Track all exports in exp_map
This is needed because the reachability checker needs to be able to follow exports. Issue #1934
This commit is contained in:
@ -159,12 +159,17 @@ fn encode_item_paths(ebml_w: ebml::writer, ecx: @encode_ctxt, crate: @crate)
fn encode_reexport_paths(ebml_w: ebml::writer,
ecx: @encode_ctxt, &index: [entry<str>]) {
ecx.ccx.exp_map.items {|path, defs|
for def in *defs {
let tcx = ecx.ccx.tcx;
ecx.ccx.exp_map.items {|exp_id, defs|
for def in defs {
if !def.reexp { cont; }
let path = alt check tcx.items.get(exp_id) {
ast_map::node_export(_, path) { ast_map::path_to_str(*path) }
index += [{val: path, pos: ebml_w.writer.tell()}];
encode_name(ebml_w, path);
encode_def_id(ebml_w, ast_util::def_id_of_def(def));
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ enum ast_node {
node_method(@method, def_id /* impl did */, @path /* path to the impl */),
node_variant(variant, def_id, @path),
node_export(@view_path, @path),
// Locals are numbered, because the alias analysis needs to know in which
// order they are introduced.
node_arg(arg, uint),
@ -38,6 +39,10 @@ type map = std::map::map<node_id, ast_node>;
type ctx = {map: map, mutable path: path, mutable local_id: uint};
type vt = visit::vt<ctx>;
fn extend(cx: ctx, elt: str) -> @path {
@(cx.path + [path_name(elt)])
fn mk_ast_map_visitor() -> vt {
ret visit::mk_vt(@{
visit_item: map_item,
@ -45,7 +50,8 @@ fn mk_ast_map_visitor() -> vt {
visit_expr: map_expr,
visit_fn: map_fn,
visit_local: map_local,
visit_arm: map_arm
visit_arm: map_arm,
visit_view_item: map_view_item
with *visit::default_visitor()
@ -140,20 +146,38 @@ fn map_item(i: @item, cx: ctx, v: vt) {
item_enum(vs, _) {
for v in vs {
||||, node_variant(
v, ast_util::local_def(,
@(cx.path + [path_name(i.ident)])));
v, ast_util::local_def(, extend(cx, i.ident)));
_ { }
alt i.node {
item_mod(_) | item_native_mod(_) { cx.path += [path_mod(i.ident)]; }
item_mod(_) | item_native_mod(_) {
cx.path += [path_mod(i.ident)];
_ { cx.path += [path_name(i.ident)]; }
visit::visit_item(i, cx, v);
fn map_view_item(vi: @view_item, cx: ctx, _v: vt) {
alt vi.node {
view_item_export(vps) {
for vp in vps {
let (id, name) = alt vp.node {
view_path_simple(nm, _, id) { (id, nm) }
view_path_glob(pth, id) | view_path_list(pth, _, id) {
(id, vec::last_total(*pth))
||||, node_export(vp, extend(cx, name)));
_ {}
fn map_native_item(i: @native_item, cx: ctx, v: vt) {
||||, node_native_item(i, @cx.path));
visit::visit_native_item(i, cx, v);
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import front::attr;
import metadata::{csearch, cstore};
import driver::session::session;
import util::common::*;
import std::map::{new_int_hash, new_str_hash};
import std::map::{new_int_hash, new_str_hash, mk_hashmap};
import syntax::codemap::span;
import syntax::visit;
import visit::vt;
@ -117,16 +117,18 @@ type indexed_mod = {
type def_map = hashmap<node_id, def>;
type ext_map = hashmap<def_id, [ident]>;
type exp_map = hashmap<str, @mutable [def]>;
type impl_map = hashmap<node_id, iscopes>;
type impl_cache = hashmap<def_id, option<@[@_impl]>>;
type exp = {reexp: bool, id: def_id};
type exp_map = hashmap<node_id, [exp]>;
type env =
{cstore: cstore::cstore,
def_map: def_map,
ast_map: ast_map::map,
imports: hashmap<ast::node_id, import_state>,
exp_map: exp_map,
mutable exp_map: exp_map,
mod_map: hashmap<ast::node_id, @indexed_mod>,
block_map: hashmap<ast::node_id, [glob_imp_def]>,
ext_map: ext_map,
@ -188,7 +190,7 @@ fn create_env(sess: session, amap: ast_map::map) -> @env {
def_map: new_int_hash(),
ast_map: amap,
imports: new_int_hash(),
exp_map: new_str_hash(),
mutable exp_map: new_int_hash(),
mod_map: new_int_hash(),
block_map: new_int_hash(),
ext_map: new_def_hash(),
@ -2005,63 +2007,59 @@ fn check_exports(e: @env) {
fn lookup_glob_any(e: @env, info: @indexed_mod, sp: span, path: str,
ident: ident) -> bool {
let lookup =
bind lookup_glob_in_mod(*e, info, sp, ident, _, inside);
let (m, v, t) = (lookup(ns_module),
let full_path = path + ident;
maybe_add_reexport(e, full_path, m);
maybe_add_reexport(e, full_path, v);
maybe_add_reexport(e, full_path, t);
fn lookup_glob_any(e: @env, info: @indexed_mod, sp: span,
ident: ident, export_id: node_id) -> bool {
let m = lookup_glob_in_mod(*e, info, sp, ident, ns_module, inside);
let v = lookup_glob_in_mod(*e, info, sp, ident, ns_val(value_or_enum),
let t = lookup_glob_in_mod(*e, info, sp, ident, ns_type, inside);
maybe_add_reexport(e, export_id, m);
maybe_add_reexport(e, export_id, v);
maybe_add_reexport(e, export_id, t);
is_some(m) || is_some(v) || is_some(t)
fn maybe_add_reexport(e: @env, path: str, def: option<def>) {
alt def {
some(def) {
alt e.exp_map.find(path) {
some(v) {
// If there are multiple reexports of the same def
// using the same path, then we only need one copy
if !vec::contains(*v, def) {
*v += [def];
none { e.exp_map.insert(path, @mutable [def]); }
_ {}
fn maybe_add_reexport(e: @env, export_id: node_id, def: option<def>) {
option::may(def) {|def|
add_export(e, export_id, def_id_of_def(def), true);
fn add_export(e: @env, export_id: node_id, target_id: def_id,
reexp: bool) {
let found = alt e.exp_map.find(export_id) {
some(f) { f } none { [] }
e.exp_map.insert(export_id, found + [{reexp: reexp, id: target_id}]);
fn check_export(e: @env, ident: str, _mod: @indexed_mod,
vi: @view_item) {
export_id: node_id, vi: @view_item) {
let found_something = false;
let full_path = _mod.path + ident;
if _mod.index.contains_key(ident) {
found_something = true;
let xs = _mod.index.get(ident);
list::iter(xs) {|x|
alt x {
mie_import_ident(id, _) {
alt e.imports.get(id) {
alt check e.imports.get(id) {
resolved(v, t, m, _, rid, _) {
maybe_add_reexport(e, full_path, v);
maybe_add_reexport(e, full_path, t);
maybe_add_reexport(e, full_path, m);
maybe_add_reexport(e, export_id, v);
maybe_add_reexport(e, export_id, t);
maybe_add_reexport(e, export_id, m);
_ { }
mie_item(@{id, _}) | mie_native_item(@{id, _}) |
mie_enum_variant(_, _, id, _) {
add_export(e, export_id, local_def(id), false);
_ { }
found_something |= lookup_glob_any(e, _mod, vi.span,
_mod.path, ident);
found_something |= lookup_glob_any(e, _mod, vi.span, ident,
if !found_something {
#fmt("exported item %s is not defined", ident));
@ -2071,64 +2069,54 @@ fn check_exports(e: @env) {
fn check_enum_ok(e: @env, sp:span, id: ident, _mod: @indexed_mod)
-> node_id {
alt _mod.index.find(id) {
none { e.sess.span_fatal(sp, #fmt("undefined id %s \
in an export", id)); }
some(ms) {
let maybe_id = list::find(ms) {|m|
alt m {
mie_item(an_item) {
alt an_item.node {
item_enum(_,_) { /* OK */ some( }
_ { none }
_ { none }
alt maybe_id {
some(an_id) { ret an_id; }
_ { e.sess.span_fatal(sp, #fmt("%s does not refer \
to an enumeration", id)); }
none {
e.sess.span_fatal(sp, #fmt("undefined id %s in an export", id));
some(ms) {
let maybe_id = list::find(ms) {|m|
alt m {
mie_item(@{node: item_enum(_, _), id, _}) { some(id) }
_ { none }
alt maybe_id {
some(an_id) { an_id }
_ { e.sess.span_fatal(sp, #fmt("%s does not refer \
to an enumeration", id)); }
fn check_export_enum_list(e: @env, _mod: @indexed_mod,
fn check_export_enum_list(e: @env, export_id: node_id, _mod: @indexed_mod,
span: codemap::span, id: ast::ident,
ids: [ast::path_list_ident]) {
if vec::len(ids) == 0u {
let _ = check_enum_ok(e, span, id, _mod);
} else {
let parent_id = check_enum_ok(e, span, id, _mod);
for variant_id in ids {
alt _mod.index.find( {
some(ms) {
list::iter(ms) {|m|
alt m {
mie_enum_variant(_, _, actual_parent_id, _) {
if actual_parent_id != parent_id {
let msg = #fmt("variant %s \
doesn't belong to enum %s",
e.sess.span_err(span, msg);
_ {
#fmt("%s is not a variant",
let parent_id = check_enum_ok(e, span, id, _mod);
add_export(e, export_id, local_def(parent_id), false);
for variant_id in ids {
let found = false;
alt _mod.index.find( {
some(ms) {
list::iter(ms) {|m|
alt m {
mie_enum_variant(_, _, actual_parent_id, _) {
found = true;
if actual_parent_id != parent_id {
span, #fmt("variant %s doesn't belong to \
enum %s",
||||, id));
_ {}
_ {
#fmt("%s is not a variant",
_ {}
if !found {
e.sess.span_err(span, #fmt("%s is not a variant",
@ -2141,17 +2129,17 @@ fn check_exports(e: @env) {
for vi in m.view_items {
iter_export_paths(*vi) { |vp|
alt vp.node {
ast::view_path_simple(ident, _, _) {
check_export(e, ident, _mod, vi);
ast::view_path_simple(ident, _, id) {
check_export(e, ident, _mod, id, vi);
ast::view_path_list(path, ids, _) {
ast::view_path_list(path, ids, node_id) {
let id = if vec::len(*path) == 1u {
} else {
#fmt("bad export name-list"))
e.sess.span_fatal(vp.span, "bad export name-list")
check_export_enum_list(e, _mod, vp.span, id, ids);
check_export_enum_list(e, node_id, _mod, vp.span, id,
ast::view_path_glob(_, node_id) {
glob_is_re_exported.insert(node_id, ());
@ -2162,18 +2150,14 @@ fn check_exports(e: @env) {
// Now follow the export-glob links and fill in the
// globbed_exports and exp_map lists.
for glob in _mod.glob_imports {
alt check glob.path.node {
ast::view_path_glob(path, node_id) {
if ! glob_is_re_exported.contains_key(node_id) {
let id = alt check glob.path.node {
ast::view_path_glob(_, node_id) { node_id }
if ! glob_is_re_exported.contains_key(id) { cont; }
iter_mod(*e, glob.def,
glob.path.span, outside) {|ident, def|
let full_path = _mod.path + ident;
_mod.globbed_exports += [ident];
maybe_add_reexport(e, full_path, some(def));
maybe_add_reexport(e, id, some(def));
@ -2216,7 +2216,8 @@ fn item_path(cx: ctxt, id: ast::def_id) -> ast_map::path {
ast_map::node_expr(_) | ast_map::node_arg(_, _) |
ast_map::node_local(_) | ast_map::node_res_ctor(_) {
ast_map::node_local(_) | ast_map::node_res_ctor(_) |
ast_map::node_export(_, _) {
cx.sess.bug(#fmt["cannot find item_path for node %?", node]);
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import std::map;
import rustc::syntax::ast;
import rustc::syntax::ast_util;
import rustc::util::common;
import rustc::middle::ast_map;
export mk_pass;
@ -75,10 +76,11 @@ fn from_str_assoc_list<V:copy>(
fn build_reexport_def_set(srv: astsrv::srv) -> def_set {
let assoc_list = astsrv::exec(srv) {|ctxt|
let def_set = common::new_def_hash();
ctxt.exp_map.items {|_path, defs|
for def in *defs {
let def_id = ast_util::def_id_of_def(def);
def_set.insert(def_id, ());
ctxt.exp_map.items {|_id, defs|
for def in defs {
if def.reexp {
def_set.insert(, ());
@ -154,29 +156,32 @@ fn build_reexport_path_map(srv: astsrv::srv, -def_map: def_map) -> path_map {
let def_map = from_def_assoc_list(def_assoc_list);
let path_map = map::new_str_hash();
ctxt.exp_map.items {|path, defs|
let path = str::split_str(path, "::");
let modpath = str::connect(vec::init(path), "::");
let name = option::get(vec::last(path));
ctxt.exp_map.items {|exp_id, defs|
let path = alt check ctxt.ast_map.get(exp_id) {
ast_map::node_export(_, path) { path }
let name = alt check vec::last_total(*path) {
ast_map::path_name(nm) { nm }
let modpath = ast_map::path_to_str(vec::init(*path));
let reexportdocs = [];
for def in *defs {
let def_id = ast_util::def_id_of_def(def);
alt def_map.find(def_id) {
for def in defs {
if !def.reexp { cont; }
alt def_map.find( {
some(itemtag) {
reexportdocs += [(name, itemtag)];
none { }
_ {}
if vec::is_not_empty(reexportdocs) {
let prevdocs = alt path_map.find(modpath) {
some(docs) { docs }
none { [] }
let reexportdocs = prevdocs + reexportdocs;
if reexportdocs.len() > 0u {
option::may(path_map.find(modpath)) {|docs|
reexportdocs = docs + vec::filter(reexportdocs, {|x|
!vec::contains(docs, x)
path_map.insert(modpath, reexportdocs);
#debug("path_map entry: %? - %?",
modpath, (name, reexportdocs));
Reference in New Issue
Block a user