Auto merge of #33982 - LeoTestard:remove-check-matcher-old, r=pnkfelix
Remove the old FOLLOW checking (aka `check_matcher_old`). It was supposed to be removed at the next release cycle but is still in the tree since like 6 months. Potential breaking change, since some cases (such as #25658) will change from a warning to an error. But the warning stating that it will be a hard error in the next release has been there for 6 months now. I think it's safe to break this code. ^_^
This commit is contained in:
@ -349,203 +349,12 @@ fn check_rhs(cx: &mut ExtCtxt, rhs: &TokenTree) -> bool {
// Issue 30450: when we are through a warning cycle, we can just error
// on all failure conditions and remove this struct and enum.
struct OnFail {
saw_failure: bool,
action: OnFailAction,
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
enum OnFailAction { Warn, Error, DoNothing }
impl OnFail {
fn warn() -> OnFail { OnFail { saw_failure: false, action: OnFailAction::Warn } }
fn error() -> OnFail { OnFail { saw_failure: false, action: OnFailAction::Error } }
fn do_nothing() -> OnFail { OnFail { saw_failure: false, action: OnFailAction::DoNothing } }
fn react(&mut self, cx: &mut ExtCtxt, sp: Span, msg: &str, help: Option<&str>) {
match self.action {
OnFailAction::DoNothing => {}
OnFailAction::Error => {
let mut err = cx.struct_span_err(sp, msg);
if let Some(msg) = help { err.span_help(sp, msg); }
OnFailAction::Warn => {
let mut warn = cx.struct_span_warn(sp, msg);
if let Some(msg) = help { warn.span_help(sp, msg); }
warn.span_note(sp, "The above warning will be a hard error in the next release.")
self.saw_failure = true;
fn check_matcher(cx: &mut ExtCtxt, matcher: &[TokenTree]) -> bool {
// Issue 30450: when we are through a warning cycle, we can just
// error on all failure conditions (and remove check_matcher_old).
// First run the old-pass, but *only* to find out if it would have failed.
let mut on_fail = OnFail::do_nothing();
check_matcher_old(cx, matcher.iter(), &Eof, &mut on_fail);
// Then run the new pass, but merely warn if the old pass accepts and new pass rejects.
// (Note this silently accepts code if new pass accepts.)
let mut on_fail = if on_fail.saw_failure {
} else {
check_matcher_new(cx, matcher, &mut on_fail);
// matcher is valid if the new pass didn't see any error,
// or if errors were considered warnings
on_fail.action != OnFailAction::Error || !on_fail.saw_failure
// returns the last token that was checked, for TokenTree::Sequence.
// return value is used by recursive calls.
fn check_matcher_old<'a, I>(cx: &mut ExtCtxt, matcher: I, follow: &Token, on_fail: &mut OnFail)
-> Option<(Span, Token)> where I: Iterator<Item=&'a TokenTree> {
use print::pprust::token_to_string;
use std::iter::once;
let mut last = None;
// 2. For each token T in M:
let mut tokens = matcher.peekable();
while let Some(token) = {
last = match *token {
TokenTree::Token(sp, MatchNt(ref name, ref frag_spec)) => {
// ii. If T is a simple NT, look ahead to the next token T' in
// M. If T' is in the set FOLLOW(NT), continue. Else; reject.
if can_be_followed_by_any(& {
} else {
let next_token = match tokens.peek() {
// If T' closes a complex NT, replace T' with F
Some(&&TokenTree::Token(_, CloseDelim(_))) => follow.clone(),
Some(&&TokenTree::Token(_, ref tok)) => tok.clone(),
Some(&&TokenTree::Sequence(sp, _)) => {
// Be conservative around sequences: to be
// more specific, we would need to
// consider FIRST sets, but also the
// possibility that the sequence occurred
// zero times (in which case we need to
// look at the token that follows the
// sequence, which may itself be a sequence,
// and so on).
on_fail.react(cx, sp,
&format!("`${0}:{1}` is followed by a \
sequence repetition, which is not \
allowed for `{1}` fragments",
name, frag_spec),
// die next iteration
Some(&&TokenTree::Delimited(_, ref delim)) => delim.close_token(),
// else, we're at the end of the macro or sequence
None => follow.clone()
let tok = if let TokenTree::Token(_, ref tok) = *token {
} else {
// If T' is in the set FOLLOW(NT), continue. Else, reject.
match (&next_token, is_in_follow(cx, &next_token, & {
(_, Err((msg, _))) => {
// no need for help message, those messages
// are never emitted anyway...
on_fail.react(cx, sp, &msg, None);
(&Eof, _) => return Some((sp, tok.clone())),
(_, Ok(true)) => continue,
(next, Ok(false)) => {
on_fail.react(cx, sp, &format!("`${0}:{1}` is followed by `{2}`, which \
is not allowed for `{1}` fragments",
name, frag_spec,
token_to_string(next)), None);
TokenTree::Sequence(sp, ref seq) => {
// iii. Else, T is a complex NT.
match seq.separator {
// If T has the form $(...)U+ or $(...)U* for some token U,
// run the algorithm on the contents with F set to U. If it
// accepts, continue, else, reject.
Some(ref u) => {
let last = check_matcher_old(cx, seq.tts.iter(), u, on_fail);
match last {
// Since the delimiter isn't required after the last
// repetition, make sure that the *next* token is
// sane. This doesn't actually compute the FIRST of
// the rest of the matcher yet, it only considers
// single tokens and simple NTs. This is imprecise,
// but conservatively correct.
Some((span, tok)) => {
let fol = match tokens.peek() {
Some(&&TokenTree::Token(_, ref tok)) => tok.clone(),
Some(&&TokenTree::Delimited(_, ref delim)) =>
Some(_) => {
on_fail.react(cx, sp, "sequence repetition followed by \
another sequence repetition, which is not allowed",
None => Eof
check_matcher_old(cx, once(&TokenTree::Token(span, tok.clone())),
&fol, on_fail)
None => last,
// If T has the form $(...)+ or $(...)*, run the algorithm
// on the contents with F set to the token following the
// sequence. If it accepts, continue, else, reject.
None => {
let fol = match tokens.peek() {
Some(&&TokenTree::Token(_, ref tok)) => tok.clone(),
Some(&&TokenTree::Delimited(_, ref delim)) => delim.close_token(),
Some(_) => {
on_fail.react(cx, sp, "sequence repetition followed by another \
sequence repetition, which is not allowed", None);
None => Eof
check_matcher_old(cx, seq.tts.iter(), &fol, on_fail)
TokenTree::Token(..) => {
// i. If T is not an NT, continue.
TokenTree::Delimited(_, ref tts) => {
// if we don't pass in that close delimiter, we'll incorrectly consider the matcher
// `{ $foo:ty }` as having a follow that isn't `RBrace`
check_matcher_old(cx, tts.tts.iter(), &tts.close_token(), on_fail)
fn check_matcher_new(cx: &mut ExtCtxt, matcher: &[TokenTree], on_fail: &mut OnFail) {
let first_sets = FirstSets::new(matcher);
let empty_suffix = TokenSet::empty();
check_matcher_core(cx, &first_sets, matcher, &empty_suffix, on_fail);
let err = cx.parse_sess.span_diagnostic.err_count();
check_matcher_core(cx, &first_sets, matcher, &empty_suffix);
err == cx.parse_sess.span_diagnostic.err_count()
// The FirstSets for a matcher is a mapping from subsequences in the
@ -785,8 +594,7 @@ impl TokenSet {
fn check_matcher_core(cx: &mut ExtCtxt,
first_sets: &FirstSets,
matcher: &[TokenTree],
follow: &TokenSet,
on_fail: &mut OnFail) -> TokenSet {
follow: &TokenSet) -> TokenSet {
use print::pprust::token_to_string;
let mut last = TokenSet::empty();
@ -815,11 +623,11 @@ fn check_matcher_core(cx: &mut ExtCtxt,
TokenTree::Token(sp, ref tok) => {
let can_be_followed_by_any;
if let Err(bad_frag) = has_legal_fragment_specifier(tok) {
on_fail.react(cx, sp,
&format!("invalid fragment specifier `{}`", bad_frag),
Some("valid fragment specifiers are `ident`, `block`, \
`stmt`, `expr`, `pat`, `ty`, `path`, `meta`, `tt` \
and `item`"));
cx.struct_span_err(sp, &format!("invalid fragment specifier `{}`", bad_frag))
.help("valid fragment specifiers are `ident`, `block`, \
`stmt`, `expr`, `pat`, `ty`, `path`, `meta`, `tt` \
and `item`")
// (This eliminates false positives and duplicates
// from error messages.)
can_be_followed_by_any = true;
@ -840,7 +648,7 @@ fn check_matcher_core(cx: &mut ExtCtxt,
TokenTree::Delimited(_, ref d) => {
let my_suffix = TokenSet::singleton((d.close_span, Token::CloseDelim(d.delim)));
check_matcher_core(cx, first_sets, &d.tts, &my_suffix, on_fail);
check_matcher_core(cx, first_sets, &d.tts, &my_suffix);
// don't track non NT tokens
@ -872,7 +680,7 @@ fn check_matcher_core(cx: &mut ExtCtxt,
// At this point, `suffix_first` is built, and
// `my_suffix` is some TokenSet that we can use
// for checking the interior of `seq_rep`.
let next = check_matcher_core(cx, first_sets, &seq_rep.tts, my_suffix, on_fail);
let next = check_matcher_core(cx, first_sets, &seq_rep.tts, my_suffix);
if next.maybe_empty {
} else {
@ -894,7 +702,7 @@ fn check_matcher_core(cx: &mut ExtCtxt,
for &(sp, ref next_token) in &suffix_first.tokens {
match is_in_follow(cx, next_token, & {
Err((msg, help)) => {
on_fail.react(cx, sp, &msg, Some(help));
cx.struct_span_err(sp, &msg).help(help).emit();
// don't bother reporting every source of
// conflict for a particular element of `last`.
continue 'each_last;
@ -909,15 +717,14 @@ fn check_matcher_core(cx: &mut ExtCtxt,
"may be"
cx, sp,
&format!("`${name}:{frag}` {may_be} followed by `{next}`, which \
is not allowed for `{frag}` fragments",
@ -947,33 +754,11 @@ fn token_can_be_followed_by_any(tok: &Token) -> bool {
/// ANYTHING without fear of future compatibility hazards).
fn frag_can_be_followed_by_any(frag: &str) -> bool {
match frag {
"item" | // always terminated by `}` or `;`
"item" | // always terminated by `}` or `;`
"block" | // exactly one token tree
"ident" | // exactly one token tree
"meta" | // exactly one token tree
"tt" => // exactly one token tree
_ =>
/// True if a fragment of type `frag` can be followed by any sort of
/// token. We use this (among other things) as a useful approximation
/// for when `frag` can be followed by a repetition like `$(...)*` or
/// `$(...)+`. In general, these can be a bit tricky to reason about,
/// so we adopt a conservative position that says that any fragment
/// specifier which consumes at most one token tree can be followed by
/// a fragment specifier (indeed, these fragments can be followed by
/// ANYTHING without fear of future compatibility hazards).
fn can_be_followed_by_any(frag: &str) -> bool {
match frag {
"item" | // always terminated by `}` or `;`
"block" | // exactly one token tree
"ident" | // exactly one token tree
"meta" | // exactly one token tree
"tt" => // exactly one token tree
"meta" | // exactly one token tree
"tt" => // exactly one token tree
_ =>
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2016 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
// compile-flags: -Z continue-parse-after-error
macro_rules! parallel {
// If future has `pred`/`moelarry` fragments (where "pred" is
// "like expr, but with `{` in its FOLLOW set"), then could
// use `pred` instead of future-proof erroring here. See also:
for $id:ident in $iter:expr { //~ WARN `$iter:expr` is followed by `{`
$( $inner:expr; )*
) => {};
fn main() {
parallel! {
for i in 0..n {
x += i; //~ ERROR expected `:`, found `+=`
} //~ ERROR unexpected end of macro invocation
@ -12,9 +12,9 @@
// FOLLOW(pat) = {FatArrow, Comma, Eq, Or, Ident(if), Ident(in)}
macro_rules! follow_pat {
($p:pat ()) => {}; //~WARN `$p:pat` is followed by `(`
($p:pat []) => {}; //~WARN `$p:pat` is followed by `[`
($p:pat {}) => {}; //~WARN `$p:pat` is followed by `{`
($p:pat ()) => {}; //~ERROR `$p:pat` is followed by `(`
($p:pat []) => {}; //~ERROR `$p:pat` is followed by `[`
($p:pat {}) => {}; //~ERROR `$p:pat` is followed by `{`
($p:pat :) => {}; //~ERROR `$p:pat` is followed by `:`
($p:pat >) => {}; //~ERROR `$p:pat` is followed by `>`
($p:pat +) => {}; //~ERROR `$p:pat` is followed by `+`
@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ macro_rules! follow_pat {
// FOLLOW(expr) = {FatArrow, Comma, Semicolon}
macro_rules! follow_expr {
($e:expr ()) => {}; //~WARN `$e:expr` is followed by `(`
($e:expr []) => {}; //~WARN `$e:expr` is followed by `[`
($e:expr {}) => {}; //~WARN `$e:expr` is followed by `{`
($e:expr ()) => {}; //~ERROR `$e:expr` is followed by `(`
($e:expr []) => {}; //~ERROR `$e:expr` is followed by `[`
($e:expr {}) => {}; //~ERROR `$e:expr` is followed by `{`
($e:expr =) => {}; //~ERROR `$e:expr` is followed by `=`
($e:expr |) => {}; //~ERROR `$e:expr` is followed by `|`
($e:expr :) => {}; //~ERROR `$e:expr` is followed by `:`
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ macro_rules! follow_expr {
// FOLLOW(ty) = {OpenDelim(Brace), Comma, FatArrow, Colon, Eq, Gt, Semi, Or,
// Ident(as), Ident(where), OpenDelim(Bracket), Nonterminal(Block)}
macro_rules! follow_ty {
($t:ty ()) => {}; //~WARN `$t:ty` is followed by `(`
($t:ty ()) => {}; //~ERROR `$t:ty` is followed by `(`
($t:ty []) => {}; // ok (RFC 1462)
($t:ty +) => {}; //~ERROR `$t:ty` is followed by `+`
($t:ty ident) => {}; //~ERROR `$t:ty` is followed by `ident`
@ -75,9 +75,9 @@ macro_rules! follow_ty {
// FOLLOW(stmt) = FOLLOW(expr)
macro_rules! follow_stmt {
($s:stmt ()) => {}; //~WARN `$s:stmt` is followed by `(`
($s:stmt []) => {}; //~WARN `$s:stmt` is followed by `[`
($s:stmt {}) => {}; //~WARN `$s:stmt` is followed by `{`
($s:stmt ()) => {}; //~ERROR `$s:stmt` is followed by `(`
($s:stmt []) => {}; //~ERROR `$s:stmt` is followed by `[`
($s:stmt {}) => {}; //~ERROR `$s:stmt` is followed by `{`
($s:stmt =) => {}; //~ERROR `$s:stmt` is followed by `=`
($s:stmt |) => {}; //~ERROR `$s:stmt` is followed by `|`
($s:stmt :) => {}; //~ERROR `$s:stmt` is followed by `:`
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ macro_rules! follow_stmt {
// FOLLOW(path) = FOLLOW(ty)
macro_rules! follow_path {
($p:path ()) => {}; //~WARN `$p:path` is followed by `(`
($p:path ()) => {}; //~ERROR `$p:path` is followed by `(`
($p:path []) => {}; // ok (RFC 1462)
($p:path +) => {}; //~ERROR `$p:path` is followed by `+`
($p:path ident) => {}; //~ERROR `$p:path` is followed by `ident`
Reference in New Issue
Block a user