diff --git a/src/libgreen/lib.rs b/src/libgreen/lib.rs
index 9fdb8175e5c..3ddd1f05f25 100644
--- a/src/libgreen/lib.rs
+++ b/src/libgreen/lib.rs
@@ -25,11 +25,12 @@
 // NB this does *not* include globs, please keep it that way.
+// Allow check-stage0-green for now
+#[cfg(test, stage0)] extern mod green;
 use std::os;
 use std::rt::crate_map;
-use std::rt::local::Local;
 use std::rt::rtio;
-use std::rt::task::Task;
 use std::rt::thread::Thread;
 use std::rt;
 use std::sync::atomics::{SeqCst, AtomicUint, INIT_ATOMIC_UINT};
@@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ use std::sync::deque;
 use std::task::TaskOpts;
 use std::util;
 use std::vec;
+use std::sync::arc::UnsafeArc;
 use sched::{Shutdown, Scheduler, SchedHandle, TaskFromFriend, NewNeighbor};
 use sleeper_list::SleeperList;
@@ -118,14 +120,6 @@ pub fn run(main: proc()) -> int {
-    // Once the main task has exited and we've set our exit code, wait for all
-    // spawned sub-tasks to finish running. This is done to allow all schedulers
-    // to remain active while there are still tasks possibly running.
-    unsafe {
-        let mut task = Local::borrow(None::<Task>);
-        task.get().wait_for_other_tasks();
-    }
     // Now that we're sure all tasks are dead, shut down the pool of schedulers,
     // waiting for them all to return.
@@ -164,6 +158,17 @@ pub struct SchedPool {
     priv deque_pool: deque::BufferPool<~task::GreenTask>,
     priv sleepers: SleeperList,
     priv factory: fn() -> ~rtio::EventLoop,
+    priv task_state: TaskState,
+    priv tasks_done: Port<()>,
+/// This is an internal state shared among a pool of schedulers. This is used to
+/// keep track of how many tasks are currently running in the pool and then
+/// sending on a channel once the entire pool has been drained of all tasks.
+struct TaskState {
+    cnt: UnsafeArc<AtomicUint>,
+    done: SharedChan<()>,
 impl SchedPool {
@@ -182,6 +187,7 @@ impl SchedPool {
         assert!(nscheds > 0);
         // The pool of schedulers that will be returned from this function
+        let (p, state) = TaskState::new();
         let mut pool = SchedPool {
             threads: ~[],
             handles: ~[],
@@ -192,6 +198,8 @@ impl SchedPool {
             deque_pool: deque::BufferPool::new(),
             next_friend: 0,
             factory: factory,
+            task_state: state,
+            tasks_done: p,
         // Create a work queue for each scheduler, ntimes. Create an extra
@@ -210,21 +218,30 @@ impl SchedPool {
-                                            pool.sleepers.clone());
+                                            pool.sleepers.clone(),
+                                            pool.task_state.clone());
             let sched = sched;
-            pool.threads.push(do Thread::start {
-                sched.bootstrap();
-            });
+            pool.threads.push(do Thread::start { sched.bootstrap(); });
         return pool;
+    /// Creates a new task configured to run inside of this pool of schedulers.
+    /// This is useful to create a task which can then be sent to a specific
+    /// scheduler created by `spawn_sched` (and possibly pin it to that
+    /// scheduler).
     pub fn task(&mut self, opts: TaskOpts, f: proc()) -> ~GreenTask {
         GreenTask::configure(&mut self.stack_pool, opts, f)
+    /// Spawns a new task into this pool of schedulers, using the specified
+    /// options to configure the new task which is spawned.
+    ///
+    /// New tasks are spawned in a round-robin fashion to the schedulers in this
+    /// pool, but tasks can certainly migrate among schedulers once they're in
+    /// the pool.
     pub fn spawn(&mut self, opts: TaskOpts, f: proc()) {
         let task = self.task(opts, f);
@@ -262,7 +279,8 @@ impl SchedPool {
-                                        self.sleepers.clone());
+                                        self.sleepers.clone(),
+                                        self.task_state.clone());
         let ret = sched.make_handle();
         let sched = sched;
@@ -271,9 +289,28 @@ impl SchedPool {
         return ret;
+    /// Consumes the pool of schedulers, waiting for all tasks to exit and all
+    /// schedulers to shut down.
+    ///
+    /// This function is required to be called in order to drop a pool of
+    /// schedulers, it is considered an error to drop a pool without calling
+    /// this method.
+    ///
+    /// This only waits for all tasks in *this pool* of schedulers to exit, any
+    /// native tasks or extern pools will not be waited on
     pub fn shutdown(mut self) {
         self.stealers = ~[];
+        // Wait for everyone to exit. We may have reached a 0-task count
+        // multiple times in the past, meaning there could be several buffered
+        // messages on the `tasks_done` port. We're guaranteed that after *some*
+        // message the current task count will be 0, so we just receive in a
+        // loop until everything is totally dead.
+        while self.task_state.active() {
+            self.tasks_done.recv();
+        }
+        // Now that everyone's gone, tell everything to shut down.
         for mut handle in util::replace(&mut self.handles, ~[]).move_iter() {
@@ -283,6 +320,31 @@ impl SchedPool {
+impl TaskState {
+    fn new() -> (Port<()>, TaskState) {
+        let (p, c) = SharedChan::new();
+        (p, TaskState {
+            cnt: UnsafeArc::new(AtomicUint::new(0)),
+            done: c,
+        })
+    }
+    fn increment(&mut self) {
+        unsafe { (*self.cnt.get()).fetch_add(1, SeqCst); }
+    }
+    fn active(&self) -> bool {
+        unsafe { (*self.cnt.get()).load(SeqCst) != 0 }
+    }
+    fn decrement(&mut self) {
+        let prev = unsafe { (*self.cnt.get()).fetch_sub(1, SeqCst) };
+        if prev == 1 {
+            self.done.send(());
+        }
+    }
 impl Drop for SchedPool {
     fn drop(&mut self) {
         if self.threads.len() > 0 {
diff --git a/src/libgreen/sched.rs b/src/libgreen/sched.rs
index 984cc88a4c9..b0b88e4be79 100644
--- a/src/libgreen/sched.rs
+++ b/src/libgreen/sched.rs
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ use std::unstable::mutex::Mutex;
 use std::unstable::raw;
 use mpsc = std::sync::mpsc_queue;
+use TaskState;
 use context::Context;
 use coroutine::Coroutine;
 use sleeper_list::SleeperList;
@@ -85,6 +86,9 @@ pub struct Scheduler {
     /// A flag to tell the scheduler loop it needs to do some stealing
     /// in order to introduce randomness as part of a yield
     steal_for_yield: bool,
+    /// Bookeeping for the number of tasks which are currently running around
+    /// inside this pool of schedulers
+    task_state: TaskState,
     // n.b. currently destructors of an object are run in top-to-bottom in order
     //      of field declaration. Due to its nature, the pausable idle callback
@@ -120,11 +124,12 @@ impl Scheduler {
                event_loop: ~EventLoop,
                work_queue: deque::Worker<~GreenTask>,
                work_queues: ~[deque::Stealer<~GreenTask>],
-               sleeper_list: SleeperList)
+               sleeper_list: SleeperList,
+               state: TaskState)
         -> Scheduler {
         Scheduler::new_special(pool_id, event_loop, work_queue, work_queues,
-                               sleeper_list, true, None)
+                               sleeper_list, true, None, state)
@@ -134,7 +139,8 @@ impl Scheduler {
                        work_queues: ~[deque::Stealer<~GreenTask>],
                        sleeper_list: SleeperList,
                        run_anything: bool,
-                       friend: Option<SchedHandle>)
+                       friend: Option<SchedHandle>,
+                       state: TaskState)
         -> Scheduler {
         let (consumer, producer) = mpsc::queue(());
@@ -156,7 +162,8 @@ impl Scheduler {
             rng: new_sched_rng(),
             idle_callback: None,
             yield_check_count: 0,
-            steal_for_yield: false
+            steal_for_yield: false,
+            task_state: state,
         sched.yield_check_count = reset_yield_check(&mut sched.rng);
@@ -756,6 +763,7 @@ impl Scheduler {
         let _cur = self.change_task_context(cur, stask, |sched, mut dead_task| {
             let coroutine = dead_task.coroutine.take_unwrap();
             coroutine.recycle(&mut sched.stack_pool);
+            sched.task_state.decrement();
         fail!("should never return!");
@@ -955,11 +963,10 @@ mod test {
     use std::rt::task::Task;
     use std::rt::local::Local;
+    use {TaskState, PoolConfig, SchedPool};
     use basic;
     use sched::{TaskFromFriend, PinnedTask};
     use task::{GreenTask, HomeSched};
-    use PoolConfig;
-    use SchedPool;
     fn pool() -> SchedPool {
         SchedPool::new(PoolConfig {
@@ -1078,6 +1085,7 @@ mod test {
             let (normal_worker, normal_stealer) = pool.deque();
             let (special_worker, special_stealer) = pool.deque();
             let queues = ~[normal_stealer, special_stealer];
+            let (_p, state) = TaskState::new();
             // Our normal scheduler
             let mut normal_sched = ~Scheduler::new(
@@ -1085,7 +1093,8 @@ mod test {
-                sleepers.clone());
+                sleepers.clone(),
+                state.clone());
             let normal_handle = normal_sched.make_handle();
             let friend_handle = normal_sched.make_handle();
@@ -1098,7 +1107,8 @@ mod test {
-                Some(friend_handle));
+                Some(friend_handle),
+                state);
             let special_handle = special_sched.make_handle();
diff --git a/src/libgreen/task.rs b/src/libgreen/task.rs
index eff80df2a11..fc4e1c08ba5 100644
--- a/src/libgreen/task.rs
+++ b/src/libgreen/task.rs
@@ -33,11 +33,32 @@ use stack::StackPool;
 /// The necessary fields needed to keep track of a green task (as opposed to a
 /// 1:1 task).
 pub struct GreenTask {
+    /// Coroutine that this task is running on, otherwise known as the register
+    /// context and the stack that this task owns. This field is optional to
+    /// relinquish ownership back to a scheduler to recycle stacks at a later
+    /// date.
     coroutine: Option<Coroutine>,
+    /// Optional handle back into the home sched pool of this task. This field
+    /// is lazily initialized.
     handle: Option<SchedHandle>,
+    /// Slot for maintaining ownership of a scheduler. If a task is running,
+    /// this value will be Some(sched) where the task is running on "sched".
     sched: Option<~Scheduler>,
+    /// Temporary ownership slot of a std::rt::task::Task object. This is used
+    /// to squirrel that libstd task away while we're performing green task
+    /// operations.
     task: Option<~Task>,
+    /// Dictates whether this is a sched task or a normal green task
     task_type: TaskType,
+    /// Home pool that this task was spawned into. This field is lazily
+    /// initialized until when the task is initially scheduled, and is used to
+    /// make sure that tasks are always woken up in the correct pool of
+    /// schedulers.
     pool_id: uint,
     // See the comments in the scheduler about why this is necessary
@@ -147,10 +168,15 @@ impl GreenTask {
             // cleanup job after we have re-acquired ownership of the green
             // task.
             let mut task: ~GreenTask = unsafe { GreenTask::from_uint(ops) };
-            task.sched.get_mut_ref().run_cleanup_job();
+            task.pool_id = {
+                let sched = task.sched.get_mut_ref();
+                sched.run_cleanup_job();
+                sched.task_state.increment();
+                sched.pool_id
+            };
             // Convert our green task to a libstd task and then execute the code
-            // requeted. This is the "try/catch" block for this green task and
+            // requested. This is the "try/catch" block for this green task and
             // is the wrapper for *all* code run in the task.
             let mut start = Some(start);
             let task = task.swap().run(|| start.take_unwrap()());
@@ -350,6 +376,14 @@ impl Runtime for GreenTask {
+        // Optimistically look for a local task, but if one's not available to
+        // inspect (in order to see if it's in the same sched pool as we are),
+        // then just use our remote wakeup routine and carry on!
+        let mut running_task: ~Task = match Local::try_take() {
+            Some(task) => task,
+            None => return self.reawaken_remotely()
+        };
         // Waking up a green thread is a bit of a tricky situation. We have no
         // guarantee about where the current task is running. The options we
         // have for where this current task is running are:
@@ -368,7 +402,6 @@ impl Runtime for GreenTask {
         // In case 2 and 3, we need to remotely reawaken ourself in order to be
         // transplanted back to the correct scheduler pool.
-        let mut running_task: ~Task = Local::take();
         match running_task.maybe_take_runtime::<GreenTask>() {
             Some(mut running_green_task) => {
diff --git a/src/libnative/bookeeping.rs b/src/libnative/bookeeping.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ca40c1a1958
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libnative/bookeeping.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+// Copyright 2013 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
+// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
+// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
+// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
+// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
+// except according to those terms.
+//! 1:1 Task bookeeping
+//! This module keeps track of the number of running 1:1 tasks so that entry
+//! points with libnative know when it's possible to exit the program (once all
+//! tasks have exited).
+//! The green counterpart for this is bookeeping on sched pools.
+use std::sync::atomics;
+use std::unstable::mutex::{Mutex, MUTEX_INIT};
+static mut TASK_COUNT: atomics::AtomicUint = atomics::INIT_ATOMIC_UINT;
+static mut TASK_LOCK: Mutex = MUTEX_INIT;
+pub fn increment() {
+    unsafe { TASK_COUNT.fetch_add(1, atomics::SeqCst); }
+pub fn decrement() {
+    unsafe {
+        if TASK_COUNT.fetch_sub(1, atomics::SeqCst) == 1 {
+            TASK_LOCK.lock();
+            TASK_LOCK.signal();
+            TASK_LOCK.unlock();
+        }
+    }
+/// Waits for all other native tasks in the system to exit. This is only used by
+/// the entry points of native programs
+pub fn wait_for_other_tasks() {
+    unsafe {
+        TASK_LOCK.lock();
+        while TASK_COUNT.load(atomics::SeqCst) > 0 {
+            TASK_LOCK.wait();
+        }
+        TASK_LOCK.unlock();
+    }
diff --git a/src/libnative/lib.rs b/src/libnative/lib.rs
index d92127cfbb2..498945a04cb 100644
--- a/src/libnative/lib.rs
+++ b/src/libnative/lib.rs
@@ -27,14 +27,12 @@
 //    answer is that you don't need them)
 use std::os;
-use std::rt::local::Local;
-use std::rt::task::Task;
 use std::rt;
+mod bookeeping;
 pub mod io;
 pub mod task;
 // XXX: this should not exist here
 #[lang = "start"]
@@ -83,11 +81,7 @@ pub fn start(argc: int, argv: **u8, main: proc()) -> int {
 /// This function has all of the same details as `start` except for a different
 /// number of arguments.
 pub fn run(main: proc()) -> int {
-    // Run the main procedure and then wait for everything to finish
-    unsafe {
-        let mut task = Local::borrow(None::<Task>);
-        task.get().wait_for_other_tasks();
-    }
+    bookeeping::wait_for_other_tasks();
diff --git a/src/libnative/task.rs b/src/libnative/task.rs
index 8f2dff42404..c4d3f651777 100644
--- a/src/libnative/task.rs
+++ b/src/libnative/task.rs
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ use std::unstable::stack;
 use io;
 use task;
+use bookeeping;
 /// Creates a new Task which is ready to execute as a 1:1 task.
 pub fn new() -> ~Task {
@@ -79,8 +80,10 @@ pub fn spawn_opts(opts: TaskOpts, f: proc()) {
             stack::record_stack_bounds(my_stack - stack + 1024, my_stack);
+        bookeeping::increment();
         let mut f = Some(f);
         task.run(|| { f.take_unwrap()() });
+        bookeeping::decrement();
diff --git a/src/libstd/rt/local.rs b/src/libstd/rt/local.rs
index 1c04b6b43ce..b4a6f06c2a4 100644
--- a/src/libstd/rt/local.rs
+++ b/src/libstd/rt/local.rs
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ use rt::local_ptr;
 pub trait Local<Borrowed> {
     fn put(value: ~Self);
     fn take() -> ~Self;
+    fn try_take() -> Option<~Self>;
     fn exists(unused_value: Option<Self>) -> bool;
     fn borrow(unused_value: Option<Self>) -> Borrowed;
     unsafe fn unsafe_take() -> ~Self;
@@ -28,6 +29,8 @@ impl Local<local_ptr::Borrowed<Task>> for Task {
     fn put(value: ~Task) { unsafe { local_ptr::put(value) } }
     fn take() -> ~Task { unsafe { local_ptr::take() } }
+    #[inline]
+    fn try_take() -> Option<~Task> { unsafe { local_ptr::try_take() } }
     fn exists(_: Option<Task>) -> bool { local_ptr::exists() }
     fn borrow(_: Option<Task>) -> local_ptr::Borrowed<Task> {
@@ -47,7 +50,7 @@ impl Local<local_ptr::Borrowed<Task>> for Task {
 mod test {
-    use option::None;
+    use option::{None, Option};
     use unstable::run_in_bare_thread;
     use super::*;
     use rt::task::Task;
@@ -56,7 +59,6 @@ mod test {
     fn thread_local_task_smoke_test() {
         do run_in_bare_thread {
-            local_ptr::init();
             let task = ~Task::new();
             let task: ~Task = Local::take();
@@ -67,7 +69,6 @@ mod test {
     fn thread_local_task_two_instances() {
         do run_in_bare_thread {
-            local_ptr::init();
             let task = ~Task::new();
             let task: ~Task = Local::take();
@@ -83,7 +84,6 @@ mod test {
     fn borrow_smoke_test() {
         do run_in_bare_thread {
-            local_ptr::init();
             let task = ~Task::new();
@@ -98,7 +98,6 @@ mod test {
     fn borrow_with_return() {
         do run_in_bare_thread {
-            local_ptr::init();
             let task = ~Task::new();
@@ -111,6 +110,20 @@ mod test {
+    #[test]
+    fn try_take() {
+        do run_in_bare_thread {
+            let task = ~Task::new();
+            Local::put(task);
+            let t: ~Task = Local::try_take().unwrap();
+            let u: Option<~Task> = Local::try_take();
+            assert!(u.is_none());
+            cleanup_task(t);
+        }
+    }
     fn cleanup_task(mut t: ~Task) {
         t.destroyed = true;
diff --git a/src/libstd/rt/local_ptr.rs b/src/libstd/rt/local_ptr.rs
index 42cce272e44..9921e742ba6 100644
--- a/src/libstd/rt/local_ptr.rs
+++ b/src/libstd/rt/local_ptr.rs
@@ -117,6 +117,24 @@ pub mod compiled {
+    /// Optionally take ownership of a pointer from thread-local storage.
+    ///
+    /// # Safety note
+    ///
+    /// Does not validate the pointer type.
+    #[inline]
+    pub unsafe fn try_take<T>() -> Option<~T> {
+        let ptr = RT_TLS_PTR;
+        if ptr.is_null() {
+            None
+        } else {
+            let ptr: ~T = cast::transmute(ptr);
+            // can't use `as`, due to type not matching with `cfg(test)`
+            RT_TLS_PTR = cast::transmute(0);
+            Some(ptr)
+        }
+    }
     /// Take ownership of a pointer from thread-local storage.
     /// # Safety note
@@ -215,6 +233,28 @@ pub mod native {
         return ptr;
+    /// Optionally take ownership of a pointer from thread-local storage.
+    ///
+    /// # Safety note
+    ///
+    /// Does not validate the pointer type.
+    #[inline]
+    pub unsafe fn try_take<T>() -> Option<~T> {
+        match maybe_tls_key() {
+            Some(key) => {
+                let void_ptr: *mut c_void = tls::get(key);
+                if void_ptr.is_null() {
+                    None
+                } else {
+                    let ptr: ~T = cast::transmute(void_ptr);
+                    tls::set(key, ptr::mut_null());
+                    Some(ptr)
+                }
+            }
+            None => None
+        }
+    }
     /// Take ownership of a pointer from thread-local storage.
     /// # Safety note
diff --git a/src/libstd/rt/task.rs b/src/libstd/rt/task.rs
index e6ab159a769..583a1e0657c 100644
--- a/src/libstd/rt/task.rs
+++ b/src/libstd/rt/task.rs
@@ -34,21 +34,13 @@ use rt::rtio::LocalIo;
 use rt::unwind::Unwinder;
 use send_str::SendStr;
 use sync::arc::UnsafeArc;
-use sync::atomics::{AtomicUint, SeqCst, INIT_ATOMIC_UINT};
+use sync::atomics::{AtomicUint, SeqCst};
 use task::{TaskResult, TaskOpts};
 use unstable::finally::Finally;
-use unstable::mutex::{Mutex, MUTEX_INIT};
 pub use rt::unwind::begin_unwind;
-// These two statics are used as bookeeping to keep track of the rust runtime's
-// count of threads. In 1:1 contexts, this is used to know when to return from
-// the main function, and in M:N contexts this is used to know when to shut down
-// the pool of schedulers.
-static mut TASK_COUNT: AtomicUint = INIT_ATOMIC_UINT;
-static mut TASK_LOCK: Mutex = MUTEX_INIT;
 // The Task struct represents all state associated with a rust
 // task. There are at this point two primary "subtypes" of task,
 // however instead of using a subtype we just have a "task_type" field
@@ -127,7 +119,6 @@ impl Task {
             *cast::transmute::<&~Task, &*mut Task>(&self)
-        unsafe { TASK_COUNT.fetch_add(1, SeqCst); }
         // The only try/catch block in the world. Attempt to run the task's
         // client-specified code and catch any failures.
@@ -194,13 +185,6 @@ impl Task {
         unsafe {
             let me: *mut Task = Local::unsafe_borrow();
-            // see comments on these statics for why they're used
-            if TASK_COUNT.fetch_sub(1, SeqCst) == 1 {
-                TASK_LOCK.lock();
-                TASK_LOCK.signal();
-                TASK_LOCK.unlock();
-            }
         let mut me: ~Task = Local::take();
         me.destroyed = true;
@@ -293,21 +277,6 @@ impl Task {
     pub fn local_io<'a>(&'a mut self) -> Option<LocalIo<'a>> {
-    /// The main function of all rust executables will by default use this
-    /// function. This function will *block* the OS thread (hence the `unsafe`)
-    /// waiting for all known tasks to complete. Once this function has
-    /// returned, it is guaranteed that no more user-defined code is still
-    /// running.
-    pub unsafe fn wait_for_other_tasks(&mut self) {
-        TASK_COUNT.fetch_sub(1, SeqCst); // don't count ourselves
-        TASK_LOCK.lock();
-        while TASK_COUNT.load(SeqCst) > 0 {
-            TASK_LOCK.wait();
-        }
-        TASK_LOCK.unlock();
-        TASK_COUNT.fetch_add(1, SeqCst); // add ourselves back in
-    }
 impl Drop for Task {