Add offset_from
-ish convenience methods to NonNull
This commit is contained in:
@ -745,8 +745,217 @@ impl<T: ?Sized> NonNull<T> {
unsafe { NonNull { pointer: self.pointer.byte_sub(count) } }
unsafe { NonNull { pointer: self.pointer.byte_sub(count) } }
/// Calculates the distance between two pointers. The returned value is in
/// units of T: the distance in bytes divided by `mem::size_of::<T>()`.
/// This is equivalent to `(self as isize - origin as isize) / (mem::size_of::<T>() as isize)`,
/// except that it has a lot more opportunities for UB, in exchange for the compiler
/// better understanding what you are doing.
/// The primary motivation of this method is for computing the `len` of an array/slice
/// of `T` that you are currently representing as a "start" and "end" pointer
/// (and "end" is "one past the end" of the array).
/// In that case, `end.offset_from(start)` gets you the length of the array.
/// All of the following safety requirements are trivially satisfied for this usecase.
/// [`offset`]: #method.offset
/// # Safety
/// If any of the following conditions are violated, the result is Undefined
/// Behavior:
/// * Both `self` and `origin` must be either in bounds or one
/// byte past the end of the same [allocated object].
/// * Both pointers must be *derived from* a pointer to the same object.
/// (See below for an example.)
/// * The distance between the pointers, in bytes, must be an exact multiple
/// of the size of `T`.
/// * The distance between the pointers, **in bytes**, cannot overflow an `isize`.
/// * The distance being in bounds cannot rely on "wrapping around" the address space.
/// Rust types are never larger than `isize::MAX` and Rust allocations never wrap around the
/// address space, so two pointers within some value of any Rust type `T` will always satisfy
/// the last two conditions. The standard library also generally ensures that allocations
/// never reach a size where an offset is a concern. For instance, `Vec` and `Box` ensure they
/// never allocate more than `isize::MAX` bytes, so `ptr_into_vec.offset_from(vec.as_ptr())`
/// always satisfies the last two conditions.
/// Most platforms fundamentally can't even construct such a large allocation.
/// For instance, no known 64-bit platform can ever serve a request
/// for 2<sup>63</sup> bytes due to page-table limitations or splitting the address space.
/// However, some 32-bit and 16-bit platforms may successfully serve a request for
/// more than `isize::MAX` bytes with things like Physical Address
/// Extension. As such, memory acquired directly from allocators or memory
/// mapped files *may* be too large to handle with this function.
/// (Note that [`offset`] and [`add`] also have a similar limitation and hence cannot be used on
/// such large allocations either.)
/// The requirement for pointers to be derived from the same allocated object is primarily
/// needed for `const`-compatibility: the distance between pointers into *different* allocated
/// objects is not known at compile-time. However, the requirement also exists at
/// runtime and may be exploited by optimizations. If you wish to compute the difference between
/// pointers that are not guaranteed to be from the same allocation, use `(self as isize -
/// origin as isize) / mem::size_of::<T>()`.
// FIXME: recommend `addr()` instead of `as usize` once that is stable.
/// [`add`]: #method.add
/// [allocated object]: crate::ptr#allocated-object
/// # Panics
/// This function panics if `T` is a Zero-Sized Type ("ZST").
/// # Examples
/// Basic usage:
/// ```
/// #![feature(non_null_convenience)]
/// use std::ptr::NonNull;
/// let a = [0; 5];
/// let ptr1: NonNull<u32> = NonNull::from(&a[1]);
/// let ptr2: NonNull<u32> = NonNull::from(&a[3]);
/// unsafe {
/// assert_eq!(ptr2.offset_from(ptr1), 2);
/// assert_eq!(ptr1.offset_from(ptr2), -2);
/// assert_eq!(ptr1.offset(2), ptr2);
/// assert_eq!(ptr2.offset(-2), ptr1);
/// }
/// ```
/// *Incorrect* usage:
/// ```rust,no_run
/// #![feature(non_null_convenience, strict_provenance)]
/// use std::ptr::NonNull;
/// let ptr1 = NonNull::new(Box::into_raw(Box::new(0u8))).unwrap();
/// let ptr2 = NonNull::new(Box::into_raw(Box::new(1u8))).unwrap();
/// let diff = (ptr2.addr().get() as isize).wrapping_sub(ptr1.addr().get() as isize);
/// // Make ptr2_other an "alias" of ptr2, but derived from ptr1.
/// let ptr2_other = NonNull::new(ptr1.as_ptr().wrapping_byte_offset(diff)).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(ptr2.addr(), ptr2_other.addr());
/// // Since ptr2_other and ptr2 are derived from pointers to different objects,
/// // computing their offset is undefined behavior, even though
/// // they point to the same address!
/// unsafe {
/// let zero = ptr2_other.offset_from(ptr2); // Undefined Behavior
/// }
/// ```
#[unstable(feature = "non_null_convenience", issue = "117691")]
#[rustc_const_unstable(feature = "non_null_convenience", issue = "117691")]
#[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces
pub const unsafe fn offset_from(self, origin: NonNull<T>) -> isize
T: Sized,
// SAFETY: the caller must uphold the safety contract for `offset_from`.
unsafe { self.pointer.offset_from(origin.pointer) }
/// Calculates the distance between two pointers. The returned value is in
/// units of **bytes**.
/// This is purely a convenience for casting to a `u8` pointer and
/// using [`offset_from`][NonNull::offset_from] on it. See that method for
/// documentation and safety requirements.
/// For non-`Sized` pointees this operation considers only the data pointers,
/// ignoring the metadata.
#[unstable(feature = "non_null_convenience", issue = "117691")]
#[rustc_const_unstable(feature = "non_null_convenience", issue = "117691")]
#[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces
pub const unsafe fn byte_offset_from<U: ?Sized>(self, origin: NonNull<U>) -> isize {
// SAFETY: the caller must uphold the safety contract for `byte_offset_from`.
unsafe { self.pointer.byte_offset_from(origin.pointer) }
// N.B. `wrapping_offset``, `wrapping_add`, etc are not implemented because they can wrap to null
// N.B. `wrapping_offset``, `wrapping_add`, etc are not implemented because they can wrap to null
/// Calculates the distance between two pointers, *where it's known that
/// `self` is equal to or greater than `origin`*. The returned value is in
/// units of T: the distance in bytes is divided by `mem::size_of::<T>()`.
/// This computes the same value that [`offset_from`](#method.offset_from)
/// would compute, but with the added precondition that the offset is
/// guaranteed to be non-negative. This method is equivalent to
/// `usize::try_from(self.offset_from(origin)).unwrap_unchecked()`,
/// but it provides slightly more information to the optimizer, which can
/// sometimes allow it to optimize slightly better with some backends.
/// This method can be though of as recovering the `count` that was passed
/// to [`add`](#method.add) (or, with the parameters in the other order,
/// to [`sub`](#method.sub)). The following are all equivalent, assuming
/// that their safety preconditions are met:
/// ```rust
/// # #![feature(non_null_convenience)]
/// # unsafe fn blah(ptr: std::ptr::NonNull<u32>, origin: std::ptr::NonNull<u32>, count: usize) -> bool {
/// ptr.sub_ptr(origin) == count
/// # &&
/// origin.add(count) == ptr
/// # &&
/// ptr.sub(count) == origin
/// # }
/// ```
/// # Safety
/// - The distance between the pointers must be non-negative (`self >= origin`)
/// - *All* the safety conditions of [`offset_from`](#method.offset_from)
/// apply to this method as well; see it for the full details.
/// Importantly, despite the return type of this method being able to represent
/// a larger offset, it's still *not permitted* to pass pointers which differ
/// by more than `isize::MAX` *bytes*. As such, the result of this method will
/// always be less than or equal to `isize::MAX as usize`.
/// # Panics
/// This function panics if `T` is a Zero-Sized Type ("ZST").
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// #![feature(non_null_convenience)]
/// use std::ptr::NonNull;
/// let a = [0; 5];
/// let ptr1: NonNull<u32> = NonNull::from(&a[1]);
/// let ptr2: NonNull<u32> = NonNull::from(&a[3]);
/// unsafe {
/// assert_eq!(ptr2.sub_ptr(ptr1), 2);
/// assert_eq!(ptr1.add(2), ptr2);
/// assert_eq!(ptr2.sub(2), ptr1);
/// assert_eq!(ptr2.sub_ptr(ptr2), 0);
/// }
/// // This would be incorrect, as the pointers are not correctly ordered:
/// // ptr1.sub_ptr(ptr2)
/// ```
#[unstable(feature = "non_null_convenience", issue = "117691")]
#[rustc_const_unstable(feature = "non_null_convenience", issue = "117691")]
// #[unstable(feature = "ptr_sub_ptr", issue = "95892")]
// #[rustc_const_unstable(feature = "const_ptr_sub_ptr", issue = "95892")]
#[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces
pub const unsafe fn sub_ptr(self, subtracted: NonNull<T>) -> usize
T: Sized,
// SAFETY: the caller must uphold the safety contract for `sub_ptr`.
unsafe { self.pointer.sub_ptr(subtracted.pointer) }
/// Reads the value from `self` without moving it. This leaves the
/// Reads the value from `self` without moving it. This leaves the
/// memory in `self` unchanged.
/// memory in `self` unchanged.
@ -978,17 +1187,6 @@ impl<T: ?Sized> NonNull<T> {
// SAFETY: the caller must uphold the safety contract for `write_unaligned`.
// SAFETY: the caller must uphold the safety contract for `write_unaligned`.
unsafe { ptr::write_unaligned(self.as_ptr(), val) }
unsafe { ptr::write_unaligned(self.as_ptr(), val) }
/// See [`pointer::sub_ptr`] for semantics and safety requirements.
pub(crate) const unsafe fn sub_ptr(self, subtrahend: Self) -> usize
T: Sized,
// SAFETY: The caller promised that this is safe to do, and
// the non-nullness is irrelevant to the operation.
unsafe { self.pointer.sub_ptr(subtrahend.pointer) }
impl<T> NonNull<[T]> {
impl<T> NonNull<[T]> {
Reference in New Issue
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