std: Improve docs for mod 'result'
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,7 +8,266 @@
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
//! Signaling success or failure states (`Result` type)
//! Error handling with the `Result` type
//! `Result<T>` is the type used for returning and propagating
//! errors. It is an enum with the variants, `Ok(T)`, representing
//! success and containing a value, and `Err(E)`, representing error
//! and containing an error value.
//! ~~~
//! enum Result<T, E> {
//! Ok(T),
//! Err(E)
//! }
//! ~~~
//! Functions return `Result` whenever errors are expected and
//! recoverable. In the `std` crate `Result` is most prominently used
//! for [I/O](../io/index.html).
//! A simple function returning `Result` might be
//! defined and used like so:
//! ~~~
//! #[deriving(Show)]
//! enum Version { Version1, Version2 }
//! fn parse_version(header: &[u8]) -> Result<Version, &'static str> {
//! if header.len() < 1 {
//! return Err("invalid header length");;
//! }
//! match header[0] {
//! 1 => Ok(Version1),
//! 2 => Ok(Version2),
//! _ => Err("invalid version")
//! }
//! }
//! let version = parse_version(&[1, 2, 3, 4]);
//! match version {
//! Ok(v) => {
//! println!("working with version: {}", v);
//! }
//! Err(e) => {
//! println!("error parsing header: {}", e);
//! }
//! }
//! ~~~
//! Pattern matching on `Result`s is clear and straightforward for
//! simple cases, but `Result` comes with some convenience methods
//! that make working it more succinct.
//! ~~~
//! let good_result: Result<int, int> = Ok(10);
//! let bad_result: Result<int, int> = Err(10);
//! // The `is_ok` and `is_err` methods do what they say.
//! assert!(good_result.is_ok() && !good_result.is_err());
//! assert!(bad_result.is_err() && !bad_result.is_ok());
//! // `map` consumes the `Result` and produces another.
//! let good_result: Result<int, int> =|i| i + 1);
//! let bad_result: Result<int, int> =|i| i - 1);
//! // Use `and_then` to continue the computation.
//! let good_result: Result<bool, int> = good_result.and_then(|i| Ok(i == 11));
//! // Use `or_else` to handle the error.
//! let bad_result: Result<int, int> = bad_result.or_else(|i| Ok(11));
//! // Convert to an `Option` to call e.g. `unwrap`.
//! let final_awesome_result = good_result.ok().unwrap();
//! ~~~
//! # Results must be used
//! A common problem with using return values to indicate errors
//! is that it is easy to ignore the return value, thus failing
//! to handle the error. By possessing the `#[must_use]` attribute,
//! the compiler will warn when a `Result` type is ignored. This
//! makes `Result` especially useful with functions that may
//! encounter errors but don't otherwise return a useful value.
//! Consider the `write_line` method defined for I/O types
//! by the [`Writer`](../io/trait.Writer.html) trait:
//! ~~~
//! use std::io::IoError;
//! trait Writer {
//! fn write_line(&mut self, s: &str) -> Result<(), IoError>;
//! }
//! ~~~
//! *Note: The actual definition of `Writer` uses `IoResult`, which
//! is just a synonymn for `Result<T, IoError>`.*
//! This method doesn`t produce a value, but the write may
//! fail. It's crucial to handle the error case, and *not* write
//! something like this:
//! ~~~ignore
//! use std::io::{File, Open, Write};
//! let mut file = File::open_mode(&Path::new("valuable_data.txt"), Open, Write);
//! // If `write_line` errors, then we'll never know, because the return
//! // value is ignored.
//! file.write_line("important message");
//! drop(file);
//! ~~~
//! If you *do* write that in Rust, the compiler will by give you a
//! warning (by default, controlled by the `unused_must_use` lint).
//! You might instead, if you don't want to handle the error, simply
//! fail, by converting to an `Option` with `ok`, then asserting
//! success with `expect`. This will fail if the write fails, proving
//! a marginally useful message indicating why:
//! ~~~
//! # // not running this test because it creates a file
//! # fn do_not_run_test() {
//! use std::io::{File, Open, Write};
//! let mut file = File::open_mode(&Path::new("valuable_data.txt"), Open, Write);
//! file.write_line("important message").ok().expect("failed to write message");
//! drop(file);
//! # }
//! ~~~
//! You might also simply assert success:
//! ~~~
//! # // not running this test because it creates a file
//! # fn do_not_run_test() {
//! # use std::io::{File, Open, Write};
//! # let mut file = File::open_mode(&Path::new("valuable_data.txt"), Open, Write);
//! assert!(file.write_line("important message").is_ok());
//! # drop(file);
//! # }
//! ~~~
//! Or propagate the error up the call stack with `try!`:
//! ~~~
//! # use std::io::{File, Open, Write, IoError};
//! fn write_message() -> Result<(), IoError> {
//! let mut file = File::open_mode(&Path::new("valuable_data.txt"), Open, Write);
//! try!(file.write_line("important message"));
//! drop(file);
//! return Ok(());
//! }
//! ~~~
//! # The `try!` macro
//! When writing code that calls many functions that return the
//! `Result` type, the error handling can be tedious. The `try!`
//! macro hides some of the boilerplate of propagating errors up the
//! call stack.
//! It replaces this:
//! ~~~
//! use std::io::{File, Open, Write, IoError};
//! struct Info { name: ~str, age: int, rating: int }
//! fn write_info(info: &Info) -> Result<(), IoError> {
//! let mut file = File::open_mode(&Path::new("my_best_friends.txt"), Open, Write);
//! // Early return on error
//! match file.write_line(format!("name: {}", {
//! Ok(_) => (),
//! Err(e) => return Err(e)
//! }
//! match file.write_line(format!("age: {}", info.age)) {
//! Ok(_) => (),
//! Err(e) => return Err(e)
//! }
//! return file.write_line(format!("rating: {}", info.rating));
//! }
//! ~~~
//! With this:
//! ~~~
//! use std::io::{File, Open, Write, IoError};
//! struct Info { name: ~str, age: int, rating: int }
//! fn write_info(info: &Info) -> Result<(), IoError> {
//! let mut file = File::open_mode(&Path::new("my_best_friends.txt"), Open, Write);
//! // Early return on error
//! try!(file.write_line(format!("name: {}",;
//! try!(file.write_line(format!("age: {}", info.age)));
//! try!(file.write_line(format!("rating: {}", info.rating)));
//! return Ok(());
//! }
//! ~~~
//! *It's much nicer!*
//! Wrapping an expression in `try!` will result in the unwrapped
//! success (`Ok`) value, unless the result is `Err`, in which case
//! `Err` is returned early from the enclosing function. Its simple definition
//! makes it clear:
//! ~~~ignore
//! macro_rules! try(
//! ($e:expr) => (match $e { Ok(e) => e, Err(e) => return Err(e) })
//! )
//! ~~~
//! `try!` is imported by the prelude, and is available everywhere.
//! # `Result` and `Option`
//! The `Result` and [`Option`](../option/index.html) types are
//! similar and complementary: they are often employed to indicate a
//! lack of a return value; and they are trivially converted between
//! each other, so `Result`s are often handled by first converting to
//! `Option` with the [`ok`](enum.Result.html#method.ok) and
//! [`err`](enum.Result.html#method.ok) methods.
//! Whereas `Option` only indicates the lack of a value, `Result` is
//! specifically for error reporting, and carries with it an error
//! value. Sometimes `Option` is used for indicating errors, but this
//! is only for simple cases and is generally discouraged. Even when
//! there is no useful error value to return, prefer `Result<T, ()>`.
//! Converting to an `Option` with `ok()` to handle an error:
//! ~~~
//! use std::io::Timer;
//! let mut t = Timer::new().ok().expect("failed to create timer!");
//! ~~~
//! # `Result` vs. `fail!`
//! `Result` is for recoverable errors; `fail!` is for unrecoverable
//! errors. Callers should always be able to avoid failure if they
//! take the proper precautions, for example, calling `is_some()`
//! on an `Option` type before calling `unwrap`.
//! The suitability of `fail!` as an error handling mechanism is
//! limited by Rust's lack of any way to "catch" and resume execution
//! from a thrown exception. Therefore using failure for error
//! handling requires encapsulating fallable code in a task. Calling
//! the `fail!` macro, or invoking `fail!` indirectly should be
//! avoided as an error reporting strategy. Failure is only for
//! unrecovereable errors and a failing task is typically the sign of
//! a bug.
//! A module that instead returns `Results` is alerting the caller
//! that failure is possible, and providing precise control over how
//! it is handled.
//! Furthermore, failure may not be recoverable at all, depending on
//! the context. The caller of `fail!` should assume that execution
//! will not resume after failure, that failure is catastrophic.
use clone::Clone;
use cmp::Eq;
@ -17,6 +276,8 @@ use iter::{Iterator, FromIterator};
use option::{None, Option, Some};
/// `Result` is a type that represents either success (`Ok`) or failure (`Err`).
/// See the [`std::result`](index.html) module documentation for details.
#[deriving(Clone, Eq, Ord, TotalEq, TotalOrd, Show)]
pub enum Result<T, E> {
@ -37,6 +298,17 @@ impl<T, E> Result<T, E> {
/// Returns true if the result is `Ok`
/// # Example
/// ~~~
/// use std::io::{File, Open, Write};
/// # fn do_not_run_example() { // creates a file
/// let mut file = File::open_mode(&Path::new("secret.txt"), Open, Write);
/// assert!(file.write_line("it's cold in here").is_ok());
/// # }
/// ~~~
pub fn is_ok(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
@ -46,6 +318,17 @@ impl<T, E> Result<T, E> {
/// Returns true if the result is `Err`
/// # Example
/// ~~~
/// use std::io::{File, Open, Read};
/// // When opening with `Read` access, if the file does not exist
/// // then `open_mode` returns an error.
/// let bogus = File::open_mode(&Path::new("not_a_file.txt"), Open, Read);
/// assert!(bogus.is_err());
/// ~~~
pub fn is_err(&self) -> bool {
@ -57,6 +340,22 @@ impl<T, E> Result<T, E> {
/// Convert from `Result<T, E>` to `Option<T>`
/// Converts `self` into an `Option<T>`, consuming `self`,
/// and discarding the error, if any.
/// To convert to an `Option` without discarding the error value,
/// use `as_ref` to first convert the `Result<T, E>` into a
/// `Result<&T, &E>`.
/// # Examples
/// ~~~{.should_fail}
/// use std::io::{File, IoResult};
/// let bdays: IoResult<File> = File::open(&Path::new("important_birthdays.txt"));
/// let bdays: File = bdays.ok().expect("unable to open birthday file");
/// ~~~
pub fn ok(self) -> Option<T> {
match self {
@ -66,6 +365,9 @@ impl<T, E> Result<T, E> {
/// Convert from `Result<T, E>` to `Option<E>`
/// Converts `self` into an `Option<T>`, consuming `self`,
/// and discarding the value, if any.
pub fn err(self) -> Option<E> {
match self {
@ -79,6 +381,9 @@ impl<T, E> Result<T, E> {
/// Convert from `Result<T, E>` to `Result<&T, &E>`
/// Produces a new `Result`, containing a reference
/// into the original, leaving the original in place.
pub fn as_ref<'r>(&'r self) -> Result<&'r T, &'r E> {
match *self {
@ -105,11 +410,29 @@ impl<T, E> Result<T, E> {
/// This function can be used to compose the results of two functions.
/// Example:
/// # Examples
/// let res = read_file(file).map(|buf| {
/// parse_bytes(buf)
/// })
/// Sum the lines of a buffer by mapping strings to numbers,
/// ignoring I/O and parse errors:
/// ~~~
/// use std::io::{BufReader, IoResult};
/// let buffer = "1\n2\n3\n4\n";
/// let mut reader = BufReader::new(buffer.as_bytes());
/// let mut sum = 0;
/// while !reader.eof() {
/// let line: IoResult<~str> = reader.read_line();
/// // Convert the string line to a number using `map` and `from_str`
/// let val: IoResult<int> =|line| {
/// from_str::<int>(line).unwrap_or(0)
/// });
/// // Add the value if there were no errors, otherwise add 0
/// sum += val.ok().unwrap_or(0);
/// }
/// ~~~
pub fn map<U>(self, op: |T| -> U) -> Result<U,E> {
match self {
Reference in New Issue
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