From 46cdde75f83a18a97c32dadebfdec0a54c3be7c1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Aleksey Kladov <>
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2021 14:19:10 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] internal: document tribal knowledge of how to assist

 crates/ide_assists/src/ | 62 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 59 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/crates/ide_assists/src/ b/crates/ide_assists/src/
index 7c074a4f632..b4fb5c190f7 100644
--- a/crates/ide_assists/src/
+++ b/crates/ide_assists/src/
@@ -1,10 +1,63 @@
-//! `assists` crate provides a bunch of code assists, also known as code
-//! actions (in LSP) or intentions (in IntelliJ).
+//! `assists` crate provides a bunch of code assists, also known as code actions
+//! (in LSP) or intentions (in IntelliJ).
 //! An assist is a micro-refactoring, which is automatically activated in
 //! certain context. For example, if the cursor is over `,`, a "swap `,`" assist
 //! becomes available.
+//! ## Assists Guidelines
+//! Assists are the main mechanism to deliver advanced IDE features to the user,
+//! so we should pay extra attention to the UX.
+//! The power of assists comes from their context-awareness. The main problem
+//! with IDE features is that there are a lot of them, and it's hard to teach
+//! the user what's available. Assists solve this problem nicely: 💡 signifies
+//! that *something* is possible, and clicking on it reveals a *short* list of
+//! actions. Contrast it with Emacs `M-x`, which just spits an infinite list of
+//! all the features.
+//! Here are some considerations when creating a new assist:
+//! * It's good to preserve semantics, and it's good to keep the code compiling,
+//!   but it isn't necessary. Example: "flip binary operation" might change
+//!   semantics.
+//! * Assist shouldn't necessary make the code "better". A lot of assist come in
+//!   pairs: "if let <-> match".
+//! * Assists should have as narrow scope as possible. Each new assists greatly
+//!   improves UX for cases where the user actually invokes it, but it makes UX
+//!   worse for every case where the user clicks 💡 to invoke some *other*
+//!   assist. So, a rarely useful assist which is always applicable can be a net
+//!   negative.
+//! * Rarely useful actions are tricky. Sometimes there are features which are
+//!   clearly useful to some users, but are just noise most of the time. We
+//!   don't have a good solution here, our current approach is to make this
+//!   functionality available only if assist is applicable to the whole
+//!   selection. Example: `sort_items` sorts items alphabetically. Naively, it
+//!   should be available more or less everywhere, which isn't useful. So
+//!   instead we only show it if the user *selects* the items they want to sort.
+//! * Consider grouping related assists together (see [`Assists::add_group`]).
+//! * Make assists robust. If the assist depends on results of type-inference to
+//!   much, it might only fire in fully-correct code. This makes assist less
+//!   useful and (worse) less predictable. The user should have a clear
+//!   intuition when each particular assist is available.
+//! * Make small assists, which compose. Example: rather than auto-importing
+//!   enums in `fill_match_arms`, we use fully-qualified names. There's a
+//!   separate assist to shorten a fully-qualified name.
+//! * Distinguish between assists and fixits for diagnostics. Internally, fixits
+//!   and assists are equivalent. They have the same "show a list + invoke a
+//!   single element" workflow, and both use [`Assist`] data structure. The main
+//!   difference is in the UX: while 💡 looks only at the cursor position,
+//!   diagnostics squigglies and fixits are calculated for the whole file and
+//!   are presented to the user eagerly. So, diagnostics should be fixable
+//!   errors, while assists can be just suggestions for an alternative way to do
+//!   something. If something *could* be a diagnostic, it should be a
+//!   diagnostic. Conversely, it might be valuable to turn a diagnostic with a
+//!   lot of false errors into an assist.
+//! *
+//! See also this post:
+//! <>
 macro_rules! eprintln {
     ($($tt:tt)*) => { stdx::eprintln!($($tt)*) };
@@ -28,6 +81,9 @@ pub use ide_db::assists::{
 /// Return all the assists applicable at the given position.
+// NOTE: We don't have a `Feature: ` section for assists, they are special-cased
+// in the manual.
 pub fn assists(
     db: &RootDatabase,
     config: &AssistConfig,