Improve conflicting rlibs error again
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
#![feature(test)] // compiletest_rs requires this attribute
use compiletest_rs as compiletest;
use compiletest_rs::common::Mode as TestMode;
@ -45,48 +46,49 @@ fn third_party_crates() -> String {
let dep_dir = cargo::TARGET_LIB.join("deps");
let mut crates: HashMap<&str, PathBuf> = HashMap::with_capacity(CRATES.len());
for entry in fs::read_dir(dep_dir).unwrap() {
let path = match entry {
Ok(entry) => entry.path(),
Err(_) => continue,
if let Some(name) = path.file_name().and_then(OsStr::to_str) {
for dep in CRATES {
if name.starts_with(&format!("lib{}-", dep))
&& name.rsplit('.').next().map(|ext| ext.eq_ignore_ascii_case("rlib")) == Some(true)
if let Some(old) = crates.insert(dep, path.clone()) {
// Check which action should be done in order to remove compiled deps.
// If pre-installed version of compiler is used, `cargo clean` will do.
// Otherwise (for bootstrapped compiler), the dependencies directory
// must be removed manually.
let suggested_action = if std::env::var_os("RUSTC_BOOTSTRAP").is_some() {
"remove the stageN-tools directory"
} else {
"run `cargo clean`"
"\n---------------------------------------------------\n\n \
Found multiple rlibs for crate `{}`: `{:?}` and `{:?}`.\n \
Probably, you need to {} before running tests again.\n \
\nFor details on that error see \
dep, old, path, suggested_action
let mut crates: HashMap<&str, Vec<PathBuf>> = HashMap::with_capacity(CRATES.len());
let mut flags = String::new();
for entry in fs::read_dir(dep_dir).unwrap().flatten() {
let path = entry.path();
if let Some(name) = try {
let name = path.file_name()?.to_str()?;
let (name, _) = name.strip_suffix(".rlib")?.strip_prefix("lib")?.split_once('-')?;
CRATES.iter().copied().find(|&c| c == name)?
} {
flags += &format!(" --extern {}={}", name, path.display());
crates.retain(|_, paths| paths.len() > 1);
if !crates.is_empty() {
let crate_names = crates.keys().map(|s| format!("`{}`", s)).collect::<Vec<_>>().join(", ");
// add backslashes for an easy copy-paste `rm` command
let paths = crates
.map(|p| strip_current_dir(&p).display().to_string())
.join(" \\\n");
// Check which action should be done in order to remove compiled deps.
// If pre-installed version of compiler is used, `cargo clean` will do.
// Otherwise (for bootstrapped compiler), the dependencies directory
// must be removed manually.
let suggested_action = if std::env::var_os("RUSTC_BOOTSTRAP").is_some() {
"removing the stageN-tools directory"
} else {
"running `cargo clean`"
let v: Vec<_> = crates
.map(|(dep, path)| format!("--extern {}={}", dep, path.display()))
v.join(" ")
ERROR: Found multiple rlibs for crates: {}\n\
Try {} or remove the following files:\n\n{}\n\n\
For details on this error see\n\
crate_names, suggested_action, paths
fn default_config() -> compiletest::Config {
@ -313,3 +315,12 @@ impl Drop for VarGuard {
fn strip_current_dir(path: &Path) -> &Path {
if let Ok(curr) = env::current_dir() {
if let Ok(stripped) = path.strip_prefix(curr) {
return stripped;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user