Support variantful generators
This allows generators to overlap fields using variants.
This commit is contained in:
@ -2028,6 +2028,10 @@ impl<'tcx> Place<'tcx> {
pub fn downcast_unnamed(self, variant_index: VariantIdx) -> Place<'tcx> {
self.elem(ProjectionElem::Downcast(None, variant_index))
pub fn index(self, index: Local) -> Place<'tcx> {
@ -2553,11 +2557,6 @@ impl<'tcx> Debug for Rvalue<'tcx> {
let var_name = tcx.hir().name_by_hir_id(freevar.var_id());
struct_fmt.field(&var_name.as_str(), place);
struct_fmt.field("$state", &places[freevars.len()]);
for i in (freevars.len() + 1)..places.len() {
.field(&format!("${}", i - freevars.len() - 1), &places[i]);
@ -177,11 +177,13 @@ impl<'tcx> Rvalue<'tcx> {
Rvalue::Discriminant(ref place) => {
let ty = place.ty(local_decls, tcx).ty;
if let ty::Adt(adt_def, _) = ty.sty {
} else {
// This can only be `0`, for now, so `u8` will suffice.
match ty.sty {
ty::Adt(adt_def, _) => adt_def.repr.discr_type().to_ty(tcx),
ty::Generator(_, substs, _) => substs.discr_ty(tcx),
_ => {
// This can only be `0`, for now, so `u8` will suffice.
Rvalue::NullaryOp(NullOp::Box, t) => tcx.mk_box(t),
@ -604,12 +604,57 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> LayoutCx<'tcx, TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>> {
// Tuples, generators and closures.
ty::Generator(def_id, ref substs, _) => {
let tys = substs.field_tys(def_id, tcx);
univariant(&|ty| self.layout_of(ty)).collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?,
let discr_index = substs.prefix_tys(def_id, tcx).count();
let prefix_tys = substs.prefix_tys(def_id, tcx)
let prefix = univariant_uninterned(
&|ty| self.layout_of(ty)).collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?,
let mut size = prefix.size;
let mut align = prefix.align;
let variants_tys = substs.state_tys(def_id, tcx);
let variants = variants_tys.enumerate().map(|(i, variant_tys)| {
let mut variant = univariant_uninterned(
&|ty| self.layout_of(ty)).collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?,
StructKind::Prefixed(prefix.size, prefix.align.abi))?;
variant.variants = Variants::Single { index: VariantIdx::new(i) };
size = size.max(variant.size);
align = align.max(variant.align);
}).collect::<Result<IndexVec<VariantIdx, _>, _>>()?;
let abi = if prefix.abi.is_uninhabited() ||
variants.iter().all(|v| v.abi.is_uninhabited()) {
} else {
Abi::Aggregate { sized: true }
let discr = match &self.layout_of(substs.discr_ty(tcx))?.abi {
Abi::Scalar(s) => s.clone(),
_ => bug!(),
let layout = tcx.intern_layout(LayoutDetails {
variants: Variants::Multiple {
discr_kind: DiscriminantKind::Tag,
fields: prefix.fields,
debug!("generator layout: {:#?}", layout);
ty::Closure(def_id, ref substs) => {
@ -1646,6 +1691,14 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx, C> TyLayoutMethods<'tcx, C> for Ty<'tcx>
fn field(this: TyLayout<'tcx>, cx: &C, i: usize) -> C::TyLayout {
let tcx = cx.tcx();
let handle_discriminant = |discr: &Scalar| -> C::TyLayout {
let layout = LayoutDetails::scalar(cx, discr.clone());
MaybeResult::from_ok(TyLayout {
details: tcx.intern_layout(layout),
ty: discr.value.to_ty(tcx)
cx.layout_of(match this.ty.sty {
ty::Bool |
ty::Char |
@ -1720,7 +1773,19 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx, C> TyLayoutMethods<'tcx, C> for Ty<'tcx>
ty::Generator(def_id, ref substs, _) => {
substs.field_tys(def_id, tcx).nth(i).unwrap()
match this.variants {
Variants::Single { index } => {
substs.state_tys(def_id, tcx)
Variants::Multiple { ref discr, discr_index, .. } => {
if i == discr_index {
return handle_discriminant(discr);
substs.prefix_tys(def_id, tcx).nth(i).unwrap()
ty::Tuple(tys) => tys[i],
@ -1740,11 +1805,7 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx, C> TyLayoutMethods<'tcx, C> for Ty<'tcx>
// Discriminant field for enums (where applicable).
Variants::Multiple { ref discr, .. } => {
assert_eq!(i, 0);
let layout = LayoutDetails::scalar(cx, discr.clone());
return MaybeResult::from_ok(TyLayout {
details: tcx.intern_layout(layout),
ty: discr.value.to_ty(tcx)
return handle_discriminant(discr);
@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ use crate::util::captures::Captures;
use crate::mir::interpret::{Scalar, Pointer};
use smallvec::SmallVec;
use std::iter;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use rustc_target::spec::abi;
@ -475,30 +474,23 @@ impl<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> GeneratorSubsts<'tcx> {
/// This returns the types of the MIR locals which had to be stored across suspension points.
/// It is calculated in rustc_mir::transform::generator::StateTransform.
/// All the types here must be in the tuple in GeneratorInterior.
/// The locals are grouped by their variant number. Note that some locals may
/// be repeated in multiple variants.
pub fn state_tys(self, def_id: DefId, tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>) ->
impl Iterator<Item=Ty<'tcx>> + Captures<'gcx> + 'a
impl Iterator<Item=impl Iterator<Item=Ty<'tcx>> + Captures<'gcx> + 'a>
// TODO remove so we can handle variants properly
.map(move |d| d.ty.subst(tcx, self.substs))
.map(move |v| v.iter().map(move |d| d.ty.subst(tcx, self.substs)))
/// This is the types of the fields of a generator which
/// is available before the generator transformation.
/// It includes the upvars and the state discriminant.
pub fn pre_transforms_tys(self, def_id: DefId, tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>) ->
/// This is the types of the fields of a generator which are not stored in a
/// variant.
pub fn prefix_tys(self, def_id: DefId, tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>) ->
impl Iterator<Item=Ty<'tcx>> + 'a
self.upvar_tys(def_id, tcx).chain(iter::once(self.discr_ty(tcx)))
/// This is the types of all the fields stored in a generator.
/// It includes the upvars, state types and the state discriminant.
pub fn field_tys(self, def_id: DefId, tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>) ->
impl Iterator<Item=Ty<'tcx>> + Captures<'gcx> + 'a
self.pre_transforms_tys(def_id, tcx).chain(self.state_tys(def_id, tcx))
self.upvar_tys(def_id, tcx)
@ -691,9 +691,12 @@ pub fn type_metadata(
ty::Generator(def_id, substs, _) => {
let upvar_tys : Vec<_> = substs.field_tys(def_id, cx.tcx).map(|t| {
// TODO handle variant fields
let upvar_tys : Vec<_> = substs.prefix_tys(def_id, cx.tcx).map(|t| {
cx.tcx.normalize_erasing_regions(ParamEnv::reveal_all(), t)
// TODO use prepare_enum_metadata and update it to handle multiple
// fields in the outer layout.
@ -1818,6 +1821,7 @@ fn prepare_enum_metadata(
// The variant part must be wrapped in a struct according to DWARF.
// TODO create remaining fields here, if any.
let type_array = create_DIArray(DIB(cx), &[Some(variant_part)]);
let struct_wrapper = unsafe {
@ -63,6 +63,11 @@ fn uncached_llvm_type<'a, 'tcx>(cx: &CodegenCx<'a, 'tcx>,
write!(&mut name, "::{}", def.variants[index].ident).unwrap();
if let (&ty::Generator(..), &layout::Variants::Single { index })
= (&layout.ty.sty, &layout.variants)
write!(&mut name, "::variant#{:?}", index).unwrap();
_ => None
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ use rustc::mir::{self, Mir};
use rustc::session::config::DebugInfo;
use rustc_mir::monomorphize::Instance;
use rustc_target::abi::call::{FnType, PassMode, IgnoreMode};
use rustc_target::abi::{Variants, VariantIdx};
use crate::base;
use crate::debuginfo::{self, VariableAccess, VariableKind, FunctionDebugContext};
use crate::traits::*;
@ -648,7 +649,7 @@ fn arg_local_refs<'a, 'tcx: 'a, Bx: BuilderMethods<'a, 'tcx>>(
.map(|(i, (upvar, ty))| (i, upvar.debug_name, upvar.by_ref, ty));
.map(|(i, (upvar, ty))| (None, i, upvar.debug_name, upvar.by_ref, ty));
let generator_fields = mir.generator_layout.as_ref().map(|generator_layout| {
let (def_id, gen_substs) = match closure_layout.ty.sty {
@ -658,23 +659,39 @@ fn arg_local_refs<'a, 'tcx: 'a, Bx: BuilderMethods<'a, 'tcx>>(
// TODO handle variant scopes here
let state_tys = gen_substs.state_tys(def_id, tcx);
// TODO remove assumption of only one variant
let upvar_count = mir.upvar_decls.len();
.filter_map(move |(i, (decl, ty))| {
let ty = fx.monomorphize(&ty);
|||||name| (i + upvar_count + 1, name, false, ty))
.flat_map(move |(variant_idx, (decls, tys))| {
let variant_idx = Some(VariantIdx::from(variant_idx));
.filter_map(move |(i, (decl, ty))| {
let ty = fx.monomorphize(&ty);
|||||name| {
(variant_idx, i, name, false, ty)
for (field, name, by_ref, ty) in extra_locals {
let byte_offset_of_var_in_env = closure_layout.fields.offset(field).bytes();
for (variant_idx, field, name, by_ref, ty) in extra_locals {
let fields = match variant_idx {
Some(variant_idx) => {
match &closure_layout.variants {
Variants::Multiple { variants, .. } => {
_ => bug!("variant index on univariant layout"),
None => &closure_layout.fields,
let byte_offset_of_var_in_env = fields.offset(field).bytes();
let ops = bx.debuginfo_upvar_ops_sequence(byte_offset_of_var_in_env);
@ -296,9 +296,15 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx: 'a, V: CodegenObject> PlaceRef<'tcx, V> {
} => {
let ptr = self.project_field(bx, discr_index);
let to = self.layout.ty.ty_adt_def().unwrap()
.discriminant_for_variant(bx.tcx(), variant_index)
let to = match self.layout.ty.sty {
ty::TyKind::Adt(adt_def, _) => adt_def
.discriminant_for_variant(bx.tcx(), variant_index)
// Generators don't support explicit discriminant values, so
// they are the same as the variant index.
ty::TyKind::Generator(..) => variant_index.as_u32() as u128,
_ => bug!(),
||||, to),
@ -684,6 +684,25 @@ impl<'a, 'b, 'gcx, 'tcx> TypeVerifier<'a, 'b, 'gcx, 'tcx> {
ty::Generator(def_id, substs, _) => {
let variants = substs.state_tys(def_id, tcx).count();
if index.as_usize() >= variants {
"cast to variant #{:?} but generator only has {:?}",
} else {
PlaceTy {
ty: base_ty,
variant_index: Some(index),
_ => {
let ty = if let Some(name) = maybe_name {
@ -745,11 +764,26 @@ impl<'a, 'b, 'gcx, 'tcx> TypeVerifier<'a, 'b, 'gcx, 'tcx> {
let tcx = self.tcx();
let (variant, substs) = match base_ty {
PlaceTy { ty, variant_index: Some(variant_index) } => {
match ty.sty {
ty::Adt(adt_def, substs) => (&adt_def.variants[variant_index], substs),
_ => bug!("can't have downcast of non-adt type"),
PlaceTy { ty, variant_index: Some(variant_index) } => match ty.sty {
ty::Adt(adt_def, substs) => (&adt_def.variants[variant_index], substs),
ty::Generator(def_id, substs, _) => {
let mut variants = substs.state_tys(def_id, tcx);
let mut variant = match variants.nth(variant_index.into()) {
Some(v) => v,
None => {
bug!("variant_index of generator out of range: {:?}/{:?}",
substs.state_tys(def_id, tcx).count())
return match variant.nth(field.index()) {
Some(ty) => Ok(ty),
None => Err(FieldAccessError::OutOfRange {
field_count: variant.count(),
_ => bug!("can't have downcast of non-adt non-generator type"),
PlaceTy { ty, variant_index: None } => match ty.sty {
ty::Adt(adt_def, substs) if !adt_def.is_enum() =>
@ -763,19 +797,14 @@ impl<'a, 'b, 'gcx, 'tcx> TypeVerifier<'a, 'b, 'gcx, 'tcx> {
ty::Generator(def_id, substs, _) => {
// Try pre-transform fields first (upvars and current state)
if let Some(ty) = substs.pre_transforms_tys(def_id, tcx).nth(field.index()) {
return Ok(ty);
// Then try `field_tys` which contains all the fields, but it
// requires the final optimized MIR.
return match substs.field_tys(def_id, tcx).nth(field.index()) {
// Only prefix fields (upvars and current state) are
// accessible without a variant index.
return match substs.prefix_tys(def_id, tcx).nth(field.index()) {
Some(ty) => Ok(ty),
None => Err(FieldAccessError::OutOfRange {
field_count: substs.field_tys(def_id, tcx).count(),
field_count: substs.prefix_tys(def_id, tcx).count(),
ty::Tuple(tys) => {
return match tys.get(field.index()) {
@ -1908,18 +1937,14 @@ impl<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> TypeChecker<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> {
AggregateKind::Generator(def_id, substs, _) => {
// Try pre-transform fields first (upvars and current state)
if let Some(ty) = substs.pre_transforms_tys(def_id, tcx).nth(field_index) {
} else {
// Then try `field_tys` which contains all the fields, but it
// requires the final optimized MIR.
match substs.field_tys(def_id, tcx).nth(field_index) {
Some(ty) => Ok(ty),
None => Err(FieldAccessError::OutOfRange {
field_count: substs.field_tys(def_id, tcx).count(),
// It doesn't make sense to look at a field beyond the prefix;
// these require a variant index, and are not initialized in
// aggregate rvalues.
match substs.prefix_tys(def_id, tcx).nth(field_index) {
Some(ty) => Ok(ty),
None => Err(FieldAccessError::OutOfRange {
field_count: substs.prefix_tys(def_id, tcx).count(),
AggregateKind::Array(ty) => Ok(ty),
@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ impl<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> Builder<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> {
} => {
// see (*) above
let mut operands: Vec<_> = upvars
let operands: Vec<_> = upvars
.map(|upvar| {
let upvar = this.hir.mirror(upvar);
@ -252,22 +252,9 @@ impl<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> Builder<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> {
let result = match substs {
UpvarSubsts::Generator(substs) => {
// We implicitly set the discriminant to 0. See
// librustc_mir/transform/ for details.
let movability = movability.unwrap();
// Add the state operand since it follows the upvars in the generator
// struct. See librustc_mir/transform/ for more details.
let discr_ty = substs.discr_ty(this.hir.tcx());
operands.push(Operand::Constant(box Constant {
span: expr_span,
ty: discr_ty,
user_ty: None,
literal: this.hir.tcx().mk_const(
box AggregateKind::Generator(closure_id, substs, movability)
UpvarSubsts::Closure(substs) => box AggregateKind::Closure(closure_id, substs),
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
use rustc::ty::TyCtxt;
use rustc::mir::*;
use rustc::ty::TyCtxt;
use rustc::ty::layout::VariantIdx;
use rustc_data_structures::indexed_vec::Idx;
use crate::transform::{MirPass, MirSource};
@ -55,6 +56,23 @@ impl MirPass for Deaggregator {
AggregateKind::Generator(..) => {
// Right now we only support initializing generators to
// variant#0.
let variant_index = VariantIdx::new(0);
set_discriminant = Some(Statement {
kind: StatementKind::SetDiscriminant {
place: lhs.clone(),
// Operands are upvars stored on the base place, so no
// downcast is necessary.
_ => None
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashMap;
use rustc_data_structures::indexed_vec::Idx;
use rustc_data_structures::bit_set::BitSet;
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::iter::once;
use std::iter;
use std::mem;
use crate::transform::{MirPass, MirSource};
use crate::transform::simplify;
@ -145,14 +145,14 @@ fn self_arg() -> Local {
/// Generator have not been resumed yet
const UNRESUMED: u32 = 0;
const UNRESUMED: usize = 0;
/// Generator has returned / is completed
const RETURNED: u32 = 1;
const RETURNED: usize = 1;
/// Generator has been poisoned
const POISONED: u32 = 2;
const POISONED: usize = 2;
struct SuspensionPoint {
state: u32,
state: usize,
resume: BasicBlock,
drop: Option<BasicBlock>,
storage_liveness: liveness::LiveVarSet,
@ -163,15 +163,12 @@ struct TransformVisitor<'a, 'tcx: 'a> {
state_adt_ref: &'tcx AdtDef,
state_substs: SubstsRef<'tcx>,
// The index of the generator state in the generator struct
state_field: usize,
// The type of the generator state in the generator struct
// The type of the discriminant in the generator struct
discr_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
// Mapping from Local to (type of local, generator struct index)
// FIXME(eddyb) This should use `IndexVec<Local, Option<_>>`.
remap: FxHashMap<Local, (Ty<'tcx>, usize)>,
remap: FxHashMap<Local, (Ty<'tcx>, VariantIdx, usize)>,
// A map from a suspension point in a block to the locals which have live storage at that point
// FIXME(eddyb) This should use `IndexVec<BasicBlock, Option<_>>`.
@ -192,8 +189,9 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> TransformVisitor<'a, 'tcx> {
// Create a Place referencing a generator struct field
fn make_field(&self, idx: usize, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> Place<'tcx> {
let base = Place::Base(PlaceBase::Local(self_arg()));
fn make_field(&self, variant_index: VariantIdx, idx: usize, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> Place<'tcx> {
let self_place = Place::Base(PlaceBase::Local(self_arg()));
let base = self_place.downcast_unnamed(variant_index);
let field = Projection {
base: base,
elem: ProjectionElem::Field(Field::new(idx), ty),
@ -201,24 +199,28 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> TransformVisitor<'a, 'tcx> {
// Create a statement which changes the generator state
fn set_state(&self, state_disc: u32, source_info: SourceInfo) -> Statement<'tcx> {
let state = self.make_field(self.state_field, self.discr_ty);
let val = Operand::Constant(box Constant {
span: source_info.span,
ty: self.discr_ty,
user_ty: None,
literal: self.tcx.mk_const(ty::Const::from_bits(
// Create a statement which changes the discriminant
fn set_discr(&self, state_disc: VariantIdx, source_info: SourceInfo) -> Statement<'tcx> {
let self_place = Place::Base(PlaceBase::Local(self_arg()));
Statement {
kind: StatementKind::Assign(state, box Rvalue::Use(val)),
kind: StatementKind::SetDiscriminant { place: self_place, variant_index: state_disc },
// Create a statement which reads the discriminant into a temporary
fn get_discr(&self, mir: &mut Mir<'tcx>) -> (Statement<'tcx>, Place<'tcx>) {
let temp_decl = LocalDecl::new_internal(self.tcx.types.isize, mir.span);
let temp = Place::Base(PlaceBase::Local(Local::new(mir.local_decls.len())));
let self_place = Place::Base(PlaceBase::Local(self_arg()));
let assign = Statement {
source_info: source_info(mir),
kind: StatementKind::Assign(temp.clone(), box Rvalue::Discriminant(self_place)),
(assign, temp)
impl<'a, 'tcx> MutVisitor<'tcx> for TransformVisitor<'a, 'tcx> {
@ -235,8 +237,8 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> MutVisitor<'tcx> for TransformVisitor<'a, 'tcx> {
location: Location) {
if let Place::Base(PlaceBase::Local(l)) = *place {
// Replace an Local in the remap with a generator struct access
if let Some(&(ty, idx)) = self.remap.get(&l) {
*place = self.make_field(idx, ty);
if let Some(&(ty, variant_index, idx)) = self.remap.get(&l) {
*place = self.make_field(variant_index, idx, ty);
} else {
self.super_place(place, context, location);
@ -277,7 +279,7 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> MutVisitor<'tcx> for TransformVisitor<'a, 'tcx> {
box self.make_state(state_idx, v)),
let state = if let Some(resume) = resume { // Yield
let state = 3 + self.suspension_points.len() as u32;
let state = 3 + self.suspension_points.len();
self.suspension_points.push(SuspensionPoint {
@ -286,11 +288,11 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> MutVisitor<'tcx> for TransformVisitor<'a, 'tcx> {
storage_liveness: self.storage_liveness.get(&block).unwrap().clone(),
} else { // Return
RETURNED // state for returned
VariantIdx::new(RETURNED) // state for returned
data.statements.push(self.set_state(state, source_info));
data.statements.push(self.set_discr(state, source_info));
data.terminator.as_mut().unwrap().kind = TerminatorKind::Return;
@ -391,6 +393,7 @@ fn locals_live_across_suspend_points(
) -> (
FxHashMap<BasicBlock, liveness::LiveVarSet>,
) {
let dead_unwinds = BitSet::new_empty(mir.basic_blocks().len());
let def_id = source.def_id();
@ -435,8 +438,12 @@ fn locals_live_across_suspend_points(
let mut storage_liveness_map = FxHashMap::default();
let mut suspending_blocks = BitSet::new_empty(mir.basic_blocks().len());
for (block, data) in mir.basic_blocks().iter_enumerated() {
if let TerminatorKind::Yield { .. } = data.terminator().kind {
let loc = Location {
block: block,
statement_index: data.statements.len(),
@ -488,7 +495,7 @@ fn locals_live_across_suspend_points(
// The generator argument is ignored
(set, storage_liveness_map)
(set, storage_liveness_map, suspending_blocks)
fn compute_layout<'a, 'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
@ -497,15 +504,14 @@ fn compute_layout<'a, 'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
interior: Ty<'tcx>,
movable: bool,
mir: &mut Mir<'tcx>)
-> (FxHashMap<Local, (Ty<'tcx>, usize)>,
-> (FxHashMap<Local, (Ty<'tcx>, VariantIdx, usize)>,
FxHashMap<BasicBlock, liveness::LiveVarSet>)
// Use a liveness analysis to compute locals which are live across a suspension point
let (live_locals, storage_liveness) = locals_live_across_suspend_points(tcx,
let (live_locals, storage_liveness, suspending_blocks) =
locals_live_across_suspend_points(tcx, mir, source, movable);
// Erase regions from the types passed in from typeck so we can compare them with
// MIR types
let allowed_upvars = tcx.erase_regions(upvars);
@ -531,7 +537,6 @@ fn compute_layout<'a, 'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
let upvar_len = upvars.len();
let dummy_local = LocalDecl::new_internal(tcx.mk_unit(), mir.span);
// Gather live locals and their indices replacing values in mir.local_decls with a dummy
@ -541,38 +546,44 @@ fn compute_layout<'a, 'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
(local, var)
// For now we will access everything via variant #3, leaving empty variants
// for the UNRESUMED, RETURNED, and POISONED states.
// If there were a yield-less generator without a variant #3, it would not
// have any vars to remap, so we would never use this.
let variant_index = VariantIdx::new(3);
// Create a map from local indices to generator struct indices.
// These are offset by (upvar_len + 1) because of fields which comes before locals.
// We also create a vector of the LocalDecls of these locals.
let (remap, vars) = live_decls.enumerate().map(|(idx, (local, var))| {
((local, (var.ty, upvar_len + 1 + idx)), var)
((local, (var.ty, variant_index, idx)), var)
// Put every var in each variant, for now.
let empty_variants = iter::repeat(vec![]).take(3);
let state_variants = iter::repeat(vars).take(suspending_blocks.count());
let layout = GeneratorLayout {
// Put everything in one variant, for now.
variant_fields: vec![vars]
variant_fields: empty_variants.chain(state_variants).collect()
(remap, layout, storage_liveness)
fn insert_switch<'a, 'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
mir: &mut Mir<'tcx>,
cases: Vec<(u32, BasicBlock)>,
fn insert_switch<'a, 'tcx>(mir: &mut Mir<'tcx>,
cases: Vec<(usize, BasicBlock)>,
transform: &TransformVisitor<'a, 'tcx>,
default: TerminatorKind<'tcx>) {
let default_block = insert_term_block(mir, default);
let (assign, discr) = transform.get_discr(mir);
let switch = TerminatorKind::SwitchInt {
discr: Operand::Copy(transform.make_field(transform.state_field, tcx.types.u32)),
switch_ty: tcx.types.u32,
values: Cow::from(cases.iter().map(|&(i, _)| i.into()).collect::<Vec<_>>()),
targets: cases.iter().map(|&(_, d)| d).chain(once(default_block)).collect(),
discr: Operand::Move(discr),
switch_ty: transform.discr_ty,
values: Cow::from(cases.iter().map(|&(i, _)| i as u128).collect::<Vec<_>>()),
targets: cases.iter().map(|&(_, d)| d).chain(iter::once(default_block)).collect(),
let source_info = source_info(mir);
mir.basic_blocks_mut().raw.insert(0, BasicBlockData {
statements: Vec::new(),
statements: vec![assign],
terminator: Some(Terminator {
kind: switch,
@ -657,7 +668,7 @@ fn create_generator_drop_shim<'a, 'tcx>(
// The returned state and the poisoned state fall through to the default
// case which is just to return
insert_switch(tcx, &mut mir, cases, &transform, TerminatorKind::Return);
insert_switch(&mut mir, cases, &transform, TerminatorKind::Return);
for block in mir.basic_blocks_mut() {
let kind = &mut block.terminator_mut().kind;
@ -771,7 +782,8 @@ fn create_generator_resume_function<'a, 'tcx>(
for block in mir.basic_blocks_mut() {
let source_info = block.terminator().source_info;
if let &TerminatorKind::Resume = &block.terminator().kind {
block.statements.push(transform.set_state(POISONED, source_info));
transform.set_discr(VariantIdx::new(POISONED), source_info));
@ -789,7 +801,7 @@ fn create_generator_resume_function<'a, 'tcx>(
// Panic when resumed on the poisoned state
cases.insert(2, (POISONED, insert_panic_block(tcx, mir, GeneratorResumedAfterPanic)));
insert_switch(tcx, mir, cases, &transform, TerminatorKind::Unreachable);
insert_switch(mir, cases, &transform, TerminatorKind::Unreachable);
make_generator_state_argument_indirect(tcx, def_id, mir);
make_generator_state_argument_pinned(tcx, mir);
@ -835,7 +847,7 @@ fn insert_clean_drop<'a, 'tcx>(mir: &mut Mir<'tcx>) -> BasicBlock {
fn create_cases<'a, 'tcx, F>(mir: &mut Mir<'tcx>,
transform: &TransformVisitor<'a, 'tcx>,
target: F) -> Vec<(u32, BasicBlock)>
target: F) -> Vec<(usize, BasicBlock)>
where F: Fn(&SuspensionPoint) -> Option<BasicBlock> {
let source_info = source_info(mir);
@ -927,8 +939,6 @@ impl MirPass for StateTransform {
let state_field = upvars.len();
// Run the transformation which converts Places from Local to generator struct
// accesses for locals in `remap`.
// It also rewrites `return x` and `yield y` as writing a new generator state and returning
@ -941,7 +951,6 @@ impl MirPass for StateTransform {
suspension_points: Vec::new(),
@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ fn main() {
// START rustc.main-{{closure}}.generator_drop.0.mir
// bb0: {
// switchInt(((*_1).0: u32)) -> [0u32: bb4, 3u32: bb7, otherwise: bb8];
// _5 = discriminant((*_1));
// switchInt(move _5) -> [0u32: bb4, 3u32: bb7, otherwise: bb8];
// }
// bb1: {
// goto -> bb5;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user