prune unused unification code; leave region code that still needs to be ported

This commit is contained in:
Niko Matsakis 2012-03-24 09:20:20 -07:00
parent aae14e352a
commit 3e385a80d4
2 changed files with 50 additions and 642 deletions

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@ -93,7 +93,6 @@ export ty_var, mk_var;
export ty_self, mk_self;
export region, re_block, re_param, re_var;
export get, type_has_params, type_has_vars, type_has_rptrs, type_id;
export same_type;
export ty_var_id;
export ty_to_def_id;
export ty_fn_args;
@ -1587,96 +1586,36 @@ fn set_default_mode(cx: ctxt, m: ast::mode, m_def: ast::rmode) {
mod unify {
import result::{result, ok, err, chain, map, map2};
export fixup_vars;
export mk_var_bindings, mk_region_bindings;
export resolve_type_structure;
export resolve_type_var;
export unify;
export var_bindings, region_bindings;
export precise, in_bindings, in_region_bindings;
export mk_region_bindings;
export region_bindings;
export precise, in_region_bindings;
type ures<T> = result<T,type_err>;
// in case of failure, value is the idx of an unresolved type var
type fres<T> = result<T,int>;
type var_bindings =
{sets: ufind::ufind, types: smallintmap::smallintmap<t>};
type region_bindings =
{sets: ufind::ufind, regions: smallintmap::smallintmap<region>};
enum unify_style {
in_region_bindings(@var_bindings, @region_bindings)
type uctxt = {st: unify_style, tcx: ctxt};
fn mk_var_bindings() -> @var_bindings {
ret @{sets: ufind::make(), types: smallintmap::mk::<t>()};
fn mk_region_bindings() -> @region_bindings {
ret @{sets: ufind::make(), regions: smallintmap::mk::<region>()};
// Unifies two sets.
fn union<T:copy>(
cx: @uctxt, set_a: uint, set_b: uint,
variance: variance, nxt: fn() -> ures<T>) -> ures<T> {
let vb = alt {
in_region_bindings(vb, _) { vb }
in_bindings(vb) { vb }
precise {
cx.tcx.sess.bug("someone forgot to document an invariant \
in union");
ufind::grow(vb.sets, uint::max(set_a, set_b) + 1u);
let root_a = ufind::find(vb.sets, set_a);
let root_b = ufind::find(vb.sets, set_b);
let replace_type = (
fn@(vb: @var_bindings, t: t) {
ufind::union(vb.sets, set_a, set_b);
let root_c: uint = ufind::find(vb.sets, set_a);
smallintmap::insert::<t>(vb.types, root_c, t);
alt smallintmap::find(vb.types, root_a) {
none {
alt smallintmap::find(vb.types, root_b) {
none { ufind::union(vb.sets, set_a, set_b); ret nxt(); }
some(t_b) { replace_type(vb, t_b); ret nxt(); }
some(t_a) {
alt smallintmap::find(vb.types, root_b) {
none { replace_type(vb, t_a); ret nxt(); }
some(t_b) {
ret unify_step(cx, t_a, t_b, variance) {|t_c|
replace_type(vb, t_c);
// Unifies two region sets.
// FIXME: This is a straight copy of the code above. We should use
// polymorphism to make this better.
fn union_region_sets<T:copy>(
cx: @uctxt, set_a: uint, set_b: uint,
variance: variance, nxt: fn() -> ures<T>) -> ures<T> {
nxt: fn() -> ures<T>) -> ures<T> {
let rb = alt {
in_region_bindings(_, rb) { rb }
in_bindings(_) | precise {
in_region_bindings(rb) { rb }
precise {
cx.tcx.sess.bug("attempted to unify two region sets without \
a set of region bindings present");
@ -1704,7 +1643,7 @@ mod unify {
alt smallintmap::find(rb.regions, root_b) {
none { replace_region(rb, r_a); ret nxt(); }
some(r_b) {
ret unify_regions(cx, r_a, r_b, variance) {|r_c|
ret unify_regions(cx, r_a, r_b) {|r_c|
replace_region(rb, r_c);
@ -1714,40 +1653,14 @@ mod unify {
fn record_var_binding<T:copy>(
cx: @uctxt, key: int,
typ: t, variance: variance,
nxt: fn(t) -> ures<T>) -> ures<T> {
let vb = alt {
in_bindings(vb) | in_region_bindings(vb, _) { vb }
precise { fail; }
ufind::grow(vb.sets, (key as uint) + 1u);
let root = ufind::find(vb.sets, key as uint);
let mut result_type = typ;
alt smallintmap::find(vb.types, root) {
some(old_type) {
alt unify_step(cx, old_type, typ, variance, {|v| ok(v)}) {
ok(unified_type) { result_type = unified_type; }
err(e) { ret err(e); }
none {/* fall through */ }
smallintmap::insert(vb.types, root, result_type);
ret nxt(mk_var(cx.tcx, key));
fn record_region_binding<T:copy>(
cx: @uctxt, key: uint,
r: region, variance: variance,
r: region,
nxt: fn(region) -> ures<T>) -> ures<T> {
let rb = alt {
in_region_bindings(_, rb) { rb }
in_bindings(_) | precise { fail; }
in_region_bindings(rb) { rb }
precise { fail; }
ufind::grow(rb.sets, key + 1u);
@ -1755,7 +1668,7 @@ mod unify {
let mut result_region = r;
alt smallintmap::find(rb.regions, root) {
some(old_region) {
alt unify_regions(cx, old_region, r, variance, {|v| ok(v)}) {
alt unify_regions(cx, old_region, r, {|v| ok(v)}) {
ok(unified_region) { result_region = unified_region; }
err(e) { ret err(e); }
@ -1768,327 +1681,27 @@ mod unify {
ret nxt(re_param(key));
// Simple structural type comparison.
fn struct_cmp<T:copy>(
cx: @uctxt, expected: t, actual: t,
nxt: fn(t) -> ures<T>) -> ures<T> {
let tcx = cx.tcx;
let cfg = tcx.sess.targ_cfg;
if mach_sty(cfg, expected) == mach_sty(cfg, actual) {
ret nxt(expected);
ret err(terr_mismatch);
// Right now this just checks that the lists of constraints are
// pairwise equal.
fn unify_constrs<T:copy>(
expected: [@type_constr],
actual: [@type_constr],
nxt: fn([@type_constr]) -> ures<T>) -> ures<T> {
if check vec::same_length(expected, actual) {
map2(expected, actual,
{|e,a| unify_constr(e, a, {|v| ok(v)})}, nxt)
} else {
ret err(terr_constr_len(expected.len(), actual.len()));
fn unify_constr<T:copy>(
expected: @type_constr,
actual_constr: @type_constr,
nxt: fn(@type_constr) -> ures<T>) -> ures<T> {
let err_res = err(terr_constr_mismatch(expected, actual_constr));
if != { ret err_res; }
let expected_arg_len = vec::len(expected.node.args);
let actual_arg_len = vec::len(actual_constr.node.args);
if expected_arg_len != actual_arg_len { ret err_res; }
let mut i = 0u;
for a: @ty_constr_arg in expected.node.args {
let actual = actual_constr.node.args[i];
alt a.node {
carg_base {
alt actual.node { carg_base { } _ { ret err_res; } }
carg_lit(l) {
alt actual.node {
carg_lit(m) { if l != m { ret err_res; } }
_ { ret err_res; }
carg_ident(p) {
alt actual.node {
carg_ident(q) { if p.node != q.node { ret err_res; } }
_ { ret err_res; }
i += 1u;
ret nxt(expected);
// Unifies two mutability flags.
fn unify_mut<T:copy>(
expected: ast::mutability, actual: ast::mutability,
variance: variance, mut_err: type_err,
nxt: fn(ast::mutability, variance) -> ures<T>) -> ures<T> {
// If you're unifying on something mutable then we have to
// be invariant on the inner type
let newvariance = alt expected {
ast::m_mutbl {
variance_transform(variance, invariant)
_ {
variance_transform(variance, covariant)
if expected == actual {
ret nxt(expected, newvariance);
if variance == covariant {
if expected == ast::m_const {
ret nxt(actual, newvariance);
} else if variance == contravariant {
if actual == ast::m_const {
ret nxt(expected, newvariance);
ret err(mut_err);
fn unify_fn_proto<T:copy>(
e_proto: ast::proto, a_proto: ast::proto, variance: variance,
nxt: fn(ast::proto) -> ures<T>) -> ures<T> {
// Prototypes form a diamond-shaped partial order:
// block
// ^ ^
// shared send
// ^ ^
// bare
// where "^" means "subtype of" (forgive the abuse of the term
// subtype).
fn sub_proto(p_sub: ast::proto, p_sup: ast::proto) -> bool {
ret alt (p_sub, p_sup) {
(_, ast::proto_any) { true }
(ast::proto_bare, _) { true }
// Equal prototypes are always subprotos:
(_, _) { p_sub == p_sup }
ret alt variance {
invariant if e_proto == a_proto { nxt(e_proto) }
covariant if sub_proto(a_proto, e_proto) { nxt(e_proto) }
contravariant if sub_proto(e_proto, a_proto) { nxt(e_proto) }
_ { ret err(terr_mismatch) }
fn unify_arg<T:copy>(
cx: @uctxt, e_arg: arg, a_arg: arg,
variance: variance,
nxt: fn(arg) -> ures<T>) -> ures<T> {
// Unify the result modes.
chain(unify_mode(cx.tcx, e_arg.mode, a_arg.mode)) {|mode|
unify_step(cx, e_arg.ty, a_arg.ty, variance) {|ty|
nxt({mode: mode, ty: ty})
fn unify_args<T:copy>(
cx: @uctxt, e_args: [arg], a_args: [arg],
variance: variance, nxt: fn([arg]) -> ures<T>) -> ures<T> {
if check vec::same_length(e_args, a_args) {
// The variance changes (flips basically) when descending
// into arguments of function types
let variance = variance_transform(variance, contravariant);
map2(e_args, a_args,
{|e,a| unify_arg(cx, e, a, variance, {|v| ok(v)})},
} else {
ret err(terr_arg_count);
fn unify_ret_style<T:copy>(
e_ret_style: ret_style,
a_ret_style: ret_style,
nxt: fn(ret_style) -> ures<T>) -> ures<T> {
if a_ret_style != ast::noreturn && a_ret_style != e_ret_style {
/* even though typestate checking is mostly
responsible for checking control flow annotations,
this check is necessary to ensure that the
annotation in an object method matches the
declared object type */
ret err(terr_ret_style_mismatch(e_ret_style, a_ret_style));
} else {
fn unify_fn<T:copy>(
cx: @uctxt, e_f: fn_ty, a_f: fn_ty, variance: variance,
nxt: fn(t) -> ures<T>) -> ures<T> {
unify_fn_proto(e_f.proto, a_f.proto, variance) {|proto|
unify_ret_style(e_f.ret_style, a_f.ret_style) {|rs|
unify_args(cx, e_f.inputs, a_f.inputs, variance) {|args|
unify_step(cx, e_f.output, a_f.output, variance) {|rty|
let cs = e_f.constraints; // FIXME: Unify?
nxt(mk_fn(cx.tcx, {proto: proto,
inputs: args,
output: rty,
ret_style: rs,
constraints: cs}))
// If the given type is a variable, returns the structure of that type.
fn resolve_type_structure(vb: @var_bindings, typ: t) -> fres<t> {
alt get(typ).struct {
ty_var(vid) {
if vid as uint >= ufind::set_count(vb.sets) { ret err(vid); }
let root_id = ufind::find(vb.sets, vid as uint);
alt smallintmap::find::<t>(vb.types, root_id) {
none { ret err(vid); }
some(rt) { ret ok(rt); }
_ { ret ok(typ); }
// Specifies the allowable subtyping between expected and actual types
enum variance {
// Actual may be a subtype of expected
// Actual may be a supertype of expected
// Actual must be the same type as expected
// The calculation for recursive variance
// "Taming the Wildcards: Combining Definition- and Use-Site Variance"
// by John Altidor, et. al.
// I'm just copying the table from figure 1 - haven't actually
// read the paper (yet).
fn variance_transform(a: variance, b: variance) -> variance {
alt a {
covariant {
alt b {
covariant { covariant }
contravariant { contravariant }
invariant { invariant }
contravariant {
alt b {
covariant { contravariant }
contravariant { covariant }
invariant { invariant }
invariant {
alt b {
covariant { invariant }
contravariant { invariant }
invariant { invariant }
fn unify_tys<T:copy>(
cx: @uctxt, expected_tps: [t], actual_tps: [t],
variance: variance, nxt: fn([t]) -> ures<T>)
: vec::same_length(expected_tps, actual_tps)
-> ures<T> {
map2(expected_tps, actual_tps,
{|e,a| unify_step(cx, e, a, variance, {|v| ok(v)})},
fn unify_tps<T:copy>(
cx: @uctxt, expected_tps: [t], actual_tps: [t],
variance: variance, nxt: fn([t]) -> ures<T>)
-> ures<T> {
if check vec::same_length(expected_tps, actual_tps) {
map2(expected_tps, actual_tps,
{|e,a| unify_step(cx, e, a, variance, {|v| ok(v)})},
} else {
fn unify_mt<T:copy>(
cx: @uctxt, e_mt: mt, a_mt: mt, variance: variance,
mut_err: type_err,
nxt: fn(mt) -> ures<T>) -> ures<T> {
unify_mut(e_mt.mutbl, a_mt.mutbl, variance, mut_err) {|mutbl,var|
unify_step(cx, e_mt.ty, a_mt.ty, var) {|ty|
nxt({ty: ty, mutbl: mutbl})
fn unify_regions<T:copy>(
cx: @uctxt, e_region: region, a_region: region,
variance: variance,
nxt: fn(region) -> ures<T>) -> ures<T> {
let mut sub, super;
alt variance {
covariant | invariant { super = e_region; sub = a_region; }
contravariant { super = a_region; sub = e_region; }
let sub = a_region, super = e_region;
// FIXME: Should have a way of unifying regions that relies on bounds,
// not on unification.
alt (super, sub) {
(ty::re_var(superkey), ty::re_var(subkey)) {
ret union_region_sets(cx, subkey, superkey, variance,
ret union_region_sets(cx, subkey, superkey,
{|| nxt(sub) });
(ty::re_var(superkey), _) {
ret record_region_binding(cx, superkey, sub, variance, nxt);
ret record_region_binding(cx, superkey, sub, nxt);
(_, ty::re_var(subkey)) {
ret record_region_binding(cx, subkey, super, variance, nxt);
ret record_region_binding(cx, subkey, super, nxt);
_ { /* fall through */ }
if variance == invariant {
ret if e_region == a_region {
} else {
err(terr_regions_differ(true, e_region, a_region))
alt (super, sub) {
(ty::re_var(_), _) | (_, ty::re_var(_)) {
fail "should have been handled above";
@ -2123,231 +1736,6 @@ mod unify {
fn unify_field<T:copy>(
cx: @uctxt, e_field: field, a_field: field,
variance: variance,
nxt: fn(field) -> ures<T>) -> ures<T> {
if e_field.ident != a_field.ident {
ret err(terr_record_fields(e_field.ident,
unify_mt(cx,,, variance,
terr_record_mutability) {|mt|
nxt({ident: e_field.ident, mt: mt})
fn unify_step<T:copy>(
cx: @uctxt, expected: t, actual: t,
variance: variance, nxt: fn(t) -> ures<T>) -> ures<T> {
#debug("unify_step: %s %s", ty_to_str(cx.tcx, expected),
ty_to_str(cx.tcx, actual));
// Fast path.
if expected == actual { ret nxt(expected); }
// FIXME: This is terribly wrong. We should be unifying type sets
// using some sort of bound.
alt (get(expected).struct, get(actual).struct) {
(ty_var(e_id), ty_var(a_id)) {
union(cx, e_id as uint, a_id as uint, variance) {||
(_, ty_var(a_id)) {
let v = variance_transform(variance, contravariant);
record_var_binding(cx, a_id, expected, v, nxt)
(ty_var(e_id), _) {
let v = variance_transform(variance, covariant);
record_var_binding(cx, e_id, actual, v, nxt)
(_, ty_bot) { nxt(expected) }
(ty_bot, _) { nxt(actual) }
(ty_nil, _) | (ty_bool, _) | (ty_int(_), _) | (ty_uint(_), _) |
(ty_float(_), _) | (ty_str, _) {
struct_cmp(cx, expected, actual, nxt)
(ty_param(e_n, _), ty_param(a_n, _)) if e_n == a_n {
(ty_enum(e_id, e_tps), ty_enum(a_id, a_tps)) if e_id == a_id {
unify_tps(cx, e_tps, a_tps, variance) {|tps|
nxt(mk_enum(cx.tcx, e_id, tps))
(ty_iface(e_id, e_tps), ty_iface(a_id, a_tps)) if e_id == a_id {
unify_tps(cx, e_tps, a_tps, variance) {|tps|
nxt(mk_iface(cx.tcx, e_id, tps))
(ty_class(e_id, e_tps), ty_class(a_id, a_tps)) if e_id == a_id {
unify_tps(cx, e_tps, a_tps, variance) {|tps|
nxt(mk_class(cx.tcx, e_id, tps))
(ty_box(e_mt), ty_box(a_mt)) {
unify_mt(cx, e_mt, a_mt, variance, terr_box_mutability,
{|mt| nxt(mk_box(cx.tcx, mt))})
(ty_uniq(e_mt), ty_uniq(a_mt)) {
unify_mt(cx, e_mt, a_mt, variance, terr_box_mutability,
{|mt| nxt(mk_uniq(cx.tcx, mt))})
(ty_vec(e_mt), ty_vec(a_mt)) {
unify_mt(cx, e_mt, a_mt, variance, terr_vec_mutability,
{|mt| nxt(mk_vec(cx.tcx, mt))})
(ty_ptr(e_mt), ty_ptr(a_mt)) {
unify_mt(cx, e_mt, a_mt, variance, terr_ptr_mutability,
{|mt| nxt(mk_ptr(cx.tcx, mt))})
(ty_rptr(e_region, e_mt), ty_rptr(a_region, a_mt)) {
unify_regions(cx, e_region, a_region, variance) {|r|
unify_mt(cx, e_mt, a_mt, variance, terr_ref_mutability,
{|mt| nxt(mk_rptr(cx.tcx, r, mt))})
(ty_res(e_id, e_inner, e_tps), ty_res(a_id, a_inner, a_tps))
if e_id == a_id {
unify_step(cx, e_inner, a_inner, variance) {|t|
unify_tps(cx, e_tps, a_tps, variance) {|tps|
nxt(mk_res(cx.tcx, a_id, t, tps))
(ty_rec(e_fields), ty_rec(a_fields)) {
if check vec::same_length(e_fields, a_fields) {
map2(e_fields, a_fields,
{|e,a| unify_field(cx, e, a, variance, {|v| ok(v)})},
{|fields| nxt(mk_rec(cx.tcx, fields))})
} else {
ret err(terr_record_size(e_fields.len(),
(ty_tup(e_elems), ty_tup(a_elems)) {
if check vec::same_length(e_elems, a_elems) {
unify_tys(cx, e_elems, a_elems, variance) {|elems|
nxt(mk_tup(cx.tcx, elems))
} else {
err(terr_tuple_size(e_elems.len(), a_elems.len()))
(ty_fn(e_fty), ty_fn(a_fty)) {
unify_fn(cx, e_fty, a_fty, variance, nxt)
(ty_constr(e_t, e_constrs), ty_constr(a_t, a_constrs)) {
// unify the base types...
unify_step(cx, e_t, a_t, variance) {|rty|
// FIXME: probably too restrictive --
// requires the constraints to be syntactically equal
unify_constrs(e_constrs, a_constrs) {|constrs|
nxt(mk_constr(cx.tcx, rty, constrs))
(ty_constr(e_t, _), _) {
// If the actual type is *not* a constrained type,
// then we go ahead and just ignore the constraints on
// the expected type. typestate handles the rest.
unify_step(cx, e_t, actual, variance, nxt)
_ { err(terr_mismatch) }
fn unify(expected: t, actual: t, st: unify_style,
tcx: ctxt) -> ures<t> {
let cx = @{st: st, tcx: tcx};
ret unify_step(cx, expected, actual, covariant, {|v| ok(v)});
fn dump_var_bindings(tcx: ctxt, vb: @var_bindings) {
let mut i = 0u;
while i < vec::len::<ufind::node>(vb.sets.nodes) {
let mut sets = "";
let mut j = 0u;
while j < vec::len::<option<uint>>(vb.sets.nodes) {
if ufind::find(vb.sets, j) == i { sets += #fmt[" %u", j]; }
j += 1u;
let typespec = alt smallintmap::find::<t>(vb.types, i) {
none { "" }
some(typ) { " =" + ty_to_str(tcx, typ) }
#error("set %u:%s%s", i, typespec, sets);
i += 1u;
// Fixups and substitutions
// Takes an optional span - complain about occurs check violations
// iff the span is present (so that if we already know we're going
// to error anyway, we don't complain)
fn fixup_vars(tcx: ctxt, sp: option<span>, vb: @var_bindings,
typ: t) -> fres<t> {
fn subst_vars(tcx: ctxt, sp: option<span>, vb: @var_bindings,
unresolved: @mutable option<int>,
vars_seen: std::list::list<int>, vid: int) -> t {
// Should really return a fixup_result instead of a t, but fold_ty
// doesn't allow returning anything but a t.
if vid as uint >= ufind::set_count(vb.sets) {
*unresolved = some(vid);
ret mk_var(tcx, vid);
let root_id = ufind::find(vb.sets, vid as uint);
alt smallintmap::find::<t>(vb.types, root_id) {
none { *unresolved = some(vid); ret mk_var(tcx, vid); }
some(rt) {
let mut give_up = false;
std::list::iter(vars_seen) {|v|
if v == vid {
give_up = true;
option::may(sp) {|sp|
sp, "can not instantiate infinite type");
// Return the type unchanged, so we can error out
// downstream
if give_up { ret rt; }
ret fold_ty(tcx, fm_var(bind subst_vars(
tcx, sp, vb, unresolved, std::list::cons(vid, @vars_seen),
_)), rt);
let unresolved = @mutable none::<int>;
let rty = fold_ty(tcx, fm_var(bind subst_vars(
tcx, sp, vb, unresolved, std::list::nil, _)), typ);
let ur = *unresolved;
alt ur {
none { ret ok(rty); }
some(var_id) { ret err(var_id); }
fn resolve_type_var(tcx: ctxt, sp: option<span>, vb: @var_bindings,
vid: int) -> fres<t> {
if vid as uint >= ufind::set_count(vb.sets) { ret err(vid); }
let root_id = ufind::find(vb.sets, vid as uint);
alt smallintmap::find::<t>(vb.types, root_id) {
none { ret err(vid); }
some(rt) { ret fixup_vars(tcx, sp, vb, rt); }
fn same_type(cx: ctxt, a: t, b: t) -> bool {
alt unify::unify(a, b, unify::precise, cx) {
result::ok(_) { true }
result::err(_) { false }
fn type_err_to_str(cx: ctxt, err: type_err) -> str {

View File

@ -798,14 +798,10 @@ fn compare_impl_method(tcx: ty::ctxt, sp: span, impl_m: ty::method,
if_fty = fixup_self_in_method_ty(tcx, if_fty, substs,
self_full(self_ty, impl_tps));
alt infer::compare_tys(tcx, impl_fty, if_fty) {
result::err(err) {
tcx.sess.span_err(sp, "method `" + if_m.ident +
"` has an incompatible type: " +
ty::type_err_to_str(tcx, err));
result::ok(()) { }
tcx, sp, impl_fty, if_fty,
{|| "method `" + if_m.ident +
"` has an incompatible type"});
ret impl_fty;
@ -1188,6 +1184,24 @@ fn resolve_type_vars_if_possible(fcx: @fn_ctxt, typ: ty::t) -> ty::t {
// message if they don't.
type ty_param_substs_and_ty = {substs: [ty::t], ty: ty::t};
fn require_same_types(
tcx: ty::ctxt,
span: span,
t1: ty::t,
t2: ty::t,
msg: fn() -> str) -> bool {
alt infer::compare_tys(tcx, t1, t2) {
result::ok(()) { true }
result::err(terr) {
span, msg() + ": " +
ty::type_err_to_str(tcx, terr));
mod demand {
fn simple(fcx: @fn_ctxt, sp: span, expected: ty::t, actual: ty::t) ->
ty::t {
@ -1503,9 +1517,12 @@ fn check_intrinsic_type(tcx: ty::ctxt, it: @ast::native_item) {
tcx.sess.span_err(it.span, #fmt("intrinsic has wrong number \
of type parameters. found %u, \
expected %u", i_n_tps, n_tps));
} else if !ty::same_type(tcx, i_ty.ty, fty) {
tcx.sess.span_err(it.span, #fmt("intrinsic has wrong type. \
expected %s", ty_to_str(tcx, fty)));
} else {
tcx, it.span, i_ty.ty, fty,
{|| #fmt["intrinsic has wrong type. \
expected %s",
ty_to_str(tcx, fty)]});
@ -1765,9 +1782,12 @@ fn check_pat(pcx: pat_ctxt, pat: @ast::pat, expected: ty::t) {
check_expr_with(pcx.fcx, end, expected);
let b_ty = resolve_type_vars_if_possible(pcx.fcx,
expr_ty(tcx, begin));
if !ty::same_type(tcx, b_ty, resolve_type_vars_if_possible(
pcx.fcx, expr_ty(tcx, end))) {
tcx.sess.span_err(pat.span, "mismatched types in range");
if !require_same_types(
tcx, pat.span, b_ty,
pcx.fcx, expr_ty(tcx, end)),
{|| "mismatched types in range" }) {
// no-op
} else if !ty::type_is_numeric(b_ty) {
tcx.sess.span_err(pat.span, "non-numeric type used in range");
} else if !valid_range_bounds(tcx, begin, end) {