184: Basic validation for character literals r=aochagavia a=aochagavia

As part of #27 I would like to add a validator for characters that detects missing quotes and too long characters. I set up a dummy implementation to get my feet wet, which generates errors whenever it finds a character.

Right now I have the following questions:

1. The `SyntaxError` type seems too basic to me. I think it would make sense to have a `SyntaxErrorKind` instead of a `msg` field (we can implement `Display` for it so you can generate the string if desired). It should also have a `TextRange` instead of a `TextUnit`, so you can support errors that are longer than one character. Do you agree?
1. I am manually checking whether the literal is a character (see the `is_char` method). Ideally, I would like to have a `LiteralKind` enum with variants like `Int`, `Float`, `Char`, `String`, etc. but it seems cumbersome to write all that by hand. Is there a way to specify this in `grammar.ron` so that the code is generated (the same way the `Expr` enum is generated)?

By the way, there seems to be no error reporting of panics inside the language server. When I was developing this PR I accidentally introduced a panic, which resulted in no syntax errors being shown. I knew something was wrong, because normally the vscode highlights syntax errors, but I didn't know it was caused by a panic.

Co-authored-by: Adolfo Ochagavía <aochagavia92@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
bors[bot] 2018-11-04 14:47:20 +00:00
commit 576b9a0727
6 changed files with 397 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -409,6 +409,40 @@ impl<'a> AstNode<'a> for CastExpr<'a> {
impl<'a> CastExpr<'a> {}
// Char
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct CharNode(SyntaxNode);
impl CharNode {
pub fn ast(&self) -> Char {
impl<'a> From<Char<'a>> for CharNode {
fn from(ast: Char<'a>) -> CharNode {
let syntax = ast.syntax().owned();
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Char<'a> {
syntax: SyntaxNodeRef<'a>,
impl<'a> AstNode<'a> for Char<'a> {
fn cast(syntax: SyntaxNodeRef<'a>) -> Option<Self> {
match syntax.kind() {
CHAR => Some(Char { syntax }),
_ => None,
fn syntax(self) -> SyntaxNodeRef<'a> { self.syntax }
impl<'a> Char<'a> {}
// Comment
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]

View File

@ -123,6 +123,12 @@ impl<'a> Lifetime<'a> {
impl<'a> Char<'a> {
pub fn text(&self) -> &SmolStr {
impl<'a> Comment<'a> {
pub fn text(&self) -> &SmolStr {

View File

@ -406,6 +406,7 @@ Grammar(
"PrefixExpr": (),
"RangeExpr": (),
"BinExpr": (),
"Char": (),
"Literal": (),
"Expr": (

View File

@ -39,11 +39,12 @@ mod grammar;
mod parser_api;
mod parser_impl;
mod reparsing;
mod string_lexing;
mod syntax_kinds;
pub mod text_utils;
/// Utilities for simple uses of the parser.
pub mod utils;
mod validation;
mod yellow;
pub use crate::{
@ -98,6 +99,8 @@ impl File {
pub fn errors(&self) -> Vec<SyntaxError> {
let mut errors = self.root.root_data().clone();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
use self::CharComponentKind::*;
use rowan::{TextRange, TextUnit};
pub fn parse_char_literal(src: &str) -> CharComponentIterator {
CharComponentIterator {
parser: Parser::new(src),
has_closing_quote: false,
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Clone)]
pub struct CharComponent {
pub range: TextRange,
pub kind: CharComponentKind,
impl CharComponent {
fn new(range: TextRange, kind: CharComponentKind) -> CharComponent {
CharComponent { range, kind }
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Clone)]
pub enum CharComponentKind {
pub struct CharComponentIterator<'a> {
parser: Parser<'a>,
pub has_closing_quote: bool,
impl<'a> Iterator for CharComponentIterator<'a> {
type Item = CharComponent;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<CharComponent> {
if self.parser.pos == 0 {
self.parser.advance() == '\'',
"char literal should start with a quote"
if let Some(component) = self.parser.parse_char_component() {
return Some(component);
// We get here when there are no char components left to parse
if self.parser.peek() == Some('\'') {
self.has_closing_quote = true;
self.parser.peek() == None,
"char literal should leave no unparsed input: src = {}, pos = {}, length = {}",
pub struct Parser<'a> {
src: &'a str,
pos: usize,
impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
pub fn new(src: &'a str) -> Parser<'a> {
Parser { src, pos: 0 }
// Utility methods
pub fn peek(&self) -> Option<char> {
if self.pos == self.src.len() {
return None;
pub fn advance(&mut self) -> char {
let next = self
.expect("cannot advance if end of input is reached");
self.pos += next.len_utf8();
pub fn get_pos(&self) -> TextUnit {
(self.pos as u32).into()
// Char parsing methods
fn parse_unicode_escape(&mut self, start: TextUnit) -> CharComponent {
// Note: validation of UnicodeEscape will be done elsewhere:
// * Only hex digits or underscores allowed
// * Max 6 chars
// * Within allowed range (must be at most 10FFFF)
match self.peek() {
Some('{') => {
// Parse anything until we reach `}`
while let Some(next) = self.peek() {
if next == '}' {
let end = self.get_pos();
CharComponent::new(TextRange::from_to(start, end), UnicodeEscape)
Some(_) | None => {
let end = self.get_pos();
CharComponent::new(TextRange::from_to(start, end), UnicodeEscape)
fn parse_ascii_code_escape(&mut self, start: TextUnit) -> CharComponent {
// Note: validation of AsciiCodeEscape will be done elsewhere:
// * First digit is octal
// * Second digit is hex
let code_start = self.get_pos();
while let Some(next) = self.peek() {
if next == '\'' || (self.get_pos() - code_start == 2.into()) {
let end = self.get_pos();
CharComponent::new(TextRange::from_to(start, end), AsciiCodeEscape)
fn parse_escape(&mut self, start: TextUnit) -> CharComponent {
// Note: validation of AsciiEscape will be done elsewhere:
// * The escape sequence is non-empty
// * The escape sequence is valid
if self.peek().is_none() {
return CharComponent::new(TextRange::from_to(start, start), AsciiEscape);
let next = self.advance();
let end = self.get_pos();
let range = TextRange::from_to(start, end);
match next {
'x' => self.parse_ascii_code_escape(start),
'u' => self.parse_unicode_escape(start),
_ => CharComponent::new(range, AsciiEscape),
pub fn parse_char_component(&mut self) -> Option<CharComponent> {
let next = self.peek()?;
// Ignore character close
if next == '\'' {
return None;
let start = self.get_pos();
if next == '\\' {
} else {
let end = self.get_pos();
TextRange::from_to(start, end),
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn parse(src: &str) -> (bool, Vec<CharComponent>) {
let component_iterator = &mut super::parse_char_literal(src);
let components: Vec<_> = component_iterator.collect();
(component_iterator.has_closing_quote, components)
fn unclosed_char_component(src: &str) -> CharComponent {
let (has_closing_quote, components) = parse(src);
assert!(!has_closing_quote, "char should not have closing quote");
assert!(components.len() == 1);
fn closed_char_component(src: &str) -> CharComponent {
let (has_closing_quote, components) = parse(src);
assert!(has_closing_quote, "char should have closing quote");
components.len() == 1,
"Literal: {}\nComponents: {:#?}",
fn closed_char_components(src: &str) -> Vec<CharComponent> {
let (has_closing_quote, components) = parse(src);
assert!(has_closing_quote, "char should have closing quote");
fn range_closed(src: &str) -> TextRange {
TextRange::from_to(1.into(), (src.len() as u32 - 1).into())
fn range_unclosed(src: &str) -> TextRange {
TextRange::from_to(1.into(), (src.len() as u32).into())
fn test_unicode_escapes() {
let unicode_escapes = &[r"{DEAD}", "{BEEF}", "{FF}", ""];
for escape in unicode_escapes {
let escape_sequence = format!(r"'\u{}'", escape);
let component = closed_char_component(&escape_sequence);
let expected_range = range_closed(&escape_sequence);
assert_eq!(component.kind, CharComponentKind::UnicodeEscape);
assert_eq!(component.range, expected_range);
fn test_unicode_escapes_unclosed() {
let unicode_escapes = &["{DEAD", "{BEEF", "{FF"];
for escape in unicode_escapes {
let escape_sequence = format!(r"'\u{}'", escape);
let component = unclosed_char_component(&escape_sequence);
let expected_range = range_unclosed(&escape_sequence);
assert_eq!(component.kind, CharComponentKind::UnicodeEscape);
assert_eq!(component.range, expected_range);
fn test_empty_char() {
let (has_closing_quote, components) = parse("''");
assert!(has_closing_quote, "char should have closing quote");
assert!(components.len() == 0);
fn test_unclosed_char() {
let component = unclosed_char_component("'a");
assert!(component.kind == CodePoint);
assert!(component.range == TextRange::from_to(1.into(), 2.into()));
fn test_digit_escapes() {
let literals = &[r"", r"5", r"55"];
for literal in literals {
let lit_text = format!(r"'\x{}'", literal);
let component = closed_char_component(&lit_text);
assert!(component.kind == CharComponentKind::AsciiCodeEscape);
assert!(component.range == range_closed(&lit_text));
// More than 2 digits starts a new codepoint
let components = closed_char_components(r"'\x555'");
assert!(components.len() == 2);
assert!(components[1].kind == CharComponentKind::CodePoint);
fn test_ascii_escapes() {
let literals = &[
r"\'", "\\\"", // equivalent to \"
r"\n", r"\r", r"\t", r"\\", r"\0",
for literal in literals {
let lit_text = format!("'{}'", literal);
let component = closed_char_component(&lit_text);
assert!(component.kind == CharComponentKind::AsciiEscape);
assert!(component.range == range_closed(&lit_text));
fn test_no_escapes() {
let literals = &['"', 'n', 'r', 't', '0', 'x', 'u'];
for &literal in literals {
let lit_text = format!("'{}'", literal);
let component = closed_char_component(&lit_text);
assert!(component.kind == CharComponentKind::CodePoint);
assert!(component.range == range_closed(&lit_text));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
use crate::{
ast::{self, AstNode},
pub(crate) fn validate(file: &File) -> Vec<SyntaxError> {
let mut errors = Vec::new();
for d in file.root.borrowed().descendants() {
if let Some(c) = ast::Char::cast(d) {
let components = &mut string_lexing::parse_char_literal(c.text());
let len = components.count();
if !components.has_closing_quote {
errors.push(SyntaxError {
msg: "Unclosed char literal".to_string(),
offset: d.range().start(),
if len == 0 {
errors.push(SyntaxError {
msg: "Empty char literal".to_string(),
offset: d.range().start(),
if len > 1 {
errors.push(SyntaxError {
msg: "Character literal should be only one character long".to_string(),
offset: d.range().start(),