changes to get std passing borrowck
This commit is contained in:
@ -406,8 +406,8 @@ impl deserializer of serialization::deserializer for ebml_deserializer {
let {tag: r_tag, doc: r_doc} =
ebml::doc_at(, self.pos);
#debug["self.parent=%?-%? self.pos=%? r_tag=%? r_doc=%?-%?",
self.parent.start, self.parent.end, self.pos,
r_tag, r_doc.start, r_doc.end];
copy self.parent.start, copy self.parent.end,
copy self.pos, r_tag, r_doc.start, r_doc.end];
if r_tag != (exp_tag as uint) {
fail #fmt["expected EMBL doc with tag %? but found tag %?",
exp_tag, r_tag];
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ mod chained {
let mut e0 = e_root;
let mut comp = 1u; // for logging
loop {
alt {
alt copy {
absent {
#debug("search_tbl: absent, comp %u, hash %u, idx %u",
comp, h, idx);
@ -110,8 +110,7 @@ mod chained {
present(e1) {
comp += 1u;
let e1_key = e1.key; // Satisfy alias checker.
if e1.hash == h && self.eqer(e1_key, k) {
if e1.hash == h && self.eqer(e1.key, k) {
#debug("search_tbl: present, comp %u, \
hash %u, idx %u",
comp, h, idx);
@ -126,15 +125,14 @@ mod chained {
fn search_tbl(k: K, h: uint) -> search_result<K,V> {
let idx = h % vec::len(self.chains);
alt self.chains[idx] {
alt copy self.chains[idx] {
absent {
#debug("search_tbl: absent, comp %u, hash %u, idx %u",
0u, h, idx);
ret not_found;
present(e) {
// FIXME: This copy of the key is not good for perf
if e.hash == h && self.eqer(copy e.key, k) {
if e.hash == h && self.eqer(e.key, k) {
#debug("search_tbl: present, comp %u, hash %u, idx %u",
1u, h, idx);
ret found_first(idx, e);
@ -9,67 +9,74 @@ red-black tree or something else.
import core::option::{some, none};
import option = core::option;
export treemap;
export treemap;
export insert;
export find;
export traverse;
type treemap<K, V> = @mut tree_node<K, V>;
type treemap<K, V> = @mut tree_edge<K, V>;
enum tree_node<K, V> { empty, node(@K, @V, treemap<K, V>, treemap<K, V>) }
type tree_edge<K, V> = option<@tree_node<K, V>>;
enum tree_node<K, V> = {
key: K,
mut value: V,
mut left: tree_edge<K, V>,
mut right: tree_edge<K, V>
#[doc = "Create a treemap"]
fn treemap<K, V>() -> treemap<K, V> { @mut empty }
fn treemap<K, V>() -> treemap<K, V> { @mut none }
#[doc = "Insert a value into the map"]
fn insert<K: copy, V: copy>(m: treemap<K, V>, k: K, v: V) {
alt m {
@empty { *m = node(@k, @v, @mut empty, @mut empty); }
@node(@kk, _, _, _) {
// We have to name left and right individually, because
// otherwise the alias checker complains.
if k < kk {
alt check m { @node(_, _, left, _) { insert(left, k, v); } }
fn insert<K: copy, V: copy>(m: &mut tree_edge<K, V>, k: K, v: V) {
alt copy *m {
none {
*m = some(@tree_node({key: k,
mut value: v,
mut left: none,
mut right: none}));
some(node) {
if k == node.key {
node.value = v;
} else if k < node.key {
insert(&mut node.left, k, v);
} else {
alt check m {
@node(_, _, _, right) { insert(right, k, v); }
insert(&mut node.right, k, v);
#[doc = "Find a value based on the key"]
fn find<K: copy, V: copy>(m: &const tree_edge<K, V>, k: K) -> option<V> {
alt copy *m {
none { none }
// TODO: was that an optimization?
some(node) {
if k == node.key {
} else if k < node.key {
find(&const node.left, k)
} else {
find(&const node.right, k)
#[doc = "Find a value based on the key"]
fn find<K: copy, V: copy>(m: treemap<K, V>, k: K) -> option<V> {
alt *m {
empty { none }
// TODO: was that an optimization?
node(@kk, @v, left, right) {
if k == kk {
} else if k < kk {
find(left, k)
} else { find(right, k) }
#[doc = "Visit all pairs in the map in order."]
fn traverse<K, V>(m: treemap<K, V>, f: fn(K, V)) {
alt *m {
empty { }
Previously, this had what looked like redundant
matches to me, so I changed it. but that may be a
de-optimization -- tjc
node(k, v, left, right) {
let k1 = k, v1 = v;
traverse(left, f);
f(*k1, *v1);
traverse(right, f);
fn traverse<K, V: copy>(m: &const tree_edge<K, V>, f: fn(K, V)) {
alt copy *m {
none { }
some(node) {
traverse(&const node.left, f);
// copy of value is req'd as f() requires an immutable ptr
f(node.key, copy node.value);
traverse(&const node.right, f);
@ -134,4 +141,4 @@ mod tests {
assert (find(m, k2) == some("bar"));
assert (find(m, k1) == some("foo"));
Reference in New Issue
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