Merge pull request #3916 from Dretch/iofix
More methods/docs/tests for core::io
This commit is contained in:
@ -32,38 +32,131 @@ extern mod rustrt {
pub enum SeekStyle { SeekSet, SeekEnd, SeekCur, }
// The raw underlying reader trait. All readers must implement this.
/// The raw underlying reader trait. All readers must implement this.
pub trait Reader {
// FIXME (#2004): Seekable really should be orthogonal.
/// Read up to len bytes (or EOF) and put them into bytes (which
/// must be at least len bytes long). Return number of bytes read.
// FIXME (#2982): This should probably return an error.
fn read(bytes: &[mut u8], len: uint) -> uint;
/// Read a single byte, returning a negative value for EOF or read error.
fn read_byte() -> int;
/// Behaves like the libc function ungetc.
fn unread_byte(int);
/// Return whether the stream is currently at EOF position.
fn eof() -> bool;
fn seek(int, SeekStyle);
/// Move the current position within the stream. The second parameter
/// determines the position that the first parameter is relative to.
fn seek(position: int, style: SeekStyle);
/// Return the current position within the stream.
fn tell() -> uint;
// Generic utility functions defined on readers
/// Generic utility functions defined on readers.
pub trait ReaderUtil {
/// Read len bytes into a new vec.
fn read_bytes(len: uint) -> ~[u8];
/// Read up until the first '\n' char (which is not returned), or EOF.
fn read_line() -> ~str;
/// Read n utf-8 encoded chars.
fn read_chars(n: uint) -> ~[char];
/// Read a single utf-8 encoded char.
fn read_char() -> char;
/// Read up until the first null byte (which is not returned), or EOF.
fn read_c_str() -> ~str;
fn read_le_uint(size: uint) -> uint;
fn read_le_int(size: uint) -> int;
fn read_be_uint(size: uint) -> uint;
/// Read all the data remaining in the stream in one go.
fn read_whole_stream() -> ~[u8];
/// Iterate over every byte until the iterator breaks or EOF.
fn each_byte(it: fn(int) -> bool);
/// Iterate over every char until the iterator breaks or EOF.
fn each_char(it: fn(char) -> bool);
fn each_line(it: fn((&str)) -> bool);
/// Iterate over every line until the iterator breaks or EOF.
fn each_line(it: fn(&str) -> bool);
/// Read n (between 1 and 8) little-endian unsigned integer bytes.
fn read_le_uint_n(nbytes: uint) -> u64;
/// Read n (between 1 and 8) little-endian signed integer bytes.
fn read_le_int_n(nbytes: uint) -> i64;
/// Read n (between 1 and 8) big-endian unsigned integer bytes.
fn read_be_uint_n(nbytes: uint) -> u64;
/// Read n (between 1 and 8) big-endian signed integer bytes.
fn read_be_int_n(nbytes: uint) -> i64;
/// Read a little-endian uint (number of bytes depends on system).
fn read_le_uint() -> uint;
/// Read a little-endian int (number of bytes depends on system).
fn read_le_int() -> int;
/// Read a big-endian uint (number of bytes depends on system).
fn read_be_uint() -> uint;
/// Read a big-endian int (number of bytes depends on system).
fn read_be_int() -> int;
/// Read a big-endian u64 (8 bytes).
fn read_be_u64() -> u64;
/// Read a big-endian u32 (4 bytes).
fn read_be_u32() -> u32;
/// Read a big-endian u16 (2 bytes).
fn read_be_u16() -> u16;
/// Read a big-endian i64 (8 bytes).
fn read_be_i64() -> i64;
/// Read a big-endian i32 (4 bytes).
fn read_be_i32() -> i32;
/// Read a big-endian i16 (2 bytes).
fn read_be_i16() -> i16;
/// Read a little-endian u64 (8 bytes).
fn read_le_u64() -> u64;
/// Read a little-endian u32 (4 bytes).
fn read_le_u32() -> u32;
/// Read a little-endian u16 (2 bytes).
fn read_le_u16() -> u16;
/// Read a litle-endian i64 (8 bytes).
fn read_le_i64() -> i64;
/// Read a litle-endian i32 (4 bytes).
fn read_le_i32() -> i32;
/// Read a litle-endian i16 (2 bytes).
fn read_le_i16() -> i16;
/// Read a u8 (1 byte).
fn read_u8() -> u8;
/// Read a i8 (1 byte).
fn read_i8() -> i8;
impl<T: Reader> T : ReaderUtil {
fn read_bytes(len: uint) -> ~[u8] {
let mut bytes = vec::with_capacity(len);
unsafe { vec::raw::set_len(&mut bytes, len); }
@ -73,6 +166,7 @@ impl<T: Reader> T : ReaderUtil {
unsafe { vec::raw::set_len(&mut bytes, count); }
move bytes
fn read_line() -> ~str {
let mut bytes = ~[];
loop {
@ -162,34 +256,6 @@ impl<T: Reader> T : ReaderUtil {
// FIXME deal with eof? // #2004
fn read_le_uint(size: uint) -> uint {
let mut val = 0u, pos = 0u, i = size;
while i > 0u {
val += (self.read_byte() as uint) << pos;
pos += 8u;
i -= 1u;
fn read_le_int(size: uint) -> int {
let mut val = 0u, pos = 0u, i = size;
while i > 0u {
val += (self.read_byte() as uint) << pos;
pos += 8u;
i -= 1u;
val as int
fn read_be_uint(size: uint) -> uint {
let mut val = 0u, i = size;
while i > 0u {
i -= 1u;
val += (self.read_byte() as uint) << i * 8u;
fn read_whole_stream() -> ~[u8] {
let mut bytes: ~[u8] = ~[];
while !self.eof() { bytes.push_all(self.read_bytes(2048u)); }
@ -213,6 +279,116 @@ impl<T: Reader> T : ReaderUtil {
if !it(self.read_line()) { break; }
// FIXME int reading methods need to deal with eof - issue #2004
fn read_le_uint_n(nbytes: uint) -> u64 {
assert nbytes > 0 && nbytes <= 8;
let mut val = 0u64, pos = 0, i = nbytes;
while i > 0 {
val += (self.read_u8() as u64) << pos;
pos += 8;
i -= 1;
fn read_le_int_n(nbytes: uint) -> i64 {
extend_sign(self.read_le_uint_n(nbytes), nbytes)
fn read_be_uint_n(nbytes: uint) -> u64 {
assert nbytes > 0 && nbytes <= 8;
let mut val = 0u64, i = nbytes;
while i > 0 {
i -= 1;
val += (self.read_u8() as u64) << i * 8;
fn read_be_int_n(nbytes: uint) -> i64 {
extend_sign(self.read_be_uint_n(nbytes), nbytes)
fn read_le_uint() -> uint {
self.read_le_uint_n(uint::bytes) as uint
fn read_le_int() -> int {
self.read_le_int_n(int::bytes) as int
fn read_be_uint() -> uint {
self.read_be_uint_n(uint::bytes) as uint
fn read_be_int() -> int {
self.read_be_int_n(int::bytes) as int
fn read_be_u64() -> u64 {
self.read_be_uint_n(8) as u64
fn read_be_u32() -> u32 {
self.read_be_uint_n(4) as u32
fn read_be_u16() -> u16 {
self.read_be_uint_n(2) as u16
fn read_be_i64() -> i64 {
self.read_be_int_n(8) as i64
fn read_be_i32() -> i32 {
self.read_be_int_n(4) as i32
fn read_be_i16() -> i16 {
self.read_be_int_n(2) as i16
fn read_le_u64() -> u64 {
self.read_le_uint_n(8) as u64
fn read_le_u32() -> u32 {
self.read_le_uint_n(4) as u32
fn read_le_u16() -> u16 {
self.read_le_uint_n(2) as u16
fn read_le_i64() -> i64 {
self.read_le_int_n(8) as i64
fn read_le_i32() -> i32 {
self.read_le_int_n(4) as i32
fn read_le_i16() -> i16 {
self.read_le_int_n(2) as i16
fn read_u8() -> u8 {
self.read_byte() as u8
fn read_i8() -> i8 {
self.read_byte() as i8
fn extend_sign(val: u64, nbytes: uint) -> i64 {
let shift = (8 - nbytes) * 8;
(val << shift) as i64 >> shift
// Reader implementations
@ -358,11 +534,23 @@ pub impl WriterType : Eq {
// FIXME (#2004): Seekable really should be orthogonal.
// FIXME (#2004): eventually u64
/// The raw underlying writer trait. All writers must implement this.
pub trait Writer {
/// Write all of the given bytes.
fn write(v: &[const u8]);
/// Move the current position within the stream. The second parameter
/// determines the position that the first parameter is relative to.
fn seek(int, SeekStyle);
/// Return the current position within the stream.
fn tell() -> uint;
/// Flush the output buffer for this stream (if there is one).
fn flush() -> int;
/// Determine if this Writer is writing to a file or not.
fn get_type() -> WriterType;
@ -566,29 +754,77 @@ pub fn u64_from_be_bytes(data: &[const u8],
// FIXME: #3048 combine trait+impl (or just move these to
// default methods on writer)
/// Generic utility functions defined on writers.
pub trait WriterUtil {
/// Write a single utf-8 encoded char.
fn write_char(ch: char);
/// Write every char in the given str, encoded as utf-8.
fn write_str(s: &str);
/// Write the given str, as utf-8, followed by '\n'.
fn write_line(s: &str);
/// Write the result of passing n through `int::to_str_bytes`.
fn write_int(n: int);
/// Write the result of passing n through `uint::to_str_bytes`.
fn write_uint(n: uint);
/// Write a little-endian uint (number of bytes depends on system).
fn write_le_uint(n: uint);
/// Write a little-endian int (number of bytes depends on system).
fn write_le_int(n: int);
/// Write a big-endian uint (number of bytes depends on system).
fn write_be_uint(n: uint);
/// Write a big-endian int (number of bytes depends on system).
fn write_be_int(n: int);
/// Write a big-endian u64 (8 bytes).
fn write_be_u64(n: u64);
/// Write a big-endian u32 (4 bytes).
fn write_be_u32(n: u32);
/// Write a big-endian u16 (2 bytes).
fn write_be_u16(n: u16);
/// Write a big-endian i64 (8 bytes).
fn write_be_i64(n: i64);
/// Write a big-endian i32 (4 bytes).
fn write_be_i32(n: i32);
/// Write a big-endian i16 (2 bytes).
fn write_be_i16(n: i16);
/// Write a little-endian u64 (8 bytes).
fn write_le_u64(n: u64);
/// Write a little-endian u32 (4 bytes).
fn write_le_u32(n: u32);
/// Write a little-endian u16 (2 bytes).
fn write_le_u16(n: u16);
/// Write a little-endian i64 (8 bytes).
fn write_le_i64(n: i64);
/// Write a little-endian i32 (4 bytes).
fn write_le_i32(n: i32);
/// Write a little-endian i16 (2 bytes).
fn write_le_i16(n: i16);
/// Write a u8 (1 byte).
fn write_u8(n: u8);
/// Write a i8 (1 byte).
fn write_i8(n: i8);
impl<T: Writer> T : WriterUtil {
@ -659,7 +895,8 @@ impl<T: Writer> T : WriterUtil {
u64_to_le_bytes(n as u64, 2u, |v| self.write(v))
fn write_u8(n: u8) { self.write(&[n]) }
fn write_u8(n: u8) { self.write([n]) }
fn write_i8(n: i8) { self.write([n as u8]) }
@ -1001,6 +1238,75 @@ mod tests {
assert wr.bytes.borrow(|bytes| bytes ==
~[0u8, 9u8, 4u8, 5u8, 8u8, 7u8]);
fn test_read_write_le() {
let path = Path("tmp/lib-io-test-read-write-le.tmp");
let uints = [0, 1, 2, 42, 10_123, 100_123_456, u64::max_value];
// write the ints to the file
let file = io::file_writer(&path, [io::Create]).get();
for uints.each |i| {
// then read them back and check that they are the same
let file = io::file_reader(&path).get();
for uints.each |i| {
assert file.read_le_u64() == *i;
fn test_read_write_be() {
let path = Path("tmp/lib-io-test-read-write-be.tmp");
let uints = [0, 1, 2, 42, 10_123, 100_123_456, u64::max_value];
// write the ints to the file
let file = io::file_writer(&path, [io::Create]).get();
for uints.each |i| {
// then read them back and check that they are the same
let file = io::file_reader(&path).get();
for uints.each |i| {
assert file.read_be_u64() == *i;
fn test_read_be_int_n() {
let path = Path("tmp/lib-io-test-read-be-int-n.tmp");
let ints = [i32::min_value, -123456, -42, -5, 0, 1, i32::max_value];
// write the ints to the file
let file = io::file_writer(&path, [io::Create]).get();
for ints.each |i| {
// then read them back and check that they are the same
let file = io::file_reader(&path).get();
for ints.each |i| {
// this tests that the sign extension is working
// (comparing the values as i32 would not test this)
assert file.read_be_int_n(4) == *i as i64;
Reference in New Issue
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