Added instructions for Sublime Text 3 setup

This commit is contained in:
Mathieu Amiot 2019-04-19 11:50:01 +02:00
parent ab0a96586f
commit 3e980fcf6b

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@ -78,3 +78,30 @@ Installation:
to load path and require it in `init.el`
* run `lsp` in a rust buffer
* (Optionally) bind commands like `rust-analyzer-join-lines` or `rust-analyzer-extend-selection` to keys
## Sublime Text 3
`LSP` package.
* Invoke the command palette with <kbd>Ctrl+Shift+P</kbd>
* Type `LSP Settings` to open the LSP preferences editor
* Add the following LSP client definition to your settings:
"rust-analyzer": {
"command": ["rustup", "run", "stable", "ra_lsp_server"],
"languageId": "rust",
"scopes": ["source.rust"],
"syntaxes": [
"Packages/Rust Enhanced/RustEnhanced.sublime-syntax"
* You can now invoke the command palette and type LSP enable to locally/globally enable the rust-analyzer LSP (type LSP enable, then choose either locally or globally, then select rust-analyzer)