From 397a2fd744c489b3ad656fc4ca5767593fd8a7eb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Wesley Wiser <>
Date: Sat, 28 Dec 2019 16:43:39 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] [const-prop] Extract some functions out of `_const_prop`

 src/librustc_mir/transform/ | 209 +++++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 118 insertions(+), 91 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/librustc_mir/transform/ b/src/librustc_mir/transform/
index 8de85aab6e3..2ba18359e02 100644
--- a/src/librustc_mir/transform/
+++ b/src/librustc_mir/transform/
@@ -469,6 +469,121 @@ impl<'mir, 'tcx> ConstPropagator<'mir, 'tcx> {
+    fn check_unary_op(&mut self, arg: &Operand<'tcx>, source_info: SourceInfo) -> Option<()> {
+        self.use_ecx(source_info, |this| {
+            let ty = arg.ty(&this.local_decls, this.tcx);
+            if ty.is_integral() {
+                let arg = this.ecx.eval_operand(arg, None)?;
+                let prim = this.ecx.read_immediate(arg)?;
+                // Need to do overflow check here: For actual CTFE, MIR
+                // generation emits code that does this before calling the op.
+                if prim.to_bits()? == (1 << (prim.layout.size.bits() - 1)) {
+                    throw_panic!(OverflowNeg)
+                }
+            }
+            Ok(())
+        })?;
+        Some(())
+    }
+    fn check_binary_op(
+        &mut self,
+        op: BinOp,
+        left: &Operand<'tcx>,
+        right: &Operand<'tcx>,
+        source_info: SourceInfo,
+        place_layout: TyLayout<'tcx>,
+        overflow_check: bool,
+    ) -> Option<()> {
+        let r = self.use_ecx(source_info, |this| {
+            this.ecx.read_immediate(this.ecx.eval_operand(right, None)?)
+        })?;
+        if op == BinOp::Shr || op == BinOp::Shl {
+            let left_bits = place_layout.size.bits();
+            let right_size = r.layout.size;
+            let r_bits = r.to_scalar().and_then(|r| r.to_bits(right_size));
+            if r_bits.map_or(false, |b| b >= left_bits as u128) {
+                let lint_root = self.lint_root(source_info)?;
+                let dir = if op == BinOp::Shr { "right" } else { "left" };
+                self.tcx.lint_hir(
+                    ::rustc::lint::builtin::EXCEEDING_BITSHIFTS,
+                    lint_root,
+                    source_info.span,
+                    &format!("attempt to shift {} with overflow", dir),
+                );
+                return None;
+            }
+        }
+        // If overflow checking is enabled (like in debug mode by default),
+        // then we'll already catch overflow when we evaluate the `Assert` statement
+        // in MIR. However, if overflow checking is disabled, then there won't be any
+        // `Assert` statement and so we have to do additional checking here.
+        if !overflow_check {
+            self.use_ecx(source_info, |this| {
+                let l = this.ecx.read_immediate(this.ecx.eval_operand(left, None)?)?;
+                let (_, overflow, _ty) = this.ecx.overflowing_binary_op(op, l, r)?;
+                if overflow {
+                    let err = err_panic!(Overflow(op)).into();
+                    return Err(err);
+                }
+                Ok(())
+            })?;
+        }
+        Some(())
+    }
+    fn check_cast(
+        &mut self,
+        op: &Operand<'tcx>,
+        ty: Ty<'tcx>,
+        source_info: SourceInfo,
+        place_layout: TyLayout<'tcx>,
+    ) -> Option<()> {
+        if ty.is_integral() && op.ty(&self.local_decls, self.tcx).is_integral() {
+            let value = self.use_ecx(source_info, |this| {
+                this.ecx.read_immediate(this.ecx.eval_operand(op, None)?)
+            })?;
+            // Do not try to read bits for ZSTs
+            if !value.layout.is_zst() {
+                let value_size = value.layout.size;
+                let value_bits = value.to_scalar().and_then(|r| r.to_bits(value_size));
+                if let Ok(value_bits) = value_bits {
+                    let truncated = truncate(value_bits, place_layout.size);
+                    if truncated != value_bits {
+                        let scope = source_info.scope;
+                        let lint_root = match &self.source_scopes[scope].local_data {
+                            ClearCrossCrate::Set(data) => data.lint_root,
+                            ClearCrossCrate::Clear => return None,
+                        };
+                        self.tcx.lint_hir(
+                            ::rustc::lint::builtin::CONST_ERR,
+                            lint_root,
+                            source_info.span,
+                            &format!(
+                                "truncating cast: the value {} requires {} bits but \
+                                              the target type is only {} bits",
+                                value_bits,
+                                value_size.bits(),
+                                place_layout.size.bits()
+                            ),
+                        );
+                        return None;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        Some(())
+    }
     fn const_prop(
         &mut self,
         rvalue: &Rvalue<'tcx>,
@@ -476,8 +591,6 @@ impl<'mir, 'tcx> ConstPropagator<'mir, 'tcx> {
         source_info: SourceInfo,
         place: &Place<'tcx>,
     ) -> Option<()> {
-        let span = source_info.span;
         // #66397: Don't try to eval into large places as that can cause an OOM
         if place_layout.size >= Size::from_bytes(MAX_ALLOC_LIMIT) {
             return None;
@@ -498,66 +611,14 @@ impl<'mir, 'tcx> ConstPropagator<'mir, 'tcx> {
             // if an overflow would occur.
             Rvalue::UnaryOp(UnOp::Neg, arg) if !overflow_check => {
                 trace!("checking UnaryOp(op = Neg, arg = {:?})", arg);
-                self.use_ecx(source_info, |this| {
-                    let ty = arg.ty(&this.local_decls, this.tcx);
-                    if ty.is_integral() {
-                        let arg = this.ecx.eval_operand(arg, None)?;
-                        let prim = this.ecx.read_immediate(arg)?;
-                        // Need to do overflow check here: For actual CTFE, MIR
-                        // generation emits code that does this before calling the op.
-                        if prim.to_bits()? == (1 << (prim.layout.size.bits() - 1)) {
-                            throw_panic!(OverflowNeg)
-                        }
-                    }
-                    Ok(())
-                })?;
+                self.check_unary_op(arg, source_info)?;
             // Additional checking: check for overflows on integer binary operations and report
             // them to the user as lints.
             Rvalue::BinaryOp(op, left, right) => {
                 trace!("checking BinaryOp(op = {:?}, left = {:?}, right = {:?})", op, left, right);
-                let r = self.use_ecx(source_info, |this| {
-                    this.ecx.read_immediate(this.ecx.eval_operand(right, None)?)
-                })?;
-                if *op == BinOp::Shr || *op == BinOp::Shl {
-                    let left_bits = place_layout.size.bits();
-                    let right_size = r.layout.size;
-                    let r_bits = r.to_scalar().and_then(|r| r.to_bits(right_size));
-                    if r_bits.map_or(false, |b| b >= left_bits as u128) {
-                        let lint_root = self.lint_root(source_info)?;
-                        let dir = if *op == BinOp::Shr { "right" } else { "left" };
-                        self.tcx.lint_hir(
-                            ::rustc::lint::builtin::EXCEEDING_BITSHIFTS,
-                            lint_root,
-                            span,
-                            &format!("attempt to shift {} with overflow", dir),
-                        );
-                        return None;
-                    }
-                }
-                // If overflow checking is enabled (like in debug mode by default),
-                // then we'll already catch overflow when we evaluate the `Assert` statement
-                // in MIR. However, if overflow checking is disabled, then there won't be any
-                // `Assert` statement and so we have to do additional checking here.
-                if !overflow_check {
-                    self.use_ecx(source_info, |this| {
-                        let l = this.ecx.read_immediate(this.ecx.eval_operand(left, None)?)?;
-                        let (_, overflow, _ty) = this.ecx.overflowing_binary_op(*op, l, r)?;
-                        if overflow {
-                            let err = err_panic!(Overflow(*op)).into();
-                            return Err(err);
-                        }
-                        Ok(())
-                    })?;
-                }
+                self.check_binary_op(*op, left, right, source_info, place_layout, overflow_check)?;
             // Work around: avoid ICE in miri. FIXME(wesleywiser)
@@ -586,41 +647,7 @@ impl<'mir, 'tcx> ConstPropagator<'mir, 'tcx> {
             Rvalue::Cast(CastKind::Misc, op, ty) => {
                 trace!("checking Cast(Misc, {:?}, {:?})", op, ty);
-                if ty.is_integral() && op.ty(&self.local_decls, self.tcx).is_integral() {
-                    let value = self.use_ecx(source_info, |this| {
-                        this.ecx.read_immediate(this.ecx.eval_operand(op, None)?)
-                    })?;
-                    // Do not try to read bits for ZSTs
-                    if !value.layout.is_zst() {
-                        let value_size = value.layout.size;
-                        let value_bits = value.to_scalar().and_then(|r| r.to_bits(value_size));
-                        if let Ok(value_bits) = value_bits {
-                            let truncated = truncate(value_bits, place_layout.size);
-                            if truncated != value_bits {
-                                let scope = source_info.scope;
-                                let lint_root = match &self.source_scopes[scope].local_data {
-                                    ClearCrossCrate::Set(data) => data.lint_root,
-                                    ClearCrossCrate::Clear => return None,
-                                };
-                                self.tcx.lint_hir(
-                                    ::rustc::lint::builtin::CONST_ERR,
-                                    lint_root,
-                                    span,
-                                    &format!(
-                                        "truncating cast: the value {} requires {} bits but \
-                                              the target type is only {} bits",
-                                        value_bits,
-                                        value_size.bits(),
-                                        place_layout.size.bits()
-                                    ),
-                                );
-                                return None;
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
+                self.check_cast(op, ty, source_info, place_layout)?;
             _ => {}