Add Ast.ATOM_pexp and -pexp mode wherein pexps live beyond parsing, into later stages. Fixes to pexp pretty printer.
This commit is contained in:
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ let (sess:Session.sess) =
Session.sess_out = None;
Session.sess_library_mode = false;
Session.sess_alt_backend = false;
Session.sess_use_pexps = false;
(* FIXME (issue #69): need something fancier here for unix
* sub-flavours.
@ -214,6 +215,10 @@ let argspecs =
"report dependencies of input, then exit");
("-version", Arg.Unit (fun _ -> print_version()),
"print version information, then exit");
(flag (fun _ -> sess.Session.sess_use_pexps <- true)
"-pexp" "use pexp portion of AST");
] @ (Glue.alt_argspecs sess)
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ type sess =
mutable sess_out: filename option;
mutable sess_library_mode: bool;
mutable sess_alt_backend: bool;
mutable sess_use_pexps: bool;
mutable sess_targ: target;
mutable sess_log_lex: bool;
mutable sess_log_parse: bool;
@ -318,6 +318,7 @@ and port_case =
and atom =
ATOM_literal of (lit identified)
| ATOM_lval of lval
| ATOM_pexp of pexp
and expr =
EXPR_binary of (binop * atom * atom)
@ -930,6 +931,7 @@ and fmt_pexp (ff:Format.formatter) (pexp:pexp) : unit =
fmt_bracketed_arr_sep "(" ")" "," fmt_opt ff arg_opts
| PEXP_rec (elts, base) ->
fmt_obox_n ff 0;
fmt ff "rec(";
let fmt_elt ff (ident, mut, pexp) =
fmt_mutability ff mut;
@ -945,6 +947,7 @@ and fmt_pexp (ff:Format.formatter) (pexp:pexp) : unit =
fmt ff " with ";
fmt_pexp ff b
fmt_cbox ff;
fmt ff ")"
| PEXP_tup elts ->
@ -1014,11 +1017,11 @@ and fmt_pexp (ff:Format.formatter) (pexp:pexp) : unit =
| PEXP_lit lit ->
fmt_lit ff lit
| PEXP_str str -> fmt_str ff str
| PEXP_str str -> fmt_str ff ("\"" ^ str ^ "\"")
| PEXP_box (mut, pexp) ->
fmt_mutability ff mut;
fmt ff "@";
fmt ff "@@";
fmt_pexp ff pexp
| PEXP_custom (name, args, txt) ->
@ -1089,6 +1092,7 @@ and fmt_atom (ff:Format.formatter) (a:atom) : unit =
match a with
ATOM_literal lit -> fmt_lit ff lit.node
| ATOM_lval lval -> fmt_lval ff lval
| ATOM_pexp pexp -> fmt_pexp ff pexp
and fmt_atoms (ff:Format.formatter) (az:atom array) : unit =
fmt ff "(";
@ -1200,7 +1204,7 @@ and fmt_stmt_body (ff:Format.formatter) (s:stmt) : unit =
| Some e ->
fmt_cbb ff;
fmt_obox_3 ff;
fmt_obox_n ff 3;
fmt ff " else ";
fmt_obr ff;
fmt_stmts ff e.node
@ -17,7 +17,9 @@ let empty_view = { Ast.view_imports = Hashtbl.create 0;
let rec parse_expr (ps:pstate) : (Ast.stmt array * Ast.expr) =
let pexp = ctxt "expr" Pexp.parse_pexp ps in
Pexp.desugar_expr ps pexp
if ps.pstate_sess.Session.sess_use_pexps
then ([||], Ast.EXPR_atom (Ast.ATOM_pexp pexp))
else Pexp.desugar_expr ps pexp
and parse_prim_expr (ps:pstate) : Ast.expr =
let pexp = ctxt "expr" Pexp.parse_pexp ps in
@ -28,7 +30,9 @@ and parse_prim_expr (ps:pstate) : Ast.expr =
and parse_expr_atom (ps:pstate) : (Ast.stmt array * Ast.atom) =
let pexp = ctxt "expr" Pexp.parse_pexp ps in
Pexp.desugar_expr_atom ps pexp
if ps.pstate_sess.Session.sess_use_pexps
then ([||], Ast.ATOM_pexp pexp)
else Pexp.desugar_expr_atom ps pexp
and parse_expr_atom_list
@ -39,12 +43,29 @@ and parse_expr_atom_list
(ctxt "expr-atom list" parse_expr_atom) ps)
and parse_expr_init (lv:Ast.lval) (ps:pstate) : (Ast.stmt array) =
let apos = lexpos ps in
let pexp = ctxt "expr" Pexp.parse_pexp ps in
Pexp.desugar_expr_init ps lv pexp
let bpos = lexpos ps in
if ps.pstate_sess.Session.sess_use_pexps
then [|
span ps apos bpos
(Ast.STMT_copy (lv, Ast.EXPR_atom (Ast.ATOM_pexp pexp)))
else Pexp.desugar_expr_init ps lv pexp
and parse_lval (ps:pstate) : (Ast.stmt array * Ast.lval) =
let pexp = Pexp.parse_pexp ps in
Pexp.desugar_lval ps pexp
let apos = lexpos ps in
let pexp = ctxt "lval" Pexp.parse_pexp ps in
let bpos = lexpos ps in
if ps.pstate_sess.Session.sess_use_pexps
let (_, tmp, decl_stmt) = build_tmp ps slot_auto apos bpos in
let copy_stmt =
span ps apos bpos
(Ast.STMT_copy (tmp, Ast.EXPR_atom (Ast.ATOM_pexp pexp)))
([| decl_stmt; copy_stmt |], (clone_lval ps tmp))
else Pexp.desugar_lval ps pexp
and parse_identified_slot_and_ident
@ -164,6 +164,7 @@ let clone_atom (ps:pstate) (atom:Ast.atom) : Ast.atom =
match atom with
Ast.ATOM_literal _ -> atom
| Ast.ATOM_lval lv -> Ast.ATOM_lval (clone_lval ps lv)
| Ast.ATOM_pexp _ -> bug () "Parser.clone_atom on ATOM_pexp"
let ctxt (n:string) (f:pstate -> 'a) (ps:pstate) : 'a =
@ -1263,10 +1263,11 @@ and desugar_expr_init
aa arg_stmts stmts
and atom_lval (ps:pstate) (at:Ast.atom) : Ast.lval =
and atom_lval (_:pstate) (at:Ast.atom) : Ast.lval =
match at with
Ast.ATOM_lval lv -> lv
| Ast.ATOM_literal _ -> raise (err "literal where lval expected" ps)
| Ast.ATOM_literal _
| Ast.ATOM_pexp _ -> bug () "Pexp.atom_lval on non-ATOM_lval"
@ -817,6 +817,8 @@ let trans_crate
| Ast.ATOM_lval lval ->
Llvm.build_load (fst (trans_lval lval)) (anon_llid "tmp")
| Ast.ATOM_pexp _ ->
bug () "Lltrans.trans_atom on ATOM_pexp"
let build_binop (op:Ast.binop) (lllhs:Llvm.llvalue) (llrhs:Llvm.llvalue)
@ -495,6 +495,9 @@ let type_resolving_visitor
| Ast.COMP_atom (Ast.ATOM_literal _) -> ext
| Ast.COMP_atom (Ast.ATOM_lval lv) ->
Ast.COMP_atom (Ast.ATOM_lval (rebuild_lval lv))
| Ast.COMP_atom (Ast.ATOM_pexp _) ->
bug () "Resolve.rebuild_lval' on ATOM_pexp"
| Ast.COMP_named (Ast.COMP_app (ident, params)) ->
(Ast.COMP_app (ident, resolve_ty params))
@ -1326,6 +1326,7 @@ let rec atom_type (cx:ctxt) (at:Ast.atom) : Ast.ty =
| Ast.ATOM_literal {node=(Ast.LIT_nil); id=_} -> Ast.TY_nil
| Ast.ATOM_literal {node=(Ast.LIT_mach_int (m,_)); id=_} -> Ast.TY_mach m
| Ast.ATOM_lval lv -> lval_ty cx lv
| Ast.ATOM_pexp _ -> bug () "Semant.atom_type on ATOM_pexp"
let expr_type (cx:ctxt) (e:Ast.expr) : Ast.ty =
@ -1031,6 +1031,9 @@ let trans_visitor
| Ast.ATOM_lval lv ->
trans_const_lval lv
| Ast.ATOM_pexp _ ->
unimpl None "constant-folding pexp atom"
and trans_const_expr
: (Ast.ty * const) =
@ -1404,6 +1407,8 @@ let trans_visitor
Il.Cell (fst (deref_ty DEREF_none false cell ty))
| Ast.ATOM_literal lit -> trans_lit lit.node
| Ast.ATOM_pexp _ -> bug () "Trans.trans_atom on ATOM_pexp"
and fixup_to_ptr_operand
@ -3583,6 +3588,10 @@ let trans_visitor
dst_cell dst_ty
src_cell src_ty
| (_, Ast.EXPR_atom (Ast.ATOM_pexp _)) ->
bug () "Trans.trans_copy on ATOM_pexp"
and trans_init_direct_fn
@ -624,6 +624,7 @@ let check_stmt (cx:Semant.ctxt) : (fn_ctx -> Ast.stmt -> unit) =
match atom with
Ast.ATOM_lval lval -> check_lval ~deref:deref lval
| Ast.ATOM_literal lit_id -> check_literal lit_id.Common.node
| Ast.ATOM_pexp _ -> Common.bug () "Type.check_atom on ATOM_pexp"
let infer_slot (ty:Ast.ty) (slot_id:Common.node_id) : unit =
@ -258,6 +258,7 @@ and atom_slots (cx:ctxt) (a:Ast.atom) : node_id array =
match a with
Ast.ATOM_literal _ -> [| |]
| Ast.ATOM_lval lv -> lval_slots cx lv
| Ast.ATOM_pexp _ -> bug () "Typestate.atom_slots on ATOM_pexp"
let lval_option_slots (cx:ctxt) (lv:Ast.lval option) : node_id array =
@ -557,6 +557,7 @@ and walk_atom
match a with
Ast.ATOM_literal ls -> walk_lit v ls.node
| Ast.ATOM_lval lv -> walk_lval v lv
| Ast.ATOM_pexp _ -> bug () "Walk.walk_atom on ATOM_pexp"
and walk_opt_atom
@ -9,11 +9,12 @@ let fmt_str ff = fmt ff "%s"
let fmt_obox ff = Format.pp_open_box ff 4;;
let fmt_obox_3 ff = Format.pp_open_box ff 3;;
let fmt_obox_n ff n = Format.pp_open_box ff n;;
let fmt_cbox ff = Format.pp_close_box ff ();;
let fmt_obr ff = fmt ff "{";;
let fmt_cbr ff = fmt ff "@\n}";;
let fmt_cbb ff = (fmt_cbox ff; fmt_cbr ff);;
let fmt_break ff = Format.pp_print_space ff ();;
let fmt_bracketed
@ -23,7 +24,9 @@ let fmt_bracketed
: unit =
fmt_str ff bra;
fmt_obox_n ff 0;
inner ff a;
fmt_cbox ff;
fmt_str ff ket
@ -37,7 +40,7 @@ let fmt_arr_sep
fun i a ->
if i <> 0
then fmt_str ff sep;
then (fmt_str ff sep; fmt_break ff);
inner ff a
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