Rework stability annotation pass
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
//! propagating default levels lexically from parent to children ast nodes.
pub use self::StabilityLevel::*;
use self::AnnotationKind::*;
use session::Session;
use lint;
@ -30,8 +31,8 @@ use syntax::attr::{self, Stability, AttrMetaMethods};
use util::nodemap::{DefIdMap, FnvHashSet, FnvHashMap};
use rustc_front::hir;
use rustc_front::hir::{FnDecl, Block, Crate, Item, Generics, StructField, Variant};
use rustc_front::visit::{self, FnKind, Visitor};
use rustc_front::hir::{Block, Crate, Item, Generics, StructField, Variant};
use rustc_front::visit::{self, Visitor};
use std::mem::replace;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
@ -48,6 +49,16 @@ impl StabilityLevel {
enum AnnotationKind {
// Annotation is required if not inherited from unstable parents
// Annotation is useless, reject it
// Annotation itself is useless, but it can be propagated to children
/// A stability index, giving the stability level for items and methods.
pub struct Index<'tcx> {
/// This is mostly a cache, except the stabilities of local items
@ -64,174 +75,180 @@ struct Annotator<'a, 'tcx: 'a> {
index: &'a mut Index<'tcx>,
parent: Option<&'tcx Stability>,
export_map: &'a PublicItems,
in_trait_impl: bool,
in_enum: bool,
impl<'a, 'tcx: 'a> Annotator<'a, 'tcx> {
// Determine the stability for a node based on its attributes and inherited
// stability. The stability is recorded in the index and used as the parent.
fn annotate<F>(&mut self, id: NodeId, use_parent: bool,
attrs: &Vec<Attribute>, item_sp: Span, f: F, required: bool) where
F: FnOnce(&mut Annotator),
fn annotate<F>(&mut self, id: NodeId, attrs: &Vec<Attribute>,
item_sp: Span, kind: AnnotationKind, visit_children: F)
where F: FnOnce(&mut Annotator)
if self.index.staged_api[&LOCAL_CRATE] {
debug!("annotate(id = {:?}, attrs = {:?})", id, attrs);
match attr::find_stability(self.tcx.sess.diagnostic(), attrs, item_sp) {
Some(mut stab) => {
debug!("annotate: found {:?}", stab);
// if parent is deprecated and we're not, inherit this by merging
// deprecated_since and its reason.
if let Some(parent_stab) = self.parent {
if parent_stab.depr.is_some()
&& stab.depr.is_none() {
stab.depr = parent_stab.depr.clone()
if let Some(mut stab) = attr::find_stability(self.tcx.sess.diagnostic(),
attrs, item_sp) {
// Error if prohibited, or can't inherit anything from a container
if kind == AnnProhibited ||
kind == AnnContainer && stab.level.is_stable() && stab.depr.is_none() {
self.tcx.sess.span_err(item_sp, "This stability annotation is useless");
debug!("annotate: found {:?}", stab);
// If parent is deprecated and we're not, inherit this by merging
// deprecated_since and its reason.
if let Some(parent_stab) = self.parent {
if parent_stab.depr.is_some() && stab.depr.is_none() {
stab.depr = parent_stab.depr.clone()
let stab = self.tcx.intern_stability(stab);
// Check if deprecated_since < stable_since. If it is,
// this is *almost surely* an accident.
if let (&Some(attr::Deprecation {since: ref dep_since, ..}),
&attr::Stable {since: ref stab_since}) = (&stab.depr, &stab.level) {
// Explicit version of iter::order::lt to handle parse errors properly
for (dep_v, stab_v) in dep_since.split(".").zip(stab_since.split(".")) {
if let (Ok(dep_v), Ok(stab_v)) = (dep_v.parse::<u64>(), stab_v.parse()) {
match dep_v.cmp(&stab_v) {
Ordering::Less => {
self.tcx.sess.span_err(item_sp, "An API can't be stabilized \
after it is deprecated");
Ordering::Equal => continue,
Ordering::Greater => break,
} else {
// Act like it isn't less because the question is now nonsensical,
// and this makes us not do anything else interesting.
self.tcx.sess.span_err(item_sp, "Invalid stability or deprecation \
version found");
let stab = self.tcx.intern_stability(stab);
let def_id =;
||||, Some(stab));
// Check if deprecated_since < stable_since. If it is,
// this is *almost surely* an accident.
let deprecated_predates_stable = match (&stab.depr, &stab.level) {
(&Some(attr::Deprecation {since: ref dep_since, ..}),
&attr::Stable {since: ref stab_since}) => {
// explicit version of iter::order::lt to handle parse errors properly
let mut is_less = false;
for (dep_v, stab_v) in dep_since.split(".").zip(stab_since.split(".")) {
match (dep_v.parse::<u64>(), stab_v.parse::<u64>()) {
(Ok(dep_v), Ok(stab_v)) => match dep_v.cmp(&stab_v) {
Ordering::Less => {
is_less = true;
Ordering::Equal => { continue; }
Ordering::Greater => { break; }
_ => {
"Invalid stability or deprecation version found");
// act like it isn't less because the question is now
// nonsensical, and this makes us not do anything else
// interesting.
_ => false,
if deprecated_predates_stable {
"An API can't be stabilized after it is deprecated");
let def_id =;
||||, Some(stab));
// Don't inherit #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
if !stab.level.is_stable() {
let parent = replace(&mut self.parent, Some(stab));
self.parent = parent;
} else {
let parent = replace(&mut self.parent, Some(stab));
self.parent = parent;
} else {
debug!("annotate: not found, parent = {:?}", self.parent);
let mut is_error = kind == AnnRequired &&
self.export_map.contains(&id) &&
if let Some(stab) = self.parent {
if stab.level.is_unstable() {
let def_id =;
||||, Some(stab));
is_error = false;
None => {
debug!("annotate: not found, use_parent = {:?}, parent = {:?}",
use_parent, self.parent);
if use_parent {
if let Some(stab) = self.parent {
let def_id =;
||||, Some(stab));
} else if self.index.staged_api[&LOCAL_CRATE] && required
&& self.export_map.contains(&id)
&& !self.tcx.sess.opts.test {
"This node does not \
have a stability attribute");
if is_error {
self.tcx.sess.span_err(item_sp, "This node does not have \
a stability attribute");
} else {
// Emit warnings for non-staged-api crates. These should be errors.
// Emit errors for non-staged-api crates.
for attr in attrs {
let tag =;
if tag == "unstable" || tag == "stable" || tag == "deprecated" {
"stability attributes may not be used outside \
of the standard library");
self.tcx.sess.span_err(attr.span(), "stability attributes may not be used \
outside of the standard library");
impl<'a, 'tcx, 'v> Visitor<'v> for Annotator<'a, 'tcx> {
fn visit_item(&mut self, i: &Item) {
// FIXME (#18969): the following is a hack around the fact
// that we cannot currently annotate the stability of
// `deriving`. Basically, we do *not* allow stability
// inheritance on trait implementations, so that derived
// implementations appear to be unannotated. This then allows
// derived implementations to be automatically tagged with the
// stability of the trait. This is WRONG, but expedient to get
// libstd stabilized for the 1.0 release.
let use_parent = match i.node {
hir::ItemImpl(_, _, _, Some(_), _, _) => false,
_ => true,
// In case of a `pub use <mod>;`, we should not error since the stability
// is inherited from the module itself
let required = match i.node {
hir::ItemUse(_) => i.vis != hir::Public,
_ => true
self.annotate(, use_parent, &i.attrs, i.span,
|v| visit::walk_item(v, i), required);
if let hir::ItemStruct(ref sd, _) = i.node {
if !sd.is_struct() {
self.annotate(, true, &i.attrs, i.span, |_| {}, true)
let orig_in_trait_impl = self.in_trait_impl;
let orig_in_enum = self.in_enum;
let mut kind = AnnRequired;
match i.node {
// Inherent impls and foreign modules serve only as containers for other items,
// they don't have their own stability. They still can be annotated as unstable
// and propagate this unstability to children, but this annotation is completely
// optional. They inherit stability from their parents when unannotated.
hir::ItemImpl(_, _, _, None, _, _) | hir::ItemForeignMod(..) => {
self.in_trait_impl = false;
kind = AnnContainer;
hir::ItemImpl(_, _, _, Some(_), _, _) => {
self.in_trait_impl = true;
hir::ItemStruct(ref sd, _) => {
self.in_enum = false;
if !sd.is_struct() {
self.annotate(, &i.attrs, i.span, AnnRequired, |_| {})
hir::ItemEnum(..) => {
self.in_enum = true;
_ => {}
fn visit_fn(&mut self, _: FnKind<'v>, _: &'v FnDecl,
_: &'v Block, _: Span, _: NodeId) {
// Items defined in a function body have no reason to have
// a stability attribute, so we don't recurse.
self.annotate(, &i.attrs, i.span, kind, |v| {
visit::walk_item(v, i)
self.in_trait_impl = orig_in_trait_impl;
self.in_enum = orig_in_enum;
fn visit_trait_item(&mut self, ti: &hir::TraitItem) {
self.annotate(, true, &ti.attrs, ti.span,
|v| visit::walk_trait_item(v, ti), true);
self.annotate(, &ti.attrs, ti.span, AnnRequired, |v| {
visit::walk_trait_item(v, ti);
fn visit_impl_item(&mut self, ii: &hir::ImplItem) {
self.annotate(, true, &ii.attrs, ii.span,
|v| visit::walk_impl_item(v, ii), false);
let kind = if self.in_trait_impl { AnnProhibited } else { AnnRequired };
self.annotate(, &ii.attrs, ii.span, kind, |v| {
visit::walk_impl_item(v, ii);
fn visit_variant(&mut self, var: &Variant, g: &'v Generics, item_id: NodeId) {
self.annotate(, true, &var.node.attrs, var.span,
|v| visit::walk_variant(v, var, g, item_id), true)
self.annotate(, &var.node.attrs, var.span, AnnRequired, |v| {
visit::walk_variant(v, var, g, item_id);
fn visit_struct_field(&mut self, s: &StructField) {
self.annotate(, true, &s.node.attrs, s.span,
|v| visit::walk_struct_field(v, s), !s.node.kind.is_unnamed());
// FIXME: This is temporary, can't use attributes with tuple variant fields until snapshot
let kind = if self.in_enum && s.node.kind.is_unnamed() {
} else {
self.annotate(, &s.node.attrs, s.span, kind, |v| {
visit::walk_struct_field(v, s);
fn visit_foreign_item(&mut self, i: &hir::ForeignItem) {
self.annotate(, true, &i.attrs, i.span, |_| {}, true);
self.annotate(, &i.attrs, i.span, AnnRequired, |v| {
visit::walk_foreign_item(v, i);
fn visit_macro_def(&mut self, md: &'v hir::MacroDef) {
if md.imported_from.is_none() {
self.annotate(, &md.attrs, md.span, AnnRequired, |_| {});
@ -243,21 +260,21 @@ impl<'tcx> Index<'tcx> {
index: self,
parent: None,
export_map: export_map,
in_trait_impl: false,
in_enum: false,
annotator.annotate(ast::CRATE_NODE_ID, true, &krate.attrs, krate.span,
|v| visit::walk_crate(v, krate), true);
annotator.annotate(ast::CRATE_NODE_ID, &krate.attrs, krate.span, AnnRequired,
|v| visit::walk_crate(v, krate));
pub fn new(krate: &Crate) -> Index {
let mut is_staged_api = false;
for attr in &krate.attrs {
if &[..] == "staged_api" {
match attr.node.value.node {
ast::MetaWord(_) => {
is_staged_api = true;
_ => (/*pass*/)
if == "staged_api" {
if let ast::MetaWord(_) = attr.node.value.node {
is_staged_api = true;
@ -739,7 +739,6 @@ pub fn phase_3_run_analysis_passes<'tcx, F, R>(sess: &'tcx Session,
|tcx| {
// passes are timed inside typeck
typeck::check_crate(tcx, trait_map);
@ -756,7 +755,7 @@ pub fn phase_3_run_analysis_passes<'tcx, F, R>(sess: &'tcx Session,
// Do not move this check past lint
time(time_passes, "stability index", || {
tcx.stability.borrow_mut().build(tcx, krate, &public_items)
tcx.stability.borrow_mut().build(tcx, krate, &exported_items)
@ -221,9 +221,12 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx, 'v> Visitor<'v> for EmbargoVisitor<'a, 'tcx> {
let orig_all_exported = self.prev_exported;
match item.node {
// impls/extern blocks do not break the "public chain" because they
// cannot have visibility qualifiers on them anyway. They are also not
// cannot have visibility qualifiers on them anyway. Impls are also not
// added to public/exported sets based on inherited publicity.
hir::ItemImpl(..) | hir::ItemDefaultImpl(..) | hir::ItemForeignMod(..) => {}
hir::ItemImpl(..) | hir::ItemDefaultImpl(..) => {}
hir::ItemForeignMod(..) => {
// Private by default, hence we only retain the "public chain" if
// `pub` is explicitly listed.
@ -249,12 +252,17 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx, 'v> Visitor<'v> for EmbargoVisitor<'a, 'tcx> {
// Public items in inherent impls for public/exported types are public/exported
// Inherent impls themselves are not public/exported, they are nothing more than
// containers for other items
// Inherent impls for public/exported types and their public items are public/exported
hir::ItemImpl(_, _, _, None, ref ty, ref impl_items) => {
let (public_ty, exported_ty) = self.is_public_exported_ty(&ty);
if public_ty {
if exported_ty {
for impl_item in impl_items {
if impl_item.vis == hir::Public {
if public_ty {
@ -1512,6 +1520,8 @@ pub fn check_crate(tcx: &ty::ctxt,
prev_exported: true,
prev_public: true,
loop {
let before = (visitor.exported_items.len(), visitor.public_items.len());
visit::walk_crate(&mut visitor, krate);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user