rustc: Represent types as uints. Cuts typechecking down from 14s to 12s.
This commit is contained in:
@ -65,9 +65,7 @@ fn method_ty_to_fn_ty(ctxt cx, method m) -> t {
ret mk_fn(cx, m.proto, m.inputs, m.output);
// Never construct these manually. These are interned. Also don't assume that
// you can access the fields of this type directly; soon these will just be
// uints, and that won't work anymore.
// Never construct these manually. These are interned.
// TODO: It'd be really nice to be able to hide this definition from the
// outside world, to enforce the above invariants.
@ -78,7 +76,8 @@ type raw_t = rec(sty struct,
bool has_bound_params,
bool has_vars,
bool has_locals);
type t = @raw_t;
type t = uint;
// NB: If you change this, you'll probably want to change the corresponding
// AST structure in front/ as well.
@ -137,76 +136,62 @@ tag type_err {
type ty_param_count_and_ty = tup(uint, t);
type type_cache = hashmap[ast.def_id,ty_param_count_and_ty];
type type_store = rec(vec[ty.t] empty_vec_ty,
vec[mutable ty.t] empty_vec_mutable_ty,
ty.t t_nil,
ty.t t_bool,
ty.t t_int,
ty.t t_float,
ty.t t_uint,
const uint idx_nil = 0u;
const uint idx_bool = 1u;
const uint idx_int = 2u;
const uint idx_float = 3u;
const uint idx_uint = 4u;
const uint idx_i8 = 5u;
const uint idx_i16 = 6u;
const uint idx_i32 = 7u;
const uint idx_i64 = 8u;
const uint idx_u8 = 9u;
const uint idx_u16 = 10u;
const uint idx_u32 = 11u;
const uint idx_u64 = 12u;
const uint idx_f32 = 13u;
const uint idx_f64 = 14u;
const uint idx_char = 15u;
const uint idx_str = 16u;
const uint idx_task = 17u;
const uint idx_native = 18u;
const uint idx_type = 19u;
const uint idx_first_others = 20u;
ty.t t_i8,
ty.t t_i16,
ty.t t_i32,
ty.t t_i64,
ty.t t_u8,
ty.t t_u16,
ty.t t_u32,
ty.t t_u64,
ty.t t_f32,
ty.t t_f64,
ty.t t_char,
ty.t t_str,
ty.t t_task,
ty.t t_native,
ty.t t_type,
mutable vec[ty.t] t_params,
mutable vec[ty.t] t_bound_params,
mutable vec[ty.t] t_vars,
hashmap[t,t] others);
type type_store = rec(mutable vec[raw_t] others,
hashmap[raw_t,uint] other_structural);
fn mk_type_store() -> @type_store {
auto hasher = hash_ty;
auto eqer = eq_ty_full;
let vec[raw_t] others = vec();
let hashmap[raw_t,uint] ost =
Map.mk_hashmap[raw_t,uint](hash_raw_ty, eq_raw_ty);
ret @rec(empty_vec_ty = Vec.empty[ty.t](),
empty_vec_mutable_ty = Vec.empty_mut[ty.t](),
t_nil = mk_ty_full(ty_nil, none[str]),
t_bool = mk_ty_full(ty_bool, none[str]),
t_int = mk_ty_full(ty_int, none[str]),
t_float = mk_ty_full(ty_float, none[str]),
t_uint = mk_ty_full(ty_uint, none[str]),
auto ts = @rec(mutable others=others, other_structural=ost);
t_i8 = mk_ty_full(ty_machine(ty_i8), none[str]),
t_i16 = mk_ty_full(ty_machine(ty_i16), none[str]),
t_i32 = mk_ty_full(ty_machine(ty_i32), none[str]),
t_i64 = mk_ty_full(ty_machine(ty_i64), none[str]),
intern(ts, ty_nil, none[str]);
intern(ts, ty_bool, none[str]);
intern(ts, ty_int, none[str]);
intern(ts, ty_float, none[str]);
intern(ts, ty_uint, none[str]);
intern(ts, ty_machine(ty_i8), none[str]);
intern(ts, ty_machine(ty_i16), none[str]);
intern(ts, ty_machine(ty_i32), none[str]);
intern(ts, ty_machine(ty_i64), none[str]);
intern(ts, ty_machine(ty_u8), none[str]);
intern(ts, ty_machine(ty_u16), none[str]);
intern(ts, ty_machine(ty_u32), none[str]);
intern(ts, ty_machine(ty_u64), none[str]);
intern(ts, ty_machine(ty_f32), none[str]);
intern(ts, ty_machine(ty_f64), none[str]);
intern(ts, ty_char, none[str]);
intern(ts, ty_str, none[str]);
intern(ts, ty_task, none[str]);
intern(ts, ty_native, none[str]);
intern(ts, ty_type, none[str]);
t_u8 = mk_ty_full(ty_machine(ty_u8), none[str]),
t_u16 = mk_ty_full(ty_machine(ty_u16), none[str]),
t_u32 = mk_ty_full(ty_machine(ty_u32), none[str]),
t_u64 = mk_ty_full(ty_machine(ty_u64), none[str]),
assert Vec.len(ts.others) == idx_first_others;
t_f32 = mk_ty_full(ty_machine(ty_f32), none[str]),
t_f64 = mk_ty_full(ty_machine(ty_f64), none[str]),
t_char = mk_ty_full(ty_char, none[str]),
t_str = mk_ty_full(ty_str, none[str]),
t_task = mk_ty_full(ty_task, none[str]),
t_native = mk_ty_full(ty_native, none[str]),
t_type = mk_ty_full(ty_type, none[str]),
mutable t_params = Vec.empty[ty.t](),
mutable t_bound_params = Vec.empty[ty.t](),
mutable t_vars = Vec.empty[ty.t](),
others=Map.mk_hashmap[t,t](hasher, eqer));
ret ts;
fn mk_rcache() -> creader_cache {
@ -231,9 +216,11 @@ fn mk_ctxt(session.session s) -> ctxt {
short_names_cache =
Map.mk_hashmap[ty.t,str](ty.hash_ty, ty.eq_ty));
// Type constructors
fn mk_ty_full(&sty st, &Option.t[str] cname) -> t {
fn mk_raw_ty(&@type_store ts, &sty st, &Option.t[str] cname) -> raw_t {
auto h = hash_type_info(st, cname);
let bool has_params = false;
@ -241,47 +228,52 @@ fn mk_ty_full(&sty st, &Option.t[str] cname) -> t {
let bool has_vars = false;
let bool has_locals = false;
fn derive_flags_t(&mutable bool has_params,
fn derive_flags_t(@type_store ts,
&mutable bool has_params,
&mutable bool has_bound_params,
&mutable bool has_vars,
&mutable bool has_locals,
&t tt) {
has_params = has_params || tt.has_params;
has_bound_params = has_bound_params || tt.has_bound_params;
has_vars = has_vars || tt.has_vars;
has_locals = has_locals || tt.has_locals;
auto rt = ts.others.(tt);
has_params = has_params || rt.has_params;
has_bound_params = has_bound_params || rt.has_bound_params;
has_vars = has_vars || rt.has_vars;
has_locals = has_locals || rt.has_locals;
fn derive_flags_mt(&mutable bool has_params,
fn derive_flags_mt(@type_store ts,
&mutable bool has_params,
&mutable bool has_bound_params,
&mutable bool has_vars,
&mutable bool has_locals,
&mt m) {
derive_flags_t(has_params, has_bound_params,
derive_flags_t(ts, has_params, has_bound_params,
has_vars, has_locals, m.ty);
fn derive_flags_arg(&mutable bool has_params,
fn derive_flags_arg(@type_store ts,
&mutable bool has_params,
&mutable bool has_bound_params,
&mutable bool has_vars,
&mutable bool has_locals,
&arg a) {
derive_flags_t(has_params, has_bound_params,
derive_flags_t(ts, has_params, has_bound_params,
has_vars, has_locals, a.ty);
fn derive_flags_sig(&mutable bool has_params,
fn derive_flags_sig(@type_store ts,
&mutable bool has_params,
&mutable bool has_bound_params,
&mutable bool has_vars,
&mutable bool has_locals,
&vec[arg] args,
&t tt) {
for (arg a in args) {
derive_flags_arg(has_params, has_bound_params,
derive_flags_arg(ts, has_params, has_bound_params,
has_vars, has_locals, a);
derive_flags_t(has_params, has_bound_params,
derive_flags_t(ts, has_params, has_bound_params,
has_vars, has_locals, tt);
@ -292,57 +284,57 @@ fn mk_ty_full(&sty st, &Option.t[str] cname) -> t {
case (ty_local(_)) { has_locals = true; }
case (ty_tag(_, ?tys)) {
for (t tt in tys) {
derive_flags_t(has_params, has_bound_params,
derive_flags_t(ts, has_params, has_bound_params,
has_vars, has_locals, tt);
case (ty_box(?m)) {
derive_flags_mt(has_params, has_bound_params,
derive_flags_mt(ts, has_params, has_bound_params,
has_vars, has_locals, m);
case (ty_vec(?m)) {
derive_flags_mt(has_params, has_bound_params,
derive_flags_mt(ts, has_params, has_bound_params,
has_vars, has_locals, m);
case (ty_port(?tt)) {
derive_flags_t(has_params, has_bound_params,
derive_flags_t(ts, has_params, has_bound_params,
has_vars, has_locals, tt);
case (ty_chan(?tt)) {
derive_flags_t(has_params, has_bound_params,
derive_flags_t(ts, has_params, has_bound_params,
has_vars, has_locals, tt);
case (ty_tup(?mts)) {
for (mt m in mts) {
derive_flags_mt(has_params, has_bound_params,
derive_flags_mt(ts, has_params, has_bound_params,
has_vars, has_locals, m);
case (ty_rec(?flds)) {
for (field f in flds) {
derive_flags_mt(has_params, has_bound_params,
derive_flags_mt(ts, has_params, has_bound_params,
has_vars, has_locals,;
case (ty_fn(_, ?args, ?tt)) {
derive_flags_sig(has_params, has_bound_params,
derive_flags_sig(ts, has_params, has_bound_params,
has_vars, has_locals, args, tt);
case (ty_native_fn(_, ?args, ?tt)) {
derive_flags_sig(has_params, has_bound_params,
derive_flags_sig(ts, has_params, has_bound_params,
has_vars, has_locals, args, tt);
case (ty_obj(?meths)) {
for (method m in meths) {
derive_flags_sig(has_params, has_bound_params,
derive_flags_sig(ts, has_params, has_bound_params,
has_vars, has_locals,
m.inputs, m.output);
@ -350,26 +342,37 @@ fn mk_ty_full(&sty st, &Option.t[str] cname) -> t {
case (_) { }
ret @rec(struct=st, cname=cname, hash=h,
has_params = has_params,
has_bound_params = has_bound_params,
has_vars = has_vars,
has_locals = has_locals);
ret rec(struct=st, cname=cname, hash=h,
has_params = has_params,
has_bound_params = has_bound_params,
has_vars = has_vars,
has_locals = has_locals);
fn intern_raw_ty(&@type_store ts, &raw_t rt) {
auto type_num = Vec.len[raw_t](ts.others);
ts.others += vec(rt);
ts.other_structural.insert(rt, type_num);
fn intern(&@type_store ts, &sty st, &Option.t[str] cname) {
intern_raw_ty(ts, mk_raw_ty(ts, st, cname));
fn gen_ty_full(&ctxt cx, &sty st, &Option.t[str] cname) -> t {
auto new_type = mk_ty_full(st, cname);
auto raw_type = mk_raw_ty(cx.ts, st, cname);
// Is it interned?
alt (cx.ts.others.find(new_type)) {
alt (cx.ts.other_structural.find(raw_type)) {
case (some[t](?typ)) {
ret typ;
case (none[t]) {
// Nope. Insert it and return.
cx.ts.others.insert(new_type, new_type);
// log_err "added: " + ty_to_str(tystore, new_type);
ret new_type;
auto type_num = Vec.len[raw_t](cx.ts.others);
intern_raw_ty(cx.ts, raw_type);
// log_err "added: " + ty_to_str(tystore, raw_type);
ret type_num;
@ -380,32 +383,32 @@ fn gen_ty(&ctxt cx, &sty st) -> t {
ret gen_ty_full(cx, st, none[str]);
fn mk_nil(&ctxt cx) -> t { ret cx.ts.t_nil; }
fn mk_bool(&ctxt cx) -> t { ret cx.ts.t_bool; }
fn mk_int(&ctxt cx) -> t { ret cx.ts.t_int; }
fn mk_float(&ctxt cx) -> t { ret cx.ts.t_float; }
fn mk_uint(&ctxt cx) -> t { ret cx.ts.t_uint; }
fn mk_nil(&ctxt cx) -> t { ret idx_nil; }
fn mk_bool(&ctxt cx) -> t { ret idx_bool; }
fn mk_int(&ctxt cx) -> t { ret idx_int; }
fn mk_float(&ctxt cx) -> t { ret idx_float; }
fn mk_uint(&ctxt cx) -> t { ret idx_uint; }
fn mk_mach(&ctxt cx, &util.common.ty_mach tm) -> t {
alt (tm) {
case (ty_u8) { ret cx.ts.t_u8; }
case (ty_u16) { ret cx.ts.t_u16; }
case (ty_u32) { ret cx.ts.t_u32; }
case (ty_u64) { ret cx.ts.t_u64; }
case (ty_u8) { ret idx_u8; }
case (ty_u16) { ret idx_u16; }
case (ty_u32) { ret idx_u32; }
case (ty_u64) { ret idx_u64; }
case (ty_i8) { ret cx.ts.t_i8; }
case (ty_i16) { ret cx.ts.t_i16; }
case (ty_i32) { ret cx.ts.t_i32; }
case (ty_i64) { ret cx.ts.t_i64; }
case (ty_i8) { ret idx_i8; }
case (ty_i16) { ret idx_i16; }
case (ty_i32) { ret idx_i32; }
case (ty_i64) { ret idx_i64; }
case (ty_f32) { ret cx.ts.t_f32; }
case (ty_f64) { ret cx.ts.t_f64; }
case (ty_f32) { ret idx_f32; }
case (ty_f64) { ret idx_f64; }
fn mk_char(&ctxt cx) -> t { ret cx.ts.t_char; }
fn mk_str(&ctxt cx) -> t { ret cx.ts.t_str; }
fn mk_char(&ctxt cx) -> t { ret idx_char; }
fn mk_str(&ctxt cx) -> t { ret idx_str; }
fn mk_tag(&ctxt cx, &ast.def_id did, &vec[t] tys) -> t {
ret gen_ty(cx, ty_tag(did, tys));
@ -450,40 +453,30 @@ fn mk_obj(&ctxt cx, &vec[method] meths) -> t {
fn mk_var(&ctxt cx, int v) -> t {
ret mk_ty_full(ty_var(v), none[str]);
ret gen_ty(cx, ty_var(v));
fn mk_local(&ctxt cx, ast.def_id did) -> t {
ret mk_ty_full(ty_local(did), none[str]);
ret gen_ty(cx, ty_local(did));
fn mk_param(&ctxt cx, uint n) -> t {
let uint i = Vec.len[t](cx.ts.t_params);
while (i <= n) {
cx.ts.t_params += vec(mk_ty_full(ty_param(i), none[str]));
i += 1u;
ret cx.ts.t_params.(n);
ret gen_ty(cx, ty_param(n));
fn mk_bound_param(&ctxt cx, uint n) -> t {
let uint i = Vec.len[t](cx.ts.t_bound_params);
while (i <= n) {
cx.ts.t_bound_params += vec(mk_ty_full(ty_bound_param(i), none[str]));
i += 1u;
ret cx.ts.t_bound_params.(n);
ret gen_ty(cx, ty_bound_param(n));
fn mk_type(&ctxt cx) -> t { ret cx.ts.t_type; }
fn mk_native(&ctxt cx) -> t { ret cx.ts.t_native; }
fn mk_type(&ctxt cx) -> t { ret idx_type; }
fn mk_native(&ctxt cx) -> t { ret idx_native; }
// Returns the one-level-deep type structure of the given type.
fn struct(&ctxt cx, &t typ) -> sty { ret typ.struct; }
fn struct(&ctxt cx, &t typ) -> sty { ret cx.ts.others.(typ).struct; }
// Returns the canonical name of the given type.
fn cname(&ctxt cx, &t typ) -> Option.t[str] { ret typ.cname; }
fn cname(&ctxt cx, &t typ) -> Option.t[str] { ret cx.ts.others.(typ).cname; }
// Stringification
@ -825,7 +818,7 @@ fn rename(ctxt cx, t typ, str new_cname) -> t {
// Returns a type with the structural part taken from `struct_ty` and the
// canonical name from `cname_ty`.
fn copy_cname(ctxt cx, t struct_ty, t cname_ty) -> t {
ret gen_ty_full(cx, struct(cx, struct_ty), cname_ty.cname);
ret gen_ty_full(cx, struct(cx, struct_ty), cname(cx, cname_ty));
fn type_is_nil(&ctxt cx, &t ty) -> bool {
@ -1154,7 +1147,9 @@ fn hash_type_info(&sty st, &Option.t[str] cname_opt) -> uint {
ret h;
fn hash_ty(&t typ) -> uint { ret typ.hash; }
fn hash_raw_ty(&raw_t rt) -> uint { ret rt.hash; }
fn hash_ty(&t typ) -> uint { ret typ; }
// Type equality. This function is private to this module (and slow); external
@ -1399,7 +1394,7 @@ fn equal_type_structures(&sty a, &sty b) -> bool {
// module.
// FIXME: Use structural comparison, but this loops forever and segfaults.
fn eq_ty_full(&t a, &t b) -> bool {
fn eq_raw_ty(&raw_t a, &raw_t b) -> bool {
// Check hashes (fast path).
if (a.hash != b.hash) {
ret false;
@ -1429,7 +1424,7 @@ fn eq_ty_full(&t a, &t b) -> bool {
// This is the equality function the public should use. It works as long as
// the types are interned.
fn eq_ty(&t a, &t b) -> bool { ret Box.ptr_eq[raw_t](a, b); }
fn eq_ty(&t a, &t b) -> bool { ret a == b; }
fn ann_to_type(&ast.ann ann) -> t {
@ -1515,19 +1510,19 @@ fn count_ty_params(ctxt cx, t ty) -> uint {
fn type_contains_vars(&ctxt cx, &t typ) -> bool {
ret typ.has_vars;
ret cx.ts.others.(typ).has_vars;
fn type_contains_locals(&ctxt cx, &t typ) -> bool {
ret typ.has_locals;
ret cx.ts.others.(typ).has_locals;
fn type_contains_params(&ctxt cx, &t typ) -> bool {
ret typ.has_params;
ret cx.ts.others.(typ).has_params;
fn type_contains_bound_params(&ctxt cx, &t typ) -> bool {
ret typ.has_bound_params;
ret cx.ts.others.(typ).has_bound_params;
// Type accessors for substructures of types
Reference in New Issue
Block a user