switch over to using new serialize/deserialize code
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,14 +13,19 @@ import std::serialization::serializer;
import std::serialization::deserializer;
import std::serialization::serializer_helpers;
import std::serialization::deserializer_helpers;
import std::prettyprint::serializer;
import std::smallintmap::map;
import middle::trans::common::maps;
import middle::{ty, typeck, last_use, ast_map};
import middle::typeck::method_origin;
import middle::typeck::vtable_res;
import middle::typeck::vtable_origin;
import middle::typeck::{method_origin,
import driver::session::session;
import middle::freevars::freevar_entry;
import middle::freevars::{freevar_entry,
import c = common;
import e = encoder;
@ -302,13 +307,13 @@ impl of tr for span {
impl serializer_helpers<S: serializer> for S {
fn emit_def_id(did: ast::def_id) {
astencode_gen::serialize_syntax_ast_def_id(self, did)
ast::serialize_def_id(self, did)
impl deserializer_helpers<D: deserializer> for D {
fn read_def_id(xcx: extended_decode_ctxt) -> ast::def_id {
let did = astencode_gen::deserialize_syntax_ast_def_id(self);
let did = ast::deserialize_def_id(self);
@ -330,7 +335,7 @@ impl deserializer_helpers<D: deserializer> for D {
fn encode_ast(ebml_w: ebml::writer, item: ast::inlined_item) {
ebml_w.wr_tag(c::tag_tree as uint) {||
astencode_gen::serialize_syntax_ast_inlined_item(ebml_w, item)
ast::serialize_inlined_item(ebml_w, item)
@ -375,7 +380,7 @@ fn simplify_ast(ii: ast::inlined_item) -> ast::inlined_item {
fn decode_ast(par_doc: ebml::doc) -> ast::inlined_item {
let chi_doc = par_doc[c::tag_tree];
let d = ebml::ebml_deserializer(chi_doc);
fn renumber_ast(xcx: extended_decode_ctxt, ii: ast::inlined_item)
@ -400,12 +405,12 @@ fn renumber_ast(xcx: extended_decode_ctxt, ii: ast::inlined_item)
// Encoding and decoding of ast::def
fn encode_def(ebml_w: ebml::writer, def: ast::def) {
astencode_gen::serialize_syntax_ast_def(ebml_w, def)
ast::serialize_def(ebml_w, def)
fn decode_def(xcx: extended_decode_ctxt, doc: ebml::doc) -> ast::def {
let dsr = ebml::ebml_deserializer(doc);
let def = astencode_gen::deserialize_syntax_ast_def(dsr);
let def = ast::deserialize_def(dsr);
@ -448,13 +453,12 @@ impl of tr for ast::def {
// Encoding and decoding of freevar information
fn encode_freevar_entry(ebml_w: ebml::writer, fv: freevar_entry) {
astencode_gen::serialize_middle_freevars_freevar_entry(ebml_w, fv)
serialize_freevar_entry(ebml_w, fv)
impl helper for ebml::ebml_deserializer {
fn read_freevar_entry(xcx: extended_decode_ctxt) -> freevar_entry {
let fv =
let fv = deserialize_freevar_entry(self);
@ -469,16 +473,16 @@ impl of tr for freevar_entry {
// Encoding and decoding of method_origin
fn encode_method_origin(ebml_w: ebml::writer, mo: method_origin) {
astencode_gen::serialize_middle_typeck_method_origin(ebml_w, mo)
serialize_method_origin(ebml_w, mo)
impl helper for ebml::ebml_deserializer {
fn read_method_origin(xcx: extended_decode_ctxt) -> method_origin {
let fv = astencode_gen::deserialize_middle_typeck_method_origin(self);
let fv = deserialize_method_origin(self);
fn read_is_last_use(xcx: extended_decode_ctxt) -> last_use::is_last_use {
let lu = astencode_gen::deserialize_middle_last_use_is_last_use(self);
let lu = last_use::deserialize_is_last_use(self);
@ -692,7 +696,7 @@ fn encode_side_tables_for_id(ecx: @e::encode_ctxt,
ebml_w.tag(c::tag_table_def) {||
ebml_w.tag(c::tag_table_val) {||
astencode_gen::serialize_syntax_ast_def(ebml_w, def)
ast::serialize_def(ebml_w, def)
@ -774,7 +778,7 @@ fn encode_side_tables_for_id(ecx: @e::encode_ctxt,
ebml_w.tag(c::tag_table_last_use) {||
ebml_w.tag(c::tag_table_val) {||
astencode_gen::serialize_middle_last_use_is_last_use(ebml_w, m)
last_use::serialize_is_last_use(ebml_w, m)
@ -786,8 +790,7 @@ fn encode_side_tables_for_id(ecx: @e::encode_ctxt,
ebml_w.tag(c::tag_table_method_map) {||
ebml_w.tag(c::tag_table_val) {||
serialize_middle_typeck_method_origin(ebml_w, mo)
serialize_method_origin(ebml_w, mo)
@ -901,3 +904,128 @@ fn decode_side_tables(xcx: extended_decode_ctxt,
#debug[">< Side table doc loaded"];
// ______________________________________________________________________
// Testing of astencode_gen
fn encode_item_ast(ebml_w: ebml::writer, item: @ast::item) {
ebml_w.wr_tag(c::tag_tree as uint) {||
ast::serialize_item(ebml_w, *item);
fn decode_item_ast(par_doc: ebml::doc) -> @ast::item {
let chi_doc = par_doc[c::tag_tree];
let d = ebml::ebml_deserializer(chi_doc);
fn new_parse_sess() -> parser::parse_sess {
let cm = codemap::new_codemap();
let handler = diagnostic::mk_handler(option::none);
let sess = @{
cm: cm,
mutable next_id: 1,
span_diagnostic: diagnostic::mk_span_handler(handler, cm),
mutable chpos: 0u,
mutable byte_pos: 0u
ret sess;
iface fake_ext_ctxt {
fn session() -> fake_session;
type fake_options = {cfg: ast::crate_cfg};
type fake_session = {opts: @fake_options,
parse_sess: parser::parse_sess};
impl of fake_ext_ctxt for fake_session {
fn session() -> fake_session {self}
fn mk_ctxt() -> fake_ext_ctxt {
let opts : fake_options = {cfg: []};
{opts: @opts, parse_sess: new_parse_sess()} as fake_ext_ctxt
fn roundtrip(in_item: @ast::item) {
#debug["in_item = %s", pprust::item_to_str(in_item)];
let mbuf = io::mem_buffer();
let ebml_w = ebml::writer(io::mem_buffer_writer(mbuf));
encode_item_ast(ebml_w, in_item);
let ebml_doc = ebml::doc(@io::mem_buffer_buf(mbuf));
let out_item = decode_item_ast(ebml_doc);
#debug["out_item = %s", pprust::item_to_str(out_item)];
let exp_str =
io::with_str_writer {|w| ast::serialize_item(w, *in_item) };
let out_str =
io::with_str_writer {|w| ast::serialize_item(w, *out_item) };
#debug["expected string: %s", exp_str];
#debug["actual string : %s", out_str];
assert exp_str == out_str;
fn test_basic() {
let ext_cx = mk_ctxt();
fn foo() {}
fn test_smalltalk() {
let ext_cx = mk_ctxt();
fn foo() -> int { 3 + 4 } // first smalltalk program ever executed.
fn test_more() {
let ext_cx = mk_ctxt();
fn foo(x: uint, y: uint) -> uint {
let z = x + y;
ret z;
fn test_simplification() {
let ext_cx = mk_ctxt();
let item_in = ast::ii_item(#ast(item) {
fn new_int_alist<B: copy>() -> alist<int, B> {
fn eq_int(&&a: int, &&b: int) -> bool { a == b }
ret {eq_fn: eq_int, mut data: []};
let item_out = simplify_ast(item_in);
let item_exp = ast::ii_item(#ast(item) {
fn new_int_alist<B: copy>() -> alist<int, B> {
ret {eq_fn: eq_int, mut data: []};
alt (item_out, item_exp) {
(ast::ii_item(item_out), ast::ii_item(item_exp)) {
assert pprust::item_to_str(item_out) == pprust::item_to_str(item_exp);
_ { fail; }
@ -5,18 +5,20 @@ import syntax::print::pprust::path_to_str;
import std::map::*;
import option::*;
import syntax::{ast, ast_util, visit};
import syntax::ast::{serialize_span, deserialize_span};
import middle::resolve;
import syntax::codemap::span;
export annotate_freevars;
export freevar_map;
export freevar_info;
export freevar_entry;
export freevar_entry, serialize_freevar_entry, deserialize_freevar_entry;
export get_freevars;
export has_freevars;
// A vector of defs representing the free variables referred to in a function.
// (The def_upvar will already have been stripped).
type freevar_entry = {
def: ast::def, //< The variable being accessed free.
span: span //< First span where it is accessed (there can be multiple)
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import std::map::hashmap;
// (by `break` or conditionals), and for handling loops.
// Marks expr_paths that are last uses.
enum is_last_use {
@ -14,13 +14,17 @@ import middle::ty::{node_id_to_type, arg, block_ty,
import util::ppaux::ty_to_str;
import std::smallintmap;
import std::map::{hashmap, int_hash};
import std::serialization::{serialize_uint, deserialize_uint};
import syntax::print::pprust::*;
export check_crate;
export method_map, method_origin, method_static, method_param, method_iface;
export vtable_map, vtable_res, vtable_origin, vtable_static, vtable_param,
export method_map;
export method_origin, serialize_method_origin, deserialize_method_origin;
export vtable_map;
export vtable_res;
export vtable_origin;
enum method_origin {
// iface id, method num, param num, bound num
@ -37,6 +41,7 @@ enum vtable_origin {
vtable_param(uint, uint),
vtable_iface(ast::def_id, [ty::t]),
type vtable_map = hashmap<ast::node_id, vtable_res>;
type ty_table = hashmap<ast::def_id, ty::t>;
@ -26,45 +26,45 @@ fn deserialize_span<D>(_d: D) -> span {
type spanned<T> = {node: T, span: span};
type ident = str;
// Functions may or may not have names.
type fn_ident = option<ident>;
type path_ = {global: bool, idents: [ident], types: [@ty]};
type path = spanned<path_>;
type crate_num = int;
type node_id = int;
type def_id = {crate: crate_num, node: node_id};
const local_crate: crate_num = 0;
const crate_node_id: node_id = 0;
enum ty_param_bound {
type ty_param = {ident: ident, id: node_id, bounds: @[ty_param_bound]};
enum def {
def_fn(def_id, purity),
@ -119,30 +119,30 @@ enum crate_directive_ {
type crate_directive = spanned<crate_directive_>;
type meta_item = spanned<meta_item_>;
enum meta_item_ {
meta_list(ident, [@meta_item]),
meta_name_value(ident, lit),
type blk = spanned<blk_>;
type blk_ = {view_items: [@view_item], stmts: [@stmt], expr: option<@expr>,
id: node_id, rules: blk_check_mode};
type pat = {id: node_id, node: pat_, span: span};
type field_pat = {ident: ident, pat: @pat};
enum pat_ {
// A pat_ident may either be a new bound variable,
@ -162,10 +162,10 @@ enum pat_ {
pat_range(@expr, @expr),
enum mutability { m_mutbl, m_imm, m_const, }
enum proto {
proto_bare, // native fn
proto_any, // fn
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ pure fn is_blockish(p: ast::proto) -> bool {
enum binop {
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ enum binop {
enum unop {
@ -213,23 +213,23 @@ enum unop {
// Generally, after typeck you can get the inferred value
// using ty::resolved_T(...).
enum inferable<T> {
expl(T), infer(node_id)
// "resolved" mode: the real modes.
enum rmode { by_ref, by_val, by_mutbl_ref, by_move, by_copy }
// inferable mode.
type mode = inferable<rmode>;
type stmt = spanned<stmt_>;
enum stmt_ {
stmt_decl(@decl, node_id),
@ -240,48 +240,48 @@ enum stmt_ {
stmt_semi(@expr, node_id),
enum init_op { init_assign, init_move, }
type initializer = {op: init_op, expr: @expr};
type local_ = // FIXME: should really be a refinement on pat
{is_mutbl: bool, ty: @ty, pat: @pat,
init: option<initializer>, id: node_id};
type local = spanned<local_>;
type decl = spanned<decl_>;
enum decl_ { decl_local([@local]), decl_item(@item), }
type arm = {pats: [@pat], guard: option<@expr>, body: blk};
type field_ = {mutbl: mutability, ident: ident, expr: @expr};
type field = spanned<field_>;
enum blk_check_mode { default_blk, unchecked_blk, unsafe_blk, }
enum expr_check_mode { claimed_expr, checked_expr, }
type expr = {id: node_id, node: expr_, span: span};
enum alt_mode { alt_check, alt_exhaustive, }
enum expr_ {
expr_vec([@expr], mutability),
expr_rec([field], option<@expr>),
@ -337,14 +337,14 @@ enum expr_ {
type capture_item = {
id: int,
name: ident, // Currently, can only capture a local var.
span: span
type capture_clause = {
copies: [@capture_item],
moves: [@capture_item]
@ -359,19 +359,19 @@ enum blk_sort {
type mac = spanned<mac_>;
type mac_arg = option<@expr>;
type mac_body_ = {span: span};
type mac_body = option<mac_body_>;
enum mac_ {
mac_invoc(@path, mac_arg, mac_body),
@ -382,10 +382,10 @@ enum mac_ {
type lit = spanned<lit_>;
enum lit_ {
lit_int(i64, int_ty),
@ -397,33 +397,33 @@ enum lit_ {
// NB: If you change this, you'll probably want to change the corresponding
// type structure in middle/ty.rs as well.
type mt = {ty: @ty, mutbl: mutability};
type ty_field_ = {ident: ident, mt: mt};
type ty_field = spanned<ty_field_>;
type ty_method = {ident: ident, attrs: [attribute],
decl: fn_decl, tps: [ty_param], span: span};
enum int_ty { ty_i, ty_char, ty_i8, ty_i16, ty_i32, ty_i64, }
enum uint_ty { ty_u, ty_u8, ty_u16, ty_u32, ty_u64, }
enum float_ty { ty_f, ty_f32, ty_f64, }
type ty = {id: node_id, node: ty_, span: span};
// Not represented directly in the AST, referred to by name through a ty_path.
enum prim_ty {
@ -432,17 +432,17 @@ enum prim_ty {
type region = {id: node_id, node: region_};
enum region_ {
enum ty_ {
ty_bot, /* bottom type */
@ -472,19 +472,19 @@ so that the typestate pass doesn't have to map a function name onto its decl.
So, the constr_arg type is parameterized: it's instantiated with uint for
declarations, and ident for uses.
enum constr_arg_general_<T> { carg_base, carg_ident(T), carg_lit(@lit), }
type fn_constr_arg = constr_arg_general_<uint>;
type sp_constr_arg<T> = spanned<constr_arg_general_<T>>;
type ty_constr_arg = sp_constr_arg<@path>;
type constr_arg = spanned<fn_constr_arg>;
// Constrained types' args are parameterized by paths, since
@ -492,34 +492,34 @@ type constr_arg = spanned<fn_constr_arg>;
// The implicit root of such path, in the constraint-list for a
// constrained type, is * (referring to the base record)
type constr_general_<ARG, ID> =
{path: @path, args: [@spanned<constr_arg_general_<ARG>>], id: ID};
// In the front end, constraints have a node ID attached.
// Typeck turns this to a def_id, using the output of resolve.
type constr_general<ARG> = spanned<constr_general_<ARG, node_id>>;
type constr_ = constr_general_<uint, node_id>;
type constr = spanned<constr_general_<uint, node_id>>;
type ty_constr_ = constr_general_<@path, node_id>;
type ty_constr = spanned<ty_constr_>;
/* The parser generates ast::constrs; resolve generates
a mapping from each function to a list of ty::constr_defs,
corresponding to these. */
type arg = {mode: mode, ty: @ty, ident: ident, id: node_id};
type fn_decl =
{inputs: [arg],
output: @ty,
@ -527,7 +527,7 @@ type fn_decl =
cf: ret_style,
constraints: [@constr]};
enum purity {
pure_fn, // declared with "pure fn"
unsafe_fn, // declared with "unsafe fn"
@ -535,58 +535,58 @@ enum purity {
crust_fn, // declared with "crust fn"
enum ret_style {
noreturn, // functions with return type _|_ that always
// raise an error or exit (i.e. never return to the caller)
return_val, // everything else
type method = {ident: ident, attrs: [attribute],
tps: [ty_param], decl: fn_decl, body: blk,
id: node_id, span: span, self_id: node_id};
type _mod = {view_items: [@view_item], items: [@item]};
enum native_abi {
type native_mod =
{view_items: [@view_item],
items: [@native_item]};
type variant_arg = {ty: @ty, id: node_id};
type variant_ = {name: ident, attrs: [attribute], args: [variant_arg],
id: node_id, disr_expr: option<@expr>};
type variant = spanned<variant_>;
// FIXME: May want to just use path here, which would allow things like
// 'import ::foo'
type simple_path = [ident];
type path_list_ident_ = {name: ident, id: node_id};
type path_list_ident = spanned<path_list_ident_>;
type view_path = spanned<view_path_>;
enum view_path_ {
// quux = foo::bar::baz
@ -603,10 +603,10 @@ enum view_path_ {
view_path_list(@simple_path, [path_list_ident], node_id)
type view_item = spanned<view_item_>;
enum view_item_ {
view_item_use(ident, [@meta_item], node_id),
@ -614,23 +614,23 @@ enum view_item_ {
// Meta-data associated with an item
type attribute = spanned<attribute_>;
// Distinguishes between attributes that decorate items and attributes that
// are contained as statements within items. These two cases need to be
// distinguished for pretty-printing.
enum attr_style { attr_outer, attr_inner, }
type attribute_ = {style: attr_style, value: meta_item};
type item = {ident: ident, attrs: [attribute],
id: node_id, node: item_, span: span};
enum item_ {
item_const(@ty, @expr),
item_fn(fn_decl, [ty_param], blk),
@ -650,13 +650,13 @@ enum item_ {
@ty /* self */, [@method]),
type class_item_ = {privacy: privacy, decl: class_member};
type class_item = spanned<class_item_>;
enum class_member {
instance_var(ident, @ty, class_mutability, node_id),
class_method(@item) // FIXME: methods aren't allowed to be
@ -665,21 +665,21 @@ enum class_member {
// item to separate out things with type params?
enum class_mutability { class_mutable, class_immutable }
enum privacy { priv, pub }
type class_ctor = spanned<class_ctor_>;
type class_ctor_ = {id: node_id,
dec: fn_decl,
body: blk};
type native_item =
{ident: ident,
attrs: [attribute],
@ -687,7 +687,7 @@ type native_item =
id: node_id,
span: span};
enum native_item_ {
native_item_fn(fn_decl, [ty_param]),
@ -695,7 +695,7 @@ enum native_item_ {
// The data we save and restore about an inlined item or method. This is not
// part of the AST that we parse from a file, but it becomes part of the tree
// that we trans.
enum inlined_item {
ii_method(def_id /* impl id */, @method)
@ -117,13 +117,14 @@ fn fold_meta_item_(&&mi: @meta_item, fld: ast_fold) -> @meta_item {
meta_name_value(fld.fold_ident(id), s)
span: mi.span};
span: fld.new_span(mi.span)};
//used in noop_fold_item and noop_fold_crate
fn fold_attribute_(at: attribute, fmi: fn@(&&@meta_item) -> @meta_item) ->
fn fold_attribute_(at: attribute, fld: ast_fold) ->
attribute {
ret {node: {style: at.node.style, value: *fmi(@at.node.value)},
span: at.span};
ret {node: {style: at.node.style,
value: *fold_meta_item_(@at.node.value, fld)},
span: fld.new_span(at.span)};
//used in noop_fold_native_item and noop_fold_fn_decl
fn fold_arg_(a: arg, fld: ast_fold) -> arg {
@ -148,7 +149,7 @@ fn fold_mac_(m: mac, fld: ast_fold) -> mac {
mac_aq(_,_) { /* fixme */ m.node }
mac_var(_) { /* fixme */ m.node }
span: m.span};
span: fld.new_span(m.span)};
fn fold_fn_decl(decl: ast::fn_decl, fld: ast_fold) -> ast::fn_decl {
@ -178,7 +179,7 @@ fn fold_ty_params(tps: [ty_param], fld: ast_fold) -> [ty_param] {
fn noop_fold_crate(c: crate_, fld: ast_fold) -> crate_ {
let fold_meta_item = bind fold_meta_item_(_, fld);
let fold_attribute = bind fold_attribute_(_, fold_meta_item);
let fold_attribute = bind fold_attribute_(_, fld);
ret {directives: vec::map(c.directives, fld.fold_crate_directive),
module: fld.fold_mod(c.module),
@ -208,8 +209,7 @@ fn noop_fold_view_item(vi: view_item_, _fld: ast_fold) -> view_item_ {
fn noop_fold_native_item(&&ni: @native_item, fld: ast_fold) -> @native_item {
let fold_arg = bind fold_arg_(_, fld);
let fold_meta_item = bind fold_meta_item_(_, fld);
let fold_attribute = bind fold_attribute_(_, fold_meta_item);
let fold_attribute = bind fold_attribute_(_, fld);
ret @{ident: fld.fold_ident(ni.ident),
attrs: vec::map(ni.attrs, fold_attribute),
@ -231,8 +231,7 @@ fn noop_fold_native_item(&&ni: @native_item, fld: ast_fold) -> @native_item {
fn noop_fold_item(&&i: @item, fld: ast_fold) -> @item {
let fold_meta_item = bind fold_meta_item_(_, fld);
let fold_attribute = bind fold_attribute_(_, fold_meta_item);
let fold_attribute = bind fold_attribute_(_, fld);
ret @{ident: fld.fold_ident(i.ident),
attrs: vec::map(i.attrs, fold_attribute),
@ -252,7 +251,7 @@ fn noop_fold_class_item(&&ci: @class_item, fld: ast_fold)
class_method(i) { class_method(fld.fold_item(i)) }
span: ci.span}
span: fld.new_span(ci.span)}
fn noop_fold_item_underscore(i: item_, fld: ast_fold) -> item_ {
@ -374,7 +373,7 @@ fn noop_fold_expr(e: expr_, fld: ast_fold) -> expr_ {
{mutbl: field.node.mutbl,
ident: fld.fold_ident(field.node.ident),
expr: fld.fold_expr(field.node.expr)},
span: field.span};
span: fld.new_span(field.span)};
let fold_field = bind fold_field_(_, fld);
@ -519,8 +518,7 @@ fn noop_fold_variant(v: variant_, fld: ast_fold) -> variant_ {
let fold_variant_arg = bind fold_variant_arg_(_, fld);
let args = vec::map(v.args, fold_variant_arg);
let fold_meta_item = bind fold_meta_item_(_, fld);
let fold_attribute = bind fold_attribute_(_, fold_meta_item);
let fold_attribute = bind fold_attribute_(_, fld);
let attrs = vec::map(v.attrs, fold_attribute);
let de = alt v.disr_expr {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user