auto merge of : sanxiyn/rust/vec-match-tail-2, r=nikomatsakis

Incorporated @nikomatsakis's comments from .

Fix .
This commit is contained in:
bors 2013-03-11 04:27:48 -07:00
commit 51cdca0bf0
17 changed files with 283 additions and 160 deletions

@ -617,17 +617,17 @@ pub impl GatherLoanCtxt {
ast::pat_vec(_, Some(tail_pat)) => {
// The `tail_pat` here creates a slice into the
ast::pat_vec(_, Some(slice_pat), _) => {
// The `slice_pat` here creates a slice into the
// original vector. This is effectively a borrow of
// the elements of the vector being matched.
let tail_ty = self.tcx().ty(tail_pat);
let (tail_mutbl, tail_r) =
self.vec_slice_info(tail_pat, tail_ty);
let slice_ty = self.tcx().ty(slice_pat);
let (slice_mutbl, slice_r) =
self.vec_slice_info(slice_pat, slice_ty);
let mcx = self.bccx.mc_ctxt();
let cmt_index = mcx.cat_index(tail_pat, cmt);
self.guarantee_valid(cmt_index, tail_mutbl, tail_r);
let cmt_index = mcx.cat_index(slice_pat, cmt);
self.guarantee_valid(cmt_index, slice_mutbl, slice_r);
_ => {}
@ -637,7 +637,7 @@ pub impl GatherLoanCtxt {
fn vec_slice_info(@mut self,
pat: @ast::pat,
tail_ty: ty::t) -> (ast::mutability, ty::Region) {
slice_ty: ty::t) -> (ast::mutability, ty::Region) {
* In a pattern like [a, b, ..c], normally `c` has slice type,
@ -646,9 +646,9 @@ pub impl GatherLoanCtxt {
* to recurse through rptrs.
match ty::get(tail_ty).sty {
ty::ty_evec(tail_mt, ty::vstore_slice(tail_r)) => {
(tail_mt.mutbl, tail_r)
match ty::get(slice_ty).sty {
ty::ty_evec(slice_mt, ty::vstore_slice(slice_r)) => {
(slice_mt.mutbl, slice_r)
ty::ty_rptr(_, ref mt) => {
@ -658,7 +658,7 @@ pub impl GatherLoanCtxt {
_ => {
fmt!("Type of tail pattern is not a slice"));
fmt!("Type of slice pattern is not a slice"));

@ -244,7 +244,9 @@ pub fn is_useful(cx: @MatchCheckCtxt, m: &matrix, v: &[@pat]) -> useful {
ty::ty_unboxed_vec(*) | ty::ty_evec(*) => {
let max_len = do m.foldr(0) |r, max_len| {
match /*bad*/copy r[0].node {
pat_vec(elems, _) => uint::max(elems.len(), max_len),
pat_vec(before, _, after) => {
uint::max(before.len() + after.len(), max_len)
_ => max_len
@ -322,10 +324,10 @@ pub fn pat_ctor_id(cx: @MatchCheckCtxt, p: @pat) -> Option<ctor> {
pat_box(_) | pat_uniq(_) | pat_tup(_) | pat_region(*) => {
pat_vec(elems, tail) => {
match tail {
pat_vec(before, slice, after) => {
match slice {
Some(_) => None,
None => Some(vec(elems.len()))
None => Some(vec(before.len() + after.len()))
@ -393,22 +395,22 @@ pub fn missing_ctor(cx: @MatchCheckCtxt,
ty::ty_unboxed_vec(*) | ty::ty_evec(*) => {
// Find the lengths and tails of all vector patterns.
// Find the lengths and slices of all vector patterns.
let vec_pat_lens = do m.filter_mapped |r| {
match r[0].node {
pat_vec(ref elems, ref tail) => {
Some((elems.len(), tail.is_some()))
pat_vec(ref before, ref slice, ref after) => {
Some((before.len() + after.len(), slice.is_some()))
_ => None
// Sort them by length such that for patterns of the same length,
// those with a destructured tail come first.
// those with a destructured slice come first.
let mut sorted_vec_lens = sort::merge_sort(vec_pat_lens,
|&(len1, tail1), &(len2, tail2)| {
|&(len1, slice1), &(len2, slice2)| {
if len1 == len2 {
tail1 > tail2
slice1 > slice2
} else {
len1 <= len2
@ -416,24 +418,24 @@ pub fn missing_ctor(cx: @MatchCheckCtxt,
vec::dedup(&mut sorted_vec_lens);
let mut found_tail = false;
let mut found_slice = false;
let mut next = 0;
let mut missing = None;
for sorted_vec_lens.each |&(length, tail)| {
for sorted_vec_lens.each |&(length, slice)| {
if length != next {
missing = Some(next);
if tail {
found_tail = true;
if slice {
found_slice = true;
next += 1;
// We found patterns of all lengths within <0, next), yet there was no
// pattern with a tail - therefore, we report vec(next) as missing.
if !found_tail {
// pattern with a slice - therefore, we report vec(next) as missing.
if !found_slice {
missing = Some(next);
match missing {
@ -621,19 +623,25 @@ pub fn specialize(cx: @MatchCheckCtxt,
compare_const_vals(c_hi, v_hi) <= 0;
if match_ { Some(vec::from_slice(r.tail())) } else { None }
pat_vec(elems, tail) => {
pat_vec(before, slice, after) => {
match ctor_id {
vec(_) => {
let num_elements = elems.len();
if num_elements < arity && tail.is_some() {
let num_elements = before.len() + after.len();
if num_elements < arity && slice.is_some() {
vec::append(elems, vec::from_elem(
arity - num_elements, wild()
arity - num_elements, wild()),
} else if num_elements == arity {
Some(vec::append(elems, r.tail()))
vec::append(before, after),
} else {

@ -963,16 +963,19 @@ pub impl mem_categorization_ctxt {
self.cat_pattern(subcmt, subpat, op);
ast::pat_vec(ref pats, opt_tail_pat) => {
for pats.each |pat| {
ast::pat_vec(ref before, slice, ref after) => {
for before.each |pat| {
let elt_cmt = self.cat_index(*pat, cmt);
self.cat_pattern(elt_cmt, *pat, op);
for opt_tail_pat.each |tail_pat| {
let tail_ty = self.tcx.ty(*tail_pat);
let tail_cmt = self.cat_rvalue(*tail_pat, tail_ty);
self.cat_pattern(tail_cmt, *tail_pat, op);
for slice.each |slice_pat| {
let slice_ty = self.tcx.ty(*slice_pat);
let slice_cmt = self.cat_rvalue(*slice_pat, slice_ty);
self.cat_pattern(slice_cmt, *slice_pat, op);
for after.each |pat| {
let elt_cmt = self.cat_index(*pat, cmt);
self.cat_pattern(elt_cmt, *pat, op);

@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ pub enum Opt {
var(/* disr val */int, @adt::Repr),
range(@ast::expr, @ast::expr),
vec_len_ge(uint, /* slice */uint)
pub fn opt_eq(tcx: ty::ctxt, a: &Opt, b: &Opt) -> bool {
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ pub fn opt_eq(tcx: ty::ctxt, a: &Opt, b: &Opt) -> bool {
(&var(a, _), &var(b, _)) => a == b,
(&vec_len_eq(a), &vec_len_eq(b)) => a == b,
(&vec_len_ge(a), &vec_len_ge(b)) => a == b,
(&vec_len_ge(a, _), &vec_len_ge(b, _)) => a == b,
_ => false
@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ pub fn trans_opt(bcx: block, o: &Opt) -> opt_result {
vec_len_eq(n) => {
return single_result(rslt(bcx, C_int(ccx, n as int)));
vec_len_ge(n) => {
vec_len_ge(n, _) => {
return lower_bound(rslt(bcx, C_int(ccx, n as int)));
@ -565,18 +565,22 @@ pub fn enter_opt(bcx: block, m: &[@Match/&r], opt: &Opt, col: uint,
ast::pat_vec(elems, tail) => {
match tail {
ast::pat_vec(before, slice, after) => {
match slice {
Some(_) => {
if opt_eq(tcx, &vec_len_ge(elems.len()), opt) {
Some(vec::append_one(elems, tail.get()))
let n = before.len() + after.len();
let i = before.len();
if opt_eq(tcx, &vec_len_ge(n, i), opt) {
&[before, ~[slice.get()], after]))
} else {
None => {
if opt_eq(tcx, &vec_len_eq(elems.len()), opt) {
Some(copy elems)
let n = before.len();
if opt_eq(tcx, &vec_len_eq(n), opt) {
Some(copy before)
} else {
@ -807,10 +811,11 @@ pub fn get_options(bcx: block, m: &[@Match], col: uint) -> ~[Opt] {
ast::pat_range(l1, l2) => {
add_to_set(ccx.tcx, &mut found, range(l1, l2));
ast::pat_vec(elems, tail) => {
let opt = match tail {
None => vec_len_eq(elems.len()),
Some(_) => vec_len_ge(elems.len())
ast::pat_vec(before, slice, after) => {
let opt = match slice {
None => vec_len_eq(before.len()),
Some(_) => vec_len_ge(before.len() + after.len(),
add_to_set(ccx.tcx, &mut found, opt);
@ -841,8 +846,9 @@ pub fn extract_variant_args(bcx: block,
pub fn extract_vec_elems(bcx: block,
pat_id: ast::node_id,
elem_count: uint,
tail: bool,
val: ValueRef)
slice: Option<uint>,
val: ValueRef,
count: ValueRef)
-> ExtractedBlock {
let _icx = bcx.insn_ctxt("match::extract_vec_elems");
let vt = tvec::vec_types(bcx, node_id_type(bcx, pat_id));
@ -850,26 +856,39 @@ pub fn extract_vec_elems(bcx: block,
let (base, len) = tvec::get_base_and_len(bcx, unboxed, vt.vec_ty);
let mut elems = do vec::from_fn(elem_count) |i| {
GEPi(bcx, base, ~[i])
match slice {
None => GEPi(bcx, base, ~[i]),
Some(n) if i < n => GEPi(bcx, base, ~[i]),
Some(n) if i > n => {
InBoundsGEP(bcx, base, ~[
Sub(bcx, count,
C_int(bcx.ccx(), (elem_count - i) as int))])
_ => unsafe { llvm::LLVMGetUndef(vt.llunit_ty) }
if tail {
let tail_offset = Mul(bcx, vt.llunit_size,
C_int(bcx.ccx(), elem_count as int)
if slice.is_some() {
let n = slice.get();
let slice_offset = Mul(bcx, vt.llunit_size,
C_int(bcx.ccx(), n as int)
let tail_begin = tvec::pointer_add(bcx, base, tail_offset);
let tail_len = Sub(bcx, len, tail_offset);
let tail_ty = ty::mk_evec(bcx.tcx(),
let slice_begin = tvec::pointer_add(bcx, base, slice_offset);
let slice_len_offset = Mul(bcx, vt.llunit_size,
C_int(bcx.ccx(), (elem_count - 1u) as int)
let slice_len = Sub(bcx, len, slice_len_offset);
let slice_ty = ty::mk_evec(bcx.tcx(),
ty::mt {ty: vt.unit_ty, mutbl: ast::m_imm},
let scratch = scratch_datum(bcx, tail_ty, false);
Store(bcx, tail_begin,
let scratch = scratch_datum(bcx, slice_ty, false);
Store(bcx, slice_begin,
GEPi(bcx, scratch.val, [0u, abi::slice_elt_base])
Store(bcx, tail_len,
Store(bcx, slice_len,
GEPi(bcx, scratch.val, [0u, abi::slice_elt_len])
elems[n] = scratch.val;
@ -1367,7 +1386,7 @@ pub fn compile_submatch(bcx: block,
test_val = Load(bcx, val);
kind = compare;
vec_len_eq(_) | vec_len_ge(_) => {
vec_len_eq(*) | vec_len_ge(*) => {
let vt = tvec::vec_types(bcx, node_id_type(bcx, pat_id));
let unboxed = load_if_immediate(bcx, val, vt.vec_ty);
let (_, len) = tvec::get_base_and_len(
@ -1511,12 +1530,17 @@ pub fn compile_submatch(bcx: block,
unpacked = argvals;
opt_cx = new_bcx;
vec_len_eq(n) | vec_len_ge(n) => {
let tail = match *opt {
vec_len_ge(_) => true,
_ => false
vec_len_eq(n) | vec_len_ge(n, _) => {
let n = match *opt {
vec_len_ge(*) => n + 1u,
_ => n
let args = extract_vec_elems(opt_cx, pat_id, n, tail, val);
let slice = match *opt {
vec_len_ge(_, i) => Some(i),
_ => None
let args = extract_vec_elems(opt_cx, pat_id, n, slice,
val, test_val);
size = args.vals.len();
unpacked = /*bad*/copy args.vals;
opt_cx = args.bcx;

@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ pub fn check_pat(pcx: pat_ctxt, pat: @ast::pat, expected: ty::t) {
ast::pat_vec(elts, tail) => {
ast::pat_vec(before, slice, after) => {
let default_region_var =
pat.span, pcx.block_region
@ -538,21 +538,23 @@ pub fn check_pat(pcx: pat_ctxt, pat: @ast::pat, expected: ty::t) {
for elts.each |elt| {
for before.each |elt| {
check_pat(pcx, *elt, elt_type.ty);
fcx.write_ty(, expected);
match tail {
Some(tail_pat) => {
match slice {
Some(slice_pat) => {
let slice_ty = ty::mk_evec(tcx,
ty::mt {ty: elt_type.ty, mutbl: elt_type.mutbl},
check_pat(pcx, tail_pat, slice_ty);
check_pat(pcx, slice_pat, slice_ty);
None => ()
for after.each |elt| {
check_pat(pcx, *elt, elt_type.ty);
fcx.write_ty(, expected);

@ -896,7 +896,7 @@ pub mod guarantor {
ast::pat_lit(*) => {}
ast::pat_range(*) => {}
ast::pat_vec(ref ps, ref opt_tail_pat) => {
ast::pat_vec(ref before, ref slice, ref after) => {
let vec_ty = rcx.resolve_node_type(;
if !ty::type_contains_err(vec_ty) {
let vstore = ty::ty_vstore(vec_ty);
@ -906,11 +906,11 @@ pub mod guarantor {
ty::vstore_box => None
link_ref_bindings_in_pats(rcx, ps, guarantor1);
for opt_tail_pat.each |p| {
link_ref_bindings_in_pat(rcx, *p, guarantor);
link_ref_bindings_in_pats(rcx, before, guarantor1);
for slice.each |&p| {
link_ref_bindings_in_pat(rcx, p, guarantor);
link_ref_bindings_in_pats(rcx, after, guarantor1);

@ -309,7 +309,9 @@ pub enum pat_ {
pat_region(@pat), // borrowed pointer pattern
pat_range(@expr, @expr),
pat_vec(~[@pat], Option<@pat>)
// [a, b, ..i, y, z] is represented as
// pat_vec(~[a, b], Some(i), ~[y, z])
pat_vec(~[@pat], Option<@pat>, ~[@pat])

@ -533,12 +533,15 @@ pub fn walk_pat(pat: @pat, it: fn(@pat)) {
pat_box(s) | pat_uniq(s) | pat_region(s) => {
walk_pat(s, it)
pat_vec(ref elts, ref tail) => {
for elts.each |p| {
pat_vec(ref before, ref slice, ref after) => {
for before.each |p| {
walk_pat(*p, it)
for tail.each |tail| {
walk_pat(*tail, it)
for slice.each |p| {
walk_pat(*p, it)
for after.each |p| {
walk_pat(*p, it)
pat_wild | pat_lit(_) | pat_range(_, _) | pat_ident(_, _, _) |

@ -416,10 +416,11 @@ pub fn noop_fold_pat(p: &pat_, fld: @ast_fold) -> pat_ {
pat_range(e1, e2) => {
pat_range(fld.fold_expr(e1), fld.fold_expr(e2))
pat_vec(ref elts, ref tail) => {
pat_vec(ref before, ref slice, ref after) => {
pat_vec(|x| fld.fold_pat(*x)),|tail| fld.fold_pat(*tail))|x| fld.fold_pat(*x)),|x| fld.fold_pat(*x)),|x| fld.fold_pat(*x))

@ -2024,23 +2024,28 @@ pub impl Parser {
fn parse_pat_vec_elements(
refutable: bool
) -> (~[@pat], Option<@pat>) {
let mut elements = ~[];
let mut tail = None;
) -> (~[@pat], Option<@pat>, ~[@pat]) {
let mut before = ~[];
let mut slice = None;
let mut after = ~[];
let mut first = true;
let mut before_slice = true;
while *self.token != token::RBRACKET {
if first { first = false; }
else { self.expect(&token::COMMA); }
let mut is_tail = false;
if *self.token == token::DOTDOT {
is_tail = true;
let mut is_slice = false;
if before_slice {
if *self.token == token::DOTDOT {
is_slice = true;
before_slice = false;
let subpat = self.parse_pat(refutable);
if is_tail {
if is_slice {
match subpat {
@ast::pat { node: pat_wild, _ } => (),
@ast::pat { node: pat_ident(_, _, _), _ } => (),
@ -2048,13 +2053,17 @@ pub impl Parser {
span, ~"expected an identifier or `_`"
tail = Some(subpat);
slice = Some(subpat);
} else {
if before_slice {
} else {
return (elements, tail);
(before, slice, after)
fn parse_pat_fields(&self, refutable: bool) -> (~[ast::field_pat], bool) {
@ -2208,10 +2217,11 @@ pub impl Parser {
token::LBRACKET => {
let (elements, tail) = self.parse_pat_vec_elements(refutable);
let (before, slice, after) =
hi = self.span.hi;
pat = ast::pat_vec(elements, tail);
pat = ast::pat_vec(before, slice, after);
copy tok => {
if !is_ident_or_path(&tok)

@ -1609,13 +1609,19 @@ pub fn print_pat(s: @ps, &&pat: @ast::pat, refutable: bool) {
word(s.s, ~"..");
print_expr(s, end);
ast::pat_vec(elts, tail) => {
ast::pat_vec(before, slice, after) => {
word(s.s, ~"[");
commasep(s, inconsistent, elts, |s, p| print_pat(s, p, refutable));
for tail.each |tail| {
if vec::len(elts) != 0u { word_space(s, ~","); }
do commasep(s, inconsistent, before) |s, p| {
print_pat(s, p, refutable);
for slice.each |&p| {
if !before.is_empty() { word_space(s, ~","); }
word(s.s, ~"..");
print_pat(s, *tail, refutable);
print_pat(s, p, refutable);
if !after.is_empty() { word_space(s, ~","); }
do commasep(s, inconsistent, after) |s, p| {
print_pat(s, p, refutable);
word(s.s, ~"]");

@ -287,11 +287,14 @@ pub fn visit_pat<E>(p: @pat, e: E, v: vt<E>) {
(v.visit_expr)(e2, e, v);
pat_wild => (),
pat_vec(ref elts, ref tail) => {
for elts.each |elt| {
pat_vec(ref before, ref slice, ref after) => {
for before.each |elt| {
(v.visit_pat)(*elt, e, v);
for tail.each |tail| {
for slice.each |elt| {
(v.visit_pat)(*elt, e, v);
for after.each |tail| {
(v.visit_pat)(*tail, e, v);

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
fn main() {
match ~[] {
[_, ..tail, _] => {}, //~ ERROR: expected `]` but found `,`
_ => ()

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
fn main() {
let a = ~[];
match a {
[1, ..tail, ..tail] => {}, //~ ERROR: expected `]` but found `,`
[1, ..tail, ..tail] => {}, //~ ERROR: unexpected token: `..`
_ => ()

@ -1,15 +1,28 @@
fn a() -> &[int] {
let vec = [1, 2, 3, 4];
let tail = match vec { //~ ERROR illegal borrow
[_a, ..tail] => tail,
_ => fail!(~"foo")
[_, ..tail] => tail,
_ => fail!(~"a")
fn main() {
let tail = a();
for tail.each |n| {
io::println(fmt!("%d", *n));
fn b() -> &[int] {
let vec = [1, 2, 3, 4];
let init = match vec { //~ ERROR illegal borrow
[..init, _] => init,
_ => fail!(~"b")
fn c() -> &[int] {
let vec = [1, 2, 3, 4];
let slice = match vec { //~ ERROR illegal borrow
[_, ..slice, _] => slice,
_ => fail!(~"c")
fn main() {}

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
fn foldl<T, U: Copy>(
values: &[T],
initial: U,
function: &fn(partial: U, element: &T) -> U
) -> U {
match values {
[head, ..tail] =>
foldl(tail, function(initial, &head), function),
[] => copy initial
fn foldr<T, U: Copy>(
values: &[T],
initial: U,
function: &fn(element: &T, partial: U) -> U
) -> U {
match values {
[..head, tail] =>
foldr(head, function(&tail, initial), function),
[] => copy initial
pub fn main() {
let x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let product = foldl(x, 1, |a, b| a * *b);
fail_unless!(product == 120);
let sum = foldr(x, 0, |a, b| *a + b);
fail_unless!(sum == 15);

@ -1,33 +1,54 @@
fn foldl<T, U: Copy>(
values: &[T],
initial: U,
function: &fn(partial: U, element: &T) -> U
) -> U {
match values {
[head, ..tail] =>
foldl(tail, function(initial, &head), function),
_ => copy initial
fn a() {
let x = [1];
match x {
[_, _, _, _, _, .._] => ::core::util::unreachable(),
[.._, _, _, _, _] => ::core::util::unreachable(),
[_, .._, _, _] => ::core::util::unreachable(),
[_, _] => ::core::util::unreachable(),
[a] => {
fail_unless!(a == 1);
[] => ::core::util::unreachable()
fn b() {
let x = [1, 2, 3];
match x {
[a, b, ..c] => {
fail_unless!(a == 1);
fail_unless!(b == 2);
fail_unless!(c == &[3]);
_ => fail!()
match x {
[..a, b, c] => {
fail_unless!(a == &[1]);
fail_unless!(b == 2);
fail_unless!(c == 3);
_ => fail!()
match x {
[a, ..b, c] => {
fail_unless!(a == 1);
fail_unless!(b == &[2]);
fail_unless!(c == 3);
_ => fail!()
match x {
[a, b, c] => {
fail_unless!(a == 1);
fail_unless!(b == 2);
fail_unless!(c == 3);
_ => fail!()
pub fn main() {
let x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
match x {
[a, b, c, d, e, f] => {
[a, b, c, d, e] => {
fail_unless!(a == 1);
fail_unless!(b == 2);
fail_unless!(c == 3);
fail_unless!(d == 4);
fail_unless!(e == 5);
_ => {
let product = foldl(x, 1, |a, b| a * *b);
fail_unless!(product == 120);