core: Docs

This commit is contained in:
Brian Anderson 2012-03-15 18:58:14 -07:00
parent 07d0981bbb
commit 389f53c6ff
5 changed files with 71 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -1,10 +1,36 @@
#[doc = "Path data type and helper functions"]
#[doc = "Path data type and helper functions"];
export path;
export consts;
export path_is_absolute;
export path_sep;
export dirname;
export basename;
export connect;
export connect_many;
export split;
export splitext;
export normalize;
// FIXME: This type should probably be constrained
#[doc = "A path or fragment of a filesystem path"]
type path = str;
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
#[cfg(target_os = "freebsd")]
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
mod consts {
#[doc = "
The primary path seperator character for the platform
On all platforms it is '/'
const path_sep: char = '/';
#[doc = "
The secondary path seperator character for the platform
On Unixes it is '/'. On Windows it is '\\'.
const alt_path_sep: char = '/';
@ -35,15 +61,9 @@ fn path_is_absolute(p: str) -> bool {
|| str::char_at(p, 2u) == consts::alt_path_sep);
#[doc = "Get the default path separator for the host platform"]
fn path_sep() -> str { ret str::from_char(consts::path_sep); }
// FIXME: This type should probably be constrained
#[doc = "A path or fragment of a filesystem path"]
type path = str;
fn split_dirname_basename (pp: path) -> {dirname: str, basename: str} {
alt str::rfind(pp, {|ch|
ch == consts::path_sep || ch == consts::alt_path_sep

View File

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
#[doc = "Random number generation"]
#[doc = "Random number generation"];
export rng;
enum rctx {}

View File

@ -961,6 +961,7 @@ fn is_utf8(v: [const u8]) -> bool {
ret true;
#[doc = "Determines if a vector of `u16` contains valid UTF-16"]
fn is_utf16(v: [const u16]) -> bool {
let len = v.len();
let mut i = 0u;
@ -981,6 +982,7 @@ fn is_utf16(v: [const u16]) -> bool {
ret true;
#[doc = "Converts to a vector of `u16` encoded as UTF-16"]
fn to_utf16(s: str) -> [u16] {
let mut u = [];
chars_iter(s) {|cch|
@ -1200,7 +1202,7 @@ Loop through a substring, char by char
# Safety note
* This function does not check whether the substring is valid.
* This function fails if `byte_offset` or `byte_len` do not
* This function fails if `start` or `end` do not
represent valid positions inside `s`
# Arguments
@ -1227,6 +1229,27 @@ fn all_between(s: str, start: uint, end: uint, it: fn(char) -> bool) -> bool {
ret true;
#[doc = "
Loop through a substring, char by char
# Safety note
* This function does not check whether the substring is valid.
* This function fails if `start` or `end` do not
represent valid positions inside `s`
# Arguments
* s - A string to traverse. It may be empty.
* start - The byte offset at which to start in the string.
* end - The end of the range to traverse
* it - A block to execute with each consecutive character of `s`.
Return `true` to continue, `false` to stop.
# Return value
`true` if `it` returns `true` for any character
fn any_between(s: str, start: uint, end: uint, it: fn(char) -> bool) -> bool {
!all_between(s, start, end, {|c| !it(c)})

View File

@ -1,13 +1,18 @@
#[doc = "Operations on tuples"];
#[doc = "Return the first element of a pair"]
pure fn first<T:copy, U:copy>(pair: (T, U)) -> T {
let (t, _) = pair;
ret t;
#[doc = "Return the second element of a pair"]
pure fn second<T:copy, U:copy>(pair: (T, U)) -> U {
let (_, u) = pair;
ret u;
#[doc = "Return the results of swapping the two elements of a pair"]
pure fn swap<T:copy, U:copy>(pair: (T, U)) -> (U, T) {
let (t, u) = pair;
ret (u, t);

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
#[doc = "Vectors"];
import option::{some, none};
import uint::next_power_of_two;
import ptr::addr_of;
@ -396,7 +398,7 @@ fn grow_set<T: copy>(&v: [mutable T], index: uint, initval: T, val: T) {
// Functional utilities
#[doc ="
#[doc = "
Apply a function to each element of a vector and return the results
fn map<T, U>(v: [T], f: fn(T) -> U) -> [U] {
@ -406,6 +408,10 @@ fn map<T, U>(v: [T], f: fn(T) -> U) -> [U] {
ret result;
#[doc = "
Apply a function eo each element of a vector and return a concatenation
of each result vector
fn flat_map<T, U>(v: [T], f: fn(T) -> [U]) -> [U] {
let mut result = [];
for elem: T in v { result += f(elem); }
@ -413,8 +419,6 @@ fn flat_map<T, U>(v: [T], f: fn(T) -> [U]) -> [U] {
#[doc = "
Function: map2
Apply a function to each pair of elements and return the results
fn map2<T: copy, U: copy, V>(v0: [const T], v1: [const U],
@ -860,13 +864,17 @@ fn as_mut_buf<E,T>(v: [mutable E], f: fn(*mutable E) -> T) -> T unsafe {
let buf = unsafe::to_ptr(v) as *mutable E; f(buf)
#[doc = "An extension implementation providing a `len` method"]
impl vec_len<T> for [T] {
#[doc = "Return the length of the vector"]
fn len() -> uint { len(self) }
#[doc = "Unsafe operations"]
mod unsafe {
// FIXME: This should have crate visibility
#[doc = "The internal representation of a vector"]
type vec_repr = {mutable fill: uint, mutable alloc: uint, data: u8};
#[doc = "
@ -912,6 +920,7 @@ mod unsafe {
#[doc = "Operations on `[u8]`"]
mod u8 {
export cmp;
export lt, le, eq, ne, ge, gt;