From 48189bc1b4864f8ba3a7840fdcde4cd91f25808d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Lukas Wirth <>
Date: Sat, 26 Feb 2022 14:29:03 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Re-order and cleanup highlighting tests

 .../test_data/highlight_assoc_functions.html  |   3 +-
 .../test_data/highlight_default_library.html  |   3 +-
 .../test_data/injection.html                  |   3 +-
 crates/ide/src/syntax_highlighting/   | 398 +++++++++---------
 4 files changed, 199 insertions(+), 208 deletions(-)

diff --git a/crates/ide/src/syntax_highlighting/test_data/highlight_assoc_functions.html b/crates/ide/src/syntax_highlighting/test_data/highlight_assoc_functions.html
index 645e6c589dd..b035e786d35 100644
--- a/crates/ide/src/syntax_highlighting/test_data/highlight_assoc_functions.html
+++ b/crates/ide/src/syntax_highlighting/test_data/highlight_assoc_functions.html
@@ -58,5 +58,4 @@ pre                 { color: #DCDCCC; background: #3F3F3F; font-size: 22px; padd
 <span class="keyword">impl</span> <span class="trait">t</span> <span class="keyword">for</span> <span class="struct">foo</span> <span class="brace">{</span>
     <span class="keyword">pub</span> <span class="keyword">fn</span> <span class="function associated declaration public static trait">is_static</span><span class="parenthesis">(</span><span class="parenthesis">)</span> <span class="brace">{</span><span class="brace">}</span>
     <span class="keyword">pub</span> <span class="keyword">fn</span> <span class="function associated declaration public reference trait">is_not_static</span><span class="parenthesis">(</span><span class="operator">&</span><span class="self_keyword declaration reference">self</span><span class="parenthesis">)</span> <span class="brace">{</span><span class="brace">}</span>
-<span class="brace">}</span>
-        </code></pre>
\ No newline at end of file
+<span class="brace">}</span></code></pre>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/crates/ide/src/syntax_highlighting/test_data/highlight_default_library.html b/crates/ide/src/syntax_highlighting/test_data/highlight_default_library.html
index 2f96a1be85c..3e20b2f3512 100644
--- a/crates/ide/src/syntax_highlighting/test_data/highlight_default_library.html
+++ b/crates/ide/src/syntax_highlighting/test_data/highlight_default_library.html
@@ -46,5 +46,4 @@ pre                 { color: #DCDCCC; background: #3F3F3F; font-size: 22px; padd
 <span class="keyword">fn</span> <span class="function declaration">main</span><span class="parenthesis">(</span><span class="parenthesis">)</span> <span class="brace">{</span>
     <span class="keyword">let</span> <span class="variable declaration">foo</span> <span class="operator">=</span> <span class="enum_variant default_library library">Some</span><span class="parenthesis">(</span><span class="numeric_literal">92</span><span class="parenthesis">)</span><span class="semicolon">;</span>
     <span class="keyword">let</span> <span class="variable declaration">nums</span> <span class="operator">=</span> <span class="module default_library library">iter</span><span class="operator">::</span><span class="function default_library library">repeat</span><span class="parenthesis">(</span><span class="variable">foo</span><span class="operator">.</span><span class="function associated consuming default_library library">unwrap</span><span class="parenthesis">(</span><span class="parenthesis">)</span><span class="parenthesis">)</span><span class="semicolon">;</span>
-<span class="brace">}</span>
\ No newline at end of file
+<span class="brace">}</span></code></pre>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/crates/ide/src/syntax_highlighting/test_data/injection.html b/crates/ide/src/syntax_highlighting/test_data/injection.html
index 2e9ad144f19..ce4e22379e9 100644
--- a/crates/ide/src/syntax_highlighting/test_data/injection.html
+++ b/crates/ide/src/syntax_highlighting/test_data/injection.html
@@ -49,5 +49,4 @@ pre                 { color: #DCDCCC; background: #3F3F3F; font-size: 22px; padd
         <span class="numeric_literal">92</span>
     <span class="brace">}</span><span class="keyword">$0</span><span class="parenthesis">)</span>
 <span class="brace">}</span><span class="string_literal">"</span><span class="parenthesis">)</span><span class="semicolon">;</span>
-<span class="brace">}</span>
-    </code></pre>
\ No newline at end of file
+<span class="brace">}</span></code></pre>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/crates/ide/src/syntax_highlighting/ b/crates/ide/src/syntax_highlighting/
index 4beab9909c4..2581ed10e43 100644
--- a/crates/ide/src/syntax_highlighting/
+++ b/crates/ide/src/syntax_highlighting/
@@ -288,161 +288,12 @@ macro_rules! die {
-        .trim(),
-fn test_rainbow_highlighting() {
-    check_highlighting(
-        r#"
-fn main() {
-    let hello = "hello";
-    let x = hello.to_string();
-    let y = hello.to_string();
-    let x = "other color please!";
-    let y = x.to_string();
-fn bar() {
-    let mut hello = "hello";
-        .trim(),
-        expect_file!["./test_data/rainbow_highlighting.html"],
-        true,
-    );
-fn benchmark_syntax_highlighting_long_struct() {
-    if skip_slow_tests() {
-        return;
-    }
-    let fixture = bench_fixture::big_struct();
-    let (analysis, file_id) = fixture::file(&fixture);
-    let hash = {
-        let _pt = bench("syntax highlighting long struct");
-        analysis
-            .highlight(file_id)
-            .unwrap()
-            .iter()
-            .filter(|it| it.highlight.tag == HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Struct))
-            .count()
-    };
-    assert_eq!(hash, 2001);
-fn syntax_highlighting_not_quadratic() {
-    if skip_slow_tests() {
-        return;
-    }
-    let mut al = AssertLinear::default();
-    while al.next_round() {
-        for i in 6..=10 {
-            let n = 1 << i;
-            let fixture = bench_fixture::big_struct_n(n);
-            let (analysis, file_id) = fixture::file(&fixture);
-            let time = Instant::now();
-            let hash = analysis
-                .highlight(file_id)
-                .unwrap()
-                .iter()
-                .filter(|it| it.highlight.tag == HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Struct))
-                .count();
-            assert!(hash > n as usize);
-            let elapsed = time.elapsed();
-            al.sample(n as f64, elapsed.as_millis() as f64);
-        }
-    }
-fn benchmark_syntax_highlighting_parser() {
-    if skip_slow_tests() {
-        return;
-    }
-    let fixture = bench_fixture::glorious_old_parser();
-    let (analysis, file_id) = fixture::file(&fixture);
-    let hash = {
-        let _pt = bench("syntax highlighting parser");
-        analysis
-            .highlight(file_id)
-            .unwrap()
-            .iter()
-            .filter(|it| it.highlight.tag == HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Function))
-            .count()
-    };
-    assert_eq!(hash, 1616);
-fn test_ranges() {
-    let (analysis, file_id) = fixture::file(
-        r#"
-#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-struct Foo {
-    pub x: i32,
-    pub y: i32,
-    );
-    // The "x"
-    let highlights = &analysis
-        .highlight_range(FileRange { file_id, range: TextRange::at(45.into(), 1.into()) })
-        .unwrap();
-    assert_eq!(&highlights[0].highlight.to_string(), "field.declaration.public");
-fn test_flattening() {
-    check_highlighting(
-        r##"
-fn fixture(ra_fixture: &str) {}
-fn main() {
-    fixture(r#"
-        trait Foo {
-            fn foo() {
-                println!("2 + 2 = {}", 4);
-            }
-        }"#
-    );
-        .trim(),
-        expect_file!["./test_data/highlight_injection.html"],
-        false,
-    );
-fn ranges_sorted() {
-    let (analysis, file_id) = fixture::file(
-        r#"
-#[foo(bar = "bar")]
-macro_rules! test {}
-        .trim(),
-    );
-    let _ = analysis.highlight(file_id).unwrap();
 fn test_string_highlighting() {
     // The format string detection is based on macro-expansion,
@@ -555,8 +406,7 @@ fn main() {
     toho!("{}fmt", 0);
     asm!("mov eax, {0}");
     format_args!(concat!("{}"), "{}");
-        .trim(),
@@ -630,8 +480,7 @@ fn main() {
-        .trim(),
@@ -781,8 +630,7 @@ pub fn block_comments2() {}
 //! ```
 //! fn test() {}
 //! ```
-        .trim(),
@@ -792,14 +640,14 @@ pub fn block_comments2() {}
 fn test_extern_crate() {
-        //- / crate:main deps:std,alloc
-        extern crate std;
-        extern crate alloc as abc;
-        //- /std/ crate:std
-        pub struct S;
-        //- /alloc/ crate:alloc
-        pub struct A
-        "#,
+//- / crate:main deps:std,alloc
+extern crate std;
+extern crate alloc as abc;
+//- /std/ crate:std
+pub struct S;
+//- /alloc/ crate:alloc
+pub struct A
@@ -809,41 +657,41 @@ fn test_extern_crate() {
 fn test_crate_root() {
-        //- minicore: iterators
-        //- / crate:main deps:foo
-        extern crate foo;
-        use core::iter;
+//- minicore: iterators
+//- / crate:main deps:foo
+extern crate foo;
+use core::iter;
-        pub const NINETY_TWO: u8 = 92;
+pub const NINETY_TWO: u8 = 92;
-        use foo as foooo;
+use foo as foooo;
-        pub(crate) fn main() {
-            let baz = iter::repeat(92);
-        }
+pub(crate) fn main() {
+    let baz = iter::repeat(92);
-        mod bar {
-            pub(in super) const FORTY_TWO: u8 = 42;
+mod bar {
+    pub(in super) const FORTY_TWO: u8 = 42;
-            mod baz {
-                use super::super::NINETY_TWO;
-                use crate::foooo::Point;
+    mod baz {
+        use super::super::NINETY_TWO;
+        use crate::foooo::Point;
-                pub(in super::super) const TWENTY_NINE: u8 = 29;
-            }
-        }
-        //- / crate:foo
-        struct Point {
-            x: u8,
-            y: u8,
-        }
+        pub(in super::super) const TWENTY_NINE: u8 = 29;
+    }
+//- / crate:foo
+struct Point {
+    x: u8,
+    y: u8,
-        mod inner {
-            pub(super) fn swap(p: crate::Point) -> crate::Point {
-                crate::Point { x: p.y, y: p.x }
-            }
-        }
-        "#,
+mod inner {
+    pub(super) fn swap(p: crate::Point) -> crate::Point {
+        crate::Point { x: p.y, y: p.x }
+    }
@@ -853,14 +701,14 @@ fn test_crate_root() {
 fn test_default_library() {
-        //- minicore: option, iterators
-        use core::iter;
+//- minicore: option, iterators
+use core::iter;
-        fn main() {
-            let foo = Some(92);
-            let nums = iter::repeat(foo.unwrap());
-        }
-        "#,
+fn main() {
+    let foo = Some(92);
+    let nums = iter::repeat(foo.unwrap());
@@ -888,7 +736,7 @@ impl t for foo {
     pub fn is_static() {}
     pub fn is_not_static(&self) {}
-        "#,
@@ -907,17 +755,163 @@ fn foo() {
-    "##,
+fn test_rainbow_highlighting() {
+    check_highlighting(
+        r#"
+fn main() {
+    let hello = "hello";
+    let x = hello.to_string();
+    let y = hello.to_string();
+    let x = "other color please!";
+    let y = x.to_string();
+fn bar() {
+    let mut hello = "hello";
+        expect_file!["./test_data/rainbow_highlighting.html"],
+        true,
+    );
+fn test_ranges() {
+    let (analysis, file_id) = fixture::file(
+        r#"
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+struct Foo {
+    pub x: i32,
+    pub y: i32,
+    );
+    // The "x"
+    let highlights = &analysis
+        .highlight_range(FileRange { file_id, range: TextRange::at(45.into(), 1.into()) })
+        .unwrap();
+    assert_eq!(&highlights[0].highlight.to_string(), "field.declaration.public");
+fn test_flattening() {
+    check_highlighting(
+        r##"
+fn fixture(ra_fixture: &str) {}
+fn main() {
+    fixture(r#"
+        trait Foo {
+            fn foo() {
+                println!("2 + 2 = {}", 4);
+            }
+        }"#
+    );
+        expect_file!["./test_data/highlight_injection.html"],
+        false,
+    );
+fn ranges_sorted() {
+    let (analysis, file_id) = fixture::file(
+        r#"
+#[foo(bar = "bar")]
+macro_rules! test {}
+        .trim(),
+    );
+    let _ = analysis.highlight(file_id).unwrap();
 /// Highlights the code given by the `ra_fixture` argument, renders the
 /// result as HTML, and compares it with the HTML file given as `snapshot`.
 /// Note that the `snapshot` file is overwritten by the rendered HTML.
 fn check_highlighting(ra_fixture: &str, expect: ExpectFile, rainbow: bool) {
-    let (analysis, file_id) = fixture::file(ra_fixture);
+    let (analysis, file_id) = fixture::file(ra_fixture.trim());
     let actual_html = &analysis.highlight_as_html(file_id, rainbow).unwrap();
+fn benchmark_syntax_highlighting_long_struct() {
+    if skip_slow_tests() {
+        return;
+    }
+    let fixture = bench_fixture::big_struct();
+    let (analysis, file_id) = fixture::file(&fixture);
+    let hash = {
+        let _pt = bench("syntax highlighting long struct");
+        analysis
+            .highlight(file_id)
+            .unwrap()
+            .iter()
+            .filter(|it| it.highlight.tag == HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Struct))
+            .count()
+    };
+    assert_eq!(hash, 2001);
+fn syntax_highlighting_not_quadratic() {
+    if skip_slow_tests() {
+        return;
+    }
+    let mut al = AssertLinear::default();
+    while al.next_round() {
+        for i in 6..=10 {
+            let n = 1 << i;
+            let fixture = bench_fixture::big_struct_n(n);
+            let (analysis, file_id) = fixture::file(&fixture);
+            let time = Instant::now();
+            let hash = analysis
+                .highlight(file_id)
+                .unwrap()
+                .iter()
+                .filter(|it| it.highlight.tag == HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Struct))
+                .count();
+            assert!(hash > n as usize);
+            let elapsed = time.elapsed();
+            al.sample(n as f64, elapsed.as_millis() as f64);
+        }
+    }
+fn benchmark_syntax_highlighting_parser() {
+    if skip_slow_tests() {
+        return;
+    }
+    let fixture = bench_fixture::glorious_old_parser();
+    let (analysis, file_id) = fixture::file(&fixture);
+    let hash = {
+        let _pt = bench("syntax highlighting parser");
+        analysis
+            .highlight(file_id)
+            .unwrap()
+            .iter()
+            .filter(|it| it.highlight.tag == HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Function))
+            .count()
+    };
+    assert_eq!(hash, 1616);