library, when we have such a thing.
// For now it's just the most basic "thread that can interrupt
// its associated domain-thread" device, so that we have
// *some* form of task-preemption.
rust_scheduler *sched;
uintptr_t exit_flag;
#if defined(__WIN32__)
HANDLE thread;
pthread_attr_t attr;
pthread_t thread;
rust_timer(rust_scheduler *sched);
typedef void CDECL (glue_fn)(void *, void *,
const type_desc **, void *);
typedef void CDECL (cmp_glue_fn)(void *, void *,

View File

@ -244,13 +244,6 @@ void
rust_scheduler::start_main_loop() {
// Make sure someone is watching, to pull us out of infinite loops.
// FIXME: time-based interruption is not presently working; worked
// in rustboot and has been completely broken in rustc.
// rust_timer timer(this);
DLOG(this, dom, "started domain loop %d", id);
while (kernel->live_tasks > 0) {

View File

@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
#include "rust_internal.h"
#include "vg/valgrind.h"
// The mechanism in this file is very crude; every domain (thread) spawns its
// own secondary timer thread, and that timer thread *never idles*. It
// sleep-loops interrupting the domain.
// This will need replacement, particularly in order to achieve an actual
// state of idling when we're waiting on the outside world. Though that might
// be as simple as making a secondary waitable start/stop-timer signalling
// system between the domain and its timer thread. We'll see.
// On the other hand, we don't presently have the ability to idle domains *at
// all*, and without the timer thread we're unable to otherwise preempt rust
// tasks. So ... one step at a time.
// The implementation here is "lockless" in the sense that it only involves
// one-directional signaling of one-shot events, so the event initiator just
// writes a nonzero word to a prederermined location and waits for the
// receiver to see it show up in their memory.
#if defined(__WIN32__)
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
static void *
#error "Platform not supported"
timer_loop(void *ptr) {
// We were handed the rust_timer that owns us.
rust_timer *timer = (rust_timer *)ptr;
rust_scheduler *sched = timer->sched;
DLOG(sched, timer, "in timer 0x%" PRIxPTR, (uintptr_t)timer);
size_t ms = TIME_SLICE_IN_MS;
while (!timer->exit_flag) {
#if defined(__WIN32__)
usleep(ms * 1000);
DLOG(sched, timer, "timer 0x%" PRIxPTR
" interrupting schedain 0x%" PRIxPTR, (uintptr_t) timer,
(uintptr_t) sched);
sched->interrupt_flag = 1;
#if defined(__WIN32__)
return 0;
rust_timer::rust_timer(rust_scheduler *sched) :
sched(sched), exit_flag(0) {
DLOG(sched, timer, "creating timer for domain 0x%" PRIxPTR, sched);
#if defined(__WIN32__)
thread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, timer_loop, this, 0, NULL);
sched->kernel->win32_require("CreateThread", thread != NULL);
pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE);
pthread_create(&thread, &attr, timer_loop, (void *)this);
rust_timer::~rust_timer() {
exit_flag = 1;
#if defined(__WIN32__)
WaitForSingleObject(thread, INFINITE) ==
pthread_join(thread, NULL);
// Local Variables:
// mode: C++
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// compile-command: "make -k -C $RBUILD 2>&1 | sed -e 's/\\/x\\//x:\\//g'";
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