Make most lexer errors non-fatal
Most errors that arise in the lexer can be recovered from. This allows for more than one syntax error to be reported at a time.
This commit is contained in:
@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ fn read_block_comment(rdr: &mut StringReader,
while level > 0 {
debug!("=== block comment level {}", level);
if is_eof(rdr) {
rdr.fatal("unterminated block comment".to_strbuf());
rdr.fatal("unterminated block comment");
if rdr.curr_is('\n') {
trim_whitespace_prefix_and_push_line(&mut lines,
@ -21,15 +21,16 @@ use std::mem::replace;
use std::num::from_str_radix;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::str;
use std::strbuf::StrBuf;
pub use ext::tt::transcribe::{TtReader, new_tt_reader};
pub trait Reader {
fn is_eof(&self) -> bool;
fn next_token(&mut self) -> TokenAndSpan;
fn fatal(&self, StrBuf) -> !;
fn span_diag<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a SpanHandler;
/// Report a fatal error with the current span.
fn fatal(&self, &str) -> !;
/// Report a non-fatal error with the current span.
fn err(&self, &str);
fn peek(&self) -> TokenAndSpan;
@ -101,15 +102,17 @@ impl<'a> Reader for StringReader<'a> {
fn fatal(&self, m: StrBuf) -> ! {
self.span_diagnostic.span_fatal(self.peek_span, m.as_slice())
fn fatal(&self, m: &str) -> ! {
self.span_diagnostic.span_fatal(self.peek_span, m)
fn err(&self, m: &str) {
self.span_diagnostic.span_err(self.peek_span, m)
fn span_diag<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a SpanHandler { self.span_diagnostic }
fn peek(&self) -> TokenAndSpan {
// FIXME(pcwalton): Bad copy!
TokenAndSpan {
tok: self.peek_tok.clone(),
sp: self.peek_span.clone(),
sp: self.peek_span,
@ -123,55 +126,58 @@ impl<'a> Reader for TtReader<'a> {
debug!("TtReader: r={:?}", r);
fn fatal(&self, m: StrBuf) -> ! {
self.sp_diag.span_fatal(self.cur_span, m.as_slice());
fn fatal(&self, m: &str) -> ! {
self.sp_diag.span_fatal(self.cur_span, m);
fn err(&self, m: &str) {
self.sp_diag.span_err(self.cur_span, m);
fn span_diag<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a SpanHandler { self.sp_diag }
fn peek(&self) -> TokenAndSpan {
TokenAndSpan {
tok: self.cur_tok.clone(),
sp: self.cur_span.clone(),
sp: self.cur_span,
// report a lexical error spanning [`from_pos`, `to_pos`)
fn fatal_span(rdr: &mut StringReader,
from_pos: BytePos,
to_pos: BytePos,
m: StrBuf)
-> ! {
fn fatal_span(rdr: &mut StringReader, from_pos: BytePos, to_pos: BytePos, m: &str) -> ! {
rdr.peek_span = codemap::mk_sp(from_pos, to_pos);
fn err_span(rdr: &mut StringReader, from_pos: BytePos, to_pos: BytePos, m: &str) {
rdr.peek_span = codemap::mk_sp(from_pos, to_pos);
// report a lexical error spanning [`from_pos`, `to_pos`), appending an
// escaped character to the error message
fn fatal_span_char(rdr: &mut StringReader,
from_pos: BytePos,
to_pos: BytePos,
m: StrBuf,
c: char)
-> ! {
let mut m = m;
from_pos: BytePos, to_pos: BytePos,
m: &str, c: char) -> ! {
let mut m = m.to_strbuf();
m.push_str(": ");
char::escape_default(c, |c| m.push_char(c));
fatal_span(rdr, from_pos, to_pos, m.into_strbuf());
fatal_span(rdr, from_pos, to_pos, m.as_slice());
fn err_span_char(rdr: &mut StringReader, from_pos: BytePos, to_pos: BytePos, m: &str, c: char) {
let mut m = m.to_strbuf();
m.push_str(": ");
char::escape_default(c, |c| m.push_char(c));
err_span(rdr, from_pos, to_pos, m.as_slice());
// report a lexical error spanning [`from_pos`, `to_pos`), appending the
// offending string to the error message
fn fatal_span_verbose(rdr: &mut StringReader,
from_pos: BytePos,
to_pos: BytePos,
m: StrBuf)
-> ! {
let mut m = m;
fn fatal_span_verbose(rdr: &mut StringReader, from_pos: BytePos, to_pos: BytePos, m: &str) -> ! {
let mut m = m.to_strbuf();
m.push_str(": ");
let from = byte_offset(rdr, from_pos).to_uint();
let to = byte_offset(rdr, to_pos).to_uint();
m.push_str(rdr.filemap.src.as_slice().slice(from, to));
fatal_span(rdr, from_pos, to_pos, m);
fatal_span(rdr, from_pos, to_pos, m.as_slice());
// EFFECT: advance peek_tok and peek_span to refer to the next token.
@ -283,15 +289,6 @@ pub fn nextnextch_is(rdr: &StringReader, c: char) -> bool {
nextnextch(rdr) == Some(c)
fn hex_digit_val(c: Option<char>) -> int {
let d = c.unwrap_or('\x00');
if in_range(c, '0', '9') { return (d as int) - ('0' as int); }
if in_range(c, 'a', 'f') { return (d as int) - ('a' as int) + 10; }
if in_range(c, 'A', 'F') { return (d as int) - ('A' as int) + 10; }
pub fn is_whitespace(c: Option<char>) -> bool {
match c.unwrap_or('\x00') { // None can be null for now... it's not whitespace
' ' | '\n' | '\t' | '\r' => true,
@ -299,20 +296,6 @@ pub fn is_whitespace(c: Option<char>) -> bool {
fn in_range(c: Option<char>, lo: char, hi: char) -> bool {
match c {
Some(c) => lo <= c && c <= hi,
_ => false
fn is_dec_digit(c: Option<char>) -> bool { return in_range(c, '0', '9'); }
fn is_hex_digit(c: Option<char>) -> bool {
return in_range(c, '0', '9') || in_range(c, 'a', 'f') ||
in_range(c, 'A', 'F');
// EFFECT: eats whitespace and comments.
// returns a Some(sugared-doc-attr) if one exists, None otherwise.
fn consume_whitespace_and_comments(rdr: &mut StringReader)
@ -403,9 +386,9 @@ fn consume_block_comment(rdr: &mut StringReader) -> Option<TokenAndSpan> {
while level > 0 {
if is_eof(rdr) {
let msg = if is_doc_comment {
"unterminated block doc-comment".to_strbuf()
"unterminated block doc-comment"
} else {
"unterminated block comment".to_strbuf()
"unterminated block comment"
fatal_span(rdr, start_bpos, rdr.last_pos, msg);
} else if rdr.curr_is('/') && nextch_is(rdr, '*') {
@ -456,13 +439,13 @@ fn scan_exponent(rdr: &mut StringReader, start_bpos: BytePos) -> Option<StrBuf>
let exponent = scan_digits(rdr, 10u);
if exponent.len() > 0u {
return Some(rslt);
} else {
fatal_span(rdr, start_bpos, rdr.last_pos,
"scan_exponent: bad fp literal".to_strbuf());
err_span(rdr, start_bpos, rdr.last_pos, "scan_exponent: bad fp literal");
rslt.push_str("1"); // arbitrary placeholder exponent
} else {
return None::<StrBuf>;
@ -484,14 +467,9 @@ fn scan_digits(rdr: &mut StringReader, radix: uint) -> StrBuf {
fn check_float_base(rdr: &mut StringReader, start_bpos: BytePos, last_bpos: BytePos,
base: uint) {
match base {
16u => {
fatal_span(rdr, start_bpos, last_bpos,
"hexadecimal float literal is not supported".to_strbuf())
8u => fatal_span(rdr, start_bpos, last_bpos,
"octal float literal is not supported".to_strbuf()),
2u => fatal_span(rdr, start_bpos, last_bpos,
"binary float literal is not supported".to_strbuf()),
16u => err_span(rdr, start_bpos, last_bpos, "hexadecimal float literal is not supported"),
8u => err_span(rdr, start_bpos, last_bpos, "octal float literal is not supported"),
2u => err_span(rdr, start_bpos, last_bpos, "binary float literal is not supported"),
_ => ()
@ -517,7 +495,6 @@ fn scan_number(c: char, rdr: &mut StringReader) -> token::Token {
num_str = scan_digits(rdr, base);
c = rdr.curr.unwrap_or('\x00');
if c == 'u' || c == 'i' {
enum Result { Signed(ast::IntTy), Unsigned(ast::UintTy) }
let signed = c == 'i';
@ -550,14 +527,16 @@ fn scan_number(c: char, rdr: &mut StringReader) -> token::Token {
else { Unsigned(ast::TyU64) };
if num_str.len() == 0u {
fatal_span(rdr, start_bpos, rdr.last_pos,
"no valid digits found for number".to_strbuf());
err_span(rdr, start_bpos, rdr.last_pos, "no valid digits found for number");
num_str = "1".to_strbuf();
let parsed = match from_str_radix::<u64>(num_str.as_slice(),
base as uint) {
Some(p) => p,
None => fatal_span(rdr, start_bpos, rdr.last_pos,
"int literal is too large".to_strbuf())
None => {
err_span(rdr, start_bpos, rdr.last_pos, "int literal is too large");
match tp {
@ -607,22 +586,23 @@ fn scan_number(c: char, rdr: &mut StringReader) -> token::Token {
check_float_base(rdr, start_bpos, rdr.last_pos, base);
return token::LIT_FLOAT(str_to_ident(num_str.as_slice()), ast::TyF128);
fatal_span(rdr, start_bpos, rdr.last_pos,
"expected `f32`, `f64` or `f128` suffix".to_strbuf());
err_span(rdr, start_bpos, rdr.last_pos, "expected `f32`, `f64` or `f128` suffix");
if is_float {
check_float_base(rdr, start_bpos, rdr.last_pos, base);
return token::LIT_FLOAT_UNSUFFIXED(str_to_ident(num_str.as_slice()));
} else {
if num_str.len() == 0u {
fatal_span(rdr, start_bpos, rdr.last_pos,
"no valid digits found for number".to_strbuf());
err_span(rdr, start_bpos, rdr.last_pos, "no valid digits found for number");
num_str = "1".to_strbuf();
let parsed = match from_str_radix::<u64>(num_str.as_slice(),
base as uint) {
Some(p) => p,
None => fatal_span(rdr, start_bpos, rdr.last_pos,
"int literal is too large".to_strbuf())
None => {
err_span(rdr, start_bpos, rdr.last_pos, "int literal is too large");
debug!("lexing {} as an unsuffixed integer literal",
@ -631,34 +611,33 @@ fn scan_number(c: char, rdr: &mut StringReader) -> token::Token {
fn scan_numeric_escape(rdr: &mut StringReader, n_hex_digits: uint) -> char {
let mut accum_int = 0;
let mut i = n_hex_digits;
fn scan_numeric_escape(rdr: &mut StringReader, n_hex_digits: uint, delim: char) -> char {
let mut accum_int = 0u32;
let start_bpos = rdr.last_pos;
while i != 0u && !is_eof(rdr) {
let n = rdr.curr;
if !is_hex_digit(n) {
"illegal character in numeric character escape".to_strbuf(),
for _ in range(0, n_hex_digits) {
if is_eof(rdr) {
fatal_span(rdr, start_bpos, rdr.last_pos, "unterminated numeric character escape");
if rdr.curr_is(delim) {
err_span(rdr, start_bpos, rdr.last_pos, "numeric character escape is too short");
let c = rdr.curr.unwrap_or('\x00');
accum_int *= 16;
accum_int += hex_digit_val(n);
i -= 1u;
if i != 0 && is_eof(rdr) {
fatal_span(rdr, start_bpos, rdr.last_pos,
"unterminated numeric character escape".to_strbuf());
accum_int += c.to_digit(16).unwrap_or_else(|| {
err_span_char(rdr, rdr.last_pos, rdr.pos,
"illegal character in numeric character escape", c);
}) as u32;
match char::from_u32(accum_int as u32) {
match char::from_u32(accum_int) {
Some(x) => x,
None => fatal_span(rdr, start_bpos, rdr.last_pos,
"illegal numeric character escape".to_strbuf())
None => {
err_span(rdr, start_bpos, rdr.last_pos, "illegal numeric character escape");
@ -706,7 +685,7 @@ fn next_token_inner(rdr: &mut StringReader) -> token::Token {
if is_dec_digit(c) {
if c.map_or(false, |c| c.is_digit_radix(10)) {
return scan_number(c.unwrap(), rdr);
fn binop(rdr: &mut StringReader, op: token::BinOp) -> token::Token {
@ -823,16 +802,13 @@ fn next_token_inner(rdr: &mut StringReader) -> token::Token {
let tok = &token::IDENT(ident, false);
if token::is_keyword(token::keywords::Self, tok) {
fatal_span(rdr, start, rdr.last_pos,
"invalid lifetime name: 'self \
is no longer a special lifetime".to_strbuf());
err_span(rdr, start, rdr.last_pos,
"invalid lifetime name: 'self is no longer a special lifetime");
} else if token::is_any_keyword(tok) &&
!token::is_keyword(token::keywords::Static, tok) {
fatal_span(rdr, start, rdr.last_pos,
"invalid lifetime name".to_strbuf());
} else {
return token::LIFETIME(ident);
err_span(rdr, start, rdr.last_pos, "invalid lifetime name");
return token::LIFETIME(ident);
// Otherwise it is a character constant:
@ -853,28 +829,20 @@ fn next_token_inner(rdr: &mut StringReader) -> token::Token {
'\'' => '\'',
'"' => '"',
'0' => '\x00',
'x' => scan_numeric_escape(rdr, 2u),
'u' => scan_numeric_escape(rdr, 4u),
'U' => scan_numeric_escape(rdr, 8u),
'x' => scan_numeric_escape(rdr, 2u, '\''),
'u' => scan_numeric_escape(rdr, 4u, '\''),
'U' => scan_numeric_escape(rdr, 8u, '\''),
c2 => {
"unknown character \
err_span_char(rdr, escaped_pos, rdr.last_pos,
"unknown character escape", c2);
'\t' | '\n' | '\r' | '\'' => {
"character constant must be escaped".to_strbuf(),
err_span_char(rdr, start, rdr.last_pos, "character constant must be escaped", c2);
_ => {}
@ -883,9 +851,8 @@ fn next_token_inner(rdr: &mut StringReader) -> token::Token {
// Byte offsetting here is okay because the
// character before position `start` is an
// ascii single quote.
start - BytePos(1),
"unterminated character constant".to_strbuf());
start - BytePos(1), rdr.last_pos,
"unterminated character constant");
bump(rdr); // advance curr past token
return token::LIT_CHAR(c2);
@ -896,8 +863,7 @@ fn next_token_inner(rdr: &mut StringReader) -> token::Token {
while !rdr.curr_is('"') {
if is_eof(rdr) {
fatal_span(rdr, start_bpos, rdr.last_pos,
"unterminated double quote string".to_strbuf());
fatal_span(rdr, start_bpos, rdr.last_pos, "unterminated double quote string");
let ch = rdr.curr.unwrap();
@ -905,8 +871,7 @@ fn next_token_inner(rdr: &mut StringReader) -> token::Token {
match ch {
'\\' => {
if is_eof(rdr) {
fatal_span(rdr, start_bpos, rdr.last_pos,
"unterminated double quote string".to_strbuf());
fatal_span(rdr, start_bpos, rdr.last_pos, "unterminated double quote string");
let escaped = rdr.curr.unwrap();
@ -922,17 +887,16 @@ fn next_token_inner(rdr: &mut StringReader) -> token::Token {
'\n' => consume_whitespace(rdr),
'0' => accum_str.push_char('\x00'),
'x' => {
accum_str.push_char(scan_numeric_escape(rdr, 2u));
accum_str.push_char(scan_numeric_escape(rdr, 2u, '"'));
'u' => {
accum_str.push_char(scan_numeric_escape(rdr, 4u));
accum_str.push_char(scan_numeric_escape(rdr, 4u, '"'));
'U' => {
accum_str.push_char(scan_numeric_escape(rdr, 8u));
accum_str.push_char(scan_numeric_escape(rdr, 8u, '"'));
c2 => {
fatal_span_char(rdr, escaped_pos, rdr.last_pos,
"unknown string escape".to_strbuf(), c2);
err_span_char(rdr, escaped_pos, rdr.last_pos, "unknown string escape", c2);
@ -952,12 +916,11 @@ fn next_token_inner(rdr: &mut StringReader) -> token::Token {
if is_eof(rdr) {
fatal_span(rdr, start_bpos, rdr.last_pos,
"unterminated raw string".to_strbuf());
fatal_span(rdr, start_bpos, rdr.last_pos, "unterminated raw string");
} else if !rdr.curr_is('"') {
fatal_span_char(rdr, start_bpos, rdr.last_pos,
"only `#` is allowed in raw string delimitation; \
found illegal character".to_strbuf(),
found illegal character",
@ -965,8 +928,7 @@ fn next_token_inner(rdr: &mut StringReader) -> token::Token {
let mut content_end_bpos;
'outer: loop {
if is_eof(rdr) {
fatal_span(rdr, start_bpos, rdr.last_pos,
"unterminated raw string".to_strbuf());
fatal_span(rdr, start_bpos, rdr.last_pos, "unterminated raw string");
if rdr.curr_is('"') {
content_end_bpos = rdr.last_pos;
@ -1013,8 +975,7 @@ fn next_token_inner(rdr: &mut StringReader) -> token::Token {
'^' => { return binop(rdr, token::CARET); }
'%' => { return binop(rdr, token::PERCENT); }
c => {
fatal_span_char(rdr, rdr.last_pos, rdr.pos,
"unknown start of token".to_strbuf(), c);
fatal_span_char(rdr, rdr.last_pos, rdr.pos, "unknown start of token", c);
@ -8,8 +8,22 @@
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
// ignore-tidy-cr
// ignore-tidy-tab
fn main() {
// these literals are just silly.
//~^ ERROR: character constant must be escaped
//~^ ERROR: character constant must be escaped: \'
// note that this is a literal "\n" byte
//~^^ ERROR: character constant must be escaped: \n
// note that this is a literal "\r" byte
'; //~ ERROR: character constant must be escaped: \r
// note that this is a literal tab character here
' ';
//~^ ERROR: character constant must be escaped: \t
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2013 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
fn main() {
// note that this is a literal "\n" byte
//~^^ ERROR: character constant must be escaped
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2013-2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
// ignore-tidy-cr
fn main() {
// note that this is a literal "\r" byte
'; //~^ ERROR: character constant must be escaped
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2013-2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
// ignore-tidy-tab
fn main() {
// note that this is a literal tab character here
' ';
//~^ ERROR: character constant must be escaped
@ -9,16 +9,17 @@
// except according to those terms.
trait Serializable<'self, T> { //~ ERROR: no longer a special lifetime
fn serialize(val : &'self T) -> Vec<u8> ;
fn deserialize(repr : &[u8]) -> &'self T;
trait Serializable<'self, T> { //~ ERROR no longer a special lifetime
fn serialize(val : &'self T) -> Vec<u8> ; //~ ERROR no longer a special lifetime
fn deserialize(repr : &[u8]) -> &'self T; //~ ERROR no longer a special lifetime
impl<'self> Serializable<str> for &'self str {
fn serialize(val : &'self str) -> Vec<u8> {
impl<'self> Serializable<str> for &'self str { //~ ERROR no longer a special lifetime
//~^ ERROR no longer a special lifetime
fn serialize(val : &'self str) -> Vec<u8> { //~ ERROR no longer a special lifetime
fn deserialize(repr: &[u8]) -> &'self str {
fn deserialize(repr: &[u8]) -> &'self str { //~ ERROR no longer a special lifetime
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2013 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
static c: char =
'\Uffffffff' //~ ERROR: illegal numeric character escape
@ -11,3 +11,25 @@
static c: char =
'\u539_' //~ ERROR: illegal character in numeric character escape
static c2: char =
'\Uffffffff' //~ ERROR: illegal numeric character escape
static c3: char =
'\x1' //~ ERROR: numeric character escape is too short
static c4: char =
'\u23q' //~ ERROR: illegal character in numeric character escape
//~^^ ERROR: numeric character escape is too short
static s: &'static str =
"\x1" //~ ERROR: numeric character escape is too short
static s2: &'static str =
"\u23q" //~ ERROR: illegal character in numeric character escape
//~^^ ERROR: numeric character escape is too short
Reference in New Issue
Block a user