Remove Function all_types and ret_types fields
This commit is contained in:
@ -217,13 +217,10 @@ fn build_external_function(cx: &DocContext<'_>, did: DefId) -> clean::Function {
let (generics, decl) = clean::enter_impl_trait(cx, || {
((cx.tcx.generics_of(did), predicates).clean(cx), (did, sig).clean(cx))
let (all_types, ret_types) = clean::get_all_types(&generics, &decl, cx);
clean::Function {
header: hir::FnHeader { unsafety: sig.unsafety(), abi: sig.abi(), constness, asyncness },
@ -928,8 +928,7 @@ impl<'a> Clean<Function> for (&'a hir::FnSig<'a>, &'a hir::Generics<'a>, hir::Bo
fn clean(&self, cx: &DocContext<'_>) -> Function {
let (generics, decl) =
enter_impl_trait(cx, || (self.1.clean(cx), (&*self.0.decl, self.2).clean(cx)));
let (all_types, ret_types) = get_all_types(&generics, &decl, cx);
Function { decl, generics, header: self.0.header, all_types, ret_types }
Function { decl, generics, header: self.0.header }
@ -1043,21 +1042,7 @@ impl Clean<PolyTrait> for hir::PolyTraitRef<'_> {
impl Clean<TypeKind> for hir::def::DefKind {
fn clean(&self, _: &DocContext<'_>) -> TypeKind {
match *self {
hir::def::DefKind::Mod => TypeKind::Module,
hir::def::DefKind::Struct => TypeKind::Struct,
hir::def::DefKind::Union => TypeKind::Union,
hir::def::DefKind::Enum => TypeKind::Enum,
hir::def::DefKind::Trait => TypeKind::Trait,
hir::def::DefKind::TyAlias => TypeKind::Typedef,
hir::def::DefKind::ForeignTy => TypeKind::Foreign,
hir::def::DefKind::TraitAlias => TypeKind::TraitAlias,
hir::def::DefKind::Fn => TypeKind::Function,
hir::def::DefKind::Const => TypeKind::Const,
hir::def::DefKind::Static => TypeKind::Static,
hir::def::DefKind::Macro(_) => TypeKind::Macro,
_ => TypeKind::Foreign,
@ -1082,9 +1067,7 @@ impl Clean<Item> for hir::TraitItem<'_> {
let (generics, decl) = enter_impl_trait(cx, || {
(self.generics.clean(cx), (&*sig.decl, &names[..]).clean(cx))
let (all_types, ret_types) = get_all_types(&generics, &decl, cx);
let mut t =
Function { header: sig.header, decl, generics, all_types, ret_types };
let mut t = Function { header: sig.header, decl, generics };
if t.header.constness == hir::Constness::Const
&& is_unstable_const_fn(cx.tcx, local_did).is_some()
@ -1196,7 +1179,6 @@ impl Clean<Item> for ty::AssocItem {
ty::ImplContainer(_) => true,
ty::TraitContainer(_) => self.defaultness.has_value(),
let (all_types, ret_types) = get_all_types(&generics, &decl, cx);
if provided {
let constness = if is_min_const_fn(cx.tcx, self.def_id) {
@ -1218,8 +1200,6 @@ impl Clean<Item> for ty::AssocItem {
@ -1233,8 +1213,6 @@ impl Clean<Item> for ty::AssocItem {
constness: hir::Constness::NotConst,
asyncness: hir::IsAsync::NotAsync,
@ -2274,7 +2252,6 @@ impl Clean<Item> for (&hir::ForeignItem<'_>, Option<Symbol>) {
let (generics, decl) = enter_impl_trait(cx, || {
(generics.clean(cx), (&**decl, &names[..]).clean(cx))
let (all_types, ret_types) = get_all_types(&generics, &decl, cx);
ForeignFunctionItem(Function {
@ -2284,8 +2261,6 @@ impl Clean<Item> for (&hir::ForeignItem<'_>, Option<Symbol>) {
constness: hir::Constness::NotConst,
asyncness: hir::IsAsync::NotAsync,
hir::ForeignItemKind::Static(ref ty, mutability) => ForeignStaticItem(Static {
@ -1087,8 +1087,6 @@ crate struct Function {
crate decl: FnDecl,
crate generics: Generics,
crate header: hir::FnHeader,
crate all_types: Vec<(Type, TypeKind)>,
crate ret_types: Vec<(Type, TypeKind)>,
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash)]
@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
use crate::clean::auto_trait::AutoTraitFinder;
use crate::clean::blanket_impl::BlanketImplFinder;
use crate::clean::{
inline, Clean, Crate, ExternalCrate, FnDecl, FnRetTy, Generic, GenericArg, GenericArgs,
GenericBound, Generics, GetDefId, ImportSource, Item, ItemKind, Lifetime, MacroKind, Path,
PathSegment, Primitive, PrimitiveType, ResolvedPath, Type, TypeBinding, TypeKind,
inline, Clean, Crate, ExternalCrate, Generic, GenericArg, GenericArgs, ImportSource, Item,
ItemKind, Lifetime, MacroKind, Path, PathSegment, Primitive, PrimitiveType, ResolvedPath, Type,
TypeBinding, TypeKind,
use crate::core::DocContext;
@ -160,125 +159,6 @@ pub(super) fn external_path(
/// The point of this function is to replace bounds with types.
/// i.e. `[T, U]` when you have the following bounds: `T: Display, U: Option<T>` will return
/// `[Display, Option]` (we just returns the list of the types, we don't care about the
/// wrapped types in here).
crate fn get_real_types(
generics: &Generics,
arg: &Type,
cx: &DocContext<'_>,
recurse: i32,
) -> FxHashSet<(Type, TypeKind)> {
fn insert(res: &mut FxHashSet<(Type, TypeKind)>, cx: &DocContext<'_>, ty: Type) {
if let Some(kind) = ty.def_id().map(|did| cx.tcx.def_kind(did).clean(cx)) {
res.insert((ty, kind));
} else if ty.is_primitive() {
// This is a primitive, let's store it as such.
res.insert((ty, TypeKind::Primitive));
let mut res = FxHashSet::default();
if recurse >= 10 {
// FIXME: remove this whole recurse thing when the recursion bug is fixed
return res;
if arg.is_full_generic() {
let arg_s = Symbol::intern(&arg.print(&cx.cache).to_string());
if let Some(where_pred) = generics.where_predicates.iter().find(|g| match g {
WherePredicate::BoundPredicate { ty, .. } => ty.def_id() == arg.def_id(),
_ => false,
}) {
let bounds = where_pred.get_bounds().unwrap_or_else(|| &[]);
for bound in bounds.iter() {
if let GenericBound::TraitBound(poly_trait, _) = bound {
for x in poly_trait.generic_params.iter() {
if !x.is_type() {
if let Some(ty) = x.get_type() {
let adds = get_real_types(generics, &ty, cx, recurse + 1);
if !adds.is_empty() {
} else if !ty.is_full_generic() {
insert(&mut res, cx, ty);
if let Some(bound) = generics.params.iter().find(|g| g.is_type() && == arg_s) {
for bound in bound.get_bounds().unwrap_or_else(|| &[]) {
if let Some(ty) = bound.get_trait_type() {
let adds = get_real_types(generics, &ty, cx, recurse + 1);
if !adds.is_empty() {
} else if !ty.is_full_generic() {
insert(&mut res, cx, ty);
} else {
insert(&mut res, cx, arg.clone());
if let Some(gens) = arg.generics() {
for gen in gens.iter() {
if gen.is_full_generic() {
let adds = get_real_types(generics, gen, cx, recurse + 1);
if !adds.is_empty() {
} else {
insert(&mut res, cx, gen.clone());
/// Return the full list of types when bounds have been resolved.
/// i.e. `fn foo<A: Display, B: Option<A>>(x: u32, y: B)` will return
/// `[u32, Display, Option]`.
crate fn get_all_types(
generics: &Generics,
decl: &FnDecl,
cx: &DocContext<'_>,
) -> (Vec<(Type, TypeKind)>, Vec<(Type, TypeKind)>) {
let mut all_types = FxHashSet::default();
for arg in decl.inputs.values.iter() {
if arg.type_.is_self_type() {
let args = get_real_types(generics, &arg.type_, cx, 0);
if !args.is_empty() {
} else {
if let Some(kind) = arg.type_.def_id().map(|did| cx.tcx.def_kind(did).clean(cx)) {
all_types.insert((arg.type_.clone(), kind));
let ret_types = match decl.output {
FnRetTy::Return(ref return_type) => {
let mut ret = get_real_types(generics, &return_type, cx, 0);
if ret.is_empty() {
if let Some(kind) = return_type.def_id().map(|did| cx.tcx.def_kind(did).clean(cx)) {
ret.insert((return_type.clone(), kind));
_ => Vec::new(),
(all_types.into_iter().collect(), ret_types)
crate fn strip_type(ty: Type) -> Type {
match ty {
Type::ResolvedPath { path, param_names, did, is_generic } => {
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use rustc_data_structures::fx::{FxHashMap, FxHashSet};
use rustc_hir::def_id::{CrateNum, DefId, CRATE_DEF_INDEX};
use rustc_middle::middle::privacy::AccessLevels;
use rustc_middle::ty::TyCtxt;
use rustc_span::source_map::FileName;
use rustc_span::Symbol;
@ -121,13 +122,21 @@ crate struct Cache {
crate aliases: BTreeMap<String, Vec<usize>>,
/// This struct is used to wrap the `cache` and `tcx` in order to run `DocFolder`.
struct CacheBuilder<'a, 'tcx> {
cache: &'a mut Cache,
empty_cache: Cache,
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
impl Cache {
crate fn from_krate(
crate fn from_krate<'tcx>(
render_info: RenderInfo,
document_private: bool,
extern_html_root_urls: &BTreeMap<String, String>,
dst: &Path,
mut krate: clean::Crate,
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
) -> (clean::Crate, Cache) {
// Crawl the crate to build various caches used for the output
let RenderInfo {
@ -194,7 +203,8 @@ impl Cache {
krate = cache.fold_crate(krate);
krate = CacheBuilder { tcx, cache: &mut cache, empty_cache: Cache::default() }
for (trait_did, dids, impl_) in cache.orphan_trait_impls.drain(..) {
if cache.traits.contains_key(&trait_did) {
@ -208,7 +218,7 @@ impl Cache {
impl DocFolder for Cache {
impl<'a, 'tcx> DocFolder for CacheBuilder<'a, 'tcx> {
fn fold_item(&mut self, item: clean::Item) -> Option<clean::Item> {
if item.def_id.is_local() {
debug!("folding {} \"{:?}\", id {:?}", item.type_(),, item.def_id);
@ -218,17 +228,17 @@ impl DocFolder for Cache {
// we don't want it or its children in the search index.
let orig_stripped_mod = match *item.kind {
clean::StrippedItem(box clean::ModuleItem(..)) => {
mem::replace(&mut self.stripped_mod, true)
mem::replace(&mut self.cache.stripped_mod, true)
_ => self.stripped_mod,
_ => self.cache.stripped_mod,
// If the impl is from a masked crate or references something from a
// masked crate then remove it completely.
if let clean::ImplItem(ref i) = *item.kind {
if self.masked_crates.contains(&item.def_id.krate)
|| i.trait_.def_id().map_or(false, |d| self.masked_crates.contains(&d.krate))
|| i.for_.def_id().map_or(false, |d| self.masked_crates.contains(&d.krate))
if self.cache.masked_crates.contains(&item.def_id.krate)
|| i.trait_.def_id().map_or(false, |d| self.cache.masked_crates.contains(&d.krate))
|| i.for_.def_id().map_or(false, |d| self.cache.masked_crates.contains(&d.krate))
return None;
@ -237,14 +247,15 @@ impl DocFolder for Cache {
// Propagate a trait method's documentation to all implementors of the
// trait.
if let clean::TraitItem(ref t) = *item.kind {
self.traits.entry(item.def_id).or_insert_with(|| t.clone());
self.cache.traits.entry(item.def_id).or_insert_with(|| t.clone());
// Collect all the implementors of traits.
if let clean::ImplItem(ref i) = *item.kind {
if let Some(did) = i.trait_.def_id() {
if i.blanket_impl.is_none() {
.push(Impl { impl_item: item.clone() });
@ -257,7 +268,7 @@ impl DocFolder for Cache {
let (parent, is_inherent_impl_item) = match *item.kind {
clean::StrippedItem(..) => ((None, None), false),
clean::AssocConstItem(..) | clean::TypedefItem(_, true)
if self.parent_is_trait_impl =>
if self.cache.parent_is_trait_impl =>
// skip associated items in trait impls
((None, None), false)
@ -267,18 +278,18 @@ impl DocFolder for Cache {
| clean::StructFieldItem(..)
| clean::VariantItem(..) => (
Some(*self.parent_stack.last().expect("parent_stack is empty")),
Some(&self.stack[..self.stack.len() - 1]),
Some(*self.cache.parent_stack.last().expect("parent_stack is empty")),
Some(&self.cache.stack[..self.cache.stack.len() - 1]),
clean::MethodItem(..) | clean::AssocConstItem(..) => {
if self.parent_stack.is_empty() {
if self.cache.parent_stack.is_empty() {
((None, None), false)
} else {
let last = self.parent_stack.last().expect("parent_stack is empty 2");
let last = self.cache.parent_stack.last().expect("parent_stack is empty 2");
let did = *last;
let path = match self.paths.get(&did) {
let path = match self.cache.paths.get(&did) {
// The current stack not necessarily has correlation
// for where the type was defined. On the other
// hand, `paths` always has the right
@ -290,24 +301,24 @@ impl DocFolder for Cache {
| ItemType::Union
| ItemType::Enum,
)) => Some(&fqp[..fqp.len() - 1]),
Some(..) => Some(&*self.stack),
Some(..) => Some(&*self.cache.stack),
None => None,
((Some(*last), path), true)
_ => ((None, Some(&*self.stack)), false),
_ => ((None, Some(&*self.cache.stack)), false),
match parent {
(parent, Some(path)) if is_inherent_impl_item || !self.stripped_mod => {
(parent, Some(path)) if is_inherent_impl_item || !self.cache.stripped_mod => {
// A crate has a module at its root, containing all items,
// which should not be indexed. The crate-item itself is
// inserted later on when serializing the search-index.
if item.def_id.index != CRATE_DEF_INDEX {
self.search_index.push(IndexItem {
self.cache.search_index.push(IndexItem {
ty: item.type_(),
name: s.to_string(),
path: path.join("::"),
@ -316,21 +327,22 @@ impl DocFolder for Cache {
.map_or_else(String::new, |x| short_markdown_summary(&x.as_str())),
parent_idx: None,
search_type: get_index_search_type(&item, None),
search_type: get_index_search_type(&item, &self.empty_cache, self.tcx),
for alias in item.attrs.get_doc_aliases() {
.push(self.search_index.len() - 1);
.push(self.cache.search_index.len() - 1);
(Some(parent), None) if is_inherent_impl_item => {
// We have a parent, but we don't know where they're
// defined yet. Wait for later to index this item.
self.orphan_impl_items.push((parent, item.clone()));
self.cache.orphan_impl_items.push((parent, item.clone()));
_ => {}
@ -339,7 +351,7 @@ impl DocFolder for Cache {
// Keep track of the fully qualified path for this item.
let pushed = match {
Some(n) if !n.is_empty() => {
_ => false,
@ -361,7 +373,7 @@ impl DocFolder for Cache {
| clean::MacroItem(..)
| clean::ProcMacroItem(..)
| clean::VariantItem(..)
if !self.stripped_mod =>
if !self.cache.stripped_mod =>
// Re-exported items mean that the same id can show up twice
// in the rustdoc ast that we're looking at. We know,
@ -369,21 +381,21 @@ impl DocFolder for Cache {
// `public_items` map, so we can skip inserting into the
// paths map if there was already an entry present and we're
// not a public item.
if !self.paths.contains_key(&item.def_id)
|| self.access_levels.is_public(item.def_id)
if !self.cache.paths.contains_key(&item.def_id)
|| self.cache.access_levels.is_public(item.def_id)
self.paths.insert(item.def_id, (self.stack.clone(), item.type_()));
self.cache.paths.insert(item.def_id, (self.cache.stack.clone(), item.type_()));
clean::PrimitiveItem(..) => {
self.paths.insert(item.def_id, (self.stack.clone(), item.type_()));
self.cache.paths.insert(item.def_id, (self.cache.stack.clone(), item.type_()));
_ => {}
// Maintain the parent stack
let orig_parent_is_trait_impl = self.parent_is_trait_impl;
let orig_parent_is_trait_impl = self.cache.parent_is_trait_impl;
let parent_pushed = match *item.kind {
| clean::EnumItem(..)
@ -391,24 +403,24 @@ impl DocFolder for Cache {
| clean::StructItem(..)
| clean::UnionItem(..)
| clean::VariantItem(..) => {
self.parent_is_trait_impl = false;
self.cache.parent_is_trait_impl = false;
clean::ImplItem(ref i) => {
self.parent_is_trait_impl = i.trait_.is_some();
self.cache.parent_is_trait_impl = i.trait_.is_some();
match i.for_ {
clean::ResolvedPath { did, .. } => {
ref t => {
let prim_did = t
.and_then(|t| self.primitive_locations.get(&t).cloned());
.and_then(|t| self.cache.primitive_locations.get(&t).cloned());
match prim_did {
Some(did) => {
None => false,
@ -433,8 +445,9 @@ impl DocFolder for Cache {
ref t => {
let did =
t.primitive_type().and_then(|t| self.primitive_locations.get(&t).cloned());
let did = t
.and_then(|t| self.cache.primitive_locations.get(&t).cloned());
if let Some(did) = did {
@ -450,13 +463,13 @@ impl DocFolder for Cache {
let impl_item = Impl { impl_item: item };
if impl_item.trait_did().map_or(true, |d| self.traits.contains_key(&d)) {
if impl_item.trait_did().map_or(true, |d| self.cache.traits.contains_key(&d)) {
for did in dids {
} else {
let trait_did = impl_item.trait_did().expect("no trait did");
self.orphan_trait_impls.push((trait_did, dids, impl_item));
self.cache.orphan_trait_impls.push((trait_did, dids, impl_item));
} else {
@ -464,13 +477,13 @@ impl DocFolder for Cache {
if pushed {
self.stack.pop().expect("stack already empty");
self.cache.stack.pop().expect("stack already empty");
if parent_pushed {
self.parent_stack.pop().expect("parent stack already empty");
self.cache.parent_stack.pop().expect("parent stack already empty");
self.stripped_mod = orig_stripped_mod;
self.parent_is_trait_impl = orig_parent_is_trait_impl;
self.cache.stripped_mod = orig_stripped_mod;
self.cache.parent_is_trait_impl = orig_parent_is_trait_impl;
@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ crate fn run_format<'tcx, T: FormatRenderer<'tcx>>(
let prof = &;
@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::path::Path;
use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashMap;
use rustc_data_structures::fx::{FxHashMap, FxHashSet};
use rustc_middle::ty::TyCtxt;
use rustc_span::symbol::{sym, Symbol};
use serde::Serialize;
use crate::clean::types::GetDefId;
use crate::clean::types::{
FnDecl, FnRetTy, GenericBound, Generics, GetDefId, Type, TypeKind, WherePredicate,
use crate::clean::{self, AttributesExt};
use crate::formats::cache::Cache;
use crate::formats::item_type::ItemType;
@ -62,11 +65,13 @@ crate fn extern_location(
/// Builds the search index from the collected metadata
crate fn build_index(krate: &clean::Crate, cache: &mut Cache) -> String {
crate fn build_index<'tcx>(krate: &clean::Crate, cache: &mut Cache, tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>) -> String {
let mut defid_to_pathid = FxHashMap::default();
let mut crate_items = Vec::with_capacity(cache.search_index.len());
let mut crate_paths = vec![];
// For now we don't get the primitive types in the search index.
let empty_cache = Cache::default();
// Attach all orphan items to the type's definition if the type
// has since been learned.
for &(did, ref item) in &cache.orphan_impl_items {
@ -78,7 +83,7 @@ crate fn build_index(krate: &clean::Crate, cache: &mut Cache) -> String {
desc: item.doc_value().map_or_else(String::new, |s| short_markdown_summary(&s)),
parent: Some(did),
parent_idx: None,
search_type: get_index_search_type(&item, Some(cache)),
search_type: get_index_search_type(&item, cache),
for alias in item.attrs.get_doc_aliases() {
@ -164,14 +169,15 @@ crate fn build_index(krate: &clean::Crate, cache: &mut Cache) -> String {
crate fn get_index_search_type(
crate fn get_index_search_type<'tcx>(
item: &clean::Item,
cache: Option<&Cache>,
cache: &Cache,
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
) -> Option<IndexItemFunctionType> {
let (all_types, ret_types) = match *item.kind {
clean::FunctionItem(ref f) => (&f.all_types, &f.ret_types),
clean::MethodItem(ref m, _) => (&m.all_types, &m.ret_types),
clean::TyMethodItem(ref m) => (&m.all_types, &m.ret_types),
clean::FunctionItem(ref f) => get_all_types(&f.generics, &f.decl, tcx, &cache),
clean::MethodItem(ref m, _) => get_all_types(&m.generics, &m.decl, tcx, &cache),
clean::TyMethodItem(ref m) => get_all_types(&m.generics, &m.decl, tcx, &cache),
_ => return None,
@ -190,9 +196,9 @@ crate fn get_index_search_type(
Some(IndexItemFunctionType { inputs, output })
fn get_index_type(clean_type: &clean::Type, cache: &Option<&Cache>) -> RenderType {
fn get_index_type(clean_type: &clean::Type, cache: &Cache) -> RenderType {
RenderType {
ty: cache.map_or_else(|| clean_type.def_id(), |cache| clean_type.def_id_full(cache)),
ty: clean_type.def_id_full(cache),
idx: None,
name: get_index_type_name(clean_type, true).map(|s| s.as_str().to_ascii_lowercase()),
generics: get_generics(clean_type, cache),
@ -227,14 +233,14 @@ fn get_index_type_name(clean_type: &clean::Type, accept_generic: bool) -> Option
fn get_generics(clean_type: &clean::Type, cache: &Option<&Cache>) -> Option<Vec<Generic>> {
fn get_generics(clean_type: &clean::Type, cache: &Cache) -> Option<Vec<Generic>> {
clean_type.generics().and_then(|types| {
let r = types
.filter_map(|t| {
get_index_type_name(t, false).map(|name| Generic {
name: name.as_str().to_ascii_lowercase(),
defid: cache.map_or_else(|| t.def_id(), |cache| t.def_id_full(cache)),
defid: t.def_id_full(cache),
idx: None,
@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ impl<'tcx> FormatRenderer<'tcx> for Context<'tcx> {
krate = sources::render(&dst, &mut scx, krate)?;
// Build our search index
let index = build_index(&krate, &mut cache);
let index = build_index(&krate, &mut cache, tcx);
let mut cx = Context {
current: Vec::new(),
@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ fn stringify_header(header: &rustc_hir::FnHeader) -> String {
impl From<clean::Function> for Function {
fn from(function: clean::Function) -> Self {
let clean::Function { decl, generics, header, all_types: _, ret_types: _ } = function;
let clean::Function { decl, generics, header } = function;
Function {
decl: decl.into(),
generics: generics.into(),
@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ impl From<clean::Impl> for Impl {
crate fn from_function_method(function: clean::Function, has_body: bool) -> Method {
let clean::Function { header, decl, generics, all_types: _, ret_types: _ } = function;
let clean::Function { header, decl, generics } = function;
Method {
decl: decl.into(),
generics: generics.into(),
Reference in New Issue
Block a user