block indent large closures

somewhat rough around the edges
This commit is contained in:
Nick Cameron 2016-04-22 11:29:01 +12:00
parent b0755581ca
commit 4c3228530f
3 changed files with 21 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -188,6 +188,12 @@ impl ConfigType for usize {
impl ConfigType for isize {
fn doc_hint() -> String {
String::from("<signed integer>")
impl ConfigType for String {
fn doc_hint() -> String {
@ -384,6 +390,8 @@ create_config! {
match_block_trailing_comma: bool, false,
"Put a trailing comma after a block based match arm (non-block arms are not affected)";
match_wildcard_trailing_comma: bool, true, "Put a trailing comma after a wildcard arm";
closure_block_indent_threshold: isize, 4, "How many lines a closure must have before it is \
block indented. -1 means never use block indent.";
write_mode: WriteMode, WriteMode::Replace,
"What Write Mode to use when none is supplied: Replace, Overwrite, Display, Diff, Coverage";

View File

@ -455,9 +455,19 @@ fn rewrite_closure(capture: ast::CaptureBy,
// We couldn't format the closure body as a single line expression; fall
// back to block formatting.
let body_rewrite = inner_block.rewrite(&context, budget, Indent::empty());
let body_rewrite = try_opt!(inner_block.rewrite(&context, budget, Indent::empty()));
Some(format!("{} {}", prefix, try_opt!(body_rewrite)))
let block_threshold = context.config.closure_block_indent_threshold;
if block_threshold < 0 || body_rewrite.matches('\n').count() <= block_threshold as usize {
return Some(format!("{} {}", prefix, body_rewrite));
// The body of the closure is big enough to be block indented, that means we
// must re-format.
let mut context = context.clone();
context.block_indent.alignment = 0;
let body_rewrite = try_opt!(inner_block.rewrite(&context, budget, Indent::empty()));
Some(format!("{} {}", prefix, body_rewrite))
fn and_one_line(x: Option<String>) -> Option<String> {

View File

@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ pub trait Rewrite {
fn rewrite(&self, context: &RewriteContext, width: usize, offset: Indent) -> Option<String>;
pub struct RewriteContext<'a> {
pub parse_session: &'a ParseSess,
pub codemap: &'a CodeMap,