Auto merge of #3843 - JoJoDeveloping:tb-bottom-up-iteration, r=RalfJung
Make TB tree traversal bottom-up In preparation for #3837, the tree traversal needs to be made bottom-up, because the current top-down tree traversal, coupled with that PR's changes to the garbage collector, can introduce non-deterministic error messages if the GC removes a parent tag of the accessed tag that would have triggered the error first. This is a breaking change for the diagnostics emitted by TB. The implemented semantics stay the same.
This commit is contained in:
@ -149,12 +149,11 @@ impl LocationState {
// is possible, it also updates the internal state to keep track of whether
// the propagation can be skipped next time.
// It is a performance loss not to call this function when a foreign access occurs.
// It is unsound not to call this function when a child access occurs.
// FIXME: This optimization is wrong, and is currently disabled (by ignoring the
// result returned here). Since we presumably want an optimization like this,
// we should add it back. See #3864 for more information.
fn update_last_foreign_access(
&mut self,
fn skip_if_known_noop(
access_kind: AccessKind,
rel_pos: AccessRelatedness,
) -> ContinueTraversal {
@ -177,22 +176,37 @@ impl LocationState {
// No need to update `self.latest_foreign_access`,
// the type of the current streak among nonempty read-only
// or nonempty with at least one write has not changed.
} else {
// Otherwise propagate this time, and also record the
// access that just occurred so that we can skip the propagation
// next time.
self.latest_foreign_access = Some(access_kind);
} else {
// A child access occurred, this breaks the streak of foreign
// accesses in a row and the sequence since the previous child access
// is now empty.
self.latest_foreign_access = None;
/// Records a new access, so that future access can potentially be skipped
/// by `skip_if_known_noop`.
/// The invariants for this function are closely coupled to the function above:
/// It MUST be called on child accesses, and on foreign accesses MUST be called
/// when `skip_if_know_noop` returns `Recurse`, and MUST NOT be called otherwise.
/// FIXME: This optimization is wrong, and is currently disabled (by ignoring the
/// result returned here). Since we presumably want an optimization like this,
/// we should add it back. See #3864 for more information.
fn record_new_access(&mut self, access_kind: AccessKind, rel_pos: AccessRelatedness) {
if rel_pos.is_foreign() {
self.latest_foreign_access = Some(access_kind);
} else {
self.latest_foreign_access = None;
impl fmt::Display for LocationState {
@ -285,13 +299,29 @@ struct TreeVisitor<'tree> {
/// Whether to continue exploring the children recursively or not.
enum ContinueTraversal {
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub enum ChildrenVisitMode {
enum RecursionState {
/// Stack of nodes left to explore in a tree traversal.
struct TreeVisitorStack<NodeApp, ErrHandler> {
/// See the docs of `traverse_this_parents_children_other` for details on the
/// traversal order.
struct TreeVisitorStack<NodeContinue, NodeApp, ErrHandler> {
/// Identifier of the original access.
initial: UniIndex,
/// Function describing whether to continue at a tag.
/// This is only invoked for foreign accesses.
f_continue: NodeContinue,
/// Function to apply to each tag.
f_propagate: NodeApp,
/// Handler to add the required context to diagnostics.
@ -299,152 +329,232 @@ struct TreeVisitorStack<NodeApp, ErrHandler> {
/// Mutable state of the visit: the tags left to handle.
/// Every tag pushed should eventually be handled,
/// and the precise order is relevant for diagnostics.
stack: Vec<(UniIndex, AccessRelatedness)>,
/// Since the traversal is piecewise bottom-up, we need to
/// remember whether we're here initially, or after visiting all children.
/// The last element indicates this.
/// This is just an artifact of how you hand-roll recursion,
/// it does not have a deeper meaning otherwise.
stack: Vec<(UniIndex, AccessRelatedness, RecursionState)>,
impl<NodeApp, InnErr, OutErr, ErrHandler> TreeVisitorStack<NodeApp, ErrHandler>
impl<NodeContinue, NodeApp, InnErr, OutErr, ErrHandler>
TreeVisitorStack<NodeContinue, NodeApp, ErrHandler>
NodeApp: Fn(NodeAppArgs<'_>) -> Result<ContinueTraversal, InnErr>,
NodeContinue: Fn(&NodeAppArgs<'_>) -> ContinueTraversal,
NodeApp: Fn(NodeAppArgs<'_>) -> Result<(), InnErr>,
ErrHandler: Fn(ErrHandlerArgs<'_, InnErr>) -> OutErr,
/// Apply the function to the current `tag`, and push its children
/// to the stack of future tags to visit.
fn exec_and_visit(
fn should_continue_at(
this: &mut TreeVisitor<'_>,
idx: UniIndex,
rel_pos: AccessRelatedness,
) -> ContinueTraversal {
let node = this.nodes.get_mut(idx).unwrap();
let args = NodeAppArgs { node, perm: this.perms.entry(idx), rel_pos };
fn propagate_at(
&mut self,
this: &mut TreeVisitor<'_>,
idx: UniIndex,
exclude: Option<UniIndex>,
rel_pos: AccessRelatedness,
) -> Result<(), OutErr> {
// 1. apply the propagation function
let node = this.nodes.get_mut(idx).unwrap();
let recurse =
(self.f_propagate)(NodeAppArgs { node, perm: this.perms.entry(idx), rel_pos })
.map_err(|error_kind| {
(self.err_builder)(ErrHandlerArgs {
conflicting_info: &this.nodes.get(idx).unwrap().debug_info,
accessed_info: &this.nodes.get(self.initial).unwrap().debug_info,
let node = this.nodes.get(idx).unwrap();
// 2. add the children to the stack for future traversal
if matches!(recurse, ContinueTraversal::Recurse) {
let general_child_rel = rel_pos.for_child();
for &child in node.children.iter() {
// Some child might be excluded from here and handled separately,
// e.g. the initially accessed tag.
if Some(child) != exclude {
// We should still ensure that if we don't skip the initially accessed
// it will receive the proper `AccessRelatedness`.
let this_child_rel = if child == self.initial {
} else {
self.stack.push((child, this_child_rel));
(self.f_propagate)(NodeAppArgs { node, perm: this.perms.entry(idx), rel_pos }).map_err(
|error_kind| {
(self.err_builder)(ErrHandlerArgs {
conflicting_info: &this.nodes.get(idx).unwrap().debug_info,
accessed_info: &this.nodes.get(self.initial).unwrap().debug_info,
fn go_upwards_from_accessed(
&mut self,
this: &mut TreeVisitor<'_>,
accessed_node: UniIndex,
visit_children: ChildrenVisitMode,
) -> Result<(), OutErr> {
// We want to visit the accessed node's children first.
// However, we will below walk up our parents and push their children (our cousins)
// onto the stack. To ensure correct iteration order, this method thus finishes
// by reversing the stack. This only works if the stack is empty initially.
// First, handle accessed node. A bunch of things need to
// be handled differently here compared to the further parents
// of `accesssed_node`.
self.propagate_at(this, accessed_node, AccessRelatedness::This)?;
if matches!(visit_children, ChildrenVisitMode::VisitChildrenOfAccessed) {
let accessed_node = this.nodes.get(accessed_node).unwrap();
// We `rev()` here because we reverse the entire stack later.
for &child in accessed_node.children.iter().rev() {
// Then, handle the accessed node's parents. Here, we need to
// make sure we only mark the "cousin" subtrees for later visitation,
// not the subtree that contains the accessed node.
let mut last_node = accessed_node;
while let Some(current) = this.nodes.get(last_node).unwrap().parent {
self.propagate_at(this, current, AccessRelatedness::StrictChildAccess)?;
let node = this.nodes.get(current).unwrap();
// We `rev()` here because we reverse the entire stack later.
for &child in node.children.iter().rev() {
if last_node == child {
last_node = current;
// Reverse the stack, as discussed above.
fn finish_foreign_accesses(&mut self, this: &mut TreeVisitor<'_>) -> Result<(), OutErr> {
while let Some((idx, rel_pos, step)) = self.stack.last_mut() {
let idx = *idx;
let rel_pos = *rel_pos;
match *step {
// How to do bottom-up traversal, 101: Before you handle a node, you handle all children.
// For this, you must first find the children, which is what this code here does.
RecursionState::BeforeChildren => {
// Next time we come back will be when all the children are handled.
*step = RecursionState::AfterChildren;
// Now push the children, except if we are told to skip this subtree.
let handle_children = self.should_continue_at(this, idx, rel_pos);
match handle_children {
ContinueTraversal::Recurse => {
let node = this.nodes.get(idx).unwrap();
for &child in node.children.iter() {
self.stack.push((child, rel_pos, RecursionState::BeforeChildren));
ContinueTraversal::SkipSelfAndChildren => {
// skip self
// All the children are handled, let's actually visit this node
RecursionState::AfterChildren => {
self.propagate_at(this, idx, rel_pos)?;
fn new(initial: UniIndex, f_propagate: NodeApp, err_builder: ErrHandler) -> Self {
Self { initial, f_propagate, err_builder, stack: Vec::new() }
/// Finish the exploration by applying `exec_and_visit` until
/// the stack is empty.
fn finish(&mut self, visitor: &mut TreeVisitor<'_>) -> Result<(), OutErr> {
while let Some((idx, rel_pos)) = self.stack.pop() {
self.exec_and_visit(visitor, idx, /* no children to exclude */ None, rel_pos)?;
/// Push all ancestors to the exploration stack in order of nearest ancestor
/// towards the top.
fn push_and_visit_strict_ancestors(
&mut self,
visitor: &mut TreeVisitor<'_>,
) -> Result<(), OutErr> {
let mut path_ascend = Vec::new();
// First climb to the root while recording the path
let mut curr = self.initial;
while let Some(ancestor) = visitor.nodes.get(curr).unwrap().parent {
path_ascend.push((ancestor, curr));
curr = ancestor;
// Then descend:
// - execute f_propagate on each node
// - record children in visit
while let Some((ancestor, next_in_path)) = path_ascend.pop() {
// Explore ancestors in descending order.
// `next_in_path` is excluded from the recursion because it
// will be the `ancestor` of the next iteration.
// It also needs a different `AccessRelatedness` than the other
// children of `ancestor`.
fn new(
initial: UniIndex,
f_continue: NodeContinue,
f_propagate: NodeApp,
err_builder: ErrHandler,
) -> Self {
Self { initial, f_continue, f_propagate, err_builder, stack: Vec::new() }
impl<'tree> TreeVisitor<'tree> {
// Applies `f_propagate` to every vertex of the tree top-down in the following order: first
// all ancestors of `start`, then `start` itself, then children of `start`, then the rest.
// This ensures that errors are triggered in the following order
// - first invalid accesses with insufficient permissions, closest to the root first,
// - then protector violations, closest to `start` first.
// `f_propagate` should follow the following format: for a given `Node` it updates its
// `Permission` depending on the position relative to `start` (given by an
// `AccessRelatedness`).
// It outputs whether the tree traversal for this subree should continue or not.
fn traverse_parents_this_children_others<InnErr, OutErr>(
/// Applies `f_propagate` to every vertex of the tree in a piecewise bottom-up way: First, visit
/// all ancestors of `start` (starting with `start` itself), then children of `start`, then the rest,
/// going bottom-up in each of these two "pieces" / sections.
/// This ensures that errors are triggered in the following order
/// - first invalid accesses with insufficient permissions, closest to the accessed node first,
/// - then protector violations, bottom-up, starting with the children of the accessed node, and then
/// going upwards and outwards.
/// The following graphic visualizes it, with numbers indicating visitation order and `start` being
/// the node that is visited first ("1"):
/// ```text
/// 3
/// /|
/// / |
/// 9 2
/// | |\
/// | | \
/// 8 1 7
/// / \
/// 4 6
/// |
/// 5
/// ```
/// `f_propagate` should follow the following format: for a given `Node` it updates its
/// `Permission` depending on the position relative to `start` (given by an
/// `AccessRelatedness`).
/// `f_continue` is called earlier on foreign nodes, and describes whether to even start
/// visiting the subtree at that node. If it e.g. returns `SkipSelfAndChildren` on node 6
/// above, then nodes 5 _and_ 6 would not be visited by `f_propagate`. It is not used for
/// notes having a child access (nodes 1, 2, 3).
/// Finally, remember that the iteration order is not relevant for UB, it only affects
/// diagnostics. It also affects tree traversal optimizations built on top of this, so
/// those need to be reviewed carefully as well whenever this changes.
fn traverse_this_parents_children_other<InnErr, OutErr>(
mut self,
start: BorTag,
f_propagate: impl Fn(NodeAppArgs<'_>) -> Result<ContinueTraversal, InnErr>,
f_continue: impl Fn(&NodeAppArgs<'_>) -> ContinueTraversal,
f_propagate: impl Fn(NodeAppArgs<'_>) -> Result<(), InnErr>,
err_builder: impl Fn(ErrHandlerArgs<'_, InnErr>) -> OutErr,
) -> Result<(), OutErr> {
let start_idx = self.tag_mapping.get(&start).unwrap();
let mut stack = TreeVisitorStack::new(start_idx, f_propagate, err_builder);
stack.push_and_visit_strict_ancestors(&mut self)?;
// All (potentially zero) ancestors have been explored,
// it's time to explore the `start` tag.
let mut stack = TreeVisitorStack::new(start_idx, f_continue, f_propagate, err_builder);
// Visits the accessed node itself, and all its parents, i.e. all nodes
// undergoing a child access. Also pushes the children and the other
// cousin nodes (i.e. all nodes undergoing a foreign access) to the stack
// to be processed later.
&mut self,
/* no children to exclude */ None,
// Then finish with a normal DFS.
stack.finish(&mut self)
// Now visit all the foreign nodes we remembered earlier.
// For this we go bottom-up, but also allow f_continue to skip entire
// subtrees from being visited if it would be a NOP.
stack.finish_foreign_accesses(&mut self)
// Applies `f_propagate` to every non-child vertex of the tree (ancestors first).
// `f_propagate` should follow the following format: for a given `Node` it updates its
// `Permission` depending on the position relative to `start` (given by an
// `AccessRelatedness`).
// It outputs whether the tree traversal for this subree should continue or not.
/// Like `traverse_this_parents_children_other`, but skips the children of `start`.
fn traverse_nonchildren<InnErr, OutErr>(
mut self,
start: BorTag,
f_propagate: impl Fn(NodeAppArgs<'_>) -> Result<ContinueTraversal, InnErr>,
f_continue: impl Fn(&NodeAppArgs<'_>) -> ContinueTraversal,
f_propagate: impl Fn(NodeAppArgs<'_>) -> Result<(), InnErr>,
err_builder: impl Fn(ErrHandlerArgs<'_, InnErr>) -> OutErr,
) -> Result<(), OutErr> {
let start_idx = self.tag_mapping.get(&start).unwrap();
let mut stack = TreeVisitorStack::new(start_idx, f_propagate, err_builder);
stack.push_and_visit_strict_ancestors(&mut self)?;
// We *don't* visit the `start` tag, and we don't push its children.
// Only finish the DFS with the cousins.
stack.finish(&mut self)
let mut stack = TreeVisitorStack::new(start_idx, f_continue, f_propagate, err_builder);
// Visits the accessed node itself, and all its parents, i.e. all nodes
// undergoing a child access. Also pushes the other cousin nodes to the
// stack, but not the children of the accessed node.
&mut self,
// Now visit all the foreign nodes we remembered earlier.
// For this we go bottom-up, but also allow f_continue to skip entire
// subtrees from being visited if it would be a NOP.
stack.finish_foreign_accesses(&mut self)
@ -541,16 +651,18 @@ impl<'tcx> Tree {
for (perms_range, perms) in self.rperms.iter_mut(access_range.start, access_range.size) {
TreeVisitor { nodes: &mut self.nodes, tag_mapping: &self.tag_mapping, perms }
|args: NodeAppArgs<'_>| -> Result<ContinueTraversal, TransitionError> {
// visit all children, skipping none
|_| ContinueTraversal::Recurse,
|args: NodeAppArgs<'_>| -> Result<(), TransitionError> {
let NodeAppArgs { node, .. } = args;
if global.borrow().protected_tags.get(&node.tag)
== Some(&ProtectorKind::StrongProtector)
} else {
|args: ErrHandlerArgs<'_, TransitionError>| -> InterpError<'tcx> {
@ -607,16 +719,28 @@ impl<'tcx> Tree {
// `perms_range` is only for diagnostics (it is the range of
// the `RangeMap` on which we are currently working).
let node_skipper = |access_kind: AccessKind, args: &NodeAppArgs<'_>| -> ContinueTraversal {
let NodeAppArgs { node, perm, rel_pos } = args;
let old_state = perm
.unwrap_or_else(|| LocationState::new_uninit(node.default_initial_perm));
// FIXME: See #3684
let _would_skip_if_not_for_fixme = old_state.skip_if_known_noop(access_kind, *rel_pos);
let node_app = |perms_range: Range<u64>,
access_kind: AccessKind,
access_cause: diagnostics::AccessCause,
args: NodeAppArgs<'_>|
-> Result<ContinueTraversal, TransitionError> {
-> Result<(), TransitionError> {
let NodeAppArgs { node, mut perm, rel_pos } = args;
let old_state = perm.or_insert(LocationState::new_uninit(node.default_initial_perm));
old_state.update_last_foreign_access(access_kind, rel_pos);
// FIXME: See #3684
// old_state.record_new_access(access_kind, rel_pos);
let protected = global.borrow().protected_tags.contains_key(&node.tag);
let transition = old_state.perform_access(access_kind, rel_pos, protected)?;
@ -631,7 +755,7 @@ impl<'tcx> Tree {
// Error handler in case `node_app` goes wrong.
@ -658,8 +782,9 @@ impl<'tcx> Tree {
for (perms_range, perms) in self.rperms.iter_mut(access_range.start, access_range.size)
TreeVisitor { nodes: &mut self.nodes, tag_mapping: &self.tag_mapping, perms }
|args| node_skipper(access_kind, args),
|args| node_app(perms_range.clone(), access_kind, access_cause, args),
|args| err_handler(perms_range.clone(), access_cause, args),
@ -686,6 +811,7 @@ impl<'tcx> Tree {
TreeVisitor { nodes: &mut self.nodes, tag_mapping: &self.tag_mapping, perms }
|args| node_skipper(access_kind, args),
|args| node_app(perms_range.clone(), access_kind, access_cause, args),
|args| err_handler(perms_range.clone(), access_cause, args),
@ -221,6 +221,10 @@ impl<'a, V> UniEntry<'a, V> {
pub fn get(&self) -> Option<&V> {
mod tests {
@ -5,24 +5,18 @@ LL | let _val = *target_alias;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ read access through <TAG> at ALLOC[0x0] is forbidden
= help: this indicates a potential bug in the program: it performed an invalid operation, but the Tree Borrows rules it violated are still experimental
= help: the accessed tag <TAG> is a child of the conflicting tag <TAG>
= help: the conflicting tag <TAG> has state Disabled which forbids this child read access
help: the accessed tag <TAG> was created here
= help: the accessed tag <TAG> has state Disabled which forbids this child read access
help: the accessed tag <TAG> was created here, in the initial state Frozen
--> $DIR/
LL | *x = &mut *(target as *mut _);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
help: the conflicting tag <TAG> was created here, in the initial state Reserved
--> $DIR/
LL | retarget(&mut target_alias, target);
| ^^^^^^
help: the conflicting tag <TAG> later transitioned to Disabled due to a foreign write access at offsets [0x0..0x4]
help: the accessed tag <TAG> later transitioned to Disabled due to a foreign write access at offsets [0x0..0x4]
--> $DIR/
LL | *target = 13;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: this transition corresponds to a loss of read and write permissions
= help: this transition corresponds to a loss of read permissions
= note: BACKTRACE (of the first span):
= note: inside `main` at $DIR/
@ -5,19 +5,13 @@ LL | *LEAK = 7;
| ^^^^^^^^^ write access through <TAG> at ALLOC[0x0] is forbidden
= help: this indicates a potential bug in the program: it performed an invalid operation, but the Tree Borrows rules it violated are still experimental
= help: the accessed tag <TAG> is a child of the conflicting tag <TAG>
= help: the conflicting tag <TAG> has state Disabled which forbids this child write access
help: the accessed tag <TAG> was created here
= help: the accessed tag <TAG> has state Disabled which forbids this child write access
help: the accessed tag <TAG> was created here, in the initial state Frozen
--> $DIR/
LL | fn unknown_code_1(x: &i32) {
| ^
help: the conflicting tag <TAG> was created here, in the initial state Frozen
--> $DIR/
LL | unknown_code_1(&*our);
| ^^^^^
help: the conflicting tag <TAG> later transitioned to Disabled due to a foreign write access at offsets [0x0..0x4]
help: the accessed tag <TAG> later transitioned to Disabled due to a foreign write access at offsets [0x0..0x4]
--> $DIR/
LL | *our = 5;
@ -5,19 +5,13 @@ LL | v2[1] = 7;
| ^^^^^^^^^ write access through <TAG> at ALLOC[0x4] is forbidden
= help: this indicates a potential bug in the program: it performed an invalid operation, but the Tree Borrows rules it violated are still experimental
= help: the accessed tag <TAG> is a child of the conflicting tag <TAG>
= help: the conflicting tag <TAG> has state Disabled which forbids this child write access
help: the accessed tag <TAG> was created here
= help: the accessed tag <TAG> has state Disabled which forbids this child write access
help: the accessed tag <TAG> was created here, in the initial state Reserved
--> $DIR/
LL | let v2 = safe::as_mut_slice(&v);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
help: the conflicting tag <TAG> was created here, in the initial state Reserved
--> $DIR/
LL | unsafe { from_raw_parts_mut(self_.as_ptr() as *mut T, self_.len()) }
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
help: the conflicting tag <TAG> later transitioned to Disabled due to a foreign write access at offsets [0x4..0x8]
help: the accessed tag <TAG> later transitioned to Disabled due to a foreign write access at offsets [0x4..0x8]
--> $DIR/
LL | v1[1] = 5;
@ -5,19 +5,13 @@ LL | b[1] = 6;
| ^^^^^^^^ write access through <TAG> at ALLOC[0x4] is forbidden
= help: this indicates a potential bug in the program: it performed an invalid operation, but the Tree Borrows rules it violated are still experimental
= help: the accessed tag <TAG> is a child of the conflicting tag <TAG>
= help: the conflicting tag <TAG> has state Disabled which forbids this child write access
help: the accessed tag <TAG> was created here
= help: the accessed tag <TAG> has state Disabled which forbids this child write access
help: the accessed tag <TAG> was created here, in the initial state Reserved
--> $DIR/
LL | let (a, b) = safe::split_at_mut(&mut array, 0);
| ^
help: the conflicting tag <TAG> was created here, in the initial state Reserved
--> $DIR/
LL | from_raw_parts_mut(ptr.offset(mid as isize), len - mid),
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
help: the conflicting tag <TAG> later transitioned to Disabled due to a foreign write access at offsets [0x4..0x8]
help: the accessed tag <TAG> later transitioned to Disabled due to a foreign write access at offsets [0x4..0x8]
--> $DIR/
LL | a[1] = 5;
@ -5,19 +5,13 @@ LL | let _val = *xref;
| ^^^^^ read access through <TAG> at ALLOC[0x0] is forbidden
= help: this indicates a potential bug in the program: it performed an invalid operation, but the Tree Borrows rules it violated are still experimental
= help: the accessed tag <TAG> is a child of the conflicting tag <TAG>
= help: the conflicting tag <TAG> has state Disabled which forbids this child read access
help: the accessed tag <TAG> was created here
= help: the accessed tag <TAG> has state Disabled which forbids this child read access
help: the accessed tag <TAG> was created here, in the initial state Reserved
--> $DIR/
LL | let xref = unsafe { &mut *xraw };
| ^^^^^^^^^^
help: the conflicting tag <TAG> was created here, in the initial state Reserved
--> $DIR/
LL | let xref = unsafe { &mut *xraw };
| ^^^^^^^^^^
help: the conflicting tag <TAG> later transitioned to Disabled due to a foreign write access at offsets [0x0..0x4]
help: the accessed tag <TAG> later transitioned to Disabled due to a foreign write access at offsets [0x0..0x4]
--> $DIR/
LL | unsafe { *xraw = 15 };
@ -5,19 +5,13 @@ LL | let _val = *xref_in_mem;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^ reborrow through <TAG> at ALLOC[0x0] is forbidden
= help: this indicates a potential bug in the program: it performed an invalid operation, but the Tree Borrows rules it violated are still experimental
= help: the accessed tag <TAG> is a child of the conflicting tag <TAG>
= help: the conflicting tag <TAG> has state Disabled which forbids this reborrow (acting as a child read access)
help: the accessed tag <TAG> was created here
= help: the accessed tag <TAG> has state Disabled which forbids this reborrow (acting as a child read access)
help: the accessed tag <TAG> was created here, in the initial state Frozen
--> $DIR/
LL | let xref_in_mem = Box::new(xref);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
help: the conflicting tag <TAG> was created here, in the initial state Frozen
--> $DIR/
LL | let xref = unsafe { &*xraw };
| ^^^^^^
help: the conflicting tag <TAG> later transitioned to Disabled due to a foreign write access at offsets [0x0..0x4]
help: the accessed tag <TAG> later transitioned to Disabled due to a foreign write access at offsets [0x0..0x4]
--> $DIR/
LL | unsafe { *xraw = 42 }; // unfreeze
@ -5,19 +5,13 @@ LL | *LEAK = 7;
| ^^^^^^^^^ write access through <TAG> at ALLOC[0x0] is forbidden
= help: this indicates a potential bug in the program: it performed an invalid operation, but the Tree Borrows rules it violated are still experimental
= help: the accessed tag <TAG> is a child of the conflicting tag <TAG>
= help: the conflicting tag <TAG> has state Disabled which forbids this child write access
help: the accessed tag <TAG> was created here
= help: the accessed tag <TAG> has state Disabled which forbids this child write access
help: the accessed tag <TAG> was created here, in the initial state Frozen
--> $DIR/
LL | fn unknown_code_1(x: &i32) {
| ^
help: the conflicting tag <TAG> was created here, in the initial state Frozen
--> $DIR/
LL | unknown_code_1(&*our);
| ^^^^^
help: the conflicting tag <TAG> later transitioned to Disabled due to a foreign write access at offsets [0x0..0x4]
help: the accessed tag <TAG> later transitioned to Disabled due to a foreign write access at offsets [0x0..0x4]
--> $DIR/
LL | *our = 5;
@ -5,19 +5,13 @@ LL | *raw1 = 3;
| ^^^^^^^^^ write access through <TAG> at ALLOC[0x0] is forbidden
= help: this indicates a potential bug in the program: it performed an invalid operation, but the Tree Borrows rules it violated are still experimental
= help: the accessed tag <TAG> is a child of the conflicting tag <TAG>
= help: the conflicting tag <TAG> has state Disabled which forbids this child write access
help: the accessed tag <TAG> was created here
= help: the accessed tag <TAG> has state Disabled which forbids this child write access
help: the accessed tag <TAG> was created here, in the initial state Reserved
--> $DIR/
LL | let raw1 = ptr1.as_mut();
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
help: the conflicting tag <TAG> was created here, in the initial state Reserved
--> $DIR/
LL | let raw1 = ptr1.as_mut();
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
help: the conflicting tag <TAG> later transitioned to Disabled due to a foreign write access at offsets [0x0..0x4]
help: the accessed tag <TAG> later transitioned to Disabled due to a foreign write access at offsets [0x0..0x4]
--> $DIR/
LL | *raw2 = 2;
@ -5,19 +5,13 @@ LL | foo(some_xref);
| ^^^^^^^^^ reborrow through <TAG> at ALLOC[0x0] is forbidden
= help: this indicates a potential bug in the program: it performed an invalid operation, but the Tree Borrows rules it violated are still experimental
= help: the accessed tag <TAG> is a child of the conflicting tag <TAG>
= help: the conflicting tag <TAG> has state Disabled which forbids this reborrow (acting as a child read access)
help: the accessed tag <TAG> was created here
= help: the accessed tag <TAG> has state Disabled which forbids this reborrow (acting as a child read access)
help: the accessed tag <TAG> was created here, in the initial state Frozen
--> $DIR/
LL | let some_xref = unsafe { Some(&*xraw) };
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
help: the conflicting tag <TAG> was created here, in the initial state Frozen
--> $DIR/
LL | let some_xref = unsafe { Some(&*xraw) };
| ^^^^^^
help: the conflicting tag <TAG> later transitioned to Disabled due to a foreign write access at offsets [0x0..0x4]
help: the accessed tag <TAG> later transitioned to Disabled due to a foreign write access at offsets [0x0..0x4]
--> $DIR/
LL | unsafe { *xraw = 42 }; // unfreeze
@ -5,19 +5,13 @@ LL | foo(pair_xref);
| ^^^^^^^^^ reborrow through <TAG> at ALLOC[0x0] is forbidden
= help: this indicates a potential bug in the program: it performed an invalid operation, but the Tree Borrows rules it violated are still experimental
= help: the accessed tag <TAG> is a child of the conflicting tag <TAG>
= help: the conflicting tag <TAG> has state Disabled which forbids this reborrow (acting as a child read access)
help: the accessed tag <TAG> was created here
= help: the accessed tag <TAG> has state Disabled which forbids this reborrow (acting as a child read access)
help: the accessed tag <TAG> was created here, in the initial state Frozen
--> $DIR/
LL | let pair_xref = unsafe { (&*xraw0, &*xraw1) };
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
help: the conflicting tag <TAG> was created here, in the initial state Frozen
--> $DIR/
LL | let pair_xref = unsafe { (&*xraw0, &*xraw1) };
| ^^^^^^^
help: the conflicting tag <TAG> later transitioned to Disabled due to a foreign write access at offsets [0x0..0x4]
help: the accessed tag <TAG> later transitioned to Disabled due to a foreign write access at offsets [0x0..0x4]
--> $DIR/
LL | unsafe { *xraw0 = 42 }; // unfreeze
@ -5,19 +5,13 @@ LL | ret
| ^^^ reborrow through <TAG> at ALLOC[0x4] is forbidden
= help: this indicates a potential bug in the program: it performed an invalid operation, but the Tree Borrows rules it violated are still experimental
= help: the accessed tag <TAG> is a child of the conflicting tag <TAG>
= help: the conflicting tag <TAG> has state Disabled which forbids this reborrow (acting as a child read access)
help: the accessed tag <TAG> was created here
= help: the accessed tag <TAG> has state Disabled which forbids this reborrow (acting as a child read access)
help: the accessed tag <TAG> was created here, in the initial state Frozen
--> $DIR/
LL | let ret = Some(unsafe { &(*xraw).1 });
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
help: the conflicting tag <TAG> was created here, in the initial state Frozen
--> $DIR/
LL | let ret = Some(unsafe { &(*xraw).1 });
| ^^^^^^^^^^
help: the conflicting tag <TAG> later transitioned to Disabled due to a foreign write access at offsets [0x0..0x8]
help: the accessed tag <TAG> later transitioned to Disabled due to a foreign write access at offsets [0x0..0x8]
--> $DIR/
LL | unsafe { *xraw = (42, 23) }; // unfreeze
@ -5,19 +5,13 @@ LL | ret
| ^^^ reborrow through <TAG> at ALLOC[0x4] is forbidden
= help: this indicates a potential bug in the program: it performed an invalid operation, but the Tree Borrows rules it violated are still experimental
= help: the accessed tag <TAG> is a child of the conflicting tag <TAG>
= help: the conflicting tag <TAG> has state Disabled which forbids this reborrow (acting as a child read access)
help: the accessed tag <TAG> was created here
= help: the accessed tag <TAG> has state Disabled which forbids this reborrow (acting as a child read access)
help: the accessed tag <TAG> was created here, in the initial state Frozen
--> $DIR/
LL | let ret = (unsafe { &(*xraw).1 },);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
help: the conflicting tag <TAG> was created here, in the initial state Frozen
--> $DIR/
LL | let ret = (unsafe { &(*xraw).1 },);
| ^^^^^^^^^^
help: the conflicting tag <TAG> later transitioned to Disabled due to a foreign write access at offsets [0x0..0x8]
help: the accessed tag <TAG> later transitioned to Disabled due to a foreign write access at offsets [0x0..0x8]
--> $DIR/
LL | unsafe { *xraw = (42, 23) }; // unfreeze
@ -5,18 +5,12 @@ LL | *(x as *const i32 as *mut i32) = 7;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ write access through <TAG> at ALLOC[0x0] is forbidden
= help: this indicates a potential bug in the program: it performed an invalid operation, but the Tree Borrows rules it violated are still experimental
= help: the accessed tag <TAG> is a child of the conflicting tag <TAG>
= help: the conflicting tag <TAG> has state Frozen which forbids this child write access
help: the accessed tag <TAG> was created here
= help: the accessed tag <TAG> has state Frozen which forbids this child write access
help: the accessed tag <TAG> was created here, in the initial state Frozen
--> $DIR/
LL | fn unknown_code(x: &i32) {
| ^
help: the conflicting tag <TAG> was created here, in the initial state Frozen
--> $DIR/
LL | unknown_code(&*x);
| ^^^
= note: BACKTRACE (of the first span):
= note: inside `unknown_code` at $DIR/
note: inside `foo`
@ -5,25 +5,19 @@ LL | *y += 1; // Failure
| ^^^^^^^ write access through <TAG> at ALLOC[0x0] is forbidden
= help: this indicates a potential bug in the program: it performed an invalid operation, but the Tree Borrows rules it violated are still experimental
= help: the accessed tag <TAG> is a child of the conflicting tag <TAG>
= help: the conflicting tag <TAG> has state Frozen which forbids this child write access
help: the accessed tag <TAG> was created here
= help: the accessed tag <TAG> has state Frozen which forbids this child write access
help: the accessed tag <TAG> was created here, in the initial state Reserved
--> $DIR/
LL | let y = unsafe { &mut *(x as *mut u8) };
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
help: the conflicting tag <TAG> was created here, in the initial state Reserved
--> $DIR/
LL | let y = unsafe { &mut *(x as *mut u8) };
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
help: the conflicting tag <TAG> later transitioned to Active due to a child write access at offsets [0x0..0x1]
help: the accessed tag <TAG> later transitioned to Active due to a child write access at offsets [0x0..0x1]
--> $DIR/
LL | *y += 1; // Success
| ^^^^^^^
= help: this transition corresponds to the first write to a 2-phase borrowed mutable reference
help: the conflicting tag <TAG> later transitioned to Frozen due to a foreign read access at offsets [0x0..0x1]
help: the accessed tag <TAG> later transitioned to Frozen due to a foreign read access at offsets [0x0..0x1]
--> $DIR/
LL | let _val = *x;
@ -5,19 +5,13 @@ LL | child2.write(2);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ write access through <TAG> at ALLOC[0x0] is forbidden
= help: this indicates a potential bug in the program: it performed an invalid operation, but the Tree Borrows rules it violated are still experimental
= help: the accessed tag <TAG> is a child of the conflicting tag <TAG>
= help: the conflicting tag <TAG> has state Disabled which forbids this child write access
help: the accessed tag <TAG> was created here
= help: the accessed tag <TAG> has state Disabled which forbids this child write access
help: the accessed tag <TAG> was created here, in the initial state Reserved
--> $DIR/
LL | let child2 = x.as_ptr();
| ^^^^^^^^^^
help: the conflicting tag <TAG> was created here, in the initial state Reserved
--> $DIR/
LL | let child2 = x.as_ptr();
| ^
help: the conflicting tag <TAG> later transitioned to Disabled due to a foreign write access at offsets [0x0..0x1]
help: the accessed tag <TAG> later transitioned to Disabled due to a foreign write access at offsets [0x0..0x1]
--> $DIR/
LL | child1.write(1);
@ -5,19 +5,13 @@ LL | rmut[5] += 1;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^ read access through <TAG> at ALLOC[0x5] is forbidden
= help: this indicates a potential bug in the program: it performed an invalid operation, but the Tree Borrows rules it violated are still experimental
= help: the accessed tag <TAG> is a child of the conflicting tag <TAG>
= help: the conflicting tag <TAG> has state Disabled which forbids this child read access
help: the accessed tag <TAG> was created here
= help: the accessed tag <TAG> has state Disabled which forbids this child read access
help: the accessed tag <TAG> was created here, in the initial state Reserved
--> $DIR/
LL | let rmut = &mut *addr_of_mut!(data[0..6]);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
help: the conflicting tag <TAG> was created here, in the initial state Reserved
--> $DIR/
LL | let rmut = &mut *addr_of_mut!(data[0..6]);
| ^^^^
help: the conflicting tag <TAG> later transitioned to Disabled due to a foreign write access at offsets [0x5..0x6]
help: the accessed tag <TAG> later transitioned to Disabled due to a foreign write access at offsets [0x5..0x6]
--> $DIR/
LL | data[5] = 1;
@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
//@compile-flags: -Zmiri-tree-borrows
//@error-in-other-file: /deallocation through .* is forbidden/
fn inner(x: &mut i32, f: fn(&mut i32)) {
fn inner(x: &mut i32, f: fn(*mut i32)) {
// `f` may mutate, but it may not deallocate!
// `f` takes a raw pointer so that the only protector
// is that on `x`
fn main() {
inner(Box::leak(Box::new(0)), |x| {
let raw = x as *mut _;
inner(Box::leak(Box::new(0)), |raw| {
drop(unsafe { Box::from_raw(raw) });
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ LL | drop(unsafe { Box::from_raw(raw) });
help: the strongly protected tag <TAG> was created here, in the initial state Reserved
--> $DIR/
LL | fn inner(x: &mut i32, f: fn(&mut i32)) {
LL | fn inner(x: &mut i32, f: fn(*mut i32)) {
| ^
= note: BACKTRACE (of the first span):
= note: inside `std::alloc::dealloc` at RUSTLIB/alloc/src/
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ note: inside closure
LL | drop(unsafe { Box::from_raw(raw) });
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: inside `<{closure@$DIR/} as std::ops::FnOnce<(&mut i32,)>>::call_once - shim` at RUSTLIB/core/src/ops/
= note: inside `<{closure@$DIR/} as std::ops::FnOnce<(*mut i32,)>>::call_once - shim` at RUSTLIB/core/src/ops/
note: inside `inner`
--> $DIR/
@ -37,8 +37,7 @@ LL | f(x)
note: inside `main`
--> $DIR/
LL | / inner(Box::leak(Box::new(0)), |x| {
LL | | let raw = x as *mut _;
LL | / inner(Box::leak(Box::new(0)), |raw| {
LL | | drop(unsafe { Box::from_raw(raw) });
LL | | });
| |______^
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