move simd intrinsics to their own file
This commit is contained in:
@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ pub trait EvalContextExt<'mir, 'tcx: 'mir>: crate::MiriEvalContextExt<'mir, 'tcx
) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
let this = self.eval_context_mut();
match intrinsic_name {
// Atomic operations
"load_seqcst" => this.atomic_load(args, dest, AtomicReadOrd::SeqCst)?,
"load_relaxed" => this.atomic_load(args, dest, AtomicReadOrd::Relaxed)?,
"load_acquire" => this.atomic_load(args, dest, AtomicReadOrd::Acquire)?,
@ -1,16 +1,18 @@
pub mod atomic;
mod simd;
use std::iter;
use log::trace;
use rustc_apfloat::{Float, Round};
use rustc_middle::ty::layout::{HasParamEnv, IntegerExt, LayoutOf};
use rustc_middle::ty::layout::{IntegerExt, LayoutOf};
use rustc_middle::{mir, ty, ty::FloatTy};
use rustc_target::abi::{Endian, HasDataLayout, Integer, Size};
use rustc_target::abi::Integer;
use crate::*;
use helpers::check_arg_count;
use simd::EvalContextExt as _;
impl<'mir, 'tcx: 'mir> EvalContextExt<'mir, 'tcx> for crate::MiriEvalContext<'mir, 'tcx> {}
pub trait EvalContextExt<'mir, 'tcx: 'mir>: crate::MiriEvalContextExt<'mir, 'tcx> {
@ -63,6 +65,9 @@ pub trait EvalContextExt<'mir, 'tcx: 'mir>: crate::MiriEvalContextExt<'mir, 'tcx
if let Some(name) = intrinsic_name.strip_prefix("atomic_") {
return this.emulate_atomic_intrinsic(name, args, dest);
if let Some(name) = intrinsic_name.strip_prefix("simd_") {
return this.emulate_simd_intrinsic(name, args, dest);
match intrinsic_name {
// Miri overwriting CTFE intrinsics.
@ -347,541 +352,6 @@ pub trait EvalContextExt<'mir, 'tcx: 'mir>: crate::MiriEvalContextExt<'mir, 'tcx
this.write_scalar(res, dest)?;
// SIMD operations
| "simd_neg"
| "simd_fabs"
| "simd_ceil"
| "simd_floor"
| "simd_round"
| "simd_trunc"
| "simd_fsqrt" => {
let [op] = check_arg_count(args)?;
let (op, op_len) = this.operand_to_simd(op)?;
let (dest, dest_len) = this.place_to_simd(dest)?;
assert_eq!(dest_len, op_len);
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
enum HostFloatOp {
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
enum Op {
let which = match intrinsic_name {
"simd_neg" => Op::MirOp(mir::UnOp::Neg),
"simd_fabs" => Op::Abs,
"simd_ceil" => Op::HostOp(HostFloatOp::Ceil),
"simd_floor" => Op::HostOp(HostFloatOp::Floor),
"simd_round" => Op::HostOp(HostFloatOp::Round),
"simd_trunc" => Op::HostOp(HostFloatOp::Trunc),
"simd_fsqrt" => Op::HostOp(HostFloatOp::Sqrt),
_ => unreachable!(),
for i in 0..dest_len {
let op = this.read_immediate(&this.mplace_index(&op, i)?.into())?;
let dest = this.mplace_index(&dest, i)?;
let val = match which {
Op::MirOp(mir_op) => this.unary_op(mir_op, &op)?.to_scalar()?,
Op::Abs => {
// Works for f32 and f64.
let ty::Float(float_ty) = op.layout.ty.kind() else {
span_bug!(this.cur_span(), "{} operand is not a float", intrinsic_name)
let op = op.to_scalar()?;
match float_ty {
FloatTy::F32 => Scalar::from_f32(op.to_f32()?.abs()),
FloatTy::F64 => Scalar::from_f64(op.to_f64()?.abs()),
Op::HostOp(host_op) => {
let ty::Float(float_ty) = op.layout.ty.kind() else {
span_bug!(this.cur_span(), "{} operand is not a float", intrinsic_name)
// FIXME using host floats
match float_ty {
FloatTy::F32 => {
let f = f32::from_bits(op.to_scalar()?.to_u32()?);
let res = match host_op {
HostFloatOp::Ceil => f.ceil(),
HostFloatOp::Floor => f.floor(),
HostFloatOp::Round => f.round(),
HostFloatOp::Trunc => f.trunc(),
HostFloatOp::Sqrt => f.sqrt(),
FloatTy::F64 => {
let f = f64::from_bits(op.to_scalar()?.to_u64()?);
let res = match host_op {
HostFloatOp::Ceil => f.ceil(),
HostFloatOp::Floor => f.floor(),
HostFloatOp::Round => f.round(),
HostFloatOp::Trunc => f.trunc(),
HostFloatOp::Sqrt => f.sqrt(),
this.write_scalar(val, &dest.into())?;
| "simd_add"
| "simd_sub"
| "simd_mul"
| "simd_div"
| "simd_rem"
| "simd_shl"
| "simd_shr"
| "simd_and"
| "simd_or"
| "simd_xor"
| "simd_eq"
| "simd_ne"
| "simd_lt"
| "simd_le"
| "simd_gt"
| "simd_ge"
| "simd_fmax"
| "simd_fmin"
| "simd_saturating_add"
| "simd_saturating_sub"
| "simd_arith_offset" => {
use mir::BinOp;
let [left, right] = check_arg_count(args)?;
let (left, left_len) = this.operand_to_simd(left)?;
let (right, right_len) = this.operand_to_simd(right)?;
let (dest, dest_len) = this.place_to_simd(dest)?;
assert_eq!(dest_len, left_len);
assert_eq!(dest_len, right_len);
enum Op {
let which = match intrinsic_name {
"simd_add" => Op::MirOp(BinOp::Add),
"simd_sub" => Op::MirOp(BinOp::Sub),
"simd_mul" => Op::MirOp(BinOp::Mul),
"simd_div" => Op::MirOp(BinOp::Div),
"simd_rem" => Op::MirOp(BinOp::Rem),
"simd_shl" => Op::MirOp(BinOp::Shl),
"simd_shr" => Op::MirOp(BinOp::Shr),
"simd_and" => Op::MirOp(BinOp::BitAnd),
"simd_or" => Op::MirOp(BinOp::BitOr),
"simd_xor" => Op::MirOp(BinOp::BitXor),
"simd_eq" => Op::MirOp(BinOp::Eq),
"simd_ne" => Op::MirOp(BinOp::Ne),
"simd_lt" => Op::MirOp(BinOp::Lt),
"simd_le" => Op::MirOp(BinOp::Le),
"simd_gt" => Op::MirOp(BinOp::Gt),
"simd_ge" => Op::MirOp(BinOp::Ge),
"simd_fmax" => Op::FMax,
"simd_fmin" => Op::FMin,
"simd_saturating_add" => Op::SaturatingOp(BinOp::Add),
"simd_saturating_sub" => Op::SaturatingOp(BinOp::Sub),
"simd_arith_offset" => Op::WrappingOffset,
_ => unreachable!(),
for i in 0..dest_len {
let left = this.read_immediate(&this.mplace_index(&left, i)?.into())?;
let right = this.read_immediate(&this.mplace_index(&right, i)?.into())?;
let dest = this.mplace_index(&dest, i)?;
let val = match which {
Op::MirOp(mir_op) => {
let (val, overflowed, ty) = this.overflowing_binary_op(mir_op, &left, &right)?;
if matches!(mir_op, BinOp::Shl | BinOp::Shr) {
// Shifts have extra UB as SIMD operations that the MIR binop does not have.
// See <>.
if overflowed {
let r_val = right.to_scalar()?.to_bits(right.layout.size)?;
throw_ub_format!("overflowing shift by {r_val} in `{intrinsic_name}` in SIMD lane {i}");
if matches!(mir_op, BinOp::Eq | BinOp::Ne | BinOp::Lt | BinOp::Le | BinOp::Gt | BinOp::Ge) {
// Special handling for boolean-returning operations
assert_eq!(ty, this.tcx.types.bool);
let val = val.to_bool().unwrap();
bool_to_simd_element(val, dest.layout.size)
} else {
assert_ne!(ty, this.tcx.types.bool);
assert_eq!(ty, dest.layout.ty);
Op::SaturatingOp(mir_op) => {
this.saturating_arith(mir_op, &left, &right)?
Op::WrappingOffset => {
let ptr = this.scalar_to_ptr(left.to_scalar()?)?;
let offset_count = right.to_scalar()?.to_machine_isize(this)?;
let pointee_ty = left.layout.ty.builtin_deref(true).unwrap().ty;
let pointee_size = i64::try_from(this.layout_of(pointee_ty)?.size.bytes()).unwrap();
let offset_bytes = offset_count.wrapping_mul(pointee_size);
let offset_ptr = ptr.wrapping_signed_offset(offset_bytes, this);
Scalar::from_maybe_pointer(offset_ptr, this)
Op::FMax => {
fmax_op(&left, &right)?
Op::FMin => {
fmin_op(&left, &right)?
this.write_scalar(val, &dest.into())?;
"simd_fma" => {
let [a, b, c] = check_arg_count(args)?;
let (a, a_len) = this.operand_to_simd(a)?;
let (b, b_len) = this.operand_to_simd(b)?;
let (c, c_len) = this.operand_to_simd(c)?;
let (dest, dest_len) = this.place_to_simd(dest)?;
assert_eq!(dest_len, a_len);
assert_eq!(dest_len, b_len);
assert_eq!(dest_len, c_len);
for i in 0..dest_len {
let a = this.read_immediate(&this.mplace_index(&a, i)?.into())?.to_scalar()?;
let b = this.read_immediate(&this.mplace_index(&b, i)?.into())?.to_scalar()?;
let c = this.read_immediate(&this.mplace_index(&c, i)?.into())?.to_scalar()?;
let dest = this.mplace_index(&dest, i)?;
// Works for f32 and f64.
let ty::Float(float_ty) = dest.layout.ty.kind() else {
span_bug!(this.cur_span(), "{} operand is not a float", intrinsic_name)
let val = match float_ty {
FloatTy::F32 =>
Scalar::from_f32(a.to_f32()?.mul_add(b.to_f32()?, c.to_f32()?).value),
FloatTy::F64 =>
Scalar::from_f64(a.to_f64()?.mul_add(b.to_f64()?, c.to_f64()?).value),
this.write_scalar(val, &dest.into())?;
| "simd_reduce_and"
| "simd_reduce_or"
| "simd_reduce_xor"
| "simd_reduce_any"
| "simd_reduce_all"
| "simd_reduce_max"
| "simd_reduce_min" => {
use mir::BinOp;
let [op] = check_arg_count(args)?;
let (op, op_len) = this.operand_to_simd(op)?;
let imm_from_bool =
|b| ImmTy::from_scalar(Scalar::from_bool(b), this.machine.layouts.bool);
enum Op {
let which = match intrinsic_name {
"simd_reduce_and" => Op::MirOp(BinOp::BitAnd),
"simd_reduce_or" => Op::MirOp(BinOp::BitOr),
"simd_reduce_xor" => Op::MirOp(BinOp::BitXor),
"simd_reduce_any" => Op::MirOpBool(BinOp::BitOr),
"simd_reduce_all" => Op::MirOpBool(BinOp::BitAnd),
"simd_reduce_max" => Op::Max,
"simd_reduce_min" => Op::Min,
_ => unreachable!(),
// Initialize with first lane, then proceed with the rest.
let mut res = this.read_immediate(&this.mplace_index(&op, 0)?.into())?;
if matches!(which, Op::MirOpBool(_)) {
// Convert to `bool` scalar.
res = imm_from_bool(simd_element_to_bool(res)?);
for i in 1..op_len {
let op = this.read_immediate(&this.mplace_index(&op, i)?.into())?;
res = match which {
Op::MirOp(mir_op) => {
this.binary_op(mir_op, &res, &op)?
Op::MirOpBool(mir_op) => {
let op = imm_from_bool(simd_element_to_bool(op)?);
this.binary_op(mir_op, &res, &op)?
Op::Max => {
if matches!(res.layout.ty.kind(), ty::Float(_)) {
ImmTy::from_scalar(fmax_op(&res, &op)?, res.layout)
} else {
// Just boring integers, so NaNs to worry about
if this.binary_op(BinOp::Ge, &res, &op)?.to_scalar()?.to_bool()? {
} else {
Op::Min => {
if matches!(res.layout.ty.kind(), ty::Float(_)) {
ImmTy::from_scalar(fmin_op(&res, &op)?, res.layout)
} else {
// Just boring integers, so NaNs to worry about
if this.binary_op(BinOp::Le, &res, &op)?.to_scalar()?.to_bool()? {
} else {
this.write_immediate(*res, dest)?;
| "simd_reduce_add_ordered"
| "simd_reduce_mul_ordered" => {
use mir::BinOp;
let [op, init] = check_arg_count(args)?;
let (op, op_len) = this.operand_to_simd(op)?;
let init = this.read_immediate(init)?;
let mir_op = match intrinsic_name {
"simd_reduce_add_ordered" => BinOp::Add,
"simd_reduce_mul_ordered" => BinOp::Mul,
_ => unreachable!(),
let mut res = init;
for i in 0..op_len {
let op = this.read_immediate(&this.mplace_index(&op, i)?.into())?;
res = this.binary_op(mir_op, &res, &op)?;
this.write_immediate(*res, dest)?;
"simd_select" => {
let [mask, yes, no] = check_arg_count(args)?;
let (mask, mask_len) = this.operand_to_simd(mask)?;
let (yes, yes_len) = this.operand_to_simd(yes)?;
let (no, no_len) = this.operand_to_simd(no)?;
let (dest, dest_len) = this.place_to_simd(dest)?;
assert_eq!(dest_len, mask_len);
assert_eq!(dest_len, yes_len);
assert_eq!(dest_len, no_len);
for i in 0..dest_len {
let mask = this.read_immediate(&this.mplace_index(&mask, i)?.into())?;
let yes = this.read_immediate(&this.mplace_index(&yes, i)?.into())?;
let no = this.read_immediate(&this.mplace_index(&no, i)?.into())?;
let dest = this.mplace_index(&dest, i)?;
let val = if simd_element_to_bool(mask)? { yes } else { no };
this.write_immediate(*val, &dest.into())?;
"simd_select_bitmask" => {
let [mask, yes, no] = check_arg_count(args)?;
let (yes, yes_len) = this.operand_to_simd(yes)?;
let (no, no_len) = this.operand_to_simd(no)?;
let (dest, dest_len) = this.place_to_simd(dest)?;
let bitmask_len = dest_len.max(8);
assert!(bitmask_len <= 64);
assert_eq!(bitmask_len, mask.layout.size.bits());
assert_eq!(dest_len, yes_len);
assert_eq!(dest_len, no_len);
let mask: u64 = this
for i in 0..dest_len {
let mask =
mask & (1 << simd_bitmask_index(i, dest_len, this.data_layout().endian));
let yes = this.read_immediate(&this.mplace_index(&yes, i)?.into())?;
let no = this.read_immediate(&this.mplace_index(&no, i)?.into())?;
let dest = this.mplace_index(&dest, i)?;
let val = if mask != 0 { yes } else { no };
this.write_immediate(*val, &dest.into())?;
for i in dest_len..bitmask_len {
// If the mask is "padded", ensure that padding is all-zero.
let mask = mask & (1 << i);
if mask != 0 {
"a SIMD bitmask less than 8 bits long must be filled with 0s for the remaining bits"
"simd_cast" | "simd_as" => {
let [op] = check_arg_count(args)?;
let (op, op_len) = this.operand_to_simd(op)?;
let (dest, dest_len) = this.place_to_simd(dest)?;
assert_eq!(dest_len, op_len);
let safe_cast = intrinsic_name == "simd_as";
for i in 0..dest_len {
let op = this.read_immediate(&this.mplace_index(&op, i)?.into())?;
let dest = this.mplace_index(&dest, i)?;
let val = match (op.layout.ty.kind(), dest.layout.ty.kind()) {
// Int-to-(int|float): always safe
(ty::Int(_) | ty::Uint(_), ty::Int(_) | ty::Uint(_) | ty::Float(_)) =>
this.misc_cast(&op, dest.layout.ty)?,
// Float-to-float: always safe
(ty::Float(_), ty::Float(_)) =>
this.misc_cast(&op, dest.layout.ty)?,
// Float-to-int in safe mode
(ty::Float(_), ty::Int(_) | ty::Uint(_)) if safe_cast =>
this.misc_cast(&op, dest.layout.ty)?,
// Float-to-int in unchecked mode
(ty::Float(FloatTy::F32), ty::Int(_) | ty::Uint(_)) if !safe_cast =>
this.float_to_int_unchecked(op.to_scalar()?.to_f32()?, dest.layout.ty)?.into(),
(ty::Float(FloatTy::F64), ty::Int(_) | ty::Uint(_)) if !safe_cast =>
this.float_to_int_unchecked(op.to_scalar()?.to_f64()?, dest.layout.ty)?.into(),
_ =>
"Unsupported SIMD cast from element type {from_ty} to {to_ty}",
from_ty = op.layout.ty,
to_ty = dest.layout.ty,
this.write_immediate(val, &dest.into())?;
"simd_shuffle" => {
let [left, right, index] = check_arg_count(args)?;
let (left, left_len) = this.operand_to_simd(left)?;
let (right, right_len) = this.operand_to_simd(right)?;
let (dest, dest_len) = this.place_to_simd(dest)?;
// `index` is an array, not a SIMD type
let ty::Array(_, index_len) = index.layout.ty.kind() else {
span_bug!(this.cur_span(), "simd_shuffle index argument has non-array type {}", index.layout.ty)
let index_len = index_len.eval_usize(*this.tcx, this.param_env());
assert_eq!(left_len, right_len);
assert_eq!(index_len, dest_len);
for i in 0..dest_len {
let src_index: u64 = this
.read_immediate(&this.operand_index(index, i)?)?
let dest = this.mplace_index(&dest, i)?;
let val = if src_index < left_len {
this.read_immediate(&this.mplace_index(&left, src_index)?.into())?
} else if src_index < left_len.checked_add(right_len).unwrap() {
&this.mplace_index(&right, src_index - left_len)?.into(),
} else {
"simd_shuffle index {src_index} is out of bounds for 2 vectors of size {left_len}",
this.write_immediate(*val, &dest.into())?;
"simd_gather" => {
let [passthru, ptrs, mask] = check_arg_count(args)?;
let (passthru, passthru_len) = this.operand_to_simd(passthru)?;
let (ptrs, ptrs_len) = this.operand_to_simd(ptrs)?;
let (mask, mask_len) = this.operand_to_simd(mask)?;
let (dest, dest_len) = this.place_to_simd(dest)?;
assert_eq!(dest_len, passthru_len);
assert_eq!(dest_len, ptrs_len);
assert_eq!(dest_len, mask_len);
for i in 0..dest_len {
let passthru = this.read_immediate(&this.mplace_index(&passthru, i)?.into())?;
let ptr = this.read_immediate(&this.mplace_index(&ptrs, i)?.into())?;
let mask = this.read_immediate(&this.mplace_index(&mask, i)?.into())?;
let dest = this.mplace_index(&dest, i)?;
let val = if simd_element_to_bool(mask)? {
let place = this.deref_operand(&ptr.into())?;
} else {
this.write_immediate(*val, &dest.into())?;
"simd_scatter" => {
let [value, ptrs, mask] = check_arg_count(args)?;
let (value, value_len) = this.operand_to_simd(value)?;
let (ptrs, ptrs_len) = this.operand_to_simd(ptrs)?;
let (mask, mask_len) = this.operand_to_simd(mask)?;
assert_eq!(ptrs_len, value_len);
assert_eq!(ptrs_len, mask_len);
for i in 0..ptrs_len {
let value = this.read_immediate(&this.mplace_index(&value, i)?.into())?;
let ptr = this.read_immediate(&this.mplace_index(&ptrs, i)?.into())?;
let mask = this.read_immediate(&this.mplace_index(&mask, i)?.into())?;
if simd_element_to_bool(mask)? {
let place = this.deref_operand(&ptr.into())?;
this.write_immediate(*value, &place.into())?;
"simd_bitmask" => {
let [op] = check_arg_count(args)?;
let (op, op_len) = this.operand_to_simd(op)?;
let bitmask_len = op_len.max(8);
assert!(bitmask_len <= 64);
assert_eq!(bitmask_len, dest.layout.size.bits());
let mut res = 0u64;
for i in 0..op_len {
let op = this.read_immediate(&this.mplace_index(&op, i)?.into())?;
if simd_element_to_bool(op)? {
res |= 1 << simd_bitmask_index(i, op_len, this.data_layout().endian);
this.write_int(res, dest)?;
// Other
"exact_div" => {
let [num, denom] = check_arg_count(args)?;
@ -953,58 +423,3 @@ pub trait EvalContextExt<'mir, 'tcx: 'mir>: crate::MiriEvalContextExt<'mir, 'tcx
fn fmax_op<'tcx>(
left: &ImmTy<'tcx, Tag>,
right: &ImmTy<'tcx, Tag>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, Scalar<Tag>> {
assert_eq!(left.layout.ty, right.layout.ty);
let ty::Float(float_ty) = left.layout.ty.kind() else {
bug!("fmax operand is not a float")
let left = left.to_scalar()?;
let right = right.to_scalar()?;
Ok(match float_ty {
FloatTy::F32 => Scalar::from_f32(left.to_f32()?.max(right.to_f32()?)),
FloatTy::F64 => Scalar::from_f64(left.to_f64()?.max(right.to_f64()?)),
fn fmin_op<'tcx>(
left: &ImmTy<'tcx, Tag>,
right: &ImmTy<'tcx, Tag>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, Scalar<Tag>> {
assert_eq!(left.layout.ty, right.layout.ty);
let ty::Float(float_ty) = left.layout.ty.kind() else {
bug!("fmin operand is not a float")
let left = left.to_scalar()?;
let right = right.to_scalar()?;
Ok(match float_ty {
FloatTy::F32 => Scalar::from_f32(left.to_f32()?.min(right.to_f32()?)),
FloatTy::F64 => Scalar::from_f64(left.to_f64()?.min(right.to_f64()?)),
fn bool_to_simd_element(b: bool, size: Size) -> Scalar<Tag> {
// SIMD uses all-1 as pattern for "true"
let val = if b { -1 } else { 0 };
Scalar::from_int(val, size)
fn simd_element_to_bool(elem: ImmTy<'_, Tag>) -> InterpResult<'_, bool> {
let val = elem.to_scalar()?.to_int(elem.layout.size)?;
Ok(match val {
0 => false,
-1 => true,
_ => throw_ub_format!("each element of a SIMD mask must be all-0-bits or all-1-bits"),
fn simd_bitmask_index(idx: u64, vec_len: u64, endianess: Endian) -> u64 {
assert!(idx < vec_len);
match endianess {
Endian::Little => idx,
Endian::Big => vec_len - 1 - idx, // reverse order of bits
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,613 @@
use rustc_apfloat::Float;
use rustc_middle::ty::layout::{HasParamEnv, LayoutOf};
use rustc_middle::{mir, ty, ty::FloatTy};
use rustc_target::abi::{Endian, HasDataLayout, Size};
use crate::*;
use helpers::check_arg_count;
impl<'mir, 'tcx: 'mir> EvalContextExt<'mir, 'tcx> for crate::MiriEvalContext<'mir, 'tcx> {}
pub trait EvalContextExt<'mir, 'tcx: 'mir>: crate::MiriEvalContextExt<'mir, 'tcx> {
/// Calls the simd intrinsic `intrinsic`; the `simd_` prefix has already been removed.
fn emulate_simd_intrinsic(
&mut self,
intrinsic_name: &str,
args: &[OpTy<'tcx, Tag>],
dest: &PlaceTy<'tcx, Tag>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
let this = self.eval_context_mut();
match intrinsic_name {
| "neg"
| "fabs"
| "ceil"
| "floor"
| "round"
| "trunc"
| "fsqrt" => {
let [op] = check_arg_count(args)?;
let (op, op_len) = this.operand_to_simd(op)?;
let (dest, dest_len) = this.place_to_simd(dest)?;
assert_eq!(dest_len, op_len);
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
enum HostFloatOp {
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
enum Op {
let which = match intrinsic_name {
"neg" => Op::MirOp(mir::UnOp::Neg),
"fabs" => Op::Abs,
"ceil" => Op::HostOp(HostFloatOp::Ceil),
"floor" => Op::HostOp(HostFloatOp::Floor),
"round" => Op::HostOp(HostFloatOp::Round),
"trunc" => Op::HostOp(HostFloatOp::Trunc),
"fsqrt" => Op::HostOp(HostFloatOp::Sqrt),
_ => unreachable!(),
for i in 0..dest_len {
let op = this.read_immediate(&this.mplace_index(&op, i)?.into())?;
let dest = this.mplace_index(&dest, i)?;
let val = match which {
Op::MirOp(mir_op) => this.unary_op(mir_op, &op)?.to_scalar()?,
Op::Abs => {
// Works for f32 and f64.
let ty::Float(float_ty) = op.layout.ty.kind() else {
span_bug!(this.cur_span(), "{} operand is not a float", intrinsic_name)
let op = op.to_scalar()?;
match float_ty {
FloatTy::F32 => Scalar::from_f32(op.to_f32()?.abs()),
FloatTy::F64 => Scalar::from_f64(op.to_f64()?.abs()),
Op::HostOp(host_op) => {
let ty::Float(float_ty) = op.layout.ty.kind() else {
span_bug!(this.cur_span(), "{} operand is not a float", intrinsic_name)
// FIXME using host floats
match float_ty {
FloatTy::F32 => {
let f = f32::from_bits(op.to_scalar()?.to_u32()?);
let res = match host_op {
HostFloatOp::Ceil => f.ceil(),
HostFloatOp::Floor => f.floor(),
HostFloatOp::Round => f.round(),
HostFloatOp::Trunc => f.trunc(),
HostFloatOp::Sqrt => f.sqrt(),
FloatTy::F64 => {
let f = f64::from_bits(op.to_scalar()?.to_u64()?);
let res = match host_op {
HostFloatOp::Ceil => f.ceil(),
HostFloatOp::Floor => f.floor(),
HostFloatOp::Round => f.round(),
HostFloatOp::Trunc => f.trunc(),
HostFloatOp::Sqrt => f.sqrt(),
this.write_scalar(val, &dest.into())?;
| "add"
| "sub"
| "mul"
| "div"
| "rem"
| "shl"
| "shr"
| "and"
| "or"
| "xor"
| "eq"
| "ne"
| "lt"
| "le"
| "gt"
| "ge"
| "fmax"
| "fmin"
| "saturating_add"
| "saturating_sub"
| "arith_offset" => {
use mir::BinOp;
let [left, right] = check_arg_count(args)?;
let (left, left_len) = this.operand_to_simd(left)?;
let (right, right_len) = this.operand_to_simd(right)?;
let (dest, dest_len) = this.place_to_simd(dest)?;
assert_eq!(dest_len, left_len);
assert_eq!(dest_len, right_len);
enum Op {
let which = match intrinsic_name {
"add" => Op::MirOp(BinOp::Add),
"sub" => Op::MirOp(BinOp::Sub),
"mul" => Op::MirOp(BinOp::Mul),
"div" => Op::MirOp(BinOp::Div),
"rem" => Op::MirOp(BinOp::Rem),
"shl" => Op::MirOp(BinOp::Shl),
"shr" => Op::MirOp(BinOp::Shr),
"and" => Op::MirOp(BinOp::BitAnd),
"or" => Op::MirOp(BinOp::BitOr),
"xor" => Op::MirOp(BinOp::BitXor),
"eq" => Op::MirOp(BinOp::Eq),
"ne" => Op::MirOp(BinOp::Ne),
"lt" => Op::MirOp(BinOp::Lt),
"le" => Op::MirOp(BinOp::Le),
"gt" => Op::MirOp(BinOp::Gt),
"ge" => Op::MirOp(BinOp::Ge),
"fmax" => Op::FMax,
"fmin" => Op::FMin,
"saturating_add" => Op::SaturatingOp(BinOp::Add),
"saturating_sub" => Op::SaturatingOp(BinOp::Sub),
"arith_offset" => Op::WrappingOffset,
_ => unreachable!(),
for i in 0..dest_len {
let left = this.read_immediate(&this.mplace_index(&left, i)?.into())?;
let right = this.read_immediate(&this.mplace_index(&right, i)?.into())?;
let dest = this.mplace_index(&dest, i)?;
let val = match which {
Op::MirOp(mir_op) => {
let (val, overflowed, ty) = this.overflowing_binary_op(mir_op, &left, &right)?;
if matches!(mir_op, BinOp::Shl | BinOp::Shr) {
// Shifts have extra UB as SIMD operations that the MIR binop does not have.
// See <>.
if overflowed {
let r_val = right.to_scalar()?.to_bits(right.layout.size)?;
throw_ub_format!("overflowing shift by {r_val} in `simd_{intrinsic_name}` in SIMD lane {i}");
if matches!(mir_op, BinOp::Eq | BinOp::Ne | BinOp::Lt | BinOp::Le | BinOp::Gt | BinOp::Ge) {
// Special handling for boolean-returning operations
assert_eq!(ty, this.tcx.types.bool);
let val = val.to_bool().unwrap();
bool_to_simd_element(val, dest.layout.size)
} else {
assert_ne!(ty, this.tcx.types.bool);
assert_eq!(ty, dest.layout.ty);
Op::SaturatingOp(mir_op) => {
this.saturating_arith(mir_op, &left, &right)?
Op::WrappingOffset => {
let ptr = this.scalar_to_ptr(left.to_scalar()?)?;
let offset_count = right.to_scalar()?.to_machine_isize(this)?;
let pointee_ty = left.layout.ty.builtin_deref(true).unwrap().ty;
let pointee_size = i64::try_from(this.layout_of(pointee_ty)?.size.bytes()).unwrap();
let offset_bytes = offset_count.wrapping_mul(pointee_size);
let offset_ptr = ptr.wrapping_signed_offset(offset_bytes, this);
Scalar::from_maybe_pointer(offset_ptr, this)
Op::FMax => {
fmax_op(&left, &right)?
Op::FMin => {
fmin_op(&left, &right)?
this.write_scalar(val, &dest.into())?;
"fma" => {
let [a, b, c] = check_arg_count(args)?;
let (a, a_len) = this.operand_to_simd(a)?;
let (b, b_len) = this.operand_to_simd(b)?;
let (c, c_len) = this.operand_to_simd(c)?;
let (dest, dest_len) = this.place_to_simd(dest)?;
assert_eq!(dest_len, a_len);
assert_eq!(dest_len, b_len);
assert_eq!(dest_len, c_len);
for i in 0..dest_len {
let a = this.read_immediate(&this.mplace_index(&a, i)?.into())?.to_scalar()?;
let b = this.read_immediate(&this.mplace_index(&b, i)?.into())?.to_scalar()?;
let c = this.read_immediate(&this.mplace_index(&c, i)?.into())?.to_scalar()?;
let dest = this.mplace_index(&dest, i)?;
// Works for f32 and f64.
let ty::Float(float_ty) = dest.layout.ty.kind() else {
span_bug!(this.cur_span(), "{} operand is not a float", intrinsic_name)
let val = match float_ty {
FloatTy::F32 =>
Scalar::from_f32(a.to_f32()?.mul_add(b.to_f32()?, c.to_f32()?).value),
FloatTy::F64 =>
Scalar::from_f64(a.to_f64()?.mul_add(b.to_f64()?, c.to_f64()?).value),
this.write_scalar(val, &dest.into())?;
| "reduce_and"
| "reduce_or"
| "reduce_xor"
| "reduce_any"
| "reduce_all"
| "reduce_max"
| "reduce_min" => {
use mir::BinOp;
let [op] = check_arg_count(args)?;
let (op, op_len) = this.operand_to_simd(op)?;
let imm_from_bool =
|b| ImmTy::from_scalar(Scalar::from_bool(b), this.machine.layouts.bool);
enum Op {
let which = match intrinsic_name {
"reduce_and" => Op::MirOp(BinOp::BitAnd),
"reduce_or" => Op::MirOp(BinOp::BitOr),
"reduce_xor" => Op::MirOp(BinOp::BitXor),
"reduce_any" => Op::MirOpBool(BinOp::BitOr),
"reduce_all" => Op::MirOpBool(BinOp::BitAnd),
"reduce_max" => Op::Max,
"reduce_min" => Op::Min,
_ => unreachable!(),
// Initialize with first lane, then proceed with the rest.
let mut res = this.read_immediate(&this.mplace_index(&op, 0)?.into())?;
if matches!(which, Op::MirOpBool(_)) {
// Convert to `bool` scalar.
res = imm_from_bool(simd_element_to_bool(res)?);
for i in 1..op_len {
let op = this.read_immediate(&this.mplace_index(&op, i)?.into())?;
res = match which {
Op::MirOp(mir_op) => {
this.binary_op(mir_op, &res, &op)?
Op::MirOpBool(mir_op) => {
let op = imm_from_bool(simd_element_to_bool(op)?);
this.binary_op(mir_op, &res, &op)?
Op::Max => {
if matches!(res.layout.ty.kind(), ty::Float(_)) {
ImmTy::from_scalar(fmax_op(&res, &op)?, res.layout)
} else {
// Just boring integers, so NaNs to worry about
if this.binary_op(BinOp::Ge, &res, &op)?.to_scalar()?.to_bool()? {
} else {
Op::Min => {
if matches!(res.layout.ty.kind(), ty::Float(_)) {
ImmTy::from_scalar(fmin_op(&res, &op)?, res.layout)
} else {
// Just boring integers, so NaNs to worry about
if this.binary_op(BinOp::Le, &res, &op)?.to_scalar()?.to_bool()? {
} else {
this.write_immediate(*res, dest)?;
| "reduce_add_ordered"
| "reduce_mul_ordered" => {
use mir::BinOp;
let [op, init] = check_arg_count(args)?;
let (op, op_len) = this.operand_to_simd(op)?;
let init = this.read_immediate(init)?;
let mir_op = match intrinsic_name {
"reduce_add_ordered" => BinOp::Add,
"reduce_mul_ordered" => BinOp::Mul,
_ => unreachable!(),
let mut res = init;
for i in 0..op_len {
let op = this.read_immediate(&this.mplace_index(&op, i)?.into())?;
res = this.binary_op(mir_op, &res, &op)?;
this.write_immediate(*res, dest)?;
"select" => {
let [mask, yes, no] = check_arg_count(args)?;
let (mask, mask_len) = this.operand_to_simd(mask)?;
let (yes, yes_len) = this.operand_to_simd(yes)?;
let (no, no_len) = this.operand_to_simd(no)?;
let (dest, dest_len) = this.place_to_simd(dest)?;
assert_eq!(dest_len, mask_len);
assert_eq!(dest_len, yes_len);
assert_eq!(dest_len, no_len);
for i in 0..dest_len {
let mask = this.read_immediate(&this.mplace_index(&mask, i)?.into())?;
let yes = this.read_immediate(&this.mplace_index(&yes, i)?.into())?;
let no = this.read_immediate(&this.mplace_index(&no, i)?.into())?;
let dest = this.mplace_index(&dest, i)?;
let val = if simd_element_to_bool(mask)? { yes } else { no };
this.write_immediate(*val, &dest.into())?;
"select_bitmask" => {
let [mask, yes, no] = check_arg_count(args)?;
let (yes, yes_len) = this.operand_to_simd(yes)?;
let (no, no_len) = this.operand_to_simd(no)?;
let (dest, dest_len) = this.place_to_simd(dest)?;
let bitmask_len = dest_len.max(8);
assert!(bitmask_len <= 64);
assert_eq!(bitmask_len, mask.layout.size.bits());
assert_eq!(dest_len, yes_len);
assert_eq!(dest_len, no_len);
let mask: u64 = this
for i in 0..dest_len {
let mask =
mask & (1 << simd_bitmask_index(i, dest_len, this.data_layout().endian));
let yes = this.read_immediate(&this.mplace_index(&yes, i)?.into())?;
let no = this.read_immediate(&this.mplace_index(&no, i)?.into())?;
let dest = this.mplace_index(&dest, i)?;
let val = if mask != 0 { yes } else { no };
this.write_immediate(*val, &dest.into())?;
for i in dest_len..bitmask_len {
// If the mask is "padded", ensure that padding is all-zero.
let mask = mask & (1 << i);
if mask != 0 {
"a SIMD bitmask less than 8 bits long must be filled with 0s for the remaining bits"
"cast" | "as" => {
let [op] = check_arg_count(args)?;
let (op, op_len) = this.operand_to_simd(op)?;
let (dest, dest_len) = this.place_to_simd(dest)?;
assert_eq!(dest_len, op_len);
let safe_cast = intrinsic_name == "as";
for i in 0..dest_len {
let op = this.read_immediate(&this.mplace_index(&op, i)?.into())?;
let dest = this.mplace_index(&dest, i)?;
let val = match (op.layout.ty.kind(), dest.layout.ty.kind()) {
// Int-to-(int|float): always safe
(ty::Int(_) | ty::Uint(_), ty::Int(_) | ty::Uint(_) | ty::Float(_)) =>
this.misc_cast(&op, dest.layout.ty)?,
// Float-to-float: always safe
(ty::Float(_), ty::Float(_)) =>
this.misc_cast(&op, dest.layout.ty)?,
// Float-to-int in safe mode
(ty::Float(_), ty::Int(_) | ty::Uint(_)) if safe_cast =>
this.misc_cast(&op, dest.layout.ty)?,
// Float-to-int in unchecked mode
(ty::Float(FloatTy::F32), ty::Int(_) | ty::Uint(_)) if !safe_cast =>
this.float_to_int_unchecked(op.to_scalar()?.to_f32()?, dest.layout.ty)?.into(),
(ty::Float(FloatTy::F64), ty::Int(_) | ty::Uint(_)) if !safe_cast =>
this.float_to_int_unchecked(op.to_scalar()?.to_f64()?, dest.layout.ty)?.into(),
_ =>
"Unsupported SIMD cast from element type {from_ty} to {to_ty}",
from_ty = op.layout.ty,
to_ty = dest.layout.ty,
this.write_immediate(val, &dest.into())?;
"shuffle" => {
let [left, right, index] = check_arg_count(args)?;
let (left, left_len) = this.operand_to_simd(left)?;
let (right, right_len) = this.operand_to_simd(right)?;
let (dest, dest_len) = this.place_to_simd(dest)?;
// `index` is an array, not a SIMD type
let ty::Array(_, index_len) = index.layout.ty.kind() else {
span_bug!(this.cur_span(), "simd_shuffle index argument has non-array type {}", index.layout.ty)
let index_len = index_len.eval_usize(*this.tcx, this.param_env());
assert_eq!(left_len, right_len);
assert_eq!(index_len, dest_len);
for i in 0..dest_len {
let src_index: u64 = this
.read_immediate(&this.operand_index(index, i)?)?
let dest = this.mplace_index(&dest, i)?;
let val = if src_index < left_len {
this.read_immediate(&this.mplace_index(&left, src_index)?.into())?
} else if src_index < left_len.checked_add(right_len).unwrap() {
&this.mplace_index(&right, src_index - left_len)?.into(),
} else {
"simd_shuffle index {src_index} is out of bounds for 2 vectors of size {left_len}",
this.write_immediate(*val, &dest.into())?;
"gather" => {
let [passthru, ptrs, mask] = check_arg_count(args)?;
let (passthru, passthru_len) = this.operand_to_simd(passthru)?;
let (ptrs, ptrs_len) = this.operand_to_simd(ptrs)?;
let (mask, mask_len) = this.operand_to_simd(mask)?;
let (dest, dest_len) = this.place_to_simd(dest)?;
assert_eq!(dest_len, passthru_len);
assert_eq!(dest_len, ptrs_len);
assert_eq!(dest_len, mask_len);
for i in 0..dest_len {
let passthru = this.read_immediate(&this.mplace_index(&passthru, i)?.into())?;
let ptr = this.read_immediate(&this.mplace_index(&ptrs, i)?.into())?;
let mask = this.read_immediate(&this.mplace_index(&mask, i)?.into())?;
let dest = this.mplace_index(&dest, i)?;
let val = if simd_element_to_bool(mask)? {
let place = this.deref_operand(&ptr.into())?;
} else {
this.write_immediate(*val, &dest.into())?;
"scatter" => {
let [value, ptrs, mask] = check_arg_count(args)?;
let (value, value_len) = this.operand_to_simd(value)?;
let (ptrs, ptrs_len) = this.operand_to_simd(ptrs)?;
let (mask, mask_len) = this.operand_to_simd(mask)?;
assert_eq!(ptrs_len, value_len);
assert_eq!(ptrs_len, mask_len);
for i in 0..ptrs_len {
let value = this.read_immediate(&this.mplace_index(&value, i)?.into())?;
let ptr = this.read_immediate(&this.mplace_index(&ptrs, i)?.into())?;
let mask = this.read_immediate(&this.mplace_index(&mask, i)?.into())?;
if simd_element_to_bool(mask)? {
let place = this.deref_operand(&ptr.into())?;
this.write_immediate(*value, &place.into())?;
"bitmask" => {
let [op] = check_arg_count(args)?;
let (op, op_len) = this.operand_to_simd(op)?;
let bitmask_len = op_len.max(8);
assert!(bitmask_len <= 64);
assert_eq!(bitmask_len, dest.layout.size.bits());
let mut res = 0u64;
for i in 0..op_len {
let op = this.read_immediate(&this.mplace_index(&op, i)?.into())?;
if simd_element_to_bool(op)? {
res |= 1 << simd_bitmask_index(i, op_len, this.data_layout().endian);
this.write_int(res, dest)?;
name => throw_unsup_format!("unimplemented intrinsic: `simd_{name}`"),
fn bool_to_simd_element(b: bool, size: Size) -> Scalar<Tag> {
// SIMD uses all-1 as pattern for "true"
let val = if b { -1 } else { 0 };
Scalar::from_int(val, size)
fn simd_element_to_bool(elem: ImmTy<'_, Tag>) -> InterpResult<'_, bool> {
let val = elem.to_scalar()?.to_int(elem.layout.size)?;
Ok(match val {
0 => false,
-1 => true,
_ => throw_ub_format!("each element of a SIMD mask must be all-0-bits or all-1-bits"),
fn simd_bitmask_index(idx: u64, vec_len: u64, endianess: Endian) -> u64 {
assert!(idx < vec_len);
match endianess {
Endian::Little => idx,
Endian::Big => vec_len - 1 - idx, // reverse order of bits
fn fmax_op<'tcx>(
left: &ImmTy<'tcx, Tag>,
right: &ImmTy<'tcx, Tag>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, Scalar<Tag>> {
assert_eq!(left.layout.ty, right.layout.ty);
let ty::Float(float_ty) = left.layout.ty.kind() else {
bug!("fmax operand is not a float")
let left = left.to_scalar()?;
let right = right.to_scalar()?;
Ok(match float_ty {
FloatTy::F32 => Scalar::from_f32(left.to_f32()?.max(right.to_f32()?)),
FloatTy::F64 => Scalar::from_f64(left.to_f64()?.max(right.to_f64()?)),
fn fmin_op<'tcx>(
left: &ImmTy<'tcx, Tag>,
right: &ImmTy<'tcx, Tag>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, Scalar<Tag>> {
assert_eq!(left.layout.ty, right.layout.ty);
let ty::Float(float_ty) = left.layout.ty.kind() else {
bug!("fmin operand is not a float")
let left = left.to_scalar()?;
let right = right.to_scalar()?;
Ok(match float_ty {
FloatTy::F32 => Scalar::from_f32(left.to_f32()?.min(right.to_f32()?)),
FloatTy::F64 => Scalar::from_f64(left.to_f64()?.min(right.to_f64()?)),
Reference in New Issue
Block a user