Add spacing information to delimiters.
This is an extension of the previous commit. It means the output of something like this: ``` stringify!(let a: Vec<u32> = vec![];) ``` goes from this: ``` let a: Vec<u32> = vec![] ; ``` With this PR, it now produces this string: ``` let a: Vec<u32> = vec![]; ```
This commit is contained in:
@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ impl MetaItemKind {
tokens: &mut impl Iterator<Item = &'a TokenTree>,
) -> Option<MetaItemKind> {
match {
Some(TokenTree::Delimited(_, Delimiter::Invisible, inner_tokens)) => {
Some(TokenTree::Delimited(.., Delimiter::Invisible, inner_tokens)) => {
MetaItemKind::name_value_from_tokens(&mut inner_tokens.trees())
Some(TokenTree::Token(token, _)) => {
@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ impl MetaItemKind {
tokens: &mut iter::Peekable<impl Iterator<Item = &'a TokenTree>>,
) -> Option<MetaItemKind> {
match tokens.peek() {
Some(TokenTree::Delimited(_, Delimiter::Parenthesis, inner_tokens)) => {
Some(TokenTree::Delimited(.., Delimiter::Parenthesis, inner_tokens)) => {
let inner_tokens = inner_tokens.clone();
@ -524,7 +524,7 @@ impl NestedMetaItem {
return Some(NestedMetaItem::Lit(lit));
Some(TokenTree::Delimited(_, Delimiter::Invisible, inner_tokens)) => {
Some(TokenTree::Delimited(.., Delimiter::Invisible, inner_tokens)) => {
return NestedMetaItem::from_tokens(&mut inner_tokens.trees().peekable());
@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ pub fn visit_attr_tt<T: MutVisitor>(tt: &mut AttrTokenTree, vis: &mut T) {
AttrTokenTree::Token(token, _) => {
visit_token(token, vis);
AttrTokenTree::Delimited(DelimSpan { open, close }, _delim, tts) => {
AttrTokenTree::Delimited(DelimSpan { open, close }, _spacing, _delim, tts) => {
visit_attr_tts(tts, vis);
@ -709,7 +709,7 @@ pub fn visit_tt<T: MutVisitor>(tt: &mut TokenTree, vis: &mut T) {
TokenTree::Token(token, _) => {
visit_token(token, vis);
TokenTree::Delimited(DelimSpan { open, close }, _delim, tts) => {
TokenTree::Delimited(DelimSpan { open, close }, _spacing, _delim, tts) => {
visit_tts(tts, vis);
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ pub enum TokenTree {
/// delimiters are implicitly represented by `Delimited`.
Token(Token, Spacing),
/// A delimited sequence of token trees.
Delimited(DelimSpan, Delimiter, TokenStream),
Delimited(DelimSpan, DelimSpacing, Delimiter, TokenStream),
// Ensure all fields of `TokenTree` are `DynSend` and `DynSync`.
@ -62,11 +62,11 @@ where
impl TokenTree {
/// Checks if this `TokenTree` is equal to the other, regardless of span information.
/// Checks if this `TokenTree` is equal to the other, regardless of span/spacing information.
pub fn eq_unspanned(&self, other: &TokenTree) -> bool {
match (self, other) {
(TokenTree::Token(token, _), TokenTree::Token(token2, _)) => token.kind == token2.kind,
(TokenTree::Delimited(_, delim, tts), TokenTree::Delimited(_, delim2, tts2)) => {
(TokenTree::Delimited(.., delim, tts), TokenTree::Delimited(.., delim2, tts2)) => {
delim == delim2 && tts.eq_unspanned(tts2)
_ => false,
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ pub struct AttrTokenStream(pub Lrc<Vec<AttrTokenTree>>);
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Encodable, Decodable)]
pub enum AttrTokenTree {
Token(Token, Spacing),
Delimited(DelimSpan, Delimiter, AttrTokenStream),
Delimited(DelimSpan, DelimSpacing, Delimiter, AttrTokenStream),
/// Stores the attributes for an attribute target,
/// along with the tokens for that attribute target.
/// See `AttributesData` for more information
@ -213,9 +213,14 @@ impl AttrTokenStream {
AttrTokenTree::Token(inner, spacing) => {
smallvec![TokenTree::Token(inner.clone(), *spacing)].into_iter()
AttrTokenTree::Delimited(span, delim, stream) => {
smallvec![TokenTree::Delimited(*span, *delim, stream.to_tokenstream()),]
AttrTokenTree::Delimited(span, spacing, delim, stream) => {
AttrTokenTree::Attributes(data) => {
let idx = data
@ -235,7 +240,7 @@ impl AttrTokenStream {
let mut found = false;
// Check the last two trees (to account for a trailing semi)
for tree in target_tokens.iter_mut().rev().take(2) {
if let TokenTree::Delimited(span, delim, delim_tokens) = tree {
if let TokenTree::Delimited(span, spacing, delim, delim_tokens) = tree {
// Inner attributes are only supported on extern blocks, functions,
// impls, and modules. All of these have their inner attributes
// placed at the beginning of the rightmost outermost braced group:
@ -255,7 +260,7 @@ impl AttrTokenStream {
*tree = TokenTree::Delimited(*span, *delim, stream);
*tree = TokenTree::Delimited(*span, *spacing, *delim, stream);
found = true;
@ -477,11 +482,6 @@ impl TokenStream {
TokenStream::new(vec![TokenTree::token_alone(kind, span)])
/// Create a token stream containing a single `Delimited`.
pub fn delimited(span: DelimSpan, delim: Delimiter, tts: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
TokenStream::new(vec![TokenTree::Delimited(span, delim, tts)])
pub fn from_ast(node: &(impl HasAttrs + HasSpan + HasTokens + fmt::Debug)) -> TokenStream {
let Some(tokens) = node.tokens() else {
panic!("missing tokens for node at {:?}: {:?}", node.span(), node);
@ -528,6 +528,7 @@ impl TokenStream {
token::Interpolated(nt) => TokenTree::Delimited(
DelimSpacing::new(Spacing::JointHidden, spacing),
@ -538,8 +539,8 @@ impl TokenStream {
fn flatten_token_tree(tree: &TokenTree) -> TokenTree {
match tree {
TokenTree::Token(token, spacing) => TokenStream::flatten_token(token, *spacing),
TokenTree::Delimited(span, delim, tts) => {
TokenTree::Delimited(*span, *delim, tts.flattened())
TokenTree::Delimited(span, spacing, delim, tts) => {
TokenTree::Delimited(*span, *spacing, *delim, tts.flattened())
@ -549,7 +550,7 @@ impl TokenStream {
fn can_skip(stream: &TokenStream) -> bool {
stream.trees().all(|tree| match tree {
TokenTree::Token(token, _) => !matches!(token.kind, token::Interpolated(_)),
TokenTree::Delimited(_, _, inner) => can_skip(inner),
TokenTree::Delimited(.., inner) => can_skip(inner),
@ -638,9 +639,10 @@ impl TokenStream {
&TokenTree::Token(..) => i += 1,
&TokenTree::Delimited(sp, delim, ref delim_stream) => {
&TokenTree::Delimited(sp, spacing, delim, ref delim_stream) => {
if let Some(desugared_delim_stream) = desugar_inner(delim_stream.clone()) {
let new_tt = TokenTree::Delimited(sp, delim, desugared_delim_stream);
let new_tt =
TokenTree::Delimited(sp, spacing, delim, desugared_delim_stream);
Lrc::make_mut(&mut stream.0)[i] = new_tt;
modified = true;
@ -668,10 +670,11 @@ impl TokenStream {
num_of_hashes = cmp::max(num_of_hashes, count);
// `/// foo` becomes `doc = r"foo"`.
// `/// foo` becomes `[doc = r"foo"]`.
let delim_span = DelimSpan::from_single(span);
let body = TokenTree::Delimited(
DelimSpacing::new(Spacing::JointHidden, Spacing::Alone),
TokenTree::token_alone(token::Ident(sym::doc, false), span),
@ -784,6 +787,18 @@ impl DelimSpan {
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Encodable, Decodable, HashStable_Generic)]
pub struct DelimSpacing {
pub open: Spacing,
pub close: Spacing,
impl DelimSpacing {
pub fn new(open: Spacing, close: Spacing) -> DelimSpacing {
DelimSpacing { open, close }
// Some types are used a lot. Make sure they don't unintentionally get bigger.
#[cfg(all(target_arch = "x86_64", target_pointer_width = "64"))]
mod size_asserts {
@ -183,10 +183,10 @@ fn space_between(tt1: &TokenTree, tt2: &TokenTree) -> bool {
// FIXME: Incorrect cases:
// - Let: `let(a, b) = (1, 2)`
(Tok(Token { kind: Ident(..), .. }, _), Del(_, Parenthesis, _)) => false,
(Tok(Token { kind: Ident(..), .. }, _), Del(_, _, Parenthesis, _)) => false,
// `#` + `[`: `#[attr]`
(Tok(Token { kind: Pound, .. }, _), Del(_, Bracket, _)) => false,
(Tok(Token { kind: Pound, .. }, _), Del(_, _, Bracket, _)) => false,
_ => true,
@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ pub trait PrintState<'a>: std::ops::Deref<Target = pp::Printer> + std::ops::Dere
TokenTree::Delimited(dspan, delim, tts) => {
TokenTree::Delimited(dspan, spacing, delim, tts) => {
@ -529,9 +529,7 @@ pub trait PrintState<'a>: std::ops::Deref<Target = pp::Printer> + std::ops::Dere
// FIXME: add two `Spacing` fields to `TokenTree::Delimited`
// and use the close delim one here.
@ -6,8 +6,7 @@ use crate::errors::{
use rustc_ast::ptr::P;
use rustc_ast::token::{Delimiter, Token, TokenKind};
use rustc_ast::tokenstream::{AttrTokenStream, AttrTokenTree};
use rustc_ast::tokenstream::{DelimSpan, Spacing};
use rustc_ast::tokenstream::{AttrTokenStream, AttrTokenTree, DelimSpacing, DelimSpan, Spacing};
use rustc_ast::tokenstream::{LazyAttrTokenStream, TokenTree};
use rustc_ast::NodeId;
use rustc_ast::{self as ast, AttrStyle, Attribute, HasAttrs, HasTokens, MetaItem};
@ -242,7 +241,7 @@ impl<'a> StripUnconfigured<'a> {
stream.0.iter().all(|tree| match tree {
AttrTokenTree::Attributes(_) => false,
AttrTokenTree::Token(..) => true,
AttrTokenTree::Delimited(_, _, inner) => can_skip(inner),
AttrTokenTree::Delimited(.., inner) => can_skip(inner),
@ -266,9 +265,9 @@ impl<'a> StripUnconfigured<'a> {
AttrTokenTree::Delimited(sp, delim, mut inner) => {
AttrTokenTree::Delimited(sp, spacing, delim, mut inner) => {
inner = self.configure_tokens(&inner);
Some(AttrTokenTree::Delimited(sp, delim, inner)).into_iter()
Some(AttrTokenTree::Delimited(sp, spacing, delim, inner)).into_iter()
AttrTokenTree::Token(ref token, _)
if let TokenKind::Interpolated(nt) = &token.kind =>
@ -376,6 +375,7 @@ impl<'a> StripUnconfigured<'a> {
// in `#[attr]`, so just use the span of the `#` token.
let bracket_group = AttrTokenTree::Delimited(
DelimSpacing::new(Spacing::JointHidden, Spacing::Alone),
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ pub(crate) mod transcribe;
use metavar_expr::MetaVarExpr;
use rustc_ast::token::{Delimiter, NonterminalKind, Token, TokenKind};
use rustc_ast::tokenstream::DelimSpan;
use rustc_ast::tokenstream::{DelimSpacing, DelimSpan};
use rustc_span::symbol::Ident;
use rustc_span::Span;
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ pub(crate) enum KleeneOp {
enum TokenTree {
/// A delimited sequence, e.g. `($e:expr)` (RHS) or `{ $e }` (LHS).
Delimited(DelimSpan, Delimited),
Delimited(DelimSpan, DelimSpacing, Delimited),
/// A kleene-style repetition sequence, e.g. `$($e:expr)*` (RHS) or `$($e),*` (LHS).
Sequence(DelimSpan, SequenceRepetition),
/// e.g., `$var`.
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ impl TokenTree {
TokenTree::Token(Token { span, .. })
| TokenTree::MetaVar(span, _)
| TokenTree::MetaVarDecl(span, _, _) => span,
TokenTree::Delimited(span, _)
TokenTree::Delimited(span, ..)
| TokenTree::MetaVarExpr(span, _)
| TokenTree::Sequence(span, _) => span.entire(),
@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ fn check_binders(
// `MetaVarExpr` can not appear in the LHS of a macro arm
TokenTree::MetaVarExpr(..) => {}
TokenTree::Delimited(_, ref del) => {
TokenTree::Delimited(.., ref del) => {
for tt in &del.tts {
check_binders(sess, node_id, tt, macros, binders, ops, valid);
@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ fn check_occurrences(
check_ops_is_prefix(sess, node_id, macros, binders, ops, dl.entire(), name);
TokenTree::Delimited(_, ref del) => {
TokenTree::Delimited(.., ref del) => {
check_nested_occurrences(sess, node_id, &del.tts, macros, binders, ops, valid);
TokenTree::Sequence(_, ref seq) => {
@ -435,8 +435,8 @@ fn check_nested_occurrences(
// We check that the meta-variable is correctly used.
check_occurrences(sess, node_id, tt, macros, binders, ops, valid);
(NestedMacroState::MacroRulesNotName, TokenTree::Delimited(_, del))
| (NestedMacroState::MacroName, TokenTree::Delimited(_, del))
(NestedMacroState::MacroRulesNotName, TokenTree::Delimited(.., del))
| (NestedMacroState::MacroName, TokenTree::Delimited(.., del))
if del.delim == Delimiter::Brace =>
let macro_rules = state == NestedMacroState::MacroRulesNotName;
@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ fn check_nested_occurrences(
// We check that the meta-variable is correctly used.
check_occurrences(sess, node_id, tt, macros, binders, ops, valid);
(NestedMacroState::MacroName, TokenTree::Delimited(_, del))
(NestedMacroState::MacroName, TokenTree::Delimited(.., del))
if del.delim == Delimiter::Parenthesis =>
state = NestedMacroState::MacroNameParen;
@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ fn check_nested_occurrences(
(NestedMacroState::MacroNameParen, TokenTree::Delimited(_, del))
(NestedMacroState::MacroNameParen, TokenTree::Delimited(.., del))
if del.delim == Delimiter::Brace =>
state = NestedMacroState::Empty;
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ pub(super) fn compute_locs(matcher: &[TokenTree]) -> Vec<MatcherLoc> {
TokenTree::Token(token) => {
locs.push(MatcherLoc::Token { token: token.clone() });
TokenTree::Delimited(span, delimited) => {
TokenTree::Delimited(span, _, delimited) => {
let open_token = Token::new(token::OpenDelim(delimited.delim),;
let close_token = Token::new(token::CloseDelim(delimited.delim), span.close);
@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ pub(super) fn count_metavar_decls(matcher: &[TokenTree]) -> usize {
.map(|tt| match tt {
TokenTree::MetaVarDecl(..) => 1,
TokenTree::Sequence(_, seq) => seq.num_captures,
TokenTree::Delimited(_, delim) => count_metavar_decls(&delim.tts),
TokenTree::Delimited(.., delim) => count_metavar_decls(&delim.tts),
TokenTree::Token(..) => 0,
TokenTree::MetaVar(..) | TokenTree::MetaVarExpr(..) => unreachable!(),
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ fn expand_macro<'cx>(
match try_success_result {
Ok((i, named_matches)) => {
let (rhs, rhs_span): (&mbe::Delimited, DelimSpan) = match &rhses[i] {
mbe::TokenTree::Delimited(span, delimited) => (&delimited, *span),
mbe::TokenTree::Delimited(span, _, delimited) => (&delimited, *span),
_ => cx.span_bug(sp, "malformed macro rhs"),
let arm_span = rhses[i].span();
@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ pub fn compile_declarative_macro(
.map(|lhs| {
// Ignore the delimiters around the matcher.
match lhs {
mbe::TokenTree::Delimited(_, delimited) => {
mbe::TokenTree::Delimited(.., delimited) => {
_ => sess.diagnostic().span_bug(def.span, "malformed macro lhs"),
@ -615,7 +615,7 @@ pub fn compile_declarative_macro(
fn check_lhs_nt_follows(sess: &ParseSess, def: &ast::Item, lhs: &mbe::TokenTree) -> bool {
// lhs is going to be like TokenTree::Delimited(...), where the
// entire lhs is those tts. Or, it can be a "bare sequence", not wrapped in parens.
if let mbe::TokenTree::Delimited(_, delimited) = lhs {
if let mbe::TokenTree::Delimited(.., delimited) = lhs {
check_matcher(sess, def, &delimited.tts)
} else {
let msg = "invalid macro matcher; matchers must be contained in balanced delimiters";
@ -668,7 +668,7 @@ fn check_lhs_no_empty_seq(sess: &ParseSess, tts: &[mbe::TokenTree]) -> bool {
| TokenTree::MetaVar(..)
| TokenTree::MetaVarDecl(..)
| TokenTree::MetaVarExpr(..) => (),
TokenTree::Delimited(_, del) => {
TokenTree::Delimited(.., del) => {
if !check_lhs_no_empty_seq(sess, &del.tts) {
return false;
@ -709,14 +709,14 @@ fn check_matcher(sess: &ParseSess, def: &ast::Item, matcher: &[mbe::TokenTree])
fn has_compile_error_macro(rhs: &mbe::TokenTree) -> bool {
match rhs {
mbe::TokenTree::Delimited(_sp, d) => {
mbe::TokenTree::Delimited(.., d) => {
let has_compile_error = d.tts.array_windows::<3>().any(|[ident, bang, args]| {
if let mbe::TokenTree::Token(ident) = ident
&& let TokenKind::Ident(ident, _) = ident.kind
&& ident == sym::compile_error
&& let mbe::TokenTree::Token(bang) = bang
&& let TokenKind::Not = bang.kind
&& let mbe::TokenTree::Delimited(_, del) = args
&& let mbe::TokenTree::Delimited(.., del) = args
&& del.delim != Delimiter::Invisible
@ -773,7 +773,7 @@ impl<'tt> FirstSets<'tt> {
| TokenTree::MetaVarExpr(..) => {
TokenTree::Delimited(span, delimited) => {
TokenTree::Delimited(span, _, delimited) => {
build_recur(sets, &delimited.tts);
@ -842,7 +842,7 @@ impl<'tt> FirstSets<'tt> {
return first;
TokenTree::Delimited(span, delimited) => {
TokenTree::Delimited(span, _, delimited) => {
@ -1087,7 +1087,7 @@ fn check_matcher_core<'tt>(
suffix_first = build_suffix_first();
TokenTree::Delimited(span, d) => {
TokenTree::Delimited(span, _, d) => {
let my_suffix = TokenSet::singleton(TtHandle::from_token_kind(
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ impl MetaVarExpr {
) -> PResult<'sess, MetaVarExpr> {
let mut tts = input.trees();
let ident = parse_ident(&mut tts, sess, outer_span)?;
let Some(TokenTree::Delimited(_, Delimiter::Parenthesis, args)) = else {
let Some(TokenTree::Delimited(.., Delimiter::Parenthesis, args)) = else {
let msg = "meta-variable expression parameter must be wrapped in parentheses";
return Err(sess.span_diagnostic.struct_span_err(ident.span, msg));
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ fn parse_tree<'a>(
// during parsing.
let mut next =;
let mut trees: Box<dyn Iterator<Item = &tokenstream::TokenTree>>;
if let Some(tokenstream::TokenTree::Delimited(_, Delimiter::Invisible, tts)) = next {
if let Some(tokenstream::TokenTree::Delimited(.., Delimiter::Invisible, tts)) = next {
trees = Box::new(tts.trees());
next =;
} else {
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ fn parse_tree<'a>(
match next {
// `tree` is followed by a delimited set of token trees.
Some(&tokenstream::TokenTree::Delimited(delim_span, delim, ref tts)) => {
Some(&tokenstream::TokenTree::Delimited(delim_span, _, delim, ref tts)) => {
if parsing_patterns {
if delim != Delimiter::Parenthesis {
@ -258,8 +258,9 @@ fn parse_tree<'a>(
// `tree` is the beginning of a delimited set of tokens (e.g., `(` or `{`). We need to
// descend into the delimited set and further parse it.
&tokenstream::TokenTree::Delimited(span, delim, ref tts) => TokenTree::Delimited(
&tokenstream::TokenTree::Delimited(span, spacing, delim, ref tts) => TokenTree::Delimited(
Delimited {
tts: parse(tts, parsing_patterns, sess, node_id, features, edition),
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ use crate::mbe::macro_parser::{MatchedNonterminal, MatchedSeq, MatchedTokenTree,
use crate::mbe::{self, MetaVarExpr};
use rustc_ast::mut_visit::{self, MutVisitor};
use rustc_ast::token::{self, Delimiter, Token, TokenKind};
use rustc_ast::tokenstream::{DelimSpan, Spacing, TokenStream, TokenTree};
use rustc_ast::tokenstream::{DelimSpacing, DelimSpan, Spacing, TokenStream, TokenTree};
use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashMap;
use rustc_errors::{pluralize, PResult};
use rustc_errors::{DiagnosticBuilder, ErrorGuaranteed};
@ -31,14 +31,24 @@ impl MutVisitor for Marker {
/// An iterator over the token trees in a delimited token tree (`{ ... }`) or a sequence (`$(...)`).
enum Frame<'a> {
Delimited { tts: &'a [mbe::TokenTree], idx: usize, delim: Delimiter, span: DelimSpan },
Sequence { tts: &'a [mbe::TokenTree], idx: usize, sep: Option<Token> },
Delimited {
tts: &'a [mbe::TokenTree],
idx: usize,
delim: Delimiter,
span: DelimSpan,
spacing: DelimSpacing,
Sequence {
tts: &'a [mbe::TokenTree],
idx: usize,
sep: Option<Token>,
impl<'a> Frame<'a> {
/// Construct a new frame around the delimited set of tokens.
fn new(src: &'a mbe::Delimited, span: DelimSpan) -> Frame<'a> {
Frame::Delimited { tts: &src.tts, idx: 0, delim: src.delim, span }
fn new(src: &'a mbe::Delimited, span: DelimSpan, spacing: DelimSpacing) -> Frame<'a> {
Frame::Delimited { tts: &src.tts, idx: 0, delim: src.delim, span, spacing }
@ -89,8 +99,10 @@ pub(super) fn transcribe<'a>(
// We descend into the RHS (`src`), expanding things as we go. This stack contains the things
// we have yet to expand/are still expanding. We start the stack off with the whole RHS.
let mut stack: SmallVec<[Frame<'_>; 1]> = smallvec![Frame::new(src, src_span)];
// we have yet to expand/are still expanding. We start the stack off with the whole RHS. The
// choice of spacing values doesn't matter.
let mut stack: SmallVec<[Frame<'_>; 1]> =
smallvec![Frame::new(src, src_span, DelimSpacing::new(Spacing::Alone, Spacing::Alone))];
// As we descend in the RHS, we will need to be able to match nested sequences of matchers.
// `repeats` keeps track of where we are in matching at each level, with the last element being
@ -144,14 +156,19 @@ pub(super) fn transcribe<'a>(
// We are done processing a Delimited. If this is the top-level delimited, we are
// done. Otherwise, we unwind the result_stack to append what we have produced to
// any previous results.
Frame::Delimited { delim, span, .. } => {
Frame::Delimited { delim, span, mut spacing, .. } => {
// Hack to force-insert a space after `]` in certain case.
// See discussion of the `hex-literal` crate in #114571.
if delim == Delimiter::Bracket {
spacing.close = Spacing::Alone;
if result_stack.is_empty() {
// No results left to compute! We are back at the top-level.
return Ok(TokenStream::new(result));
// Step back into the parent Delimited.
let tree = TokenTree::Delimited(span, delim, TokenStream::new(result));
let tree = TokenTree::Delimited(span, spacing, delim, TokenStream::new(result));
result = result_stack.pop().unwrap();
@ -258,13 +275,14 @@ pub(super) fn transcribe<'a>(
// We will produce all of the results of the inside of the `Delimited` and then we will
// jump back out of the Delimited, pop the result_stack and add the new results back to
// the previous results (from outside the Delimited).
mbe::TokenTree::Delimited(mut span, delimited) => {
mbe::TokenTree::Delimited(mut span, spacing, delimited) => {
mut_visit::visit_delim_span(&mut span, &mut marker);
stack.push(Frame::Delimited {
tts: &delimited.tts,
delim: delimited.delim,
idx: 0,
spacing: *spacing,
result_stack.push(mem::take(&mut result));
@ -374,7 +392,7 @@ fn lockstep_iter_size(
) -> LockstepIterSize {
use mbe::TokenTree;
match tree {
TokenTree::Delimited(_, delimited) => {
TokenTree::Delimited(.., delimited) => {
delimited.tts.iter().fold(LockstepIterSize::Unconstrained, |size, tt| {
size.with(lockstep_iter_size(tt, interpolations, repeats))
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ use crate::tests::{
use rustc_ast::ptr::P;
use rustc_ast::token::{self, Delimiter, Token};
use rustc_ast::tokenstream::{DelimSpan, TokenStream, TokenTree};
use rustc_ast::tokenstream::{DelimSpacing, DelimSpan, Spacing, TokenStream, TokenTree};
use rustc_ast::visit;
use rustc_ast::{self as ast, PatKind};
use rustc_ast_pretty::pprust::item_to_string;
@ -77,14 +77,14 @@ fn string_to_tts_macro() {
TokenTree::Token(Token { kind: token::Ident(name_macro_rules, false), .. }, _),
TokenTree::Token(Token { kind: token::Not, .. }, _),
TokenTree::Token(Token { kind: token::Ident(name_zip, false), .. }, _),
TokenTree::Delimited(_, macro_delim, macro_tts),
TokenTree::Delimited(.., macro_delim, macro_tts),
] if name_macro_rules == &kw::MacroRules && name_zip.as_str() == "zip" => {
let tts = ¯o_tts.trees().collect::<Vec<_>>();
match &tts[..] {
TokenTree::Delimited(_, first_delim, first_tts),
TokenTree::Delimited(.., first_delim, first_tts),
TokenTree::Token(Token { kind: token::FatArrow, .. }, _),
TokenTree::Delimited(_, second_delim, second_tts),
TokenTree::Delimited(.., second_delim, second_tts),
] if macro_delim == &Delimiter::Parenthesis => {
let tts = &first_tts.trees().collect::<Vec<_>>();
match &tts[..] {
@ -123,6 +123,9 @@ fn string_to_tts_1() {
TokenTree::token_joint_hidden(token::Ident(Symbol::intern("a"), false), sp(3, 4)),
DelimSpan::from_pair(sp(4, 5), sp(11, 12)),
// `JointHidden` because the `(` is followed immediately by
// `b`, `Alone` because the `)` is followed by whitespace.
DelimSpacing::new(Spacing::JointHidden, Spacing::Alone),
TokenTree::token_joint(token::Ident(Symbol::intern("b"), false), sp(5, 6)),
@ -134,6 +137,10 @@ fn string_to_tts_1() {
DelimSpan::from_pair(sp(13, 14), sp(18, 19)),
// First `Alone` because the `{` is followed by whitespace,
// second `Alone` because the `}` is followed immediately by
// EOF.
DelimSpacing::new(Spacing::Alone, Spacing::Alone),
TokenTree::token_joint(token::Ident(Symbol::intern("b"), false), sp(15, 16)),
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ use pm::bridge::{
use pm::{Delimiter, Level};
use rustc_ast as ast;
use rustc_ast::token;
use rustc_ast::tokenstream::{self, Spacing, TokenStream};
use rustc_ast::tokenstream::{self, DelimSpacing, Spacing, TokenStream};
use rustc_ast::util::literal::escape_byte_str_symbol;
use rustc_ast_pretty::pprust;
use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashMap;
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ impl FromInternal<(TokenStream, &mut Rustc<'_, '_>)> for Vec<TokenTree<TokenStre
while let Some(tree) = {
let (Token { kind, span }, joint) = match tree.clone() {
tokenstream::TokenTree::Delimited(span, delim, tts) => {
tokenstream::TokenTree::Delimited(span, _, delim, tts) => {
let delimiter = pm::Delimiter::from_internal(delim);
trees.push(TokenTree::Group(Group {
@ -284,10 +284,11 @@ impl ToInternal<SmallVec<[tokenstream::TokenTree; 2]>>
fn to_internal(self) -> SmallVec<[tokenstream::TokenTree; 2]> {
use rustc_ast::token::*;
// The code below is conservative and uses `token_alone` in most
// places. When the resulting code is pretty-printed by `print_tts` it
// ends up with spaces between most tokens, which is safe but ugly.
// It's hard in general to do better when working at the token level.
// The code below is conservative, using `token_alone`/`Spacing::Alone`
// in most places. When the resulting code is pretty-printed by
// `print_tts` it ends up with spaces between most tokens, which is
// safe but ugly. It's hard in general to do better when working at the
// token level.
let (tree, rustc) = self;
match tree {
TokenTree::Punct(Punct { ch, joint, span }) => {
@ -330,6 +331,7 @@ impl ToInternal<SmallVec<[tokenstream::TokenTree; 2]>>
TokenTree::Group(Group { delimiter, stream, span: DelimSpan { open, close, .. } }) => {
tokenstream::DelimSpan { open, close },
DelimSpacing::new(Spacing::Alone, Spacing::Alone),
@ -1835,7 +1835,7 @@ impl KeywordIdents {
self.check_ident_token(cx, UnderMacro(true), ident);
TokenTree::Delimited(_, _, tts) => self.check_tokens(cx, tts),
TokenTree::Delimited(.., tts) => self.check_tokens(cx, tts),
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ pub(crate) fn parse_token_trees<'a>(
let (stream, res, unmatched_delims) =
match res {
Ok(()) if unmatched_delims.is_empty() => Ok(stream),
Ok(_open_spacing) if unmatched_delims.is_empty() => Ok(stream),
_ => {
// Return error if there are unmatched delimiters or unclosed delimiters.
// We emit delimiter mismatch errors first, then emit the unclosing delimiter mismatch
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ use super::diagnostics::same_indentation_level;
use super::diagnostics::TokenTreeDiagInfo;
use super::{StringReader, UnmatchedDelim};
use rustc_ast::token::{self, Delimiter, Token};
use rustc_ast::tokenstream::{DelimSpan, Spacing, TokenStream, TokenTree};
use rustc_ast::tokenstream::{DelimSpacing, DelimSpan, Spacing, TokenStream, TokenTree};
use rustc_ast_pretty::pprust::token_to_string;
use rustc_errors::{Applicability, PErr};
use rustc_span::symbol::kw;
@ -25,59 +25,46 @@ impl<'a> TokenTreesReader<'a> {
token: Token::dummy(),
diag_info: TokenTreeDiagInfo::default(),
let (stream, res) = tt_reader.parse_token_trees(/* is_delimited */ false);
let (_open_spacing, stream, res) =
tt_reader.parse_token_trees(/* is_delimited */ false);
(stream, res, tt_reader.diag_info.unmatched_delims)
// Parse a stream of tokens into a list of `TokenTree`s.
// Parse a stream of tokens into a list of `TokenTree`s. The `Spacing` in
// the result is that of the opening delimiter.
fn parse_token_trees(
&mut self,
is_delimited: bool,
) -> (TokenStream, Result<(), Vec<PErr<'a>>>) {
self.token = self.string_reader.next_token().0;
) -> (Spacing, TokenStream, Result<(), Vec<PErr<'a>>>) {
// Move past the opening delimiter.
let (_, open_spacing) = self.bump(false);
let mut buf = Vec::new();
loop {
match self.token.kind {
token::OpenDelim(delim) => {
buf.push(match self.parse_token_tree_open_delim(delim) {
Ok(val) => val,
Err(errs) => return (TokenStream::new(buf), Err(errs)),
Err(errs) => return (open_spacing, TokenStream::new(buf), Err(errs)),
token::CloseDelim(delim) => {
return (
if is_delimited { Ok(()) } else { Err(vec![self.close_delim_err(delim)]) },
token::Eof => {
return (
if is_delimited { Err(vec![self.eof_err()]) } else { Ok(()) },
_ => {
// Get the next normal token. This might require getting multiple adjacent
// single-char tokens and joining them together.
let (this_spacing, next_tok) = loop {
let (next_tok, is_next_tok_preceded_by_whitespace) =
if is_next_tok_preceded_by_whitespace {
break (Spacing::Alone, next_tok);
} else if let Some(glued) = self.token.glue(&next_tok) {
self.token = glued;
} else {
let this_spacing = if next_tok.is_punct() {
} else if next_tok.kind == token::Eof {
} else {
break (this_spacing, next_tok);
let this_tok = std::mem::replace(&mut self.token, next_tok);
// Get the next normal token.
let (this_tok, this_spacing) = self.bump(true);
buf.push(TokenTree::Token(this_tok, this_spacing));
@ -121,7 +108,7 @@ impl<'a> TokenTreesReader<'a> {
// Parse the token trees within the delimiters.
// We stop at any delimiter so we can try to recover if the user
// uses an incorrect delimiter.
let (tts, res) = self.parse_token_trees(/* is_delimited */ true);
let (open_spacing, tts, res) = self.parse_token_trees(/* is_delimited */ true);
if let Err(errs) = res {
return Err(self.unclosed_delim_err(tts, errs));
@ -130,7 +117,7 @@ impl<'a> TokenTreesReader<'a> {
let delim_span = DelimSpan::from_pair(pre_span, self.token.span);
let sm = self.string_reader.sess.source_map();
match self.token.kind {
let close_spacing = match self.token.kind {
// Correct delimiter.
token::CloseDelim(close_delim) if close_delim == open_delim => {
let (open_brace, open_brace_span) = self.diag_info.open_braces.pop().unwrap();
@ -152,7 +139,7 @@ impl<'a> TokenTreesReader<'a> {
// Move past the closing delimiter.
self.token = self.string_reader.next_token().0;
// Incorrect delimiter.
token::CloseDelim(close_delim) => {
@ -196,18 +183,50 @@ impl<'a> TokenTreesReader<'a> {
// bar(baz(
// } // Incorrect delimiter but matches the earlier `{`
if !self.diag_info.open_braces.iter().any(|&(b, _)| b == close_delim) {
self.token = self.string_reader.next_token().0;
} else {
// The choice of value here doesn't matter.
token::Eof => {
// Silently recover, the EOF token will be seen again
// and an error emitted then. Thus we don't pop from
// self.open_braces here.
// self.open_braces here. The choice of spacing value here
// doesn't matter.
_ => unreachable!(),
Ok(TokenTree::Delimited(delim_span, open_delim, tts))
let spacing = DelimSpacing::new(open_spacing, close_spacing);
Ok(TokenTree::Delimited(delim_span, spacing, open_delim, tts))
// Move on to the next token, returning the current token and its spacing.
// Will glue adjacent single-char tokens together if `glue` is set.
fn bump(&mut self, glue: bool) -> (Token, Spacing) {
let (this_spacing, next_tok) = loop {
let (next_tok, is_next_tok_preceded_by_whitespace) = self.string_reader.next_token();
if is_next_tok_preceded_by_whitespace {
break (Spacing::Alone, next_tok);
} else if glue && let Some(glued) = self.token.glue(&next_tok) {
self.token = glued;
} else {
let this_spacing = if next_tok.is_punct() {
} else if next_tok.kind == token::Eof {
} else {
break (this_spacing, next_tok);
let this_tok = std::mem::replace(&mut self.token, next_tok);
(this_tok, this_spacing)
fn unclosed_delim_err(&mut self, tts: TokenStream, mut errs: Vec<PErr<'a>>) -> Vec<PErr<'a>> {
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
use super::{Capturing, FlatToken, ForceCollect, Parser, ReplaceRange, TokenCursor, TrailingToken};
use rustc_ast::token::{self, Delimiter, Token, TokenKind};
use rustc_ast::tokenstream::{AttrTokenStream, AttributesData, ToAttrTokenStream};
use rustc_ast::tokenstream::{AttrTokenTree, DelimSpan, LazyAttrTokenStream, Spacing};
use rustc_ast::tokenstream::{AttrTokenStream, AttrTokenTree, AttributesData, DelimSpacing};
use rustc_ast::tokenstream::{DelimSpan, LazyAttrTokenStream, Spacing, ToAttrTokenStream};
use rustc_ast::{self as ast};
use rustc_ast::{AttrVec, Attribute, HasAttrs, HasTokens};
use rustc_errors::PResult;
@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ fn make_token_stream(
struct FrameData {
// This is `None` for the first frame, `Some` for all others.
open_delim_sp: Option<(Delimiter, Span)>,
open_delim_sp: Option<(Delimiter, Span, Spacing)>,
inner: Vec<AttrTokenTree>,
let mut stack = vec![FrameData { open_delim_sp: None, inner: vec![] }];
@ -397,21 +397,23 @@ fn make_token_stream(
while let Some((token, spacing)) = token_and_spacing {
match token {
FlatToken::Token(Token { kind: TokenKind::OpenDelim(delim), span }) => {
stack.push(FrameData { open_delim_sp: Some((delim, span)), inner: vec![] });
.push(FrameData { open_delim_sp: Some((delim, span, spacing)), inner: vec![] });
FlatToken::Token(Token { kind: TokenKind::CloseDelim(delim), span }) => {
let frame_data = stack
.unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Token stack was empty for token: {token:?}"));
let (open_delim, open_sp) = frame_data.open_delim_sp.unwrap();
let (open_delim, open_sp, open_spacing) = frame_data.open_delim_sp.unwrap();
open_delim, delim,
"Mismatched open/close delims: open={open_delim:?} close={span:?}"
let dspan = DelimSpan::from_pair(open_sp, span);
let dspacing = DelimSpacing::new(open_spacing, spacing);
let stream = AttrTokenStream::new(frame_data.inner);
let delimited = AttrTokenTree::Delimited(dspan, delim, stream);
let delimited = AttrTokenTree::Delimited(dspan, dspacing, delim, stream);
.unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Bottom token frame is missing for token: {token:?}"))
@ -2276,7 +2276,7 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
if self.token.kind == TokenKind::Semi
&& matches!(self.token_cursor.stack.last(), Some((_, Delimiter::Parenthesis, _)))
&& matches!(self.token_cursor.stack.last(), Some((.., Delimiter::Parenthesis)))
&& self.may_recover()
// It is likely that the closure body is a block but where the
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ pub use path::PathStyle;
use rustc_ast::ptr::P;
use rustc_ast::token::{self, Delimiter, Nonterminal, Token, TokenKind};
use rustc_ast::tokenstream::{AttributesData, DelimSpan, Spacing};
use rustc_ast::tokenstream::{AttributesData, DelimSpacing, DelimSpan, Spacing};
use rustc_ast::tokenstream::{TokenStream, TokenTree, TokenTreeCursor};
use rustc_ast::util::case::Case;
use rustc_ast::AttrId;
@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ struct TokenCursor {
// Token streams surrounding the current one. The delimiters for stack[n]'s
// tokens are in `stack[n-1]`. `stack[0]` (when present) has no delimiters
// because it's the outermost token stream which never has delimiters.
stack: Vec<(TokenTreeCursor, Delimiter, DelimSpan)>,
stack: Vec<(TokenTreeCursor, DelimSpan, DelimSpacing, Delimiter)>,
impl TokenCursor {
@ -264,24 +264,25 @@ impl TokenCursor {
return (token.clone(), spacing);
&TokenTree::Delimited(sp, delim, ref tts) => {
&TokenTree::Delimited(sp, spacing, delim, ref tts) => {
let trees = tts.clone().into_trees();
self.stack.push((mem::replace(&mut self.tree_cursor, trees), delim, sp));
mem::replace(&mut self.tree_cursor, trees),
if delim != Delimiter::Invisible {
// FIXME: add two `Spacing` fields to `TokenTree::Delimited`
// and use the open delim one here.
return (Token::new(token::OpenDelim(delim),, Spacing::Alone);
return (Token::new(token::OpenDelim(delim),,;
// No open delimiter to return; continue on to the next iteration.
} else if let Some((tree_cursor, delim, span)) = self.stack.pop() {
} else if let Some((tree_cursor, span, spacing, delim)) = self.stack.pop() {
// We have exhausted this token stream. Move back to its parent token stream.
self.tree_cursor = tree_cursor;
if delim != Delimiter::Invisible {
// FIXME: add two `Spacing` fields to `TokenTree::Delimited` and
// use the close delim one here.
return (Token::new(token::CloseDelim(delim), span.close), Spacing::Alone);
return (Token::new(token::CloseDelim(delim), span.close), spacing.close);
// No close delimiter to return; continue on to the next iteration.
} else {
@ -1074,7 +1075,7 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
return looker(&self.token);
if let Some(&(_, delim, span)) = self.token_cursor.stack.last()
if let Some(&(_, span, _, delim)) = self.token_cursor.stack.last()
&& delim != Delimiter::Invisible
// We are not in the outermost token stream, and the token stream
@ -1083,7 +1084,7 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
let tree_cursor = &self.token_cursor.tree_cursor;
let all_normal = (0..dist).all(|i| {
let token = tree_cursor.look_ahead(i);
!matches!(token, Some(TokenTree::Delimited(_, Delimiter::Invisible, _)))
!matches!(token, Some(TokenTree::Delimited(.., Delimiter::Invisible, _)))
if all_normal {
// There were no skipped delimiters. Do lookahead by plain indexing.
@ -1092,7 +1093,7 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
// Indexing stayed within the current token stream.
match tree {
TokenTree::Token(token, _) => looker(token),
TokenTree::Delimited(dspan, delim, _) => {
TokenTree::Delimited(dspan, _, delim, _) => {
@ -1270,7 +1271,7 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
|| self.check(&token::OpenDelim(Delimiter::Brace));
delimited.then(|| {
let TokenTree::Delimited(dspan, delim, tokens) = self.parse_token_tree() else {
let TokenTree::Delimited(dspan, _, delim, tokens) = self.parse_token_tree() else {
DelimArgs { dspan, delim, tokens }
@ -1294,7 +1295,7 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
token::OpenDelim(..) => {
// Grab the tokens within the delimiters.
let stream =;
let (_, delim, span) = *self.token_cursor.stack.last().unwrap();
let (_, span, spacing, delim) = *self.token_cursor.stack.last().unwrap();
// Advance the token cursor through the entire delimited
// sequence. After getting the `OpenDelim` we are *within* the
@ -1314,7 +1315,7 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
// Consume close delimiter
TokenTree::Delimited(span, delim, stream)
TokenTree::Delimited(span, spacing, delim, stream)
token::CloseDelim(_) | token::Eof => unreachable!(),
_ => {
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ pub(super) fn render_macro_matcher(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>, matcher: &TokenTree) -> Stri
match matcher {
TokenTree::Delimited(_span, _delim, tts) => print_tts(&mut printer, tts),
TokenTree::Delimited(_span, _spacing, _delim, tts) => print_tts(&mut printer, tts),
// Matcher which is not a Delimited is unexpected and should've failed
// to compile, but we render whatever it is wrapped in parens.
TokenTree::Token(..) => print_tt(&mut printer, matcher),
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ fn print_tt(printer: &mut Printer<'_>, tt: &TokenTree) {
TokenTree::Delimited(_span, delim, tts) => {
TokenTree::Delimited(_span, _spacing, delim, tts) => {
let open_delim = printer.token_kind_to_string(&token::OpenDelim(*delim));
if !tts.is_empty() {
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ fn print_tts(printer: &mut Printer<'_>, tts: &TokenStream) {
(_, token::Pound) => (true, Pound),
(_, _) => (true, Other),
TokenTree::Delimited(_, delim, _) => match (state, delim) {
TokenTree::Delimited(.., delim, _) => match (state, delim) {
(Dollar, Delimiter::Parenthesis) => (false, DollarParen),
(Pound | PoundBang, Delimiter::Bracket) => (false, Other),
(Ident, Delimiter::Parenthesis | Delimiter::Bracket) => (false, Other),
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ fn contains_unhygienic_crate_reference(tts: &TokenStream) -> Option<Span> {
return Some(span);
if let TokenTree::Delimited(_, _, tts) = &curr {
if let TokenTree::Delimited(.., tts) = &curr {
let span = contains_unhygienic_crate_reference(tts);
if span.is_some() {
return span;
@ -708,7 +708,7 @@ struct MacroArgParser {
fn last_tok(tt: &TokenTree) -> Token {
match *tt {
TokenTree::Token(ref t, _) => t.clone(),
TokenTree::Delimited(delim_span, delim, _) => Token {
TokenTree::Delimited(delim_span, _, delim, _) => Token {
kind: TokenKind::CloseDelim(delim),
span: delim_span.close,
@ -925,7 +925,7 @@ impl MacroArgParser {
self.add_meta_variable(&mut iter)?;
TokenTree::Token(ref t, _) => self.update_buffer(t),
&TokenTree::Delimited(_delimited_span, delimited, ref tts) => {
&TokenTree::Delimited(_dspan, _spacing, delimited, ref tts) => {
if !self.buf.is_empty() {
if next_space(&self.last_tok.kind) == SpaceState::Always {
@ -1167,7 +1167,7 @@ impl<'a> MacroParser<'a> {
let tok =;
let (lo, args_paren_kind) = match tok {
TokenTree::Token(..) => return None,
&TokenTree::Delimited(delimited_span, d, _) => (, d),
&TokenTree::Delimited(delimited_span, _, d, _) => (, d),
let args = TokenStream::new(vec![tok.clone()]);
match {
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
async fn f(mut x: u8) {}
async fn g((mut x, y, mut z) : (u8, u8, u8)) {}
async fn g(mut x: u8, (a, mut b, c) : (u8, u8, u8), y: u8) {}
async fn g((mut x, y, mut z): (u8, u8, u8)) {}
async fn g(mut x: u8, (a, mut b, c): (u8, u8, u8), y: u8) {}
@ -14,13 +14,13 @@ LL | stack!("overflow");
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: expanding `stack! { "overflow" }`
= note: to `print! (stack! ("overflow")) ;`
= note: to `print! (stack! ("overflow"));`
= note: expanding `print! { stack! ("overflow") }`
= note: to `{ $crate :: io :: _print($crate :: format_args! (stack! ("overflow"))) ; }`
= note: to `{ $crate :: io :: _print($crate :: format_args! (stack! ("overflow"))); }`
= note: expanding `stack! { "overflow" }`
= note: to `print! (stack! ("overflow")) ;`
= note: to `print! (stack! ("overflow"));`
= note: expanding `print! { stack! ("overflow") }`
= note: to `{ $crate :: io :: _print($crate :: format_args! (stack! ("overflow"))) ; }`
= note: to `{ $crate :: io :: _print($crate :: format_args! (stack! ("overflow"))); }`
error: format argument must be a string literal
--> $DIR/
@ -14,13 +14,13 @@ LL | stack!("overflow");
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: expanding `stack! { "overflow" }`
= note: to `println! (stack! ("overflow")) ;`
= note: to `println! (stack! ("overflow"));`
= note: expanding `println! { stack! ("overflow") }`
= note: to `{ $crate :: io :: _print($crate :: format_args_nl! (stack! ("overflow"))) ; }`
= note: to `{ $crate :: io :: _print($crate :: format_args_nl! (stack! ("overflow"))); }`
= note: expanding `stack! { "overflow" }`
= note: to `println! (stack! ("overflow")) ;`
= note: to `println! (stack! ("overflow"));`
= note: expanding `println! { stack! ("overflow") }`
= note: to `{ $crate :: io :: _print($crate :: format_args_nl! (stack! ("overflow"))) ; }`
= note: to `{ $crate :: io :: _print($crate :: format_args_nl! (stack! ("overflow"))); }`
error: format argument must be a string literal
--> $DIR/
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ fn test_expr() {
c1!(expr, [ f::<'a, u8, 1>() ], "f::<'a, u8, 1>()");
c1!(expr, [ f(true) ], "f(true)");
c2!(expr, [ f(true,) ], "f(true)", "f(true,)");
c2!(expr, [ ()() ], "()()", "() ()");
c1!(expr, [ ()() ], "()()");
// ExprKind::MethodCall
c1!(expr, [ x.f() ], "x.f()");
@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ fn test_expr() {
c1!(expr, [ Struct { x: true, ..base } ], "Struct { x: true, ..base }");
// ExprKind::Repeat
c2!(expr, [ [(); 0] ], "[(); 0]", "[() ; 0]");
c1!(expr, [ [(); 0] ], "[(); 0]");
// ExprKind::Paren
c1!(expr, [ (expr) ], "(expr)");
@ -340,19 +340,19 @@ fn test_item() {
[ pub use crate::{a, b::c}; ],
"pub use crate::{a, b::c};",
"pub use crate::{ a, b::c } ;"
"pub use crate::{ a, b::c };" // FIXME
c1!(item, [ pub use A::*; ], "pub use A::*;");
// ItemKind::Static
c2!(item, [ pub static S: () = {}; ], "pub static S: () = {};", "pub static S: () = {} ;");
c2!(item, [ static mut S: () = {}; ], "static mut S: () = {};", "static mut S: () = {} ;");
c2!(item, [ static S: (); ], "static S: ();", "static S: () ;");
c2!(item, [ static mut S: (); ], "static mut S: ();", "static mut S: () ;");
c1!(item, [ pub static S: () = {}; ], "pub static S: () = {};");
c1!(item, [ static mut S: () = {}; ], "static mut S: () = {};");
c1!(item, [ static S: (); ], "static S: ();");
c1!(item, [ static mut S: (); ], "static mut S: ();");
// ItemKind::Const
c2!(item, [ pub const S: () = {}; ], "pub const S: () = {};", "pub const S: () = {} ;");
c2!(item, [ const S: (); ], "const S: ();", "const S: () ;");
c1!(item, [ pub const S: () = {}; ], "pub const S: () = {};");
c1!(item, [ const S: (); ], "const S: ();");
// ItemKind::Fn
@ -429,8 +429,8 @@ fn test_item() {
// ItemKind::Struct
c1!(item, [ pub struct Unit; ], "pub struct Unit;");
c2!(item, [ struct Tuple(); ], "struct Tuple();", "struct Tuple() ;");
c2!(item, [ struct Tuple(T); ], "struct Tuple(T);", "struct Tuple(T) ;");
c1!(item, [ struct Tuple(); ], "struct Tuple();");
c1!(item, [ struct Tuple(T); ], "struct Tuple(T);");
c1!(item, [ struct Struct {} ], "struct Struct {}");
@ -489,8 +489,8 @@ fn test_item() {
c1!(item, [ impl ~const Struct {} ], "impl ~const Struct {}");
// ItemKind::MacCall
c2!(item, [ mac!(...); ], "mac!(...);", "mac!(...) ;");
c2!(item, [ mac![...]; ], "mac![...];", "mac![...] ;");
c1!(item, [ mac!(...); ], "mac!(...);");
c1!(item, [ mac![...]; ], "mac![...];");
c1!(item, [ mac! { ... } ], "mac! { ... }");
// ItemKind::MacroDef
@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ fn test_item() {
() => {};
"macro_rules! stringify { () => {} ; }"
"macro_rules! stringify { () => {}; }"
[ pub macro stringify() {} ],
@ -627,7 +627,7 @@ fn test_stmt() {
[ let (a, b): (u32, u32) = (1, 2) ],
"let (a, b): (u32, u32) = (1, 2);",
"let(a, b) : (u32, u32) = (1, 2)"
"let(a, b): (u32, u32) = (1, 2)" // FIXME
// StmtKind::Item
@ -5,5 +5,5 @@ LL | println!("Hello, World!");
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: expanding `println! { "Hello, World!" }`
= note: to `{ $crate :: io :: _print($crate :: format_args_nl! ("Hello, World!")) ; }`
= note: to `{ $crate :: io :: _print($crate :: format_args_nl! ("Hello, World!")); }`
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ LL | my_faulty_macro!();
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: expanding `my_faulty_macro! { }`
= note: to `my_faulty_macro! (bcd) ;`
= note: to `my_faulty_macro! (bcd);`
= note: expanding `my_faulty_macro! { bcd }`
error: recursion limit reached while expanding `my_recursive_macro!`
@ -42,13 +42,13 @@ LL | my_recursive_macro!();
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: expanding `my_recursive_macro! { }`
= note: to `my_recursive_macro! () ;`
= note: to `my_recursive_macro! ();`
= note: expanding `my_recursive_macro! { }`
= note: to `my_recursive_macro! () ;`
= note: to `my_recursive_macro! ();`
= note: expanding `my_recursive_macro! { }`
= note: to `my_recursive_macro! () ;`
= note: to `my_recursive_macro! ();`
= note: expanding `my_recursive_macro! { }`
= note: to `my_recursive_macro! () ;`
= note: to `my_recursive_macro! ();`
error: expected expression, found pattern `A { a: a, b: 0, c: _, .. }`
--> $DIR/
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ LL | let a = pat_macro!();
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: expanding `pat_macro! { }`
= note: to `pat_macro! (A { a : a, b : 0, c : _, .. }) ;`
= note: to `pat_macro! (A { a : a, b : 0, c : _, .. });`
= note: expanding `pat_macro! { A { a : a, b : 0, c : _, .. } }`
= note: to `A { a: a, b: 0, c: _, .. }`
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ PRINT-ATTR INPUT (DEBUG): TokenStream [
span: $DIR/ 57:34 (#0),
PRINT-ATTR INPUT (DISPLAY): #[expect_my_macro_stmt] my_macro!("{}", string) ;
PRINT-ATTR INPUT (DISPLAY): #[expect_my_macro_stmt] my_macro!("{}", string);
PRINT-ATTR RE-COLLECTED (DISPLAY): #[expect_my_macro_stmt] my_macro! ("{}", string) ;
Punct {
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ PRINT-ATTR INPUT (DEBUG): TokenStream [
span: $DIR/ 61:29 (#0),
PRINT-ATTR INPUT (DISPLAY): second_make_stmt!(#[allow(dead_code)] struct Bar {}) ;
PRINT-ATTR INPUT (DISPLAY): second_make_stmt!(#[allow(dead_code)] struct Bar {});
PRINT-ATTR RE-COLLECTED (DISPLAY): second_make_stmt! (#[allow(dead_code)] struct Bar {}) ;
Ident {
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
PRINT-ATTR INPUT (DISPLAY): fn foo<T: MyTrait<MyStruct<{ true } >>>() {}
PRINT-ATTR INPUT (DISPLAY): fn foo<T: MyTrait<MyStruct<{ true }>>>() {}
PRINT-ATTR RE-COLLECTED (DISPLAY): fn foo < T : MyTrait < MyStruct < { true } >>> () {}
Ident {
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ PRINT-ATTR INPUT (DEBUG): TokenStream [
span: $DIR/ 19:44 (#0),
PRINT-ATTR INPUT (DISPLAY): impl<T> MyTrait<T> for MyStruct<{ true } > { #![rustc_dummy] }
PRINT-ATTR INPUT (DISPLAY): impl<T> MyTrait<T> for MyStruct<{ true }> { #![rustc_dummy] }
PRINT-ATTR RE-COLLECTED (DISPLAY): impl < T > MyTrait < T > for MyStruct < { true } > { #![rustc_dummy] }
PRINT-ATTR DEEP-RE-COLLECTED (DISPLAY): impl < T > MyTrait < T > for MyStruct < { true } > { #! [rustc_dummy] }
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ PRINT-ATTR INPUT (DEBUG): TokenStream [
span: $DIR/ 49:34 (#0),
PRINT-ATTR INPUT (DISPLAY): #[expect_my_macro_stmt] my_macro!("{}", string) ;
PRINT-ATTR INPUT (DISPLAY): #[expect_my_macro_stmt] my_macro!("{}", string);
PRINT-ATTR RE-COLLECTED (DISPLAY): #[expect_my_macro_stmt] my_macro! ("{}", string) ;
Punct {
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ PRINT-ATTR INPUT (DEBUG): TokenStream [
span: $DIR/ 53:29 (#0),
PRINT-ATTR INPUT (DISPLAY): second_make_stmt!(#[allow(dead_code)] struct Bar {}) ;
PRINT-ATTR INPUT (DISPLAY): second_make_stmt!(#[allow(dead_code)] struct Bar {});
PRINT-ATTR RE-COLLECTED (DISPLAY): second_make_stmt! (#[allow(dead_code)] struct Bar {}) ;
Ident {
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ pub fn expect_let(attr: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
pub fn expect_print_stmt(attr: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
assert_eq!(item.to_string(), "println!(\"{}\", string) ;");
assert_eq!(item.to_string(), "println!(\"{}\", string);");
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Foo<[u8;
#![rustc_dummy(cursed_inner)] #![allow(unused)] struct Inner
{ field: [u8; { #![rustc_dummy(another_cursed_inner)] 1 }] } 0
}] > { #![rustc_dummy(evaluated_attr)] fn bar() {} }
}]> { #![rustc_dummy(evaluated_attr)] fn bar() {} }
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
PRINT-BANG INPUT (DISPLAY): struct M($crate :: S) ;
PRINT-BANG INPUT (DISPLAY): struct M($crate :: S);
PRINT-BANG RE-COLLECTED (DISPLAY): struct M($crate :: S) ;
Ident {
ident: "struct",
@ -38,7 +39,8 @@ PRINT-BANG INPUT (DEBUG): TokenStream [
span: $DIR/ 17:33 (#3),
PRINT-ATTR INPUT (DISPLAY): struct A($crate :: S) ;
PRINT-ATTR INPUT (DISPLAY): struct A($crate :: S);
PRINT-ATTR RE-COLLECTED (DISPLAY): struct A($crate :: S) ;
Ident {
ident: "struct",
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
PRINT-ATTR INPUT (DISPLAY): struct A(identity! ($crate :: S)) ;
PRINT-ATTR INPUT (DISPLAY): struct A(identity! ($crate :: S));
PRINT-ATTR RE-COLLECTED (DISPLAY): struct A(identity! ($crate :: S)) ;
Ident {
ident: "struct",
@ -53,7 +54,8 @@ PRINT-ATTR INPUT (DEBUG): TokenStream [
span: $DIR/ 19:36 (#3),
PRINT-ATTR INPUT (DISPLAY): struct B(identity! ($crate :: S)) ;
PRINT-ATTR INPUT (DISPLAY): struct B(identity! ($crate :: S));
PRINT-ATTR RE-COLLECTED (DISPLAY): struct B(identity! ($crate :: S)) ;
Ident {
ident: "struct",
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
PRINT-BANG INPUT (DISPLAY): struct M($crate :: S) ;
PRINT-BANG INPUT (DISPLAY): struct M($crate :: S);
PRINT-BANG RE-COLLECTED (DISPLAY): struct M($crate :: S) ;
Ident {
ident: "struct",
@ -38,7 +39,8 @@ PRINT-BANG INPUT (DEBUG): TokenStream [
span: $DIR/ 20:37 (#3),
PRINT-ATTR INPUT (DISPLAY): struct A($crate :: S) ;
PRINT-ATTR INPUT (DISPLAY): struct A($crate :: S);
PRINT-ATTR RE-COLLECTED (DISPLAY): struct A($crate :: S) ;
Ident {
ident: "struct",
@ -78,7 +80,8 @@ PRINT-ATTR INPUT (DEBUG): TokenStream [
span: $DIR/ 24:33 (#3),
PRINT-DERIVE INPUT (DISPLAY): struct D($crate :: S) ;
PRINT-DERIVE INPUT (DISPLAY): struct D($crate :: S);
Ident {
ident: "struct",
@ -118,7 +121,8 @@ PRINT-DERIVE INPUT (DEBUG): TokenStream [
span: $DIR/ 27:33 (#3),
PRINT-BANG INPUT (DISPLAY): struct M($crate :: S) ;
PRINT-BANG INPUT (DISPLAY): struct M($crate :: S);
PRINT-BANG RE-COLLECTED (DISPLAY): struct M($crate :: S) ;
Ident {
ident: "struct",
@ -158,7 +162,8 @@ PRINT-BANG INPUT (DEBUG): TokenStream [
span: $DIR/auxiliary/ 7:33 (#14),
PRINT-ATTR INPUT (DISPLAY): struct A($crate :: S) ;
PRINT-ATTR INPUT (DISPLAY): struct A($crate :: S);
PRINT-ATTR RE-COLLECTED (DISPLAY): struct A($crate :: S) ;
Ident {
ident: "struct",
@ -198,7 +203,8 @@ PRINT-ATTR INPUT (DEBUG): TokenStream [
span: $DIR/auxiliary/ 11:29 (#14),
PRINT-DERIVE INPUT (DISPLAY): struct D($crate :: S) ;
PRINT-DERIVE INPUT (DISPLAY): struct D($crate :: S);
Ident {
ident: "struct",
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ PRINT-DERIVE INPUT (DEBUG): TokenStream [
span: #3 bytes(306..355),
PRINT-DERIVE INPUT (DISPLAY): enum E { V = { let _ = { 0; } ; 0 }, }
PRINT-DERIVE INPUT (DISPLAY): enum E { V = { let _ = { 0; }; 0 }, }
PRINT-DERIVE DEEP-RE-COLLECTED (DISPLAY): enum E { V = { let _ = { 0 } ; 0 }, }
Ident {
@ -202,7 +202,8 @@ PRINT-DERIVE INPUT (DEBUG): TokenStream [
span: #7 bytes(430..483),
PRINT-DERIVE INPUT (DISPLAY): enum E { V = { let _ = { {} } ; 0 }, }
PRINT-DERIVE INPUT (DISPLAY): enum E { V = { let _ = { {} }; 0 }, }
PRINT-DERIVE DEEP-RE-COLLECTED (DISPLAY): enum E { V = { let _ = { {} } ; 0 }, }
Ident {
ident: "enum",
@ -280,7 +281,7 @@ PRINT-DERIVE INPUT (DEBUG): TokenStream [
span: #11 bytes(430..483),
PRINT-DERIVE INPUT (DISPLAY): enum E { V = { let _ = { PATH; } ; 0 }, }
PRINT-DERIVE INPUT (DISPLAY): enum E { V = { let _ = { PATH; }; 0 }, }
PRINT-DERIVE DEEP-RE-COLLECTED (DISPLAY): enum E { V = { let _ = { PATH } ; 0 }, }
Ident {
@ -358,7 +359,7 @@ PRINT-DERIVE INPUT (DEBUG): TokenStream [
span: #15 bytes(430..483),
PRINT-DERIVE INPUT (DISPLAY): enum E { V = { let _ = { 0 + 1; } ; 0 }, }
PRINT-DERIVE INPUT (DISPLAY): enum E { V = { let _ = { 0 + 1; }; 0 }, }
PRINT-DERIVE DEEP-RE-COLLECTED (DISPLAY): enum E { V = { let _ = { 0 + 1 } ; 0 }, }
Ident {
@ -449,7 +450,7 @@ PRINT-DERIVE INPUT (DEBUG): TokenStream [
span: #19 bytes(430..483),
PRINT-DERIVE INPUT (DISPLAY): enum E { V = { let _ = { PATH + 1; } ; 0 }, }
PRINT-DERIVE INPUT (DISPLAY): enum E { V = { let _ = { PATH + 1; }; 0 }, }
PRINT-DERIVE DEEP-RE-COLLECTED (DISPLAY): enum E { V = { let _ = { PATH + 1 } ; 0 }, }
Ident {
@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ PRINT-ATTR INPUT (DEBUG): TokenStream [
{ field: [u8; { match true { _ => { #![rustc_dummy(third)] true } } ; 0 }] }
{ field: [u8; { match true { _ => { #![rustc_dummy(third)] true } }; 0 }] }
field :
@ -717,7 +717,8 @@ PRINT-ATTR_ARGS INPUT (DEBUG): TokenStream [
span: $DIR/ 49:40 (#0),
PRINT-ATTR INPUT (DISPLAY): (3, 4, { #![cfg_attr(not(FALSE), rustc_dummy(innermost))] 5 }) ;
PRINT-ATTR INPUT (DISPLAY): (3, 4, { #![cfg_attr(not(FALSE), rustc_dummy(innermost))] 5 });
PRINT-ATTR RE-COLLECTED (DISPLAY): (3, 4, { #![cfg_attr(not(FALSE), rustc_dummy(innermost))] 5 }) ;
PRINT-ATTR DEEP-RE-COLLECTED (DISPLAY): (3, 4, { #! [cfg_attr(not(FALSE), rustc_dummy(innermost))] 5 }) ;
Group {
@ -832,7 +833,8 @@ PRINT-ATTR_ARGS INPUT (DEBUG): TokenStream [
span: $DIR/ 56:40 (#0),
PRINT-ATTR INPUT (DISPLAY): (3, 4, { #![cfg_attr(not(FALSE), rustc_dummy(innermost))] 5 }) ;
PRINT-ATTR INPUT (DISPLAY): (3, 4, { #![cfg_attr(not(FALSE), rustc_dummy(innermost))] 5 });
PRINT-ATTR RE-COLLECTED (DISPLAY): (3, 4, { #![cfg_attr(not(FALSE), rustc_dummy(innermost))] 5 }) ;
PRINT-ATTR DEEP-RE-COLLECTED (DISPLAY): (3, 4, { #! [cfg_attr(not(FALSE), rustc_dummy(innermost))] 5 }) ;
Group {
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
PRINT-ATTR INPUT (DISPLAY): fn main() { &|_: u8| {} ; mul_2!(1 + 1) ; }
PRINT-ATTR INPUT (DISPLAY): fn main() { &|_: u8| {}; mul_2!(1 + 1); }
PRINT-ATTR DEEP-RE-COLLECTED (DISPLAY): fn main() { &| _ : u8 | {} ; mul_2! (1 + 1) ; }
Ident {
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ struct Foo<#[cfg(FALSE)] A, B>
#[cfg(FALSE)] true => {}, #[cfg_attr(not(FALSE), allow(warnings))]
false => {}, _ => {}
} ; #[print_helper(should_be_removed)] fn removed_fn()
}; #[print_helper(should_be_removed)] fn removed_fn()
{ #![cfg(FALSE)] } #[print_helper(c)] #[cfg(not(FALSE))] fn kept_fn()
{ #![cfg(not(FALSE))] let my_val = true; } enum TupleEnum
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ struct Foo<#[cfg(FALSE)] A, B>
#[cfg(FALSE)] String, u8)
} struct
TupleStruct(#[cfg(FALSE)] String, #[cfg(not(FALSE))] i32,
#[cfg(FALSE)] bool, u8) ; fn plain_removed_fn()
#[cfg(FALSE)] bool, u8); fn plain_removed_fn()
{ #![cfg_attr(not(FALSE), cfg(FALSE))] } 0
}], #[print_helper(d)] fourth: B
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ struct Foo <#[cfg(FALSE)] A, B >
#[cfg(FALSE)] true => {}, #[cfg_attr(not(FALSE), allow(warnings))]
false => {}, _ => {}
} ; #[print_helper(should_be_removed)] fn removed_fn()
}; #[print_helper(should_be_removed)] fn removed_fn()
{ #![cfg(FALSE)] } #[print_helper(c)] #[cfg(not(FALSE))] fn kept_fn()
{ #![cfg(not(FALSE))] let my_val = true; } enum TupleEnum
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ struct Foo <#[cfg(FALSE)] A, B >
#[cfg(FALSE)] String, u8)
} struct
TupleStruct(#[cfg(FALSE)] String, #[cfg(not(FALSE))] i32,
#[cfg(FALSE)] bool, u8) ; fn plain_removed_fn()
#[cfg(FALSE)] bool, u8); fn plain_removed_fn()
{ #![cfg_attr(not(FALSE), cfg(FALSE))] } 0
}], #[print_helper(d)] fourth: B
@ -1326,11 +1326,11 @@ PRINT-DERIVE INPUT (DISPLAY): #[print_helper(a)] #[allow(dead_code)] #[print_hel
#[cfg(not(FALSE))] struct Inner; match true
{ #[allow(warnings)] false => {}, _ => {} } ; #[print_helper(c)]
{ #[allow(warnings)] false => {}, _ => {} }; #[print_helper(c)]
#[cfg(not(FALSE))] fn kept_fn()
{ #![cfg(not(FALSE))] let my_val = true; } enum TupleEnum
{ Foo(#[cfg(not(FALSE))] i32, u8) } struct
TupleStruct(#[cfg(not(FALSE))] i32, u8) ; 0
TupleStruct(#[cfg(not(FALSE))] i32, u8); 0
}], #[print_helper(d)] fourth: B
PRINT-DERIVE DEEP-RE-COLLECTED (DISPLAY): #[print_helper(a)] #[allow(dead_code)] #[print_helper(b)] struct Foo <B >
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ PRINT-DERIVE INPUT (DISPLAY): struct Foo
[bool ;
let a = #[rustc_dummy(first)] #[rustc_dummy(second)]
{ #![allow(unused)] 30 } ; 0
{ #![allow(unused)] 30 }; 0
@ -32,13 +32,13 @@ macro_rules! produce_it
*/ {
() =>
meta_macro::print_def_site!($crate::dummy!()) ;
// `print_def_site!` will respan the `$crate` identifier
// with `Span::def_site()`. This should cause it to resolve
// relative to `meta_macro`, *not* `make_macro` (despite
// the fact that `print_def_site` is produced by a
// `macro_rules!` macro in `make_macro`).
} ;
fn main /* 0#0 */() { ; }
@ -53,9 +53,9 @@ macro_rules! outer
*/ {
($item:item) =>
macro inner() { print_bang! { $item } } inner!() ;
macro inner() { print_bang! { $item } } inner!();
} ;
struct S /* 0#0 */;
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
PRINT-BANG INPUT (DISPLAY): { #![rustc_dummy] let a = "hello".len() ; matches!(a, 5) ; }
PRINT-BANG INPUT (DISPLAY): { #![rustc_dummy] let a = "hello".len(); matches!(a, 5); }
PRINT-BANG DEEP-RE-COLLECTED (DISPLAY): { #! [rustc_dummy] let a = "hello".len() ; matches! (a, 5) ; }
Group {
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ PRINT-ATTR_ARGS INPUT (DEBUG): TokenStream [
span: $DIR/ 16:36 (#0),
PRINT-ATTR INPUT (DISPLAY): #[print_target_and_args(second_outer)] impl Bar<{ 1 > 0 } > for Foo<{ true } >
PRINT-ATTR INPUT (DISPLAY): #[print_target_and_args(second_outer)] impl Bar<{ 1 > 0 }> for Foo<{ true }>
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ PRINT-ATTR_ARGS INPUT (DEBUG): TokenStream [
span: $DIR/ 17:37 (#0),
PRINT-ATTR INPUT (DISPLAY): impl Bar<{ 1 > 0 } > for Foo<{ true } >
PRINT-ATTR INPUT (DISPLAY): impl Bar<{ 1 > 0 }> for Foo<{ true }>
@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ PRINT-ATTR_ARGS INPUT (DEBUG): TokenStream [
span: $DIR/ 19:41 (#0),
PRINT-ATTR INPUT (DISPLAY): impl Bar<{ 1 > 0 } > for Foo<{ true } >
PRINT-ATTR INPUT (DISPLAY): impl Bar<{ 1 > 0 }> for Foo<{ true }>
{ #![print_target_and_args(second_inner)] }
PRINT-ATTR RE-COLLECTED (DISPLAY): impl Bar < { 1 > 0 } > for Foo < { true } >
{ #![print_target_and_args(second_inner)] }
@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ PRINT-ATTR_ARGS INPUT (DEBUG): TokenStream [
span: $DIR/ 20:42 (#0),
PRINT-ATTR INPUT (DISPLAY): impl Bar<{ 1 > 0 } > for Foo<{ true } > {}
PRINT-ATTR INPUT (DISPLAY): impl Bar<{ 1 > 0 }> for Foo<{ true }> {}
PRINT-ATTR RE-COLLECTED (DISPLAY): impl Bar < { 1 > 0 } > for Foo < { true } > {}
Ident {
@ -17,20 +17,20 @@ macro_rules! checker {
checker!(attr_extern, r#"extern "C" { fn ffi(#[a1] arg1: i32, #[a2] ...) ; }"#);
checker!(attr_extern, r#"extern "C" { fn ffi(#[a1] arg1: i32, #[a2] ...); }"#);
checker!(attr_extern_cvar, r#"unsafe extern "C" fn cvar(arg1: i32, #[a1] mut args: ...) {}"#);
checker!(attr_alias, "type Alias = fn(#[a1] u8, #[a2] ...) ;");
checker!(attr_free, "fn free(#[a1] arg1: u8) { let lam = |#[a2] W(x), #[a3] y| () ; }");
checker!(attr_alias, "type Alias = fn(#[a1] u8, #[a2] ...);");
checker!(attr_free, "fn free(#[a1] arg1: u8) { let lam = |#[a2] W(x), #[a3] y| (); }");
checker!(attr_inherent_1, "fn inherent1(#[a1] self, #[a2] arg1: u8) {}");
checker!(attr_inherent_2, "fn inherent2(#[a1] &self, #[a2] arg1: u8) {}");
checker!(attr_inherent_3, "fn inherent3<'a>(#[a1] &'a mut self, #[a2] arg1: u8) {}");
checker!(attr_inherent_4, "fn inherent4<'a>(#[a1] self: Box<Self>, #[a2] arg1: u8) {}");
checker!(attr_inherent_issue_64682, "fn inherent5(#[a1] #[a2] arg1: u8, #[a3] arg2: u8) {}");
checker!(attr_trait_1, "fn trait1(#[a1] self, #[a2] arg1: u8) ;");
checker!(attr_trait_2, "fn trait2(#[a1] &self, #[a2] arg1: u8) ;");
checker!(attr_trait_3, "fn trait3<'a>(#[a1] &'a mut self, #[a2] arg1: u8) ;");
checker!(attr_trait_4, r#"fn trait4<'a>(#[a1] self: Box<Self>, #[a2] arg1: u8, #[a3] Vec<u8>) ;"#);
checker!(attr_trait_issue_64682, "fn trait5(#[a1] #[a2] arg1: u8, #[a3] arg2: u8) ;");
checker!(attr_trait_1, "fn trait1(#[a1] self, #[a2] arg1: u8);");
checker!(attr_trait_2, "fn trait2(#[a1] &self, #[a2] arg1: u8);");
checker!(attr_trait_3, "fn trait3<'a>(#[a1] &'a mut self, #[a2] arg1: u8);");
checker!(attr_trait_4, r#"fn trait4<'a>(#[a1] self: Box<Self>, #[a2] arg1: u8, #[a3] Vec<u8>);"#);
checker!(attr_trait_issue_64682, "fn trait5(#[a1] #[a2] arg1: u8, #[a3] arg2: u8);");
checker!(rename_params, r#"impl Foo
fn hello(#[angery(true)] a: i32, #[a2] b: i32, #[what = "how"] c: u32) {}
Reference in New Issue
Block a user