order use trees following rustfmt's algorithm for ordering imports
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ use syntax::{
use crate::{
common_prefix, eq_attrs, eq_visibility, try_merge_imports, use_tree_path_cmp, MergeBehavior,
common_prefix, eq_attrs, eq_visibility, try_merge_imports, use_tree_cmp, MergeBehavior,
@ -357,6 +357,8 @@ fn insert_use_(
use_item: ast::Use,
) {
let scope_syntax = scope.as_syntax_node();
let insert_use_tree =
use_item.use_tree().expect("`use_item` should have a use tree for `insert_path`");
let group = ImportGroup::new(insert_path);
let path_node_iter = scope_syntax
@ -364,8 +366,7 @@ fn insert_use_(
.flat_map(|(use_, node)| {
let tree = use_.use_tree()?;
let path = tree.path()?;
let has_tl = tree.use_tree_list().is_some();
Some((path, has_tl, node))
Some((path, tree, node))
if group_imports {
@ -381,8 +382,8 @@ fn insert_use_(
// find the element that would come directly after our new import
let post_insert: Option<(_, _, SyntaxNode)> = group_iter
.inspect(|(.., node)| last = Some(node.clone()))
.find(|&(ref path, has_tl, _)| {
use_tree_path_cmp(insert_path, false, path, has_tl) != Ordering::Greater
.find(|&(_, ref use_tree, _)| {
use_tree_cmp(&insert_use_tree, use_tree) != Ordering::Greater
if let Some((.., node)) = post_insert {
@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ use std::cmp::Ordering;
use itertools::{EitherOrBoth, Itertools};
use syntax::{
ast::{self, AstNode, HasAttrs, HasVisibility, PathSegmentKind},
ast::{self, AstNode, HasAttrs, HasName, HasVisibility, PathSegmentKind},
ted, TokenText,
use crate::syntax_helpers::node_ext::vis_eq;
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ fn recursive_merge(lhs: &ast::UseTree, rhs: &ast::UseTree, merge: MergeBehavior)
// same as a `filter` op).
.map(|tree| merge.is_tree_allowed(&tree).then_some(tree))
use_trees.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| path_cmp_for_sort(a.path(), b.path()));
use_trees.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| use_tree_cmp(a, b));
for rhs_t in rhs.use_tree_list().into_iter().flat_map(|list| list.use_trees()) {
if !merge.is_tree_allowed(&rhs_t) {
return None;
@ -190,25 +190,6 @@ pub fn common_prefix(lhs: &ast::Path, rhs: &ast::Path) -> Option<(ast::Path, ast
/// Orders paths in the following way:
/// the sole self token comes first, after that come uppercase identifiers, then lowercase identifiers
// FIXME: rustfmt sorts lowercase idents before uppercase, in general we want to have the same ordering rustfmt has
// which is `self` and `super` first, then identifier imports with lowercase ones first, then glob imports and at last list imports.
// Example foo::{self, foo, baz, Baz, Qux, *, {Bar}}
fn path_cmp_for_sort(a: Option<ast::Path>, b: Option<ast::Path>) -> Ordering {
match (a, b) {
(None, None) => Ordering::Equal,
(None, Some(_)) => Ordering::Less,
(Some(_), None) => Ordering::Greater,
(Some(ref a), Some(ref b)) => match (path_is_self(a), path_is_self(b)) {
(true, true) => Ordering::Equal,
(true, false) => Ordering::Less,
(false, true) => Ordering::Greater,
(false, false) => path_cmp_short(a, b),
/// Path comparison func for binary searching for merging.
fn path_cmp_bin_search(lhs: Option<ast::Path>, rhs: Option<&ast::Path>) -> Ordering {
match (lhs.as_ref().and_then(ast::Path::first_segment), rhs.and_then(ast::Path::first_segment))
@ -220,59 +201,141 @@ fn path_cmp_bin_search(lhs: Option<ast::Path>, rhs: Option<&ast::Path>) -> Order
/// Short circuiting comparison, if both paths are equal until one of them ends they are considered
/// equal
fn path_cmp_short(a: &ast::Path, b: &ast::Path) -> Ordering {
let a = a.segments();
let b = b.segments();
// cmp_by would be useful for us here but that is currently unstable
// cmp doesn't work due the lifetimes on text's return type
.find_map(|(a, b)| match path_segment_cmp(&a, &b) {
Ordering::Equal => None,
ord => Some(ord),
/// Compares two paths, if one ends earlier than the other the has_tl parameters decide which is
/// greater as a path that has a tree list should be greater, while one that just ends without
/// a tree list should be considered less.
pub(super) fn use_tree_path_cmp(
a: &ast::Path,
a_has_tl: bool,
b: &ast::Path,
b_has_tl: bool,
) -> Ordering {
let a_segments = a.segments();
let b_segments = b.segments();
// cmp_by would be useful for us here but that is currently unstable
// cmp doesn't work due the lifetimes on text's return type
.find_map(|zipped| match zipped {
EitherOrBoth::Both(ref a, ref b) => match path_segment_cmp(a, b) {
Ordering::Equal => None,
ord => Some(ord),
EitherOrBoth::Left(_) if !b_has_tl => Some(Ordering::Greater),
EitherOrBoth::Left(_) => Some(Ordering::Less),
EitherOrBoth::Right(_) if !a_has_tl => Some(Ordering::Less),
EitherOrBoth::Right(_) => Some(Ordering::Greater),
/// Orders use trees following `rustfmt`'s algorithm for ordering imports, which is `self`, `super` and `crate` first,
/// then identifier imports with lowercase ones first and upper snake case (e.g. UPPER_SNAKE_CASE) ones last,
/// then glob imports, and at last list imports.
/// Example foo::{self, foo, baz, Baz, Qux, FOO_BAZ, *, {Bar}}
/// Ref: <https://github.com/rust-lang/rustfmt/blob/6356fca675bd756d71f5c123cd053d17b16c573e/src/imports.rs#L83-L86>.
pub(super) fn use_tree_cmp(a: &ast::UseTree, b: &ast::UseTree) -> Ordering {
let tiebreak_by_glob_or_alias = || match (a.star_token().is_some(), b.star_token().is_some()) {
(true, false) => Ordering::Greater,
(false, true) => Ordering::Less,
_ => match (a.rename(), b.rename()) {
(None, None) => Ordering::Equal,
(Some(_), None) => Ordering::Greater,
(None, Some(_)) => Ordering::Less,
(Some(a_rename), Some(b_rename)) => a_rename
.map_or("_", TokenText::as_str)
.map_or("_", TokenText::as_str),
let tiebreak_by_tree_list_glob_or_alias = || match (a.use_tree_list(), b.use_tree_list()) {
(None, None) => tiebreak_by_glob_or_alias(),
(Some(_), None) => Ordering::Greater,
(None, Some(_)) => Ordering::Less,
(Some(a_list), Some(b_list)) => a_list
.find_map(|zipped| match zipped {
EitherOrBoth::Both(ref a_tree, ref b_tree) => match use_tree_cmp(a_tree, b_tree) {
Ordering::Equal => None,
ord => Some(ord),
EitherOrBoth::Left(_) => Some(Ordering::Greater),
EitherOrBoth::Right(_) => Some(Ordering::Less),
match (a.path(), b.path()) {
(None, None) => match (a.is_simple_path(), b.is_simple_path()) {
(true, true) => Ordering::Equal,
(true, false) => Ordering::Less,
(false, true) => Ordering::Greater,
(false, false) => tiebreak_by_tree_list_glob_or_alias(),
(Some(_), None) if !b.is_simple_path() => Ordering::Less,
(Some(_), None) => Ordering::Greater,
(None, Some(_)) if !a.is_simple_path() => Ordering::Greater,
(None, Some(_)) => Ordering::Less,
(Some(ref a_path), Some(ref b_path)) => {
// cmp_by would be useful for us here but that is currently unstable
// cmp doesn't work due the lifetimes on text's return type
.find_map(|zipped| match zipped {
EitherOrBoth::Both(ref a_segment, ref b_segment) => {
match path_segment_cmp(a_segment, b_segment) {
Ordering::Equal => None,
ord => Some(ord),
EitherOrBoth::Left(_) if b.is_simple_path() => Some(Ordering::Greater),
EitherOrBoth::Left(_) => Some(Ordering::Less),
EitherOrBoth::Right(_) if a.is_simple_path() => Some(Ordering::Less),
EitherOrBoth::Right(_) => Some(Ordering::Greater),
fn path_segment_cmp(a: &ast::PathSegment, b: &ast::PathSegment) -> Ordering {
let a = a.kind().and_then(|kind| match kind {
PathSegmentKind::Name(name_ref) => Some(name_ref),
_ => None,
let b = b.kind().and_then(|kind| match kind {
PathSegmentKind::Name(name_ref) => Some(name_ref),
_ => None,
match (a.kind(), b.kind()) {
(None, None) => Ordering::Equal,
(Some(_), None) => Ordering::Greater,
(None, Some(_)) => Ordering::Less,
// self
(Some(PathSegmentKind::SelfKw), Some(PathSegmentKind::SelfKw)) => Ordering::Equal,
(Some(PathSegmentKind::SelfKw), _) => Ordering::Less,
(_, Some(PathSegmentKind::SelfKw)) => Ordering::Greater,
// super
(Some(PathSegmentKind::SuperKw), Some(PathSegmentKind::SuperKw)) => Ordering::Equal,
(Some(PathSegmentKind::SuperKw), _) => Ordering::Less,
(_, Some(PathSegmentKind::SuperKw)) => Ordering::Greater,
// crate
(Some(PathSegmentKind::CrateKw), Some(PathSegmentKind::CrateKw)) => Ordering::Equal,
(Some(PathSegmentKind::CrateKw), _) => Ordering::Less,
(_, Some(PathSegmentKind::CrateKw)) => Ordering::Greater,
// identifiers (everything else is treated as an identifier).
_ => {
match (
) {
(None, None) => Ordering::Equal,
(Some(_), None) => Ordering::Greater,
(None, Some(_)) => Ordering::Less,
(Some(a_name), Some(b_name)) => {
// snake_case < CamelCase < UPPER_SNAKE_CASE
let a_text = a_name.as_str();
let b_text = b_name.as_str();
fn is_upper_snake_case(s: &str) -> bool {
s.chars().all(|c| c.is_uppercase() || c == '_' || c.is_numeric())
if a_text.starts_with(char::is_lowercase)
&& b_text.starts_with(char::is_uppercase)
return Ordering::Less;
if a_text.starts_with(char::is_uppercase)
&& b_text.starts_with(char::is_lowercase)
return Ordering::Greater;
if !is_upper_snake_case(a_text) && is_upper_snake_case(b_text) {
return Ordering::Less;
if is_upper_snake_case(a_text) && !is_upper_snake_case(b_text) {
return Ordering::Greater;
pub fn eq_visibility(vis0: Option<ast::Visibility>, vis1: Option<ast::Visibility>) -> bool {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user