sync: Introduce new wrapper types for locking

This introduces new synchronization types which are meant to be the foundational
building blocks for sharing data among tasks. The new Mutex and RWLock types
have a type parameter which is the internal data that is accessed. Access to the
data is all performed through the guards returned, and the guards all have
autoderef implemented for easy access.
This commit is contained in:
Alex Crichton 2014-03-22 00:52:33 -07:00
parent ae049e82f8
commit 4d5aafd3a6

src/libsync/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,816 @@
// Copyright 2012-2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
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//! Wrappers for safe, shared, mutable memory between tasks
//! The wrappers in this module build on the primitives from `sync::raw` to
//! provide safe interfaces around using the primitive locks. These primitives
//! implement a technique called "poisoning" where when a task failed with a
//! held lock, all future attempts to use the lock will fail.
//! For example, if two tasks are contending on a mutex and one of them fails
//! after grabbing the lock, the second task will immediately fail because the
//! lock is now poisoned.
use std::task;
use std::ty::Unsafe;
use raw;
* Poisoning helpers
struct PoisonOnFail<'a> {
flag: &'a mut bool,
failed: bool,
impl<'a> PoisonOnFail<'a> {
fn check(flag: bool, name: &str) {
if flag {
fail!("Poisoned {} - another task failed inside!", name);
fn new<'a>(flag: &'a mut bool, name: &str) -> PoisonOnFail<'a> {
PoisonOnFail::check(*flag, name);
PoisonOnFail {
flag: flag,
failed: task::failing()
impl<'a> Drop for PoisonOnFail<'a> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if !self.failed && task::failing() {
*self.flag = true;
* Condvar
enum Inner<'a> {
impl<'b> Inner<'b> {
fn cond<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a raw::Condvar<'b> {
match *self {
InnerMutex(ref m) => &m.cond,
InnerRWLock(ref m) => &m.cond,
/// A condition variable, a mechanism for unlock-and-descheduling and
/// signaling, for use with the lock types.
pub struct Condvar<'a> {
priv name: &'static str,
// n.b. Inner must be after PoisonOnFail because we must set the poison flag
// *inside* the mutex, and struct fields are destroyed top-to-bottom
// (destroy the lock guard last).
priv poison: PoisonOnFail<'a>,
priv inner: Inner<'a>,
impl<'a> Condvar<'a> {
/// Atomically exit the associated lock and block until a signal is sent.
/// wait() is equivalent to wait_on(0).
/// # Failure
/// A task which is killed while waiting on a condition variable will wake
/// up, fail, and unlock the associated lock as it unwinds.
pub fn wait(&self) { self.wait_on(0) }
/// Atomically exit the associated lock and block on a specified condvar
/// until a signal is sent on that same condvar.
/// The associated lock must have been initialised with an appropriate
/// number of condvars. The condvar_id must be between 0 and num_condvars-1
/// or else this call will fail.
pub fn wait_on(&self, condvar_id: uint) {
// This is why we need to wrap sync::condvar.
/// Wake up a blocked task. Returns false if there was no blocked task.
pub fn signal(&self) -> bool { self.signal_on(0) }
/// Wake up a blocked task on a specified condvar (as
/// sync::cond.signal_on). Returns false if there was no blocked task.
pub fn signal_on(&self, condvar_id: uint) -> bool {
/// Wake up all blocked tasks. Returns the number of tasks woken.
pub fn broadcast(&self) -> uint { self.broadcast_on(0) }
/// Wake up all blocked tasks on a specified condvar (as
/// sync::cond.broadcast_on). Returns the number of tasks woken.
pub fn broadcast_on(&self, condvar_id: uint) -> uint {
* Mutex
/// A wrapper type which provides synchronized access to the underlying data, of
/// type `T`. A mutex always provides exclusive access, and concurrent requests
/// will block while the mutex is already locked.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use sync::{Mutex, Arc};
/// let mutex = Arc::new(Mutex::new(1));
/// let mutex2 = mutex.clone();
/// spawn(proc() {
/// let mut val = mutex2.lock();
/// *val += 1;
/// val.cond.signal();
/// });
/// let mut value = mutex.lock();
/// while *value != 2 {
/// value.cond.wait();
/// }
/// ```
pub struct Mutex<T> {
priv lock: raw::Mutex,
priv failed: Unsafe<bool>,
priv data: Unsafe<T>,
/// An guard which is created by locking a mutex. Through this guard the
/// underlying data can be accessed.
pub struct MutexGuard<'a, T> {
priv data: &'a mut T,
/// Inner condition variable connected to the locked mutex that this guard
/// was created from. This can be used for atomic-unlock-and-deschedule.
cond: Condvar<'a>,
impl<T: Send> Mutex<T> {
/// Creates a new mutex to protect the user-supplied data.
pub fn new(user_data: T) -> Mutex<T> {
Mutex::new_with_condvars(user_data, 1)
/// Create a new mutex, with a specified number of associated condvars.
/// This will allow calling wait_on/signal_on/broadcast_on with condvar IDs
/// between 0 and num_condvars-1. (If num_condvars is 0, lock_cond will be
/// allowed but any operations on the condvar will fail.)
pub fn new_with_condvars(user_data: T, num_condvars: uint) -> Mutex<T> {
Mutex {
lock: raw::Mutex::new_with_condvars(num_condvars),
failed: Unsafe::new(false),
data: Unsafe::new(user_data),
/// Access the underlying mutable data with mutual exclusion from other
/// tasks. The returned value is an RAII guard which will unlock the mutex
/// when dropped. All concurrent tasks attempting to lock the mutex will
/// block while the returned value is still alive.
/// # Failure
/// Failing while inside the Mutex will unlock the Mutex while unwinding, so
/// that other tasks won't block forever. It will also poison the Mutex:
/// any tasks that subsequently try to access it (including those already
/// blocked on the mutex) will also fail immediately.
pub fn lock<'a>(&'a self) -> MutexGuard<'a, T> {
let guard = self.lock.lock();
// These two accesses are safe because we're guranteed at this point
// that we have exclusive access to this mutex. We are indeed able to
// promote ourselves from &Mutex to `&mut T`
let poison = unsafe { &mut *self.failed.get() };
let data = unsafe { &mut * };
MutexGuard {
data: data,
cond: Condvar {
name: "Mutex",
poison: PoisonOnFail::new(poison, "Mutex"),
inner: InnerMutex(guard),
// FIXME(#13042): these should both have T: Send
impl<'a, T> Deref<T> for MutexGuard<'a, T> {
fn deref<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a T { &* }
impl<'a, T> DerefMut<T> for MutexGuard<'a, T> {
fn deref_mut<'a>(&'a mut self) -> &'a mut T { &mut * }
* R/W lock protected lock
/// A dual-mode reader-writer lock. The data can be accessed mutably or
/// immutably, and immutably-accessing tasks may run concurrently.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use sync::{RWLock, Arc};
/// let lock1 = Arc::new(RWLock::new(1));
/// let lock2 = lock1.clone();
/// spawn(proc() {
/// let mut val = lock2.write();
/// *val = 3;
/// let val = val.downgrade();
/// println!("{}", *val);
/// });
/// let val =;
/// println!("{}", *val);
/// ```
pub struct RWLock<T> {
priv lock: raw::RWLock,
priv failed: Unsafe<bool>,
priv data: Unsafe<T>,
/// A guard which is created by locking an rwlock in write mode. Through this
/// guard the underlying data can be accessed.
pub struct RWLockWriteGuard<'a, T> {
priv data: &'a mut T,
/// Inner condition variable that can be used to sleep on the write mode of
/// this rwlock.
cond: Condvar<'a>,
/// A guard which is created by locking an rwlock in read mode. Through this
/// guard the underlying data can be accessed.
pub struct RWLockReadGuard<'a, T> {
priv data: &'a T,
priv guard: raw::RWLockReadGuard<'a>,
impl<T: Send + Share> RWLock<T> {
/// Create a reader/writer lock with the supplied data.
pub fn new(user_data: T) -> RWLock<T> {
RWLock::new_with_condvars(user_data, 1)
/// Create a reader/writer lock with the supplied data and a specified number
/// of condvars (as sync::RWLock::new_with_condvars).
pub fn new_with_condvars(user_data: T, num_condvars: uint) -> RWLock<T> {
RWLock {
lock: raw::RWLock::new_with_condvars(num_condvars),
failed: Unsafe::new(false),
data: Unsafe::new(user_data),
/// Access the underlying data mutably. Locks the rwlock in write mode;
/// other readers and writers will block.
/// # Failure
/// Failing while inside the lock will unlock the lock while unwinding, so
/// that other tasks won't block forever. As Mutex.lock, it will also poison
/// the lock, so subsequent readers and writers will both also fail.
pub fn write<'a>(&'a self) -> RWLockWriteGuard<'a, T> {
let guard = self.lock.write();
// These two accesses are safe because we're guranteed at this point
// that we have exclusive access to this rwlock. We are indeed able to
// promote ourselves from &RWLock to `&mut T`
let poison = unsafe { &mut *self.failed.get() };
let data = unsafe { &mut * };
RWLockWriteGuard {
data: data,
cond: Condvar {
name: "RWLock",
poison: PoisonOnFail::new(poison, "RWLock"),
inner: InnerRWLock(guard),
/// Access the underlying data immutably. May run concurrently with other
/// reading tasks.
/// # Failure
/// Failing will unlock the lock while unwinding. However, unlike all other
/// access modes, this will not poison the lock.
pub fn read<'a>(&'a self) -> RWLockReadGuard<'a, T> {
let guard =;
PoisonOnFail::check(unsafe { *self.failed.get() }, "RWLock");
RWLockReadGuard {
guard: guard,
data: unsafe { &* },
impl<'a, T: Send + Share> RWLockWriteGuard<'a, T> {
/// Consumes this write lock token, returning a new read lock token.
/// This will allow pending readers to come into the lock.
pub fn downgrade(self) -> RWLockReadGuard<'a, T> {
let RWLockWriteGuard { data, cond } = self;
// convert the data to read-only explicitly
let data = &*data;
let guard = match cond.inner {
InnerMutex(..) => unreachable!(),
InnerRWLock(guard) => guard.downgrade()
RWLockReadGuard { guard: guard, data: data }
// FIXME(#13042): these should all have T: Send + Share
impl<'a, T> Deref<T> for RWLockReadGuard<'a, T> {
fn deref<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a T { }
impl<'a, T> Deref<T> for RWLockWriteGuard<'a, T> {
fn deref<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a T { &* }
impl<'a, T> DerefMut<T> for RWLockWriteGuard<'a, T> {
fn deref_mut<'a>(&'a mut self) -> &'a mut T { &mut * }
* Barrier
/// A barrier enables multiple tasks to synchronize the beginning
/// of some computation.
/// ```rust
/// use sync::{Arc, Barrier};
/// let barrier = Arc::new(Barrier::new(10));
/// for _ in range(0, 10) {
/// let c = barrier.clone();
/// // The same messages will be printed together.
/// // You will NOT see any interleaving.
/// spawn(proc() {
/// println!("before wait");
/// c.wait();
/// println!("after wait");
/// });
/// }
/// ```
pub struct Barrier {
priv lock: Mutex<BarrierState>,
priv num_tasks: uint,
// The inner state of a double barrier
struct BarrierState {
count: uint,
generation_id: uint,
impl Barrier {
/// Create a new barrier that can block a given number of tasks.
pub fn new(num_tasks: uint) -> Barrier {
Barrier {
lock: Mutex::new(BarrierState {
count: 0,
generation_id: 0,
num_tasks: num_tasks,
/// Block the current task until a certain number of tasks is waiting.
pub fn wait(&self) {
let mut lock = self.lock.lock();
let local_gen = lock.generation_id;
lock.count += 1;
if lock.count < self.num_tasks {
// We need a while loop to guard against spurious wakeups.
while local_gen == lock.generation_id &&
lock.count < self.num_tasks {
} else {
lock.count = 0;
lock.generation_id += 1;
* Tests
mod tests {
use std::comm::Empty;
use std::task;
use arc::Arc;
use super::{Mutex, Barrier, RWLock};
fn test_mutex_arc_condvar() {
let arc = Arc::new(Mutex::new(false));
let arc2 = arc.clone();
let (tx, rx) = channel();
task::spawn(proc() {
// wait until parent gets in
let mut lock = arc2.lock();
*lock = true;
let lock = arc.lock();
while !*lock {
#[test] #[should_fail]
fn test_arc_condvar_poison() {
let arc = Arc::new(Mutex::new(1));
let arc2 = arc.clone();
let (tx, rx) = channel();
spawn(proc() {
let lock = arc2.lock();
// Parent should fail when it wakes up.
let lock = arc.lock();
while *lock == 1 {
#[test] #[should_fail]
fn test_mutex_arc_poison() {
let arc = Arc::new(Mutex::new(1));
let arc2 = arc.clone();
let _ = task::try(proc() {
let lock = arc2.lock();
assert_eq!(*lock, 2);
let lock = arc.lock();
assert_eq!(*lock, 1);
fn test_mutex_arc_nested() {
// Tests nested mutexes and access
// to underlaying data.
let arc = Arc::new(Mutex::new(1));
let arc2 = Arc::new(Mutex::new(arc));
task::spawn(proc() {
let lock = arc2.lock();
let lock2 = lock.deref().lock();
assert_eq!(*lock2, 1);
fn test_mutex_arc_access_in_unwind() {
let arc = Arc::new(Mutex::new(1i));
let arc2 = arc.clone();
let _ = task::try::<()>(proc() {
struct Unwinder {
i: Arc<Mutex<int>>,
impl Drop for Unwinder {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let mut lock = self.i.lock();
*lock += 1;
let _u = Unwinder { i: arc2 };
let lock = arc.lock();
assert_eq!(*lock, 2);
#[test] #[should_fail]
fn test_rw_arc_poison_wr() {
let arc = Arc::new(RWLock::new(1));
let arc2 = arc.clone();
let _ = task::try(proc() {
let lock = arc2.write();
assert_eq!(*lock, 2);
let lock =;
assert_eq!(*lock, 1);
#[test] #[should_fail]
fn test_rw_arc_poison_ww() {
let arc = Arc::new(RWLock::new(1));
let arc2 = arc.clone();
let _ = task::try(proc() {
let lock = arc2.write();
assert_eq!(*lock, 2);
let lock = arc.write();
assert_eq!(*lock, 1);
fn test_rw_arc_no_poison_rr() {
let arc = Arc::new(RWLock::new(1));
let arc2 = arc.clone();
let _ = task::try(proc() {
let lock =;
assert_eq!(*lock, 2);
let lock =;
assert_eq!(*lock, 1);
fn test_rw_arc_no_poison_rw() {
let arc = Arc::new(RWLock::new(1));
let arc2 = arc.clone();
let _ = task::try(proc() {
let lock =;
assert_eq!(*lock, 2);
let lock = arc.write();
assert_eq!(*lock, 1);
fn test_rw_arc_no_poison_dr() {
let arc = Arc::new(RWLock::new(1));
let arc2 = arc.clone();
let _ = task::try(proc() {
let lock = arc2.write().downgrade();
assert_eq!(*lock, 2);
let lock = arc.write();
assert_eq!(*lock, 1);
fn test_rw_arc() {
let arc = Arc::new(RWLock::new(0));
let arc2 = arc.clone();
let (tx, rx) = channel();
task::spawn(proc() {
let mut lock = arc2.write();
for _ in range(0, 10) {
let tmp = *lock;
*lock = -1;
*lock = tmp + 1;
// Readers try to catch the writer in the act
let mut children = Vec::new();
for _ in range(0, 5) {
let arc3 = arc.clone();
let mut builder = task::task();
builder.spawn(proc() {
let lock =;
assert!(*lock >= 0);
// Wait for children to pass their asserts
for r in children.mut_iter() {
// Wait for writer to finish
let lock =;
assert_eq!(*lock, 10);
fn test_rw_arc_access_in_unwind() {
let arc = Arc::new(RWLock::new(1i));
let arc2 = arc.clone();
let _ = task::try::<()>(proc() {
struct Unwinder {
i: Arc<RWLock<int>>,
impl Drop for Unwinder {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let mut lock = self.i.write();
*lock += 1;
let _u = Unwinder { i: arc2 };
let lock =;
assert_eq!(*lock, 2);
fn test_rw_downgrade() {
// (1) A downgrader gets in write mode and does cond.wait.
// (2) A writer gets in write mode, sets state to 42, and does signal.
// (3) Downgrader wakes, sets state to 31337.
// (4) tells writer and all other readers to contend as it downgrades.
// (5) Writer attempts to set state back to 42, while downgraded task
// and all reader tasks assert that it's 31337.
let arc = Arc::new(RWLock::new(0));
// Reader tasks
let mut reader_convos = Vec::new();
for _ in range(0, 10) {
let ((tx1, rx1), (tx2, rx2)) = (channel(), channel());
reader_convos.push((tx1, rx2));
let arcn = arc.clone();
task::spawn(proc() {
rx1.recv(); // wait for downgrader to give go-ahead
let lock =;
assert_eq!(*lock, 31337);
// Writer task
let arc2 = arc.clone();
let ((tx1, rx1), (tx2, rx2)) = (channel(), channel());
task::spawn(proc() {
let mut lock = arc2.write();
assert_eq!(*lock, 0);
*lock = 42;
let mut lock = arc2.write();
// This shouldn't happen until after the downgrade read
// section, and all other readers, finish.
assert_eq!(*lock, 31337);
*lock = 42;
// Downgrader (us)
let mut lock = arc.write();
tx1.send(()); // send to another writer who will wake us up
while *lock == 0 {
assert_eq!(*lock, 42);
*lock = 31337;
// send to other readers
for &(ref mut rc, _) in reader_convos.mut_iter() {
let lock = lock.downgrade();
// complete handshake with other readers
for &(_, ref mut rp) in reader_convos.mut_iter() {
tx1.send(()); // tell writer to try again
assert_eq!(*lock, 31337);
rx2.recv(); // complete handshake with writer
fn test_rw_write_cond_downgrade_read_race_helper() {
// Tests that when a downgrader hands off the "reader cloud" lock
// because of a contending reader, a writer can't race to get it
// instead, which would result in readers_and_writers. This tests
// the raw module rather than this one, but it's here because an
// rwarc gives us extra shared state to help check for the race.
let x = Arc::new(RWLock::new(true));
let (tx, rx) = channel();
// writer task
let xw = x.clone();
task::spawn(proc() {
let mut lock = xw.write();
tx.send(()); // tell downgrader it's ok to go
// The core of the test is here: the condvar reacquire path
// must involve order_lock, so that it cannot race with a reader
// trying to receive the "reader cloud lock hand-off".
*lock = false;
rx.recv(); // wait for writer to get in
let lock = x.write();
// make writer contend in the cond-reacquire path
// make a reader task to trigger the "reader cloud lock" handoff
let xr = x.clone();
let (tx, rx) = channel();
task::spawn(proc() {
rx.recv(); // wait for reader task to exist
let lock = lock.downgrade();
// if writer mistakenly got in, make sure it mutates state
// before we assert on it
for _ in range(0, 5) { task::deschedule(); }
// make sure writer didn't get in.
fn test_rw_write_cond_downgrade_read_race() {
// Ideally the above test case would have deschedule statements in it
// that helped to expose the race nearly 100% of the time... but adding
// deschedules in the intuitively-right locations made it even less
// likely, and I wasn't sure why :( . This is a mediocre "next best"
// option.
for _ in range(0, 8) {
* Barrier tests
fn test_barrier() {
let barrier = Arc::new(Barrier::new(10));
let (tx, rx) = channel();
for _ in range(0, 9) {
let c = barrier.clone();
let tx = tx.clone();
spawn(proc() {
// At this point, all spawned tasks should be blocked,
// so we shouldn't get anything from the port
assert!(match rx.try_recv() {
Empty => true,
_ => false,
// Now, the barrier is cleared and we should get data.
for _ in range(0, 9) {