Remove deprecated modes from libstd/
This commit is contained in:
@ -62,6 +62,9 @@
* }
import core::result::{Err, Ok};
import core::option;
import core::option::{Some, None};
@ -93,29 +96,30 @@ enum occur { req, optional, multi, }
/// A description of a possible option
type opt = {name: name, hasarg: hasarg, occur: occur};
fn mkname(nm: ~str) -> name {
fn mkname(nm: &str) -> name {
let unm = str::from_slice(nm);
return if str::len(nm) == 1u {
short(str::char_at(nm, 0u))
} else { long(nm) };
short(str::char_at(unm, 0u))
} else { long(unm) };
/// Create an option that is required and takes an argument
fn reqopt(name: ~str) -> opt {
fn reqopt(name: &str) -> opt {
return {name: mkname(name), hasarg: yes, occur: req};
/// Create an option that is optional and takes an argument
fn optopt(name: ~str) -> opt {
fn optopt(name: &str) -> opt {
return {name: mkname(name), hasarg: yes, occur: optional};
/// Create an option that is optional and does not take an argument
fn optflag(name: ~str) -> opt {
fn optflag(name: &str) -> opt {
return {name: mkname(name), hasarg: no, occur: optional};
/// Create an option that is optional and takes an optional argument
fn optflagopt(name: ~str) -> opt {
fn optflagopt(name: &str) -> opt {
return {name: mkname(name), hasarg: maybe, occur: optional};
@ -123,7 +127,7 @@ fn optflagopt(name: ~str) -> opt {
* Create an option that is optional, takes an argument, and may occur
* multiple times
fn optmulti(name: ~str) -> opt {
fn optmulti(name: &str) -> opt {
return {name: mkname(name), hasarg: yes, occur: multi};
@ -135,18 +139,18 @@ enum optval { val(~str), given, }
type matches = {opts: ~[opt], vals: ~[~[optval]], free: ~[~str]};
fn is_arg(arg: ~str) -> bool {
fn is_arg(arg: &str) -> bool {
return str::len(arg) > 1u && arg[0] == '-' as u8;
fn name_str(nm: name) -> ~str {
return match nm {
fn name_str(nm: &name) -> ~str {
return match *nm {
short(ch) => str::from_char(ch),
long(s) => s
fn find_opt(opts: ~[opt], nm: name) -> Option<uint> {
fn find_opt(opts: &[opt], +nm: name) -> Option<uint> {
vec::position(opts, |opt| == nm)
@ -163,7 +167,7 @@ enum fail_ {
/// Convert a `fail_` enum into an error string
fn fail_str(f: fail_) -> ~str {
fn fail_str(+f: fail_) -> ~str {
return match f {
argument_missing(nm) => ~"Argument to option '" + nm + ~"' missing.",
unrecognized_option(nm) => ~"Unrecognized option: '" + nm + ~"'.",
@ -188,7 +192,7 @@ type result = result::Result<matches, fail_>;
* `opt_str`, etc. to interrogate results. Returns `err(fail_)` on failure.
* Use <fail_str> to get an error message.
fn getopts(args: ~[~str], opts: ~[opt]) -> result unsafe {
fn getopts(args: &[~str], opts: &[opt]) -> result unsafe {
let n_opts = vec::len::<opt>(opts);
fn f(_x: uint) -> ~[optval] { return ~[]; }
let vals = vec::to_mut(vec::from_fn(n_opts, f));
@ -261,12 +265,12 @@ fn getopts(args: ~[~str], opts: ~[opt]) -> result unsafe {
name_pos += 1u;
let optid = match find_opt(opts, nm) {
Some(id) => id,
None => return Err(unrecognized_option(name_str(nm)))
None => return Err(unrecognized_option(name_str(&nm)))
match opts[optid].hasarg {
no => {
if !option::is_none::<~str>(i_arg) {
return Err(unexpected_argument(name_str(nm)));
return Err(unexpected_argument(name_str(&nm)));
vec::push(vals[optid], given);
@ -283,7 +287,7 @@ fn getopts(args: ~[~str], opts: ~[opt]) -> result unsafe {
} else if i + 1u == l {
return Err(argument_missing(name_str(nm)));
return Err(argument_missing(name_str(&nm)));
} else { i += 1u; vec::push(vals[optid], val(args[i])); }
@ -297,22 +301,24 @@ fn getopts(args: ~[~str], opts: ~[opt]) -> result unsafe {
let occ = opts[i].occur;
if occ == req {
if n == 0u {
return Err(option_missing(name_str(opts[i].name)));
return Err(option_missing(name_str(&(opts[i].name))));
if occ != multi {
if n > 1u {
return Err(option_duplicated(name_str(opts[i].name)));
return Err(option_duplicated(name_str(&(opts[i].name))));
i += 1u;
return Ok({opts: opts, vals: vec::from_mut(vals), free: free});
return Ok({opts: vec::from_slice(opts),
vals: vec::from_mut(vals),
free: free});
fn opt_vals(m: matches, nm: ~str) -> ~[optval] {
return match find_opt(m.opts, mkname(nm)) {
Some(id) => m.vals[id],
fn opt_vals(+mm: matches, nm: &str) -> ~[optval] {
return match find_opt(mm.opts, mkname(nm)) {
Some(id) => mm.vals[id],
None => {
error!("No option '%s' defined", nm);
@ -320,19 +326,19 @@ fn opt_vals(m: matches, nm: ~str) -> ~[optval] {
fn opt_val(m: matches, nm: ~str) -> optval { return opt_vals(m, nm)[0]; }
fn opt_val(+mm: matches, nm: &str) -> optval { return opt_vals(mm, nm)[0]; }
/// Returns true if an option was matched
fn opt_present(m: matches, nm: ~str) -> bool {
return vec::len::<optval>(opt_vals(m, nm)) > 0u;
fn opt_present(+mm: matches, nm: &str) -> bool {
return vec::len::<optval>(opt_vals(mm, nm)) > 0u;
/// Returns true if any of several options were matched
fn opts_present(m: matches, names: ~[~str]) -> bool {
fn opts_present(+mm: matches, names: &[~str]) -> bool {
for vec::each(names) |nm| {
match find_opt(m.opts, mkname(nm)) {
match find_opt(mm.opts, mkname(nm)) {
Some(_) => return true,
_ => ()
None => ()
return false;
@ -345,8 +351,8 @@ fn opts_present(m: matches, names: ~[~str]) -> bool {
* Fails if the option was not matched or if the match did not take an
* argument
fn opt_str(m: matches, nm: ~str) -> ~str {
return match opt_val(m, nm) { val(s) => s, _ => fail };
fn opt_str(+mm: matches, nm: &str) -> ~str {
return match opt_val(mm, nm) { val(s) => s, _ => fail };
@ -355,9 +361,9 @@ fn opt_str(m: matches, nm: ~str) -> ~str {
* Fails if the no option was provided from the given list, or if the no such
* option took an argument
fn opts_str(m: matches, names: ~[~str]) -> ~str {
fn opts_str(+mm: matches, names: &[~str]) -> ~str {
for vec::each(names) |nm| {
match opt_val(m, nm) {
match opt_val(mm, nm) {
val(s) => return s,
_ => ()
@ -372,17 +378,17 @@ fn opts_str(m: matches, names: ~[~str]) -> ~str {
* Used when an option accepts multiple values.
fn opt_strs(m: matches, nm: ~str) -> ~[~str] {
fn opt_strs(+mm: matches, nm: &str) -> ~[~str] {
let mut acc: ~[~str] = ~[];
for vec::each(opt_vals(m, nm)) |v| {
for vec::each(opt_vals(mm, nm)) |v| {
match v { val(s) => vec::push(acc, s), _ => () }
return acc;
/// Returns the string argument supplied to a matching option or none
fn opt_maybe_str(m: matches, nm: ~str) -> Option<~str> {
let vals = opt_vals(m, nm);
fn opt_maybe_str(+mm: matches, nm: &str) -> Option<~str> {
let vals = opt_vals(mm, nm);
if vec::len::<optval>(vals) == 0u { return None::<~str>; }
return match vals[0] { val(s) => Some::<~str>(s), _ => None::<~str> };
@ -395,10 +401,11 @@ fn opt_maybe_str(m: matches, nm: ~str) -> Option<~str> {
* present but no argument was provided, and the argument if the option was
* present and an argument was provided.
fn opt_default(m: matches, nm: ~str, def: ~str) -> Option<~str> {
let vals = opt_vals(m, nm);
fn opt_default(+mm: matches, nm: &str, def: &str) -> Option<~str> {
let vals = opt_vals(mm, nm);
if vec::len::<optval>(vals) == 0u { return None::<~str>; }
return match vals[0] { val(s) => Some::<~str>(s), _ => Some::<~str>(def) }
return match vals[0] { val(s) => Some::<~str>(s),
_ => Some::<~str>(str::from_slice(def)) }
@ -414,7 +421,7 @@ mod tests {
fn check_fail_type(f: fail_, ft: fail_type) {
fn check_fail_type(+f: fail_, ft: fail_type) {
match f {
argument_missing(_) => assert ft == argument_missing_,
unrecognized_option(_) => assert ft == unrecognized_option_,
@ -877,7 +884,7 @@ mod tests {
let opts = ~[optopt(~"e"), optopt(~"encrypt")];
let matches = match getopts(args, opts) {
result::Ok(m) => m,
result::Err(_) => fail
result::Err(_f) => fail
assert opts_present(matches, ~[~"e"]);
assert opts_present(matches, ~[~"encrypt"]);
@ -898,7 +905,7 @@ mod tests {
let opts = ~[optmulti(~"L")];
let matches = match getopts(args, opts) {
result::Ok(m) => m,
result::Err(_) => fail
result::Err(_f) => fail
assert opts_present(matches, ~[~"L"]);
assert opts_str(matches, ~[~"L"]) == ~"foo";
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